Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Sep 1958, p. 10

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5n 15%d IOPEN ALL WEEK. EVENINGS THURSDAYS & FRIDAYS - i‘nqmajdas ;o qauoux am Bupnp memesnmApu sup n; Buglq oqm [11; o; seaguas [13 .IPI'IIIIIIIIIIIII-I' III-III'Il II ‘ II II. I.III'IIIII'III'I-I.IIIII.IIEE 9. 6 5".'.r.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.1 a.-.-.-..-.-.-.-.-.i.-.-.-.-.-.-.*: 15% discount on all services to all who bring in this advertisement during the month of invites applications for Membership for the 1958-59 Theatre Season. Members’ privileges include reduced ticket prices, attendance of coffee parties with Cast after Opening Night, Monthly Special Ev- ents with prominent speakers. Family Membership 55. Single 33. Particulars from 555 Mt. Pleasant Rd., Toronto. or OX. 4-9249. HU. 3-7823; â€" Join now and take advantage of reduced prices for Sea- ldn’s Opening “Salad Days” on September 17. 10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, September 11, 1958 TOM RILEY MOTORS CARL SING - - who recently joined our competent stafi - - - is an outstanding hair-stylist who received his degree in Switzerland, where he worked for a num- ber of years, specializing in permanent waving and hair cutting. . We hope you come in - - - make his acquaintance - - - and enjoy his artistry in beauty. I) r m m (/iermede weal/if? fiar 8 Levendale Drive Tel. TU. 4-5021 “I’m Late . . . There is a new addition lo Viennese Beauty Bar! I’m Late . . .for an Victory Bond Holders, too, may well be late for a my important date, if they do not move quickly to convert their 'old Victory Bonds into the new Canada Conversion Loan Bonds. They must act by Monday next; If you hold 3% Victory Bonds, exchange them without further delay. Don’t be late for this date. ‘i‘ifE' 'C'RVESTVTHEATRE CLUB Important Date . . . Bus. Tl’rner 4-1551 The new Bonds may be purchased from us for cash. We recommend: OF THE FABULOUS CAR FROM FRANCE V O fnnoun‘ang Ross, Knowles & C0. THE NEW 3 M ' PRICED FROM $1845 Conversion Loan Bonds Available for Cash Guaranteed Repairs To All Makes of Cars Imported Car Specialists Telephone us today, and we will attend to all details for you. September 15th is Last Date to Convert Victory Bonds i 5% Bonds, maturing 1983, at 100 and accrued interest Authorized Dealer Sales & Service Yonge and Clark Streets STOP 14A, THORNHILL Phone AV. 5-47" J. ROY HERRINGTON (opposite Loblaws) Telephones SIMCA yAe Jdrriua/ Res. TI’mer 4-1324 Richvale “B” Pack will meet at the Ross Doan School on Tues- day, September 16th, at 6.30 pm. All Cubs, Leaders and helpers please to out to this, our first meeting of the 1958-59 season. Mr. and Mrs. William Cundy are entertaining at the home of their son. William Cundy Jr., at 69 Benson Avenue Toronto on Saturday. September 20th, 1958. from 3-5 pm. and from 7-9 pm, in honour of their daughter Mar- garet Vivian. prior to her marri- age to Mr. Ernest Linton, son. of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Linton, Tor- onto. The marriage to take place early in October in the Church of the Ascension Arborfield, Sask- atchewan. Mr. Linton is the rect- or of the church in which they are being married. Cubbing Richvale News LITTLE WANT ADS GET 310 RESULTS Correspondent MRS. M. E. TAYLOR Phone AV. 5-4293 CALL TUrner 4-1105 'I l‘: Henderson Avenue Home and School Association held its first general meeting of the year at Henderson Avenue School Mon- day evening, September 8. Close to 100 parents, and the full teach- ing staff of 14 attended this open- ing session. A film on teaching problems was shown; this was af- terwards discussed in small groups by the parents. Principal Allan Martindale introduced the stafi to the parents. Mr. Martin- dale reported that enrollment at Henderson has this year reached a peak of 475 pupils. 88 of whom are in the new kindergarten. There are now 14 teachers at the school; Mr. Martindale contrast- ed this with the status when the school opened in 1953, when there were only five teachers at Hen- derson. However, he added, three out of the five originals are still at the school. Mr. Martindale ask- ed that parents, who had occasion to call the school should do so between the hours of 9 to 9:30 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. He explained that this was be- cause he was not teaching a class during these periods, and would be better able to give his atten- tion to any problem which might arise. The executive committee of the Henderson Avenue Home and School Association held a brief meeting at the school at the close of the general meeting. It was decided to hold the proposed Fun Fair at Henderson Avenue School on Saturday afternoon, October 25, between the hours of 2 and 5 pm. Committees are being or~ ganized to look after such actlv~ ities as the fish pond, the tea room, the sale