Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Jun 1958, p. 5

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Mrs. Douglas Allan. with her daughter Marilyn and son War- ren of Ossining. New York. have been visiting with Mrs. Allan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wagner of Richmond Street, while her husband. Mr. Allan, was attending a metaalurgy meet- lng in Hamilton. Ortario. Mr. Allan is associated With the Am- ex-ican Iron and Steel Institute of New York City. v Frank Hishon of Crosby Avenue. Richmond Hill attended the 7th annual conference and business show of the National Machine Accountants Association held at Atlantic City. New Jersey, recent- ly. At this conference. outstand- ing leaders in their fields pres- ented the latest in data process- ing techniques and office autom- ation. Seminars were conducted in a variety of industry fields, and special workshops were pres- ented selected subjects in the machine accounting field. Chief speaker for the conference was Thomas J Watson Jr. president ff International Business Mach- nes. At Richmond Hill Presbyter- ian Church on Sunday, June 22. Garry William, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cox-yea. Tornnh. ro- ceived the Sacrament of infant baptism, and was presented with a Bible from the Sunday School. Following dinner fellow em- ployees presented Everett Brown and Alf Stong with spinning reels and Mr. Skilliter with a smoking stand. In presenting a gladstone bag and travelling clock to Mr, Skilliter and engraved watches to Mr. Brown and Mr. Stong, Harold Mills said. "It is hard to find such loyal men as these have been during the years they spent with this firm." Mr. Alfred Stong was the third man honoured. He also was a long term employee with 30 years service behind him. During the last 27 years. Alf Stong also served on Richmond Hill's Volun- teer Fire Brigade and was Vol- unteer Fire Chief since 1951. When the Town decided they needed a permanent chief Alf was the one they wanted. Mr. Mills said of him. "I figure the Town is very. very fortunate to acquire such a fine man for its fire chief." Last Friday evening Mr. Harold J. Mills was host at a dinner party held at the Summit View to honour three employees who have now said goodbye to H, J. Mills Ltd, one of Richmond Hill's famous greenhouses, and started off on new ventures. Two of the men honoured by fellow employâ€" ees and their former employer are retiring. Everett Brown after 30 years with the company and Mr. W. Skilliter who worked for Mills for 24 years following 25 years work with Dunlop's, a for- mer rose-grower in the Hill. TOMATOES WATERMELLONS Yonge St. TIDE ATTRACTIVEY PRICED NO. 1 HOTHOUSE CANTALOUPES â€" 2 for 39¢ APPLE SAUCE SALMON FLESH The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the 3rd'Rlchmond Hill Cubs and Scouts held a very successful tea and bake ale at the home of Mrs. W. Srugnell, Essex Ave, on Saturday afternoon of last week. Mrs. F. Gardiner, presi- dent of York Summit District Auxiliaries poured tea In the lovely garden. beyond which two tents were set up {or the bake sale and kitchen. Mrs. R. Weston, Mrs. K. Ward, Mrs. Dave Mullen and Mrs. J. Soldink were the win- ners of the lucky draws. At the close of the tea and bake sale. Mrs. Ward, who was president of the L.A. before moving to Tor- onto ,was presented with a gift from the Ladies“ Auxiliary and the Men's Group Committee. The proceeds of the very well attend- ed affair -â€"‘- everything down to the very last cookie was sold -â€"- are to be used for the 3rd Rich- mond Hill Cubs and Scouts. AYLMER CHOH‘E PEAS FOR A WRITER WASH MITCH ELL'S FAN L" Y !