Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Aug 1958, p. 9

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THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. August 21, 195. AW~«~\-\M\-\~A x-v-x \Fx ~«-\~\~Aw\~\m--\â€"\V\â€"x~ WW\NMWMNNW\MMWNWN\WWN W\\\ V, V at. u. \. x \ \ \ / __..â€"-â€"â€"‘- GORMLEY NEWS CORRESPONDENT MRS. CHAS. MILSTED (curl 74/1116. lea.“ gulp/é . chool Addition I I Mâ€" l‘elephone Gormley 52m Willy Biok Hanson Rev. J. R. Steckley and Miss Misses Henderson entertained I" \iirialn Steckley spent the week their Sunday school class from end at Roxbury Camp. Penna. Oak Ridges at a presentation on 9 Rev and Mrs. Cecil Brown Wednesday night in honour of u ‘ and family of Vincland spent Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Brown [Lois so "I at some length Mr. and Mrs. Ross Semple are seen as theycut the cake at the reception following their wedding in Presbyterian Church, Newmarket, on Saturday, August 2, 1958. Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Donor. Sgt. and Mrs. Russell MacBeth and daughter of the RCAE‘ station at Rivers. Man, visited Mr. and Mrs. Herb Moorby on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Elliott en- tertained a number of friends and relatives at dinner on Wednes- day in honour of Mrs. Elliott's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Winger of Ridgeway spent Sunday with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heise. Heise Hill Sewing Circle was held on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Wm. Vanderbent, Richmond Hill. The Junior Sewing Circle was held on Monday night at the home of Mrs. Ralph Empring- ham. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Baker of Florid. spent the week end with his brother-induw and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Heiscy Night. Mrs. Elmer Reesor and child- ren and Miss Nancy Reesor spent a week in Ohio. Misses Rachel and Janice Far- quharson, Danny Farquharson, Carman Henderson and Miss Sheilah Henderson spent a week at Camp Tillicum at North Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Arden Farqullarâ€" son of Kalamazoo .Mich.. spent a couple of days visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harvey and Joyce spent several days with friends at Grenville, Ohio. Belated congratulations to Mrs. M. Acey who celebrated her 86th birthday on Friday. Mrs. Acey is visiting her daughter in Toronto for a few weeks. Mrs. 1. Brubacher and Miss Myrtle Sider of Stouffville spent Wednesday with Mrs. Beulah Jones. Mrs. Davenport of Brooklin. Indiana, spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. John Farquharson. or Posture of Mt. Joy. Penna. and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Horst of Elizabeth- ’\ town. Penna, spent the week- -end with Mr. and Mrs. George Cober. Mr. and Mrs. V. Neumann re- turned after spending a pleasant holiday in Chicago. “ Mr. Eric Morby had an acci- dent whlle at work on Monday and had his face and arm burned. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smooker and Mr. and Mrs. Loban Breckbill of Lancastethennq visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cober on Sunday. Misses Myrtle and Ruth Steck- ley and Mrs. Louisa Rye of Tor- the former Maureen Boyd, daughter of onto had supper on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cloke of Wainfleet, and Mr. and Mrs. Bailey and family of London. England. had dinner on Wednes- day with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steckley. Mr. Bailey is a neph- ew of Mr. Cloke. Miss Glenda Moses spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Moses at King. