Roy Snow, son of Mr. and Mrs.‘ Harvey Snow, Maryvale Cres., is now in England having travelled south through the United States into Mexico and through the jun- gle as far as Guatemala. Roy hopes to see as much of the Brit- ish Isles and Europe as possible betel-e returning home. Mrls. Jeffrey VPerry spent last week in London, Ontario. by Ron Slagg. Jr. A.S.M. This week. instead of a full outdoor meeting the troop had a large scale outdoor game ï¬rst and then went inside for regular in- struction. The game involved 12 large firecracker and proved to be quite a lot of fun. W7.ile this was going on, Ray Miller, a pat- rol leader. was trying for his ï¬rst class cooking in a nearby woods. Last Sunday was another of the current series of hikes. Al- Mr. and Mrs; Gordon Brain spent the week-end at Buckhorn Lake. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Brain and family visited friends in Ottawa over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fugler spent a few days in Ottawa last week. "' ‘Dr. and Mrs. M. Walker and children spent the week-end ln *Petgrborough. The above photo was taken during the ordination of Rev. D. Logan Varey on Sunday, May 18th, in Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Thorn- hill. The Rev. Mr. Varey is the son of Dr. and Mrs. D. H. Varey of Toronto. He received his education at Upper Canada College and his BA. from the University of Toronto. Rev. Mr. Varey is a graduate of Wycliffe College. While attending Wycliffe College, his student years Mrs'. N.'Bradley. Donna and Diane spent the week-end in Pic- tun. .1 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 22, 1958 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Richard- son and family spent the week- end at Prospect Lake, Brace- brid e. Pres yterian Church News The Young Life Club held a progressive dinner party Satur- day evening going to different 'homes and ending up at the *church for the main course. Don ‘Anderson led the program with 'games and entertainment fol- laying. k Theâ€" Sunday morning service sawrthe ordination of four new elders, these being Mr. Eilert Thornhill and District News “uphill Phunuy C. E. Stoneburg . Chemist & Druggist ’AV. 5-2508 Yongo St. Expert Drug Service Max Factor Cosmetics Prescription Service View-Master Reels 2n General Admission: Thornhill Notes Vitamins Thornth Family $20.00. Adults $10.00, Student Rate $7.50, First child in family $5.00. Each additional child in Thornhill Swimming Pool Children 20c weekdays 25c Sundays and holidays Students 35c weekdays 60c Sundays and holidays Adults 75c At all times 3A0I'nAi// ~Scout fl May 24,1958 u'nhi†Qcoul IIewé By Ron Stags, Jr. A.S.M. .S.M. though it rained for part of the )f a full day the hike was still very suc- 0D had a cessful and another is planned ‘fll‘st and for two weeks from now. Next ‘gular in- week-end is the 24th of May Iolved 12 Camp. “LIPID†AV. um The band also held another outdoor meeting, marching and playing. Thm the hand went in- side. The bugles practiced a new selection and tried various other tunes while the drums practiced both old and new pieces. Sand. Mr. Allan McKecknie. Mr. Richard Penrose and Mr. John MacKay. Mrs. E. E. Chapman, Oakbank Road entertained at a tea, Sat. May 17, in honour of her daugh- ter Joan Irene, whose marriage to Gary Norman Hughes, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Hughes of Toronto, which will take place May 24, at three pm. in Holy 'lI‘irinity Anglican Church, Thorn- ] ll. Receiving guests. along with Mrs. Chapman and her daughter Joan, was Mrs. Hughes, mother of ,the groom. Those pouring tea and coffee were Mrs. Brewis Parker of London, Mrs.» Frank Jenkinson, Mrs. W. W. Schoales, Mrs. A. H. Hughes, and, Mrs. Phillip Lawson. Others assisting the hostess were Mrs. B. W. Lloyd of Newmarket, Mrs. H. E. Burrell of St. Marys, Mrs. Penny Reid of Thornhill, Mrs. Marcia Lawson. and. Mrs. Isobel Elliot. Others entertaining for the bride-to-be at showers. were her office