_t_'_sfi_ap|easure to shop at Morley's REDECORATING ? Top Quality V Inside Enamel WILLIAMS PAINT & WALLPAPER 12 LEVENDALE ROAD . TU. 4-5221 Richmond Hill . . . MGRLEY'S “The Liberal” is always glad to receive social and personal items for this page and a call to TUrner 4-1105 will receive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome news reports about church organizations, women’s and men’s aocletlea. lodges and other groups. While copy will be ac- cepted up to Wednesday of each week. it is delir- able to have it in earlier if posaible to ensure lta publication. (Opp. New Loblaw‘s on Yonge) honour science class Congratulations to David Tin- kerâ€"former honour student at Richmond Hill High Schoolâ€"who, in his first year at Toronto Uni~ versity has secured first class honours, with second place in his Three months of location shoot- ing in Egypt, plus ‘20 work days on the Paramount lot for the filming of Cecil B. DeMille's Pro- duction “The Ten Command- ments,” opening Tuesday at the Richmond Theatre, created a record as the longest movie shooting schedule. Despite cloudy skies and a very cool breeze, more than 250 members of the local Presbyter- ian congregation and Sunday School. thoroughly enjoyed the annual picnic, held Saturday at the Provincial Park Sibbald’s Point. A full afternoon's pro- gram of sports and stunts was climaxed by a bounteous picnic supper. A .‘ew hardy souls. most willing and one unwiiling braved the frigid waters of Lake Sim- coe for a refreshing swim. Deepest sympathy is extended by this community to Mrs. H. B. Cable and James Wark in the re- cent loss of their mother, Mrs. James Wark. The oldest voter to cast a bal- lot in last Saturday's local op- tion vote was Mrs. M. L. McCon- aghy, Centre Street West. Mrs. McConaghy who is 91 walked to the poll, and in casting her vote at 83 Arnold Street was number _91 on the poll book. This year Paul Angle and Bob Keith were the judges for the "Best rose in the show". Their selection belonged to a woman making her first exhibitâ€"-she showed a new rose line too. ‘ Three leading rose growers of Richmond Hill, Mr. Paul Angle manager of Bedford Park Floral, Bob Keith "The Ontario Gard- ener" on the CBC, and Frank Dunlop were among the eight judges at the Canadian National Rose Show held at Hart House on Monday afternoon and evening of this week. Mr. Angle and Mr. Keith have been acting as judges for this amateur rose show which draws rose lovers from all over Ontario to view its beauty and colour, for some 10 years. The bridegroom was guest of honor at a stag party at the home of Mr. Ralph Robinson; Thorn- hill, when eighteen friends pres- ented a mantle radio. A presentation of a GE. floor polisher was made at a gather- ing of fellow employees of the Ottawa district Seaboard Finance Company offices, where both are employed. The bride was also entertained at a dinner by the girls of the Ottawa-Carling branch of Seaboard Motors. Richmond Hill A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. Marvin Clarke in Oshawa, with Mrs. V. R. MacCarl and Mrs. Wm. R. Cox as co-hostesses. A family party was held at the home of Mrs. L. N. Souch. Som- merville Ave., Oshawa, when the ,bride was presented with gifts for her kitchen. Mrs. Harry Ernest Glasgow, the former Miss Faye Arlene Cox, was guest of honor at several pre- nuptial events. Shaw's commun- ity shower was held at the home of Mrs. Clifford Macklin in Bow- manville, attended by 45 friends and neighbors. when miscellan- eous gifts were presented to the bride. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Gibson and family from New Philadelphia. spent last week end with Mrs. Gibson's aunt, Mrs. Gilbert Clubine and Mr. Clubine at their Markham Road home 2 for 35¢ 2 for 4k Jumbo Size Large Size '20 oz. tins 20 oz. tins Giant Size 69c 39c 89c Pound Miss Anne Stephenson was in town from New York for a few days this week visiting her fam- ily and friends. Just previous to this Anne attended the Boston Arts Festival when the Boston Opera Company, sponsored by the city of Boston, gave an outâ€" dior performance before an aud- ience of 10,000 people. Anne‘s [next stop in her every-busy sched- 'ule will be to attend the Tangle- 'wood Seminar of Music being lheld on the east Canadian coast. Friday evening. June 20. Grade 8 students were guests at a party sponsored by the Walter Scott Home and School Assoc- iation, with the able assistance of Mr. W. Dodds. teacher of the Grade 8 