Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Jun 1958, p. 12

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12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. June 19. 1958 FOR POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 1: Comprising all that portion of the town lying east of the centre line of Ruggles Ave., south of the centre llne of Palmer Ave.,'at 461 Paliser Crescent North. FOR POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 2: Comprising all that portion of the Town lying east of the centre line of Ruggles Ave. and north of the centre line of Palmer Ave. and west of the centre line of Bayview Ave. and south of the centre line of Markham Road, at 154 Lennox Ave, FOR POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 3: Comprising all that portion of the Town lying north of the centre line of Markham Rd., east of the C.N.R. and south of *the centre line of Centre Street east at 85 Beaverton Rd. S. FOR POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 4: Comprising all that portion of the Town lying north of the centre line of Centre St. East. east of the C.N.R., south of the centre line ofCartier Cresc., north to the centre line of Tor- more Dr., east of the centre line of Tormore Dr., south of the centre line of Cartier Cres. South and Lindley Blvd., said line extended to the C.N.R., at 70‘ ’Rockport Crescent. FOR POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 5: Comprising all that portion of the Town lying north of the centre line of Cartier Cres. North to the centre line of Tormore Drive, north of the centre line of Cartier Cres. S. and Lind- ley Dr., said line extended to the C.N.R‘, west of C.N.R. and south of the centre line of Crosby Ave. at 421 Balkan Road. . FOR POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 6: Comprising all that portion of the Town lying north of the centre line of Crosby Ave., and east of the centre line of Neal Drive at 442 Lynett Crescent. from the hour of 8 am. until 7 pm. Standard Time (9 am. until 8 pm. D. S.T.) at the following places: FOR POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 7: Comprising all that portion of the Town lying south of the centre line of Kerswell Dr., east of the centre line of Kinsman Rd., Browndale Cres. E.. and Keats Rd., north of the cen- tre line of Taylor Mills Dr. S., and west of the centre line of Neal Drive at 334 Browndale Crescent. FQEEOLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 8: Comprising all that portion of the Town lying east of the centre line of Taylor Mills Drive, north of the cen- tre line of Crosby, west of the centre line of Neal Drive, south of the centre line of Taylor Mills Dr. 5., west of the centre line of Keats Road, Brown- dale Cres. E., and Kinsman Road, north of the centre line of Kerswell Drive, and west of the centre line of Neal Drive, at 301 Taylor Mills Drive South. FOR POLLING SUBDIVISON NO. 9: Comprising all that portion of the town lying west of the centre line of Taylor Mills Dr., north of the centre line of Crosby Ave, and east of the C.N.R. at 250 Blue Grass Blvd. FOR POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 10: Comprising all that portion of the Town lying east of the centre line of Yonge St., north of the centre line of Centre St. 171., and west of the C.N.R. at Municipal Hall. FOR POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 11: Comprising all that portion of the Town bounded on the north by the centre line of Centre Street East, on the south by the centre line of Markham Road, on the west by the centre line of Yonge St., and on the east by the C.N.R. at Municipal Hall. FOR POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 12: Comprising all that portion of the Town lying east of the centre line of Yonge Street, south of the centre line of Markham Road, and west of the centre line of Ruggles Ave., at 237 Church St. South. And notice is further given that the vote will be taken upon the same questions, in the manner provided by law at a poll to be opened on the Public notice is hereby given. that in accordance with the provisions of The Liquor Licence Act, and in pursuance of a by-law passed by the municipal council of the Town of Richmond Hill on the Fourteenth day of April, 1958, I require the presence of the voters at the Town Hall in the Town of Richmond Hill on the Seventh day of June. 1958. at one o‘clock in the afternoon, Standard Time. at which time I will announce the names of the persons