associates; Mrs. George Stratham; Mrs. Ed Windsor of Thornhillv, Mrs. J. McIntyre; Mrs. R. Dale gave a dinner party at the Ontario Club; Mrs. Marcia Lawson a supper party at her home; and Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Hughes, parents of the groom en- tertained the bridal party on Thursday evening after the re- hearsal. Poster Winners Thornlea School Winners of the “Safety Pos- ters" at Thornhill Public School were: Seniors, Rients Vander- wal, John MacDonald and Louâ€" ise Langman. Intermediates, Wendy Williston. Douglas Lang- man and Bryan Smellie and for the Juniors. Debby Boyden, John Magg and Roy Young. These children were all presented with safety badges at the school on Friday morning by Mr. George Stratton who is the Home and School representative on the Area Safety Committee. The special prize of a fountain pen was presented to Rients Vander- wal who won ï¬rst prize for the whole school area. SEASON TICKETS WILL OPEN family $2.50. The Liberal II always pleased to publish Items at Interest oontribuced by lb readers In the Thornhlll arel . . . . Our representative In Thornth in Mrs. Donald Smellle. who mu be reached by phoning AV. 5-8555. Elocution pupils of Marguer- ite Boyle, who were awarded scholarships in the recent Spriï¬g festivals, were Robert Howard, who received one of these honors with a gold medal at Peel, while at Hamilton he took a gold medâ€" al and a gold and a bronze each at York. At Davenport. in addi- tion to a scholarship. Joyce Per- klns won the silver trophy, two gold medals, a Bible and a con- cordance. for performances des- cribed as “flawless†by the jud- ges. Many Pupils Of Margaret Boyle Win Scholarships At Festivals At York, Anne Ward gained a gold medal with a junior scholar- ship, while Donna Graham took similar honors with a senior scholarship and also a third aw- ard. Miss Boyles other winning pu- pils at these festivals included Elizabeth Sanders, with a gold and a silver medal at Peel, a gold at Hamilton, and a gold and a silver at York, Susan Keachie, with a gold and a silver at Hamâ€" ilton and a gold and a silver at Peel; John Perkins, who Was a gold medallist in two classes at Davenport, for whichhe was presented with a Bible, while at Peel he took a gold medal and a third at York; Tom Tamblyn seâ€" cured a gold medal at York and a bronze at Peel; Helen Payne a gold and a'bronze at Peel, and a gold and a third at York; Her- bert Girard, a gold at Hamilt’On; Lois Perkins, a gold and a silver Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Per- cy Bone, Yonge Street, Thornhill, who this week graduated from McMaster University, Hamilton, receiving a BA. degree. Miss Bone has been appointed to the national staff of \the Board of Christian Education, The United Church of Canada, and she will commence her duties on June 1. Miss Mary Elizabeth Bone were spent at Holy Trinity Church. He is now Assistant Curate at Holy Trinity. .|. L Lu; vhv - wwShown above (left to right) are: Rev. W. E. Askew. Rector; Mrs. D. M. .Varey, Dr. Varey, Rev. D. Logan Varey; Mr. R. C. Napier, Rec- tor’s Warden; and Mr. M. A. Hunter, People’s Warden; 1 n, ,LAM“ with a Bible at Davenport and silver medals at both York and Peel; Paula Pindred a silver at Davenport; Joyce Detlor a third at Peel and also at York. More York medallists were Margaret Ann Graham with a gold and a third; Eileen Dykes, with a silver and a third; David Martin with a silver‘and a third; Douglas Martindale with a silver and a third; while silver awards went also to Lawrence Drew and David Hodgson. I I Correspondent: Mrs. J. C. Donnelly . ‘ Phone AV. 5-1777 The .Thornlea Boys Baseball Team played two exhibitions games against Langstaï¬ Team last week, each team winning- one game. Ron Hicks of Essex Ave. is coaching the Thornlea Team this year ,and doing an excellent job. in spite of a serious injury to his knee suffered a couple of weeks ago. Joey Mizen ,son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mizen, Briggs