class. All the young la- dies present were given’a rose donated by H. J. Mills and Co. Among the activities of the ev- ening enjoyed by the young people were bingo and dancing. Guests included Mr. and Mrs Ed Butlin and Mr. and Mrs. N. Davidson. Refreshments served at the close of the party were provided by the parents of the students. Mrs. Mary Lewis, of Centre Street East. is now vacationing in Vancouver, BC. I ‘ The social meeting of the W0- man's Auxiliary of St. Matthew‘s United Church on Tuesday, June 17, took the form of a “Pot Luck Supper” with 30 ladies present, and a wide variety of delicious dishes were enjoyed by all. Fol- lowing the supper. Mrs. Ralph Smith gave a very inspiring talk on the evils of alcoholic beverâ€" ages. The remainder of the even- ing was devoted to singing, with Mrs. W. W. Patterson leading the group. The next meeting of the association will be held on July 7 in the church on Crosby Ave. East, to which all ladies are cor- dially invited. Mr. Williams has taken along 500 of the Jaycee‘s Richmond Hill brochures, and, as Jaycees will be attending ‘this "w from all parts of Canada, Mr. Williams and Mr. Mann“... w» determined to “put Richmond Hill on the Map". Mr. Cecil R. Williams, Presi- dent of the Richmond Hill Junior Chamber of Commerce left by air for Victoria. B.C. where he will attend the 5-day, 23rd an- nual National Jaycee Convention. Mrs. Williams left a week preâ€" vious by automobile for Victoria, together with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Markham. 9 Mrs. H. J. Mills is making satis~ factory progress following an operation last Tuesday morning at the Toronto General Hospital and her many friends send best wishes for a speedy recovery. 1 At the 2.00 pm. service of St. Gabriel, the Anglican Church of Canada, Richmond Hill East, the following were baptized’ by the Rector, Rev. 'J. W. Newton-Smith: Janet Kathleen. Barbara Jean. and Margaret Ann, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. L. Newberry; Jo Anne Arlene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Longbottom; Leslie Ann daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shelton; Victoria Dorothy Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Winterton; Deborah, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rawson; David Arnold, Lynn Diane, Thomas Arthur, Allan George, sons and. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Furssedonn; Fraser William Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Lucy: Lynn Maxine. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bradstock. The 2nd “Member's Summer Luncheon" of the Senior W.A,, St. Mary's Anglican Church will be held on Thursday. July 3rd, due to the holiday. Bazaar work will be the order of the afternoon. The children, all had a very enjoyable party, with dancing. for which there were spot prizes. A hilarious Laurel & Hardy film topped off the entertainment. The gigantic cake -â€" made and decorated by Mrs. Joan Mad- deauxâ€"-â€"included all of the 40 stu- dents initials. and the cake was cut by Mr. Glenn Wood, Grade 8 teacher. Arrangements were in the hands of Social Convenor Mrs. Thelma Cambray. ' Home 8: School executive presâ€" ent were the president Mrs. Irene Won-all, Secretary Mrs. Georgina Bignell, Second Vice-President Mr. Fred Maddeaux and Mr. Frank Bignell, alsoers. Beryl Lugsden and Mrs. Joan Mad~ deaux. Members of the teaching staff present included Principal Grant Nighswander, Mr. Glenn Wood, Mr. J. Orser. and Mr. W. Hyde. Beverley Acres Home & School Association entertained t he school's Grade 8 studpnts with 3 “Graduation Party” on Friday, June 20th. We are pleased to report that Reeve W. J. Taylor is progressing very favorably in Toronto Wes- tern Hospital where he has been a patient for the past five weeks following a heart attack. He hopes to be able to‘return home soon. " * * " Ex-Mayor William Neal was the guest of honour at a complimen- tary banquet and presentation at Bayview Plaza Restaurant. Wed- nesday evening. After serving as councillor and Reeve, Mr. Neal