PIANO, upright, reï¬nished. $125. TU. 4-3622. c1w47 SAILBOATifor sale. Reasonable. After 6 pm. AV. 5-1058. c1w47 QUANTITY of Canso potatoes, for sale. 60r13 Maple. 12w41 WE NEED Used power mowers. Highest prices paid. Bryant Hardware. Stop 22A Yonge St.. Richvale. AV. 5-3821. c4w45 ELECTRIC range‘ new condition, AV CEDAR RAILS. ' Will deliver. Map“ 291. c3w4'7 BABY CARRIAGE. in good con- dition. TU. 4-2255. c1w47 DOUBLE DRESSER, walnut, like new. TU. 4-3903. c1w47 W1 WOODS‘ combination freezer, $280. clear. TU. 4-5593. tfc44 fnvé‘o'tjdâ€"Vcoï¬ditioï¬. ‘Phone TU. 4- 3618 and ask for Michael. c1w47 SADDLE and bridle, complete with stirrups. reasonable. TU. 4-2672, after 6.00 pm. c1w47 TORO 18“ Rotary ppwer rggwef GOOD 66a! and wood stove. $15.: also a Quebec heater. $2.00. Ph. AV. 5-3950. c1w47 EdiJBLE BED. springing £1.31:â€" zoo STEEL POSTS, six 15' steel gates, near new. Phone TU. 4â€" 251a. c1w47 ï¬gsâ€"s: ï¬ractically dewâ€"TU. 4-2981. *1w47 ANNEX STOVE. walnut china cabinet and buflet. 3 windows, complete. TU. 4-4333. clw47 MITCHELL air conditioner. 1 year old. ï¬ts in the wall or win- dow, $7; h.p. AV. 5-3453. 02w47 bâ€"UEBEC . heater, screen and floor board, 92 Roseview_Ave., Richmond Hill. *1w47 COT up to four years, complete, like new, also high chair. AV. 5â€" 3134. c1w47 WATER PRESSURE system, “Beattyâ€, good condition. TU. 4‘3178. *1w47 GARDEN TRACTOR. 3 h.p., with cultivator and plough, nearly new. Hudson 9-2826, c1w47 COAL annex stove, white por- celain .good condition. Reasonâ€" able. AV. 5â€"2444. c1w4‘7 BABY CARRIAGE. gfey Gend- ron. Good condition. TU. 4-2451. c1w47 ï¬ObT PRAM, excellent condi- tion. used only once. Best offer. Phone evenings, TU. 4-1010. GURNEY FURNACE, coal. in very good condition. complete with pipes. Reasonable. AV. 5- 1683. c1w47 TIME TO PAINT UP. See us {or Crown Dlamond Paint. Painters Vices. Butler and Bah-d Lumber Amited. Richmond Hill, TU. 4- 1125. tic-ll POTATOES, Cobblers seed and table stock. Also Sebagos. Char- lie Mashinter. Phone King 11 ring 25. .. *3w45 TRADE 1N Your old power mower on a 1958 Lawnboy or Sunbeam Bryant Hardware, Stop 22A Yonge St. Richvale. AV. 5-3821. c4w45 BRIGHTEN UP that room now Install a pre-ï¬t window-unit. We have a complete stock of stand- ard sizes on hand. Butler Ind Baird Lumber Limited. Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1125. “Ml mile north of Richmdnd Hill Free delivery within 50 miles Also boats for rent. TU. C4732. COMBINATIC N doors. windows. and awnings, porch shades and railings. drapery tracks. bamboo drapes and hooks. Zeph-Aire Co, Ltd, Aurora. phone PA 7-3110. ' ‘ c5 IVENETIAN BLINDS. aluminum or steel. custom made. Free esti- mates and installations, Phone TWinlng 5â€"6551 (reverse charâ€" ges). Harold Craddock, Newmarâ€" ket. tic“ Cedar Ave. Richmond Hill Doors $1.00 and up Windows, Sash and Storms at reasonable prices. 2x4 shorts 10c each. 2 x 4 x 6' 20¢ each. , AV. 5-3942 METRO WRECKING & LUMBER CASH RATES, ï¬rst insertion 30 per word, min. charge . . m Second and subsequent insertions it wording unchanged. 3c per word min. charge . . . . . . . . . . . 400 FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. 85o COMING EVENTS NOTICE: per type line 100; min. charge 500 CARD 0!" THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES. per insertion "a BIRTH N OTICR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week no possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment. or telephone TU. 4-1105 and you will receive invoice. 14/ THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontaljio, Thursday, May 22, 1958 Budget Terms Available Phone Collect ST. 8-8042 ARTICLES FOR SALE ROOM SIZE RUGS 0R WALL TO WALL CARPETING rangette. automatic, n. AV. 5-3908. c2w47 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES c 1 W47 c4w45 tfc37 WE DELIVER fresh eggs at store prices. MaSSelink Poultry Farms, TU. 4-2255. c4w46 APARTMENT size piano, $300. Very good condition. Phone TU. 4-1589. c2w46 BEDROOM SUITE, 4 pieces. so!