These Prices Effetflve Till May 28, as \THE GREATEST NAME iN FOOD N0. 7 " HIGHWAY WWW LET YOU HOME BLADE, SHORT RIB or BONELES‘S Pot ROAST Standing - Short Cut RIB ROAST BEEF TURKEYS [IAN RINDLESS ’3"le BACON FIEIDAY NIGHT SPECIALâ€"6 till 9o'clock Sliced Cooked HAM Rama» lb 89 Farm Fresh EGGS CHM Emma: 47 SUNKIST CHANGES sinus cam 29 ARNOLD FARMS SAUSAGE CURB PARKING STORE HOURS MONDA.‘ -- ONE CENT SALE SYLVANIA BULBS 3 for 63 one 5w; R. R. 1 Willowdale HU. 5-1313 MI Hedging - Red Barberry, per 100 $25.00 Privet, per 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , $15.00 Evergreens from . . . . . $1.75 Flowering Shrubs in bundles 5 for $1.50 Maxwell House Instant 6 oz for 16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 22, 1958 SHADE AND FRUIT TREES, WHITE BIRCH IN CLUMPS (HAN PASTE WAX CIGARETTES a" popuiar Five Roses FLOUR Johnsons Baby Powderflarge) Smiles 'N Chuckles Elegante (2 miles north 0f the Richmond Hill-Maple Sideroad on Bathurst Street) SURPLUS CLEARANCE SALE HOMO MELK 'omplete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service 25W â€" 40W â€" 60W PUMPED and CLEANED FRANK PASSER US QUOTE ON YOUR E FREEZER NEEDS! ALPINE NURSERIES Phone TU. 4-3361 ARKING -- OPEN THU' MONDAY THROUGH WI R. R 2. Maple CHOCOLATES 94E I:- f5¢ 0", For Pkg Steel Wool for I: REG. VALU?S% All FOR ‘ 3“ MPH!“ brands 25 Book Matches fork REG. $3.33 VAH'E AU- FOR ‘ FARM STYLE REG. VA REG. VALUE 84c 7m 55 REG. VALUE 64c REG. VALUE $1.33 ‘ual‘ e lBar Johnsons Baby REG. Soap It - All FOR ME. 5-1000 DNESDAY 1 Qt. Ctns. 5 1 pkg 4 oz 1:27 For It tin Carnation Milk talls For k â€" All. FOR NIGHT I pkg Yeast for I: All FUR Mrs. Ed Rowdon was hostess at a miscellaneous shower on May 8th ,in her home ,in honour of Miss Beth Smith. daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. William Smith, Yonge Street. whose forthcoming marriage to Peter Jones ,son of Brigadier Leslie L. and Mrs. Jones ,of Karachi, Pak- istan, will take place in Rich- mond Hill United Church on June 7th. “Ayn A; u- â€"....°_, on furlough ,arrived on Tuesday with their six-year old son, Gale. to attend the wedding. Two older sons, ten-year-ord Tony, and fourâ€" teen-yearâ€"old Simon, remained at school in Karachi. Bur'ig'ahc-fi'er and Mrs. Jones, for- merly of Langstaff, gnd now here Mr. and Mrs. J. Graham of Spruce Avenue, went to Detroit for the holiday week-end. Miss G. Lever and Miss E. Frances motored to Severn Bridge where they spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. E. Durie and Beverley. and celebrated Mrs. Durie's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin and family, spent the week-end at'Lake Simcoe. Frank. Jr. was home too .and returned to Camp Pettawa on Sunday night. Mrs. W. Porch went into hos- pital for an operation on her hip on Monday. . _ . ‘ The lst Richvale Scout and Cub Mother’s Auxiliary are hold- ing their ï¬nal euchre and draw for a quilt tonight at the Com- munity Hall, see Coming Events for time. Mrs. E. Hales of St. Catharines has just returned home after\ a week‘s visit 'with her sister-m- law, Mrs. Ed Rowdon. Mr. Row- don underwent an operation on Monday morning. On Sunday MISS G. Lever and Miss M. Sanderson joined the E. Durie family and spent the day with the farmer’s brother, Mr. Harbld Lever, near Markdale. One Extra for I: v All. FOR aratoga C 1!. I’UK l‘ILL 9 PJ A.M. TO 6 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. E. TAYLOR 161 Spruce Avenue __ Phone AV. 5-4293 RICHVALE NEWS u 3.00 $9 1.40 Mr. and Mrs. J. Donaldson left early Friday morning for North Bay to visit their daughter and her family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Boddy. They returned late Sun- day evening. - n . um; v . V.....