Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Jun 1958, p. 4

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SPRING HAT C. E. Stoneburg Chemist & Druggist AV. 5-2503 Yonge St. Thomhill Pharmacy The Thornhill~Ricnmond Hill Young Peoples Association held a rally in the Presbyterian Church Sunday evening, June 15 with the Rev. C. Stanton. B. Th., 3 young Hebrew Christian as the guest speaker. Mr. Stanton was accompanied by his mother and brother who played the violin and sang. Rev. Stanton also sang a Hebrew selection entitled “Eli, Eli". Scripture was read by Mr. Gerry Easton and the Pres- byterian Youth Choir sang one selection. Thornhill - R. Hill Y.P.A. Hold Rally 100,8 AND 100’s TO CHOOSE FROM Mack/cine Mllflnery & Accessories 8319 YONGE ST. (at Fairlawn) BU. 8-54‘ Thornhill and Bistrict News 'l‘nln No. 42. Barrie-Toronto, leaving Barrie 7.00 a.m., ex. Sun. and Mom: Train No. 45. Toronto-Drillia, leaving Toronto 5.50 p.m., ex. Sunday; Train No. 148. Barrie-Toronto. leaving Barrie 7.00 p.m.. Sundays only. WILL BE CANCELLED Telephone Train No. 44, North Bay-Toronto, leaving North Bay 11.20 3.111.. daily except Sundays. will be scheduled at slightly eoar. lier times at stations Stroud to Newmarket, inclusive. TORONTO - BARRIE - ORILLIA - NORTH BAY EFFECTIVE, JUNE 22. 1958 Train No. 43, shown in C.N.R. Timetable folders (Tables 89 and 131) as leaving Toronto Union Station at 4.30 p.m.. Fridays and operating via Benetton, will be cancelled vla that time and route. but will operate instead. LEAVING TORONTO UNION STATION at 4.10 PM. Fridays, June 27 to August 29, inclusive, and operate via Aurora. Newmarket. Allaudnle. Barrie and Orillla to Washago, thence to North Bay. ALL TIMES SHOWN’AIEE’EASiERN STANDARD FU. 4-1650 bus stops below city limits Max Factor Cosmetics Mada/cine ; f Prescription Service Expert Drug Service View-Master Reels ' NEW WORK -- ALTERATIONS â€" REPAIRS TRAIN SERVICE CHANGES 9 mm. to 6 pm. Friday till 9 pm. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June 19, 1958 ROGER PROULX Thomhill Vitamins Full information from Agents CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Free Estimates Gladly Given PLUMBING & HEATING HU. 8-5406 TELEPHONE AV. 5-3555 At the June meeting held at the home of Mrs. E. Toms, 14 members answered the roll call with “A Parade of Aprons". Mrs. Betty Pattison read a report on the District Annual held at Markâ€" ham. Institute spoons were given out to all past presidents. The regular monthly auction was won by Mrs. Ruby Manoi. The com tainer for waste paper is now at the corner of Garden Avenue and Yonge Street and it is to be hoped that it will be used by all. At the close of the meeting, refreshments were served. There will be no meetings of the insti- tute until September. Cancer The canvassers of-the recent Cancer campaign in the Richvale, Langstaif area west of Yonge Street, were entertained at the home of Mrs. R. J. Miller. Birch Avenue. on Wednesday of this week. Those present were Mrs. H. Glassey, Mrs. E. Harm, Mrs. Gladys Smith, Mrs. R. McArthur, Mrs. H. R. Smith. Mrs. R. Rich- ards and Mrs. w. Drew. Mrs. G. Purvis of Buttonville, Cam~ paign Chairman, Richmond Hill District Unit of the Cancer Soc~ iety was present to extend her personal thanks to the canvass- ers for having given so freely of their time and having produced such splendid results“ The can- cer society would like to thank all those who donated so gener~‘ ously to the campaign. KSr. Women's Institute AURORA : Mr. and Mrs. George Grifiithies were showered with gifts and flowers on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniver~ sary recently. WILSON'S ESSO SERVICE STATION CHASSIS LUBRICATION & MINUR REPAIRS Yonge and Arnold AV. 5-1641 Thomhil] All Air and Steamship Lines Cruises The buses then returned to the school arriving about 4:30 pm. The excursion was under the direction of Principal Mr. R. Urquart. Mrs. Snider. Mrs. Win- drum and Mrs. Hare. all of whom teach at Langstaff. ‘ Three classes from the Langâ€" stafi‘ School visited Old Fort York in Toronto on Monday. Grades five, six. seven and eight left the school at noon and proceeded via bus to the Fort where they went on a tour of all the old buildings and grounds. Among the things that were seen were the Simcoe Blockhouse. the oldest building in Toronto, the different buildings. cannons and magazines. After their tour of the fort the pupils then went for a ride along the Toronto water-front. S. G. GURNEY BRADFORD PR. 5-3464 or TU. 4-2152 Students Visit Old Fort York Overseas - Travel Service LANGSTAFF R‘CHMUNI) HILL Bookings With Correspondent: Mrs. M. J. Roy AV. 5-2808 62 Crosby Ave. Our representative tn ‘Thornhiu ls Mn. Donald Smellle. who may he reached by phoning AV. 5-3555. The Liberal u always pleased to publish Items of interest conmbuted by its readers In the Thornhul an . . . . This church is the only Indian Royal Chapel in the world. The tomb of Sir Joseph Brant ad- joins the church. .This followed by all enjoying picnic lunches on the lovely grounds surrounding the home of Alexander Graham Bell. This was the home where Bell was inspired to invent the telephone which he did in the summer of 1876 and the world's first. long distance call ' was made from Brantford to Paris, Ontario. The Bell homestead is now a museum with many interesting heirlooms of the Bell family. The trip continued into Brantford where the group vis- ited the Bell Memorial, from there they walked three blocks to the Brant County Historical Museum where they spent a fas- The Grade 6 children of the Thornhill nublic school, with their teachers, Mrs. Jean Hill and Miss Vera Bersik and their principal, Mr. John Martin, enjoyed an ex- hilarating trip Monday, June 16, to Brantford, Ontario. Two bus loads left the school around 8.15 am, making their first stop at the Royal Botanical Rock Gar- dens in Hamilton, where camer- as flashed, the children really enjoying the beautiful gardens and flowers. The children then visited the Mohawk Institute and Rev. J. W. Zimmerman, the present chaplain of the Mohawk chapel spoke to them telling of the Indian children who attended the institute, and also showed them the silver communion ves- sel and platter which was pres- ented to the Mohawk Indians by Queen Anne in 1712. The group then visited the quaint little Mohawk chapel which was the first Protestant church to be built in Ontario with the aid of a grant obtained by Joseph Brant from George III. Over the altar are the Apostles Creed, the Ten Commandments and the Lord’s Prayer, in the Mohawk language. The June meeting of the W0- men’s Auxiliary took the form of an indoor picnic at the church on Tuesday, June 10, weather conditions being unsuitable for the picnic to be held outdoors. The “centre” group conducted a program of contests and games for members and their pre-school children. Refreshments were served picnic style and a good time was had by all. Baptist Church The annual Sunday School and congregational picnic was held at Innisvllle Park, Lake Simcoe, on Thornhill Grade Sixers Picnic At Bell Museum The lst Thornhill Brownie Pack held the closing meeting of the season in the United Church on May 10. Brown owl awarded the Golden Bar to Dianne Brad- ley and Tawny Owl presented the following badges: Artist, Donna Sproule; athlete, Jane Brown, Heather Forbes. Lucinda Perry and Donna Sproule: collector, Priscilla Mendoza; cyclist, Hea- ther Forbes; writers, Susan Aus- ten, Susan Byford, and Heather Forbes. After the presentation the Pack walked up to the pool and enjoyed an hour’s swimming before returning to the Church for a picnic supper and games. The picnic had originally been planned for the Park but uncer- tain weather necessitated a change in plan. Baptist Church News Mr. N. J. Smellie, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Sharpless, Mlss Florence James. Mr. Oswald James and Mrs. Ida Elson attended a fam- ily reunion on Saturday, June 14. at the home of Mrs. Gladys Williams Ballard, Weston, Ont. in 'honour of Mr. Leonard James who left for the west ln 1906 where he has resided for the past 52 years. This was Mr. James first vlslt east since that time. lst Brownie Pack Mrs. Arthur Kent. Thornbank Rd. entertained Monday night in honour of Miss Judith Hole of Willowdale whose marriage to Mr. Ian Shaw will take place on June 26 in Toronto. Socials MORTGAGE Willowdale Mortgage . . Serwce Phone HU. 3-2040 Let Us Help You Solve Your First and Second Mortgages Bought - Sold - Arranged T horn/till Notes Free Advice (REVERSE CHARGES) -0- v.