Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Aug 1958, p. 9

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.FOUND-‘l‘ho Ideal Anniversary Present 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill IO i I! the Lakeview Generating Station, one of the world's largest thermal- }electric plants now being built by Ontario Hydrotwere erected on :Toronto's University Avenue. it would blanket almost an e_ntire block, as shown above. Actually. this station is to be located on a site at ‘the former Long Branch Rifle Ranges in Toronto Township. The upper left reproduction is a model of the station. Representing a capital anestment of some $250 million, this plant is scheduled to be completed Vin the “mid-sixties." It in expected to have an ultimate capacity Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1312 GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED Telephone TU. 4-1650 SUN lIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA ONE OF THE WORLD’S LARGEST THERMAL-ELECTRIC STATIONS BEING BUILT BY HYDRO What could make a more flattering and practical gift to your wife on such an important occasion than a Sun Life of Canada life insurance policy? Do as many are doing. Pay her this great tribute - ' and make this anniversary one to temember. NEW WORK â€" ALTERATIONS -â€" REPAIRS INSURANCE ROGER PROULX To mark both an ending and a new beginning At the turning of life‘s last page, the spirit enters a new and brighter realm that is eternal. Worthin to commemo- rate this transition is ever our aim. Wright and Taylor Ltd. TI'. 4-1211 FI'NPRAI unur HERBERT R. BUTT Serving this PLUMBING & HEATING Free Estimates Gladly Given Associated With Dependable Service FUNERAL "mu-7 community :ince 187R Telephone C. F. GERARD RICHVALE AV. 5-3904 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto RICHMOND HILL Toronto EMpire 4-3317 62 Crosby Ave. Congratulations to Joan Hare and Patsy Macklin who are am- ong the 10 girls in York County who have been chosen to repre~ sent their 4-H Club in the prog- ram for the Junior Division at the ONE. Activities will include judging. observation of exhibits. demonstrating and viewing skits from 22 counties and districts who celebrated hi day. Saturday. A1 form of a garden Miss Millie Umehara of Wind- sor is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Umehara. Gerald Jennings is back to work after a vacation at Mani- toulin Island. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clark are both at home after spending some time in Toronto General Hospital. Mr. Clark is convales- cing after an operation. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Anderson, Greg and Frankie are travelling to Bracebridge. Monday, August 11, where they will spend their vacation at the family cottage. On August 21, the WA. and W.M.S. will hold the-monthly meeting at the. church at 2:30 pm. The devotional period will be taken by Mrs. Ray Jennings. The roll call is “A Favorite Hymn". The program convenor is Mrs. Milton Wells. The young- er children of the community will be taking part. Please en- courage them by your presence. The lunch convenor is Mrs. Fred Boys. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Jack Macklin and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Jennings spent the week end in the Mus- koka district. Joan Hare and Donna Jen- nings enjoyed Sunday at the Ha_r_e’s cottage. The Temperanceville' United Church will resume its services on Sunday. August 17, with church at 9:45 am. and Sunday School at 11 am. Rev. Kennedy will conduct the church service. The Sunday School officers are anxious that all children not on holidays return to Sunday School after their two Sundays of vaca- tion. particip Mr. and Mrs. E. Sprague, El- gin Mills have returned from a trip to Eastern Ontario. They visited Mrs. Sprague's brother in Smith Falls. before attending a family re-union at lnnisville. Family members were present from Ottawa. Peterborough, Perth and New York City. The Town of Innisville is famed for its spring fishing as well as its Little Miss Susan Jones, Tor- onto. is spending a few days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Abram. The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to Mrs. W. Thom- pson, Elgin Road ,whose mother, Mrs. Franc’e, passed away on Sunday. Mr. a’hd Mrs. Colin Cradvford and children enjoyed their vaca- tion at Champlain Hotel. Orillia. Mr. and Mrs. George Topper week-ended with friends in Mid- land and Honey Harbour, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Jackson have returned from their cottage at Sauble Beach, where they spent a>three weeks holiday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Abram, Bay- view Ave, spent a few days last week at Lion’s Head, Bruce Pen- insula. of 1,800,000 kilowatts, more than double that of Ontario Hydro’s St. Lawrence Power Project. The Generating Station will be 936 feet in length, 293 feet in width, and 192 feet high with each of the three stacks towering to a height of 450 feet. The artist's impression of the plant superimposed on this familiar are: of University Avenue, pinpoints such well-known structures as the Commission's Head Office building. the Mount Sinai Hospital and the Hospital for Sick Children. ElGlN MILLS-JEFFERSON NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MILTON WELLS; R. R. 3 KING Phone PR. 3-5239 TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS gs to G wanted his Correpondent: The Evening Branch of the Woman's Auxiliary of St. John'l Anglican Gnurch TU. 4-2708 TU. 4-15“ twelfth birth- and Kathy and VKAI‘SIV] gust 9. in thy spent séx‘eral days on an barbeque‘. The at Hull Lake neAr Dorset. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wood and Andrew and Mrs. J. Clement spent several days at Niagara-on- the-Lake visiting relatives. Mr. and MN. George Wood and Kathy and Karen Wood Mr. and Mrs. Jack McEwen and Bob and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mac- Beth spent the week-end at Sut- ton attending the banquet Fri- day night and the Sutton horse show. John Barton. Bruce Ince and Ray Sharpe returned Monday after a pleasant trip to Miami. Florida. making several stops on the way‘ Attend Sutton Horse Show Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton and Mrs. J. H. Drumm of Toronto attended the 85th birthday party of Mrs. John Ash. Concord, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ash. The Carrville friends of Mrs. Ash wish her many more happy birthdays. Florida Holiday Correspondent: Mrs. Bert Middleton Telephone Maple 13033 Young people of Carrville are reminded of the picnic on Sun- day. August 17, at Lynnbrook Park, For any information con- tact your leader Mrs. J. Mc- Ewen or your president, Ken- neth Wood. Attend 85th Birthday Party Friends hope that Mrs. F. Wil- kins will soon be feeling much better. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mashinter went to Elliott Lake while trav- elling on their holidays. Mrs. Dr. James Ruse and Carol have returned home after visit- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John ~Umehara and Mr. and Mrs. Ause of Grimsby. guests had a marvellous time en- joying the delicious repast and numgrous games and contests. Those present were Judith Pax- ton, Martin, Peler and Susan Bostlund, Francis Franklin and Nancy Taylor. Visiting with Mrs. M. Tag- gart of Regent Street, Elgin Mills is Mrs. D. McPherson of Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, sister [of Mrs. Taggart‘ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes and children of Falconbridge have re- turned to their cottage at Bass Lake, after visiting Mrs. G. Ker- swill. Jefferson. Belated birthday greetingS‘ 10 Mrs. Roberts, Jefl‘erson, who 'cel- ebrated her 94th birthday on Au- gust 3rd. Bretton Williams has been va- cationing with his aunt, Mrs. Crowhurst at Bradford. Travelling by bus. Mrs. Mc- Pherson arrived on Tuesday ev- ening, August 5, Cannon Andrews of Toronto took Communion Service at St. John‘s Anglican Church last Sun- day morning. Rev. Mr. Michell will be resuming his charge next Sunday. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Roy Jackson, Mariday Farm. were Mrs. Thad. Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Morgan, Ann Arbor, Mich. scenery. Mr. and Mrs. Sprague spent the weekend in Ottawa be- forg returning home. CARRVILLE 0mm Hydra an Wood Wood 'sland Mrs. S. DeFoe attended the Sunday morning church service in Riverdale United Church. Tor- onto, where her brother, Rev. Fred Smith, is the guest minister for the mpnth of August. Mrs. Minnie Wellrfi'érx‘iuof Tor- onto spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. _L. L. Nichols. ' Mr. and Mrs. VC’lgié-H'ce Steck- ley had Saturday evening dinner be out again follmfiihg rhéfwre'cv- ent illness in bed. Mrs. L. Knapp and Irene had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Emprlngham'and girls. Friends will be pleased to hear that Mrs. Knapp is able to Mr. and Mrs. David Cochrane and family spent a week recently motoring through the Eastern States. d_ay eygning dififiéxâ€"‘uQ-i-th‘ Mr. Mr. and Mrs. S. Embling and Peter of Brantford called on friends in the community on Sun- day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Heber McCague spent last Sunday at Woodland Beach at the cottage of Mrs. Mc- Cague's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sisler. Mrs. Moir and Miss Olive Glov- er spent last week at Trenton: while there Miss Glover had the misfortune to fall and break her arm. A speedy recovery is wish- ed for her. Birthday greetings to: Patsy Boynton who will botwo years old on August 14: to Fraser Gee for August 15; to Jean Rumney who will be four years old on August 16; to George Collard for August 17; to Audrey Gee for August 17; to Mrs. Treanor Can- ning for August 18; to Susan Tennyson who will be three years old on August 18. _ Missfifia‘t. Higgs of Georgetown spent a few days last week with Miss Cheryl Cochrane; Cheryl returned to Georgetown with Pat. for a few days. On Wednesday evening. Aug- ust 20, the regular monthly meet- ing of the W.A. will be held in the Sunday School room at eight o‘clock. There is to be a film pre- sentation of “Hospital Insurance for Ontario”, outlined by radio and TV well-known personality Mr. Charles