Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Aug 1958, p. 13

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WE’VE CONVERTED OUR ff VICTORY BONDS! have you? STEEL FABRICATING To Customer Specifications ’PINDSR BROHTD. mm. mes “i? I mm "SITUATED on Yonge Street, be- ,zween Aurora and Newmarket. .capable womaL will_care for your fichildren daily. PA. 7-5994. c1w9 V YOUNG MAN. experienced in ‘,t,eceiving and storeroom keeping. has typing and bookkeeping also ins chauffer‘s license, desires :work. TU. 4-2623. c1w9 SECRETARY.STENOGRAPHER ‘g‘Xoung lady, fully experienced in 5511 phases of office procedure, full or part time. Available im- mediately. Phone TU. 4-5404. "‘YOUNG Mam ‘5 eliable day care to one or two .iiddies under 5. TU. 4-4697. cowlnnl. young woman seeks pos- erition as receptionist. Has driving incense. TU. 4-2255. c1w9 1§MART young Woman seeks at home. Reasoxiéfig-prices. 3-3239. c1w9 " TORONTO-DOMIN10N “EXPERIENCED KNITTEF '9‘quires hand-knitting. AV. i {evenings “EXPERIENCED woman willing :to look after family in mother's “absence; also baby sitting. TU. 5-3158. tfc23 -.-....°. “Fl-VA Would like pail-t time position. 5-1009. *lw9 =B‘R‘APES 3nd bedspreads made EXPERIENCEI’). Ustenographer ‘..._._v _‘ 1" ‘CAPONS, and fowl, highest pr!- ces paid. Don’t sell until contact- ing W. S. Appleton. Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station. phone PRospect 3-5301. tfc27 Live poultry, highest prices CUSTOM KILLING ‘Phone or write Markham. S. Nicholson phone 200, N. Davis ‘phone 741. tfc7 ‘ The Wyman family, residents of Naughton Dr. for several years moved this week to their 1new home in Willowdale. if Mrs. Harry Pridham, Florine rand Frank have returned home from a month's vacation by car .to western Canada. They visited Mrs. Pridham’s mother at Kin- dersley, Sask., then continued .Kept in Stock Portable Crane ' Service Mr: and Mrs. K. 'Parrlngton. Detroit, Mich._ visited the Gam- ble__famjiliy one day last week. Congratulations to Jimmie Williams, Gamble Rd. West, who passed his Senior Matric exams with a 77% average. Jimmie will be attending Kingston Military College this coming year. See The T aroma-DominionBank as soon aspossz'ble.’ EMPLOYMENT - WANTED LUDLOW, Manager Time is running out on your valuable rights to convert your Victory Bonds to Canada Conversion Bonds. September 15th is the deadline. After that the right to convert will be lost. Bring your Victory Bonds to the nearest Toronto- Dominion branch toâ€"day. ELGIN MILLS-JEFFERSON NEWS 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 POULTRY W ANTED Correspondent: The Evening Branch of the Woman'l Auxiliary of St. John's Anglican Church TU. 4-2708 TU. 4-1534 WANTED THK IANK THAT LOOK '. 5-1559 c1w9 c1w9 We will St. John's Anglican Sunday School (Yonge at Jefferson) will re-open Sunday, September 7, at 11 am. The Jefferson Public School will open its doors as usual next Tuesday morning. The enroll- ment of beginners stands at 15, but will probably be increased by a few newcomers. There will be one new teacher at Jefferson this year, Miss Margart Mott from Hamilton. Sunday School News The meeting closed with the W.A. prayer after which Mrs. Cappell poured tea. Mrs. Durham the hostess was assisted by her sister. Mrs. C. Cain who is visit- ing from Hamilton. New Teacher Welcomed Mrs. T. Dibb read a letter of thanks for a bale which had been sent to Old Sun School, an In- dian Mission in Alberta, and sev- eral ladies brought comfort bags which were a summer project. The St. John’s Anglican W.A. (afternoon branch) met last Wed- ‘nesday at the home of Mrs. John Durham, Yonge St., Oak Ridges. Roll call was answered by a message of comfort taken from the Bible. Mrs. Wilcox, the pres- ident, conducted the meeting in a very able manner. After the sec- retary Mrs. Williams read the minutes of the last meeting, the treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Edwards in the absence of