Phone A V. 5-4491 Evenings AV. 5-3678 See For Stair & Porch Rails, Grilles & Gratings, Fire Escapes. Portable Welding 8: Repairs 8"" Richvale Ornamental Iron Works . _,..- ....... “Thus any increase in costs of operating the public school of the proposed village, due to in- creased population. would be at the same mill rate as if the school section had remained as -4 _____,,. . -...uuu.u an at present con-s'tâ€"iiuted in the The report shows the Depart- ment of Education system of grants makes no distinction be- tween 3 rural and urban elemen- tary school. with a population under 66,500, in calculatinggrants pa}d by the Department. Assessment values studied by Mr. Joscelyn are based on as- sessment methods used by King Township for many years. The ï¬gure may alter when the new system of evaluation is intro- duced. 80119015 Unaffected ' The'hr'ez; iï¬c‘I-{xzigs‘fl 35b: lic school section 2 and part of public school section 22 in King Township. In 1961 the possible total farm and residential, commercial and industrial assessment could reach $l£90.000 fqr t_he suggested area. The accountant’s report is bas- ed on limits including the east half of lots 2 to 7 in the 3rd Con- cession, the west half of lots 2 to 6 and the south half of the west half of lot 7 in the 3rd con- cesslon, the east half of lots 1 to 6 and the south half of the east half of lot 7 in the 4th Con- ce‘ésion at King_ Township. mLA While Mr. Josceiyn's report deï¬ned a possible area of the proposed village, trustees‘ letter to Township Council said boun- daries were vague at present. They mentioned two possible areas, indicating the village's ap- proximately 360 acres could be increased at least ï¬ve times in slze. The survey shows assessment of this area on Township's 1953 tax roll of a total of $608,400 wigh 1,112 population. Estimated incre'ase inwgsgess- ment is based on increasing bugging trends. - The statement shows a fore- cast of estimated assessments. levies. expenditures and revenue for the independent municipal- ity and its expected growth up to 1961. Expect 1680 Residents From a 1958 population bf 1.- 112, the expected ï¬gure climbs toil.680 in three years' time. Mt. Joscelyn’s research done at the request of King City trus- tees and costing the village $150. shows clearly the ï¬nancial re- sults that might be obtained through the incorporation of an area, which includes the present police village, as a village under 21cc provisions of the Municipal c . His report pointed out “many factors may vary the conclusions drawn from such a statement of forecast and, therefore, should be considered as a trend of what might occur and not as an actuality.†In a commentary accompanying the budget, Mr. Jos- celyn explained it was “based upon information obtained from various local municipal sources.†The session was over by 9:30 pm. when secretary George Cruickshank had difficulty making notes because a. blown fuse left the entire meeting in the Fire Hall without light. In a brief, mid-month meeting, King City Village Trustees released the budget forecast of an incorporated village, prepared by chartered accountant Stewart Josc celyn; “Should. Incorporate" King City Trustees Budget Forecast 8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Juiy 24, 1958 A MAN'S OPINION OF MANY A WOMAN \zcs MADE BY HER oases SHOP King City, flak Ridges the Liberal ls alwnyl planed to publish items 01 b . term regarding people and events In the Oak shite.- ' Lake Wilcox and Klng City dish-lets. Our news col-rev {modem in King Clty in Mrs. William .l. Houston. tele- phone Klng 205M; and in Oak Nazca-Luke Wilcox Mn. Ruth McFadden. Elmxrovo Avenue. phone PR. 3-5567. Gilbert Van Geldonk, 28, of Berry Creek Dr.. Etobicoke, was admitted to Humber Memorial Hospital with head and pelvis in- juries after a two-car collision at the Aurora Sideroad and 6th Concession, King Township. six miles west of Aurora last Sunday. The driver of the other car, Peter Bmerama. 44, of Kettleby, and a passenger in Mr. Van Geldonk’s car, Evelyn Murray, 28, of Scar- lett Rd., Etobicoke, were unhurt. King library Has Record Day Wednesday of last week was one of the record days for King Memorial Library, when volun- teer librarians, Mrs. John Grew, Mrg. Harqld Ratcliï¬ and Mrs. A. 7-..