School News Concord Public School has made its mark in the Kiwanis Music Festival again this year, with every choir entered getting a ï¬rst or second prize. First priz- es were awarded to the Triple Trio for the selection “Fairies in the Groveâ€; Grades 5 and 6 choir for “Flow Gently. Sweet Aftonâ€; Grades 1 and 2 choir for “Have You Seen the Fairies?" The senior choir received second prize for “Sweet Less of Rich- mond Hill", and the Grade 3 and St. Stephen's W.A. held their May meeting at the home of Mrs. A. Barran, on Friday night, May 9th. and held a discussion re- garding the Garden Fete to be held on June let in the gardens of Mr. and Mrs. R. D! Kenley. St. Stephen's Sunday School Pic- nic will be held on June 14th at the Shur~Gain Farms. and on ac- count of it the next meeting of the W.A.‘will take place on June 6th at the home of Mrs. J. T. James. Maple's George Bailey School did very well at the York Music Festival held at Woodbridge last week. The Junior Chior, of grades 2 to 5 won third prize, while the first graders came out first in competition with two other class- es, and the senior choir won first prize in competition with four other classes. Unfortunately the time table at the festival was greatly delayed, so that the trip- le trlo had to wait for over two hours, unable to sit down. Thus they were very tired by the time their turn came and obtained fourth prize only. 4 choir also received second prize for “With a Rum Tum." Congrat- ulations to the pupils for a won- derful performance that makes Concord very proud. Piano Recital . . St. Stephen's Junior Auxiliary has now divided into two groups. For the remainder of this season the junior girls are meeting on Wednesdays at 4 pm. under the leadership of Mrs. George Baker. and the senior group on Fridays at 7:30 pm. under the leadership of Mrs. John Martin. Music Festival Mrs. J. LaRiviere (Jean) is still in hospital after an operation per- St. Paul's Vaughan W.M.S. met in the church basement on Thurs- day afternoon. Mrs. John Egan led in prayer and Mrs. E. Bryson read [the scripture. Two movies on Japan and one entitled "Pat- terns in Nature" were then thor- oughly enjoyed, and the ladies were especially grateful to Mr. Frank Sturgess, Vellore teacher, for the loan of the projector and Mr. A. Cameron Jr. for his oper- ation of same. The meeting closed with the serving of refreshments. St. Stephen’s W.A . . . . . . . . . . . . . Another competitor at this fest- ival was 7 year old David Martin, who entered in two elocution classes. In the 7 years and under class he won third prize, and in the 8 years and under he received a second prize silver medall David is studying with Miss Boyle at Thornhiil. A 'very successful Rummage and Bake sale was held by the W.A. of Maple United Church last Saturday at the Religious Education Building of the church. This was the first rummage sale in Maple for many years and proved to be very attractive to all comers. as well as remunerative to the W.A. Socials Mmy children from Concord took pgn‘in a piano recital held .Satï¬rday evening, May 10, at the The next meeting of the W.M.S. will be the Spring Luncheon to be held at the home of Mrs. J. MacDonald. Tuesday next, May 20th, at 1 pm. St. Paul's W.M.S. St. Andrew's W.M.S. St. Andrews W.M.S. and guests numbering approximately 25 la- dies. had a very enjoyable trip to General Mills, at Rexdale on Wednesday afternoon. May 7th. They were shown the laborator- ies and given a baking demonstra- tion by Home Economist Mary Jane Salmon and her assistant in the kitchen of the plant. After- Wards they were served tea and muffins. Mrs. E. Brice extended a warm vote of' thanks to Miss Salmon as the hostess. Maple, Concord & Edgeley Districts THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, May Concord Socials Maple Notes The Liberal is always willing to publish interesting items regarding people contributed by its readers In Maple, Concord 8; Edgeley districts. Our re; in Maple is Mrs. R. Thompson. Maple 126.]; in Concord. Mrs. Ruth Keller. and in Edgeley, Mrs James Ash. AV.5-4002. The District Annual of the Fed- erated Women’s Institutes of Ontario will be held at the Maple United Church Religious Educat- ion Building on Thursday, May 22nd. This will be an all-day ses- sion. Sunday School Anniversary Maple United Church was well ï¬lled on Sunday morning for the occasion of the annual Sunday School anniversary service. The guest speaker was Rev. Arnold Foster, Associate Secretary of the Christian Education Council for Ontario ,who brought a most in- teresting and inspiring message to both the boys and girls and older members of the congrega: tion built around the theme. “You are writing a gospel." M. J. Kin- nee. General Superintendent of the school