Mrs. W. Bell. Dr. R. A. Ward, Wycliffe Col- lege‘ took the morning service at St. John’s Anglican church last Sunday. Dr. Ward left Monday morning for Kingston. Jamaica, where, at the invitation of the Bishop of Jamaica. he will open a progressive mission. On his re- turn Dr. Ward will conduct a mission at St. Timothy’s Church, Agincourt. ' Afternoon WA. Meets Miss Leslie Betts, Gamble Sideroad E.. rode her new horse Bunty in some of the junior events at the ONE). last Satur- day. Although she did not win any ribbons this year, Leslie is showing promise of becoming an excellent horsewoman. Welcome New Neighbours -Several new families have mo- ved to the Elgin Mills-Jefferson district this summer. They in- clude Mr. and Mrs. Clarke and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bill- son, new residents on Naughton Dr.’ and Mr. and Mrs. Saunders. who have purchased the Mansâ€" bridg‘e home. Mr. and Mrs. G. Vanderkork and two small dau- ghters are now occuping Mrs. Pick's cottage and Dr. Kraus and family recently moved to the Muirhead home on Gamblé Rd. E. We extend a cordial welcome to our new neighbours. Guest Preacher at St. John’s Rides At C.N.E. Miss Kitty Pick is at the Un- ited Chufch Camp at Duclos Pt. where she has been acting as a Camp Counsellor. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pick spent Sunday with their daughter. Mr. and Mrs. R. Williams, of Gamble Rd. W.. enjoyed several short trips during their vacation time. Among the places visited were Buffalo, N.Y., London, and Bass Lake. Birthday greetings to Miss Daveline Grey who celebrated on August 20, and *0 David Ratch- ford. 10 years old on August 26. Rain didn’t dampen the spirits of nine young birthday guests who helped Miss Gail Halgren. Brookside Rd. celebrate on Aug- ust 20. The weiner roast was a huge success, as were the birth. day gifts. Mr. and Mrs. C. Morris and family. Naughton Dr, have reâ€" turned home from a holiday spent at Belle Isle, Sparrow Lake. Happy Birthday on to Banfl’ and Lake Louise. re- turning through Calgary and Mopse Jaw. Mr. Pridham reports that they saw no rain during their entire trip which covered about 3,000 miles. Carry out the exchange without delay. Deliver your new bond. directly to yOu or hold them for you in safe- keeping as you wish. Pay you an immediate cash‘ adjustmcnt. Richmond Hill Branch NORTH YORK : Complaints ab- out the Lawrence Avenue dump voiced by residents of Garside Crescent which borders on the dump have been called exagger- ations. The flying paper and the fires in the dump are worth put- ting up with if we can get the park. said one resident. - H. D. Melsness, D.C. x-RAY cor Windlath Gate 8.; Bayview (1 block south Baniew Plaza) Phone TU. 4-1075 By Appointment John R. Kane, D. X-Ray 9 CLARKE AVE. THORNHILL BY APPOINTMENT AV. 5-3451 Building Repairs & Alterations Drain & Concrete Work King 294 P L A S T E R I N G CONTRACTORS Clubine 8: Alexander Richmond Floor Service FLOORS SANDED AND REFINISHED Free Estimates I All work guaranteed. TERMS. NO MONEY DOWN Arthur G. Broad, Building T r a d e s Deciantis - Rice GENERAL CONTRI CTORS Leonard V. J. Smith & Son Paper Hanging Spray Painting Painting 63 Rosevlew Ave. TU. 4-1428 Elohim Rosenberg B. COM. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT TELEPHONE AURORA PArkvlew 7-4512 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT AV. 5-3741 5453Vz YONGE STREET BA. 5-4701 Interior and Exterior Phone AV. 5-4531 213 Oak Ave., Richvale Chiropractic 21 Bedford Park Ave. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-2062 By Appointment RICHVALE, ONTARIO or General Repairs TU. 4-2933 Richmond Hill Suite 2. 31 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hi“ 24 King St. W. Toronto FLA. