12 THE LIBERAII, Ricï¬mond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 15, 1958 George Manning Manager, Twp. of Vaughan Dump RICH BLACK PEA'I' Special rate for 10 yard load OUR RATES ARE REASONABLE QUALITY GUARANTEED PleaSe be advised that the Vaughan Town- ship Municipal Dump is open from 8.00 o’- clock A.M. until 5.00 o’clock P.M., Tuesday to Saturday inclusive, for the use of residents of Vaughan Township only. Only garbage of a household nature or that approved by the dump manager will be ac- cepted. coming to TORONTO and VICINITY on SUNDAY, MAY 25th Elgin Mills Loam & Sod Co. AV. 5-1514 You will ï¬nd all the answers to fast, easy Direct Distance Dialing in the handy folder that you will receive very soon! . Please, read this folder carefullyâ€"keep it on hand for reference! Your instruction folder .contains full information on the use of Direct Dis- tance Dialing. Calling details are also is booklet it tells you all about fast, easy Watch for th I“ mm In you N OT I C E VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP RESIDENTS TIIE BELL TELEPHONE Remember, your local calling area will remain unchanged. Clerk-Treasurer, Twp. of Vaughan . McDonald included in the front pages of your directory. We’ll also mail you a Blue Book of Telephone Numbers . . . it’s a handy place to jot down any out-of-town num- bers you might call. Get set for the fastest long distance phoning ever, starting May 25th! COMPANY OF CANADA "M’iss Nancy Cober celebrated her 85th birthday on Monday.‘ Belated congratulations, Miss Co- ber. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Hazen of Ances- ter are visiting Miss Arvilla Fos- rester this week. --...D_ V- W , The Gormley Women’s Insti- tute is completing its Tweeds- muir Book on the early history of our community. They are still short of early pictures. Will any- one‘ having such pictures con- tact Mrs. R. C. Baycroft at once? Mr. Harry Kruse attended a birthday party on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kingston of _Long Branch. _.. .7, A“ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Barrett and family had suppgr on Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Doner. - Master Philip Jones was rush- ed to Scarboro General Hospital on Monday afternoon for an ap- pendectomy. Mr. Arthur Millen of Weston (son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Millen) is in hospital with a ser- ious heart condition. Master Wally MacDonald re- turned home on Saturday follow- ing a tonsilectomy in Newmarket Hospital. _ u‘Aa. - .-_ Mr. George Worsley and his sister, Mrs. M. Cook of Wood- ville spent Sunday with Mrs. Roy Bovair and Bobby. David McLean Ltd. Need 4 More Salesmen Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Farmer had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doust. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED Telephone Gormley 5201 GORMLEY NEWS A few friends and relatives held a surprise party for Miss Mildred Brillinger on Saturday evening at the home of Miss An- nie Steckley. During the even- ing Mildred was presented with a purse. Mildred is leaving in June to spend several months in Haiti. Mr. Grant of Dewshury, York- shire, England is visiting his Son and daughter-in-law, Mr. 'and Mrs. I. D. Grant. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bennett of Stouflville and Mr. and Mrs. .105. Sider spent Mother’s Day with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ben- nett and Craig. Field Day was held at S. S. 7, Whitchurch on Friday, May 9. The champions were: Sr. Boy, Peter Dolderson; Sr. Girl, Pat Rankin; Intermediate Boy, Ed- ward Grant; Intermediate Girl, Heather Lee; Junior Boy, Fred Kirstein; Junior Girl, Reta Coutt. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Watson and Ronnie of Buffalo, and Mrs. Harry Jones. Gary and Lynn of Toronto spent Friday evening with Mrs. Beulah Jones. Mrs. David Hilts spent a week with friends in Toronto. She also attended the Missionary Con- vention at the Peogle's Church. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reesor and Misses Evelyn and Katharine Reesor spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reesor at Montreal. ""Méi'afï¬â€™d Mrs. s. N. Doner had dinner on Thursday with Mrs. Ern Steckley at B_e7the_sd§. V Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Carl Forrester (nee Mavis Dennle) who were married on Saturday in Melville United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnson and family of Minesing spent the week-end with Lloyd‘s mother. Mrs. J. T. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Britnell and Victor were guests on Satur- day at the wedding of Miss Jane Goodison and Mr Murray Miller at Humber Valley United Church. Misses Harriett and Betty Schlicter of Kitchener spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Schlicter. The 'Whitchurch' Township Field Day will be held on May 29 at Vandorf Community Cen- tre. Mr. Victor Britnell was home from Waterloo College for the week-end. Robert Chambers and Leonard Foster represented S. S. 7. Whitchurch school at a Conser~ vation Fishing Day at Bolton on Saturday, May 10. The boys were fortunate in landing a trout for themselves. The Jr. W.M.S. meeting of the United Missionary Church was held on Monday night at the home of Miss Genevieve Bruc‘e. Mr. Brown of Toronto spent several days last week wiï¬hmhis 'son-in-Law and daughter, Mtgaï¬d Mrs. Eric Morby. Mr. Adolph Winsel and Miss Bea Show of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Ellis and girls, Mrs. Bovair and Bobby were Satur- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Boynton andrPatsy. Parents and ï¬upils of s. S. 7, Markham attended the annual music festival on Monday night at the United Church, Stouff- ville. ’54 DeSoto Hardtop ’56 Dodge Suburban, radio ’56 Dodge 4-Door Sportone ’55 Dodge Suburban, radio '54 DeSoto Sedan ’53 Pontiac Sedan ’53 Foi'ds (-2) ’53 Plymouth Suburban 1 Used Truck $150 WM. NEAL FOR A GOOD DEAL SEE SAME DAY SERVICE Agencies Oak Ridge! Ontario PR. 3-5471 EM. 8-9559 RELIANCE SERVICE STATION Open 7 tun. - Victor Draper MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM Dodge-DeSoto Dealer TU. 4-2091 RICHMOND HILL Radio 12 Midnight DAILY radio â€" Washer Repair Service Conversion To 60 Cycle TELEVISION Mrs. Wilbert Jennings, super- intendent of the Sunday School conducted the service. Audrey Herrema read one passage of scripture from Deuteronomy and Linda Chalk read the scripture from John 15: 4-12. A story was read by Mrs.