- id walnut, good design. in new condition. TU. 4-1607. c2w46 MODERN Beatty Ironer, $150. J. Williams. 298 Kerswill Drive. Phone TU. 4-4207. c2w46 SPRING SPECIALS in Avon Products. Miss Thomson, TU. 4-2871 evenings. c5w44 DINING ROOM suite.'9 pieces. solid walnut, $125 or best oï¬er. 174 Romac Court, Richmond Hill. c3w46 TRAILER. 5'6" by 8' box, 6 ply tires, sturdy. 3 years old. A1 condition. Phone TU. 4-4734. 2236 1/4: INCH Fir Plywood GIS 14¢ per sq. ft. Butler & Baird Lum- ber Ltd., Richmond Hill. TU. 4~ 1125. tfc 38 ROTTED cow manure delivered in small quantities for lawns, gardens and flower beds. PANSIES, Roggli, Swiss Giant, annuals, tomatoes, cabbage, cauli- flower. Anderson, 165 Richmond St. Richmond Hill. c2w47 2-PIECE Chesterï¬eld suite and odd chair. Hot water tank and heater, good condition. TU. 4- 4847. c1w47 2 OVERHEAD metal garage doors and hardware. Slightly damaged, $15 the pair. Supply own pickup. AVenue 54354. WESTINGHOUSE electric stove, heavy duty, 3 pc. Chesterï¬eld, both in excellent condition. Priv- ate. Phone TU. 4-2073 Thursday or Saturday. *1w47 WEDDING DRESS, lace and pleated net over satin. ~ floor length, long lace sleeVES. Very reasonable. TU. 4-3703. *1w47 HARDBALL ï¬elder’s glove, used three 20 ft., ply mmd BOYS’ Navy Trench Coat, with zip-in lining; blue tweed sports jacket and 3 pairs slacks, all size 14. All like new. TU. 4-3262. TRAILERS. Box and boat trailers for sale and rent. House trailers for sale. Lowest prices. N. Zaiser. Phone Oak Ridges PR. 3-5721. FREE ESTIMATES for alumin- um combination windows, doors. and awnings. Call your local “ALSCO†representative at Map- le 315. tfc34 BUILDING suitable for summer cottage. Two rooms, fully insul- ated. painted inside and out and wired. Apply Summit View Res- taurant. TU. 4-1370. c1w47 BOXED ANNUALS, single horse plough. .scufl’ler, cultivaâ€" tor. Apply B. Wark. Bathurst St., south of Carrville Rd. AV. 5- 4098. ‘ c2w47 ANNUALS, tomato plants and geraniums. Available from Hughes Greenhouse, Ruggles Ave.. Langstaï¬ Also at Farmers Market, Thornhill on Saturdays. Phone AV. 5-2637. *‘4w45 LAWNBOY Mowers for sale and service on older models. Bryant Hardware. Stop 22A Yonge St., Richvale. AV. 5-3821. c4w45 STANDING HAY. up to 110 ac- res, ï¬rst or second year, good mixed hay. Len VanDyk, R. R. 2 Maple. Phone King 2r1-5, also 75 tons excellent quality, loose hay. *2w47 EVINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTORS 1958 models now in stock. Butler 8: Baird Lumber Ltd , 191 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. phone TU. +1125 or AV. 5-3506. tfc45 POWER MOWERS TILLERS Don Mills Rd, Victoria Square. tfcél STRAWBERRY PLANTS. Kel- log’s Premium variety. These are healthy young and sturdy plants. See them ï¬rst before you buy. Only 2c each. Phone TU. 4-2575. c3w45 USED Power mowers wanted for trade- ins on Sunbeam and Lawnboy Mowers. Bryant Hardware, Stop 22A Yonge St, Richvale, AV. 5- 3821. c4w45 Sales and Repair Service Toro - Choremaster - Eclj Mote-Mower â€" Gilson LEI FOR SALE Hill. (continued) times. $6.00. TV antenna; double V mast, $20.0.0.