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT or AV.5-2736 FREE ESTIMATES TU. 4-4217 TU. 4-1483 Accountants Philip Swan G. Chassie BUILDER BUILDER L. E. Clark Homes Residence Phone Richmond Hill PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECIORY “Red Seal” Adequate Wiring Repairs & Service for Washers, Dryers, Stoves, Refriegerators. Oil Burners, ei Free estimates and advice. We stand behind our work. For All Occasions Phone orders delivered anywhere in North Yonge St. District 2518 Yonge St. (at St. Clements) Telephone HU. 5-1145 Helen Simpson Lynett, J. F. Lynett TU. 4-1701 Charles Matthews Leave Richmond Hill 9.15 mm. Driveways, Parking Lots, School Yards, Service Stations. Office TU. 4-3571 General Business Asphait Paving SAND and GRAVEI. Crushed Stone Dr. P. R. Macfarlane Dr. W. J. Mason DENTIST 55A YONGE S'T'. SOUTH TUmer 4-1511 ‘ Richmond Hill Leave Richmond Hill 6 pm. TU. Coaches For All Occasions Telephone King 56 33:2; 23mg: '. ,,T8;45-2624 Langdon’s Coach Lines Ltd. Dr. J. Perdicaris MEDICAL-DENTAL ' Loam and Fill HIGH-FIDELITY PROFESSIONAL‘ SERVICE RADIO TELEVISION E. CHARITY ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS Buildings Moved A Yard or a Mile HERRIDGE Dr. J. M. Dryer CENTRE BAYVIEW PLAZA BEVERLEY ACRES PHONE ELECTRIC Leave Maple 3.30 p.m. Leave Maple 7.1 a.m. AV. 5-1770 LANGSTAFF L. W. REID, AV. 5-2211 DENTIST Gas Extractions 50 Yonze St. North TU. 4â€"1177 Richmond Hill SCHOOL DAYS 78 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL 3211 All Hours DENTIST Open Evenings Gas Extractions DENTAL TUmer 4-1462 Richmond Hill Res. TU. 4-1932 5 Etc. Bus. AV. 5-3630 Res. TU. 4-3935 [elephone 11 Maple,’0nl. Ernie Brock & Son Generalfiéurance GENERAL INSURANCE For All Your Insurance Needs Toronto ROLPH J. McCONAGHY, Phone Toronto HU. 3-2652. In Richmond Hill contact ' Mrs. M. L. McConaghy, 26 Centre St. W. Electrical Appliance Repair operated by Jack Walkington Body 8: Fender Repair- Complete Refinishing If you haven't heard of out re- putation, enquire from your friends All work guaranteed. 144 Spruce Ave. ‘ Stop 22A Yonge St.. Richvale For appointment. ph. AV. 5.3631 Ralph Enterprises Insurance 'A gency A. BURNETT General Insurance 17 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1551 Richvale Auto Body OF RUGS AND UPHOLSTERY ALL wonx DONE BY MACHINE Also carpets cleaned in your home. Work Guaranteed. GENERAL INSURANCE a. Fire. Automobile. Liability tall. Accident and Sickness. am: Insurance 3 Specialty BETTER INSURANCE PROTECTION AND SERVICE PRospect 3-5312 EXCAVATING, BULLDOZING. DRAGLINE Farm Ponds and swimming pools a specialty Box 138 King City. Ontario PHONE KING 218 Roy A. Phillips General Business Richmond Hill Driving School Day or Evening GILL WILLIAMS Harold Millard Construction Co. Carpet Cleaners QUALITY CLEANERS Complete Insurance Service 24 Adelaide 8!. W. 25 Grandview An. Thornhill Roy V. Bick Oak Ridges Driving School Herrington AV enue 5-1379 Leno’s Machine Shop 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-1974 STEA MFITTIN G WELDING Automatic Drive Pick Up Service SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Insurance TU. 4-4217 Daul Cintrolled . Richmond Operator TU. 4-1596 m 1W8 Fully Insured E1319- EALLISTER. (Continued) Oak Ridges. ofiféilo EM. 3-0311 Barrister. Solicitor. Notary Public PL: THORNHILL AVenue 5-3165 By appointment and evening James H. Timmins .I. Rabinowitch, BA. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC 65 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill TU. 4-2084 Richmond Theatre Block Res. TD. {-2117 Stiver, Vale Peppiatt, Errington BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL 7 Duflerin St. AVenue 5-1477 TUrner 4-1543 Every Thursday afternoon TUrner 4-1551 Richmond Hill Toronto Oflice â€" 18 Toronto St. Phone EM. 3-5871 lurid", Solicitor I No“ Banister. Solicitor. Notary Public 1'1 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Natalie: Evenings 7.00 to 9.00 Saturdays 10 mm. to 5 pm. TU. 4-3670 Slyview Plaza Shopping Centre. Richmond Hill. Toronto. 67 Yonge Street. EM. 4-047! BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS N OTARI ES K. M. R. Stlver, Q.C. Joseph Vale. Q.C. J. M. Peppintt BA. wunun Errlnnon. 