Richvale Pontiac - Buick - G.M.C. Trucks AV. 5-4351 AV. 5-11102 See me at Rich-Hill Motors Council gave preliminary study to two new by-Iaws, one per- taining to transient traders and the other to the licensing of an a".’;uoneers within the munici- pality. 7 The tap for transient traders which is still to be set can vary Work Must Be (Continued from page 1) ‘apglyflto 31! types of‘development All service and repairs are done by G.M.C. Train’ed Personnel. We guarantee you satisfactory service Call Us For Service 93 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill and that special glow of loveliness is captured for keeps in a wedding portrait by our studio. To share you: happiest day with others, order extra prints for those most dear. You'll ï¬nd cur prices most reasonable! Richmond Hill Citizen's Committee was a drinker for 33 .years, now working w_ith MANSE TAYLOR, Service Manager in the Municipal Council Chambers at 8.30 pm. TIP TOP’S SEMI-ANNUAL Satisfaction Guaranteed INFORMATION PUBLIC MEETING ALFRED SEARLE or Money Ref unded TU. 4-1314 TU. 4-1639 Alcoholics at the Harbour Light Mission LAGERQUIST STUDIO This Sunday Night, June Ist about the June let Liquor Vote Call any number below after 5.30 pm. ’ortralts All Brides are beautiful. . . your day of days i in SPECIAL SPEAKER IF YOU WANT its ï¬re committee in order to discuss the proposed new Rich- mond Hill ï¬re agreement and the matter of increased rates. Following the council meeting Markham's ï¬re committee trav- elled to Richmond Hill to meet year course will be available in North York High Schools this year. Northview Heights will be the ï¬rst school to have it. The students will take grades 10, 11 and 12 in two years and then return to the Grade 13 Curricu- lum. Overcrowding has prevent- ed adoption of the course in oth- er schools this year. Council has awarded its ten- der for this year's supply of weed spray to J. B. 8: D. Co. of Union- ville. They were seiected from among {our tenders received on recommendation of the county weed inspector and the road committee. from $10000 to $300.00. Any trader who remains in the mun- icipality can have the fee applied towards his business tax. Under the new auctioneer licence by- law all auctioneers will have to secure licenses from the mum'- cipality. ln {he past a county 1i- cence was all that was required. The licence fee can vary from $5.00 to $50.00. NORTH YORK STUDIO NAME HERE PHONE NUMBER Call, write, or non In soon to mdka your appointment and alum (Mall: of your wedding pictures. Completed TU. 4-4018 TU. 4-1868 CLEARANCE The ï¬rst four~ TU. 4‘2791 lai _The accelerated program be- gins in grade 3. The slow stream in grade 1. The latter procedure insures a good foundation. its advocates believe, and it has ,been found quite a number of slow learners “catch up" in later levels. It is possible by eighth grade to have completed the 24 levels in seven years and be ready for secondary school work. Always “Go Ahead" Trustee L. D. Clement wanted to know the feeling of the staff in regard to the .level system. Mr. Rose stated he had had no complaints and felt the teachers were in favor of it. Inspector W. J. McLeod in a letter to the board -indicated he was pleased with the progress in the local school system. .Trustee H. Sanderson desired an explanation for low percent. age in the accelerated stream at McConaghy School where it is .only 5%. Mr. Rose said there was a variation possible in the year by year averages. He felt perhaps there was a more can tious attitude on the part of some of the‘ teachers there due to some over acceleration sevâ€" era_l years ago. Inspectorate tests are given in the 8th grade. These are a com prehensive check on the reading, spelling, composition and arith- metic ability of the child com- pleting ‘public school by the De- pagtment of Egucation Inspector. Mr. Rose pointed out that un- der this system the child was al- ways “going ahead even if slow- ly.†Level tests. prepared by the start out the year with two levels and achievement tests aid in as- certaining the proper level for a child. It is possible a class may staff and uniform for the system. in the room. however, Mr. Rose contends these usually end up divided into three. All levels in a particular classroom are taught by the same teacher, who often has three separate groups at work at the same time, at other times the class participates in an activity as a unit. Trustee L. Clement said it apâ€" tion to over-ambitious parents and said the exceptional child was not always the one who was accelerated. Trustee L. Clement said it ap peared any child would have a comprehensive education under this system and \he stated furâ€" ther, “The problem of accelera- tion is a complex one." Supervising Principal Duard Rose presented a table showing the averages for total enrollment and also for the four individual schools. based on three levels; slow, average an accelerated. He emphasized that local teachers and principals have been work- ing diligently on the programme. Mr .Rose said the teachers were told their ability was not being judged by the number of pupils accelerated but the teachers were to assess each child in the light of his needs and abilities. The averages this year over the whole system worked out to 73% in the average stream, 17% in the slow stream, and 10% in the ac- celerated stream. It was pointed out a Child who requires more time for absorb- ing his