MANSE TAYLOR, Service Manager See me at. f Misées Mailiflflbgï¬gfgï¬ld Foye Johnson spent a week at the girl's an“... -4 ru_,, camp at Stayner. Richvale Dontlao - Buick - G.M.C. Trucks AV. 5-4351 AV. 5-4102 Call Us For Service Mr. Arthur Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Thorington of Preston visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Brillinger n Sunday. Mr. Clare Holden, Elizabeth n and Wayne of Midland spent e week-end with Mrs. Roy vair. Mrs. Jack Holden and ys of Midland and Mrs. Arthur the of Toronto also visited the vair home. Mrs. F. Albert and daughter izabeth of Philadelphia spent veral days with Mr. and Mrs. vi Steckley. rs. F. Schelke spent several ys with friends at Washago. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Doner and n: 3. '2‘ m .. n o 3 Q. m D t" :T m H H. B D‘ m >2 U. '1 m I nion on Saturday at York o_u.nty Perk, Lake Simcoe. BODY & FENDER REPAIR Paint - touch up - complete Mrs. E. B. Read and Mr. W. H. Banford spent a week's holidays wig}; relatives at Iroquoig, 7 paint jobs. All service and repairs are done by G.M.C. Trained Personnel. We guarantee you satisfactory service Rich- Hill Motors o Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. David Hoover who Were married on Saturday at Gospel Centre at Unionville. Miss Beulah Heise war remov- ed to Newmarket Hospital last week by ambulance for X-ray. Miss Helse is still confined to hospital as the X-ray revealed a cracked oone. MACHINERY MOVERS. RIGGERS MOBILE CRANE SERVICE - STEEL & WOOD BUILDINGS A E. Equipment Rentals: . A COMPRESSORS, STEEL (, Engineering Erectors it General Contractors 10A Centre St. E. TU. 4-3203 WILL BE CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS August 2-18 ORDERS TAKEN BY LARIS HAIRDRESSING TU. 4-2483 LUMBER - LATHS - TRIM - SHINGLES - GYPROC ROOFING MATERIALS 71 Centre Street East Specializing in Purebred Cattle. Farm Stock, Furniture and Implements Phone Gormley 5311 .Gormley. Ont. 24 Hour Service STEEL FABRICATION, ARC and ACETYLENE WELDING EDWARD ELSIE & COMPANY LTD. ALVIN 'S. FARMER We personally handle all sale bills and advertising. ATTENTION CONTRACTORS Sheppard and Gill Lumber Co., Ltd. (South Side, Accurate Concrete Products Plant) PHONE: TU. 4-4611 OFFICE â€" 41 Maralim Rd., Richmond Hill COCZINS & LANCASTER + UPHOLSTERY + SCAFFOLDING. SMALL TOOLS 2 Shop and Yard: 175 Cedar St., 2 Richmond Hill g CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED PHONE: DAY 0R NIGHT - TU. 4-2441 for YORK AND ONTARIO COUNTIES 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE GORMLEY NEWS Licensed Auctioneer Builders’ Supplies Telephone Gormley 5201 Rev. and Mrs. Ted Montgomery and family of St. Thomas visited Mr. and Mrs. John Cober. Mr. Merlin, Henderson spent several days in St. Joseph's Hos- pital. Toronto. Melvin severely injured his hand at work and has a cast on his arm. He will be off work for some time. Friends here will be sorry to hear that Rev. Herb Shantz, a former minister here, is quite ill ix London General Hospital. Mrs. McWhirter of Shelbourne visited her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McWhirter for a week. Mr. E. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Elliott. and Rev. and Mrs. Willis Hunklng were guests on Saturday at the Hunt-Addison wedding at Aurora Baptist Church. Mrs. Elias Elliott entertained a number of friends and relatives at her birthdy supper on Wed~ nesday. A large crowd attended the ordination of Rev. Wm. Vander- bent on Sunday at Heise Hill Church. Bishop E. J. Swalm of Duntroom conducted the ordinat- ion service. Mr. Gordon Sargeant and Miss Violet Sargeant of New‘Toronto had supper on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger. Mr. and Mrs. Peter-Walker and children moved back to Toronto on Saturday. Mrs. Victor Stover of Markham visited Mrs. Fred Doust on Wed. Sympathy is extendyd to Mr. and Mrs. Burness Preston 111 the sudden passing of their son Bobby. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Iknderson and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hender- son of Owen Sound had dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reesor and Mark of Joliette, Quebec, spent Friday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reesor. Mr. and Mrs. L. Climenhage and Trevor spent Saturday with Mrs. W. E. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Helse, Luella and Marjorie spent sever- al days with Mr. and ."rs. Orval Helse and family in Indiana. Mr. Clyde Countway flew up from Chester Basin. Nova Scotia, on Friday. Mrs. Countway and children left on Monday with him for home after spending sev- eral weeks with her father, Mr. Seth Wideman. TU. 4-136] 63 Bosnian AVG. TU. 4-1428 Richmond Hill Leonard R. Clnbine 8: Alexander P L A S T E R l N G CONTRACTORS Building Trades Deciantis - Rice GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building Repair. a. Aueratlons Drain 3: Concrete Work King 294 CHARTERED ACCOUNTLN‘I' A V. 5-3741 H. D. Melsness, D.C. X-RA! cor. Windham: Gate & Blyvlow (1 block south Blyvlew Plan) Phone TU. 4-1016 By Appointment STEIL LIN'I'ELS I BEAMS Rosenberg 3. COM. , CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT TELEPHONE AURORA PMkvlew 7-4512 John R. Kane, 0.0. X-Ray 3 CLARKE AVE. THORNHILL BY APPOINTMENT AV. 5-3451 STEEL FABRICATING To Customer Speciï¬- cations FINDER BROS.LTD. 5453l/z YONGE STREET ' BA. 5-4701 W. J. Smith & Son Paper Hanging Spray Painting Painting interior and Exterior Phone AV. H58] 213 on Ave.. Richvalo G. Chassie BUILDER Speculative or Custo- ï¬nes or Genernl Repcirl TU. 4-2933 Richmond Hill Arthur G. Broad. Suite 2. 31 You. 8:. I Richmond Ill! :4 Km: St. m. Toronto F.l.A. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service BICHVALI. ONTAIIO 31 Bedtord Pu-I An. Richmond mu TUrnet 4-2062 3! Appointment Chiropractic Accountants Philip Swan ‘94 or AV . 5-2736 FREE ESTIMATES L. E. Clark TU. 4-1483 2 Otonobee Residenc- Plan. 01' PROFESSIONAl AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY Dim 55A YONG! ST. SOUTH TUnm (-1511 Richmond am omen TU. 4.3571 Dr. P. R. Macfarlane DENTIST an Extraction I. 101130 St. North TU. #1177 Richmond Hill SCHOOL DAYS: Leave Maple 7.15 an. Leave Richmond Hill 9.15 mm Wain 6-1701 Richmond In! For All Occasions Phone orders delivered anywhere in North Yonge St. District 2518 Yonge St. (at St. Clements) Telephone HU. 5-1145 Helen Simpson Lynett, J. F. Lynett General Business Free estimates and advice. We stand behind our work. Home Air Conditioners “Red Seal†Adequate Wiring Repairs & Service for Washers, Dryers. Stoves. Refrigerators, Oil Burners, etc. SAND and GRAVEL Crushed Stone Loam and Fill Driveways, Parking Lots, School Yards, Service Stations. Leave Ma'plo 3.30 p.m. Leave Rï¬chmond E1111 6 pm. Charles Matthews Dr. W. J. Mason Langdon’s Coach Lines Ltd. Couches For All Occasion Telephone mu 58 Dr. J. Perdicaris MEDICAL-DENTAL Asphalt Paving CENTRE BAYVIEW PLAZA BEVERLEY ACRES PHONE Dr. J. M. Dryer DENTIST Open Evenings Gas Extractions 78 YONGE ST S. RICHMOND HILL ‘I'Urner (.1482 E. CHARITY ORDER. HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS Buildings Moved A Yard or 3 Mil(‘ [HA 8331M HERRIDGE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE RADIO TELEVISION HIGH-FIDELITY ELECTRIC TU. 4-3211 All Hours DENTAL AV. 5-1770 LANGSTAFF, L. W. REID, AV. 5-2211 Res. TU. 4-1933 EXCAVATING. BULLDOZING. DRAGLIN E Farm Ponds and swimming pools a specialty Box 1378771611: City, Ontario PRospect 3-5312 Body 8: Fender Repairs Complete Reï¬nishing It you haven’t heard of our re- putation, enquire from your friends All work guaranteed. 