Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Aug 1958, p. 3

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NOW‘S THE TIME 10 COMPARE DODGE â€" NCW’S THE TIME 'I'O TRY DGME “- NOW’S THE TIME 13 BUY Dafifii 5%” YOUR DODGE DEALER IN RICHMOND Hm, Wm. NEAL 4-2093 (n Ready For Fall Term By Opening Date, Sept. 2 There will be no cinder track installed at Richmond Hill High School this year. Instead. the board has decided. on ‘.he advice of Trustee R. Endean, to have the playing field "plowed, disced, graded. fertilized and seeded beâ€" fore winter sets inl” Theifield will It was remarked that the drapes installed in Richmond Hill High School eight years ago are still in good repair. Piano For \Yoodbridge ri be out of use until the fall of 1959, and the board instructed the property committee to ap- proach Richmond Hill Town Council with a request for use on both sides of schools makes some covering necessary to keep out the strong rays of the sun. Drapes for the classrooms at WO'Qoridge High School will cost approximately $1,500.00; the balance of the $5,000.00 al- lotment .which the board finally nkayed for drapes, includes the heavy auditorium curtains. Trustee Wesley Middleton. ap- parently concerned with an im- pending $5.000.00 bill for drapes asked Chairman Harry Sayers, Couldn’t a school he designed so that these heavy 'drapes would not be necessary?" To which Chairman Sayers replied .that the ‘fact that there are windows Sometimes the observer at a school board meeting feels he is sitting in on a "business" meet- ing â€" at other times one thinks of householders. on a large size income trying to keep within a budget. And so it was Monday night when the 11-man board present discussed the installation of drapes at the new Woodbridge School. After much discussion regarding comparative costs for blinds, which do not stand up to wear and tear of school life. viz bamboo curtains and drapes, Bus- iness Administrator D. J. Ash- worth got a chuckle from all present when he said. "A seven- foot blind. such as we would need on some windows, could roll children up inside them. they have such heavy springs." The August meeting of the board, with the exception of Separate School representative, Trustee R. Tierney, who was on vacation, finalized last minute expense items; made arrangements to have the outside of all the school windows washed between August 25 and the first day of school; and granted permission to Principal Morrison to purchase text books for Woodbridge High, as well as dir- ecting Business Administrator Ashworth to purchase all cleaning supplies and various odds and ends, up to the amount set aside in the budget earlier this year. “Getting ready for the Fall Term” was the theme of the York Central District High School Board when it met last Monday night. Trustee John Howes, chairman of the building committee and' Trustee R. En‘dean both reported to the board that the 10-room addition at Richmond Hill High as well as the new Woodbridge High School will be ready for use in time for the fall term which commences September 2nd. 3 District High Schoois Applications will be received by the undersigned for the position of Constable for the Town of Richmond Hill not later than Monday, August 18, 1958. GIGANTIC EVENING REVUE NIGHTLY - AUGUST 20 TO SEPTEMBER 6 TU. 4-3551 NOTE : All tickets must be picked up no later than 48 hours before date Bayview Variety 8. Gifi Shop CHOICE SEATS FOR ALL PERFORMANCES available now at Help Wanted Telephone and mail orders accepted. C.N.E. GRANDSTAND TICKETS R. P. ROBBINS. CHIEF CONSTABLE The board tabled a firm policy regarding expense acccunts for teachers at Monday night‘s meetâ€" ing with a motion passed almost unanimoust â€" the exceptior was Trustee Honsberger â€" that teachers must apply to the bean before attending meetings \vhicl entail expense, and if the boar approves their prospective ex penditures they will be informed of the board‘s de time. Trustee To Marry The board was split three ways on this decision and Chairman Sayers called for a recorded vote. Those for the motion. which they carried by their votes, were. Trustees John Honsberger, L. Wainwright. E. Axelson and R. Endeam Against were Vice-Chair- man Marshalk McMurchy. and Trustees S. Rumble and W. Mid- dleton. Abstaining from voting were Trustees Howes, M. Kinnee and R. Wood. Principal A. S. Elson noted that Richmond Hill could play their football games at Thornhill while their own field is being fixed. Expense Accounts Just before the meeting adâ€" journed Chairman Sayers an- nounced that Trustee Morley Kinnee would be absent from the September meeting, “owing to his forthcoming marriage". The board was unanimous in con- gratulating Trustee Kinnee and his future bride. Trustee Endean was authoriz- ed to approach the owner of a 