lHAROLD MORTSON Feel free to phone us. Easy to keep your tank ï¬lled with our fuel oil! Regular service at reasonable :ost. ~ Rake . ,1 IH.C. Side Delivery Rake 1 W4 LHC. Tractor 1 Ford Tractor v'We also have Baler Twine at the best 'prices â€"â€" New Holland, Red Top. Dutch and Mexican iBittery & Radiator Service ‘Industrial Rd. TU. 4-2380 2 N o. 77 New Holland Balers 1 N0. 66 New Holland Baler 1 Massey-Harris No. 11 Side Delivery GOOD OIL'S A FUEL You CANNOT BEA‘I: .1 IF YOU WANT sacrum!I ‘Przopge HEAT Cleaning. Repairing, Recoring Free Pickup-Delivery Eight ank by Appointment Used Farm Implements . . . to give you good telephone service THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA RICHMOND HILL, ON’l. TU. 4-1722 Your local Massey-Ferguson Dealer FOR SALE Radiator Service Your Bell Telephone installation man â€"â€" whatever his narne may be â€" is a lot like jack MacLennan. On the job, his skillful work reflects his careful training. But more than that, we like to think that a friendly smile and unfailing courtesy lend a pleasant touch to his brief visit. We try to encourage this friendly spirit all through the business. You’ll see it when you visit the Business Ofï¬ce. You‘ll hear it in the operator's "voice with a smileâ€. This helpful, friendly spirit is one oftlxc in which we try to give you good telenlw Wag. RICHMOND mu M" Richmond Hill .3, Tire Store 29 Yonge Street South spxru IS one or the many ways you good telephone service. It takes people like Jack MacLennan... ccmrrwwmm The W.M.S. will not meet on the regular day but on July 30. This is going to be a unique The Executive of York Presby- terial W.M.S. met at Newmarket United Church recently. One item of business discussed was the Fall Rally to be held on September 23rd in Newmarket. ' The Britnell prizes were again g'ven to the students of 5.8. No. 4, this year. Teddy Mortson won the prize for Co-operation and good conduct; Sharon Boynton won the prize for the greatest improvement in reading; and Wayne Johnson won the prize for the greatest improvement in spel- ling. Congratulations! W.M.S. The WA. held its ï¬rst Bake Sale of this season on Friday afternoon on the church lawn, when over $50 was realized. The committee in charge would 'ike to thank everyone who gave do- nations and helped in any way to make it a success. On Friday, July 4, the WA. from Headford will hold a Bake Sale on the Victoria Square church lawn. The next Victoria Square Bake Sale will be July 18. Britnell Prizes On Tuesday evening of ' last week the boys baseball team went to Lake Wilcox to play the team up there and the Lake Wilcox team won. However, on Thursday evening they played Mainpl‘ize at Richmond Hill and the Victoria Square teeth were victorious 12-4. The next home game will be in July 10. Bake Sale I School’s Out! was a familiar ‘saying among the school children and teachers on F .iday of last ‘week. We congratulate the child- ren who were =uccessiul in pass- ing all their examinations. We trust that the teachers and child- ren will have a very pleasant holiday and that when Septem- ber rolls around they will be ready to commence their studies again. Baseball CORRESPONDENT : MRS. W. SANDLE, Victoria Square Telephone Gonnley 5421 VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS H. JO N ES Building Supplies Ltd. Mrs. Harvey Collard, Mrs. Her- man Mortson and Miss Joy Mort- son attended the Trousseau Tea for Miss Joanne Fawcett at Brant- ford on Saturday A speédy :ecovery is wished for Mrs. L. Knapp who is ill in bed. ' Mrs: Jim Barkefragdwga'bgt son arrived home from the hospital on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Empringham had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Clubine, Rich- mond Hill. One of our neighbours has had new potatoes from his garden alâ€" ready, another has had green peas. Miss June Collard spent the holiday yeelgend at Quebec. Mr. Freddie Walker spent the ho_li_day weekend in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Treanor Canning attended the funeral of their brpther-in~1aw, the late