=,. Flight Lieutenant J. Guthrie and Mrs. Guthrie the former Eleanor Fisher of Spruce Avenue and their children will be leaving their Ottawa home in June to take up residence in France where Lieutenant Guthrie has been posted. They expect to be there for about four years. u“..- -__ .._ An evening branch of the W0- men‘s Auxiliary of the St. Barna- bas Mis ion was organized at the home 0 Mrs. J .E. Jeliicoe. Pear- son Avenue, on May 13th.“ av“ A..-....v, , The Reverend Newton-Smith opened the meeting with prayer. Mrs. E. R. Bagley, Diocesan Of- ï¬cer for Toronto ,spoke on the aims and objects of the W. A. Officers were elected as follows: President, Mrs. H. White. Edgar Avenue; Vice~president, Mrs. W. Willett, Fairview Avenue; Secre- tary, ‘Mrs. D. LeRoux, Edgar Avenue, Treasurer. Mrs. A. Davies, McKay Drive. It is ex- pected that the meetings will be held twice a month. Anyone wishing to attend will be we1~ come. u Young Dougie McClennan suf- fereo a compound fracture of the arm when he fell off his bicycle into a deep ditch on his way home from school on Friday. Many happy returns to the Lamber family who have three birthda 3 within ten days, Mr. Earl Lambert, 501*} Michael and daughter Linda}. “_ __°_, The ï¬reworks exhibition set off at the Charles Howitt school on Monday night under the aus- pices of the Charles Howitt Rec- reation Association was well at- tended and went off very well. The donors and winners of prizes are as follows: RCA Victor radio by Danforth Radio was Won by Mr. Greenan, York County Health Unit, Aurora; permanent wave by Mrs. Sehretter's Hair- dreSSing won by Mrs. H. Jarman, Spruce Avenue, Richvale. Vase by Armstrong Jewellers, Rich- mond Hill won by W: Burns. At last Wednesday's meeting of the Mothers’ Auxiliary of the 2nd Richvale Guides and Brmvn- ies, the election of officers was held. A Guide Thank-You pin was presented to the retiring presi- dent, Eve Morningstar, by the secretary, Marion Wilson. New officers are: President, Jean Gold- lthorpe; vice-president, Lidy Bak- er; secretary, Marion Wilson; treasurer, Helen Sand; badge- secretary, Esme Oliver; card con- venor, Marg. Smith; social con- venor, Ollie Ball; and assistants, Anne Every, Muriel Nelson, Dos IJanssen and Aleta Hamilton. RR. 1, Richmond Hill. $7.50 value TV service by Richvale Electronics won by Mrs. J. Secord, Pearson Avenue, Rich- vale. Brush and comb set by Wight’s Pharmacy. Richmond Hill won by Linda Smith, Scott Drive. Richvale; perfume and cologne set by Richvale Pharmacy won by John Glassey, Garden Avenue, Langstaï¬; cup and saucer by Fischer’s 10 to $1 store won by Mrs. Pridham, Rosewell Avenue; 3 pints of ice cream by Richvale Pharmacy won by Barbara Glas- sey, Garden Avenue, Langstaï¬. Ross Doan Home and School. at their annual meeting, elected the following officers: President, Mrs. J. Sim; Vice-presidents. Mr. Ray Sutton and Mrs. Ray Shier; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Len Kirk; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. A. Speedle; Treasurer, Mrs. Earl Lambert; Executive Mem- bers: Mr. C. Chevis. Mr. Pov Masters, Mrs. Cyril Cutler, Mrs. Al Blackburn and Mrs. R. Mc- Keown. The ï¬nal meeting will take the form of the mother and daugh- ter banquet which is to be held in Thornhill United Church on May 28. = Washer Service Including All Automatics and Dryers- ‘ We Deliver Toronto and Surrounding Districts SAME DAY SERVICE Open 7 am. - 12 Midnight DAILY Victor Drape: Agencies Oak Ridges PHONE TU. 4-1812 AT ALL HOURS RELIANCE SERVICE STATION RICE’S FLOWERS RICHMOND HILL “Flowers For All Occasions" on TELEVISION Radio â€" Washer Repair Service TU. 4-3949 Conversion To 60 Cycle PR. 3-5471 EM. 8-9559 Ontario Young People’s Meeting The regular meeting of the Carr- ville United Church Young Peop- le was held on Wednesday even- ing. Mrs. J. Bake; was in charge. Kenneth Wood presided over the meeting. They continued the bible study in Genesis and plan- ned their picnic for August 17. The young folk enjoyed a ball game in the schoolyard before the meeting in the hall. Quilting B_ee On Wednesday, ï¬ve members of the W.A. met at the church and quilted a quilt. 