144 Spruce Ave. Stop 22A Yonge St., Richvale For appointment. ph. AV. 5.3631 Richvale Auto Body Electrical Appliance Repair operated by Phone Toronto HU. 3-2652. In Richmond Hill contéct Mrs. M. L. McConaghy, 26 Centre St. W. General Business Toronto Ernie Brock & Son Ralph Enterprises Telephone 11 Maple. Ont. TURNER 4'1124 Roy A. Phillips Bus. AV. 5-3630 Res. TU. 4-3935 GENERAL . INSURANCE Life. Fire. Automobile. Liability. Hall. Accident and Sickness, hm Insurance a Specnlty m C!!! Telephone 23 Savage Insurance Services GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Automobile, Plate Gun. Automobile Financing. etc. omce 55A Yonge St. South Residence 73 Leisure Lane Richmond 811] TU. 4-1219 Rial-mood mu ROLPH J. McCONAGHY, Harold Millard Construction Co. GENERAL INSURANCE For All Your Insurance Needs Insurance Agency A. BURNETT General Insurance 17 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1551 Jack Walkington BETIER‘ INSURANCE PROTECTION AND SERVICE Richmond Hill Driving School Day or Evening GILL WILLIAMS SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Leno’s Machine Shop LTD. Genera! Insurance 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-1974 STEAMFITTING WELDING Oak Ridges Driving School Roy V. Bick Complete Insurance Service 24 Adelaide St. W. 25 Grandview Ava. Thomhiu mom: 'KING' 213 Automatic Drive .Pick Up Service Daul Controlled . AVenue 5-1379 Insurance H errington Operator TU. 4-1596 (Continued) Fully Insured ERIC PALLISTER, Oak Ridges. Ontario EM. 3-0311 Insurance - Mortgages - Fire Auto . Liability The Bank of Nova Scotla Bldg. AURORA Telephone : Sumter. Solicitor. and Notary J. Roy Herrington NOTARY PUBLIC CON VEYANCER Floyd E. Corner, PA. 7-5052 EM. 4‘3652 Evenings 7.00 to 9.00 Saturdays 10 mm. to 5 pm. TU. 4-3676 Bayvlew Plaza Shopping Centre. Richmond Hill. Aurora. Ontario Telephone: Auburn Office PA. 7-5052 ResideLce. Aurora. PA. 7-5040 'roi-omo omce EM. (-3652 Miller and Brodey Banister. Solicitor. Notary Public 17 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Every Thursday afternoon TUrner 4-1551 Richmond Hill Toronto Office â€" 18 Toronto St. Phone EM. 3-5877 BARRISTER. SOLICITOB. NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL 7 Duflerln St. AVenue 5-1477 TUrner 4-1543 J. Rabinowitch. 34. BARRIS’I‘ER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC 65 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill TU. 4-2084‘ PIL: Banister, Solicitor. Notary Pubfle THORNHILL AVenue 5-3165 By appointment and evening! Sti‘ver, Vale Peppiatt. Errington James H. Timmins Plaxtou & Deane Stuart P. Parker BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS N OTARIES K. M. R. Stlver. QC. Joseph Vale. 9.0. J. M. Peppiait B.A. William Errlngwn, B. Com. Burhter, Solicitor & No“ Public 55 Yonge St. South lawman: mu, Ontario Ofï¬ce TUrner #17" Residence “Inn: #18“ Dulce Bum: 9.30-5 and by Appoinmeni Barristers, Solicltorg. Ind Notarie- Toronto, 67 Yonge Street. EM. 4-0470 Norman A. Todd, Corner Agency Limited Barrister. Solicitor, etc. RICHMOND HILL TBOBNHILL Richmond [-1111 cam TUrner 4.2071 Thornhlll Oï¬ico AV. 5-1197 Frank L. Walsh T. C. Newman Richmond Theatre Block Res. TU. 4-2117 Richmond Hill. Ont. Evenings by uppointment TU. 4-3445 17 Elizabeth St. North Toronto: Empire 6-2501 350 In stud 195A MAIN ST. TW. 5-4571. Nev'market, Ont. 17 Yonge St. N. TUrner 4-1551 Insurance (Continued) Notary Public Legal THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, August 14, 1958 11 a. Solicitor PA. 7-5046 LE. 2-1226 Humane Services PB 3-5071 Receiving Hours: 8 am. - 6 pm or otherwise by appointment ' â€" NO CHARGE -â€" Dr. Cameron Cowan (By Appointment) Medical Centre. Bayvlew Plan Richmond Hill, Ont. Oflice 8; Residence TU. 4-4040 Dr. Jas. R. Langstafl' Dr. John B. Wynne Dr. Allen J. Smith BY APPOINTMENT 31 Yonge 1M. 3' hmond Hill Northern BuV‘ilng Ofï¬ce: TUrner 4 ‘121 If no mswer cull Pnospect 3-5321 Richvule-Langstufl Stop 20A Yong Dr. D. A. McBurney OFFICE HOURS: Daytime: Monday to bid†1 pm. - 3 9.111. Evenings: Monday to Thursday. 