becamé the Town of Richmond Hill's first Mayor in 1957. The banquet tendered by, the town was attended by members of council. former council members and town officials. Mayor Ken W. Tomlin presided and presented the ex~mayor with a suitably en- graved plaque. “The Ten Commandments", the masterpiece of all motion pic- tures will be at The Richmond Theatre commencing Friday, June 27th. Richmond Hill Volunteer Fire Brigade honoured Fire Chief Alf. Stong on his appointment as permanent chief at a reception held last week. Chief of the local brigade since 1951. Mr. Stong was recently appointed on a full time basis by council. Attending the reception were representatives of the Newmarket, Aurora. North York and Unionville Brigades. lst RICHMOND HILL Akela Jean Nickerson of “C” Pack, reports proudly that "C" pack went all out to win an A Pennant at the recent Cub Rally held at the park. As a special treat for the cubs who attended the Rally. a weiner roast was later held and thoroughly en- joyed. One new chum has joined “C” Pack in the person of Larry Judd. It is hoped that a group of cubs from “C” will be able to spend the lst weekend of August at Oxtrail Camp. To be elegible for this outing a cub must have reached his tenth birthday by January last. VICTORIAN ORDER OF NfiRSES RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Miss E. Woodbyrne E. D. Eddy and Rev. J. F. O’Neil for their consoling words, all the donors of the many beautiful floral offerings. the pallbearers, Dr. Shapiro and Dr. V. Zuck, the V.O.N, and Wright and Taylor Funeral Home for their kind, efficient management of the services c1w52 TheI Familv CARD 0F THANKS WARK â€"â€" In the midst of our sorrow we wish to express our heartfelt :hanks and apprecia- tion to relatives, friends and neighbours for the kindness and sympathy ~hown us in the loss of our dear mother, Janet Wark. We especially wish to thank Rev. Richmond Hill Hall PHONE TU The Vaughan Women Workers of Richvale District wish to thank all the merchants -.of Richmond Hill and Richvale for their kind- ness in donating such wonderful prizes for their euchre. We thank you again. The Vaughan Women Workers of Richvale BROWNLEE â€"- In loving memory of a dear brother who passed away June 28, 1956. There is a link Death cannot sever, ‘ Love and Remembrance last for- ever. â€"â€" Lovineg remembered by sister Jen. c1w52 CARD 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. George Gray, Teston, Ontario, wish to announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Isobel Janet Louise, to Olav Gustav Dahl. son of Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Dahl, Richmond Hill, Ontario. The marriage will take place on Saturday, July 5. 1958. at 3 pm. in Teston United Church. *1w52 In fiflemuriamg‘ WARK. Janet â€",â€"- At the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. B. Cable, 124 Wood Lane, Richmond Hill. Wednesday, June 18. 1958. Janet MacMillan, widow of James Wark, late of Carrville. dear mother of Stuart, James. Mrs. H. B. Cable (Catherine). Bruce. Mrs. James McGuire (Jessie). and Kenneth; in her 78th year. The funeral service was in Carrvllle United Church Saturday, June 21. at 2 o'clock. Interment followed in adjoin- ' ing cemetery. c1w52 WALSH â€"- Tim and Carol are happy to announce the birth of their son. at che Toronto General Hospital Private Pat- ients Pavilion on Monday, June 23, 1958, a brother for Michael and Ricky. c1w52 ROBERTS â€"â€"'Mr. and Mrs. Ken Roberts (nee Mae Jones) wish to announce the bll‘th of their daughter. Sharon Lynn. on June 1. 1958. at York County Hospital. Newmarket. c1w52 OLIVER â€" Jimmy and Nancy happily announce the arrival of a baby brother for Ginny on June 24, 1958; at Toronto General Hospital. *1w52 CHENEY â€" Ken and Mary are happy to announce the arrival of their son, Keith Gordon, 9 lbs. 8 02., June 24. 1958. at York County Hospital, New market, a brother and bir_thâ€" day present for Karen. c1w52 CARLE â€" Mr. and Mrs. P. J V. O. N. Qfingagemmt Carle of Morgan Ava. Doncas‘ ter. are nappy to announce the birth of their daughter at Branson Hospital. on Monday, June 23, 1958. a sister for Alâ€" lan. c1w§2 219mb SCOQ. . 