of hot dogs, a bake table and similar ventures. It is also hoped to have one of the classrooms set aside as a sort of nursery for the smaller children, with movies and per~ haps a puppet show to keep them amused while their parents at- tend the fair. . Well Baby Clinic The Well Baby Clinic, spon~ sored by the Highland Park Woâ€" men’s Association is being held this year in the Thornhill United Church Hall. instead .of at Henâ€" derson Avenue School, where the new kindergarten has put space at a decided premium. The next Clinic will be held in the church hall on Wednesday, September 24, from 1:30 to 3:30 pm. The WA. is holding its next busineSS meeting on Monday, September 15, at 8:30 pm, at the home of Mrs. Hall, 58 Steeles Avenue East. Members are urged to bring along any new neighbours who may be interested in the work of the association. C.G.I.T. After the showing of the film, the teachers went to their own class rooms, where the parents who had children in those classes assembled to hear a description of the course of studies which would be followed during the coming year. Most parents found this the most interesting feature of the meeting; and the teach- ers are to be congratulated on preparing this material so soon after the beginning of the school year. The active season for the youn- ger inhabitants of the district is getting underway. The C‘G.I.T. group at Thornhill United Church Henderson Home 8: Selma! Boys from the let Jefferson Cub Pack line up for healthy servings of “grub” served by fathers who accom- panied them on a summer overnight camp-out earlier this year. The Pack commenced its Fall activities last Monday night when it held its first meeting at the old Jefferson school from 7 to 8:30 pm. All boys eight years old or over are welcome to attend, Akela Mary Ensor said. -â€" Photo by Hal Robertson SAME DAY SERVICE RELIANCE SERVICE STATION Open 7 mm. - Oak Ridges Victor Draper 34‘; men anal 3A9 [36 Radio â€"- Washer Repair Service 12 Midnight DAILY Conversion To 60 Cycle TELEVISION HIGHLAND PARK NEWS Agencies PR. 3-5471 EM. 8-9569 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. A. A. SMITH 22 Highland Park Blvd., phone AVenue 5-2795 on Ontario On Spnday, September 14, the church services will be conduct- ed by Mr. Francis Cook of Aur- ora, a York Presbytery candidate for the ministry, on September 21. anniversary service will be held at 11 a.m., with Rev. H. W. Davies, B.A. of Maple and Rev. Duncan White. M.A. of Newmarket, conducting the service. David McClure will be soloist at the evening service. in any way possible with work done in the church at any time. The choir of Temperanceville Church is sponsoring a sacred The “LA. and W.M.S. meeting on September 18 at 2.30 pm. will be held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Turner. The devotional period is by Mrs. F. Hare. The roll call, your favourite chapter in the Bib- le. The program common: is Mrs. Burton Palmer and lunch com- mittee. Mrs. 1. Kennedy and Mrs. Fred Boys. Mrs. Don Chaik, Missionary Superintendent of Temperance- ville Sunday School told the children the story of “The Three Camels in India.” The men commenced basement. 1 all who am W.A. & W.M.S. Fifty years ago this month Or- ville Wright. whose career is described in the Book of Know~ ledge, made the first airglane flight of over an hour's duration. At Fort Myer, Virginia, he was in the air for 1 hour, 2 minutes and 15 seconds. Mr. and Mrs. Cesidio Tomsetti (the former Rosetta Carcone)?“ are shown with their attendants following their recent wedding in the church of St. Mary of the Angels, Toronto. Back row left to right: Anthony Gag- gets going on Tuesday evening, September 16, at 7:30 pm. This is an interdenominational group for girls from 12 to 17 years of age. And the same week, Mrs. Pollock is gathering her dancers together for the start of another season of ballet training. Mrs. Harry is going away on Friday for a ten day trip which will take her to Winnipeg and Regina. The Postellos of 54 Steeles east are leaving this district. They plan to move sometime this month. TIMES HAVE CHANGED! CORRESPONDENT: [M/ecl Wart; o/fAe flnqe/J CAI/UTA j TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS mprovemen is the pri' church have MRS. MILTON WELLS. R. R. 3 KING Phone PR. 3-5239 on the leze of multiply 21,365.754A'19 by 19,- man and the 1 377,304,499? However quick you Mosetti and i are. you could not beat the elect- During the 5 ronic digital computer described played “Ave l in the current Book of Know- Nana". 