14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 29, 1958 These Prices Effective Till June 4/58 “'ROUGHT IRON With $10.00 Order CURB PARKING -â€" OPEN THU RS. 8: FRI. NIGHTS TILL 9 RM. STORE HOURS MONDAY TflROUGH WEQNESDA)’ :â€" 8:OQ TO 6130 P.M'. Complete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service Fresh Meaty SPARERIBS lb 49 FRESH SAUSAGE Farm Style lb. 33 Fresh Young TURKEYS Grade A lb. 57 SLICED BOLOGNA - - - lb. 33 Kellnggs CORN F LAKES large site 25 libbys Frozen LEMONADE 6 Tins 85 libbys Frolen Golden CutCO R N 2 lb Polly Ba955 libbys Frozen Green PEAS 25b Polly Bag 53 Fresh Cut ASPARAGUS 2 Bunches 25 R. R. 1 Willowdale' HU. 5-1313 MI FRIDAY NIGHT 3 STAR VALUES 6 m FARM FRESH EGGS ALLENS APPLE JUICE LARGET‘FN‘S’Z' C O O K E D H A M LEAéEéf‘snléé’L‘En presents 8th International All Breed Championship Dog Show to be held in LET YOU HOME CHAIRS RICH ' BLACK PEA'I' AURORA ARENA, MAY 315i, 1958 Open 10 am. on. Adults 35c, Children 15c N0. 7 HIGHWAY 8: OUR RATES ARE REASONABLE QUALITY GUARANTEED H 0 M O M I L K 3 QT. SOCIETY DOG FOOD 20 0 THE GREATEST NAME IN FOO CUSHION TOPS Aurora & District Kennel Club Inc. SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED and CLEANED TENDER JUICY FLAVORY HEARS or Rï¬ASW $59 FRANK PASSER WING, SIRLOIN, 0r PORTERHOUSE CUT FROM ARNOLD FARM QUALITY BEEF Elgin Mills Loam & Sod Co. US QUOTE ON YOUR E FREEZER NEEDS! N0 Better Beef Anywhere At Any Price Special rate for 10 yard load AV. 5-1514 0u_r Price GAL. SIZE REG. $4.59 $3 49; ME. 5-1000 BALES & BAGS \t Arnold Farms LOW PRICES PEAT MOSS DON MllS ROAD QT. (‘ARTONS FOR 20 OZ. TIN 2 TINS .Mrs. B. Kayes of Gormley, President of York-Simcoe Home and School Council. was welcom- ed by President William Norris. and installed the newly elected officers. In her remarks. Mrs.‘ Kayes mentioned need for per- sonal contacts in developing in- terest in Home and School groups and cited the Forest Hill Home and School Association as a shin- ing example of what Home and School groups could achieve. A pleasant social hour followed with refreshments served by Mrs. Fitchett and Mrs. Bretell. s Officers for the coming year master for the past several years. At Monday night‘s meeting of the Richvale Home and School, Mrs. R. J. Miller conducted a dem- onstration of the Holgerâ€"Neilson technique of artiï¬cial respiration, with nearly all the audience tak- ing part, including several child- ren from grades 7 and 8, ,who had been 'invited to atend. This was preceded by a ï¬lm showing the safe way to give assistance to anyone in difficulties in the wat- er and some of the foolish antics to avoid while playing in the water. gun... a, v..____ ,7, Mrs. Harry Hull of Carrville East, returned last week from Windsor and Detroit where she had a ten day holiday visiting her sister and her brother and their families. Mr. and Mrs. John Donaldson Jr. with their children Brenda and Ricky from Levack, north- west of Sudubury, spent a happy week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Donaldson, Carrville West, Mrs. Ernie King was given a surprise party by a dozen friends and neighbors on Wednesday af- ternoon. For a going-away gift she was presented with a mag- azine-rack-end-table and a lamp. M. and Mrs. King and family left on Saturday for their new home in Lansing. They will be missed very much in Richvale where Mr. King has been Cub- Socials till 9 o’clock THOUSANDS TO CHOOSE FROM 3 FOR 99 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. E. TAYLOR 161 Spruce Avenue __ Phone AV. 5-4293 DOZ a†4 TINS LB 89 RICHVALE NEWS TOUT-HIRTZ On Friday, May 23, 1958, at 8 p.m., in the Richmond Hill Uni- ted Church by the Rev. C. G. Higg'inson, the wedding was qui- etly solemnized between Lilian, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hirtz, Carrville West, Richvale, and James Roy Tout, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tout of Richvale. Two silver medals were won by 15 year old Judy Nichols for her piano solo in the under 16 year old class and also in the under 17 year old class. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a two-piece blue silk print dress with match- ing coat. white picture hat, white gloves. black shoes, and carried a bouquet of white Chrysanthe- mums. Her attendant, Mrs. Gor- don Tozer. sister of the bride, wore a white print with white hat, accessories to match and carried a mixed bouquet of flow- ers. Best man was Russell Tout, brother of the groom. The Old Mill. in Toronto, was the scene of the reception. Here the mother of the bride received wearing a blue Organza dreSS with white picture hat, white gloves and navy shoes. She was assisted by the mother of the groom who was attired in pale rose with matching hat and white gloves. The happy couple left for Cleveland on their honeymoon. On their return they will live in Toronto. Congratulations to three of Richvales talented young ladies. In the recent York