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Wilcox and family arrived home on Friday evening after a four weeks‘ holi~ day with their relatives in Nova Scotia. Bereavement The Hawkins family attended the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. St. Andrew's the groom is The bride is M. Boyd, Newmarket. and the son of Mrs. and the late Mr. C. Semple, Richmond Hill. â€" Photo by Lagerquist Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steckley. Master Douglas MacBeth of Toronto spent a week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Moorby. ,. Members of the Richmond Hill Public School Board met with their architects Monday evening to receive revised draw-i lugs for the addition to Beverley Acres and Walter Scott Public Schools. “ After discussing the revisions and approving ‘them in general, the board de- for a new all-purpose room and six new classrooms as one presâ€" ent classroom will have to be sacrificed in the remodelling. This will bring the classrooms at the school to twenty. The boiler room and other basic facilities are adequate for the 20-room ' school and the architects anticiâ€" pate the cost will be approxim- ately $11.00 per square foot. Mr. Jackson estimated the total ex- penditure would be in the neigh- " Land Judging At .architects will submit them to borhood of $108,000.00. On motion of Trustee Mrs. Margaret Southwell the sketch plans were approved for the six classrooms, general purpose room. and storage space and the Inspector W. J. McLeod and the Department of Education offic- ials shortly. Mrs. Southwell urged where a shopping centre is con- templated. ‘ Trustee Mrs. Southwell refer- red to a letter already sent the council from the board objecting to the establishment of a liquor outlet near the school as it could constitute a trafiic hazard. Said Mrs. Southwell. “Our wording might have been a little more clear. regarding any traffic haz- ard. if we had known a shopping centre was contemplated." i Mount Albert On 1 Thursday, Aug. 21 vaccine free. Baggs. Edgeley; and Russell Boy- nton. Woodbridge: 3rd Jesse Bry- ington, Maple; 3th Grant Boyce. Woodbrige; 6th C. A. 8th Andrew McClure. Woodbrige. 10th Eldon Fierheller, Maple. 11th Fred Hendry. Edge- ley. Judging was ney of! Brampton. Pigeon Club Race Results The local Racing Pigeon Club recently held their first and sec- ond young bird race of the sea- son from Gravenhurst .Ont.. air- line distance 75 miles. Results are in yards per minute: lst Race by Alex McKinâ€" _ Peelar.- discuss the T.T.C. bus Maple; lth Alfred Bagg, Edgeley; Acting Clerk C‘Hoover ,.;Trustees Debate Rabies Vaccine For Free A MarkhamDep.ReevesAim Following the reading of a letter received from the County of York, notifying Markham Township Connoll that the fox bounty has been increased from $3 to $5, effective from August 3lst tb the end of the year, Deputy- reeve Wilfred Dean informed council that at a recent meet- ing he had recommended to County Council that dogs and cats in York County should be administered antirabies “I feel that privilege should be provided in this coun- Last week in their regular meeting. Markham Council called son. Woodbridge; 4th R. J. Darl- for a meeting between Richmond Hill. Vaughan and Markham. to situation. read a _ Wood- letter from Vaughan township in bridge; 9th P. A. Barker and son answer to this request, setting 11 am. next Monday. August 25th as the date. and the place. Maple. Deputy-reeve Dean noted they hope to take up the question of numbering at the same meeting if possible. Volunteers Needed Fire Chief James W. Davidson of Vaughan Township has called an organization meeting to esta- blish a volunteer fire brigade in l1ichvalc. The meeting will be held at the Riclivale Community Centre, Spruce Avenue on Wed- nesday, August 27. at 8 o‘clock and all male resident‘ between the ages of 20 and 40 are invited to attend. Geo. Webb of Stayner on Mon- day. Mrs. Webb, who has a num- ber of friends here. sufi‘ered a stroke on Wednesday morning and died in Collingwood Hospital Friday