I!“ 5 REAL ESTATE , FOR SALE iTHREE bedroom brick bungalow. 32,400 down, landscaped double lot. near Yonge bus stop. Price 015.900. Easy terms. TU. 4-4944. c2w46 $13,500 ATTRACTIVE 2-storey home, 1 block to Yonge, extra large treed lot, $4.500 down. Mr.‘ Craig. AV. 5-1164. David McLean Ltd. Realtors. c1w46 6 Wâ€" PRIVATE SALE. This should in- terest a large family. 7 room 4». ' WILL YOU BE THERE? MAPLE ‘SAT., JUNE 21 5 T0 10 PM. On Mid Summer’s Eve Family Fun and Entertain- il‘gruscl, 3 years old, nleard schoog. , ment ep ace. storms, an scape , ehced, ï¬nished recreation room. WATCH THIS 16.900. Tel. TU. 4-3140. c1w46 NEWSPAPER For Dtails on June 5th (3 weeks to go) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WE NEED people to raise Chin- chilla. The demand for pelts ex- : TEN ACRE LOTS and 1 small . lot of 1 or 2 acres. 1% miles trom school, church and store. 10 miles from Newmarket. Priv- ate sale. Ten acres $2,000. Write Box No. 25 The Liberal. *1w46 â€" 6300M lnsuI-brick house. new- W decorated, pressure system. lot 55' x 300’. close to Yonge. shopping. schools and churches. Low down payment. $6900 full price. TU. 4-5673. c1w46 AT OAKVIEW BEACH tor sale, d-room furnished cottage or rent (or the season. week ends. call .1. Anderson, TU. 4-2505. ' c1w46 Can be seen .. 01000 DOWN Richmond Acres. 6- room brick bungalow. N.H.A. mortgage. decorated throughout. all offers considered. Mr. Steffen. 3w. 5-1164. David McLean Ltd. Realtors. c1w46 “.000 DOWN north of King. scenic 5 acres and 5 room house. .011 heated, large garage. 2 poul- try houses. Balance on one mort- a e at 5%. Mr. StetYan. AV. 5- 1., David McLean Ltd.I Real- tors. c1w46 $2.050 DOWN N.H.A. resale. close to schools and shopping. 3 bedrooms. no salary require- ments. attractive corner lot, $15.- 900. Mr. Williams, AV. 5-1164. David McLean Ltd. Realtors. c1w46 Mm . . QUICK SALE Modern, 3-bedroom home with finished recreation room and ‘garage on a beautifully landscap- ed half acre lot. south of Rich- mond Hill. Reasonable down pay- ment required. TU. 4-1803. c1w46 ~â€"â€"â€"â€"__..__________, $1500 DOWN OR OFFER: Oak Ridges. sparkling 6-room clap- board bungalow. with all conven- iences on nice fenced lot. with garage and cabin. Many extras. Act quickly on this one. Mr. Mashinter, AV. 5-1164. David Mc- Lean Ltd., Realtors. c1w46 W... I OAK RIDGES Modern bungalow, centre hall, 5 large rooms on landscaped lot 100' x 180.’ Garden includes zrapevines, raspberries and straw- hprries and eight apple trees â€"â€" bearing. Wall: out basement, at- tached garage. Air-conditioned with oil. PRospect 3-5700. c1w46 s..._.....___._______ : GEORGIAN BAY 7 acre island at Point au Baril. with 5 bedroom furnished cottage and motorboat, only $2500 down. 0800.00 down buys cottage on beautiful lake. 5 minutes to Par- ryRSound. Lot 150' x 300' / t5‘iacre island with cabins close to Parry Sound, only $3,000 down. Call for particulars. D. Sweeny Realtor, TU. 4-2734. *1w46 r-Aâ€"â€"__.___._.___._ PRIVATE SALE. 6 room semiâ€" letached bungalow on a' large corner lot. completely landscap- ed and decorated, extras include walk-in cold storage room, TV mtenna and private drive. Full prion only $14.700 with $900 do\vn or a substantial reduction with a higher down payment. 36?. Kerswell Dr.. Beverley Acres af- ler 5.30. c1w46 -â€"-,â€"â€"â€"~____.