\‘Ap- 121 Elmwood Ave., Rich- CHAIN SAWS mley 5413 - Eclipse Gilson c1w46 c1w47 *1w47 c1w47 tfc44 tfc40 LARGE 6 h.p. garden tractor, Briggs and Stratton engine, com- plete with all implements. In very good condition. $500 TU. 4-3718. c2w46 Cedar Ave. Richmond Hill 60 cycle oil burners and storage tanks. New and guaranteed close- coupled toilets $32.50 complete; New stainless steel sinks $15.00 Plumbing supplies and pipes. AV. 5-3942 tfc43 TEN ITEMS of game equipment for indoor or outdoor use, suit- able for hall. church basement. and lawn socials. One large light woodenbox (not veneer). suitable to make child‘s doll house. Phone AV. 5-1325. *1w47 WALNUT China Cabinet and buffet. in good condition. Will sell separately. One walnut gate- leg table, in good condition, $15. One portable Singer Sewing ma- chine, new, $90. TU. 4-5097‘ "RICHVALE RED WRIGGLERS" still the BEST ï¬shworm. Partic- ular ï¬sh like the best. 79 West- wood Lane, Stop 21. Richvale. I. METRO WRECKING & LUMBEg MODERN lawn mower sharpen- ing machine; Ideal Bed Knife Sharpener; Otaco Outï¬t, complete convert; A Model Ford into a tractor; 100 Used wire cut brick, clean; Trailer, 2-wheel; Panzer 9 h.p. Tractor and 3 Pennsylvanâ€" ia heavy duty mOWers, demon- strator. good discount. Best offer. Unionville 196J1 evenings. *1w47 TYPEWRITERS & ADDING MACHINES SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS All popular makes for sale in- cluding standard and portable models. Special student rental Richmond Hill TU. 4-1745 The rental contest draw for free portable will take place at Wight’s Pharmacy, 28 Yonge St. S., on Saturday, May 24th, 1958, at 6 'p.m. Watch this space next week for the name of winner. c1w47 rates. E‘iS’BUICK make offer. TU. 4â€"1079. c2w47 ï¬s VOLKSWAGEN, custom. TU. 2181. c3w47 1950 MORRIS OXFORD, $50.00. Phone TU. 4-1139. *1w47 USED CARS AND TRUCKS 1956 PONTIAC HARDTOP, rea- sonable. Mr. Harry Chapman, Ma- ple 221. c1w47 ‘56 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, ra- dio. good condition. Owner must sell. Maple 105. c3w45 {958 Volkswagen. 4 months old. Reasonable for quick sale. TU. 4â€"3885. c1w47 1947 CHEVROLET Fleetline Tor- pedo. Best oï¬er. B-A Station, Bayview Plaza. c1w47 '31 PREFECT. '47 Buick and '46 Ford, 2 ton truck. All in goqg DUMP TRUCK, ‘53 Ford. 3 ton, 4 yard box, A-l condition. AV. 5-1855. _ *1w4‘7 condition. AV. 5-3679 ’53 FORD 2 door, radio. white- walls, customized, with ‘54 Chev. grill, nosed, decked and lowered. AV. 5-1520. c1w47 1957 FORD, Fairlane 500, radio. heater, automatic, whitewalls, 2â€" tone blue, immaculate. Leaving Canada. Must sell. TU. 4-3993. 1957 NASH Metropolitan. Excell- ent condition, includes radio, lighter, etc. Owner received com- pany car. Reasonable. TU. 4- 5530. c1w47 RANCHWAGON '56 Ford, automatic, 16,000 miles, very clean, mechanically A1. Wish to buy new or nearly new Volkswagen. TU. 4-3292. c2w47 WRECKING two 54 International Tandem Dump Model L210. Cab body, engine parts. 14 yard box and hoist. Heavy duty transmis- sion. Several used 1000x20 truck tires. AV. 5-4771. c1w47 WRECKING 1947 3,1 ton Express truck, 1949 Austin and 1949 Austin Van. All parts for sale very cheap. Langstaff Auto Ser- vice. No. 7 Highway, east of Yonge St., phone AV. 5-4471. ACCOMMODATION for men. good meals, separate baths, free parking, near Yonge St. AV. 5-1321. tfc43 ROOM and BOARD ROOM & BOARD available for young man or young woman. 5 minutes to bus stop. TU. 4-2430. c1w46 CHILDREN, over 2 years. loving care, full board. weekly, daily or permanent. Close to schools‘ $10.00 full week. AV. 5-3453. BRING RESULTS USE LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS PHONE TU. 4-1105 CARPETING Budget Terms Available Phone Collect ST. 8-8042 BROADLOOM ROOM SIZE RUGS OR WALL 'l‘O WALL FOR SALE (continued) L. H. Sims. 88 Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill clw47 c4w45 tfc46 c2w47 c1w47 c1w47 c2w47 LAWN MEJWER sharpening and repairing by Joseph Winger. Phone AV. 5â€"2451. c9w44 GAR'DENS ploughed and culti- vated. Phone TU. 4-3093. tfc47 A RELIABLE T.V. Service. 240 South Taylor Mills Dr., Beverley Acres, TU. 4â€"4347. tfc47 DRESSMKKING. drapes and slip covers. Phone PR. 3-5540. ...AH UPHOLSTERING and repairing. Apply F. Graham. Lake Road, Oak Ridges. PR. 3-5691. tfc27 PAINTING scrum ‘HAISSEING v...'