2 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, August 7, 1958 Dear Mr. Editor: Dear Mr. Editor:â€"g us...- -.-. . I Was interested to read in a recent issue of your paper that plans are progressing for the est~ ablishment of a shopping centre in Markham Township on Yonge awe: just south of Richmond 1 . I was particularly interested to read that the promoters of this shopping centre have applied to Richmond Hill for water and sewer service. As you know I have been ill and under doctor's orders will not be able to return to council meetings for some time. However I wish through your newspaper to make it known that I am opposed to the policy of providing ser- vices outside the borders of our municipality. Tl.‘ proposed shopping centre wlll not add any commercial as- sessment to Richmond Hill. and in fact it will discourage commercial development within our borders. The stores in the proposed shop- ping centre will be drawing busi- ness away from taxpaying busi- ness people in Richmond Hill. Our own ratepayers :hls year have suffered from a shortage of water supply. and with the deve- lopment within our borders to which we are now committed I think it is very dangerous policy to make agreements t) supply outside commercial undertakings. I know this view is shared By many of the people of Richmond Vitamin D - from any source- ls needed each day as a matter of course. No regular diet contains enough Of this essential child foodstuff. “Safety Afloat,†a 24-page booklet published by the Federal Department of Transport, ought to be required read- ing for everyone who owns or rents a motorboat -- or a, rowboat or canoe, for that matter. The department has print- ed and is now distributing 200,000 cop- ies among all the boat owners it can reach. Whether they will study the booklet is something over which the department obviously has no control. However, it seems bound to have some impact, and one encouraging fact is that this valuable little Work is falling into the hands of youngsters at various supervised summer camps and boat clubs. The rules of safety are dictated by simple common sense, and many if not most of them should not need to be put on ‘paper at all. Unfortunately, experi~ ence shows that large numbers of peop- le just don’t give any thought to what they are doing when they venture on the water. They are prone to stand The trustees have expressed deep concern over this wanton destruction of public property. The cost of repairing the damage must be borne by the tax- payers as such malicious damage is not covered by the existing insurance when no theft is involved. . Vandalism is becoming an increas- ing problem in Richmond Hill. Recently vandals removed road barricades erect- ed for the safety of the motoring pub- lic. Lanterns marking the warning signs were drained of oil and in some cases the wicks removed. Vandals also Richmond Hill Police sh'ould co~op- erate to the fullest with the board of trustees of the town public schools in apprehending the party or parties res- ponsible for the most recent outbreak of vandalism at the Beverley Acres Pub- lic School. A portable was entered and the walls mutilated with crayons, the teacher's desk used as a lavatory, the floor littered with rocks thrown through six windows, and couplings broken off a space heater. In addition to the dam- age to the portable, basketball hoops have been wrecked, and the lights un- der the canopy at the main entrance destroyed. 7 7 A HERE’S HEALTH Reeve Opposed To Supplying Town Services Beyond Boundaries "‘2‘" An Independent Weeky: Established 1878 'Lâ€"â€"/ Subscription Rate $3.50 per year; to United States $4.00; 10c single copy Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association .1. E. SMITH, Publisher W. S. COOK, Managing Editor Telephone TUrner 4-1105 “Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa†« (libs liberal 1.. 1_A.._.._.l,.â€".4 i17nnln1. Dntnklinkna 10’79 Call A Hall 'l'o Vandalism Safety The one thorn in this great ex- pansion program for the future as foreseen by Mr. Bates is, there is no reserve of serviced land for housing. except in one or two small areas. This dreams a costly investment in s e w e r s, water mains and other services. The signiï¬cant fact here is that the installation of the above men- tioned necessities, plus the pay- ment various municipalities are now being paid by landowners, before land may be sold. are stepping up costs alarmingly for the prospective home-owner â€" who is the ultimate one to suffer from rising costs. Hill and I hope my colleagues on council will give very careful consideration to requests for town services outside our munici- pal boundaries. ' Stating that 37 per cent of the funds provided by the Federal Government for the construction of small homes has gone into the Toronto are 8. Stewart Bates, president of the Central Mort- gage and Housing Corporation told the Senate last week, “To absorb the new housing required over the next 20 years. three new cities of 1,000,000 population each would be requiredâ€"the alternat- ive was additions to the peripher- ies of p r e s e n t metropolitan areas". In a brief recently submitted by the Toronto Metropolitan Home Builders Association to the Senate Finance Committ:e, it was stated that ir the case of a house selling for $15,000, the land cost represented about one- thijd oi the price. The brief detailed the land costs of a Scarboro Sudblvlslon which was said to be typical. In this case the raw land cost $209.