evening. Her sudden ill- ness and passing came as a great shock to her many friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Doner had dinner on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hoover of Toronto. The Junior Youth Conference of the Brethren in Christ Chur- ches in Ontario was held this last week-end at the Youth Cen- tre. The special speakers were Rev. Roy Sider of Sherkstown, and Rev. Allan Forbes of Bufialo. The Bertie Mixed Quartette pro- vided special singing. Mr. W. C. Noble and Victor spent a few days fishing at Mil- ford Bay. Mrs. W. C. Noble visited her brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Curtis at Jordan. Miss Anne Lippett. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lippstt. Downsview. Ont. will be married August 23 to Mr. Robert Ohlis.- son of Mrs. Caroline Ohlis and the late Mr. Eugene Ohlis. Rich- mond Hill. The wedding will take place at Trinity Anglican Church, Thornhill, Ont. â€" Photo by Lagerqdist (QMW,NWWkNWW‘£m RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Enroll Now FOR SEPTEMBER TERM 3‘ PRospect 3-5506 (TORONTO STUDIO WA. 1.8015) 75c Grace of Movement 1‘: Interpretive Dance CHILDREN, BUSINESS GIRLS, HOMEMAKERS {elm/tonal Siaclio 6A LEVENDALE ROAD (opp. Loblaws) -Om-~~“-m“v‘- .. m:-r-M~-m- 2 Grand Opening i Judy's Children's Wear 36 LEVENDALE ROAD Richmond Heights Shopping Centre 10 a. m. Thursday, August 2| We feature clothes for girls and boys from job and Zeno OPENING Icided the architects should 313- that all possible haste be made n - u ‘ ' . Flight Sgt. and Mrs. Russ Mc- - preach the provincial Depart- to get the necessary red tape ty ’ the qepUty'reeve teld coupcll' A d9g can be a camel Beth and daughter of Rivers, . .ment of Education for approval gone through. Chairman Ross for 3 permd 0f one year, and 1t {3 only In the final 533395, Man” and cpl. and Mrs, Jack . . . v of the plans after which it is hop- said. “Any classroom can be used which last a few days, that rabies can be detECtEd- All McBeth and family recently re- Summer Sklrts, Slze 2 5 [ficgrlingrlligultfiflxtgi‘feks tinsel. thlel gs scan as it is built" warm blooded animals, as well as people can be infected, turnidthfrom kservcilce 1vgum): reg, 53,93 0 en. t . n 001m 1 W1 oun ary Discussion ‘ “ spen e wee ‘en W 1" a“ ‘be asked to approve of deben- The board will meet next Mon- he contlnued’ bUt he also a-dded’ we do- nOt wanthto 52““ Mrs. Herb Moorby. Messrs. Russ i B b C ' 1 2 .guring the costs, , day with Supervising Principal people, but we do want to impress caution upon t em. and Jack McBeth are twin sons a y-~ ar lgans, SlZe - Though an accurate estimate Duard Rose to asses§ the school Councillor Stanley Watson re- councillor John McNeil aid. "1 0‘ MPS- Mommy. E FCS- 32-98, ‘ .of. the costs is not possible at boundaries set for the eastern ferred to the stray dogs invading feel we should have 12 feet clear Mrs- 13- Feline“ and Mrs- J~ A. . this stage of the proceedings. it part of town. the township and asked what on an Shoulders of roads where Pope spent several days at Glen Baby W00] 0 l is believed the Scott addition There has been objection on could be done about them since there is a 50 mile limit." He OTChard- . _ re 51c for 0 will be apprommately $12.00 a the part of some Rockport ones. they might very well be carriers. blamed the loss of at least one -Mr- Mallljlce Shupe arid MISS 3' square foot for 13,000 square cent parents to their children be- Deputy-reeve Dean said that life a year in Markham Township Clara SherTICk 0f Stol‘fivme had I KETS FOR . feet, or $156,000.00 for the six ing transferred from Scott school short of using a shotgun he didn’t on the fact that trees were too dinner 0“ ThurSday With Mr- and 500 FREE T C iclassrooms, 40 if 60 general pur- to Beverley Acres school because see how they ,could get rid of close to the roadway and referred Mrs- A- Leak- . $25.00, $10.00 and $5.00 merchandic vouchers -pose room._ boiler ' room, halls, of the added distance. them, since,.