0 pm. - 8 pm. ' by appointment Thornhlll AV. 5-1311 CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Richmond Hill & District Unit For information call Richmond Hill TU. 4-1229 TU. 4-3463 Thornhill AV. 5-1603 AV. 5-1743 Maple AV. 5-2908 AV. 5-2421 Eye! Examined - Glasses Fitted 31 YONGE ST. NORTH Phone TUmer 4-3962 .Monday -â€" 9.30 - 5.30 Wednesday - 9.30 - 12.00 Fridl! - 9.30 - 8.30 Home Ofï¬ce Ll. 3-178, Teléï¬hone 141 Yonge St. N. Wmer 4-1432 Richmond um Dr. W. Allan Ripley Dr. G. N. Norheim By Appointment 4 Church St. S. at Centre Richmond Hill Office -â€" TU. 4-1271 Dr. D. B. Robson THORNHILL AV. 5-3634 By Appointment Marguerite Boyle How’s Your Supply Of Counter Check Books? JOB PRINTIN G DEPARTMENT The Liberal ‘ TU. 4-1105 By Appointment 363 Markham Rd. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1008 (1 Block west of Buview) Dr. Leon Bloom Dr. J. P. Wilson llocutlon, Public Speaking Platform Department Dramatic An "HOMEWOOD HALL" Thornhlll 3 Morgan Avon stop 14A Residence -â€" TU. 4-1303 Dr. Victor Zuck 4 Church St. 8. Richmond Hill By Appointment Ofï¬ce â€" TU. 4-1422 Residence â€"â€" TU. 4-1314 VETERINARY SURGEON Dr. R. J. Steele um HM“ 3mm 5mm Phone AV. 5-2621 Optometry By Ipnnlntmen! so Yonn St. N. RICHMOND HILL TUmer (-1154 Veterinary lA Yonge St. By Appointment Medical PM“? - BEHIND hwyâ€"dl'uw '. K irchen. Unionvllle 239 Musical CATS Mr. Michael Tobin. from St. John's Newfoundland. is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Russell Peirr‘e, Avenue Road. A speedy recovery is wished for young Bary McKillop. Ed at Avenue, who is ill with scar et fever. "Jill‘s. Circus. Spruce Avenue, is able to sit up a little, now, follow- ing a fall she suffered about two weeks ago. HM}: Enid Mrs. Charles Fevez spent a few days holidaying, at Barry’s Bay, {Week 130.â€. Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Fltchett. Duncan Avenue. and their child- ren, recently returned from a two-week’s vacation at their cot- tage at Riley Lake. The Late Orville Bellamy Funeral services for the late Orville Bellamy. who passed away in Trafalgar-Oakville Mem- orial Hospital on August 3rd., 1958. from a heart seizure fol- lowing an illness of six weeks. were conducted by Mr. William McCleve, of Yonge St. Mission. Toronto, from the Wright and Taylor Funeral Home, Richmond Hill, on Wednesday. August 13, at two o'clock. Born in Cannington. Ontario, September 10th. 1876. Mr. Bel- lamy was in his seventy-second year. He was employed as station- ary engineer at Havergal College. Previously living in Todmorden. Mr. Bellamy brought his Wlft and family to Richvale to live. tweIVe years ago. Their daughter. Lena May, predeceased him in 1911. and their son Harold, in 1940. Left to mourn his passing are his wife, the former Myrtle Sherg. a son Donald, and foster sons, Dav- id and Reggie. n. -.-°9, Pall-bearers were Carl Sander- son, Earlby Cameron, David Mc- Veigh, Russel Bellamy, James Adams and William Pet_tlgr_e\_v. _ "uI‘Hé-e'rnH-e-Ht Was in Sthohn’s Norway Cemetery, Toronto. Ont- ario. Sanitary Contljactor C. STUNDEN RICHMOND HILL TU. Hm Dnlna Cleaned & INN!“ Overseas - Travel Service All Air and Steamship Lines Cruises Bookings With S. G. GURNEY BRADFORD PR. 5-3464 01' TU. 4~2152 Richvale News Ontario Land Surveyors 130 Willowdale Ave., Willowdnle, 0nt.. BA. 5-303} .Res. George T. Yates. 53 Bedl'ord Park Avenue, ‘ Richmond Hill. TU. 4-2941 AUG. 14. 15 Thurs., Fri. MEET ME IN LAS VEGAS (Color) ' (CS) (Adult) Dan Dailey Cyd Charisse TIP ON A DEAD JOCKEY (Adult) Robert Taylor AUG. 16, 18 Sat. Mon. TARZAN AND THE LAST SAFARI (Color) Gordon Scott GUN GLORX (CS) (Color) Stewart Granger AUG. 19, 20 Tues., Wed. TWENTY THREE PACES T0 BAKER STREET (CS) (Adult) Septic Twins 9-0“ (Color) Van Johnson Vera Myles DESPERADOES ARE IN TOWN Correspondent MRS. M. E. TAYLOR Phone A". 5-4293 @hituatp Surveyors (CS) (Color Robert Arthur Cartoon Cartoon Cartoon (Color)