66' wide piece of property abut- ting on the present playing field, with a request that it be sold to the board. Said Trustee Endean, “Gentlemen. I have opposed this purchase for two years â€" but I must admit tonight that I have now changed my mind. and I am now in favor of doing so. Since over a million dollars of public money is invested in Rich- mond Hill High School I feel we should have a proper track for the playing field." The board claims that this piece of land, if acquired. will straighten out the two ends of the track. which at present is 25 feet narrower than regulations call for. of the town park until the high school grounds were “complete- ly levelled and the new grass has had a chance to take hold." LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS QUICK RESULTS TU4 4-1105 the board‘s decision at that OF PERFORMANCE stars In The next meeting of the coun- cil will be at the call of the chairman. Reeve John Perry. The Ontario Hydro is to be in- structed to proceed with the in- stallation of five street lights at Nashville. Vaughan Township Council met ir a short session Wednesday morning following inspection of a proposed gravel pit. north of Maple Sideroad on Dufferin St. As the town consulting engineer, Keith Hopper. could not be pre- sent no final decision was reach- ed as to township approval in re- gard to the pit, pending engineer- ing advice. At a meeting of Whitchurch Township Council last week a re- solution was drafted to be pre- sented to York County Council asking the provincial government to pay a $5 bounty to anyone killing a fox anywhere in Ontario. Several matters that have re- ceived previous discussion were finalized. Details involved in the paving of Thornridge Drive, Thornhili, on a local improve- ment basis have been ironed out and council gave its approval to starting the work. Council members expressed concern over the numbers of rabid foxes. Some cattle have died and household pets have been bitten by rabid foxes in Whitchurch. Most serious loss was reported at the farm of George Sproxton, near Newmar- Itet, where four cows worth $1,000 lied within three days after be- ‘ng bitten. Deputy reeve George Richardâ€" or] suggested that all dogs and 315 in the township should be vaccinated against rabies. A clinic should be set up to handle the vaccinations, he said. A further breakdown of the main statistics is as follows. 35 requests for house checks, three cases of burglary, two liquor seizures. two missing persons, two domestic complaints, two stolen cars recovered. one malicious damage, and one impaired driv- mg. The two cruisers travelled a total of 9,809 miles during July and operating costs amounted to $217.29. , Clean Up Details Vaughan Council In all Markham Police handled 554 calls during July. Dogs run- ning at large still continue to plague residents with 29 such complaints being registered with police. Police Chief C. Wideman of Markham Township reports that hi: department handled .iore ser- ious accidents in July than they had for sometime. Township law enforcement officers inV‘stigated 26 accidents during the rnonth. There were also 13 cases of theft, seven of “inch resulted in ar- rests. More Accidents July, Markham Bayview Plaza Revenue passengers for the six month period totalled $2,- 705,930. Operation results for the second quarter were almost the same as for the first three months of the year, and the operating profit on the line for the first six months was $57,876.07. Whitchurch Asks $5 Fox Bounty For All Ontario A report from the T.'.".C. presented to Richmond Hill Town Council Monday night showed an operating profit on the North Yonge Bus line of $28,946.12 for the second quarter of the year. Rich- mond Hill with a 23 per cent interest in the bus line re- ceived a cheque for $6,657.60 as its share. North York Bus Line Report According to Mr. Rettie the present widening of the road in- cludes 12 feet of pavement and 13 feet for shoulders. He den- ied that Don Mills Road would be made into a three lane high way, but later stated that the approach to No. 7 Highway may be wider than two lanes. Mr. Rettie brought laughter from the crowd when he said, “We don't think Don Mills is a high speed highway, it should be for local traffic!” Those present agreed it would be fine that way if only the motorists could be persuaded to see it that way and use anoth- er route. But it is obvious from the lines of week-end traffic that they are not prepared to do so yet. Buttonville Bridge Regarding the bridge at But- tonville the question was asked, “Will it be widened?" The an- swer was that for the present the large handrails will be made narrow and a six-foot sidewalk will be made on each side. This will cause the bridge to appear wider than it now does. As the bridge is at present 30‘ wide. 16’ narrower