Mr. Wm. McGriskin at Lindsay on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Anderson and Mary of Port Hepe had Sun- day dinner with Miss Mabel Hagerman. Rev. and Mrs. Binnington, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Nichols attended the 40th wedding anniversary of Rev. and Mrs. Douglas Davis at Stouï¬ville recently. Ma'ters Allan Nichols, David Barber, Douglas Hill and Peter Baxter are spending the next ten days at the boys camp at Camp Ahshunyoong, Lake Simcoe. Miss Olive Glover spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Garï¬eld Bennett and family at Goodwood. We welcome to our community Mr. and Mrs. Koning and family who moved into the house for- merly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Hampton. Sympathy 'is extended to Mrs. Hewitt in the sudden passing of heftsister,’ Mrs. B. Plewes. Mr. Jake Forster of Tweed has been visiting this pas‘ week here with his brother, Mr. Harry Forsâ€" ter. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Jake Forster as his wife passed away recently. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tribbling (nee Jean Brumwell) who on July 2 will celebrate their ï¬rst wedding an- niversary. Mr. Douglas McWhirter flew to Calgary for the holiday weekend. Miss Gail Sanderson has been visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith, at Wood- stock. Water Softener Belated birthday greetings to Mrs. Clarence Steckley for June 24. Birthday greetings to Miss Irene Knapp for July 5; to Mrs. Allan Orr for July ‘6; to Miss Joan Brackenbury for July 6. On Sunday, July 6, and for the month of July and August. Sun- day School will be held at 9:45 am. to be followed by the church service at 11 am. Everyone is invited to attend. Neighboumood Notes HAULED ANYWHERE; ANYTIME 1 The annual Sunday School and Community Picnic will be held July 10th at Musslman’s Lake. It will be for supper. Anyone wishing transportation kindly contact Mr. R. F. Boynton or Mr. L. Mumberson. Church News The pupils and teacher and friends of 8.5. No. 6 held their picnic at Musselman's Lake on Tuesday of last week; 5.5. No. 7 on Thursday of last week. Every- one reported having a good time. Sunday School Picnic FRESH WATER The Vacation School for the Victoria Square charge will be held July 14-18th, 9 am. to 11.45 am. for children four years to fourteen years of age at the Head- ford United Church and School. Would the pre-school children please have a card with their name and age written on it. The Victoria Square pupils are asked to take cookies on Monday 'and Thursday. If anyone will volun-’ teer to transport the children please contact Rev. A. F. Bin- nington at Gormley 5702. or Mrs. P. B“nnett at Gormley, 5503. There will be a short meeting with Mr. H. Deverell, Christian Citizenship Secretary in charge. Also the ladies are asked to bring something for “A Sale", the pro- ceeds to be used for reading matâ€" erial. namely the W.M.S. Book Shelf. Vacation School meeting. Mrs. L Mumberson and her group are inviting all the women of the congregation to lunch at 12:30 pm. Salt 'A qua-Nuggets RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-3941 AV. 5-1081 Frank Evison ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-2728 Phone AV. 5-4421 Evenings AV. 5-3678 For Stair & Porch Rails, Grilles & Gratings, Fire Escapes, Portable Welding & Repairs. All local children from four years of age and up will be wel- comed at the Vacation Church School which will be held in Headford Church the week of July 14. Assisting leaders from Brown’s Corners Church will be Mrs. Wilfred Turner, Primary; Mrs. S. R. Patterson, Kindergar- ten; Mrs. John Wilkins, Nursery; Mrs. A. W. Miller, Junior Crafts. Mrs. Leaf is director and assist- ants will Janet Craig, 'Jean Mew and Margaret Patterson. Trans- portation will be arranged to pick up children at Brown’s Corners, Arnleigh Heights. Buttonville and 16th Avenue at 3:30 am. each 8“ Richvale Ornamental Iron Works On Saturday of last week friends and relatives marked the 95th birthday of Mrs. Robert Rod- ick with quiet :elebration, a shower