.-_ __ trenches, isewer lines, drains. back ï¬ll. AV. 5-2096. tfc47 and };ï¬Ã©frg: TU. 4â€"2896. Ruben Lahn, Richmond Hill. tfc8 And garage; ï¬zhaintenance. Call Joe Hampton, TU. 4â€"2420. t£c40 CARPENTER WORK;_§1nter_§tipns ANYTHING in Painting, Paper: hanging, DecOrating, etc. Phone A. Rollinson. TU. 4-3622. tfc9 SAND AND GARQYEE, gushgd stone'. 16?;in and ï¬ll. 13; Charity, Richmond Hm, TU. 4-1701. FRANK’S WELL DRILLING Pumps installed and serviced. Frank Gerritz, R. R. 2 Aurora. PA. 7-5272. tfc50 DONCASTER EXCAVATING B & H CONTRACTORS, trench- ing, back ï¬lling, loading, grading and drains repaired. Phone day or night. AV. 5-4369. tfc44 FURNACES Gas, 011, coal, installations fully guaranteed. Reasonable prices. TU. 4-3484. tfc35 UNITED PAVING C0. Driveway, parking areas, service station, repairs, free estimates. AV. 5-3541. t£939 PAINTING and decorating. Best quality workmanship. Estimates free. Inside and outside work. Bert Wolfreys, Maple. tfc3'7 MISCELLANEOUS EJ'B'BER’STAMPS, all kinds any size. Quick service. The Liberal Oï¬lce, Richmond Hill. tfc43 TILE CONTRACTOR, ceramic, plastic and linoleum. Robert E. Patchell, PArkview 7-4459, 32 Mill St.. Aurora. tf031 WALK-RITE SHOE STORE AND REPAIRS Thornhill. Phone AV.5-1266. - tfc12 SEPTIC TANKS Installed, custom digging, reason- able rates can Murray Baker, Newmarket, TW. 5-4151. tfc40 GARDEN PLOUGHING, discing, also light grading, front end loading. Lance Willis, TU. 4-2995: RICHMOND FLOOR- Sanders. Sanding and reï¬nishing. Free estimates. Phone TU. 4-4217. WEDDING invitations, printed or engraVcd, Finest quality at a reascAable price. The Liberal. phone TU 4-1105. *tf MOVING & CARTAGE Frank’s Moving & Cartage, pack- ing and storage. Experienced service anytime. Pickup and de- livery. Good rates. TU. 4-2613. Experienced teacher. For inforâ€" mation, phone TU. 4-5496 after 5. tfc46 FURS Repaired, Cleaned, .Restyled. Insured, cold ful‘ storage, KEN STIFF FURS LTD. Stop 21A Yonge St., AV. 5-4172. tfcll 'REPAIR SERVICE Outboard motors, factory trained mechanic, reasonable rates. But- ler & Baird Lumber Ltd., 191 Yonge St. N. TU. 4-1125, AV. 5- 3506. tfc40 LOAM Rich black Peat â€" Special rate for 10 yard load. Our rates are reasonable. Quality guaranteed. Elgin Mills Loam & Sod Co.. AV. 5-1514. tfc 40 CONCRETE 8; GENERAL CONTRACTORS Call E. W. Payne for septic tanks, concrete floors and all types of concrete work around your home. Also home and foundation reâ€" pairs, alterations and additions. Free estimates. AV. 5-1153. FOR YOUR CLEANING and re- pairs to basements. eavestroughs. floors, furnace, drains and land- scaping, walls and windows, also grass cutting and concrete work. Call H. Dament, AV. 5-3456. tfc42 Saws, lawn mowers and power mowers. cutter blades balanced. Pick-up and delivery. 88 Garden Avenue. AV. 5-2815. tfc38 CABINETWORK of all kinds. Re- modelling of kitchens, rooms and recreation rooms in distinctive designs. Custom made furniture. Repair and reï¬nishing, restoring of antique furniture. Spray paint- ing. Free estimates. Rudolph Ho- bien. AV. 5-1922. tfc22 PIANO TUNING & REPAIRING S. Hoffman Formerly of Gerard Heintzman. Work guaranteea. Free estimates. Phone Liberal Office, TU. 44105; evenings RUssell 2-6516. Toronto. AMERICAN TAP DANCING LANGSTAFF SHARPENING SERVICE R. E. Diinn. TU. 4-2793 ROTOVATING *4w47 c12w35 tfc42 tfc41 tfc16 DRESSMAKING and alterations. AV. 5-3537. ' c2w46 LOAM. manurei tomato plants. garden work of any kind. TU. 4-3052. tfc45 R. H. REID Delivery service. Pickup and delivery, light mov- ing. TU. 4â€"3391. tfc37 WING. Wonderful Spring specials. Call Mrs. New- man. AV. 5-1874. c3w46 DON WILLIS LANDSCAPING Loam, manure. sodding. shrubs. Lawns rolled and seeded. TU. 4- 2096 and HUdson 1â€"8279. tfc46 DRIVEWAYS Crushed stone delivered and spread just like cement. TU. 4- 3158. c2w46 Mowers for sale and older models. Bryant Stop 22A Yonge St. AV. 5«3821. ROTOVATING Anywhere. any time. Contract or hourly prices. H. Mathewson. 