assisted the minister of the church, Rev. A. G. Donald in conducting the service, and a Sunday School choir, under the direction of Mrs. Joseph Worrall and Mrs. Norman Payne sang very sweetly the anthem, Little Sunbeams. Miss Marilyn Watson presided at the organ console. It was announced that the Sunday School teachers and officers will meet on Friday night at 8.30 o'clock to make arrangements for the annual Sunday School picnic and to deal with other business. A very successful rummage sale, and sale of home made bak- ing were held in the Christian Education Centre of. Maple Uni- ted Church on Saturday after- noon ,under the auspices of Mrs. Lloyd Palmers and Miss May Evans’ groups of the WA. A most encouraging sum was realized to be used for Woman’s Association purposes. Mother s Day Mother's Day services were held In Hope and Edgeley United Churches on Sunday and ï¬ne con- gregations were in attendance at both churches. Mr. Donald’s theme was “A Woman Who Was Truly Great.†the story of the Shunamite woman who befriend- ed the Prophet Elisha. and there- by received hls highest commen- dation. The sacrament of infant baptism was observed at both churches. At Hope. Stephen E1- mer Orr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Orr. and John David Nim- mo, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Nimmo were presented. and at Edgeley Church, Stephen Donald Bagg ,son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bagg was received. Sunday School anniversary has been arranged for Hope Church on Sunday. May 25th at 11 am. when the guest preacher will be Rev. Martin Jenkinson of Teston .and special music will be rendered by mem- bers of the Foster family, form- _erly of Hope. Heliconlan Hall in Toronto. The children are pupils of Mrs. War- ren. Langstaï¬ Slderoad. and the recital is sponsored by the Lon- don College of Music, Toronto Centre. Joanne Kenneth and Karen Wood played “Little Ruby. Tho- mas Witty played “Chocolate Soldier". Gladys Castonguay played “Song of the See-Sawâ€. and David Mills played “Solo for Cello". A duet “Buzzing of the Bumble Bee" was played by Jean and Linda Gilbert. Parents were invited to attend the recital and those who did so were able to take great pride in their own children's efforts and enjoy also the other pupils' work. Bake Sale The Mothers' Auxiliary of the Guides and Brownies held its bake sale on Saturday, May 10. Despite the nasty weather in the morning, the girls went bravely forth to sell their wares. In no time everything was sold. and unfortunately some home were not visited. One resident suggest- ed that a sale of this kind should take place every Saturday morn- ing, but the Auxiliary probably has other ideas on that subject. Everyone found prices to be very reasonable and the home baking was exceptionally good. The Aux- iliary made a sizeable proï¬t and is to be praised for its efforts. formed on May 7th, but is prog- ressing very favourably now and expects to be home this weekâ€"end. Her friends and neighbours wish her a speedy recovery. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Dlnty Campbell and their daught- ers Helen. Heather and Susan, of Alliston and Mr. J. LaRiviere had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. W. Park and Miss A. Couper, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Park with Ron- nie and Sandra from Willowdale called on the Parks during the afternoon. We are glad to know Mrs. M. B. Jackson (Pete) is home again after a stay in Midland Hospital following a fall while on a fish- ing trip. Pete is getting on nicely now, though still resting in bed. Although off to a good start by winning an exhibition game, the Concord Men's Team has not been so lucky in its league games so far. On Tuesday. May 6. they were defeated by Woodbridge 21- 5, and Thursday. May 8. they bowed to Clairville 15-7. These unforunate results should en- courage every player to turn out to practice on Sunday afternoon. Thursday. May 15. Concord plays at Pine Grove and we hope to see a good crowd out to cheer the team. A little moral support won‘t do the boys any harm. and maybe it will help to change their luck. Socials Mr. and Mrs. David Bart'on. of Beverley Acres. visited their cau- sin. Mr. John Witney, on Satur- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Melerson of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. Bollnd Henderson over the weekâ€" A very interesting, though sparsely attended meeting was held by the Maple Community & School Club on Wednesday, May 7th. Due to conflicting activities in the community, there were fewer members present than usual, but guests included several fathers who came to hear Mr. S. Hamilton, Reforestation Super- visor for the Lake Simcoe Dis- trict of the