___._____ $3,800.00 I03. x 432 Building lot, south llde of Oxford Street (ï¬rst street north of Loblaw's west oft Yonge) Numerous young fruit trees. See .1. today. . FINISHED BASEMENT APARTMENT Silenbrae N.H.A. Resale, with 113111? level entrance, attached gar- l e. many extras including beau- ul custom draperies. wall to wall broadloom, television an- :enna. expensive aluminum terms and screens, fully land- ‘eaped. Corner lot ideally situ- lted. Owner's sacriï¬ce. $3.300. town payment. Maple Avenue. $16,500.00 87.00 monthly carries Interest. Principal and Taxes. Lovely {ray brick bungalow on corner at with 60 foot‘frontage. Wide weeping entrance, ï¬nished base- nent, bed-sitting and recreation -oom. One mortgage 556% Bois- isle Avenue. Glenbrae subdiv- ï¬lvon. See these and other attrac- e properties today. Phone ill-s. D. Carter, TU. 4-3823 1-3891. or Av' l. A. WILLOUGHBY «I: SONS u LIMITED 143 Yongc St. South Richmond Hill clw-iG ‘ IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE M I CLIFFORD Rototiller for sale. Good condition. AV. 5-2255. tfc44 h . 74 More Salesmen Needed At David McLean Ltd. M FRESH ATE HAULED ANYWHERE, ANYTIME Frank Evison ELGTN MILLS TU. 4-27 28 For appointment, needs the supply. Only require- ments space and limited capital. The industry is on a sbund basis. tU.2-6806. Stonehouse Chinchilla 111 Haddington Ave.. Torontpl c M LIVESTOCK FOR SALE _._â€". PUPS for sale. part terrier. $2. each. TU. 4-3819. clw46 BOXER puppies Stop 22 Yongc St. 46 Edlar Ave. AV.-5-310:1. “ c BABY BUDGIES from talking strain. Mrs. Carter, TU. 4-5305. c21 WHITE RABBITS, young $1.00 each. Show pigeons from $5.00 up. White. silver and show. Med- ina, Pigmy, Pouters. AV. 5-1266. Evenings AV. 5-3424. c2w45 "' MORTGAGES isT. 2nd mortgages bought. sold. arranged. HU. 8-5711. TU. 4-3263. tfc3Z PRIVATE FUNDS available to make ï¬rst or second mortgage loans. or to buy existing mort- gages. BA. 1-9584. c2w46 MORTGAGES PURCHASED Clients’ funds to purchase 2nd mortgages. also a few ï¬rsts. Mr. McLean. AV. 5-1176. David Mc- Lean Ltd.. Realtors. tfc3l $5.000 or $6,000 FIRST mort- gage wanted on a three-bedroom. brick, Richmond Hill, Pleasant- ville home. Good character and bank references. Please call Mr. Frank Robinson WAlnut 4-8391 or evenings TU. 4-3972. c1w46 PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY Rates for insertion In this section are available at The Liberal office. phone TU. 4-1105 Accountants Philip Swan CEARTE Suite RED A CCOU NTANT AV. 5-3741 * 2. 31 Yonge St. 8 Richmond Hill 24 King at. 63 I‘D. 4â€"1428 W.. Toronto * Residence Roseview Ave. Richmond Hill Leonard R. Rosenberg 8. COM. 'CHARTITRI'D ACCOUVTA NT TELEPHONE AURORA PArkview 7-4512 m... _.._.-__.____. G. Chassie BUILDER Speculative or Custom Hones or‘ General Repairs TU. 4-2933 Richmond Hill Cluhine 8: Alexander RICH VALE. ONTARIO DENTAL General Business Dr. J. M. Dryer DENTIST Open Evenings Gas Extractions 78 quGE 5'! s. RICHMOND HILL I‘Urner 0â€"1462 Dr. W. J. Mason DENTIST 55A YONG! ST. SOUTH l'Urner 4-1511 Dr. P. R. Macfarlane DENTIST Gas Extractions 00 Yonge St. North TD. 4-1177 Richmond Hill Dr. J. Perdicaris MEDICAL-DENTAL CENTRE BAVVIEW PLAZA BEVERLEY ACRES PHONE Mice Res. W. 4-3571 General Business Langdon’s Coach Lines Ltd. ‘ SCHOOL DAYS: Leave Maple 7.15 an. Leave Richmond Hill 0.13 am. Leave Maple 3.30 pm. Leave Richmond Hill 6 pm. Coaches For All Occasion Telephone King 56 PLASTERING SAND and calm CON King 1294 TBA CTl IRS Phone or A I . 5-27 36 FREE ESTIMATES ROOM Deviantls - Rice GENERAL CONTRACTORS ACCOMMODATION for good meals. separate baths, parking; near Yonge St. AV. 5-1321. tic-i3 ROOM & BOARD available for young man or young woman. 