appointed to act for the Affirmative and for the Negative respectively upon the poll to be holden under Section 69 of the Liquor Licence Act, upon the following questions, FOR POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 13: Comprising all that portion of the Town lying south of the centre line of Centre St. W., west of the centre line of Yonge St., north of the centre line of Vaughan Rd. and east of the centre line of Bridgeford St. at 83 Arnold St. FOR POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 14: Comprising all that portion of the Town lying west of the centre line of Yonge St., north of the centre line of 'Centre St. W., east of the centre line of Bridgeport, north of the centre line of Richmond, east of Bridgeport, and south of the centre line of Mill, Powell and Wright Streets, at 150 Richmond St. FOR POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 15: Comprising all that portion of the Town lying west of the centre line of Yonge St., north of the centre line of Hunt, Lucas and Rumble Ave. at 186 Yonge Street North. FOR POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 16: Comprising all that portion of the Town lying west of the centre line of Yonge St., south of the centre line of Hunt, Lucas and Rumble and north of the centre line of Mill, Powell and Wright Streets at 106 Benson Ave. FOR POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 17: Comprising all that portion of the Town lying west of the centre line of Bridgeford. south of the centre line of Richmond, west of the centre line of Bridgeport and south of the centre line of Mill St. at 308 Richmond Street. And further that at the Clerk's Office. Town Hall. Richmond Hill. on the Twenty~third day of June, 1958, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon (Stan- dard Time) I shall open the ballot boxes. add up the votes given upon the said questions. and declare the result of the said vote in the said Munici- pality of the Town of Richmond Hill. Of which all persons are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. Given under my hand at Richmond Hill this Twenty-eighth day of May, in the year 1958. P’ROCLAMATION Are you in favour of the establishment of government stores for the sale of liquor? TWENTY-FIRST DAY OF JUNE, 1958 RE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT VOTE The Municipality of the TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL List of Polling Places GOD SAVE THE QUEEN ONTARIO RUSSELL LYNETT, Are you in favour of the establishment of government stores for the sale of beer only for residence consump- tion? Returning Officer. Congratuations to Ross Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker, who has successfully completed his third year in Civil Engineer- ing at the University of Toronto. Ross is working with the Hydro Commission in Toronto this sum- mer. Jamie and Geoffrey Miller cel- ebrated their birthdays at a joint party on Monday of this week. Jamies was three years‘ old and Geofiery two. Attending the party were grandparents Mrs. Vivian Horton and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Miller, Micheal and Joe Horton. Mrs. Ernest Crisp was one of a party of eight women who visit- d New York last week. The group were guests at the resident hotel and attended the Talent Scout show and the Godfry show, a performance of South Pacific and took th boat trip around Man- hattan Island. They had a wond- erful time and only the weather was unco-operative, it rained practically every day. Approximately $60.00 was raisâ€" ed toward the purchase of music for Brown's Corners church choir on Saturday of last week when Mrs. A. W. Miller and the choir members entertained at an after- noon tea and bake sale at Mrs. Miller's home on Leslie Street. Choir leader Mrs. S. J. English and president Mrs. Aubrey Stephâ€" enson poured tea. On Sunday afernoon Mrs. A. W. Miller poured tea when Mrs. Walter Waterston of Unionvllle entertained at a farwell party for Mrs. P. R. Barley. Her husband Rev. P. R. Barley, who has been minister at the Unionville Gospel Centre for a number of years has been called to Pembroke and the family will move there short- ly. ‘Vacation School workers for the Victoria Square charge will meet at Headford Church on Monday evening of next week. June 23, at 8 pm. All interested people are urged to attend to make final plans for the school which will be held during the week of July 14-18. We heard from Dr. and Mrs. George Kelly recently and