Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Aug 1958, p. 12

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Sfop 22 Yonge Street AV. 5-2669 RM - RADIO - Hl-Fl T.V ANTENNAS INSTAI I m CUSTOM CAR RADIOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $49.90 12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, August 14, 1958 -Wherever you go in Canada â€" for a week, a month or all summer long -â€" make sure you keep up with all the news through a vacation mail subscription to “The Liberal”. It’s easy to order. Just fill out and mail this coupon a week before you leave. Or do it today. Summer Clearance Girls’ Cotton Stripe Sleeveless Blouses, reg. 980 Girls’ Pedal Pushers, asst’d shades, up to 14 yrs. reg. $2.98 Ladies’ Cotton Skirts, asst’d prints- reg. $3.98 to $5.95 Girls’ Leather Sandals for dress wear. white or beige. reg. $2.98 Ladies’ Better Dresses, asst’d. patterns and styles, ; reg. $5.95 to $14.95 $£ serve friendly people like you SIMPSON’SDRY GOODS 12 Yonge St South Richmond Hill ' .HAVE THE POSTMAN BRING YOU “THE LIBERAL” ON YOUR VACATION I This assurance, that there is a capable alert operator always as near as your telephone, is one of the many little things that make your telephone service such a truly good value. THE BEll TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Whenever you require assiEtance, friendly phone people like jean Mailer are there to youâ€"at any hour of the day or night. Many things make good telephone service possible, but none is more vital than good telephone peoplef Jean Mailer is a typical example. As a skilled telephone operator, courteous and eflicient, Jean symbolizes the thousands of people who help (0 make telephoning more enjoyable for countless Canadians in communities large and small. RICHVALE ELECTRONICS .5 $3.98 - $9.95 $2.98 â€" $3.98 TU. 4~1651 $1.93 $1.98 telc~ help ' 69c A group of friends which in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Ste- phenson, Sr. and Mrs. Ernie Wal- ton, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Paterson and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hood and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Boynton spent a weekend in the Algon- quin area recently. Mrs. Alfred Miller and her sist- er Mrs. Walter Waterstop of Unionville accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Cameron of St. Catherines when they motored to Englehart f o r Centennial Celebrations which were held Civic Holiday week-end. Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Waterstop spent part of their childhood in that town and their brother, when they haven‘t seen for twenty-three years still lives there. In the matter of evaluation it is difficult to understand why a small bush or shrub should be worth $10 or $12 dollars while a tree which has taken years to grow should be worth only $5.00. It is also strange that lands taxed at $50.00 per acre are being awarded .05 per square foot or less, while frontage on lots taxed at $800.00 per acre is .15 per square foot, an allowance only three times as great, when the tax difference is 16 times greater. We don't doubt the Toronto and York Roads Commission is having a difficult time. There are four elements to be dealt with in this â€"â€"York County, which supplies 25% of the funds necessary; Metro, which is responsible for another 25%, and the Province which supplies 50% of the funds, and the Ian jowners. In this parti- cular instance, funds Were not re- leased until the end of June, which has put TYRC on the spot. Neighbourhood N _ote_s_ -.