than the proposed highway width, it is possible that eventually there may be a new route. Q. â€" How long \Y'ill road \\'or take that Chambé‘r‘ific‘i 'Iik'éFéEEEB would ask the house-holder to have a well dug and they would settle with the contractor. Q. â€" “What if there is no wat- er in the new well." To this query? MacMilian showed hesitation, Mr. Retlie however stated they would have to get water, and Mr. MacMillan agreed. When asked if Buttonville homes would be disturbed, the answer was “No.” According to the engineer the pavement will be extended and culverts put in. This he feels will help to coun- terbalance the present bottle- neck. A. â€" Completion is called for by December 15, but weather may cause delay." A. â€" Couldn't answerâ€"individâ€" ual cases different. Mr. McMillan stated a house within 20’ of the right of way was all right. Pur- suing this question as regards a barn. the answer was that a barn was not subject to the ruling. Small holdings 10c per sq. ft. Based on these figures the small householder with a 100 foot frontage south of No. 7 Highway would receive $150.00 for a lO-foot strip â€" at Victoria Square the amount would be $5000 less. There was no men- tion of depreciation to property and as far as can be ascertained none has been allowed so far. It is understood that the law allows approximately 10% of the value of the property for depreciation depending on the destruction in- volved (more if necessary). Mr. MacMillan made it clear that his firm would decide on the proper- ty values. If there is damage to property or if the owner objects to settlement he may consult his solicitor and another real estate firm, present his case to the ar- bitration board and if still not satisfied must appeal to the Sup- reme Court of Canada. Q. â€" Will there be access to 'property throughout construction of the road? A. â€"â€" We will try our best to keep traffic moving. Q. â€" How cloge will a house be left to the road? Mr. S. Watson, president of the Markham Township Federa- tion of Agriculture conducted the meeting and County Engineer Mr. Rettie and Mr. MacMillan answered the questions. Q. â€" Whit aboiltriaiVxQeâ€"l-Int-filat is disturbed. acre acre No small holdings in this area. From Sixteenth Ave. to Victoria Square Raw farm land - $1,000 per According to Mr. McMillan of Chambers and Meredith. repara- tion for frontage lost to owners is made on the following basis: Between John St. and N. 7 Highway Raw farm land - at the rate of $2,000 per acre. Trees - $5.00; bushes - $1000 to $12.00. From Highway No. 7 to Buttonville Raw farm land at $1,500 per Smali holdings - 150 per sq foot. Victoria Square Community Hall was filled Tuesday evening of this week, for a meeting called by the Mark- ham Township Federation of Agriculture. so that Don Mills Road property owners affected by the widening of the Don Mills Road might meet with the York County Engineer A. J. Rettie and representatives of the real estate firm of Chambers and Meredith who are handling the land settlement for Toronto and Yorks Roads Com- mission. It was made clear that residents are trying to be reasonable about this upheaval; that they are beWild- ered by the lack of value placed on their frontages by the evaluators, and that only ten owners, up to Tuesday even- ing of this week, had signed an agreement, where possibly 75 or 80 are involved. Answer Questions On Don Mills Widening Public Meeting Q. â€" Is special fencing allbw- Tune-ups ELGIN MILLS â€"- Mr. MacMilIan intimated Chamber and Meredith Licensed Mechanics Repairs To All Makes 0f (‘ars Specnalizing In English Automobiles 3 i7 Texaco Products 7:? Towing Service MILLS TU. 4-1773 OUR GARAGE He was born in Scarboro Tornship. the son of the late Tillman Reesor. At an early age he moved to Markham Township with his family and settled on the eighth concession, at the corner now known as the Tillman Reesor Sideroad. After his marriage to Clara Brownsberger they farmed for some thirty-five years half mile east on this same sideoad After retirement about thirteen years :go Mr. and Mrs. Reesor moved to the eighth concession one mile and a quarter north of Markham Village. They resided here until recently when they took up residence in Toronto. Mr. Reesor was a member of the Markham Township Council for many years serving as Deputy reeve :nd as councillor. He was also weed inspector for a number of years. The funeral was held last Thursday at the Wideman Men- nonite Church, with interment in the adjoining, cemetery. He is survived by his wife, Clara Brownsberger, and two daughters, Nellie and Edith both of Toronto; also one sister. Mrs. Ida Hoover of Dickson’s Hill. After moving to Toronto only a few months ago Mr. Albert Reesor passed away on Monday, Aug. 4th, at his home 212 Chis- holm Ave.. in his 77th year. There