were happy to learn they are enjoy- ing their European jaunt. Nelghbourhood_ N qtes WM}. and Mrs. Charles Hooper were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, Orlllla, last‘week end. . Annual Decoration Service Dereck Heath, of Numeaton, England. near Covent. was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Hooper for five days recently. Dereck is one of a party of eight English and Scottish “Young Farmers" who have been visiting York County for ten days. Jim Leek was Dereck's host for the first five days. During his stay in lower York County, George Hopper was pleased to take him on a tour of M-H Farms, the Stock Yards and other points of interest. Lynda Leaf attended the wed- ding on Saturday of last week when Barbara Elson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Elson of Richmond Hill became the bride of Charles Stevenson, Toronto. The ceremony was held in Rich- mond Hill United Church with a reception at the University W0- men’s Club, 162 St. George St. Sunday. June 22, will be the 9th annual Decoration Day at Carrville Cemetery. The friends will gather at 2 pm. for decor- ating the graves, then at 230 p. m. there will be a Remembrance Service in the adjoining church We hope to see many gather to renew old friendships and make new, for in remembrance of our former friends, we knit ouselves the closer to the living. Church News The congregation of Camille United are to join with their sisâ€" ter church at Thornhill for a joint annual communion service at 11 a.m. Strawberry Supper Rev. George Townshend was in charge of the service at Can-ville United Church on Sunday. Joint Communion A very pleasant evening was spent at Carrville church hall on "Tuesday of last week when Mrs. J. Baker, Miss Dorothy Baker and Mrs. J. Barton were hostess- es at a miscellaneius shower for Kenneth Wood and Marilyn Hew- itt, who are being married at Carrville United Church on Sat- urday, June 14. They received many lovely and useful gifts and were more than pleased with them all. The hostesses served refreshments. assisted by, severâ€" al of the ladies completing a ple_asant evening. The annual strawberry supper will be on June 24, Tuesday, at Can-ville United church hall. See Coming Events for time and par- ticulars. Miscellaneous Shower Congratulations to Beverley Bushell who passed her grade 7 music exam and Margaret Will- iams her grade 6 music exam. 8“ Richvale Ornamental Iron Works Birrtday greetings tériA‘iice Rowding who celebrated her birthday on Saturday. June 14. Phone A V. 5-4421 Evenings AV. 5-3678 For Stair & Porch Rails, Grilles 8: Gratings, Fire Escapes. Portable Welding & Repairs. Correspondent: Mrs. Bert Middleton Telephone Maple 130R3 CARRVILLE CORRES‘PONDEN') : MRS F. u. LEAF R. R 2 Gonnley ~ Phone AXminster 3-6188 BUTTONVILLE NEWS At this month's joint meeting 0f the Unionville .‘unior T‘armers and Buttonville Jr. W.I. the guest speaker was Mrs. John Wilkins. Other attractions were pictures n-‘ England shown by the George Hoopers' guest. Dereck Hp * ‘ Nmeaton. England. and pictures of the Dominion Curling Bonspiel held in British Columbia this spring at which Murray Roberts rink represented Unionville, were shown by Mary Gough. There were over forty members present. The group meets reg- ulary on the first Monday of each month in the Assembly room at Leitchcroft, and during the summer they will hold a pic- nic in July and a corn roast in August to keep membership to- gether. On Saturday, June 28. they will motor to Guelph for the Ontario Junior Farmers Field Day. York Couny is sending a horseshoe pitching team and an entry in badminton tournament Don Brodie and Mrs. Joan Hoop- er are presidents of the local groups. Buttonville WJ. On Thursday afternoon of last week when Markham Township schools met at Morgan Park, Markham. for the annual Field Day. Buttonville students were well represented among the win- ners. In the Boys’ Class "A" (juniors), Bruce Durrant was vict- orious in the Standing Broad an dthe 100 yd. dash. Girls' Class "C" (Sr.) Jane Houck was first in the 60 yd. dash. and second in the Standing Broad and 2nd in the Running Broad. In Class “B” (Intermediate) Sandra Burr won the Standing Broad jump and Nancy Robertson took second place. In a foot race for Boys under 8 the winner was Norman Codin. Joint Meeting Members of the Buttonsville W.I. will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Alvin Robinson, Thornhill, on Thursday evening of this week. Hostesses will be