“they run so fast, no to an accident earlier that day, Mr- and Ml‘S- EH? Moorby and _etc- There is tentative provincial Trustee J. Rabinowitch pointed one can catch up with them". Monday. when a Toronto man lost Children visited his Parents at FREE OPENING DAY GIFTS FOR THE momma grant approval for the six class- out the Change of the boundar. Further investigation as to stray control of his car on concession Sta-liner 0" SUQdBY- . ' rooms at $20.000-00 per class- 135 was in the long run effected dog collections will be reviewed 5 and was killed outright when M155 JOY BalleY_Of Pembmke W . "om- because of the Crosby Heights at a later meeting, Reeve William his car hit a tree. “Had there Spent 135‘ W991i With Miss Faye ‘ Chairman Robert_ Ross point- school to which the children will Clark said. been no tree there, it is quite JOhnSOH “"1 MISS Dawna Ba!“ - ed out the cost of building schools go when it is completed. Planning Board and Trees possible the car would have rol- Yett- was borne primarily by residenâ€" Trustee H. Sanderson suggesb Regarding a recommendation to led onto the field and the man MT- and Mrs- J- MCKendl‘y tial taxation and it was intended ed moving two portables from the planning board that some- would still be alive." spent a week's holiday at Spar- to keep costs to a minimum. Beverley Acres to Scott for the thing be done about the preserv- Another cause of fatal accld- 1‘0W_Lak€- Mr. _Allward Sr., who was pres- fan .85 the portables have to be ing of trees along highways, ents according to Markham coun- MISS Beulah .HEiSE has been pent With Mr. Peter Allward of moved anyway to make room for CH are the deep ditches which mOVed from YOFk CWMY H°Spi‘ 'iliifi aGrgiiilgcltcunii firm at kAnward the remodelling at the school. Wm be done away “’ith When [all m Gormley Rest Home" c w o are ma ing the It was - _ c ‘ C storm sewers are installed. 8C0“ drawmgs- Stated he inter“ ther discugSihlrcileimifi gliéaymfeglt- r o p o n t e s t To Attend opening ' ‘ p'reted the board's desire to be ing with Supervising principal Council voted to accept an inâ€" Be [Married g well lit. well heated .school, Rose who has the necessarv data ' ' vitation from the town of Strat. :‘imoutmég'gsggg ugfifflakmg â€"- regarding the number and ages r I I e I n n e I' S fsfigtftgrgtgeend éhe oi’enting 02”” Saturday . . . wa e an on u - _ Beverley. Acres School Addition “Ame £313?“ .‘g‘gg’ggimon In our last issue we published ust 23, stating thai) it would bge . ..-.-.~-~- Later in the evening. Mr. Jack- from Trustee L_ D Clement who a list of prize winners in the useful for future development in â€" - .. son of Jackson and ypesv archi- is away on holida)‘, was présem_ Woodbridge Agricultural Society Markham's sewage disposal plans. tects for the Beverley Acres pub_ ed to the board an’d later adopt_ Field Crop Competition. We in- Water Area No. l he SPhOOI. presented revised ed unanimously l advertanJy omitted the name of First and second readings on “mum” . drawmgs for the addition to the . I the third prize winner - in the the proposed waterworks division , muon- - .- “"7” ""“m‘... ‘ school. After deliberation the The gist of it was that the Wheat Competition. who was Paul for Water Area No.1 were ap- :-‘:"'-..'.:l\....m .unmmmM“ ' _ . architects had decided it was im. board will ask the town council BaI-el RR. N0. 2 Maple. son of proved by council. Water rates Nomi/m?” /' /’.’.‘.'.rrm.::~//2}.'-1" ' practical to enlarge the present to assume adequate protection Amos Baker well known Vaughan charges are to be disclosed on ”"”4ilil'/« //".’