300 g1 ledge Annual. This remarkable reception. wh machine takes one tenmillionth of mother receiw -a second to supply the answer. georgette dress Congratulations to Patsy Macklin on her successful effort in judging dairy cattle in the junior section at the Ex. On this, Patsy’s first experience at the ex- hibition judging competition. she came fifth out of 45 competitors. WRobert Beynon had tfie good standing of seventh in his class of 37 in the senior section. concert on Sunday evening, Oc- tober 19. at 7 pm. The concert will be put on by the Lakeshore Businessmen‘s Choir. Mr. David McClure will be baritone soloist at this concert. Personals Friends are very sorry to hear Mr. Howard Clark has had to re-’ turn to Toronto General Hospital for treatment. » VMrs. Alva Darrach of London has been a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Denton of Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. H. Brillinger of Oshawa, and Miss Ruth Vice of Galt, and Mr. and Mrs. Elias Elliott had supper on Sunday with ij. and Mrs. Geol French. The United Missionary Sunday School enjoyed a corn roast on Saturday evening. instead of the Mr. and Mrs. Paul 'Jones, Shar- on, Bradley, Debbie and Connie, -of Windsor, spent a few days with Paul‘s mother, Mrs. Beulah Jones. Mrs. Harry Jones, Gary and Lynn of Toronto had'supper on Friday with Mrs. B. Jones, Paul and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Wideman. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bennett, and Mr. Jos. Cober were guests at the wedding of Miss Marilyn Klinck at Palmerston United Mission- ary Church on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Wideman spent the week-end with rela- tives around Gorrie. Mr. Joseph Cober remained for a week‘s visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger had supper on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Gostick of Stoufi'ville. Mr. and Mrs. C. Milsted and Charleen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Duncan and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Gooding and family of Dundalk. Lynn Jones, grandson of Mrs. Beulah Jgnes, fell on his first day back at school and broke his arm in three places. Needless to say Lynn is wearing a cast for some time. Miss Annie Steckley entertain- ed at a miscellaneous shower on Thursday night in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Steckley of Scar- boro, recent newlyweds. The guests included aunts, unclgs and cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Empring- ham welcomed Linda Evelyn to their home last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Mountain of Tor- onto spent a couple of days last week with their son~in-Iaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Boyd. Mr. J. P. Tripp of Montreal visited several days last Week with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. Leek. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Heise and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nigh left on Friday for a two weeks' trip to the Canadian West. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Steckley vis- ited at Buffalo last week. They took Miss Alma Steckley that far on her return to Grantham, Penn. How long would it take you to LIKE TO TRY 2 TIMES 2? he ../ I 0f "5} Va CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED Telephone Gormley 5201 GORMLEY NEWS Given in marriage by her fath- er'the bride wore a white bro- caded full length gown with a slight train. long sleeves and a. v-neck, her jewellery, a three strand necklace of pearls with matching earrings, was a gift of the groom; her wedding veil of tulle net was caught to a crown of pearls and orange blossoms and she carried a cascade bou- quet of white flowers. Attending the bride as maid of honour Miss Marisa Tomasetti, sister of the groom, and Miss Enza Carcone. cousin of the bride, were gowhed alike in spring green nylon net over taffeta with matching halo hats and they both carried cas- cade bouquets of red and white roses. In a setting of white gladioli, and white mums, Rossetta Car- cone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Corradino Carcone. Lawrence Avenue, Richmond Hill. became the bride of Cesidio Tomasetti. son of Mr. and Mrs. Luigi Tom- asetti, Mimico, in St. Mary of the Angels Church. Toronto on August 2nd. 1958, Father Christ- ofor Di Forio performed the ceremony. Paola De Marhi was flower girl and the ring bearer was Boris Diodati. Mario Catenero acted as best man and the ushers were Mario Mosetti and Anthony Gagliardi. During the service the organist played “Ave Maria" and “Nina Nana". 