5 minutes to bus stop. TU. 4-“43‘0. c1w46 W LOST BLACK 8: WHITE kitten, vicinity of Beverley Acres and Bayview. Please phone TU. 4-4947. clw46 LOST boy’s grey flannel Eton cap on Monday of last week. May 5. Reward. Hickory 4-611" c1w461 men, free SALE REGISTERS COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE MASONIC HALL. MAPLE _ Anyone having surplus goods and wishing to disoose of them in this sale please contact Morley Kin- nee, \Iaple, or Alvin 5. Farmer. Gormley, before Saturday, May 17th. e e e e SAT.. MAY 24 Auction sale if household fiFlTiture. antique iarlor suite. many antique orna- nents, dishes. silverware, child- ren's toys. bird cages. stands. 0015, etc., on Part of Lot 14, Concession 10. On 10th Conces- sion, 1 mile north of No. 7 High- way. Property of S. Baker. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. Ken 6; Clarke Prentice, auction- eers. c1w43 # I II 0 SAT., MAY 31, 1958 -â€" Auction sale of household furniture and effects. This is a real good lot of household goods. On Eckart Ave.. Unionville. Ont. Property belong- ing to the Estate of the Late Vic- Bnildtna Repairs 8:. Drain T Alterations 6: Concrete Work U'. 4-1483 - Painting A ml Decorating INTERIOR 8r EXTERIOR PAPERING A SPECIALTY No Job too small or too large. Estimates Free. Call evenings collect R. ELMS Gormley Phone 5310 Ray Pederson GAS & OIL HEATING CONTRACTOR 2-1 Hour Oil Burner Service Richmond Hill TU. 4-9488 If no answer TU. 4-2936 W. J. Smith & Son Paper Hanging Spray Painting Painting Interior and Exterior 9110 213 Oak Ave.. no A V. 5-453] Richvalo toria Dixon. Sale at 1.30 pm. m Chiropractic" Terms cash. No reserve. Ken 6: Clarke Prentice. auctioneers. I v- t It WED. JUNE 4, 1958 â€"- Extensive auction sale of household furni- ture .some antique, a number of the pieces of furniture are mod- ern. electric appliances, refriger- ators, quantity of bedding. spreads sheets. quilts. etc. dishes. glassware. Property of Mrs. Mar- garet Young of Agincourt. and Estate of the Late Henry Little. Markham. at Prentice's Auction Rooms, Franklin House. Markham Sale at 1 pm. See posters. Terms cash. No reserve. Ken & Clarke Prentice auctioneers. * t t I SAT.. JUNE 7 â€"â€" Auction sale of household furniture. antique ar- ticles, milk glass. pine chests. 2 Boston rockers. 2 large settees, carpet ball, glassware. vases, ra- dios, antique clocks. colored glass. ruby glass, hanging lamps, and walnut pieces. At 236 Yonge St. south in the town ofAurora. The preperty of A. E. L. Maugh- am. No reserve as leaving town. Terms cash. Sale at 1.30 pm. Ed Reddick, clerk. Alvin S. Farmer, phone Gormley 5311, auctioneer. c4w46 BRING RESULTS USE LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS PHONE TU. 4.1105 Arthur G. Broad. 0.0. 21 Redford Park Ave. Richmond Hill TUruer 4-2062 8: Appointment John R. Kane. D.C'. X-Ray 9 CLARKE AVE. THORNHILI. BY APPOINTMENT AV. 5-3451 H. D. Melsness, D.C. x-na Y cor. Windh'u-st Gate 8; Bay-view (I block south Bayview Plaza) Phone TU. 9-10'1 5 3! Appointment ‘ Crushed Stone . Loam and Fill o E. CHARITY TU“!!! 6-1701 Richmond Elli ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered Where in North Yonge St. District 3518 Vance St. 1 at St. Clementsl Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 Helen Simpson liynett. J. F. Lynett FROM - THE BASEMENT To 'I‘HE ROOF House Repairs & Alterations J. M. CANNON Sr. Oxford St., Richmond Hill TU. 4-1810 amâ€" Charles Mattheivs 1- Roy Herrinaton Miller and Brodey Buildings Moved A Yard or a Mile AV. 5-1770 LANGSTAFF OSTVIK * House Moving wk House raising * Foundations * Alteration Work Telephone Day CH. 4-7021 Evenings CBerr: [-1220 I’Rospect 3-5312 Oak Ridges Driving School Daul Controlled - Fully Insured ERIC