was a storm of protest at this from farmers who had found wire being stapled to anchor pos'ts. One owner commented that they might last two years The construction man stated they found their fences satisfactory. At the outset of the meeting it was made clear by chairman Watâ€" son that this was not a protest meeting, but simply one for gain- ing information. No one concern- ed in th) road widening was con- tacted until after the first of July and there is naturally much con- fusion among residents. Except in Fare cases, individual problems were not broached. School trustes from SS No. 6 stated they had not yet been con- tacted about any change to be made, and as the school year will commence in a very short time they would appreciate informat- ion as to what would happen to school property. Mr. MacMil- lan agreed to meet them immed- iately. Regarding fences the con- struction man present was asked whether wire should be wrapped around anchor posts or were staples used? The constuction man said they used wooden anchor posts and that wire was wrapped around them usually. with staples to iron support posts. Former Member Markham Council Dies In 77th Year When Mr. Rettie was asked where the new plantings were to be made, he admitted that they would be inside the farmers fence-lines. and that was possibly why they objected. School Trustees Mr. Rettie stated that in one area where roadside trees had been cut down, farmers protmted so an offer was made to plant new ones. This the farmers would not hear of. Q. â€" What is the compensation for‘ loss 9f, trees to the property? A. â€" When trees are on pro- perty their value is placed on the difference between (real estate) value before and after taking. Q. â€"â€" What compensation for a windbreak? No answer. Q. â€" What valuc is placed on fruit trees? No clear cut answer. At this point it was noted by one gentleman present that in at least one case on No. 48 highway which is under similar construct- ion, trees had been movedâ€"Mr. MacMillan made a note of this. ed for Q. 4 Should the owner be ap- proached before trees are cut down? A. â€" An attempt is made to contact the owner first. At this protests were heard throught the audience by owners who had not been approached first. A. â€"- Yesfln cases where it has already been used. FOR BEST RESULTS CSE LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS TU. 4-1105 SAL SIOQzAl-Lpé I A’ e4 OII/ -' SALE f 5749 MARKHAM : Councillor Heisey told Markham Village Council re- cently that the Water Resources Commission had received eight tenders for the new water main and that work would' start soon on the project. Going Tuesday, August 19th to'Saturday September 6th. incl. Return limitâ€"September 10th J .For fares and train service contac! your local agent. M/fiaXM/Vflfk/RZ .SJa/e con firmed Over 200 patterns to choose from. All materials over $2.95 made FREE of charge. WE SPECIALIZE IN RECOVERING AND REPAIRING ALL MALES OF (THESTERFIELDS AND CHAIRS Bunk Beds - at great savings! $69.95 SOLD ONLY AS A UNIT â€" COMPLETE WITH LADDER, GUARD RAIL. LINK SPRINGS. SPRING FILLED MATTRESSES. special LUCKY DRAW FOR THE RECLINING CHAIR WILL TAKE PLA( FRIDAY, AUGUST 15TH. AT 8:00 RM. Automatic Reclining Chairs Dee-Luxe quality! Note wrap-around legs on chairs! Genuine “Arborite” extension table with extra sturdy double legs. dropside leaf, steel frame. Padded plastic-covered chairs to match! Huge choice of colors. Opening A COMPLETE LINE OF BROADLOOM, DRAPES, LAMPS, COFFEE TABLES AND END TABLES Free Estimates - Free Delivery - All Work Guaranteed full size with automatic action! Leg-rest lifts as you recline, well con- structed with extra long-wearing: leatherette and fabric covering in choice of colors. Lowest price ever offered for this handsome model! Opening 5”“‘3' “ $69.95 5-piece dual-leg chrome gefis 44 Levendale Rd. (Opp. Loblaw’s) H',‘ I ierfield . Suite Air foam cushions. As low as End Tables and Coffee Tables â€"â€" as low as $9.95 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, August 14. 1958 FURNITURE SHOPPE SALE SALE L5 wee/2 only - our .U/aenmg 1-5-45 93 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill Call. write or stop in to discuss arrangements for your album of informals and your wedding portrait. a// CA SALE Dad escorts you up the aisle . . . the clergyman intones the service . . . you and your new husband are whisked away â€" these most precious moments are best saved for future years in photographs by our studio. And your album of informal photographs will help to make each 'happy anniversary more meaningful! I DRAPES! $39.95 LAGERQUIST STUDEO SALE -V 1/3 rtralts e 0// Ion edler/ie/C/é SALE your day of days in infownal $136.95 Richmond Hill AV. 5-5201 SALE TU. 4-2791 SALE SALE

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