Department of Lands and Forests ,deliver a talk on re- forestation and show two movies on related subjects. Mr. Hamilton, who was introduced by Mrs. M. Crook, outlined the various divi- sions in the Department ,namely Reforestation, Research, Forest Protection against Fire and Di- sease, Division of Fish and Wild Life, Land Settlement. Crown Land Administration, and Divi- sion of Operation and Personnel, dealing with the conservation end of the work. There were 22 for- est districts in Ontario, and in the Lake Simcoe District there were 35 to 40,000 acres of county forest, one of the largest in Southern Ontario, which ‘was turned over to the Department for management. The Department plants trees and looks after these forests. This spring 875,000 trees. mostly evergreens. are being planted. and some planting also takes place during the fall. The Department also helps farmers look after their wood lots to the best economical advantage and carries out education programs with public and high schools and groups 1"“ this Community & School Club. 'IQII ï¬forestation Discussed Community - School Club The two ï¬lms showed ’hoW farms can avail themselves of the Departments help in managing their wood lots or planting trees where land is not suitable for farming. They were beautiful Charter member Mrs. W. T. Cook is seen above cut- ting the cake marking the 60th Anniversary of the Maple Women’s Institute. Looking onis Presiden’g Mrs. L. Clarke. -1 nn with 225 guests present. CGIT Mothers-Daughters Honour Betty Jackson Seventy mothers and daugh- ters enjoying an evening of happy fellowship together. was an in- spiring sight for those who as- sembled in the Christian Educa- tion Centre of Maple United Church on .Friday evening last. It was the occasion of the annual Mothers and Daughters Banquet. under the auspices of the Cana- dian Girls In Training and the Explorers, marking the close of a very active and interesting in- door winter season. The tables were very attractively arranged and decorated by a committee of the W man‘s Association under the con enorship of Mrs. Ernest Brock, who served a most deli~ cious supper. Two of the young people pre- sided during the evening over a varied program of toasts, musical numbers and an inspiring address by Miss Margaret Fockler of Markham. formerly of Maple, who spoke on the theme “Making your dreams come true." Nora Lund of the C.G.I.T. was toastmistress for the ï¬rst part of the program and Donna Wal- ters of the Explorers occupied the chair for the second half. A toast to the Queen was responded to by the singing of the National Anthem. Lynda thnson proposed a toast to the mothers. to which Mrs. W. J. Meikle replied. and Norman Lund. assistant super- intendent of the Sunday School and Rev. A. G. Donald replied to a toast to the church and Sunday School proposed by Nancy Gudat. Mrs. Ken Kerrigan thanked the members of the WA. Plano solos by Evelyn Palmer and Beverley Taylor were greatly enjoyed. A lively sing song was directed by live Pat Patricia Lund. The speaker of the evening was introduced by Miss Betty- .AVAA ., -..~---...-_. _, The anniversary rcieleBration was held 15, 1958 3 regarding people and events y districts. Our representative Mrs. Ruth Keffer. AV. 5-2375: colour ï¬lms and most interesting to everybody, whether he be farmer or not. Following the showing of the ï¬lms Mr. Hamil- ton answered a great number of questions thrown at him by all present, and in the course of his replies he mentioned that in order to qualify for a supply of young trees from the Department for planting, a man‘must own 2 acres of land free from build- ings. The cost is approximately $10.00 per-thousand, plus freight He also pointed out that while the Department manages woodlot estates for the county and town- ships, they do not handle jobs for private individuals. There was a: great need for forestry students. and there are opportunities for high school students to work and learn during the summer holi- days as Junior Rangers. Mr. Ham- ilton was thanked on behalf of the club by Mrs. M. Weir. The meeting was chaired by Mrs. S. Cleworth, vice-president, with Mrs. M. Holmes acting as Secretary. During the business session the Vaughan Townhip Field Day and the club's provis- ion of a refreshment booth at the Maple Park on that day came up for discussion. Mrs. M. Weir, Mrs. 1. Thompson and Mrs. E. Hamilton agreed to investigate this project and report back to the executive, as the members decided not to have a general meeting during June. A motion that a letter of thanks be sent to the Maple Lions Club for having organized and run the Junior Bowling League during this past winter was unanimously carried. and the executive was empowered to look after the school closing ceremonies this