PALLISTER. Oak Ridges. Ontario HERRIDGE ELECTRIC “RED SEAL WIRING" Stove & Refrigerator Repairs Oil Burner Service TU. 4-3211 TU. 4-1932 Building Trades m (Continuedl SPECIA L MA (,‘IIIN Eli Y GENERAL REPAIRS Leno’s Machine Shop 73 CENTRE ST. EAST Kli'IIMUND "ILL AV. 5-1974 STLA M FITTING WELDING Picbmond 8111 Harold Millard Construction Co. EXCAVATING. BULLDOZING. DRA GLINE Farm Ponds and swimming pools a specialty Box 138 King City. Ontario PHONE KING 218 Stat YONGESTREET 2MILEg'NORTH RICHMOND HILL ' TURNER 4-1124 PROFESSIONAL 2' SERVICE RADIO TELEVISION '3 HIGHâ€"FIDELITY Bob’s Delivery Service FOR YOUR ODD DELIVERY JOBS EVENINGS AND WEEKENDS ' TU. 4-2375 Insurance Roy V. Bick . Complete Insurance Service 24 Adelaide St. W. Toronto EM. 3-0311 25 Grandview Ava. Thornhill AVenue 5-1379 BETTER lNSURANCE PROTECTION AND SERVICE Ernie Brock 8.31m LTD. General Insurance ~_.. le'ephone 11 Maple, Ont. NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER Richmond Hill. Ont 17 Yonge St. N. TUrner 4-1551 Savage Insurance GENERAL INSURANCE Fire. Automobile. Plate Glass. Automobile Financing. etc. Uï¬â€˜ice 55.1 long: St South Residence 73 Leisure Lane Richmond Hill 'TU, 0-1219 Rid-mend Hill Herrington Insurance Agency A. BURNETT General Insurance I? Yonge St. N. Richmond Ilill TU. 4-1551 You re 11 . . / Our good hands with aiï¬kï¬usrars g ’3 . Auto Insurance see or phone N. REYNOLDS 381 N. Taylor Mills Drive TU. 4-5053 ALLSTATI INSURANCE COMPANY L:'::;. can 3'fze "" Services J. Rabinowitch. B4. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, May 15, 1953 17 l BUTTONVILLE _ Correspondent: Insurance (Continucdl Corner A gcncy Limited Insurance - Mortgages - Fire Auto - Liability ' The Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg AURORA Telephone . PA. 7-5052 PA. 7-5046 EM. 4-3652 LE. 2-1226 Roy A. Phillips Bus. AV. 5-3630 Res. TU. 4-3935 GENERAL INSURANCE For All Your Insurance Needs Jack Walkington GENERAL iNsvltAMIE Life. Fire. Automobile. Liability, Hail. Accident and Sickness. Farm Insurance 3 Specialty King City Telephone 28 Legal Floyd E. Corner, 9-C- Barrister. Solicitor. and Notary Public Aurora. Ontario Telephone: Aurora Office PA '1-5052 Residence. Aurora. PA. 7-5040 Toronto Ofl'lce EM. 4-3652 Sliver, Vale Peppiatt. Errington BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS NOTARIES R. M. R. Stlver, Q.C. Joseph Vale. QC. .1. M. Peppiatt B.A. William Errington. B. Com. 195A MAIN ST. Ph.: TW. 5-4571. Newmarket. Ont. T. C. Newman Bonnier. Solicitor. Notary Public 9! Yonge Street Richmonc‘ Hill livery Thursday afternoon 'I'Urncr 4-1551 Ricnmom. 1111] Toronto Otl’lce â€" 18 Toronto St, Phone EM. 3-5877 Stuart P. Parker BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL 7 Duï¬erin St. AVenue 5-1477 TUrner 4-1543 Plaxtoct & Deane Barrister, Solicitor, etc RICHMOND HILL TBORNHILL Richmond Hill office ’I‘Urner 4-2071 Thornhill Office AV. 5-1197 Barristers. Solicitors. and Notaries Evenings 7.00 to 900 Saturdays 10 am. to 5 pm ’l‘L'. 4-3676 Layvicw Plaza Shopping Centre. Richmond Hill. __.,. Toronto. 