4-4101 The Family Municipal ‘ w52 encesâ€"now he is no longer afraid to be a Christian, because he knows others have gone through this same personal experience and, through the valuable assist- ance of the conferences they have been given courage, to speak up and let their associates in every day living know of, “The hope that is within them.” Among those attending from St. Matthew‘s United Church were, Elders Owen Grant and Dave Nelson, of Toronto, puts it another way. “A lot of men," he stated, “would like to talk about religion and related things in their homes and at work but they are afraid to. They are em- barrassed about it." Mr. Nelson said he used to feel that way too â€"before he attended the confer- This conference has not only meant a renewal of spiritual vigour for the militant layman, but it has also been the “turning point” in the lives of men who have begun to lose touch with spiritual refreshment. Delegates report a new and happier attitude toward life, work, the family, as they return from year to year to help others as well as themselves to complete communion. “It's not a temporary emotional binge," Lloyd Stewart of Mount Forest, Ontario stated. “It's an intellec~ tual thing and what we get there, lasts." This year the sixth annual con- ference was held, and for the first time representatives of the United Church from Richmond Hill were there. Maple and Thornhill also sent laymen, who like all other delegates are work~ ing prayerfully and anxiously to strzngthen their churches. The conferences are part of the new emphasis on lay religion on an international scale, under the guidance of the World Council of Churches and the Department of the Laity. “The primary conâ€" cern of the Board of Men,” says its secretary, Ralph Young, “is the renewal of the church t h r o u g h spirituallyâ€"awakened men who will recognize the fact that in office, shop, factory and farm, in political parties and gov~ ernment agencies and in the homes of the nation they repre~ sent the church. Indeed, in all these places. they are the church.” This is a three-day conference where 600 laymen may be accom- odated between resorts at Elgin House on Lake Joseph and Kes- wick on Lake Rosseau. The Elgin- Keswick conferences, where Uni- ted Church laymen come to grips with their problems, not only in church life as elders and stewards but also as individuals of their various communities and in their business contacts have proved to be a great blessing for those -at- tending. The result wasâ€"the Elgin Con- ference. In 1953 the United Church’s newly-organized Board of Men, which directs all phases of men’s work in the church, decided that something more must be done to gain the support of even larger numbers of men. SPECIAL OF THE MONTH â€" New Cream Oil Perm for Dry Hair. It will leave the hair beautiful and lustrous, up to the minute in styling. Reg. $12.95 for Open all week - Tues. & Thurs. evenings 10 Centre St. E. TU. 4-2483 Richmond Hill Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stevenson are seen following their marriage in Richmond Hill United Church on Satur- day, June 14, 1958. The bride is the tuner Barbara Jane Lamont Elson (Reg. N.), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stanley Elson, and the groom, Charles Arthur Stevenson ‘BZA.Sc., P. Eng.) is the son of Mrs. R. A. Piesley and the Laymen Attend, Confer At Muskoka Conference late Mr} Arthuir'Stevenson. luris Beauty Shop Mr. 57 m'd. 64a The engagement is announced of Miss Melba Gladys Baker, daughter of Mrs. Baker and the late Mr. Cyril George Baker, Richvale, to John Herbert Gill‘ espie Crispo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Crispo, Toronto. The wedding to take place at 3 o'clock Saturday July 12, 1958 in St. Mary‘s Anglican Church, Rich- mond Hill. PICKERING . The 100 year old Mount Pleasant Public School, located on the 7th concession, Pickering Twp., held its centen- nial last Saturday, June 