‘ -u’n.0-n.o.1 ougu- PROBLEMS Miss Mary Catherine Clement, a recent graduate from the Strat- ford General Hospital School of Nursing is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon C. Clement, Kirk Drive. Thornhill. cinating hour. They then walked over to Victoria Park to see Brant's Monument before climb- ing on the buses for a happy ride back to Thornhill, tired, but, having achieved a greater know ledge of some of our Canadian History. Mr. Martin is to be com- mended for his interest shown in arranging these interesting and educational trips for his pupils. Other trips have been ar- ranged for other grades this week to the Holland Garden and Midhurst Park. Grades 7 and 8 enjoyed an outing to Niagara Falls on Wednesday of last week. It was decided to name the fall bazaar to be held November 1, the “Hollyberry Fair”. The de- votional period was conducted by Mrs. Donald Davidson. A business period followed, conducted by the president, Mrs. L. May. It was reported that the W.A. cleared $294.55 from the Smorgasborcj luncheon in May. l A men's ball game followed. The evening closed with a camp- fire and sing song, led by Mr. and Mrs. J. MacKay. United Church News Mr. G. S. Townsend was the guest speaker Sunday morning in Dr. E. B. Eddy’s absence. Mr. Townsend is the student minis- ter of the Wellandport charge. The General W.A. held its June meeting Thursday. June 12, in the forrn of a luncheon, sponsored by Group 3 under the convenorship of Mrs. Ralph Thompson. The guest speaker was Miss Elizabeth Yorke, buy- er of imported foods with the T. Eaton Co. Miss Yorke gave a very interesting and amusing talk on foods of other countries and demonstrated her talk with sam- ples of these foods. During the month a number of the Auxiliary surprised Mrs. M. Stringer when they visited her at her home on No 7 Highway on the occasion of her 78th birthday. Presbyterian Church News The Couples’ Club held their June picnic Saturday evening at the Boyd ConServation Park north of Woodbridge. Barbecued hamburgers were served by Mrs. J. MacKKay, assisted by Mrs. J. Arnott. Mrs. R. Loverock and Mrs. B. Boyle. Games Were in charge of Mn and Mrs. D. Puddy. Saturday, June 14. and was well attended. Although the weather was too cold for bathlng, the games and races which were ar- ranged by Neville Twine were enjoyed by all taking part. Pic- nic style lunch followed by a ball game completed a very en- joyable outing. Graduates (3) The student must have an over-all average in all subjects of 60% (mlnlmumluslng the best 3 options (if pupil is carrying four or more) to calculate this average. ,V ,__.c,-. (4) The student must obtain an average of First Class Honours (75% minimum) in the specified subjects (English and Languages) with a minimum mark of 66% in any one or more of these special subjects. (2) Student must write a com- plete Grade XII set of examina- tions in the year of award with a miqlmum of 3_options. (5) The winner of the award must continue to Grade XIII (1) The marks obtained in Grade XII, only, following school policy of weighting, shall deter- mine the wlnner. Conditions 0! Award This award of $50 annually (until terminated by donors) shall be known as "The Gordon Lake Memorial Prize for English. plus any other two languages (Latin, French, German etc.) of Grade As a student Gordon was out- standing. attaining the highest grades except on such