-_°_. David Hard of Marmara and Beverley Ray of Sterling spent last week-end with David's‘ par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross flord. Mrs. Ethel Winn, Los Angeles, California. has been visiting her cousins, the Walter Craig family. Over the holiday weekend the family group, along with Mrs. Craig’s sister Miss Lena Fraser of Toronto vacationed at Wasaga Beach. cuoo, .Lur. uuu 4-..." --v.... ---__. Nancy Brown and Beverley Burr have received acceptance and hope to enter the Ryerson Institute of Technology next month. We were pleased to note by last week’s papers that Bever- ley has again been chosen York County Dairy Princess, and will represent the area at the C.N.E. , 5" L, where a chosen. It is good *0 see a light at Mrs. English's again. Following the death of her brother, Mr. Donald Merl‘egor, of Owen Sound, Mrs. English spent a few weeks with Marcelle Storey returned last week from Camp Ayshunyoong where _she spent her vacation. Early in July, John Steffler at~ tended Boys’ camp. Mrs. Richard Tribbling. Mrs. Guy Fraser and Mrs. Walter Craig are free this week, after writing summer course exams last week. Chief topic of conversation on Don Hills Road :5 the road wid- ening program which is at pre- sent in the tree-chopping, culvert widening stage. Several proper- ties havt‘ still no‘ been signed off, and the local Federation of Agri- culture has called a meeting to be held in the Victoria Square Com- munity Hall on Tuesday evening of this week to clarify some of the more difficult points. flétv London and Owen Sound, returning home last Fri- The Lent family is back home ag_a_i_n age: a Mu§kpka holiday. The Fuller and Gohn families were saddened last week-end by the sudden death of Mr. Peatty of Richmond Hill. Mrs. Beatty is a sister of Mr. Fuller and Mrs. Gohn. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Baldwin Celebrate Golden Wedding day‘ Mountain Ash berries are turn- ing pink on the trees, petunias are blooming everywhere you look and much of the harvest is inâ€"it legins to look like autumn. Roads Commission in Difficulty It is not often that a bride- groom bakes a cake and decorates it for his wedding day and again for his Golden Wedding celebrat- ion. but Mr. George Baldwin has that distinction. and we believe it must be a record. It was a cake baked and decorated by Mr. Baldwin’s own hand which grac- ed the attractive teatable when he and Mrs. Baldwin entertained on the occasion of their fiftieth wed- ding anniversary on Tuesday. August 5th. More than 125 friends, relatives and neighbours visited the Baldwins. bringing gifts and good wishes. The weath- cr was beautiful and groups gath~ ered on the lawn for a pleasant visit and were served tea in the dining room. The Harmony Club of Brown’s Corners Church. of which Mrs. Baldwin is a member, were happy to help with the re- freshments. Pouring tea were Miss Coulson. Mrs. Baldwin’s sist- er who lives at Sharon: Mr. Bald- win's sister, Mrs. Fred Ritchie of Toronto; and Mrs. Robert Smith also of Toronto. Unfortunately, two of Mr. Baldwin's sisters who had expected to be present were unable to attendâ€"one because of a broken hip and a second had suffered a slight heart attack. ‘The Baldwin's daughter, Mrs. John Green of Toronto was also ill and was able to pay only a short visit. Neighbourhood‘ Nptes‘ STUART PAXTON Both Mr. and Mrs. B were active in Scarboro a.. people and lived most of lives in the township. Mrs win was born in the log familiar to many in the ( WIRING LINE WORK Phone TUmer 4-2881 Electrician fiéiry Queen will be CORRESPONDEN'I : MRS F. u. LEAF R. R 2 Gnrmley -â€" Phone AXminster 3~6188 BUTTONVILLE NEWS a_nd _Mrs. Ba‘dwln Irs. Bald-l log cabin l .e districtl young their Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin have two children: Mrs. John Green of Toronto. and Archie at home. They also have one grand- daughter. Both Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin have been active memb- ers of Brown's Corners United church since their transfer from Dentonia Park United Church where Mr. Baldwin served on the board for many years. Mr. Baldwin has been a land- scape gardener at various cemet- ries in the Toronto area for many years. and has made beautiful lawns and gardens at their home on Don Mills Road. which was located on the west side of Dawes Road close to the highway 401 cut. The cabin was believei‘ to be over 200 years old and York County historians had hoped to remove it to Daliel Park on Jane Street. but its condition did not permit so it was torn duvn recently. Auto type teflcetor gives long penetrating b e a m. C plet ‘th bii‘é‘efiefi'i‘. ..._1-59 Headiamp "TORPEDO" .790 Fasten: Ato handlebars. Bracket fits around fork. 15 x 9 x 7%". 