of cards and gifts. Mrs. Rodick enjoys good health and was pleased to receive members of her family as well as neigh- bours and relatives from Bolton and Toronto. In the evening her son~in~law and daughter, Rev. Morrison and Mrs. Sellar of Owen Sound arrived and will be guests for some time. Vacation School at Headford July 14-18 Dr. and Mrs. Art Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. John Young, Sn, Mrs. Fred Leaf were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Donaldson recently. Mr. Donaldson had interesting pictures to show of a trip west and in particular some of Mr. Alex Bell’s home and garden near Kelona. B.C, - 95th Birthday for Mrs. Robert Rodick Friends who have been follow- ing the career of Paul Helmer will be interested to learn he has received the Eaton Scholarship to further his musical education. The fund amounts to $1,000 and wil- be helpful when Paul goes to Germany to study this autumn. Mrs. Murray Roberts, who will resume as teacher at Buttonville School in the autumn. sailed last week for: a vacation in Ireland. Congratulations to Mr. Murray Roberts and Buttonville School grades 6, 7 and 8 students, all 0: whom were successful this year. Seventeen grade 8 pupils have been graduated. On Saturday of last veek Mr, and Mrs. Fred Leaf were wedding guests at Kimbourne Park United Church when Kathleen Pilkey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Pilkey, Toronto, became the bride 01‘ Frank Barrett. The bride and groom will‘ honeymoon in Europe. Mr. and Mrs'. E. Hill ’éh'térvl tained relatives from the Niagara Peninsula over the holiday week- end. Following a service at Grace Anglican Church, Markham, at which their second son Andrew Alfred Henry was baptised, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mingay (nee Rena Miller) entertained at a luncheon party for approximately twenty guests. among them Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Miller. Miss Ellen Boynton of Thorn~ hill returned this weekend from a month‘s trip to the west coast. Travelling by train, Ellen visited the western United States. Cali- fornia, Washington and British Columbia. All spring surveying crews have lbeen haunting Don Mills Road, working up and down with their tapes and instruments and even- tually planting yellow stakes to mark a new road line. None of these men have been too comâ€" municative but one did say that they were trying to mark a one hundred foot roadwag and that Buttonville would be left as a bottleneck in the new venture. Lask week the Bell Telephone Co. were checking poles in the area. getting ready to move them back to the new line. At the moment the question in everyone’s mind seems to be: will this continue to be a County road? Will it be part of the Donway Extension? or will it be a Provincial High- way?- Oak Ridges RELIANCE SERVICE STATION Open 7 a.m. - Victor Draper SAME DAY SERVICE Haying has been in during the last week general opinion is that is very light. Light or stil. smells good¢ Neighbourhood Notes TELEVISION Radio -â€" Washer Repair Service 12 Midnight DAILY Conversion To 60 Cycle Agencies PR. 3-5471 EM. 8-9559 on CORRESPONDEN'I : MRS. F. u. LEAF ~ R. 2 Gnmjey -â€" Phone AXminster 3-6188 BUTTONVILLE- NEWS Ontario progress and the the crop heavy it “The Maples" a holiday ranch near Uxbridge on Highway 47. was the spot chosen this year for the outing, and in spite of cool weather everyone of the approxi- mately 120 parents and children who attended had a full interest- ing day. There was riding. minia- ture golf, a gym jungle hayride behind a tractor, three swimming pools to be enjoyed and no acci- dents marred the day. The group left the school grounds at 9:30 am. in private cars, returning by 4:00 pm. General opinion says it was the best picnic yet, and everyone was glad to see so many fathers present. Nothing left but watermelon seeds and a few cookies and sand- wiches was the report from the social convenors of the annual picnic for Buttonville School children. Sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. Norman Reid whose