‘ Macklin. ‘ The morning worship service of Christian Family Week at the Temperanceville Church on May 11, was most gratifying. A num- ber of visitors from the commun- ity were present and it is hoped they will be able to attend reg- ularly. The congregation took part in the responsive reading led by Mrs. Jennings. The collection was taken up by Sandy Boys and Billy Annand. Mrs. Milton Wells told a story “God Comes First." Mark Christian Family Week During the service the Junior choir with David McClure as dir- ector sang three numbers, includ- ing “The Lord‘s Prayer." As the junior choir leader, Mr. David McClure wishes to fulï¬l the choir’s obligation at V’ctoria Square on June 8, the req est is made that all members be pres- ent at the next three practices at the church on Saturdays at 10 Miss Diane Annand was soloist and Diana and Nancy Jennings sang a verse in unison. The CO“- gregation thoroughly enjoy this junior choir and appreciate the time and effort put into prepar- ation. "Anyone wishing to receive the Upper Room booklet each month, please contact Mrs. Wells, PK. 5- 5239. Sunday school will be held at 11 o'clock immediately after the church service on May 18. Choir Practices Saturdays Home and School H Rev. Mr. Kennedy spoke briefly on the home. Upper Room Brooklet The offering on Mother’s Day will go to Christian Education in Ontario, which makes possible the training of leaders for youth work. On Thursday. May 8, a meet- ing was held at the Temperance- ville schoolhouse for the purpose of organizing a Home and School association. Mrs. Toogood from Unionville and Mrs. Kayes from Gormley were present and ex- plained the purpose of this or- ganization. The election of offic- ers resulted in Mrs. W. Fournier as president;'Mrs. E. Jennings as vice president; Mrs. C. Henshaw as secretary; Mrs. Broll as treas- urer. A membership fee of $1.00 was decided upon. The committee consists of Mr. John Gillham. Mr. Zaiser, Mrs. D. Chalk, Mrs. H. Thompson, Mrs. J. Macklin and Mr. Ted Lit- tle., 165 Attend Tea at Manor The York Manor tea on Sat- urday, May 10, with Mrs. W. Tur- CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MILTON WELLS, R. R. 3 KING Phone PR. 3-5239 TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS uncovers the human side of the news ner as convenor. proved most successful. Mayor Murray of Aurora brought greetings. Approximately 165 attended and $125 was realized. Mrs. Chas. Henshaw, Mrs. Nelson Thompson and Mrs. Don Chalk were in charge of the bake table and Mrs. Fred Boys assisted with pouring tea. Mrs. D. Chalk and Mrs. Ew- art Jennings also attended. Women’s Institute A cub pack will be formed in September at Temperanceville under the leadership of Mr. John Gillham and Mr. Ted Little, to be known as B Pack of King. Socials Mrs. W. Jennings attended and enjoyed the W.I. oï¬â€˜icers’ confer- ence at Guelph from May 7 to 9. Diana Jennings is celebrating her 11th birthday on May 12. by having Elaine Paxton and Chris- tine Nissen as supper guests. Mrs. Albert Folliott spent Sat- urday with her daughter Ruth in Toronto and they attended church there Sunday morning. On their return home they found as guests Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barnard of Napanee. Mrs. Barnard of. Aur- ora joined them for tea. Mf. and Mrs. N. Rogers of Toronto called on Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Paxton on Sunday. Those who heard the Lake Shore choir' sing at the Baptist Church, King, are looking for- ward to their visit to Temperance- ville on_ September 19. For a careful efficient move â€" at reasonable rates â€" Dial TU. 4-2613. Phone TU. 4-2613 For fast, courteous service Movers 8. Cartage 'rmANanL Hmmcues ARE can. SEVERE PAIN EXTENDSDONN ‘ ’AS FAR AS THE PANTS Foams FRANK‘S HoydLochrtoftheToronm Staris what’san as: "two-way†man. expert with camera and pencil, he specializes in human interest stories packed withcolour, drama and real-life detail. And, whether he’s bringing you face to face with the seldom interviewed strong-arm president of Cuba, or the peanut man on your own comet, Lockhart shows the true reporter’s passion for accuracy. Once, to get inside data for a story about housewives, he spent two weeks as a full-time housekeeper for his own family of ï¬ve. It’s colourful newsmen like Lockhart that help make the Toronto Star Canada’s most interesting paper. There’s more straight news too . . . more special features .. . and far, far more pictures! Now is the time to have your oil burner cleaned, before the rush. Free Filter Cartridge with every oil burner clean out. Abbeys Oil Burner Service 35 Hunt Avenue, Richmond Hill 24 Hour Service Richmond Hill Branch - D. C. Beacock, Manager TORONTO STAR THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Thisyis hard to prevent when you write cheques against your Savings Account. Here’s the businesslike way to save: open a new Personal Chequing Account for paying bills...keep yourSavings Account strictly for saving. Ask about this new “Royal†TWO-ACCOUNT PLAN. FOR MORE HUMAN INTEREST READ THE TUrner 4-2938 TORONTfl C-Zl8