year, asking for assistance where needed. Mr. Outram’s room won the atten- dance vote and collection of $5.06. Jackson, co-leader of the C.G.I‘T. and Marion Donald expressed the appreciation of the whole group to Miss Fockler for her very helpful message. The best wishes of the group were expressed to Miss Fockler, who leaves very shortly to attend the world’s christian education convention in Japan. Mrs. Lloyd Palmer. leader of the Explorers presented six girls, Donna Walters. Phyllis Torrance, Roberta Deitch. Lynda Johnson, Marilyn Brice, Marie Pineau. who are moving up from the Explor- ers to the C.G.I.T. They were welcomed by Marion Donald. Betty Jackson, on behalf of the members of the C.G.I.T.. spoke of the regret with which the news of Marion Donald's re- moval from the church and dis- trict had been received. and thanked her for four years of ï¬ne leadership among the girls of the Maple congregation. San- dra Gudat secretary of the t’.G.I.T. presented Marion with a very handsome pen and pencil set. In acknowledging the gift. Miss Donald thanked the girls for the very wonderful coâ€"opera- tion she had received. and refer- red especially to the pleasure she had derived from working with Miss Jackson as associate leader. She announced that Miss Jack- son, with the help of other lead- ers. would be carrying on the C.G.I.T. program next fall, and urged all the girls of the con- gregation to get behind their leaders and use the ï¬ne new facilities to the fullest extent. The gathering was dismissed with the repeating of the Explorer and C.G.I.T. purposes, the Explorer prayer. and the singing of the CGlT. hymn. All Praise to Thee My God This Night, followed by -1‘aps. on April 30, The election of officers took place at last Tuesday‘s regular May meeting of the Hope Com- munity & School Club. The new executive is as follows: President. Mrs. G. Calder; First vice-presi- dent, Mrs. F. Kirby; Second vice- presldent, Mrs. W. A. Bowers; Secretary, Mrs. R. J. Growcock; Assistant Secretary, Mrs. George Sayewell; Treasurer, Mrs. A. Langley; Assistant Treasurer, MrS. W. Snider; Cancer Repre- sentative. Mrs. G. Ingram, assist- ed by Mrs. W. Marwood; Phone Committee, Mrs. D. Baker, Mrs. R. K. Baker, Mrs. H. Jackson; Auditor ,Mrs. H. Ambrose. The Junior room won the at- tendance prize ,and the roll call consisted of a recipe for a book to be compiled for sale at the forthcoming Bake Sale and Tea on May 3lst. Mrs. D. Baker will type the pages, which will be duplicated on the school dupli- cator and made into a book. Principal C. Reed mentioned a proposed bus trip for grades 3 to 8 in June to the Martyr's Shrine at Midland and other places of interest in that area. Jr.RoomWinsHope C&S Club Prize The ï¬nest in floral designs and bedding plants. Phone Maple 2 Keele Street, Maple, Ont. We Deliver Toronto and Surrounding Districts GROWER â€"- FLORIST BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL...and low-priced, too! PHONE TU. 4-1812 AT ALL HOURS WILLIAM NEAL 59 Yonge Street, South Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL “Flowers For All Occasions" RICE’S FLOWERS Try it in city trafï¬c : : : you'll dis- cover how easy it is to handle and park. Then take to the open road and see why more and more people hail Dodge as the low- priced action buy of the your. The fun begins even before you slide into the deep-cushioned luxury interior. Because the excitement starts when you ï¬rst; see your Dodge demonstrator . . . Since 1880 so gleek, ééumodern, so good- looking! Now get in . . . touch a button on the mechanical, troubleâ€"free auto- matic drive selector . . . and let Discover new driving fun with a."go-p1a.ces"fc§§ run! YOU'RE ALWAYS A STEP AHEAD IN CARS OF THE FORWARD LOOK See Climaxâ€"1 Vellore W.|. Meets Elects Committee The regular monthly meeting of the Vellore Women’s Institute took place on Tuesday, May 6th. with 28 members present. The roll call was answered with "What I like best about this month.†It was decided to apply for a De- partment 3-day course in millin- ery making in October. A Nom- inating Committee was appointed for next year as follows: Mrs. G. Burbidge, Mrs. I. Farr and Mrs. J. Snider. Mrs. J. Snider will also be the C.A.C. Bulletin Con- vener. For the program of this meeting Mrs. J. Snider gave a talk about “Plant seeds of char- acter in the home, they will blos- som in the future." and Mrs. J. Harrison gave a demonstration of braided rug making. Mrs. F. Dice- man then gave a paper on house- hold hints and lowering house- keeping standards to the point where the housewife need not be a slave to her work, but can spare time for outside interests. Mrs. J. Snider for Mrs. K. Tilley also read a poem entitled, “In- fluence,†and Mrs. J. Williams gave a paper on current