brother Robert passed away late last eek. Mr. and Mrs. Reid left by plane early Tuesday for Alberta to attend the funeral. Buttonville School Picnic Former friends of this neigh- bourhood were saddened to learn of the passing of Margaret Wilson widow of the late Warren Wilson of Toronto, iormerly of Button~ ville, whose death occurred at ‘the Toronto East General Hos- ‘pital on Friday, June 27th. A service was held at the Trull Funeral Home \n Monday after- noon of this week with interment at Buttonvllle Cemetery. Surviv- ing Mrs. Wilson are two sons, Edgar and Gladstone and two daughters, Miss Vina Wilson and Mrs. Eileen Nash. July 7 Sunday School Picnic The Brown's Corners Sunday School children are eagerly look~ ing forward to the annual picnic Which will be held on Monday afternoon of next week, July 7, at Musselman’s Lake. Transpor- tation will be provided for any- one who wishes it and everyon provides lunch. Fun for everyone»; Mr. Robert Reid l mnrning and return at 11:45 am. Children from this charge are asked to supply cookies for re~ freshment hour Tuesday and Fri- d"y of that week. Fo. further in~ formation call Mrs. F. N. Leaf, Ax. 3-6188. ‘ Mrs. Warren Wilson Passes Sanford F. Phillips All Classes of Insurance A. I. I. C. HUdson 5-5444 HOMEOWNERS . . . ., Se'rvice Oflicea throughout Canada INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA INDEMNITY INSURANC FIRE - MARINE - CASUALTY of your present policies. 9f buildings and contents, liabiligy and theft at a saving To ï¬nd out, ask an Insurance Company 01 north America agent about the "Homeowners Policy†which combines four policies in one to provide Fire and extended coverage Lap to 2020. Compare this with the cost and coverage See me at Richvale Pontiac - Buick - G.M.C. Trucks AV. 5-4351 AV. 5-4102 Call Us For Service Rich- Hill Motors All service and repairs are done by G.M.C. Trained Personnel. We guarantee you satisfactory service RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1245 Drains Cleaned a Repaired Barry West took two of his friends, Larry Fryer and Brian Taylor to visit friends in Port Carling on Monday. Sanitary Contractor "Jackie," ten month old Great Dane owned by Mrs. J. Watling of Spruce Ave.. won his champ- lonship in three shows at nine months of age. won best of breed at the Burlington Dog Show on Saturday. Mrs. J. Kirk entertained Mrs McDowell, Mrs. McLeod. Mrs. Young, Mrs. McCarthy and Mrs. Jarman at lunch on Tuesday. A speedy recovery is wished by all his friends for Mr. 0. Bell- amy who was taken to hospital on Saturday following a heart seizure. The "North America†agent will then give you particulars of the money-saving "Homeowners Policy†If you do not know a "North America†agent, consult one of the agénts ‘ listed below this advertisement. Richvale News Septic Tanks Pmed MANSE TAYLOR, Service Manager Correspondent MRS. M. E. TAYLOR Phone AV. 5-4293 Business accepted solely through Agents and Brokers COMPANIES Founded 1 792 CANADIAN HEAD OFFICEâ€"TORONTO C. STUNDEN Are you receiving the best insurance value for every dollar you spend? NORTH AMERICA IN SURAN CE'COMPANY 0F THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 3, 1958 INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA ’ ‘ “ “KR? W x, W W M V7 GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED 24 Elizabeth St. N. 4 Wellington St. E. Richmond Hill Toronto Repairs and precision sharpening to all makes and models of hand and power mowers. Rotary blades hollow ground and balanced (for safety). Authorized Service Dealer for Power Products and Lauson Motors. No job too small. 56 Rumble Ave. Richmond Hill Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1312 75 Yonge St. s. General Insurance 2028 Avenue Road, HUdson 34962 Evenings: AVenue 5-2722 or BAldWin 5-3452 RELIABLE MOWER REPMR maxmmmmmmmmmmmxm~~~nn~~~mmm~~mm7 CAR REPAIRS WELDING Accessories, Greasing and Washing Harry Haynes, CITIES SERVICE GARAGE INSURANCE HERBERT R. BUTT Pickup and Delivery TU. 4-2818 Associated With Dependable Service Telephone Phone TU. 4-0001 Toronto EMpire 4-3317