67 I’onge Street. EM. 4-0479 BARRISTER. SOIJI'I'I‘Olt, NOTARY PUBLIC 65 Yongc SI. 8.. Richmond Hill TU. 4-2084 Richmond Thcalre Block Res. TU. 0-2117 Norman :1. Todd, DA . Banister. Solicitor a Noun Public 55 Yonge St. South mailman: Hill. Ontario Oll'lce TUrncr 4-1730 ‘. Residence TI'mer 4-1853 Ofllce Hours: 0305 , and by appointment ‘ Frank L. Walsh Barrister & Solicitor ‘ Notary Puhlic Evenings by appointment I *Opiomeiry .E)’cs Examlncd - 1mm James H. Timmine Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public THORNHII.L A Venue 5-3165 By appointment and evenings Humane §ervices '52:! cars ) ramrsvaâ€"nrsrsnm aygélgév «a. "am-d an». "-4.41 .Al- morn NATURAL SIIEIILI STRIKE "15135 STIIIZL‘I' (HA MDT-LI PR 3-5071 Receiving Hours: 8 am. - 6 pm. or othcl'wise by appointment w NO CHARGE ._ _ Medical Dr. Leon Bloom lliy Appointment) Medical Centre Bayvlew Plaza Richmond Hill. Ont. omn- & Residence IU. 4-4040 Dr. Cameron Cowan By Appointment 4 Church St. S. at Centre Richmond Ilill Oï¬icc - TU. 4-1271 Residence - TU. 4-1303 Dr. Jas. R. Langstafl’ Dr. Jolm B. Wynne Dr. Allen J. Smith By appointment 50 \‘ouge St. N. RICHMOND HILL TUrncr 4-1150 Dr. G. N. Norheim Richvale-Langstalf Stop 20A Yonge St. By Appointment Phone AV. 5-2621 Dr. D. A. McBurney BY APPOINTMENT 31 Yonge N. Ri.hmond Hill Northern Bui‘ding Office: ’I‘Urner 4 "121 I! no answer call PRospect 3-5327 Dr. D. B. Robson THORNHILL V AV. 5-3631 By Appointment Dr. R. J. Steele ‘ 2 Morgan Avc.. Stop 14A OFFICE HOURS: Daytime: Monday to Friday 1 pm. - 3 p.n:L Evenings: Monday to Thursday. 6 pm. - 8 pm. by appointment Thornhill AV 5-1311 Dr. J. P. Wilson 4 Church St. 5. Richmond Hill By Appointment Office â€" TU. 4-1422 Residence â€" TU. 4-1314 Dr. Victor 2110/: By Appointment 1:621 llarkham Rd. I{I(‘ll.\li).\ll HILL ’I‘l‘. 4-1008 ‘(1 Block nest of Bayvtewl CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Richmond Hill 8: District For information call Richmond Hill TU. 4-1229 TU. 4-3463 Thornhill AV. 5-1603 AV. 5-1743 Maple AV. 5-2908 AV. 5-2121 Unionville 239 Unit Musical lllarguerite Boyle Elocution. Public Speaking Platform Department Dramatic Art "HO§.ll-Il~'()Oll HALL" Thornlilll .4. W. Il’irchen. R.0. Glasses Fitted YONGE ST. NORTH 31 Phone [I rut-r 4-3116â€: Mundav -- 9.30 - 5.30 “cdncsdzly ~ ".30 - 12.00 Friday - 9.30 - 8.30 Home Office LI‘. 3-1739 Veterinary TU, 4.3.145 I l i; 17 Elizabeth St. North .Jr‘ ' ' VE'TEI’IAAHV SURGEON iJrouto: Empire 6â€"2607 l 350 Bay Street l ’l'L mer 4-1432 H7 rouge St N KICDmODd Hill leleohoue {.5 xxx txchgkvggw 1 Mrs. RH. Lea! - R. R. ‘3 Gormlcy Phone AXminster 3â€"6188 Neighbourhood Notes Home & School executive niembcrs met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Storey ‘Wednesday evening of last week to lay final plans for the election of officers and annual meeting on Wednes- day of this week. Mr. M. Rob- eris brought along a tape record- ing of part singing by the older pupils at the school â€"â€" the bass voices. were a real addition. Fol- lowing the meeting Mrs. Storey served tea. Present were Mrs. S. R. Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bamhus. Mr. Ray McTavish, Mrs. Gordon lliseler. Mrs. Gardhousc, Mrs. Russell Burr. Mrs. John Brown. Mrs. F. Maw. Mr. M. Rob- erts and Mrs. 1". Leaf. . Vacation Church School on the Victoria Square Charge will be held in Hoadiord Church and public school during the week of July 14-18. inclusive. Leaders nlct at Ileadi‘ortl Monday even- Ing of last week to lay plans for tile school. Present \i'cl‘e Rev. and Mrs. A. F. Binnington, Mrs. Ruse Acrcman, Mrs. I'leber Mc- Cac'ue, Mrs. Stanley Roynton. Mrs. F. Bennett. Mrs. John Wil- kins. Mrs. A. W. Miller. Mrs. Wil- fred Turner and Mrs. F. II. Leaf. The next meeting will be held on Monday evening. June 2. at . liendford. There were four infants bap- tized at Brown's Corners United Church on Sunday morning at the Mother's Day service. They were Sandra Ellen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gough; John Alfred Martin 111. soil of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Martm: Michael Gordon. son of Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Prentice and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Walker; and Rob- ert Bennett, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Brett. Rev. A. F. Binnington officiated. assisted by Norman Reid. clerk of session, and Mr. John Donaldson. elder. Mrs. ,A. W. Miller sang “My Mo- ther’s Prayer.