occasions as ill health prevented his doing so. Had he lived Gordon Lake Would undoubtedly have ~ttained high recognition among his fel- lows and brought honour and distinction to his school through a life of brilliance and service. The school is happy to accept this prize in honour of Gordon and to count him among those worthy of special recognition for services rendered. Though severely handicapped by ill health. Gordon ‘at once became an enthusiastic and ener- getic member of the student body contributing to school activities in every way that it was posisble for him to do so. Even as a Grade K pupil he was both active and effective on the committee which drafted the constitution of the Thosnhill High School Student Govern- ment. During his term with the school, Gordon gave leadershin in .v .uu unc school, Gordon gave leadership in many school activities which cul- minated in his election as Vice President of the Board of Student Senators. While physically unable to participate in athletics he showed his interest in this field by acting as Secretary for the Boys Athletic Associatign _ foxf gne Vyear. At the regular meeting of the' York Central District Board Mon- day night. Principal A. S. Elsonc of Thornhill High School, an- nounced a memorial prize has been donated by M2. and Mrs. William Lake. in me; .ory of their son David Gordon Lake who transferred to the Thornhill division of the Richmond Hill High School in September. 1954. Gordon transferred from North Toronto Collegiate to enter Grade X. Give Gordon Lake Award To Thornhill H. School at the beautiful new YANGTZE PAGODA RESTAURANT located on Yenge Street ‘iust North of Richmond Hill YONGE STREET NORTH YANGTZE PAGODA RESTAURANT DINE IN LOVELY SURROUNDINGS TASTEFULLY DECOR- ATED AND ENJOY FINE FOOD AND MODERN COMFORT. OUR DELIGHTFUL MENU FEATURES THE FINEST IN AM- ERICAN AND CHINESE CUISINE. GIVE THE FAMILYv A REAL TREAT AND TAKE THEM OUT TO DINNER. RESERVATIONS CAN BE MADE FOR SMALL PARTIES & BANQUETS BY PHONING TU. 4-5211. ‘ C WM. NEAL '56 Dodge Suburban, radio ’56 Dodge 4-Door Sportone ’54 Dodge Sedan ’53 Fords (2) ’50 Morris Minor MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM (7) Mr. Lake. or his appointed representative, and the Principal of the Thornhill High School. shall be a permanent Committee to review from time to time the conditions and continuance of this award. carrying at least one language other than English into Grade XIII. (6) The award wil' be made only to students th complete Middle School (Grades XI and XIII_)_ i_n_ “yoryears. CARL E. HILL. M.D., M.O.H DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK A New Concept The family Doctor is no longer satisfied with preâ€" venting or curing diseases; he is no longer simply satis- fied with the child being well, he must be concerned with the well-being of the child. This is a concept the medical profession is taking more and more to heart. “See Bill Neal â€" for the Best Deal!” Dodge-DeSoto Dealer RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-209] For further information call AV. 5-1323 Children in the Thornhill Public Schools will receive their lessons at the following times commencing after July 2. Monday and Thursday â€"- 10 am. Thornhill P.S. 11.20 Concord and Richvale 12.40 Henderson, St. Luke's Tuesday and Friday â€"â€" 10 am. Powell Rd., Thornlea, Ross Doan Swimming or diving‘lessons twice weekly during July and August under Red Cross qualified instruc- tors: Rates Adults $10.00, Students $7.00, Children $7 and $5 for second in family Applications will be received by the undersigned for: (1) Cadet, 18-20 years of age. (2) Police Constable. TIMES â€"- 12:00 MONDAY AND THURSDAY 0R - 11.20 WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY ‘ THORNHILL SWIMMING POOL Chief of Police, Richmond Hill RICHMOND HII.I. POLICE FORCE R. P. Robbins July only half price RICHMOND HILL 11.20 Charles Howitt 12.00 Langstafl’

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