165J Maple. c8w43 BLOCK LAYING and gogqete V. PECK, Plumbing and Heating. No extra on emergency calls af- ter 5 pm. Estimates free. work guaranteed. TU. 4-3827. tfc30 uuvv __.‘, work,-iootings. basement floors. etc. Fred Flood, Richmond Hill. TU. 4-3085. tfc49 SPRAY & BRUSH PAINTING House furniture and Roxatone, free estimate, very reasonable. AV. 5-3832. *4w47 CUSTOM PLOWING Discing and Cultivating. Call after 6 pm. TU. +3045. H. Red- man. tfc47 LAUNDRYVTUB with stand and taps. Reasonable. Power mower, new. Reasonable. AV. 5-3683. *2w47 MISCELLANEOUS TRADE IN Your old power mower on a 1958 Lawnboy or Sunbeam. Bryant Hardware, Stop 22A Yonge.St.. ï¬iéï¬vale. 'Av. ‘5-3821. CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workman- ship. Phone Walker and Mit- chell. AV. 5â€"2526. tfc15 CALL US for your sand, gravel, ï¬ll, top soil and black 10am. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple 54R12. tfc7 Used powerwmowérs. Highest pri- ces paid. Bryant Hardware, Stip 22A Yonge St... Richvale. AV. 5- 3821. c4w45 RICHMOND HILL 'l‘V SERVICE TV & Radio Service, antenna and UHF“, installations. Car Radios. Same day service. AV. 5-3756. tfc44 ALL KINSSV FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work. wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 96 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill‘ LAwï¬s SPRAYED FOR WEEDS Hedges & ornamental trees trim- med RICHMOND TREE SERVICE TU. 4-1221 WELL DRILLING George's Well Drilling and pairing, pump installed and paired. George Adams, Box King City, King 287. t RICHMOND TREE SERVICE Fruit trees pruned, trees trim- med and removed. Cabelling, fer- tilizing and custom chain saw- ing. Free estimates. TU. 4-1221. tfc28 USED Power mowers wanted for trade- ins on Sunbeam and Lawnboy ces pai . Bryant Hardware. Stop 22A Yo. ge St.. Richvale, AV. 5- 3821. c4w45 A-l LANDSCAPING, spring clean up, manure, top dressing, lawn rolling and sodding. Cultiv- ated sods, delivered 18c and laid 30c. Free estimates. TU. 4-2538. c4w44 ALTERATIONS and repair work. sidewalks, cement work. septic tanks. soft watpr cistems, car- pentry work For prompt service, 2311 Walker and Mltchelx. AV. 5- 2526. tfc45 RELIABLE MOWER REPAIRS Repairs and precision sharpening to all makes and models of lawn mowers, garden tractors. Rotary blades hollow ground and bal- anced. 56 Rumble Ave., Richmond Hill. TUl +2818. tfc44 EVERGREEN LANDSCAPE & GARDEN COMPANY LANGSTAFF - AV. 5-3233 New lawns - Lawn -utting - Gar- den Maintenance - Landï¬caping - Foundation Planting - Weed Spraying - Flagstones laid, etc. - large and small Free estimates. and free advice. Satisfaction guaranteed . flew CARPENTRY WORK Additions, garages, porches, re- creation tooms, framing and trim work, kitchen cupboards and tile floors. No job too small. Im- mediate attention. Free estim- ates. Call Tom Price AV. 5-3048. c26w29 DRUGS Richvale Rexall Pharmacy Free All Day Delivery Prescriptions Accurately Dispensed AV. 5-3772 A. MILLS & SON Richmond Hill Plumbing and Heating TUrner 4-1711 AVenue 5-3697 LAWNBOY WE NEED service on Hardware, Richvale. c4w45 c4w45 c1w47 tfc17 tfc31 1 re- :1 re- : 192 tfc46 LIGHT custom bulldozing and loading. Maple 67 ring 2. c2w47 ASPHALT PAVING Driveways, parking lots, school yards, service stations. Free es- timates and advice. We stand be- hind our work. L. W. Reid. AV. 5-2211. tfc47 COGGINS & LANCASTER UPHOLSTERY Recovering and repairs on all classes of furniture. Including boat and auto seats. Free estim- ates. Easy term. Collection and delivery service 10 Centre St. E., TU. 