- _.._ .u; E. Jarvis issued 138 ‘books. These showed reading distributed as 57 children‘s books, 60 ï¬ction and 21 non-ï¬ction. The staff was pleased to have four cartons of well chosen var- ied books donated. The children‘s section is constantly in need of fresh supplies as lhe books wear o_|‘1t gglckly, Mrs. Ratchï¬ told Two Cars Collide 6th Of King .7“. v- "v. .- "nu. ‘Trus ees directed Secretary Cruicks nnk to mail copies of the budget forecast table of ï¬g- ures and narrative to local or~ ganlzations. Any, individual may obtain a copy from trustees who indicated their willingness to discuss it with individuals or with groups. It \vas expected a public meet- ing would be held before the end of the year to study incorporation of King City. A progress payment to Cornish Construction Co. of $2,778 from the general reserve fund was passed by trustees for the pump hpgse and controls of No. 2 well. Trustees approved paying $20. bringing the total annual prem- ium up to $100, which will allow maximum compensation for King City ï¬remen. The policy. with A. E. Wilson Co., would give the same beneï¬ts as if a ï¬reman were earning $5,000 annually. should he be injured while on duty. ' Absent during the earlier part of the meeting when the budget forecast was presented, Trustee John DewJater told The Liberal he was ï¬nally convinced the vill- age is ready for Incorporation. Fireman‘s Compensation He termed {ï¬feugregz-rzvgolice village basis "a horse and buggy system". Trustee Ronald Bolton conï¬rmed the administration was “unwieldy.†Chairman Donald Findlay said the trustees weren't the only ones who thought King City Shauld be incorporated and managed by a Reeve and four councillors. He said the Department of Munici- pal Affairs, Central Mortgage and Housing, and Ontario Water Re- sources Comm’i_ssion agreed. 1'- The forecast showed a 1958 budget of $12,843 under incor- porated status and for 1961 â€"- when the population might in- crease 568 â€" the budget could be $18,006. The report points out addition- al services required by ratepay- ers above anything they are now receiving through Police Village funds would cause an Increase In proposed mill rates shown in the forecast. Mr. Joscelyn reported the wa- terworks was considered a self- supporting utility, together with the present mill rate being lev- ied for construction of the water system. “It is anticipated funds necess- ary for any future expansion of this system will be derived from waterworks revenue or from a capital levy on subdividers for this purpose." The forecast makes no provis- ion for capital expenditures for roads and sidewalks since they are being constructed by subdiv- isions or from funds' collected from subdivisions for that pur- pose. Pay For Service: “High School mill rate would remain at the same level that would be necessary for township, since high school costs payable by the proposed village would be on the same basis as those paygble by township. towgship.†WILLOWDALE : The North York Township Council approved the issuance of debentures for the building of a new public school on Bayview Ave. The total de- benture issue is $995,000. Mr. and Mrs. J. Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs. J. Wiebe, Elmgrove Ava, left last Friday on a two week trip to Vancouver where they will visit relatives. Mr, and Mrs. N. Burns and sons are spending their holidays at Clearwater Lodge, Northern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. H. Knuckey. of Elmgrove Ave. have left for Winâ€" nipeg where they will visit relaâ€" tives after which they will motor through the states before return- ing home. Township Council has approved the east-west Metro subway but at the same time they are con- cerned about the drain this will put on other municipal projects. NORTH YORK: North York Mr. and Mrs. R. McKee, Elm- grove Aveâ€, are vacationing at their cottage at Barty Sound. Along the trail the boys had a treasure hunt for clothes pegs. After the picnic they had plenty of rough games, a boxing match and baseball. Back home there were cake and ice cream and more games, including boat races in a tub of water. ‘ Celebrating David McKendry’s eighth birthday, the energetic lads willingly carried their share of the picnic sandwiches divided by Mrs. McKendry in their school lunch boxes. Besides David and Michael Sim were neighbours, Jamie and John Urquhart, Patsy Lake, Bar- bara and Beverley Clubine, Don- na and Wendy Campbell, Wil- fred and Marion LaPlante, Wayne Hogan, Sandra Kirby and John Houston. Mrs. Warren McKendry of Hambly Ave., Heritage Park, solved the problem of entertain- ing active young boys for nearly six hours by taking them on a hike along Dr. J. B_arrie's creek. Mrs. James Sim, William St, kept her small visitors busy with a bowling game when they came to lunch to celebrate Jimmy Sims ï¬fth birthdgy. _ v.