course, is not the same as a child needing the beneï¬t of an opportunity class. To be in an opportunity class the child least two years and needs spec has usually fallen behind at least two years and needs spec- ial attention to develop his po- tentialities. Some children would. it was suggested. beneï¬t by an academic-vocational class, or Grade 81,4; before entering high school. The local board hopes to discuss the possibility of the av ailability o fsuch a program with the Education Committee of the York Central District High School Board later to ascertain whether such a class would be better in elementary or second- ary schools. Average Stream Important Public School Board An evaluation of the level sys- tem now in operation in the pub- lic schools in Richmond Hill, took up most of the evening at last Thursday's meeting of the Rich- mond Hill Public School Board. Chairman R. Ross commented “It's the average stream where Study Results Of The Local Level System Fleet Street s60 Clothes Regular $75.00 202;, Property values would inevit- ably fall said the speaker. in his own parish the decreases had been large, and we here could expect the same trend. ‘If you want to keep Richmond Hill the clean, nice town it is," said Mr. Brailey, “then you have to get out and ï¬ght now before it is too late." It is the moral respon- sibility of Christians of every denomination to make a stand on this issue, he said. Manager Ralph Kerslake then gave his report. and emphasized ï¬rst the need for prayer by all who are interested and secondly the need for hard work by every- one concerned. Many volunteer- ed to help in various ways dur- ing the course of the business session. and Dr. J. P. Wilson stressed the urgent need for ï¬nancial assistance in the cam- paign. Speaker Urges Town Stay Dry There were more than eighty in attendance at a meeting in the Municipal Hall Sunday evening when Rev. Fred W. L. Brailey spoke in opposition to the pro- posed establishment of beer and gqï¬or retail outlets in Richmond 1 . Mr. Brailey, of the United Church Board of Social Service, spoke of his efforts in similar situations. He had faced the en- trance of just such beer and liquor outlets. being assured by all concerned that this was the solution to ‘the problems of his community. However, his was now the most heavily saturated area in the country for beer and beverage rooms and all that goes with them. “Don’t be fooled,†Mr. Brailey warned his listeners, “beverage rooms are inevitable if you let these outlets in. Maybe not right away but at every op- portunity the liquor interests will make sure the vote is brought up.!l Mr. Rose added. “LIt appears to be the thing we are looking for. The teachers have co-oper- ated wonderfully" Mr. Rose assured him. “They won’t be." Chairman Ross asked Mr. Rose to inform the staï¬â€˜ of the board’s discussion and stated that it seemed to be a “progressive method." The individual schools are as follows: Beverley Acres with 611 pupils, 91 are in the slow stream, 54 accelerated. 466 in average: MacKillop, 548 pupils, 106 slow, 92 accelerated. 350 average; Wal- ter Scott, 432 pupils. 56 slow, 34 accelerated, 342 average; and McCOnaghy, 365 pupils. 85 slow, 18 accelerated, 262 average most of tie children aré that is important and can’t be vforgot- ten." " At Trustee Sanderson‘s sugges- tion the board decided to have another report next December from the Supervising Principal concerning the average for the system. NEWMARKET : During 1957 there were close to 18,3070 cases presented at Magistrate's Court. Newmarket. Over 900 prisoners were lodged in the cells at New market. The County of York will be represented at the forth- coming convention of the |Canadian Mayors and Reeves Association by Warden Fred Armstrong of Voodbridge, Reeve W. L. Cla k of Mark- ham Township and Reeve Roy Pollock of North Gwill- imbury Township. Both Messrs. Clark and Pollock are county commissioners this year. Also attending is coun- ty clerk J. L. Smith. The convention is being held at Victoria. BC. this year. Well known munibipal sol- icitor. J. D. Lucas, is also planning to attend. County To Be Represented At Convention OI‘J REGULAR PRICES TAILORED TO MEASURE SUITS Men’s and Boys’ Wear 20 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill 'I‘U. 4-2063 . J. CRAIGIE Tip Top Clothes Regular $65.00 2 PC. SUIT The curtain club's newly elect‘ ed executive for the coming 1958- 1959 season is: Mr Gerald Crack President: Mr. E. Redelmeier, Treasurer; Mrs. M. Gillard. Memâ€" bership; Mrs. R. Rabinowitch, Publicity; Mrs. M. Graham, Re- cording Secretary. The annual picnic is being held June 13th, in Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Parker's garden. John ’it., Thornhill. Mrs. J. Anderson is refreshment convenor for the ev- ent. The executive agreed to en- ter a Curtain Club float in the forthcoming soft ball parade. "‘he Curtain Club has an impressive record on summing up the past season’s activities. Their Cancer Fund Skit was enthusiastically received by the convention held at the Park Plaza early last aut- umn. ‘ Two full length plays were pro duced. The first. The Remarkable Mr. Pennypacker brings to mem- ory the delightful children and adults who peopled the cast, marvelously costumed in early 1900 styles. The excellent ‘stage set where distinct locations were suggested in one set. The 'living room, garden and road down which all the children ran away from