1‘. had been planned to complete two quilts, but because there were not enâ€" ough quilters present. one is still to be done. The ladies enjoyed a pot luck luncheon at noon with Mrs. A. Read topping the meal with a huge serving of ice cream. The ladies are looking forward t the next quilting. - Personal ShoWer Miss Marilyn Hewitt was hon- oured with a personal shower with Mrs. Bob Mid leton as host- es: and it was hel at the home of Mrs. Bert Middleton. There were 30 ladies present for this event. Marilyn received many lovely and Useful gifts. Mrs. Gor- don Wood assisted her with the gifts. A buffet lunch was enjoyed by all present, completing a pleasant evening. Celebrates Third Birthday Robbie Ash of Edgeley cele- brated his third birthday with his Grandpa and Grandma Middle- ton and Gretta and Nancy Mid- dleton, and Barbara McLaren and his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ash and sister Donna-Lyn at the Middleton home on Sunday evening, enjoying ice cream and birthday cake. Choir Practine The Carrville United Church chair is holding a practice on Fri- day evening, to leave Saturday afternoon free for any who want to attend the Richmond Hill fair. Socials : John Barton accompanied by Alan Mill.-r spent the holiday week-end at North Bay visiting Bob‘ Swarbick, getting in some ï¬shing and also had a trip to La- chine, Quebec, before returning home. ' Brian Walker is back to séhool following a short stay in hospi- tal after his accident. Mr. George Green is also back to school after having had a se- vere cold. Miss Barbara McLaren spent the week end with Gretta Mid- dleton. STUART PAXTON WIRING Phone TUrner 4-2881 AV Electrician CORRESPONDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETON Telephone Maple 130R3 THERE‘S A LOT MORE TO A DEAL THAN A LOW PRICE CARRVILLE NEWS YOU + More Allowance For Your Trade + Lower Overhead Saves You Money + Low Finance Rates . « ~ + Proper Pre-Delivery lnspectio + Personal Close-to- Home After Service + Competent, Helpful Sales Personnel 5-4991: irrell Maiors lid. Chevrolet-Oldsmobile 5 4105 R. D.I.ifl!e 61 Son lid. Ford- Edsel 5 -4351 Rich - Hill Mciors lid. Pontiac-Buick LINE WORK The Carrville baseball team was beaten by Edgeley team at Edgeley by the score of 14~8. The local team was minus several players through illness. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent DeIBroc- co and sons Kirk and Duane at- tended the wedding on Saturday of Mr. Luigi DelBrocco Jr. and Miss Jean Piela at St. Margaret's Roman Catholic Church, Toronto. IT’S STORAGE TIME NOW AT BARTH’S ' Also For Your Convenience We Have The New * MORE CLOSET SPACE for FROM YOUR LOCAL DEALERS ‘* ONE? APRICE _ STORAGE RATE includes insurance protection up to $250. JACKETS, SWEATERS, SKIRTS PLUS USUAL CLEANING CHARGES ‘ (FUR 0R FUR TRIM ARTICLES EXCLUDED) Drive In Pick-up and Delivery Speedy Service HAVE YOUR FURS PICKED UP TO-DAY TU. 4-2291 AUTO imlmml'v'wâ€"15HIRT SERMIIMFIWI 198 YON GE STREET NORTH, RICHMOND HILL‘ Drive In - - - No Parking Problems Only , . V :I jn‘ if? ‘ :4 ’ H u_‘ I I ï¬ 21‘“, III _'uln* BED"I FULL STORAGE PROTECTION Now you can enjoy from moths, ï¬re and theft your summer things everything stores for one price THE THRIFTY WAY TO STORE THOSE WOOLLENS $2.95 3 per box andi-. H tam/oer BU? WELL DIGGING 'AND CLEANING ; WELL TILE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF COMPRESSOR ’WORK SEND SUITS, DRESSES, COATS, CHILDREN’S CLOTHES, JACKETS, SWEATERS, SKIRTS AND BLANKETS TU. 4-2329 Ted DeBoer HU. 7-0093