Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Jul 1958, p. 8

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The congregations of Maple United, Edgeley United and Hope United Churches, were fully represented at the induction of Rev. W. H. Davies, B.A., into the ministry of the Maple charge recently. The service was conducted by Rev. Douglas G. Davis of Stouffville, Chairman of the York Presbytery. The charge to the minister and the con- gregation was given by Rev. C. E. Fockler. Manufactured at the plant of Standard Prestressed Structures Limited, Maple, they will form part of tht trans-Cafiada high- way, at Severn River on High- way 103. Eight prestressed’ concrete beams, each more than 20 tons in weight and 76179 feet long, began moving northward Tues- day, July 22. A temporary trestle has been built at the site, parallel to the concrete bridge abutments, and the beams will be lifted into place by two 20-ton cranes, one on each end. Two tractor trailer trucks moved the beams one at a time, completing delivery 1:} three gays. Several local men joined a par- ty of progressive farmers at Am- os Baker’s farm in Concord last Monday morning for their annual Sunrise Farm Tour sponsored by the York County Crop Improve- ment Association. A very large group was in attendance and this made the event an outstand- ing success as they toured, first, Amos Baker's farm where they saw new grain storage and eleva- tor facilities which is proving to be a tremendous labor saver. Local Plant Made Concrete Beams To Be Used For Trans-Canada Hwy. They will support a concrete deck, which will carry automo- bile and pedestrian traffic over the overflow from the Trent Can- Visit Vaughan Farms On Sunrise Farm Tour At Jim Darlington‘s farm in Edgeley the group was shown test drill plots of oats and bar- ley which were planted early in the spring by W. Coburn, York County Agricultural Representa- LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontarig, Thursday, f The Liberal is always willing to publish interesting items regarding people contributed by its readers in Maple. Concord & Edgeley districts. Our re] in Maple ls Mrs. R. Thompson, Maple 126.]; in Concord, Mrs Ruth Keffer. and in Edgeley, Mrs. Raymond Stuart, AV. 5-1934. W :bauieé jnaluclea/ 31 system. The bridge is designed to carry the standard highway loading of 20 tons axle load. The tee-shaped concrete beams are 4% feet high, and 2% feet wide, narrowing to one foot, two inches at the stem. Each contains eight cables under stress, four horizontal and four curved, with an ultimate tensile strength of 120 tons per square inch. It is these cables that give the concrete beams their load-bear- ing strength, by introducing a‘ compressive force on the con- crete. T. A. Lazarides & Associates. Toronto. are consulting engin- eers on the project, and the gen- eral contractor is Aiken & Mac- Lachlan Ltd., St. Catharines. The beams were moved from Maple ‘along Highway 400 to Barrie, then along Highway 12. ' tive and his assistant M. Pearson. They also inspected a birdsfoot trefoil pasture and a tile drain- age system Mr. Darlington had installed last year. Mr. Coburn gave a running commentary over the loud speakers attached to his car so that all were enabled to gain valuable information to take back to their own farms. About 50 cars transported the men from farm to farm. All brought their lunches and enjoyed eating them on the 240 acre Boyd Conservation Area near Woodbridge. At Mel Whitchurch’s the party was given a demonstration of Mel’s invention, a device for ma- king use of meta-bisulphate as a hay preservative and its applica- tion. On they went to the Shur-Gain Farm at Maple where the groups were shown a turkey plant, corn variety plots and pre-emergence weed control and improved pas- ture. Gordon McGillvary's farm was the next point of call and here they witnessed a baler and drain- age demonstration. At Gilbert Agar's farm on Lot 23 east side of the 10th conces- sion, they saw a soil and land use demonstration conducted by Dr. D. M. Huntly of the Soils De- partment, Ontario Agricultural College. The tour was concluded fol- lowing the inspection of a herd of Santa Gertrude cattle owned by J. Grant Glasco of Cold Creek Ranch. The finest in floral designs and bedding plants. Keele Street, Maple, Ont. GROWER â€" FLORIST â€" Photo by Lagerquist Phone Maple 2 Since 1880 .ng items regarding people and events Edgeley districts. Our representative ioncord. Mrs Ruth Kefier. AV. 5-2375; Picnic Among those who attended the Holstein Cattle-Club picnic at Sutton on Thursday of last week were Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Dare lington, Mr. and Mrs. J. Darlingâ€" ton of Woodbr'idge. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Boake and their children. Janice, David and Harold, Mrs. Harold Boake of Toronto, Miss Marjorie Young and Miss Mar- garet Hendry. All enjoyed their picnic lunch at noon and after- wards games and races were held. This is the first time in sev- eral years that the summer out- ing has taken the form of a pic- r_1;, the past few events being “Twilight meetings.” Last week Mrs. Homer Whit- more. Rev. and Mrs. John Nor- ton and Mrs. R. Stuart called on Mrs. Stan Harrison and Miss Cor- inne Harrison. On Tuesday even- ing the Nortons called on Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Fierheller and family. - r~ â€"- n,_4 Socials Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bagg, Randy and Joel returned home last week from a very pleasant trip to Western Canada. Besides attending the Calgary Stampede, Norman visited several fairs and renewed acquaintances with a few prominent Jersey cattlemen whom he had met when they ex- hibited their animals at the Roy- al Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto. Drowning Tragedy struck at the gMari- land Gardens pool near here on Highway 400 last week. when Donald Milne Ritchie, 'age 21, was drowned. Donald and his brother Andrew. who live at 137 Markham St., Toronto. rode out to the pool on Tuesday. July 15. Andrew went to sleep for a couple of hours after warning his brother not to go too far out as he was a poor swimmer. When he awoke and could not find his brother, he notified lifeguard Bob Owen who called Vaughan Town- ship police. The,body was recov- ered after two hours dragging. Andrew collapsed and had to be treated for shock. The pool was officially opened on July 4. Church Holiday Worship services will be with- drawn for four weeks in August in Edgeley United Church while the Rev. Mr. Davies and his fam- ily enjoy a vacation. During this time Edgeley residents are in- vited to join in worship at Maple United Church. On Sundays, August 3 and August 17, Rev. Elmer Leaker of Port Credit will occupy the pulpit. Mr. Leaker is .associated with the Sunday school publication office in Toronto. July 24, 1958 On Sunday, August 31,. Rev. Mr. Davies will again occupy the pulpits on the Maple charge.'We all extend to him our best wishes for a very happy and restful hol- iday. On Sundays, August 10 and August 24, Rev. John MacPher- son of Newmarket and of Victoria College in Toronto will be the guest preacher. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Summer- felt and Mr. and Mrs. James Spencer last week visited for a few days in Windsor and Detroit, Michigan, and while in Detroit called on some friends. It was the first time that Mrs. Spencer had visited Detroit. Miss Rene Kaiser of Grafton and Miss Lillie McNeil and Mr. Lex MacKenzie of Woodbridge visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dalziel and enjoyed tea with them on Friday afternoon last week. Farm families in the commun- ity“ are observing Farm Safety week this week. This nation-wide movement is sponsored by the Farm Equipment Dealers. and is backed by the federal and pro- vincial governments. During this week and every other week far- mers are asked to pause for a moment and to think about the ever increasing death tolls on farms. While mechanization is a boon to the farmer. it is fraught with new life risking dangers. Topping the list is the misuse of or carelessness in handling trac- tors which results in serious loss of life. The declaration of Nat- We extend belated congratula- tions to Mr. and Mrs. Dalziel on the occasion of their 54th wed- ding anniversary which was June 15. Mr. and Mrs. John Stuart re- turned home this week after spending two weeks with Mrs. Stuart’s family in St. John, New Brunswick. National Farm Safety Week To Wed Aug. 16 Bishop or maple Burbidge. son ( Gordon Burbid The wedding to Paul‘s Presbyte Vaughan. on A1 The engagement has been an- nounced of Bertha Isobel, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Bishop of Maple. to Ronald Lorne Burbidge. son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Burbidge, Woodbridge. The wedding to take place in St‘ Paul's Presbyterian C h u r c h; Vaughan, on August 16. 