- 075. 11- 55.252 an acre. Legal fees, interest taxes and a park dedicat- io. pushed the cost to $248,466, or $1,120 for each of 222 lots of an average frontage of 44.7 feet. When Lhe‘ sewers and various other services were added, as well as various fees. including one for town planning consult- ants, the cost per lot. rose to $3,- C.M.H.C. Head Criticizes Blame Municipalities High Cost Of Housing Thanking you, I am. Yours truly W. J. Taylor, Reeve Richmond Hill is a lovely subur- ban community and an excellent place in which to live. No one wants the ï¬ne reputation of the town marred by the irresponsible attitude of some misguid- ed individuals. It is the duty of the police to see that those responsible are brought to justice. Some of the rules of water safety are recommendations only, but others are regulations the violation of which carries a ï¬ne upon conviction. It is how- ever even more difficult to enforce these aquatic regulations than to catch up with highway traffic offences. The transport department probably hOpes that it can accomplish something by education. That depends on the res- ponse of the general public. Efforts by organizations devoted to safety on the roads have met with considerably less than complete success. Yet the carnage would be far worse if there were no ed- ucational campaigns at all, and the same applies to the problem of making Can- ada’s lakes and rivers safer for the in- creasing number of people, old and young, who use them. The trustees have asked the police begin an immediate patrol of all school grounds. Energetic measures should be taken by the police to end this destruc- tion of public property and vandalism in general. Systematic night patrolling of all school and public property should begin in earnest. Citizens can co-oper- ate by reporting any suspicious behavâ€" iour around the grounds to the police. up in a rowboat, or fail to show a light when out after dark, or omit carrying lifejackets or lifesaving cushions on a. lake, or intnumerous other ways court disaster. destroyed a log cabin under construcâ€" tion at the MacKillop Memorial School by children attending the-local day camp. In the town parks slides are tip- ped over and swings wrecked. Picnic tables are scarred not only by knives, but even have their legs wrenched and chopped off. Recently eight winter sand boxes of the town roads depart- ment stored on Pugsley Avenue were set on ï¬re. Afloat WOODBRIDGE : The need for a police radio was evidenced recent- ly when two young men escaped after being chased by the chief constable who saw them break the door catch on the home of Earl Stoddart. NEWMARKET : Donald Stewart, of Newmarket. is the owner of the only XK~SS Jaguar in Cana- da. He drives it himself at sports car 'races at Green Acres and Harewood. He blamed the municipalities for their excessive demands with which the subdivider must com- ply before approval ls granted to develop a subdivision. A payment on all buildlng lots is levied by rural municipalities, before land I .ay be sold. Reading the association’s brief secretary-manager W. G. Cle- ments read, that in the case’ of a home selllng for $15,000 the land cost represented about one-third of the price. Instead of financing sewers and other services on a local im- provement basis. as was formerly done. Metropolitan Toronto mun- icipalities were now loading these costs on the subdivider who had to include them in the land price to be financed on the buy- er's down payment and mort- gage Mr. L. A. Rice, president of the Toronto Metropolitan Home Builders Associa’tlon stated. Another cost factor was the den‘and of municipalities that the subdivider and builder pro- vide industrial assessment on a percent basis. the brief said. The subdivider found himself fight- ing for industries and paying their assessments so that in the end, the house buyer subsidized these industries. A fairer tax distribution would result in all industrial and commercial assess- ments going directly to the pro- vince and from there being equit- ably dlstributed- among the num- icipalities. Mr. Rice stated. To date the Government has set aside $350,000.000 for mort- gage loans on small homes. Up to July 4. the latest date for which figures are aVailable, loans from this fund totalled $305,331,000. Less than 50 million dollars is left in this fundâ€"and at the rate municipal charges for build- ing sites is rising. about a third of ths “martgage†money will also be swallowed up in "hidden" charges to the home-owner. To all of us the