events. This full program was brought to a close with the serving of refreshments and a social half hour. David McLean Ltd. Need 4 More Salesmen The Government Deï¬ciency Payment applies only on proper- ly gqaded wools. Secure the utmost by patronizing your own organization. or by writing to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ontario Obtain sacks and twine without charge from W. G. BOWES R. R. No. 2, Maple WOOL SHIP COLLECT T0 Shower of Stars every Thursday nlght on TVâ€"check your local program listing lor time and channel. smooth-flowing power nudge that handsome hood toward your favourite stretch of road. If it happens to be bum y . . . all the better. Exclusive orsion-AIRE Ride has a habit of levelling the roughest roads. And notice how this big, roomy beauty handles MORE BUILT-IN QUALITY IS YOURS IN ANY DODGE YOU CHOOSE . . . AT _N_O EXTRA COST. Quality is the watchword when materials are gelth and pans are ï¬tted for yo_ur new‘podgei- Every step in the construction 33d assembly of a Dodge is carefully checked for superior workman- ship and precision ï¬t . . . assuring you a quality bonus in value no matter which model you choose! Tom Bryce. Maple. the C. 8: E. president's husband. presented the league with an inaugural tro- phy. The names of the 28 Charter members were engraved on the top of the base. This trophy is also a seven year annual, there being seven blank plates to be used for this purpose. Secretary Jim Atkin of Con- cord was presented with a lizard travel clock, treasurer Kathleen Keffer of Edgeley with a nice table lighter each suitably en- graved, from the members. The president, Lill Bryce, received a huge silver tray, inscribed as fol- lows: To our Founder, Lill Bryce, C. & E. district Mixed Bowling league members." Ten inch tro- phies were then handed out to nine members as follows: Jim Atkin. Jim Aston, Grace and Cheryl Rutherford, Marion Mc- Kay, Lib Bailie, Roy Espie (El- gin Mills). Carol Reid (Maple), Lll Bryce (Patterson). z The C. 8; E. Mixed league held' their inaugural banquet at the "Four Winds". Steeles Avenue, on Friday, May 9. During a de- licious turkey dinner, tape re- corded dinner music was played, courtesy of Art Hammond (Carr- ville). The place cards took the form of an artistic 9-inch bow- ling pln and ball. At each plate was a beautiful wrapped 12 oz. crystal glass, decorated with a gold plate action bowling ï¬gure, a gift from Art Whitmore (Edge- ley Postmaster). The carnations and roses by Concord Floral, completed a beautifully balanced table setting. In her address, President Lill Bryce revealed she was passing up the presidency next year, for the simple reason she was fresh out of ideas. and she desired to Maple C&E Mixed Bowling league Held Banquet - Awarded Prizes THIS MONTH DIRECTIONS ' North of! No. '1 Highway at Shell Station (7“: Concession Vaughan) ‘ 1% miles West of Highway No. 400 $2.00 PER PERSON RESERVATIONS A1 Mart Kenney's Ranch No City Driving Free P-rklng . Enquire for Speck! Student and Party Rn Table Reservations For All Hi Neighbour It’s Fun to Dance at EVERY SATURDAY . ALSO FRIDAYS FROM MAY 30 MART KENNEY the curves. No lean! No sway! Come in soon for a demonstration drive . . . and be sure to see the sparkling new array of Spring col- ours, bright new trim available on the Dodge of your choice. CHRYSLER CORPORAYION OF CANADA, LIMITED 1 Jill?! Maple Lions Club A new executive for 1958-59 was elected at the regular dinner meeting of the Maple Lions Club on Thursday ,May 8th. The of- ï¬ces will be ï¬lled as follows: President, Al Moore; First vice- presldent, Bill Johnson; Second vice-president, Dick Taylor; Third vice-president, Jim James; Sec- retary. Bruce Murchisson: Treas- urer, Ted Smart; Directors for one year, A. Snider and Fred Constable; Directors for two years, Lowell House and Lloyd Palmer; Tail Twister, Jim Hodg- son; Assistant Tail Twister, Ron Wlsmer; Lion Tamer, Roy Clegg; Assistant Lion Tamer, Alvin lLloyd. A.Moore NewPrei. ‘ see new vigour rolling in contin- ually to keep the league growing. There are already 59 bowlers clamouring to ggt inAnrextiyear, The officers elected by ballot were: President. Ella Whitmore (Edgeley): Secretary, Jim Atkln (Concord); Treasurer. Jim Aston (Patterson): Assistant Treasurer. Carol Reid (Maple); Press, Grace Rutherford (Steeles Ave.) and Kathleen Keffer (Edgeley). There were 99 donated gifts and no one went away (with less than two items. Jim Atkin, who has been active in the alley with his 35 mm. camera, surprised the members with slides of them all in action. During the meeting a report from the Scout and Cub Com- mittee was received. which was most favourable. but stressed the need for an additional leader. RESERVATIONS AT. 8-1283 TU. 4-2091 AND HIS ORCHESTRA