Templeton. who will interview Dr. J. B. Neilson. Dir- ector of Hospital Services. and Mr. D. W. Ogilvie. Director of Hospital Care Insurance â€" the most general questions about the new plan of Hospital Insurance will be answered. Anyone in the community who is interested is invited to attend this meeting. Neighbourhood Notes The members of the W.A. are asked to please note that there will be no bake sale this week. note. Bake Sale On Saturday evening. Mrs. A. Wilson and Mrs. Norman Bell were hostesses at a miscellane- ous bridal shower held in the Victoria Square Community Hall in honour of Miss Norma King, and Mr. Donald Canning, who are being married on August 23. Miss Margaret Canning and Mr. Neil Mortson assisted the bride- to-be and the groom-to-be in op- ening their gifts. The happy couple received many beautiful and useful gifts and thanked ev-‘ eryone for them. Following the opening of the gifts refreshments were served in buffet style with Mrs. E. King, mother of the bride-to-be and Mrs. Treanor Canning, mother-of-the-groom- to-be pouring coffee. There will be no W.M.S. meet- ing in August, members please The good wishes of the com- munity and friends is extended to this happy couple for many long years of happiness. W.M.S. ia Square. At 6:15 pm. the Jun- ior Boys of Headford played baseball with the Victoria Square Junior Boys with the Headford team being victorious, 17-7. At 7:30 pm. the second game got under way with the Victoria ‘Square Intermediate Team â€" married men against the single men â€"â€" with the single men win- ning 16-4. Following the games in lucky draw was held on a man- tel radio and other prizes. from which the members of the team had been selling tickets. Prize- winners were: radio. C. March, R. R. 2 Maple; case of oil. don- ated by H. W. Mortson, won by Tony Roman; swing-away can- opener, donated by F. Perkins, won by Gordon Mortson: 1 gal~ lon paint. donated by H. F. Col- lard, won by Philip Willows: 55. gas voucher. donated by Berta Service Centre. won by Jack Rumney; turkey” donated by Cold- en Farms, won by Wm. Muirhead. Bridal Shower A Gooo‘EpITApH FOR. THE‘SDEEDER Is - HE DIDNT HAVE TIME TO STOF AT THE CROSSING BUT HE HAS LOTS OF LEISURE NOW On Saturday evening. a gala Spqrts Night was held at Victor- CORRESPUNDENT : MRS. W. SANDLE. Victoria Square Telephone Gomley 5421 VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS live befler...ElE8TIIIBAlIY magammmw RICHMOND HILL HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSION 56 Yonge Street North -= TU. 4-35" The funeral service was held from Wright and Taylor's Fun- eral Home. Richmond Hill on Tuesday afternoon with inter- ment in the Victoria Square Ce- metery. Mrs. H. Attwood was saddened on Saturday to learn of the sud- den passing of Mr. George Beat- ty. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to his wife and nine children. his mother, Mrs. Robt. Beatty and brothers and sisters. Mrs. P. WiIIOWS attended the Craymer-Kiddle wedding in the Lindsay United Church on Sat- urday afternoon. The reception was held_ in the church parlours. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Collard and family entertained the fol- lowing friends at a barbecue on Sunday evening. Miss Jean King of Newmarket, Miss Jane Rey- craft of Richmond Hill, Mr. Geo. Nash of Vancouver. and Mr. and M135: Aubrey Stephenson. Miss Anita Orr is visiting with her cousin Miss Lorie Orr at King, while Master Donnie Orr of King is visiting here with Master Ronnie Orr. Mrs. Minnie Wellman. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Nichols spent Sunday atj‘r'asaga Beach. with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Steckley at Scarboro. you ljye better...El.ECTR|CAllY NOTHING TO BUYâ€"NOTHING TO DO - ENTER NOW-THE WINNER COULD BE YOU! See Them On Display On Our Centre Get your parents to ask for coupons in our stores. Contest open to any school child 6 to 16 years old. Be on hand Saturday, September 6th at 2 pm. Child whose name is on ticket must be present at the Draw to claim a prize or another coupon will be drawn until all winners are on the platform. BACK - TO - SCHOOL CELEBRATION 15 Boy's & Girl's Bicycles NORTHTOWN’S You’ll find electricity the most dependable servant you can have. It does its work safely and eflficiently . . . costs only a few cents a day. ,In dozens of ways, every day, electricity helps make your life more pleasant, more comfortable. It lightens your household tasksâ€"and because so many modern electric appliances are auto- matic, you have more time to devote to your home and family. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, August 14. 1958 9 all around the clock ABSOLUTELY FREE ! Northtown Shopping Centre, Willowdale x-xwv‘nnnwmwvfiaafifl--- .. _ _ _" x me$m$mkk~Kfl~~~~~Amkmm Complete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service R. R. 1 Willowdale HU. 5-1313 MI 75 Yonge St. S SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED and CLEANED CAR REPAIRS WELDING Accessories, Greasing and Washing CITIES SERVICE GARAGE FRANK PASSER ENTER Phone TU. 4-0001 ME. 5-1000

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