home. It was a delightful production. The organization favouring the establishment of retail outlets for beer and liquov here will be "nown as the Richmond Hill 1 2fal Control Committee. A meet- m; was held Tuesda, evening in the Bayview Plaza Restaurant and was attended by representatives from all parts of town. Sub-com- mittees were set up to deal with publicity, finance and transport- ation. Speakers emphasized that the public should be assured the vote is for the establishment of retail establishments only and has .nothing to do with beverage rooms. ‘ Richmond Hill Legal Control ‘Committee members are as fol- .hws: T. Broadhurst, Beverley “Acres, Chairman; Mrs. Doreen ‘Lewin, Beverley Acres, Secretary; ‘W. Whitehead, Glenbrae; J. Tri- ‘ance, Crosby Heights; A. E. Har- ley. Pleasantville; A. Lewin, Bev- rrley Acres. J. Feller. Beverley ‘Acres; W. Mason Beverley Acres: ‘R Querenguesser, Pleasantville; The new executive confirmed the booking of the Lions Hall, November 13th, 14th, and 15th, for the fall play production. This play will be screened for competition in the next year’s Ontario Drama League at Hart House. Committee Will Urge A Yes Vote D. Si Burn; Richmond Acres; Job. Allancourt One evening later a number of PRESIDENT GERALD CRACK The next big event was the casting , rehearsing, designing of sets and costumes fo. the play “The Marriage“. Two complete sets were needed for this one, and a most difficult costuming job faced us, but this play was succes- sfully screened and invited to compete at Hart douse with the other regional winners for a chance to enter the Dominion Finals. members entered the Shakespear- ian contest held at the Church of the Redeemer at Bloor and Avenue Road. The club Was very proud of their showing that night. At different times during the last season the club has been able to assist school and church drama production with flats, costâ€" umes and props for their product- ions. Such an exciting evening THAT was at Hart House. The packed house resounded with laughter, the sets were applauded. Mr: Ivor Jackson, who took the lead role won best actors award. Our director Mr. Rex Sevenoaks won best supporting actor. Honorable mention for best actress went to Mrs Margot Crack. Honor- able mentioned best supporting actressess. Mrs. Wanda Trott, Mrs. Beth Jones, and to top it off runners up for best visual production. The coming play season nas promise of bigger and better things. The Curtian Club's mem- bership is growing and there is a welcome awaiting new, active or associate members. Mrs. M. Gil- lard may be contacted regarding membership information. TU. 4- 1207. Richmonu Hill AV. 5-4991 YORK COUNTY'S lARGEST CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE DEALER WHERE WHERE WHERE WHERE WHERE WHERE THE LIBERAL} Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 29, 1958 PAYS '0 B II V YOU BUY AT THE LOWEST PRICE. YOU GET THE LARGEST SELECTION. YOU PAY THE LOWEST DOWN PAYMENT. YOU GET THE LONGEST TERMS. YOU GET FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE. YOU GET THE BEST GUARANTEE. AUTO I BUY Yonge Street North Principals and teachers from he Public Schools in York County members of the O.P.S.M.T.F. (Ontario Public School Men Tea~ cher’s Federation) attended the federation dinner and election meeting at Unionville. last Mon- day evening. Richmond Hill Pub- lic Schools were represented by Supervising Principal D, Rose, er. Garnet McDiarmid. Principal 10f L M. McConaghy School. Mr. ‘Eldon Gooding. Principal of Mac- Killop School: Mr. C. Davidson, Principal of Walter Scott School; and 'Mr. Grant Nighswander. Principal of Beverley Acres School. and a number of teach- ‘ers of various grades. Present also were Inspectors Maynard Hallman, and W. J. McLeod. of the Ontario Department of Ed- ucation. Mr. Hugh Grant Re-Elected President Men Teacher's Fed. Election of officers followed the dinner, resulting in the re- election of the 1957-58 executive. President, Hugh Grant, New- market: Vice-president, Karl Kinzinger. Richvale; Secretary- Treasurer. Grant McDiarmld, of Richmond Hill. Federation busi- ness was discussed by the mem- bers and motions carried. The guest Speaker, Mr. J. Mc- Carthy, Assistant Superinten- dent in charge of Curriculum, Ontario Department of Educa- tion, was introduced by Inspec- MOTVORS ‘LTDa irrell Richmond CARS tor Hallman and Inspector Mc- Leod. During his address. in a dynamic and humorous manner. the speaker concisely cove_red_ a of great interest and' value to those present. First citing the demand for teachers, due to the increase in population. also the opportunities existing in the profession, the speaker stressed the need for improvement in many divisions and predicted constructive changes within a year. At the conclusion of Mr. Mc- Carthy's extremely enlightening and valued talk. the vote of thanks proposed by Mr. John Day was received with loud and sin- cere applause by the federation members present. hingréét number of phases in the educational ï¬eld, which proved SCARBOROUGH : Principals of the Scarborough high schools lauded a decision by the police to charge any student hitch-hik- ing to or from school. Traffic In- spector Norman Young says that the accident and near accident rate was rising steadily. The stu- dents strung out along the road have caused cars to swerve out into the wrong lane. A motorist picking up a hitchâ€"hiker is also liable to a penalty. Hill TU. 4-1194