21. Mr. G. L. Burton, a 'former student. now honorary chairman of the board for Simpsons, attended. The conference is over for this year but men from as far away as Calgary to the west and Char- lottetown to the east look for- ward to the next one in the sum- mer of 1959. Mr. Neufeld said, “Sometimes we carried on a round ’robin of talk until 1 a.m., but we were always up at about 6 am: next morning, refreshed and ready for further devotions and study." Chris Loverock; from Richmond Hill United, Reverend Higginson and Elders John Spanner, Dr. G. K. Martin, W. C. Wilson and Douglas Paton,’ Maple United, Elder Lorne Wel" and Stewards Robert James, Bruce Murchison and John Neufeld and from Thornhill United Church, Elder Leonard May. 12 Levendale Road (opp. Loblaws at Yonge) Free Estimates Phone TU. 4-5221 I mar 95 ~Simenéon Picture Framing Now Done at WILLIAMS PAINT & WALLPAPER MISS MELBA BAKER PICTURE FRAMING THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June 26, 1988 Q ST. MARK'S CHURCH ANGLICAN Oak Ridges - Yonge at Elm Grove Morning Prayer . . . . . . 10 am. Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10 um Holy Communion ... lst Sunday Evening Prayer . . . . . . . . 7 p.111 ST. JOHN’S (ANGLICAN) OAK RIDGES (Yonge 8; Jefferson) Morning Prayer . . . . . . 11 am Sunday School . . . . . . . . 11 a.m Bible Classes (Senior & Inter. mediate . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 am. Holy Communion .. 2nd 8: 4th Sundays Family Service . . . . . . 9.30 a.m.' Holy Communion 2nd and 4m] ALL SAINTS ANGLICAN KING Holy Communion . . . . . . 8 u: and First Sunday 11 am. Morning Prayer . . . . . . 11 an Rev. W. B. Jennings. D.D. Phone King 313 ST. STEPHEN’S ANGLICAN MAPLE Study Thursday 1 pm. -â€" Women’s Missionary Fellowship Thurs, 8 pm. â€" Evening Mis- sion Circle 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month Fri, 7 pm. â€"- Lamplighter! and Teen Fellowship Fri. 8 pm. â€" Choir Practice Church St., Langstafl Mnlster: Rev. B. T. McSpadden SUNDAY. JUNE 29, 1958 10 a.m. â€" Bible School with Adult Bible Class 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 6.30 pm. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting 7 pm. â€" Gospel Service Wed. 8 p.111. â€" Prayer & Bible THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Stop 17 Yonge Street 5 Old Orchard Grove, Toronto, Rev. Percy G. Buck, B.A.. B.Th.. HU. 1-3142 SUNDAY. JUNE 29, 1958 5th Baptist Youth World Conference visitors from Mississippi will at- tend the morning service. The minister, Rev. A. O. Collns. Th. D. will bring greetings and the message at 11 am. You are cordially invited. mgnNmLL UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. Earl B. Eddy. B.A.. B.D., Th. D. SUNDAY, JUNE 29,.1958 10 am. â€" Intermediate Church School 11 am. â€"- Church Worship and Church School HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Thornhlll Rev. W. E. Askew. Rector SUNDAY, JUNE 29, 1958 8 a.m. â€"- Holy Communion 11 a.m. â€"â€" Morning Prayer Preacher, The Rector camp for full time. Camp is located 6 miles east of Newmarket. ls song leader and s'oloistrr People of all denominations are welcome at every service or to RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Ruggles Rev. Earl S. Bull, Minister Church of the Light and Life Hour, CHML, 9 am. Sunday SUNDAY. JUNE 29, 1958 Services in the local Church are withdrawn during the time of Pine Orchard Camp June 27 to July 6 Rev. H. L. Runkle. of Ashley, Ohio, is camp evangelist and Mr. Carl Green of Belleville, Ontario, ST. BARNABAS Richvale 9.30 am. â€"- Morning Prayer 9.30 Elm. â€" Sunday School THE ANGLICAN CHURCH 0! - CANADA "Come ye yourselves apart and Rest Awhile” ST. GABRIEL. Richmond Hill Rev. J. W. Newton-Smith TU. 4-4236 SUNDAY. JUNE 29, 1958 11 am. -â€" Morning Prayer Nursery and Jr. Congregation Services in Beverley Acres School, Neal Drive ST. MATTHEW’S UNITED CHURCH Crosby Ave.. Richmond Hill Rev. William W. Patterson. B.A B.D., Minister RICHMOND HILL ' BAPTIST CHURCH 50 Wright St. Pastor Robert W. Irvin B. Th.. B.R.E. SUNDAY. JUNE 