/n U 1' kindergarten and classroom Used from traffic hazards to children TOWUShiD farmer. the third reading. the" will be //,',u /,V”/7' “FM 1‘01: assembly purposes and make attending McConaghy Public . The complem list Of Winners “311 equal rate Per foot frontage M" I 2 it into a general purpose room‘ School in the planning of com- in the Oats competition is now commencing in 1959". \ , 40' x 50'_ Instead the“. plan was menial usage for the corner lots available and is: lst prize. Don Re T.T.C. Bus 60,000 new reasons every day for mechanized farming! tual farming population? In these days of man-made planets we tend to overlook this old, but still miraculous, earth that feeds and pro- vides for us all. That over 60,000 babies are born into this world each day â€"more than enough The answer lies in farm mechaniza- tion in a scientific ap roach to food cultivation and the evelopment of modern machine‘ methods to increase output per acre and per man-hour 1. R. Burgess. Newmarket 1282 . t0 rePOPl-flate the Wh°1e 0f canada 1“ worked. R. Burgess. Newmarkci 12‘2 e r I less than a yearâ€"goes unnoticed. '_ . The York County land judging York County competition; jun- 3. R. Burg:ss. Newmarkct 1258 That these 60,000 new mouths Will be In tins devElQDment MWY'FCPM comp:tition -\vill be held August io‘s 16â€"20 years. and seniors. 21â€" 4. R. Burgess. Newmarkct 1246 fed on the produce of this small earth plays a leading role throughout. the 21 on the farm of Murray Cup- 30 years. Championship award 5. Thornlea Lofts. Tlmrniiill 1186 does not make headline news! world â€"in Canada, in the United ples. Mount Albert. and the On- is a l‘i‘C-quc for S50 to be used 6 ll. Sutcr. Lanestaf‘f 1177, _ _ . States, in France, South America. tario County rompctition will i): toward the junior farm bus tour T. N. Bowen. Richvale .... 1176‘ 0 Y“, When we COHSlder this aStOmSh' Great Britain South Africa. Germany held .-\ll§ll.\i :8 on the farm of of Eastern Ontario and Quebec 8. N. Bowen. Riclivn‘e 1174'. . o, 0 ing growth in the world's population. and Austraua’ ‘ Lloyd S. Smith. Port l‘eil‘rvl. in Septemhcr. .0, 5". Bowen. Richva‘c 1171: , we must wonder how it is that our n h d. h f . - le competitions are l: cl un- The Ontario County awards 10. l. Sui:r Langstaf‘i. 1171 - a - ' ' â€"measured in terms A t e worl over w erever m der the auspices of thc Ilct‘o- \\lli consist of scholarships valâ€" 11 S Marshall, Thornton 1106 Ballders ' gig-agggrgogiélggtgion_remains so high. is mechanized to use“, our every-0'! '- leitan 8; Region Conservation ’ucci at $20 each towards attend- “Ind Race _. How is it possible when there has been ing needs, there we find Magsey- fifml‘ffiféfnfifid the ommm Dem I 21315.31.530;SEXIEST: Sgloifieitchgfi ‘1‘ 88311.: K‘ little appreciable increase in “the world Ferguson machines hard at work in . Each competition includes a ' Guelph ‘3. R Burge 1237' LUMBER . LATHS . TRIM - SHYNGLES . GYPROC ‘ farm acreage and a deCl‘me m the ac- the fields' three-hour tour by contestants The Pcel County land judgingwl. X. Bowen. Richvale .. 1254i in the morning to receive in- competition was held July 31 5. N Bowen. Richiale 135'-3 ROOFING MATERIALS ‘ - structions in soils from O._â€"\ C. \\lil1 4'3 contestants participating. 6. N. Bowen. Richvale 1250 soils department staff members. ‘v‘inner of the chmnpionship T. Thornlca Lofts. Thornhill 12-12 The actual sail judging takes shield was George Pinkney of R 8. E. Brennan. Langstafi‘ . 124’ i- I ad place on the farm during the af- R. _\'o. ‘2. Alton. with a score of 9. ii Sitter. Langstai‘i 1220 11 Centre Street TU. t ternoon. Prizes will be awarded 85. the hi;Iiest total to (late in 10 ThornlcaLoftsThornhill1202‘ at the end of the program any. similar competition in On-,11 M. Larocque Lanzstsi‘i 1174i ' T o R O N T Q There are two class:s in the lane. i -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"- "

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