4-3203. tfc47 $3,800.00. BUILDING Lot 103x 432. Terms arranged. Telephone Mrs. D. Carter. TU. 4-3823. J. A. Willoughby & Sons, Limited. - $1,500 DOWN. Richmond Hill. N.H.A. resale, 51/2% mortgage, 3 bedroom brick bungalow. Mr. Williams, AV. 5-1164. David Mc- Lean Ltd. Realtors. c1w47 $2,000 DOWN, north of King; scenic 5 acres, 5 room house. oil heated. garage, 2 poultry houses. Balance one mortgage 5%. Mr. Steï¬an. AV. 5-1164. David Mc- Lean Ltd., Realtors. c1w47 $1,500 DOWN. Richmond Hill, 5 room bungalow, excellent loca- tion near schools and shopping. $10,500. Mr. Steï¬'an, AV. 5-1164. David McLean Ltd.. Realtors. MISCELLANEOUS (continued) 4 ROOM cottage on Ge'orgian Bay, completely furnished. Heavy duty stove, new refrigtrator, run- ning lake water in cottage and well, $4.000.’ Terms arranged. Call TU. 4-3917. c1w47 QUICK SALE Modern, 3-bedroom home with ï¬nished recreation room and garage on a beautifully landscap~ ed half acre lot, south of Rich mond Hill. Reasonable down pay- ment required. TU. 4â€"1803. c1w46 ANTIQUE HOME, cooking ï¬re- place and interior shutters in kitchen, 1% acres, lots of trees. Between Bayview and Don Mills Rd., 1% miles from Richmond Hill. Last year's taxes under $100.00. $12,000. Private. TU. 4- 2588. *1w47 $3.000 DOWN, full price $12,200, balance one mortgage. 5 room bungalow. with modern bath- room, tile and hardwood floors, forced air oil heating, full base- ment, doublegarage, 179 mile north of Richmond Hill. Write Box 28 The Liberal. *1w47 $15,900 3 BEDROOM bungalow, beautiful new area. Immediate possession. $1,800 cash. $15,900 6 room house, 4 pc. bath and 2 piece washroom. A ï¬ne family home. Move right in. Just $2,000 cash required. $19,000 Large 6 room house, solid brick construction, close to Yonge St., on west side. Ideal lo- cation for doctor’s residence, Open ï¬replace. Private motor- way and garage. Beautifully landscaped. Immediate possess- ion. $65.00 a month 3 room apartment, 3rd floor. $85.00 a month 4 room apartment 2nd floor: Thomas “OAKLEY†Real Estate AV. 5â€"4161 - TU. 4-1951 HOUSES WANTED I have clients with various down payments interested in buying in the Richvale, Langstafl’ and Rich- mond Hill areas. Please call Mr. Rayï¬eld BA. 5-7711. L. S. Snel- grove & Co. Ltd.. Willowdale. tfc28 HOUSES - WANTED - HOUSES Our chain of offices bring in buyers every hour. We need many houses and lots. A listing is served by all our offices. No charge for photo listings unless sold. Free appraisals and mortgage assistance. We guaran- tee 2nd mortgage sales. Thornhill oï¬ices AV. 5-1176 Richmond Hill oï¬â€˜ices TU. 4-3805 Willowdale offices BA. 5-;723 c DAVID Mc'LEAN LTD. Members of Toronto Real Estate Board IST, in?! mortgages bought, sold. arranged. HU. 8-5711. TU. 4-3263. .9 n- éï¬ï¬m FUNDS available to make ï¬rst or second mortgage loans, or to {my existing Igor}; gages’. BA. 1-9584 MORTGAGES PURCHASED Clients' funds to purchase 21 mortgages, also a few ï¬rsts. 1V. McLean, AV. 5-1176. David Lean Ltd.. Realtors. tfc: CHICKS. Standard varieties. Wide choice. Special hybrids. Broiler chicks. Pullets. Contact Bray Hatchery. Hamilton. or local agent. Fairbank Feed. R. R. 1 Maple, phone AV 5-2954. Bray Hatchery, Brampton Glen 1-3506. 05w“ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WANTED MORTGAGES POULTRY FOR SALE c1w47 c1w47 c1w47 c2w46 t£c37 2nd ' Mc- tfc31 FLOOR SANDER to rent. Phone AVenue 5-1109. tfc28 3 ‘ROOMS. basement. Elgin Mills Sideroad. TU. 4-2377. *1w47 CEMENT MIXER for hire. AV_ 5-3244. tfc44 TO LET nice bright bedroom. Garage if needed. 