5m Each CAi'l'I'lâ€"ifiER Eflfilfljfiqflg “Mattress Tm" smmus MUDFLAPS Crank t y p e, cadmium plated. Built-in spring. Go SUPER-CYCLE g BICYCLE ML! Head-On Collision A head-on collision on Don Mills Road opposite the road into Arnleigh Hts. sent five people to Branson Hospital and wrecked 2 cars, early last Saturday evening. The driver of the southbound car Walter R. Smithies of 31 Helen- dale Ave.. Toronto. swung out of his lane of traffic and crashed into the northbound car driven by Raymond Rogers of Newmarket. Mr. Smithies and his wife are both in hospital with undetermin- ed injuries; their three-year-old child escaped unhurt. The occup- ants of the other car, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rogers of 745 Gor- ham Street. Newmarket, (Mr. Rogers was owner of the vehicle) their son Raymond (the driver) and his wife and two children were severely shaken. and Mr. and Mrs. Rogers and Raymond Rogers were taken to hospital; ,Mrs. Rogers and son Raymond “ere later released. Mrs. Kenneth Stephenson who lives nearby in Arnleigh Heights rendered first aid, along with another nurse who stopped at the scene of the accidâ€" ent. P. C. Clifford Cox of the Markham Police took arge. and Walter R. Smithies wil be held responsible. Go further Go faster I98 Deluxe Chain Guard â€"Super size model. Mirror chrome Smart, trim styling. Adjustable mount- ing to fit any bike. Protects cloth- ing. Each ........................................ ' Deluxo Chain Guard â€"Super .l-v- mnfin‘ \nm- .hâ€"nm- High Style, Chrome 0 Fast easy cruising 25 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1196 0 Smooth riding 0 Tops in construciion Save $15 af Canadian Tire 0 Guaranteed SWER-vGYGLE 3-Speed ROAD RAGER Lean, lively and racy lightweight styling -â€" plus Canadian ruggedness has gone into the creation of this speedy deluxe model. The result is an achievement that is tops at flattening out steep hills and going easy on the budget. Similar to the above model. but with these extra features: Gives a powerful flood ’of light. Com- plate with blue, red or silver enameled headlinp, tail lamps and wlring. Big value whim... ... O From and mr English cafiper brain: 0 Sturmey Archer 'MOLDED RUBBER" SADDLE â€"- Comfortable, flexible and waterproof. 2 resilient coil springs and 10 longi- tudinal springs... u SAVE ON THIS EFFICIENT, HIGH POWER LATEST - STREAMLINED Same low price for all sizes When any boy or girl sits astride this eye-catching “2-Wheel beauty". you can bet they'll show it off at every chance â€" and when they do, you'l notice emphasized fine/ workmanship and quality materials . . . both are evi- dent at a glance 3 Smart sleek lines . . . sparkling color finish . . . brilliantly chromed in the right places, even the rims. Yes. it’s designed for more summer fun. and we know the exceptionally low price will capture your overwhelming interest. GENERATOR SET ABUNDANT WITH QUALITY FEATURES: . Fun-braced dmpsid. O Molded live rul mudguard: double sprung O Roudslor‘fypo chromed type. handlebars O A” moving p: . SaFefy approved rear ban-bearing f: reflechr riding, free p0 EXTRA SAVINGS ON COMFORTABLE . Rut-trap min; 0 Chrome racing type _0 lustrous finish name CHERRY HILL from the carton. Mail it to CKVR ~TV Barrie. Ontario. With name and agdreu. (or $100 Government Bond) See him on 'WESTERN THEATRE' CH 3. BARRIE TV. Get CHERRY HILL HONEY Everyone enjoys delicious nourishing BUTTER and cut out or trace the pupppvuvr 1 unyupv nymwn j. CONVENIENT - BUDGET v TERMS m most C.T.C. v STORES ENGLISH "MATTRESS" SAD. OLEâ€"Waterproof top on soft felt c u s h i o n. Longitudinal springs. Designed for comfort value .. . O Molded live rubber saddle, double sprung manms ’7!"- .All moving park on ball-bearing for easicf riding, free peddling . 0 Boys‘ - Green :onfrusfing sunburst Everyone enjoys delicious nourishing CHERRYHILL HONEY BUTTER. Buy a carton of each flavour at your dealers, today. Hug, the .95 with punt tonsnucfion . Boys' â€" Maroon 0 Girls' â€"- Blue Save Safely! 0 Perry Coasm brain 0 Canadian high :1qu 7 x 6". flashing red jewel moun'ed 11 Chrome medallion '29 "JUMBO" FENDER” an All 1n.”an .hn '75 ")umao" FENDER FLAP-IOXIO‘A” me JEWELLED

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