Horse Show and Fair m "£1: 111W“ muuu muuu umuuu muuu uumu «mum Will!“ muuummmmumx mun mlqu llllllllll mmuu numm lllillllll llllflllll llllllllll l E « Misses Beverley McLaughlin and Lyn Jack Toronto spent the I ast two weeks with their cousin atol Waters. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bell and family were Saturday visitors at the h me of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell. hey also payed a call on Miss Boothman, Glen Lonely, Wilcox Lake. 94 John Passmore, Martin and Turn returned Monday from a month long camping trip which took them across Canada to Van- couver down the west coast to (Los Angeles, and home through .western U.S.A. Orie of the high- lights was a drive up the Alaska highway. The boys traveled about mmummmmu l 5‘ g E“ E mammal [Applications will be received by the' undersigned for the position of Constable for the Town of Richmond Hill not later than Monday, August 11, R. P. ROBBINS, t a 1958. ‘ mumuumlmmmmnmnmumummu 57:3}nnu“mumlI\m1mmumuuuuuuummnummummmmnmmu“munmmuuumumï¬\\iu\ï¬\Mmmm\Mï¬umummmmï¬ Â«NW» A‘ ‘N’Nrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm~maamnuv; 5;. A a A A .-, wag, w v V V wwwwww‘o‘ow .mmm v,.----v-~‘~v‘ V.V.V.VV‘I~‘I.V~VIVV. WW. *0. w..VV.V. xv. .w‘o, wwww.\.‘ 1) Helping Mark to celebrate wefe seven little friends and their mothers. Mrs. Ray Holmei, Falconbrldge has been visiting her mother M55, G. Kerswfll, Jefferson. a Birthday greetings to Mark Williams, Gamble Road West who wag three years old last Tuesday. \.L\L\.a ‘ 4 . N. _~-_ce Welcome home to Mr. Jack Passmore who has returned from a most interesting six wreks trip to Europe. After attending Educ- ation Conferences in France, Germany and Switzerland, Mr. Passmore took in the sights of the World’s Fair in Brussels, later flying to England to spend sever- al days at the British Empire Games, Cardiff Wales. Mr. Pass- more returned to Canada by plqne last Saturday. ‘Mr. and Mrs. J. O'Hallaran and family, Galt, visited a few days last Week with Mr. and M33. George Topper, Bayviegv-Ave'. ‘ 24 Hour Service STEEL FABRICATION. ARC and ACETYLENE WELDING MACHINERY MOVERS. RIGGERS MOBILE CRANE SERVICE - STEEL & WOOD BUILDINGS Equipment Rentals: COMPRESSORS, STEEL EDWARD ELSIE & COMPANY LTD. ATTENTION CONTRACTORS ELGIN MILLS-JEFFERSON NEWS Harness Racing - Pony Races Jumping (South Side, Accurate Concrete Products Plant) PHONE: TU. 4-4611 OFFICE â€" 41 Maralim Rd., Richmond Hill PHONE: DAY OR NIGHT - TU. 4-2441 Sutton Agricultural Society Free Grandstand Variety Show Friday and Saturday Evenings Exhibition in Arena -â€" Midway SCAFFOLDING. SMALL TOOLS Shop and Yard: 175 Cedar St., Richmond Hill Correspondent: The Evening Branch of the Woman’s Auxiliary of St. John’s Anglican Church TU. 4-2708 TU. 4-1584 $th 7M, 81% am! 9:54 Help Wanted Engineering Erectors General Contractors CHIEF CONSTABLE The local police department last Saturay recovered a car that had been stolen in Toronto and left in Rlchmond Hill. Constables R. Newton and‘ D. Young found the car before it had been report- ed stolen. The car driven by cab driver James Kennedy of Pugsley Ave~ nue, Richmond Hill was struck by a car driven by Henry Harley, Victoria Park Avenue, Toronto Saturday evening. as it proceeded onto the street from the cab stand on Yonge St. There were no injuries and only minor dam- age. Constable W. Berseth 1nvest~ iggted. r r . Two residents of Benson Avenâ€" ue in Richmond Hill were involv- ed in a minor accident on Yonge Street south last Thursday. The cars belonged to Bernard Holtz and Clive Betties. There was minor damqge and_no injuries. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gay and Debbie, Toronto, holldayed with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pasco, Elgin M1113. Accidents, Stolen Car, local Police Little Miss Nancy Be]; Willow- dale is spending this week with the Maruis children, NaughtOn Drive. Mr. and Mrs. M. Willis, St. Catherines spent, the holiday week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G. Gardener Bayviev' Ave. 10,000 miles H. D. Melsness, 0.0. x-RAY cor. Windhurst Gate & Bayview (1 block south Bayview Plum Phone TU. #10“ By Appointment Run 294 Cluhine 8: Alexander Building Trades Deciantis - Rice GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building Rep-in & Alter-“on: Drain & Concrete Work P L A S T E R l N G CONTRACT! )RS Leonard R. 63 Roseview Ave. TU. 4-1428 Richmm John R. Kane, D.C. X-Ray 9 CLARKE AVE. THORNHILL BY APPOINTMENT AV. 5-3451 W. J. Smith & Son Paper Hanging Spray Painting Painting Artists' Supplies CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT AV. 5-3741 WILLIAMS PAINT 8: WALLPAPER Rosenberg 3. COM. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT TELEPHONE AURORA PArkvlew 7-4513 5453V; YONGE STREET BA. 5-4701 G. Chassie BUILDER Speculative or Custo- Irma or General Repair- TU. 4-2933 Richmond Hill Arthur G. Broad. Picture Framing Picture Framing USE "LIBERAL" CLASSTFIED ADS FOR. QUICK :{ESULTS PHONE. TURNER 4-1105 Phone AV. H58! 213 Oak Ave.. Richvalo Suite 2, 31 Yen‘s St. N Richmond Hill 24 King St. W“ Toronto 12 Levendale Road (opp. Loblaws at Yonge) Phone TU. 4-5221 RICH VALE. ONTARIO F.I.A. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 21 Beam-d Park An. Richmond Hill TUmer 4-2002 3: Appointmem Interior and Exterior Chiropractic :94 or AV. 5-2736 FREE ESTIMATES Accountants Philip Swan TU. 4-1483 L. E. Clark free estimates at Residence Phone or Richmond mu PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY For All Occasions Phone orders delivered anywhere in North Yonge St. District 2518 Yonge St. (at St. Clements) Telephone HU. 5-1145 ‘Helen Simpson Lynett, J. F. Lynett We» (.17.! Rich-on. Ill] Driveways, Parking Lots, School Yards, Service Stations. Free es’timates and advice. We stand behind our work. SCHOOL DAYS: new. Maple 7.15 ml. Lew. Richmond Hill 9.15 a... Leave Maple 3.30 pn. Leave Richmond Hill 6 9.5:. Home Air Conditioners “Red Seal" Adequate Wiring Repairs 85 Service for Walters. Dryers, Stoves. Refrigerators, Oil Burners. etc. Oflico TU. 4-3571 "A YONG! 81'. SOUTH TUrner #1511 flea-ma m Dr. P. R. Macfarlane-l General Business SAND and GRAVEL Crushed Stone Loam and Fill Charles Matthews thu For All 00ml Telenhm Kilt u Langdon’s Coach Lines Ltd. Dr. W. 1. Mason Asphalt Paving Dr. J. Perdicaris MEDICAL-DENTAL CENTRE BAYVIEW PLAZA BEVERLEY ACRES PHONE E. CHARITY Dr. J. M. Dryer DENTIST Open Evenlnu Gas Extractions 18 VUNGE ST S. RICHMOND HILL ‘I'Umet 6-1462 ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS Buildings Moved A Yard or a Mile HERRIDGE *1 DENTIST (in inflation- IO You. St. North W. 4-1"? Richmond mu TU. 4-8211 All Hour- ELECTRIC AV. 5-1770 LAN GSTAF F. L. W. REID,’ AV. 6-2211 DENTAL Res. TU. 4-1913 GENERAL INSUBARCI Life. Fire. Automobile, Liability. Hail. Accident and Sickness, Farm Insurance 1 Speclnlty nu C!!! H Telephone 8 Electrical Appliance Repair ~ operated by Ernie Brock & Son LTD. Benml Insurance Savage ... Insurance Services Gm lNSUIANCl l‘lrc. Alknobfle, flak GI... AIM-chug ï¬nancing. on. (Mice 555 loan St. South Residence 73 Leisure Lao Richmond Hill W. #1219 mall I!!! Toronto Telephone 11 Maple, Ont. _ ROLPH J. McCONAGHY, Phone Toronto HU. 3-2652. Body 8: Fender Repairs Complete Reï¬nishing I! you haven’t heard of our re- putation, enquire from your friends All work guaranteed. 