Ave. celebrated his second birthday last Friday. Mrs. Edward Wood spent the holiday week end visiting friends across the border. Mr. H. Cun- ningham is convalescing at his home after spending several weeks in hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Art Puddicombe and family spent Victoria Day visiting with relatives at Mid- land. ‘ H & S Association The annual meeting of the Thornlea Home and School As- sociation was held in the school on Wednesday, May 14th, and presided over by Mr. Wilkins, President. Annual reports were given and showed a very success- ful year had been held. Over $500.00 was raised and many contributions were made to the school, including graduation pins and a scholarship of $25.00. graduation banquet, Christmas treats, etc. Meetings were held on Safety, Parent Education. Dropâ€"Outs, Music ’Instruction, The Schools and Preparation for a Vocation. It was announced that there will be A Bicycle Rodeo held at the school on Wednesday even- ing, May 28th. This is sponsored by the Area Safety Committee and is for all students from Grade 4 up. Mrs. Churchill. Nominations Convenor. presented the slate of officers drawn up by her com mittee, and the following officers were elected for the coming year. President, Mr. Wilkins, Vice-President, Mrs. Ward; Re- cording Secretary. Mrs. Roy; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Cram; Treasurer, Mrs. Hicks. Executive members: Mrs. Churc- hill, Mrs. McQueen, Mr. Pock- lington. Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Sherman. The monthly a§tendance prize was won by Mlss Nicholson’s room. Mrs. H. LeMesurier installed the new officers and spoke brief- ly on our Hpme a_nd School work. A vote of thanks was given to last year's executive for the won- derful work done by them ,and president Wilkins thanked every- one for their co-operation and hoped that this would continue to be uppermost in our thoughts for the coming year. MARKHAM : Miss Margaret Fockler of Markham will be am- ong the 4,000 delegates attending a World Convention on Christian Education to be held in Tokyo. Japan, in August. Some 72 coun- tries will be represented. WILSON ’S ESSO SERVICE STATION CHASSIS LUBRICATION 8 MINOR REPAIRS . Yonge and Arnold AV. 5-1641 Thornhill THORNLEA St. Paschal's Church Presents lst Annual Revue At Earl Haig Friday In conjunction with the cele- bration of the Patron. St. Paschal parishjoners of St. . Paschaljs r___,, Church are presenting their ï¬rst annual revue, Friday night‘ â€"â€" Photo by Barbour Give gifts that Say: Live better Mex/(Jake, 69m, atop a 8.30 at Earl Haig Collegiate. Or- chestral selections. concluding with Overture, will be featured at 8 pm. The show will feature the songs and dances of many lands â€"â€" Ireland. England. Scotland, Hol- land. Germany. Poland, France, Italy. South America. Hawaii. the United States and Canada. A highlight of the show will be a scene of Lourdes, 1858 and 1958, to commerorate the Centenary year of Our Lady‘s Apparitions. Dances include the reel. the highland fling, Dutch dance. the polka. the French waltz, the tar- antella the tango. the tap and square dancing. Song selections will be taken from opera, classi- cal and popular. The children of the parish will combine in a for- mation of welcome and good night. Altar Boys will perform a military march in the dark with luminous matter on hands and feet. There will be orchestral ac- companiment throughout the show. Directors of the Show are Mr. Bernard Cassidy, Musical Direc- tor; Mr. Michael Casey. Stage Manager; Mr. Bernard Doyle. Conductor; Miss Giorgina Grech, Assistant Director; Mrs. Frances Loughrey. Choregrapher. In charge of external arrangements are Mr. James Bogie. Holy Name President. Chairman. Mrs. Vic- toria Marlatt. Altar Society Presi- dent Co-Chairman. Committees for Wardrobe. Stage, Reception, makeup and floor are formed of members of the St. Paschal's Holy NameLAltar Society and Sodality. A beautiful commemorative program will strike the