County Music Festival 13 year old Lona Martin won a gold medal for piano solo in the under 16 year old class and a gold medal in the under 18~year-old class and was awarded a scholarship. She als came sec- ond in the Bach class for 17 year olds in the Peel County Music Festival, and placed fourth in the open Beethoven tempetition. Eleven year old Marion Martin won a bronze medal in the under 13 year old class for piano solo in the Peel County Festival. Brigade's proposed new rziateiié $68 for the ï¬rst hour and $32 for each hour thereafter or part thereof. are President, Mr. William Nor- ris; Vice president. Mrs. R. J. Miller; Secreary, Mrs. J. Mc- Carthy; Treasurer. Mrs. J. Kirk; Executive Member. Mrs. J. Tay- lor. Mr and Mrs. Howard Nicholls flew to Montreal on Saturday where they were guests of honor at a dinner commemorating 25 years of service with James Rich- ardson and Sons of Toronto. They returned home by air on Sunday night. Music Festival STOUFFVILLE : Stouffville Fire Sanitary Contractor Mrs. Thomas Wood returned last Saturday week from Brdck- ville where she has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Al Smith. the former Kathleen Red. for a week and a half. null/Ir. E. J. Sand was suddenly called to Sault Ste Marie on Fri- day when his mother was taken ill at her home tbgre._ I C. STUNDEN RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1245 Drains Cieaned & Repaired MAY 29. 30 Thurs, Fri. MAY 31, JUNE 2 Sat., Mon. JUNE 3. 4 Tues., Wed. Septic Tanks Punmed Webbing) RUN FOR THE SUN (Cinemascope) (Technicolor) Robert )Iitchum Frank Sinatra NIGHTMARE Edward G. Robinson IRON PETTICOAT (Technicolor) Bob Hope SCARLET COAT (Cinemascope) (Technicolor) Comel Wilda HIT THE DECK LAST HUNT (Technicolor) Robert Taylor Stewart Granger (Cinemascope) (Technicolor) Jane Powell Tony Martin Cartoon Cartoon Cartoon :v-- _ The Doncaster Ratepayers held an executive meeting on Tues- day, May 20, at the home of Mr. Russell, Proctor Ave. Plans were made to attend the council meet- ing on Monday. May 26. yy:_.Lu_._ .1 The Doncaster Community La- dies Club are planning to visit the York Pioneer Museum on Wednesday, June 4. Anyone wish- ing to attend meet at Barbour’s General Store at 6:30 pm. . n -. _ The Doncaster and Highland Park Teenage Club met at Hen derson Ave. School on Monday, May 26. The teenagers enjoyed an evening of dancing. This was the last indoor meeting of the season. Plans are being made for some outdoor events during the summer. The sympathy of the neighbor- hood is extended to Mrs. B. Gain. Henderson Ave, on the loss of her father. Mrs. Gain flew to Winnipeg to attend the funeral. Mr. and ’Mrs'. Camiin children, Henderson Ave., moving to Peterborough. STUART PAXTON Correspondent: David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AV. 5-2288 The St. John Ambulance Corps is planning to give a seven week course in First Aid. The course will start in September, if 20 or more people register. Call Mrs. Allison, Morgan Ave.. AV. 5- 4311 if you are interested. Friends and neighbours of Mrs. Carle, Morgan Ave. held a stark shower at her home 0 Wednesday, May 21. - Friends and neighbours of Mr. and Mrs. Vangog, Henderson Ave., are sorry to hear that their infant son was operated on in the Hospital for Sick Children, and wish himAa speedy recovery. Happy birthday to Bob Flew welllng, Glen Cameron Ave., who celebrated his seventh birth- day with a party on May 23. WIRING AV. 5-4991 Phone TUrner 4-2881 DONCASTER The AE every trucking problem... IW M c H EVRO LET ‘ Electrician MORE SALES MEAN MORE JOBS! See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer for quick appraisalâ€"prompt delivery LINE WORK Cam/in and are YONGE ST. NORTH, RICHMOND HILL IT’S STORAGE TIME Now AT BARTH'S HAVE YOUR FURS PICKED UP TO-DAY Also For Your Convenience We Have The New Only EDZ.93 per box includes insurance protection up to $250. iv FULL STORAGE PROTECTION * MORE CLOSET SPACE for * ONE PRICE STORAGE RATE PLUS USUAL CLEANING CHARGES | AND BLANKETS (FUR on FUR TRIM ARTICLES EXCLUDED) Drive In Pick-up and Delivery Speedy Service Drive In - - - No Parking Problems TU. 4-2291 TU‘ “ V ' vV" w JIMIWH! “=SHIRT SE 198 YONGE STREET NORTH, RICHMOND HILL Now . you can enjoy your summer things from moths, ï¬re and theft everything stores for one price THE THRIFTY WAY TO STORE THOSE WOOLLENS MOTORS LTD. p9 SEND SUITS, DRESSES, COATS, CHILDREN'S CLOTHES, JACKETS, SWEATERS, SKIRTS AND BLANKETS amper- They're designed to take anything and more of it! No wonder more Chevrolet Trucks are sold each year than any other m make. It's the only one-ton panel in the industry â€" ten feet long by 31mm! six feet wide â€" offering fully 213 cubic feet of load-space! And it‘s only one of six Chevrolet panels! With two body styles, three body length: and ten handy, hand- some models. Chev- rolet pickups are way ahead in meet- ing your require- ments. TU. 4-2329 TU. 4-1194