â€" ..p r_ , Little guests included brother George, Mary Evans, Heather Davidson, Denise Wallace, Bobby Wallace, Linda Loughran, Shar- on and Michael Crawford. Jan Cargill and Lorna Houston. Wen- dy's grandmother, Mrs. Edith Greer of Toronto, was_present. Mr. and Mrs. George Bennet of KingSView Subdivision enter- tained at a Wiener and marsh- mallow roast, which was only slightly interrupted by rain, to mark the eighth birthday of their daughter, Wendy. _ Lions on the committee, head- ed by Mr. Thompson to inter- view prospects, are Dr. Quentin Hardy, Mr. Ken Sutton and Mr. Adam Davidson. Summer Styles Chill breezes persisting through summer bring an odd note into holiday apparel. At Innisï¬i Park, Lake Simcoe, last Sunday, two girls ï¬nished their swim, then huddled into their heavy winter quilted snow-suit jackets. Birthday Parties â€" Birthaair reelieï¬rations for child- ren are keeping the younger gen- eration occupied during hgidays‘. He was conï¬dent now the area is populated enough to keep two doctors busy, “You will soon be waiting a month for a dental ap- pointment." “Since the end of March we have been trying to ï¬nd a suit- able dentist and the Lions are prepared to give him any assist~ ance they can in locating here," said Mr. Thompson. It isn‘t deï¬nite yet who will be locating in the village, but the Lions have had several interested applications from Ontario cen- tres. King City is to have a fu11~ time dentist in the near future, is the assurance of Mr. G. T. (Jock) Thompson, new president of King City Lions Club. Resident Dentist Oak Ridges RELIANCE SERVICE STATION Open 7 mm. - Conversion To 60 Cycle SAME DAY SERVICE on TELEVISION Victor Draper Agencies 12 Midnight DAILY Radio - Washer Repair Service Oak Ridges Lake Wilcox Socials PR. 3~547l EM. 8-9559 King City Notes Ontario 7 Miss Maureen Wellesley is on her holidays. Fh'emen’s WA. New to the bank staff‘are Mrs. Desta Brown of Springhlll Road and Mr. Jack Doupe. who trans- ferred from Goderlch Branch of the Bank of Commerce. Members of King City Fire- men's W.A. had a social evening at the home of Mrs. Bob Berwlck, when they planned to resume meetings in September at the home of Mrs. Len Robb. Enjoying the busy program be- sides the hostess, were Jimmy and David Heaslip, Scott Cruick- shank, Mark Brown, Stephen Hooper. Reid Lawson and Gary Armstrong. Bank Staï¬ Changes Mr. W. L. Irwin of Stouï¬vme is acting manager at the Canad- ian Bank of Commerce during the temporary enforced rest of Mr. Matt Bell. Mr. Irwin was stationed all over Canada during his 46 years of banking experience, before he retired last year. . a Group premiums will be payable monthly in one remittance to the Commission beginning in December, 1958. Individuals lemming to the Commission on a Pay-Direct basis will-pay as follows: One month's premium at the time of application on or before September 30, 1958 â€" and after that payable on a guarterly premium basis beginning in January, 1959. PREPAID ‘CUSHION‘ â€"The ï¬rst payment of one month‘s pre- mium by groups and individuals registered prior to the closing date: Hated above, will cover a beneï¬t period of Ihrce months from January 1, to March 3!, 1959. This will set up a "prepaid" period to maintain beneï¬ts during times when a person may be 13m 05, changing jobs, or \emporaï¬ly out of the pmvince. GROUPS must submit lists to the Commission by August 31, 1958, and begin payments in December, 1958. Notice to Employers: The Commission has mailed to Ontario ï¬rms with 6 or more employees, the required forms and instructions for registering their employees. ANY EMPLOYER WITH 6 OR MORE ON THE PAYROLL WHO HAS NOT RECEIVED THESE FORMS SHOULD IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE COMMISSION. VOLUNTARY ENROLMENT â€" If you are a resident of Ontario and not employed where there are 15 or more on the payroll, you are eligible lo enrol through any of the following means: â€"~ (a) Voluntary Groups. Persons employed where there are from 6 to 14 on the payroll (including the employer) may be enrolled as a group, if the employer applies for approval as a Mandatory Group and all employees participate. (b) Collector’s Groups. Organizations such as pro- fessional associalions, medical co-operatives, craft unions, credit unions, retail federations, etc. may COMPULSORY ENROLMENT - If you are a resident of Ontario employed where there are 15 or more on the payroll (including the employer) you are subject to com- pulrory enrolment through your place of employment. Your employer will register you. Enrolment is open to every resident 0f Ontario â€"â€" regardless of age or physical condition â€"â€" either through a group, or individually 9n a Pay-Direct basis. ALL RESIDENTS OF ONTARIO ARE ELIGIBLE ONTARO HOSPITAL INSURANCE \I-wm; Anu DUKbEI' HhRALD PHOTO) On awrecent visit to the Vickers-Armstrongs (Aircraft) Ltd. plant at Hui-n, England, Prince Philip took time out to look over and inspect one of Trens-Canada Air Lines'_ Viscounts on the production line. The airplane. just about-completed when Prince Philip made his tour, 15 now in regular serv1ce on TCA routes. Forty-seven propeller~turbine Viscounts are now serving TCA’s ports-of-call and four more will be delivered next Spring. Following the Duke's visit to Hum, he toured Weybridge where Vickers are mézlcing the Vanguard, 20 of which have been ordered bv TCA ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION Nonâ€"residents of Omario are not eligible NOW is the time to register The plan will pay the cost of essential standard (public) ward 'in hospital’ services for Ontario residents wbo are insured under the plan. Beneï¬ts will be available in approved hospitals in Ontario for as many days as hospital services are medically necessary. Approved hospitals will include public general hospitals, hospitals for convalescents and the chronically ill, tuberculosis sanatoria and provincial mental hospitals. The only_‘out-patient’ beneï¬ts in Ontario will be for emergency hospital services received within 24 hours following an accident. Beneï¬ts will be allowed for hospital care received outside Ontario as the result of a sudden attack of illness or an accident. HOSPITAL INSURANCE DIVISION â€"-TORONTO 7. ONTARIO Telephone: WAInut 4-330! To have protection effective January I, 1959 and also qualify for the two months†free coverage : PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS WHEN YOU ENROL PRINCE PHILIP VISITS TCA VISCOUNT HOW YOU ENROI efl'ective January 1, 1959. ONTARIO FOR Application forms will be available at public hospitals and banks (or at the post ofï¬ce if there is no bank in your community) on and after Monday, July 28.. LATE REGISTRATION MAY PROVE COSTLY Groups and individuals not registered by the closing dates stated above under “When you Enrol" will not only fail to qualify for the two months’ free coverage but will be required to wait lhree months following applicarion before beneï¬ts become available. For example, a resi‘ dent or group applying in February will not have pro- tection eï¬ective until May L INDIVIDUALS applying for Pay-Direct enrolment mus: make application by September 30, 1958, and pay one month’s premium at the time application is made. THE ONLY BASIC HOSPITAL INSURANCEâ€"0n and after January 1, 1959, the Ontario Hospital Services Commission will be the only agency offering standard wérd hospital insurance in Ontario.. No privale inwrance company or prepayment plan will ofler beneï¬tx covering standard ward hospital services after December 31, 1958. PREMIUMS The low premiums of\$2.10 a month for a single person and $4.20 a month for the family (husband, wife, children under age 19) are made possible through extensive ï¬nancial con- tributions by the Federal and Provincial Governments. YOU MUST BE REGISTERED TO BENEFIT apply for approval to act as collectors of hospital insurance premiums on behalf of their members. Ask your organization. (0 Pay-Direct enrolment. If you are not eligible to participate through a group, you may apply to pay directly to the Commission. See “When You Enrol", below. (d) Recipients of‘ Public Assistance who are covered by the Medical Welfare Plan through the Ontario Department of Public Welfare will also be eligible for hospital insurance beneï¬ts. It will not be necersary for them to apply for enrolment or pay a premium. (POOLE AND DORSET HERALD PHOTO)