144 Spruce Ave. Stop 22A Yonge St.. Riahvale For nppolntment. ph. AV. 5-3631 Bu. AV. 5-3630 Rel. TU. 4-3935 Richvale Auto Body Plume} 8-5312 EXCAVA'HNG. BULLDOZING. DRAGLINE ram Ponds and swimmln; pools I specialty Box 138 King City. Ontario PHONE RING 1818 Ralph Enterprises GENERAL INSURANCE For All Your Insurance Needs General Business Jack Walkington Insurance Agency A. ntï¬zNE'r'r Gencnl Insurance 17 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1551 Harold Millard Construction Co. BETTER INSURANCE PROTECTION AND SERVICE In Richmond Hill contact Mrs. M. L. McConaghy, :6 Contra st. W. Richmond Hill Driving School Day or Evening GILL WILLIAMS Operator TU. 4-1596 Roy A. Phillips _ Oak Ridges Driving School SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Leno’s Machine Shop Complete Insurance Servico 24 Adelaide St. W. 78 CENTRE 81‘. EAST RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-1974 STEAMFI‘I'HN G WELDING Ito EM. 3-0311 25 Grandview An. Roy V. Bick Automatic Drive Pick Up Service H errington Thonhill AVenue 5-1379 Dnul damned . Insurance Fully Insured ERIC yALLIsI‘ER. (Continued) on: mazes. enema PIL: Every Thursday afternoon TUrner 44551 Richmond Hill Toronto Office â€"- 18 Toronto St. Phone EM. 3-5877 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL 7 Duflerin St. AVenue 5-1477 TUmer 4-1548 J. Rabinowitch, BA. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC 65 Yonge St. 3., Richmond Hill TU. 4-2084 Richmond Theatre Block Res. TU. 4-2117 J. Roy Herrington NOTARY PUBLIC OONVEYANCER Richmond Hill. 0M. 17 Yonge St. N. TUmer 4-1551 Barrlsters, Solicitor.~ and Notaries Evenings 7.00 to 9.00 Saturdays 10 am. to 5 pm. TU. 4-3670 Sunlew Plaza Shopping Centre. Rlchmond Hlll. Barrister. Solicitor. Notary Public 1'! Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Bln'lster, Solicitor. Noun Public llrflfler. Solicitor. and Noun Miller and Brodey Floyd E. Corner, Q-‘ Insurance - Mortgages - Fire Auto - Liability The Bunk at Nova Scotia Bldg. AURORA Telephone : PA. 7-5052 PA. 7-5046 EM. 4-3652 LE. 2-1226 Telephone: Aux-on Office PA. 7-5052 Residence. Aurora. PA. 7-5046 Toronto 051cc EM. (.3652 James H. Timmins Stiver, Vale Peppiatt, Errington THORNHILL AVenue 5-3165 By appointment and evening: Plaxtou & Deane Banister, Solicitor 8 Not-w Public 55 you: St. Soï¬a: humane mu. 0mm Ofl‘leo TUrner 4-1780 Residence TUrner (-1"! 0m“ noun: 9.30-5 ad by appointmeu BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS N OTARIES K. M. R. Stiver, Q.C. Joseph Vale, Q.C. J. M. Peppiatt B.A. William Errlngcou, B. Com. Norman A. Todd; Stuart P. Parker Frank L. Walsh Evenings by appointment Toronto, 67 Yonge Street. EM. (-0479 TU. (-3445 17 Elizabeth St North Toronto: Empire 6-2507 850 In 5m Banister. Solicitor, etc. RICHMOND HILL TBOBNHILL Richmond mu Office TUrnet +2071 Thornth Oflico 195A MAIN ST. TW. 5-4571. Newmarket. Ont. T. C. Newman Corner Agency Limited Barrister & Solicitor Insurance Aurora, Ontario Notary Public AV. 5-1197 (Continued) legal THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. August 7, Dr. W. Allan Ripley VETERINARY SURGEON Telephone 147 Yonge St. N. TUmer 4-1432 Richmond .ï¬ill Eye: Examined - Glasses Fitted 31 YONGE ST. NORTH Humane Services OFFICE HOURS: , Daytime: Monday to Friday 1 pm. - 3 9.31. Evenings: Monday to Thu-day, 6 p.113. - 8 run. by appointment Thornhill Richmond Hill a; District Unit For information call Richmond Hill TU. 4-1229 TU. 4-3463 Thornhlll AV. 5-1603 AV. 5-1743 Maple AV. 5-290! AV. 5-2421 Dr. Cameron Cowan Receiving Hours: 8 am. - 6 11m or otherwise by appointment (By Appointment) Medical Centre. Bayview Plan Richmond Hill. Ont. Ofllce 8: Residence TU. 4-4040 Dr. Jas. R. Langstalf Dr. John B. Wynne Dr. Allen J. Smith Dr. D. A. McBurney BY APPOINTMENT 31 Yonge 1*... R‘ hmond Hill Northern Bquling Ofï¬ce: TUrner 4 ’121 I! no answer call PRospect 345327 Richvale-Langstafl Stop 20A Yong How’s Your Supply Of Counter Check Books? JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT The Liberal TU. 4.110.5- . Marguerite Boyle Dr. G. N. Norheim Dr. D. B. Robson THORNHILL By Appointment 363 Markham ltd. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1008 (1 Block west of Bayview) By Appointment 4 Church St. S. at Centre Richmond Hill Office â€" TU. 4-12.71 Residence â€"- TU. 4-1803 Elocutlon, Public Speaking Platform Department Dramatic Art 'HOMEWOOD BALL†Thornhllt AV. 5-3634 By Appointment . W. Kirchen, R.0. Dr. J. P. Wilson Phone TUmer 4-3962 .Monday â€" 9.30 - 5.30 Wednesday â€" 9.30 - 12.00 Friday â€" 9.30 - 8.30 Home onice LE. 3478! CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Dr. R. J. Steele 3 Morgan Ave., Stop In Dr. Victor Zuck Dr. Leon Bloom 4 Church St. 8. Richmond Hill By Appointment Office â€" TU. 4-1422 Residence â€" TU. 4-1314 Optometry in “M11 m sum By Appointment Phone AV. 5-2621. â€" NO CHARGE â€"- Veterinary By nnpolntmem 50 You" St N. RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4-1154 Unionville 239 Medical Musical AV. 5-1811 CATS Yonge St. Ontario Land Surveyor- 130 Wfllowdale Ava. Willowdale, Ont, BA. 5303] .Res. George ’T. Yates, 0.14.8... 53 Redford Park Avenue, '. Richmond Hill. N. {.2044 Born in England in 1884. the late Mr. Hitchman was educated there and came to Ottawa in 1905 .to help organize the Canadian National Livestock Records. For many years he was assistant dir- ector of the organization, which issues pedigree certificates for almost every breed of stock. and became the director of the C.N.L.R. in 1935. retiring in 1953. Mr. Hitchman was also secre- tary of many breed organizations, and was a familiar figure at fairs and livestock meetings across Canada. “Tom†Hitchman Dies At Ottawa The sympathy of the communi- ty is extended to Norman Hitch- man. Oak Ridges, with the loss of his brother R. G. T. (Tom) Hitch- man at Ottawa last week. A pioneer in Canadian live- stock o;"ganization, Mr. Hitchman died In his sleep at his home. 98 Glen Avenue. Ottawa. In 1935 he was made president of the Ottawa Winter Fair. and continued in this post for several years before becoming honorary president. He was also a former president and vice‘president of the Central Canada Exhibition, a former director of the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto and. an honorary director of the Calgary Stampede.__ An Anglican. he 'was a former member of the Roya‘ Order of Foresters and the Royal Arcan- um. He was married in Ottawa in 1908 to the former Daisy Wright, who died two years ago. Surviving are three sons. Major Robert Hitchman, British Col- umbia. Jack of Port Arthur and Norman, of Washington; three brothers, Arthur and Walter of Toronto and Norman of Oak Ridges; a sister, Mrs. Florence London, Toronto and seven grandchildren. 'T'iI‘VHéifï¬neral took place last Fri- day wlth interment in Beechwood Cemetery. SCARBORO : Scarboro Town- ship Council voted four to one in opposition to the Bloor-Dan- forth-University Avenue Sub- way. It would be paid for at the expense of their school and ser- vices projects. Observe healthful living habits â€" sufficient sleep, frequent baths, well-selected and usually light foods, reg- uilar and thorough eliminaâ€" ton. CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.0.H. If exposed to direct sun, keep head covered. Drink adequate amounts of cool water (not iced). The body is cooled by perspira- tion but the fluid lost must be replaced by a large intake of water. Precaution Avoid prolonged exposure to sun or excessive heat, ei~ the: indoors or qutdoors. Wear light, porous cloth- ing. Remain where there is a circulation of air, if popsible. Electric fan may be used to create a breeze. Avoid undue physical exer- tion. TIP ON A DEAD JOCKEY (Adult) Robert Taylor. AUG. 14 15 Thurs., Fri. MEET ME IN LAS VEGAS (Color) (CS) AUG. 7-13 Thurs., Fri., Sat, Mon., Tues., Wed. TEN COMMANDMENTS DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK Summer Sun and Heat Surveyors Charlton Heston Cyd Charisse Anne Baxter Yul Brynner Dan Dailey Cartoon (Adult) (Color)