119 Garden Ave., Langstaff. c1w47 LOVELY 2 BEDROOM apart- ment, available June 1. TU. 4- 1013. c1w47 ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDER. Richmond Hill Hardware, TU. 4-2101. tfc47 ELECTRIC FLOOR Polisher for rent. Richmond Hill Hardware. TU 4-2101. tfclB 2 ROOMS. separate entrance. sink. Ideal for business couple. Cheaper for business girl. Close to Yonge. AV. 5-3881. c1w46 1 OR 2 furnished or unfurnished rooms, near bus stop. Lady pre- ferred. Call between 6 and 7. TU. 4-1858. c2w46 'FLoon SANDERS, POLISHERS, ELECTRIC TOOLS To rent. Charlton Hardware. TU. 4-1331 Richmond Hill. tfc32 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS at Yonge near bus. Business couple preferred. Available June lst. Box 30 The Liberal‘. *1w4'7 FURNISHED ROOM, gentleman preferred, parking. 19 Beaverton Rd. South, or phone TU. 4-3801. c1w47 SELF-CONTAINED 2â€"bedroom apartment, unfurnished. 3 piece bathroom. Apply evenings after 6:30. AV. 5-1794. c1w47 ALLENCOURT $130 Spotless 3â€"bedroom bungalow. oil heat. immediate occupancy. TU. 4-1359. *1w47 SPACIOUS bed-sitting room and grill parking space. suit two. Appfy at 6193 Yonge St., Apt. 3, Stop 123. c1w47 SELF CONTAINED, newly dec- orated, 3 large room apartment. Apply Summit View Restaurant, TU. 4-1370. ' c1w47 3 ROOMS and bath apartment, with laundry'self contained, suit- able for couple or single person. 2 blocks from Yonge. TU. 4-3208 after 6 pm $20 WEEKLY. Lovely furnished apartment. Equipped kitchen. Private bathroom. Separate en- trance. Parking. Adults, Aurora. PA. 7-5597. tfc44 'SMALL ground floor office in Thornhill, oï¬ Yonge. $35 month- ly. Call Mr. McLean, AV. 5-1176. David McLean Ltd., Realtors. APARTMENT for rent. self-con- tained, living-room, bedroom, kitchen and bath. Heated. Stove and refrigerator. Laundry facil- ities. TU. 4-1331. tfc45 MARKHAM RD. Now renting. 1 bedroom apart- ment, fully equipped. TV outlet; parking. Call Mr. Fararrow, TU. 4-1970. c4w46 BACHELOR apartment, fully furnished. heavy wiring, laun- dry facilities, private entrance, parking. Phone AV. 5-1009 evenâ€" ings‘or Saturdays. clw46 BACHELOR APARTMENT Ground floor. Yonge St., Thorn- hill, suit one business woman, $75 monthly. Call Mr. McLean. AV. 5-1176. David McLean Ltd.. Realtors. c1w46 HEATED apartment to rent. liv- ing room. kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath, stove and refrigerator, supplied. W. S. Hare & Son, Temperanceville, phone PR. 3- 5841; tt032 MODERN bungalow. 2 bedrooms, attached garage, beautifully sit- uated on landscaped lot with large garden- and fruit trees. $125.00 per month with lease to responsible party. Available June 15. TU. 4-3181. cSw46 FURNISHED apartment in Rich- mond Hill, near Yonge St., ï¬ve rooms, all conveniences oil heat- ed~, pleasant surroundings, adults only. Phone TU. 4-1551 during office hours. Available July‘ 1. EVA HILL ROAD Recently built, completely fur- nished bungalow on quiet street. All new furniture and modern appliances, including 21†TV, $175.00 monthly. Lease available. Owner returning to England. Op- tian to buy. Telephone: Mrs. D. Carter, TU. 4-3891. J. A. Willoughby 8: Sons, Ltd., 143 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill c1w47 VKVirhg 2115; 31 delivery rake and other ment. LOST â€" Girl’s blue and silver cat’s-eye eyeglasses. High School to Baker Avenue area. TU. 4- 2988. c1w47 $10 REWARD and food expenses for locating “Coraâ€, female Ger- man Shepherd, black and brown. Phone AV. 5-1820 after four o'- clock. Eschenlohr| Langstaï¬.‘ USED McKEE Forage Harvester, complete with wagon, pipes and unloader. Also two unit barn hay drier. Len Van Dyk. R. R. 2 Ma- IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE TO RENT LOST and food expeflses clw42 c1w47 *2w47 0 side equip- ‘1w47 clw47 CANVASSERS for upholstery work. Good commission. TU. 4- 3203. c1w46 WAITRESS or kitchen help for snack bar, evenings and Sundays. Phone Gormley 5411. tit: 40 WAITRESSES wanted. Apply Forum Drive-In Restaurant. Phone TU. 4-3001. clw4$ MAN with sedan delivery re« quires work. Earl Hicks. Lake Wilcox P.O. *2w47 LICENCED mechanic wanted; \Hunt 8: Cook Motorsx Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. c2w47 RELIABLE MAN to cut grass once a week. approx. 