3. Com. Miller and Brodey Norman A. Todd. Plaxtou & Deane BIMI. Solicitor. Ind Noun Telephone: Aurora Ofiice PA. 7-5053 Residence, Aurora, PA. 7-5046 Toronto Ofllco EM. #3852 55 Image St. South Beaumont E111. Ontnrb 081M TUrnet c-mo Residence TUrner 4-1808 08100 80m: 9.!“ “d by appointment Floyd E. Corner, PA. 7-5052 EM. 4-3652 Savage Insurance Services GENERAL INSURANCI flu. Automobile. Plato Gill. Automobile l'lnuolnx. on. Oflice 55A Inge st. South Residence 18 Leisure Lu. Richmond am 1‘0. 4-1219 Mud am Corner Agency Limited Insurance . Mortgages - Fire Auto - Liability The Bank of New See“- Bldg. AURORA Telephone : Stuart P. Parker 195A MAIN ST. 'l'W. 5-4571. Newmuket. Ont. I . Roy Herrington NOTARY PUBLIC CON VEYAN CER Richmond H ill. 0M. 17 Yonge St. N. TUmer 4-1551 Barrister, Solicitor, etc RICHMOND HILL THOBNBILL Richmond mu 081cc TUrner 4-2071 Thornhm omen Barristen. Solicitors. ’. C. Newman AV. 5-1197 Aurora. Ontario Insurance legal (Continued) THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Onfiafio, Thursday, August 28, 1958 PA. 7-5046 LE. 2- I 226 Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted 31 YONGE ST. NORTH Phone TUrner 4-3962 .Monday - 9.30 - 5.30 Wednesday â€" 9.30 - 12.00 A. W. Kirchen, R.0. CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Richmond Hill a: District Unit For information call Richmond Hill TU. 4-1229 TU. 4-3463 Thomhili AV. 5-1603 AV. 5-1743 Maple AV. 5-2908 AV. 5~2421 8 Moran Ave.. Stop “A OFFICE HOURS: Daytime: Monday to Md” 1 pm. - 3 pm. ‘venlngs: Monday to Thundly. 8 p.m - 8 pm. by appointment Marguerite Boyle BY APPOIN TM EN? 31 Yonge A" R .‘unond mu Northern Bu"ilng Office: TUrner 4 ’12] If no answer call PRospeet 3-5327 Richvale-Langstafl Stop 20A Yong Dr. D. A. McBurney llocuuon. Public Spa-km. Platlorm Department Dramatic Art “HOMEWOOD HALL" ’ Thornhill By Appointmen‘ 363 Markham 8d. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1008 (1 Block' west at Bani") Dr. Jas. R. Langstafi Dr. John B. Wynne Dr. Allen J. Smith Dr. Cameron Cowan «By Appointment) Medical Centre. Bayview Plu- Richmond Hill. Out. Ofl’lco & Residence TU. 4-4040 Frldly â€" 9.30 - 8.30 Bonn om» Ll. 8-118! Dr. D. B. Robson TEORNHILL AV. 5-3634 By Appointment Rocelvlhg Hours: 8 am. o 6 pm or otherwise by appointment Humane Services Dr. G. N. Norheim Dr. J. P. Wilson Dr. Victor Zuck 4 Church St. S. Richmond Hill By Appointment Ofllcc â€" TU. 4-1422 Residence â€" TU. 4-1314 By Appointment 4 Church St. S. at Centre Richmond Hill Oflice - TU. (-1271 Residence -- TU. 4-1303 Optometry Dr. R. J. Steele Dr. Leon Bloom » 20A Yonge St. By Appointment Phone AV. 5-2621 Frank L. Walsh lmlster a Solicitor Notary Public Inning: b! Innolntmell 1'0. M445 1'! Elizabeth sm Nara Toronto: Empire 5.2507 350 Buy Street umumnmm By appointment so You" St N. RICHMOND HILL TUrner #11“ Unlonvflle 239 â€" NO CHARGE Musical Thornhfll AV. 5-1311 Medical rmr-nm "wonâ€"u. (Continued) legal CATS Dr. W. Allan Ripley VETERINARY SURGEON Telepuuuc .1: In“... N. 'l‘Uraer 1-1432 tucbvnom rm] Ontario Land Surveyors 130 Wfllowdale Ave.. Willowdale. Ont" BA. 5-303] .893. George T. Yates. 011.8... 53 Bedford Put Avenue, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Nesbltt and Archie and Mamie attended the Shakespearian Festival at Stratford and saw and enjoyed the two plays "Henry IV" and "Much Ado About Nothing." They were accompanied by friends from Toronto. They hope to a‘- tend again September 1 and 4. We were very pleased to hear that The York Choraleers are to provide the special music for the anniversary service at Carrville United Church. We are especial- ly interested in this group as our own Jack Oliver is one of the singers. We are sorry to hear A. Bowes has to go in but all join in wishing very best. During his absence the carrier from R. R. No. 1 will deliver his mail and she requests that to facilitate delivery box, owner: have their names on the outside of their boxes and any other names “in care of the box" on a small note inside. Will patrons on R. R. No. 2. Maple. please note that the 'mail carrier has to enter hospital for two operations this Saturday, Mrs. A. Hayter spent a lovely two weeks at Mrs. White‘s nun- ing home while the William were away. Mrs. Hayter had the cast removed from her foot and is making good progress with it. Re Our Mail Carrier Mr. and Mrs. James William and George and Margaret had I lovely two week holiday travell- ing to North Bay, Englehart. 