R‘pam - RADIO . Hl-Fl T.v CUSTOM CAR RADIOS ALWAYS O 8 pm. to 11 pm. If you are going to the cottage the weekend of the 2131, make sure you and others in your family of voting age attend the Advance Poll. TU. 4-2291 HOURS DATE ADVANCE POLL. LOCATION â€" RICHMOND THEATRE GRILL RICHMOND mu. Stop 22 Yonge Street ‘ AV. 5-2669 A GOOD PLACE TO EAT If you expect to be away on Saturday, June 21 (the regular voting day) you may vote at the "=smk'r-snflm 19s YONGE STREET NORTH RICHMOND HILL Drive In - - N 0 Parking Problems ADVANCE POLL 7 valves performing 12 functions, 8 plus 11 circuits, 4 wave bands. SW 16 -â€" 50 meters, 7 push buttons, 3-D System with three perm. dyn. loudspeak- ers. NORDMENDE 6-_key Tone Register. separate bass and treble controls, magic tape, ferrit antenna and VHF dipole, duplex drive. 6-watt output, diode socket for tape recorder and socket for external speaker. NORD- MENDE preceding double circuit, 5000 fold selectivity. band width circmt. multiple feed-back. F.M.-limiter with suppressor grid modulation VHF full view dial with station names, 4-speed record player with adjustable pick-up for standard and micro groove. Size: 25x14 618 x 14 1/8 in. luisier Naur Geboorielun 74 Yonge St. S. Price YEREX ‘RICHVALE ELECTRONICS At the Town Hall Tonight, June 12 $249.95 RICHMOND HILL LEGAL CONTROL COMMITTEE ANTENNAS INSTALLED $49.95 N ordMende PhonoSuper ' 58 This is the ideal combination of Radio Receiver and Phonograph, it allows you to arrange your listening just the way your temporary mood calls for. Playing records will give you full satisfaction because the 6-key Hi-Fi Tone Reg- ister will enable you to get the utmost from them. The NORDMENDE Phono Super is pleasâ€" ant in its style, great in performance and ï¬rst class in sound. TU. 4-1552 TU. 4-2329 The annual Laymen's service was held on Sunday afternoon with a good attendance. Mr. Per- cy Bennett was in charge of the service. Mr. Donald Boynton led the Responsive Reading. . Mr. Frank Nichols read the lst Scrip- ture Lesson and Mr. Matt Taylor read the 2nd Scripture Lesson. The guest choir was the Temper- anceville junior choir, under the direction of Mr. David McClure. The children sang "A Prayer of Thanksgiving", "The Lord's Prayerâ€. and "Gently Lord, 0 Gently Lead Us," which was very much enjoyed. The choir director also sang a solo, "The Blind Ploughman," accompanied at the organ by Mr. Graham Grant The guest speaker was Mr. Delbert Booth of Kettleby, whose ser- mon was “My Father's Business.†Sunday School Anniversary The annual Sunday'School An- niversary will be held on Sunday, June 15, at 2.30 pm There will be no Sunday School but all the children are asked to be present The boys on the baseball tea did very well this naet. v ' - Tuesday evening they played at Richvale and won 4â€"3; l‘hursuay evening they defeated Lake Wil- cox 27â€"8. On Thursday evening. June 12, the team will meet the Oak Ridges team; and on Tues- day will play host to the Main- prize team. ‘ Laymen's Service The regular monthly meeting of the Sr. Women's Institute was held on Tuesday evening of last week at the home of Mrs. Stanâ€" ley Boynton with 21 ladies pres- ent. The roll call Was answered by “ways and means to better our meetings". Mrs. A. Frisby gave a reading Mrs Jack Rum- ney sang a solo. Mrs. Reid Brum- well gave a report of the Dis- trict meeting held at Markham recently. Mrs. Nellie Snider gave a report of the officers’ confer- ence at 0.A.C. Mrs. J'Ick Rum- my and Mrs. Allan Orr sang a duet. Mrs. Lawson Mumberson gave the highlights of a trip to California and the southern states that she and her husband took this past winter. .It was very much enjoyed. Following the meeing refreshments were ser- ved by the committee in charge. W.M.S. Six members of the W.M.S. from here attended the second Spring Rally held in Markham United Church on Tuesday, June 3. It was a very wonderful meet- ing with a large attendance. Budget for the W.M.S. in Cana- da for the coming year is $1,360,- 000, the York Presbyterial allo- cation is $16,200. ' Baseball septic Tanks Pumped & Cleaned . 