300 guests attended the reception. when the bride's mother received wearing a black ;eorgette dress over white and “Captain Henry", said the boy, "you look again. If you ever had a nickel. you’ve got it yet.” A certain sea captain, who was known for his extreme frugality, once sent a small boy 0 n er- rand. When the boy return d. the captain made a great show of searching through his pockets. “That’s too bad. Jim”, he ‘said finally. “I thought I had a nickel here." The London Sunday Times prints the following conversation between a visiting American and an Eton schoolmaster: “Do you allow your boys to smoke?” the American asked._ “Can they drink?" “Good gracious. no." “What about dates?" "0h,that'squite all righ ," said the master. “as long as they don‘t eat too many." MARKHAM : Amos R. Burkhold- er of the 9th concession died sud- denly August 21 in his 74th year on the same farm he was born and lived all his life. VANDORF : A Toronto man char~ ged with driving a car on the 8th concession of Whitchurch at a speed of 90 miles an hour was fined $50. and costs in court here this week. - ian Last week the children trooped back to school. Now on Tuesday of this week Teachers' College re- opened with Gormley contribut- ing a few. Mrs. Bernard Kays and Miss Isobel Chambers returned from their year‘s course, after each completing two years of teaching with two years summer course training. Miss Luella Winger returned to complete the last year of her two-year course. Mr. Peter Cober of Fordwich, well-known here â€" also grandson of Bishop and Mrs. Alvin Winger and Mr. Jos. Cober. is also at- tending and will be living with his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. C. Winger during the school year.. We wish a speedy recovery for Master David Barker who is ill. Miss Judy Wilcox is being moved presently from the Naval Hospital at Halifax to the Naval Hospital at Cornwallis, Nova Miss Judy Wilcox is moved presently from the Hospital at Halifax to the Hospital at Cornwallis, Scotia. usual annual picnic. Due to the rain at times. the children and adults were glad for the refuge in the church shed. Over 70 en- joyed a pleasant evening. During th ayed “Avc ana". 300 ception. ‘ liardi. Josephine Ciccarollb the_ bride‘ayd groom, Mari) I LA , n___- Carcone, asetti. llulul’ Uvuvrr . . A . . v v . . . v . _ . _ _ _ , Catenaro, Mario Moretti. Frdnt row, left t5 right: Enza. Carcone. Paola DeMarchi, Boris Diodati, Marisa Tom- I‘m afraidqnot," said the Efon- Leaving for a honeymoon in Niagara Falls and New York city the bride wore a pink linen sack dress with matching three- quarter length coat; her hat, handmade was of pink pearls and a pink corsage completed the en- semble. The happy couple are residing in Mimico. FINDER BROS. “I. gray taffeta, with black hat and accessories and a white rose cor- sage. The groom's mother assist- ed wearing a black gown with white hat and black . “cessories and a corsage of white roses. STEEL UNTIL! l BEAMS Some groups or individual inr- mers have suggested vaccination of herds and flocks but thin would appear to be too big an undertaking to be practical. Be- sides, in many cases, the peak in- cidence in an area would possibly be over before this could be done. Since the matter of animal cc -tagious diseases is handled by the Federal Health of Animals Branch. suspected cases are re- ferred to their district or region- al offices by the local Veterinar- irns and specimens submitted to laboratory test. While there is a continuing danger of domestic animals contacting rabies from infected wildlife. the main threat both to domestic animals and to humans would be if rabies be- came established in dogs. The Department’s major effort in dealing with rabies has been in conducting widespread dog vac- cination clinics in the infected areas. These clinics are open to anyone and not limited to the municipality in which they are held. This programme has been successful so far in preventing rabies in dogs, thus reducing the hazard to humans. Fortunately in the current outbreak. there have been no cases of human infection. Stock Loss From Rabies Not Great According to information just released, loss of livestock from rabies has not been as great as some reports would indicate. The confirmed cases of rabies con- tinue to be predominantly in wildlifeâ€"particularly in foxes. These constituted 68% of all cases in the last fiscal year. and th: percentage is running the The current outbreak of rabies in Ontario is the result of the natural spread of the disease in wildlife from the Northern Terri- tories. where it was prevalent a few years ago but where it has now virtually disappeared. Accor- ding to W. M. Cockburn, Agri- cultural Representative for York County who has been discussing this matter with the Health of Animals in Toronto. the outbreak moved from the northern areas down through Simcoe County. caught the north end of York and has veered off to the west into Dufferin and Gray Counties. s me so far this year. In the past fiscal year. ending March 315t, rabies in all of Canada claimed 101 cattle. 10 horses. 14 sheep, 4 swine and 1 goat. In the first quarter of ‘his fiscal year. the disease was confirmed in 7'? cat- tle. 3 horses. 20 sheep and 4 swine throughout the country. Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service STEEL FABRICATING To Customer Specifications 2 Otonobce BA. 1-3344 VOI'OI’l‘tO

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