1958. Edgeley Socialjsl IIICLy, Voyyw-u.n .._s Miss Dianne Fierheller is hol- idaying this week in Collingwood as, the guest of her school friend Miss Susan Pearce of Richmond Hill. .u. u. .. .0. - cuperating Kieth); at the' home of her daughter, Mrs. R_qssell_Hoo- ver. R. RR. 2 King. Mrs. Puter- baugh suffered a stroke last Feb- ruary and we are pleased to re- port that she is much improved now. We join in sending MrS. Puterbaugh best wishes for steady improvement in health. Mrs. Warren Whitmore of Woodbridge and her daughters, Mrs. Eric Zigler, Miss Donna Whitmore and Miss Lois Whit- more called on Mrs. Eldon Fier- heller one afternoon last week. Short Course Members of Edgeley Women’s Institute are being asked this week to decide whether it will be convenient for them to hold their three day shorf‘ course in Millinery on Friday, September 5, Monday, September 8, and‘ Tuesday, September 9. The Home Economics Service, Extenâ€" sion Branch, Ontario Department of Agriculture has requested a prompt reply. Members’ decisâ€" ions should be in the hands of the short course, committee by the end of this week. Mrs. C. J. Agnew, Mrs. Paul Snider and Mrs. James Spencer are the com- mittee. As this project is open for all women who wish to avail themselves of it, their sugges- tions as well as those of institute members would be most welcome. Mrs. C. H. Boake is planning to enter hospital on Monday of this week and is expecting to un- dergo surgery on Tuesday. We hope by the time this is in print Lanfls 8: Faresis Building Reafiy By'Next Month District Lands & Forests office‘ staff at Maple are looking for- ward, with some anticipation, to the new building they will be oc- cupying at the southern research station property sometime hnext month. The new building, which has been constructed by the De- partment va Public Works, is of modern design, attractively laid out and will alleviate the crowd- ed conditions which have existed for sometime in the old office quarters. The regional office for the southwestern region is also locat- ed in the new building and the basement provides maintenance facilities and workshop space for the radio branch which, up to now, has been situated in Toron- to. .13/‘I'rs. Percy Butelfblqugb is re~ [SE Pleasure is high; Price is low..- at your Pathfinder 4-doar Sedan What a wonderful start to any trip or vacation . . . setting out in a Spanking new Pontiac! You’ll leave your everyday worries behind, while you enjoy the incomparable delights of driving Canada’s No. 1 Road Car. Pontiac’s tops in giving you what it takes to make any trip a real pleasure . . . including features like the country’s peppiest six-cylinder engine or the widest range of whispering V8’s, and the greatest selection of standard and silken-smooth automatic transmissions A GENERAL St0p 24 Yonge Street South of Richmond Hill Tel. AV. 5-4351 RICH - HILL MOTORS LTD. that Mrs. Boake W111 De xeeung much better. Mrs. Alf. Bagg and Mrs. Frank Locke joined the members of Emery Women's Association and their friends on Wednesday of last week when they held their annual bus tour. This year‘s des- tination was to Mrs. Margarita Richardson’s cottage at Woodland Beach. The 36 ladies also enjoyed a delicious chicken dinner provid- ed by the Women’s Association in Central United Church. Barrie. ‘n-u u...“ u. v..---.. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Symons and family of Port Hope visited with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Bagg and all spent the day at Alcona Beach as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kefier of Concord. Peters Service Station at the junction of Keele St. and No. 7 Highway was broken into last week and a quantity of mer- chandisa, including tires, was stolen. Around 9 pm. last Sunday when the Aerial Highway Patrol announced over its radio that it spotted a fire east of Highway 400 and a couple of miles north of No. 7 Highway, we looked out and saw the haze‘ and smoke and learned afterwards that the fire was on property that was known many years back as the Duke Jarrett