0t. tawa, and St. Joviet, Quebec. visiting relatives Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gregson while there. then to Montreal. They visited friends at Port Hope, then home. While in Ottawa they visited the House of Commons and the Senate. George T. Yates The September meeting of the Carl-ville United Church Women's Association will be held at the home of Mrs. Grant Brewery. Stoufiville, on Wednesday, Sep- tember 3, at 2 pm. Scripture by Mrs. J. Baker, paper by Mrs. J. Bushell and social Mrs. H. Neu and Mrs. J. McEwen. The ladies are all looking forward to this visit. Holiday Trip Sunday. September 7, services will resume at Carl-ville United Church. Sunday, September 21. will be anniversary Sundw. Plans for this are being made and will be announced later. W.A. Meets August 3 On Tuesday morning Camllle school bell will ring out to sum- mon the starting of a new school year. One can only look forward and wait and see what the future holds for Carl-ville. Carrville United Church Ray Baker, who completed his public school education this year and is going on to Thornhlll High is a member of a family that but had three generations attend the Can-ville school. Richmond Hill. TU. 6-29“ It is quite interesting to talk to some of the older residents. especially the ones who have lived all their lives In Carrvllle who have many stories to tell. A word about our teachers who are to be commended for their great efforts on the school child's behalf. Many of our teachers will be facing this duty for the tint time, fresh from teachers' col- lege. Good luck to them as well as to the more seasoned teacher. Coming to our own community we are looking forward to the 100th anniversary of S. S. o. 3 Vaughan at Carrville in 1 60. If it could speak, I am sure the old school would have many tales to tell, although we are told this building is not the original one. I doubt if there is anyone who can look back on their own form- er school days without a touch of nostalgia. Many of our fore. fathers had but little chance {or education as they hadn't time to attend school as there were so many other things to do. It In good that children of today have a real opportunity and we hope they all make every minute count. Then there are those little one: who are starting out on this great road of education next Tuesday. Some wlll go into kin- dergarten or grade I. depend- lng on the area in which they live. There are also those boys and girls who, having completed public school, are stepplng into the great adventure of “high school." Others will be attend- lng _college_o_r university. In all it has been a good sum- mer for the most part, with some youngsters spending all summer at their cottage, and others hav. ing the odd holiday away from home. while others were just content to stay around the house and enjoy the holiday: in their own back yard; possibly taking the swimming lessons offered at Thornhill. Others worked to help pay for those needed school books. A short two months ago the cry was heard from school child- ren. “no more scribblers, no more books." but alas these some children are now busy scurrying around trying to find or pur- chase books to return to school. when the doors open wide on Tuesday September 2. Correspondent: Mrs. Bert Middleton Télophono Maple 13033 Back To School Surveyors Veterinary CARRVILLE that Mr. hospital, him the

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