4 hours cutting time. Maple 184. tfc47 STATIONARY engineer, 4th class.temporary. 172 Centre St. E. *1w47 RESPONSIBLE, energetic man for daily cleaning duties for golf club-house premises. AV. 5-3291. c1w47 3 MEN to (handle organized Full- er brush territories. Top commis‘ sions, earn $100 or more a week. TU. 4-4657. David Emms. c3w45 PART TIME help wanted. Canâ€" vassers. No selling. Good pay to right persons. Apply F. Gates, 18 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. EXPERIENCED bulldozer opero ator required for roadway con- struction. Apply Stephens Bros. Construction Ltd.. phone AV. 5- 3785 for appointment. c1w47“ TELEPHONE SOLICITORS Full time work or part time in the evenings. Guaranteed salary. Apply Perma-Gas Co., 10 Lorne Ave.. between 2 and 4 pm. HELP WANTED female, for 10; cal bank in Richmond Hill, tell- er's experience preferred. Reply Box No. 22 The Liberal. giving age, marital status and experi- ence. c3w45 ATTENTION - Young housewives ofxgood appearance and education to qualify as beauty counsellors. Only those with above qualiï¬ca‘ tions need apply. For appoint- ment. ’Phone TU. 4-2902. c2w47 LAKE WILCOX Public School,, Primary or Junior teacher reâ€" quired for Sept. 1958. Federation schedule paid. Please state experg ience and give references. SEC'Y! Treasurer. Mrs. D. 1. Cole, Box 30, Lake Wilcox P.0. c1w47 HELP WANTED or after lull or part time. Salary $9.00 daily. Duties three shifts. 8 to 4, 4 to 12. 12 to 8. Rest homo Yonge and Elmwood. Stop 346. AL; for Miss White, AV. 5-1766, Call between 8 and 7 pm. dc: RICHMOND HILL-THORNHILL‘ Salesmen required. Two immed- iate openings for successâ€"minded' men in busy established office. Experience not necessary. Spec-f ial 3-day training gets you self- ing the ï¬rst week. Photo Co-op‘ privileges and mortgage assist- ance. Please call manager, Mr.- Carlisle. AV. 5-1176 or AV. 5-J 2742, David McLean Ltde, Real- NURSESV {ggisteregl {or 89p} 1 tors,’ Thornhill‘ We have two immediate openings for sales help in our busy Thorn- hill office. Experience not nec- essary. we will train you. Good opportunity for a hard worker. Call Mr. Jeffery, AV. 5-1211 or, AV. 5-1828. ‘ JACK JEFFERY REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITY . If you are interested in selling‘ full or part time .â€" or if you have always wanted to sell, then we have the service for you. Our: exclusive beneï¬ts, all year sell-.2 ing, large renewal commissions and demand for our membership assures you of an excellent in-- come. For conï¬dential interview write stating phone number to PO. Box 842, London, Canada. COMMONWEALTH TRAVEL CLUB _ The Nation’s Foremost Travel, ‘ Club ' WAD sléé’p three to six p'eopfe. TU. 4- 5310. clw47 VJUNIOR gym set, complete with slides. Phone Gormley 5461. ~ FORD TRACTOR WANTED Large Ford or Ferguson tractor wanted. Call Mr. McLean, AV. 5â€"1176. c1w46r ERUBARB roots, if you have’ more in the garden than you can use. Will buy your extra. Phon’e’ TU. 4-2582. c1w4z FRANSPORTATION: CAPONS, and fowl, highest p143 ces paid. Don't sell until contacï¬ ing W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridge; Poultry Grading Station, phon' PRospect 3-5301. tfc2 TRANSPETATION avgi}a_ble fog, AL“..‘_, V ...-___--V three passéngers fronâ€"n Richmonif Hill to Keele and St. Clair. Tu‘i 4-4977. CSW ‘ REAL ESTATE SALESMEN 0R SALESLADIES WANTED RIDE oï¬ered. leaving for dowtï¬ town before 8 a.m.; down Yong Mt. Pleasant ,to Gerrard a Parliament. Phone TU. 445?â€;- NTED tent for girl guides â€"3 Yonge St... Thomhill WANTED c2w48 c3w45 c1w47 c4w45 clw47_ clwfl