recent Exhibit- ion of the North American Lily Society held in Hart House, Uni- versity of Toronto. was an eye- opener indeed, with an almost unbelievable range of species and varieties from tiny fairy-like clusters to great trumpets on stems 6 feet in height. The growing of lilies and their hybridization seems to appeal particularly to the Canadian gar- dener and perhaps dates back to 40 years ago when Miss Isabella Preston. working first at the O.A.C. and then at the Experi- mental Farm in Ottawz' developed her striking steno-grapher lily hybridsâ€"so called because each was named after a stenographer in her department. She went on to develop many other varieties, red hurricane, golden corsair and lemon-yellow addington. to name only a few. Lilies are not difficult to grow but they 0 have their special re- quiremen 5. One is good drain- age and an airy situation. They need sunlight at least part of the day. Heavy feeders, they root deeply, so should be planted in a porous, well aerated soil, rich in humus and balanced plant food. Plant your bulbs in October or early November, depending on when you can get delivery. Plant immediately on arrival while they are still moist. Lily bulbs are never completely dormant and will not tolerate drying out. Plant with q or 5 inches of soil over them. Although the top' . of lilies need the sun, the soil around the roots must be quite cool. Mulch during the hot weather with lea- finold or buckwheat hulls. (Peat moss packs too closely.) Or grow them among companion plants which will shade the roots. Choose plants with a light root system which will not compete for mois- ture. Aquilegia is good, petunia, pansy or sweet alyssum. Of course there is that lacquer red oriental poppy to be shifted from its juxtaposition with the salmon pink one and the peony that should be moved forward ever so gently so that it won’t know what has happened. The delphtnium clumps are getting too largeâ€" must divide them. But it doesn't have to be done to-day or even to-morow. Ho, hum! Now. lily specialists are a leg- ion and many of to-day’s most distinguished varieties are of Canadian origin. The Lilium Candidum or Mad- onna is an exception. Plant it in August or September with only an inch of soil over the bulb. Mulch heavily for winter protect- ion. Make an application of bal- enced fertilzer two or thxjge‘ times during the growing seasbn. Yes August affords time for reflection so let us “consider the lilies". Not the lilies of the field, glorious as they are. but the new hybrids which are enjoying such popularity with our district gard- en enthusiasts. Talking with the exhibitors at the Lily Show we asked what varieties a beginner might grow succesfully. Here are a few sng- gestions: The ardent gardeners calendar has something‘ urgent for every. day of every month of the spring and early summer. but with Aug- ust comes some surcease of lab- ourâ€" the heavy weeding is over, pests pretty well under control and the annuals are making a colourful display. The gardener can. with a tranquil conscience lic back in his garden lounge chair, admiring and enjoying the results of his labour. _ Enchantment~a glowing apri- cot orange. Rose Queenâ€"very tall. hardy. Lemon Queen â€"- similar to Rose Queen.‘ WGala'had â€"another lemon yel- low. Lillian Cummingsâ€"~red flowers on a strong stalk. ' Other beauties at the exhibit- ion were Yellow Fiesta, Red Knight, Rosaline, Valiant, Des- tiny and Skylark. We would like to mention here that the librarian at our Public Library has kindly procured a number of up-to~date and auth- oritative books 'on horticulture. One of these is‘ “The Complete Bulb Bodk†by Rockwell and Grayson. The authors have devot- ed a chapter to lilies which should prove helpful to the be- ginner and the experienced gar- dener alike. The new ’catalogues will soon be out and will be very useful in Helping you to make a choice. by R. H. Horticultural Society Ontario Hydro Chairman James S. I Princess Margaret the mural in the l Beck-Niagara Generating Sidï¬on ' power plant by Mr. and Mrs. Duncan 'our ‘me by Cicely Thomson It is a fact that we all have to face in our private longings and our civic “they shoulds†that one dollar simply won’t provide for long term projects and at the same time give us urgently needed immediate facilities. It is this perplexing business of public lands, or parks, if that’s what we should call them, that I’m re- ferring to. This year and last have seen tremendous development of sports areas, thanks be to Ed Butlin and Bill Babcock particularly, and plans are continuing for next year. The baseball diamond was the ï¬rst achievement with an energetic committee raising money for lighting equipment. This year ‘a cinder track at the Pugsley Ave. end of the park is being planned and a second diamond graded. Council has approved as well the hiring of an architect for alterations and improve- ments to the Arena which had certainly reached the urgent stage. The whole appearance of the park has had the Arden look given it . . . plans for a tennis club are budding. . All this ngexcellent. This is all that can be done with the present budget. Somehow though, facilities are going to have to be decentralized as well . . . not major facilities, but a vacant space with grass and may- be a tree or two where the eight and nine year olds can swing a bat or kick a ball or play hockey on an outdoor rink without having to sign up with a team four months ahead and attend'practise at six in the morning and where winning tends to become just a little too im- 1,..