Mrs. Robinson and Miss Elizabeth French. W.I. Garden Party Plans are going ahead {or the annual Garden Party sponsored by Buttonville WJ. and held on the grounds at Buttonville Hall. Each year this event is anticipat- ed with great interest, plan to attend. Represented At Field Day Sanford F. Phillips All Classes of Insurance H OMEOWNERS . . . HUdson 5-5444 A. I. I. C. Service Ofiica throughout Canada INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA FIRE - MARINE - CASUALTY To find out, ask an Insurance Company of North America agent about the "Homeowners Policy”_ which combines four policies in one to provide Fire and extended coveragg gf_up to 20%. Compare this with the cost and coverage 9f buildingg of your present policies. The first meeting of the new executive of Buttonville Home & School Association was held in the school on Wednesday evening of last week. President Mrs. John Storey was in the chair and con- venors for the various depart- ments were named for the coming year: Social. Mrs. J. Harrott; Pro- gramme. Mr. H. Bauthus. Mrs. Wm. Champion: Membership, Mrs. S. R. Patterson, Mrs. Ken Stephenson; Publicity, Mrs. F. Leaf; Citizenship, Mrs. Gard- house; Health. Mrs. Arnold. Monthly meetings will be held on the 4th Wednesday of the month during the 1958-9 season, with the executive neetings on t‘“ 2nd Wednesday. Graduates will be tendered J. banquet on Erma, September 19th. and a momenta of their school days at Buttonville will be presented at that time. Other items of business discussed were school picnics, on June 13th Miss Hansford room at Tam 0' iShanter; June 20th the Junior Room picnic; and on June 23rd. lthe school picnic will be held at The Maples. Uxbridge. W.M.S. Packs Bale In the Girls' Relay race the Buttonville team won, with mem- bers Carol Jarvis, Nancy Rob- ertson, Jane Houck and Margaret Patterson running. There Were crests for the winners. Pickin’ Chickens Mr. Aubrey Stephenson was dismayed one evening last week on entering his chicken-house to find more than forty of his chick- ens had been killed. He lay in wait for the culprit, which prov- ed to be a fox. Home and School Meet Tuesday morning of last week was a busy time at the home of Mrs. F. W. Baker when W.M.S. members met to pack new and used clothing for the bale to be sent to W.M.S. headquarters. Fol- lowing the packing the group en- joyed luncheon served by co-host- esses Mrs. Aubrey Stephenson, Mrs. F. Leaf and Mrs. Walter Brumwell with assistance from Mrs. Wm. Rodick, Mrs. Douglas Hood and Mrs. A. M. Miller. A brief meeting followed, 'haired by Mrs. Rodick. Members were reminded of the bazaar which will be held in Buttonville Hall on Saturday, November 30th. and were asked to collect articles for this. The devotional was tak- en by Mrs. Leaf and Mrs. Miller offered facts on Christian Island where some of the bale material will be sent. Value of the bale was $183.19. Mrs. Roberts gave a brief outline of the Spring Rally the meeting adjourned follow~ ing a recitation by Mrs. Gardiner and courtesies by Mrs. Leaf. The "North America” agent will then give you particulars of the money-saving "Homeowners Policy” If you do not know a "North America” agent, consult one of the agents listed below this advertisement. Business accepted solely through Agents and Brokers Are you receiving the best insurance value for every dollar you spend? COMPANIES Founded 1 792 CANADIAN HEAD OFFICEâ€"TORONTO NORTH AMERICA and contenti liability and theft at a saving INSURANCE ‘COMPANY OF Don't fail to cast your vote! RICHMOND HILL LEGAL CONTROL COMMITTEE Protect your operating costs with the finest aluminum windows and doors obtainable. Look at the Brand names available for recommendation for your home THORO HEAT 8. COOLING LTD. Specialists in Natural Gas 46 Crosby Ave. TU. GET THE FACTS. WE TELL YOU THE TRUTH ABOUT GAS WITHOUT EXAGGERATION AS IT APPLIES TO YOUR PARTICULAR ENGINEER- ING PROBLEM LENNOX, COLEMAN, CONTINUE- FLO, GENERAL ELECTRIC. RUUD, To arrange installation of Furnaces. Conversion Burners, Hot Water Heater, Kitchen Ranges, Gas Dryers, etc. NOW IS THE TIME HUdson 3-7962 Evenings: AVenue 5-2722 or BAdein 5-3452 You have a date Saturday June let... You will decide “Should Richmond Hill have legal stores for the sale of liquor and beer to local resi- dents who are now making their purchases of these bever- ages elsewhere?" Harry Haynes, General Insurance 2028 Avenue Road. SEN TIN EL. and TU. 4-2892

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