farm. A building that might be‘ classed as a large shed or a small barn was destroyed. Mr. and Mrs. R. Thompson have just returned from a week’s vacation at the Invernass Music Camp in Muskoka, where they enjoyed a week of concentrated music making, as well as a per- fect summer holiday. This camp is only in its second year of op- eration and had an enrollment of 30 amateur and professional mus- icians. Under the leadership of Mr. Marcus Adeney, well known cell- ist, along with three other musâ€" icians on the staff, everybody was scheduled for approximately four hours each day in string trios. quartettes, orchestras, madrigal singing and recorder ensembles. There were also opportunities for private practicing and private lessons, and each evening the whole camp assembled in the lounge for informal music mak- 5 mm Speciai Rat'e from I to 10 yard loads Our rates are reasonable “a. -â€"-v~ _.__ 7,, Quality guaranteed We also have weedless cultivated sod. Elgin Mills Loam & Sod Co. 77- ._4_4. Mrs. Boake will be feeling Back Pea! Maple Notes AV. 5-1514 Baseball The baseball season is over. as far as Concerd Men's team ls concerned. They played their last two games last week, winning 8-3 against Woodbridge. losing ag- ainst Vellore. Many thanks to those fans who were faithful all season. but we can't help but feel that a little more moral support might have helped a lot. We know things will turn out better next year. Socials Mr. and Mrs. Tom McClymont and family have returned from a trip to Cornwall and Lake Placid Mrs. Jean Cross and daugh- ters, Sandra and Karen, have re- turned from a week's vacation at their cottage, Sauble Beach. u"...- -Vangt Mr. and Mrs. Fred Orr and family spent Sunday at Midland with Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Will- iams who have a cottage there. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kefi‘er included Mr. and Mrs. Alf Bagg, Edgeley, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Symons and family, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Norm Lewis. Maple. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Perci- val and family, Elgin Mills. and Mr. and Mrs. D. Kefler and family. . . . .- a... Penny Barrett. daughter of Mr and Mrs. Bev. Barrett is spend- ing a holiday with her grandpar- ents, Rev. and Mrs. F. B. gooke Rome’s Point. Friends of Mr. Jack Higginson will be glad to know that he is doing well, although he will have to remain in New Branson Hospital foxj another week or two. Highlight of the week was a concert of music studied during the previous two weeks, and this concert also included solos of professional standard, so that it lasted well into the early hours of the morning. The camp, was held at Inver- ness Lodge, with its usual vaca- tioning amenities, including a lovely private beach. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson participa’ted as pianist and cellist respectively and also took part' in the madri- gal singing. which proved to be most enjoyable. One of the most amusing as- pects of this camp was the sight of a group of players just about anywhere in the woods or by the lake at any time of the day, and the fact that somebody would always want to be first by starting practicing as soon as the morning bell rang at 8 am. Yoncord Notes anywhere. Best of all, you have an unrivalled drain: of 29 dazzling models in eight great series. And with Pontiac I popularity at its height, your dealer is ofi‘ering the biggest vacation values in Pontiac history. You’ll find there’s a Pontiac priced right for you. So visit him today. Take a pleasure cruise in the big bold beauty of m choice. Once you do, you’ll know why people going places this summer are going Pontiac in a big. big way! . MOTORS VALUE is Iow.;. PONTIAC” Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gillies are shown following their marriage in Maple United Church, July 19, 1958. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gillies, King, and the bride, the former Dorothy Robson, is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Robson, Maple . Telephone TU. 4-1650 NEW WORK â€" ALTERATIONS â€" REPAIRS ROGER PROULX “PM PLUMBING & HEATING Free Estimates Gladly Given 31.616 and! groom â€"’ Pho‘Eo by Lagerquist 62 Crosby Ave. RlCHMUND HILL

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