keynote of the occasion and list cast, com- mittees. and sponsors. Pastor of the Parish is the Rev. Vincent LeSavio, PSSC. Assistant is the Rev. Ralph Villella, PSSC. Express your good wishes the modern way. Give the wonderful electrical gifts that promise happier, easier living for years to come. Whatever your budget, there are electrical gifts to make a bride’s heart sing . . . an electric fry pan. . . a handy automatic pup-up toaster . . . a mixer or a steam iron. For the future man of the house there are electric shavers and a wonderful array of time saving power tools . . . and what couple wouldn’t be delighted with one or two handsome, modern electric lamps. They’ll be proud of their electric gift. and happy too because they’re so economical to use. IONTARIO Doncaster Road Repairs To Be Undertaken As Soon As Possible The Doncaster Ratepayers held their quarterly meeting on Tues- day, May 13. at the Henderson Avenue Public school. The spe- cial guests were the Reeve W. L. Clark, Deputy-reeve W. Dean, Councillor J. MacNeil of Ward 1. All present at the meeting were given a chance to ask a question of each gentleman as they took the floor. The meeting was presided over by chairman Cecil Russell, who told those present about the tour of inspection taken along roads in Doncaster, by members of Markham Council and a dele- gation of ratepayers. All the necessary repairs to the roads. ditches, guardrails. and drive- ways were duly noted and re- pairs will begin within the next two weeks. Mr. MacNeil read a letter he had received that morning from the Road superintendent. It said in effect that the necessary road repairs will be undertn‘w r: soon as possible. Also that the clearing of the ditches and the lacing of culverts would be ï¬n- shed. People from Glencameron Avenue complained that th“ee years ago they had been prom- ised a road with a hard surface that would last for ten years and that now after two and a half years the road was a total lass. They requested that the contract he reread and the contactor ‘v: requested to ï¬x the road. Mr. MacNell promised that this would be done. Reeve Clark assured all those present that the damage done by the construction of the culverts would be repaired. He promised that if the roads could not be re- paired with the remaining money in the present contracts that the difference Would be paid from the township road budget. Discussion about the contracts W324 HYDRO I and the amount that was to b. held back until the work had been completed to the satisfac- tion of the engineer. brought about the suggestion that perhaps the engineer was too easily util- ï¬ed and that he should be placed under closer supervision and that his word should only he ï¬n l with the consent of the r04 a committee. ‘fi'RQvLa's’ 'also suggestéd m m m the contracts (or the \‘M 5 15¢ 1"e1‘ead and fulï¬lled. Deputy-reeve Dean assured thé audience (hat it was up to thd township to pay for the éompléâ€" tion of the roads. When new are“ are opened up the contrldlor‘ will be required to pay toward “w (“tension of the sewer trunk- line from the Metropolitan area. r- "s will be released on ; pre-sewer basis. Mr. Dean said that he felt that the ï¬rst sub division to be released will be Msadowview Acres, with all m. accessories. lights. paveu wads, curbs .and street signs. Mr. Dean thenistated 313M)â€â€" view Avenue from Mnka Road to Stoeles Avenue and Dbl! Mills Road in Markham *ownshlp would be paved in ‘1939. An addition to the county 0! ï¬ces at Newmal-‘ket has be“ planned in order to keep a batter control of the Health lel'Viobs and Children's Aid “Mobs In the Township. Mr. Clark then explalned the duties of the new ï¬re prevention officer. He has to inspect schools. halls and all ubllc meeting places to check or ï¬re hazArdt and to make recommendations to council. The meeting was adjourn“ after a delegation had chn pick- ed to attend the next counoll meeting to look into the mmer of the rereading of the construc. tion contracts.