On Thursday evening of last week, Mrs. C. Risebrough of Newâ€" tonbrook, and Mrs. John Buchan- an were hostesses for a miscellâ€" aneous shower in honour of Miss Anne Lippett, sister of Mrs. J. Buchanan. who is a bride-to~be in August. Twenty-two friends attended this shower at the home of Mrs. J. Buchanan. Many love- ly gifts were received by the honoured guest. Dainty refresh- ments were served at the close by the hostesses. Neighbourhood Notes Birthday greetings to: David Harmon who will be 12 years old on August 7: and to Wendy Hart who will be three years old on August 9. Sympathy of the community Is extended to Mrs. John King and daughter Jean, in the pass- ing. of a belgved husband and fafher, Mr. Please remember that Sunda) School will meet at 9:45 am. on Sunday, August 10. The three churches on the Victoria Square charge will hold a joint service in Brown's Corners United Church at 1; am. The speaker will be Rev. W. Buchanan. Bridal Shower A big sports night will be held at Victoria Square on Saturday. August 9, when two baseball games will be played. At 6:15 pm. Victoria Square Jrs. will play hosts to the Headiord boys. At 7:30 pm. the members of the Victoria Square Intermediate team will play. single men against the married men. Lucky draws for a mantel radio and other val- uable prizes will be held. Church News The bake sale was postponed last Friday, owing to the funer- al of the late Mr. John King. There will be another bake sale on the- church lawn this Friday afternoon. The October, Novem- ber and December groups will be in charge. Any donations of home baking, fruits and vegetab- les will be greatly appreciated. Sports Night Following the luncheon the regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. was held with Mrs. Hugh Deverell, the Christian Citizen- ship Secretary in charge. An auc- tion sale was held of articles brought by the ladies. Mr. Briggs. of Headford ably acted as auc- tioneer and disposed of all the articles. Over $40.00 was realiz- ed. The proceeds from this sale are for books for the W.M.S.l Book Shelf. Bake Sale The lovely lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Mumberson was the scene of a delightful lunch- eon at 12.30 on Wednesday after- noon of last week, when 36 lad- ies were present. 12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, August 7, 1958 Complete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service Girls’_P§da_l Pushers, as- sorted shades, up to 14 yrs., Reg. $2.98 Ladies’ Short Sets, Dan River wrinkle shed fabrics, asst’d, reg. $4.96 Print, sizs 1, 2 and 3,â€" $1.39 giglsr’ Syn Dresses, Cotton Girls’ Sleeveless Blouses, sanforized, plain asst’d shades, reg. $1.98 Ladies’ Better Dresses, asst’d styles, sizes 9 to 221/2, HU. 5-1313 Summer Clearance 12 Yonge St. South Richmond Hill '_ SIMPSUN’SDRY GOODS SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED and CLEANED CORRESPONDENT : MRS. W. SANDLE, Telephone Gormley 5421 VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS FRANK PASSER Mr. King v. 1 Willowdale We welcome to our community Miss Liz. Sorensen, of Denmark. Miss Sorensen is helping Mrs. Pf Willows in the store. Mrs. R. Beatty and Mrs. John Leece have returned home after having a pleasant plane trip to Vancouver, spending 12 days with the Wm. Trussell family and seeing the sights of the city. Re- turning by C.N.R. across the Prairie Provinces visiting rela- tives at Brackendale, Brandon, Souris, Winnipeg and Capreol. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jarman and family of Collingwood, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hoadley and family took a‘ trip to Sturgeon Falls on Saturday, spending the night there. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Steckley of Scarboro, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Steckley of Willowdale, called on Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steck- ley on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earlâ€"Empting- ham and girls spent Sunday at Port Perry. Master Billy Gunfoulus of Belleville is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steckley. Reg. $5.95 to $14.95 Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Nichols, Mrs. R. Perkins, Mrs. Douglas Gee, Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Boyn- ton, Miss Mabel Sanderson at- ‘ended the funeral of the late in Dyer at Oshawa on Thursday )f last week. Mrs. W. Harrison of Sarnia is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett. Mr. arid Mrs. Wiifred Steph- enson, Mrs. Dyer and daughter of Oshawa, called on Mr. and Mrs. Rolph "Boynton one day last week. Miss June Collard spent the holiday week-end with Miss Vera Roisienskyi at Sudbury. Misses Judy Hart and Dianne Donnelly are attending camp at Duclos Point, Lake Simcoe. ’Mrs. S. Boynton and Miss Grace Boynton, Mrs. Lawrence Boynton and Mrs. Lloyd Canning called on Mr. and Mrs. Al Rape and baby son Michael on Thurs- day afternoon of last week, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanan, Sharon and Bryon attended the 35th wedding anniversary of Mrs. Buchanan’s aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs.. Percy Hawthorne athort Hope on Sunday. The funeral service was held in the Roadhouse and Rose Fun- eral Chapel, Newniarket on Fri- day afternoon of last week. In~ terment was in the Victoria Square Cemetery. had been in ill health for a long time, and passed away on Tues- day evening of last week. Mrs. King was the former Molly Col- lard. $3.98 - $9.95 ME. 5-1000 TU. 4-1651 Victoria Square $1.00 $1.98 $3.37 93c Alemite Electronic Wheel Balancing Including Weights Just Arrived - VOLKSWAGEN TIRES $13.95 Saving ’ YOU $9.95 Over Manufacturers List Price $2.00 Convert from SHAlLOW We" to DEEP Well in a few minutes â€" at any time â€"- at no extra cost! This approved 1A h.p. CONVERTIBLE AUTOMATIC WATER SYSTEM is compact â€" can be installed under sink or where space is restricted. Jet type: Convertible from 22-ft. shallow to 50<ft. deep well. Automatic swltch starts pump at 20 lbs. pressure and shuts off at 40 lbs. Pumping capacity varles at 20 lbs. pressure from 510 gals. per hour on a 7.ft. lift to 350 gals. per hour on a 50-ft. lift. Moving 9 parts are balanced and designed making It almost I noiseless. V4 h.p. ball-bearing motor. Hot-dipped heavy galvanized 2-ga1 tank. 19x15x7" high. Complete .. PRESSURE SYSTEMS- Self-contained, compachâ€"only 17x8x15†high. Direct coupled 1/; h.p. electric motor. Pump ‘« stainless steel and cast aluminum construc- tion with one bronze and one nylon gear. Alt Control Valve; Heavy Gauge galvanized steel tank.‘ Operates at 20 to «5 lbs. prey wre. Capaclty up .95 to 300 gaL per hour. BOâ€"cyclo w... . CONVERTIBLE WATER SYSTEM TUBULAR HACKSAW â€" With natural grip handle and thumb rest. Takes blades 8 to 10â€, With $2.19 ...... . ....... 1-69 6-PC. WRENCH SET â€" any/- _ 1.95 6-Pc. ï¬ritlsh Size Wrench Set Rubber cushioned, shock absorbing handle. Drop forged head. 16-oz. head .. 3'29 PRESSURE SYSTEM ROTARY GEAR PUMP 3.15 / CflllflDlfll'lTlRE) Includes most needed sockets and tools â€" 1A†and 1/4’ ' s 3:: m 3.65 I? PIECES SOGKET SET eludes mosf mmdod wiaf! 25 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1196 Extra Special Value! Vertical suction lift 22- ft. Compact de§ign. Well- cut gears and stainless steel shaft, with oilite bearings and grease cup. Compact design. Open- ing 11%"; capacity 300 8815- 1 A u: Rotary Pump GEAR TYPE M1 4.45 RUNNING WATER CONVENIENCE AT CANADIAN TIRE SAVINGS For an coid water Installationsâ€"including plumbing, irrigation, etc. Lightweight â€" flexible, use only a screwdriver and hack- saw to lnstalL No need to lay below the frostllue. Big loo-ft. lengths eliminate the number of ï¬ttings required and speed up installation. For an saw to Install. No need to lay belaw 1h; 9"- mm frostllne. Big 100«ft. lengths eliminate the 1004':- - number of ï¬ttings required and speed up 1" dime installation. 1004:. Also Plastic or Metal Couplings, Adapters. Tees and Elbow. GASKET CEMENTfMakes a perfect seal. 3â€"02. tube WW"... PLASTIC SOIL "PEâ€"4" diameter, 34!. ham ~_.- ‘ STRAP IRONâ€"Galvanized, 5!." wide, 30-!L length m '1...“ 2-5 FIeXIble Plastic W er Pipe; EXTRA SPECIAL VALUE! [ l ' an cold water mllatlnnAâ€"Jnnludlu A did We give You CREDIT for being A Smart Shopper Terms to Suit YOUR BUDGET Batu right alongside tar vacuum cleaner: at considerably higher : selling :- prices. smooth- 'A" diam. loo-fl. 7.80 12.85 M .49 3.69 1.69