†At the Family Day Sunday school service Misses Grade Rod- ick and Irene Waters each told a story and Sandra Burr and Dar- lene Brumwell sang a duet. Scrip- ture readings were read by Janet . Craig and Jimmy Hood. Wednesday. July 2. is the date reserved for the Buttonvllle W.I. garden party at Buttonville hall. When Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hooper visited relatives in, south- ern Pennsylvania'recently they' arrived on the heels of a snow- storm which deposited ï¬ve feet of wet snow on the level and crushed several barns, garages. etc. W. 1. members plan to attend the District annual meeting which will be held in Markham at St. Andrew’s Church hall on Thurs- day of this week. Writing of “Art and Artists" in a Toronto daily, Pearl McCarthy had some interesting comments to make on the work of Rebecca Sisler. Speaking of the current _ exhibition of the Sculptors' Soc- iety of Canada at the Toronto_., Art Gallery, Miss McCarthy says; . "Among the young sculptors peo- ple may well put their eye on RebeCca Sisler of Unionville. In the exhibition she has two unpre- tentious but signiï¬cant pieces. One is a Cruciï¬x of black walnut. with the merest abstract sugges- tion of the gure. by depression ' in the wood. This principle was often used by Henry Moore and is deï¬nitely copied, but in this case it is used as a means to deep expression, not as a man- nerism." Of “Cat†in Belgian Granite. a picture of which heads the ar- ticle, Mrs. McCarthy says: “Look also athliss Sisler’s stone cat. You forget to ask whether it is semi-abstract, tylized or real, be- - cause it is so basically sculptur- al and so catty. It is an example of a young artist beginning soun- dly and seemingly aware that an artist's ï¬rst rule is to he himself.†The Cancer Campaign is well over the top w bear, with sev- ' era] canvassers still to be heard from. Mrs. Gordon Pulyes tells us approximately $16,000. has been received to date. “231.8. Meets ' On Wednesday afternoon of last week Mrs. H. A. Roberts and her committee. Mrs. H. R. Pater- son, Mrs. Ken Stots and Mrs. James McQuay converted the May meeting of Brown's Corners W. MS. held in the church parlors. Mrs. Norman Reid occupied the chair in the absence of Mrs. Wm. Rodick. and Mr. S. J. Enlish read 111* call to worship. Letters of a business nature were heard. Mrs. Roberts and her committee took the devotional after which study book material was reviewed by Mrs. 11. R. Paterson. Tile soloist was Mrs. S. R. Patterson. accom- panied by Mrs. English. Tea was served by the hostesses. A few extra thoughts â€" the bale will be packed on June 10 and members are asked to bring an unwrapped toy for a child. Silk stockings. used, are welcom- ed by Japanese women, who un- ravel them and manufacture new ones from the yarn. Mogxxxvsxx‘ssswwogs N. F. L. Lowrie, R.0. OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Optical Repairs NOW AT 3242 I’ONGE STREET “ In Vorth Toronto Opposite Park Theatre 9 a.m. to 6 pm. including Sat. Evenings by appointment 11C. 8-8949 A a - Surveyors George T. Yates (intario Land Surveyors III/161" Ripley 130 Willowdale Ave.. Willowdalel 0nt.. BA. 5-3031 lies. George ’I‘ Yates OILS... 53 Redford Park Avenue. Richmond Hill. TU. 4-2941 I