29, 1958 9.50 am. -â€" Bible School for all 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 7 pm. -â€" Evening Service Where welcome is more than a word SUNDAY. JUNE 29, 1958 - 11 am. -â€" Morning Service of o Public Worship ,‘Sacrament of Holy Communion' Nursery School meets at hour of worship - Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O’Neil SUNDAY, JUNE 29, 1958 8 am. -~ Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer (Broadcast over CJRH - 1300) (Nursery and Jr. Congregation) 7 pm. â€"â€" Holy Communion Wednesdays 10 am. â€" Holy Communion You Are Welcome at St. Mary’s SUNDAY. JUNE 29, 1958 11 am. â€" Morning Worship. Sermon subject: Rev. C. G. Higginson. B.A.. 8.1). SUNDAY. JUNE 29, 1958 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Service The Minister FOOLISH PRIDE 11 am. â€"- Nursery Department “The higher you climb, the more you see" RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Minister THORNHILL {RESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY. JUNE 29, 1958 Rev. Cal_vi1_1 a: Chidfiéfif Charles Home} sch?on LAN GSI‘AF F BAPTIST CHURCH ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Sundays WM. NEAL '56 Dodge Suburban, radio ’56 Dodge 4-Door Sportone ’54 Dodge Sedan ’53 Fords (2) ’50 Morris Minor Pastor Rev. F. Vaughan, B. 11!. Phone BA. 1-4767 1 Church BA. 5-6571 SUNDAY SERVICES 7:30 pm. â€" DRIVE-LN CHURCH at Loblaw's, north of Steeles. Bring your whole tamily. Re- lax in your car and listen to the gospel 'n sermon and song. 10 f“ )0 â€" Sunday School Film “Return to Faith”. A special gift 10 all. 11 â€"- Morning Worship .“The Church that is Looking Ahead" SUNDAY, JUNE 29, 1958 9.30 am. â€"â€" The Service ’ 10:30 am. â€"- Sunday School and Bible Class north of Concord) 10 am. â€"- Sunday School 11.15 am. â€"Worship Serve. Concord (School Home) 10 am. -- Sunday School Oak Ridges, Aubrey Ave. 10.30 am. â€" Sunday School 7.30 pm. -â€" Waning Service Tues. 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH SUNDAY. JUNE 29, 1953 Heise Bill (Gomley) 10 am. -- Sunday School 11 am. â€" Worship Service 7.00 pm. -â€" Evening Service Wed., 7.45 pm. - Prayer Meeting Vaughgn (3rd com, 2 miles Bible' Study, Mr. JOKE Mai?‘ SATURDAY, JUNE 21. PICNIC Buses leave Chapel at 12.30 noon “See Bill Neal â€" for the Best Deal!” RICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPEL Between Stop 22 and 22: You" Oak Avenue SUNDAY, JUNE 29, 1953 9.30 am. â€"â€" The Lord's Supper 11 a.m. â€" Sunday School and Adult Bible Class Mr. John Mair 7 pm. â€" Evening Gospel Service “Martin Luther" to be shown immediately following the cum ing service. rue§§§y._8 _p.m.4 4â€"- ianyer and CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting In Concord School House Each Lord’s Day evening at 7 pJn. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 8:15 am. Matthew 28, v. 17 and 18: And when they saw Him, they wor~ shipped Him, but some doubted. And Jesus spake unto them. saying, all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. 4 MAPLE CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Alex G. Donald, M.C., Minister Edgeley Divine Worship . . . . . . 9.30 am. Sunday School . . . . . . 10.20 mm. Hope I Divine Worship .... 10.30 a.m. Sunday School 11.25 am. Maple Sunday School 10.15 am; Divine Worship . 11.30 am. GORMLEY UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. C. E. Banking, Minister 9.45 am. â€"- Church Broadcast CKLB 1350 Oshawa 10 am. â€"-â€" Morning Worship 11 am. é Sunday School 7.30 pm. â€"â€" Evening Service CARRVILLE UNITED CHM Rev. Earl B. Eddy. 3A., B.D.. SUNDAY, JUNE 29, 1958 2.30 pm. -â€" Worship Servxco THE CHURCH OF ST. LUKE LUTHERAN Jen-en Chapel, 4661 Yonge Street Worship Service . . . . . . 11 a.m. The Eel 191'} J._Sc_hweder. Dodge-DeSoto Dealer RICHMOND HILL ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor H. Lindeman MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM Madawaska Ave.. Stop 123 TU. 4-2091 B.D.. M.A.. Pastor Phone: BAldwin 1-8900 ‘eruicea

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