24 HOUR SERVICE RICHVAIE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE S. BAKER 138 CIrrvIlle Road West AV. 5-4563 Sr. Women’s Institute We Deliver Toronto and Surrounding Districts PHONE TU. 4-1812 AT ALL HOURS RICE’S FLOWERS RICHMOND HILL CORRESPONDENT VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS *Flowers For All Occasions†NT : MRS W. SANDLE. Victoria sonar. Télephone _Gormley 542! ley were guests at the Steckley- Sampson wedding in Belleville Baptist Chprch on Saturday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steck- For three days the last week in May Mrs. Louis Nichols and other members of the Wellman family had a happy visit with Mrs. Elizabeth Wice, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Broom, son-in-law and daughter of Mrs Wice. Mrs. Wice is Mrs. Nichols' eldest liv- ‘ ing sister, in her 90th year, and had motored almost 4500 miles from her home in Calgary, Alta. She will have completed more than 8,000 miles when she reach- es home. Years ago oefore marr riage. Mrs. Wice went to Sundw School and church here. She did not weary travelling and enjoy- ed fully her visit, although many of her former friends had gone to their reward. Mrs. Winnifred Mortson and Miss Connie Mortson spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson and_family. A speedy recovery is wished for Mrs. Kenneth Petty who was injured in a‘ motor car accdent last week. The pupils of the senior room of S. S. No. 7 had a ,birthday cake decoratefl with candles in honour bf the birthday of Mr. Bert Moorby, their principal on June 6. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stack- ley spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Foster Gunfoulus at Belleville. 6. Birthday greetings to Bobby Nichols who will be 10 years old on June 13; to Mrs. Donald Pick- ering for June 14; to Cheryl Cochrane who will be 13 on June 15. A number from here attended the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Sanderson of Richmond Hill on Thursday of last week. Mrs. S. Boynton poun- ed tea and Mrs. Lloyd Cunning assisted 'wjth the serving. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson attended the , lliot-Collinson wedding at the' eston United Church Saturday afternoon. The second meeting for pro- spective church members will be Held on Tuesday evening. June 17, at 8 p.m. in Brown's Corners United Church. This class is for adults only. Neighborhood Notes Mr. and Mrs. Harold' Heise, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bolender and Miss Mabel Sanderson were guests at the Bos-Grove wedding on Saturdéy. Belated birthday greetings to Mr. Lorne Clublne for June 3. gnd_ _to__IV[r. Bert Moorby for June The regular monthly meeting of the WA. will be held on Wed- nesday evening, June 18, at the home of Mrs. John McCague. Roll call will be answered by “A favorite verse of scripture.“ Church News Rev. A .F. Binnington was the guest anniversary speaker at the Pine Grove United Church on Sunday. and not at the Uxbridge United Church as reported last week. by 2 pm. so that they arrange their classes in order to march in for the church service. Rev A. F. Blnnington will be the speaker. his sermon theme. "Ath- letes for Christ." Special music will be given by four coloured children. W. A. ' /Messrs. ' Frank Nichols and Kenneth Pickering spent Satur- day at Richmond Hill helping to get the machinery at the pea plant in running order, as some ï¬elds of peas are now white with blossoms. Mr. Orlando Friesen and Mr. Desmond Meed spent Sunday wï¬th Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols apd flamily, BUS-GROVE A very pretty wedding took place Saturday afternoon, June 7. 1958, at 3 o’clock, in 'the Secâ€" ond Markham Baptist Church when Norma Joy, daughter of Mr. Leslie Grove and the late Mrs. Grove became the bride of Mr. Norman Bos. son of Mr. and Mrs. 1305 of Holland. - Mrs. Olive Williams and Miss Mabel Sanderson visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and Mr. and Mrs. E. Charlton at Creemore on Sun- day. , Webbing 'At the reception which was held in the Parkside Christian Youth Centre. Stouffville, Mrs. Wideman of Markham, an aunt of the bride. received with Mr. Grove. also Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Mullen of Stouï¬â€˜vlle in the ab- sence of Mr. and Mrs. 1305, who still reside in Holland. After the lovely luncheon, Mrs. Oldham again sang, “0 Happy Home" Amid showers of confetti and good wishes the happy couple left for Eastern Ontario. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Bo: will reside at Victoria Square. Rev. Bruce 'Heise performed the double-ring ceremony, assist- ed by Rev. Dearmond of the Christian Churcn, Stoutfville. The wedding music was played by Mr. Clarion Baker. During the service Mrs. Alma Oldham sang the 23rd, Psalm and, 0 Fa- ther All Creating. Given in marriage by her fath- er, the bride was gowned in a floor length flowera embroidered net dress over taffeta and with Mrs. Betty Ballantyne was her cousin's only attendant, gowned in pink taffeta. Best man was Mr. Imco Hazelburg, a friend of the groom's from Holland. The ushers were Messrs. Leslie and Wesley Grove, twin brothers of the bride. a ï¬ngertip veil. She réaFrleduxga rosebuds and carnations on a white Bible. Church News The Temperanceville Junior Choir with Miss Joan Hare as organist and Mr. David McClure as director were guests at the Layman‘s Service at Victoria Square on Sunday. June 8. They are all to be congratulated on their ï¬ne singing of the hymns and “The Lord's Prayer. It was indeed a pleasure ior’all pres- ent. David also sang a solo. Mr. Wm. Turner was the guest or- ganist. Mr. John Mullins conducted the June 8th service. delivering a very effective sermon. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Thompson and Billy after attending the ser- vice at Victoria Square were guests of Mrs. Snider. The junior choir will supply the music on Sunday. June 15. at Temperancevllle. There will be no practlcé on Saturday. The group is asked to be at church Sunday morning at 9.30 sharp. Rev. Kennedy will conduct the sex-Vice. On Thursday, June 19, in the afternoon the strawberries will be cleaned for the supper, at the home of Mrs. Macklin. The hurch will be cleaned on the Monday night previous to the Mr. Sam Mashinter expects to return home this week end after a two weeks illnss at Newmarket Hospital. Friends wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Jen- nings with six- others of King district attended the Lions Con- vention held at North Bay. There were about 1900 present at the convention. Ladies Note CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MILTON WELLS. R. R. 3 KING Phone PR. 3-5239 TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS Enjoy low-cost, w hot water ' _ with an - Automatic Electric Water Heater Live better electricallyâ€"safe, clean, modem For only a few cents a day, you can enjoy plenty of hot water for your household needs, with an automatic electric water heater at special low Hydro flat rates. supper and table convenors are Mrs. W. Turner. Mrs. F. Bell. Mrs. W. Jennings. Mrs. L. Cun- ningham and Mrs. M. Wells. Personals Those who were able to attend and enjoy the “HHS. Spring Rally at Markham on June 3. were Mrs. Fred Hare. Mrs. Albert Folllott. Mrs. Milton Wells. Mrs. Ray Jennings. Mrs. Lorne Cun- ningham. Mrs. Wm. Turner and Mrs. Fred Boys. Rev. and Mrs. Mesley were guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. Don Chalk and attended Temperance- ville Church on Sunday. On Saturday. June 7. Mr. Ted Little and son John attended the Cub Rally for York Summit Area. The 1st King Wolf Cub Pack Were the tug-of-war champions in a competition of 21 packs. They also received an A pennant fox: work during tpe yar. Judith Littie celebrated her birthday on Saturday by having as her guests Laris Nissen, John and Nancy Jennings. Paul and Terry Chalk. Michael Mesley. Margaret Pearce. Anna-Rita Buc- ci. Elizabeth Whitman, Sheila Boys and Ann Paxton. Mr. and Mrs. George Paulson and 3 daughters visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Jennings and were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Umehara on Sunday. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Little were cousins, Mr. and Mrs. A1. Hancock a_nd their 91 year old uncle. Mr. Hancock of Toronto. USE LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS BRING RESULTS )ONTARIOLEZ? THE LIBERAL, Rirhmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. June 12. 1958 Lo†“((71 Repairs and precision sharpening to all makes and models of hand and power mowers. Rotary blades hollow ground and balanced (for safety). Authorized Service Dealer for Power Products and Lauson Motors. No job too small. 56 Rumble Ave. Richmond Hill Specializing in Purebred Cattle. Farm Stock, Furniture and Implements Phone Gnrmley 5311 ALVIN S. FARMER We personally handle all sale bills and advertising. RELIABLE MOWER REPAIRS Licensed Auctioneer for YORK AND ONTARIO COUNTIES 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE Pickup and Deli véry TU. 4-28I8 Gormley. Ont.