- v... There doesn’t seem to be very much spare Space where kids can just PLAY. That nice little green belt running up beside the railroad track is only 100 feet wide I see by last week’s report of the town council meeting‘ :nnn I watched one little game broken up about 7 :30 one evening last year. Nine or ten of the kids from round the block had gathered on the empty lot on the corner with ball and bat' and a couple of gloves and were having a whale of a time. Over the next fence came a face reminiscent of David Balfour’s Uncle Ebenezer to wave an arm and command them to beat it, they were making too much noise . . g and‘ the players drifted home. In the same category of one who had forgotten he was ever young and had once had lots of energy to burn off was the neighbour who called in the police one evening recently to stop a teenage weiner roast in the back yard! A _..‘... 1 portaflt. vim-rr-“o w r---.z 0’ ~ 7 or Allencourt the council is considering asking the public school board for the use of the Walter Scott school grounds, and in View of the whole ï¬nancial and deveIOpment setup in Richmond Hill which is so far from the old pattern of town development it would be wonderful if the school board saw their way to making even more public use of the school and the. grounds. In the older toWns of Ontario growth came in a more leisurely, less artiï¬cial way, and a public spirited citizen would deed or’ will half a dozen acres of an es- tate (created in the 19th Century industrial-lord-of-the- mill manner) to the town to be used for the recreation of its citizens. The days are past that created those oases of light and shade, greenery and color dotted through the older towns, and we have to ï¬nd a modern way to use the land that is available. "And that is where our school grounds can play, a very important part. Of course they won’t look like a well tended park, they can’t possibly have the serenity and dignity of a true park, but they can substitute, at least as full time re- creation areas and make the most of one dollar that is there to spend until we ï¬nd the other dollar for the town’s long term look. . vwvv ... .... Pleasantv'ille and Allencourt Subdivisions are both feeling the need for somewhere to use as local play- grounds, and Pleasantville at least would like to see some kind of supervised playgrounds for the smaller fry, and in this case the school is t00 far for playground purposes. (When, I won’t say IF, these projects get under way for our tots someOne should go see Mrst Ruth Rabinowitch, an expert in the ï¬eld of spending imagin- ation not dollars for equipment). Although the sub. divider left a certain percentage of land for use as park in the western subdivision, while attractive most of it is narrow and sloping, in fact borders on the stream, which at once rules it out as a children’splayground. ""‘Viié'ï¬uvt}$eé§é’“155xi"Piaxton has said ih‘at council would deï¬nitely con ider ï¬nances for bulldozing and equipping gplaygrou d if the 19nd were .proyided. The air is drowsy with summer heat, The call from the swamp sounds deep and clear, And I succhmb to the jungle beat Of the bull frog’s drum with a twinge of fear. The wild cherry trees lean by the rim And nod while the blue .flags shake and shiver, The cattails stand aloof and prim, And the water winds like a slow brown river. Mutely I listen at the swam'pland's side Straining for sounds that are suddenly still, The silence seems more than I can abide, For I’m deep in the throes of a strange new chill. There’s an eerie closeness abroad in the air, And I remain motionless, completely enthralled, Oblivious even to the warm sun's glare Till a frog leaped up and a mud hen called. â€" Elizabeth Dale Kelson OUQI’ Oil?!" . gal; Duncan, C.M.G., lL.D;, shows Her Royal Highness Information Centre at the Commission’s Sir Adam No. Her Royal Highness was received at the wamp 'agic Telephone TUrner 4-1212 ‘ H 'V FREE PARK‘NG REAR 0F THEATRE ONE WEEK AT REGULAR ADMISSION PRICES Beginning Monday, August 11 Matinees Mon., Wed., Sat, 2 pm. reduced to $8.70 Open all week - Tues. & Thurs. evenings 10 Centre St. E. TU. 4-2483 Richmond mu NOBLE SHAMPOO & FINGER WAVE - S 1.35 SOFT NATURAL COLD WAVES - Reg. - $10.00 laris Beauty Shop AUGUST BARGAIN L Show Times 7 and 9 p.m. Continuous from 6 p.m. Saturdays and Holidays MOST nc MOTION PICTURE! and of the homely yellow dog that gave ; Richmond ~ Thurs., Fri., Sat., Aug. 7, 8, 9 Technicolor“ PARKER