r, News From Next Door AURORA 2 Dave Baker of Har- riman Road, Aurora was the first dog owner in the area to have his dog insured by Canine Insur- ance of Canada. Mr. Baker‘s Dob- erman Pincer will be covered against death. veterinarian fees. public liability, theft and stray- Ding. SEPTEMBER 13 â€" Saturday 2â€"5 pm. Annual bazaar and draw. Masonic Hall, Thornhill. Home baking, aprons, Christmas gifts, ï¬sh pond, tea. Auspices Mark- Vaun W.I. Langstaff. c2w10 SEPTEMBER 16 â€"â€" Tuesday. 7 pm. The bowling league of the United Church will begin again at the ABC Bowling Alley on Tuesday, September 16, at 7 p. m. Allwintefested members and their friends are welcome. clwll SEPTEMBER 20 -â€"- 1:30 p.m. Rummage Sale at Richmond Hill Presbyterian Sunday School room. Auspices Evening Auxil- iary. c3w10 OCTOBER 29 â€" Wednesday. Turkey supper 5-8 pm. Admis- sion: adult 1.50, under 12 75c. No charge for pre-scrool children. Sponsored by the Carrville Un- ited Church Woman‘s Associa- tion; also a bazaar table. clwll WEDNESDAY evening bingo held in Canadian Legion Hall, Carr- ville Road West at 7:45 pm. prompt. tfc44 SEPTEMBER 16 â€" Tuesday 8 p. m. The Thornhill and District As- sociation for Retarded Children will hold its regular monthly meeting. Everyone welcome. SEPTEMBER 20 â€"â€" Saturday at 1:30 pm. Rummage Sale will be held in North York Community Hall, 5090 Yonge Street, Will- owdale. Sponsored by Barrogill Castle Chapter I.O.D.E. clwll SEPTEMBER 27th â€"- Saturday at 2 pm. in St. Mary's Anglican Church. Rummage sale by Even- Irg Branch of WA. held in Wrix- on Hall. clwlo EVERY MONDAY NIGHT at 7.45 pm. Bingo. Community Hall. Spruce Ave., Stop 22A Yonge at. c AURORA : Last weeks storm brought to light a new problem in the town of Aurora. The ques- tion was raised as to who was going to clean up the debris on thc property which did not be- long to the town. After much discussion 'he council stated that they would remove brush and debris placed at the curb and would remove bigger trees strict- ly at cost to residents. .‘lARKHAM : Markham village council approved the plans and the site for the new Post Office to be built. The site is the pro- perty south of the Markham Bak- ery between Main and Washing- ton Streets. > UNIONVILLE : Ken Deacon showed the 3rd prize senior year- ling Shorthorn heifer at the ONE. This well known breeder also won 2nd and 4th for sum- mer yearling heifers. MARKHAM : The East York Plowing Match will be held this year at the farm of Markham township councillor Stanley Wat- son on concession 7, Wednesday, October 22nd. STOUFFVILLE : Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Burnett, 9th concesslion of 'Whitchurch Township celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on Sunday, August 31. They were both born in the Stouï¬â€˜ville dis- trict. MARKHAM : The new separate school opened here laSt week with an attendance of 97. It is expected to go to 110 shortly. AURORA : A new public school inspectorate, to be known as York 5, has been established. The town of Aurora, and the townships of King and Whit- church will be included. The new inspector will be Douglas D. Adams, B.A.. B. Paed, formerly of Danforth Technical school. MARKHAM : The High School opened here with an attendance of 413. Last. year attendance t .alled 370. Beginners make up three grade nines. LaPeIle Pres. E|n1<3nove Ratepayers About 25 Oak Ridges residents met at the home of Earl LaPelle. Elm Grove Ave, recently to dis- cuss a plan for a municipal wat- erworks. King Township Coun- cillor Norman Taylor and Eric Smith.‘ President of Oak Rid- ges Board of Trade, were pres- ent Mr. Taylor informed those at- tending the meeting that mem- bers of King Township Council have been in contact with the Ontario Water Resources Com- mission regarding the water shortage in this locality and the township is waiting for a date to be set when a representative of the Ontario Water Resources Commission will speak to council. 7 Mr. E. LaPelleï¬ was elected temporary president and Victor Piirto temporary secretary of the group. L'ommg Events c1w11 ,A detailed plan for the de- velopment and beautiï¬cation of the Richmond Hill waterworks pond on Mill Street. which will make it one of the choice beauty spots of the Metropolitan Area, was presented Monday night to Richmond Hill Town Council by Chairman Charles Sauriol of the Metrpolitan Conservation Advis- ory Committee. 30,000 Estimated Cost Propose Park Development Project To Transform Pond To Beauty Spot Assurance was given that the project would be started early next year and the estimated cost is $30,000 of which the Province of Ontario will contribute ï¬fty per cent. The remaining $15,000 will be the responsibility of Richmond Hill as will the ex- pense of maintenance and up‘ keep. Although giving no official ap- proval of the project individual members expressed opinions fav- orable to it. Deputy-reeve D. L. Plaxton, chairman of the local Parks Commission will discuss the.proposal with several local groups and report back ‘to coun- cil when a formal decision will be given to the Conservation or- ganization. The area to be developed in- cludes 3.2 acres south of Mill Street, which is well wooded with a good variety of trees many of which are part of a planting project, and traversed by the stream is considered very suitable for park development. North of Mill Street and east of the pond is an area of .8 acres considered a good picnic site. VOLUME LXXX, NUMBER 11 Another area to be developed is a strip 75 feet wide to be ac- quired from six property owners bordering the east side of the pond. North of the pond is an- other 5.4 acres, heavily wooded, with a large swampy portion which will cleanup. Outside the town there is an area which should be considered Robert B. Slaven, 37 Gordon Rd., York Mills. advised Whit- church Township Council on Thursday that he was about to purchase Lots No. 69 and 70, consisting of 1190 acres, and re- questeq for its use as a sports centre. Plan Large Sports Centre For Whitchurch He proposed to place on the property. parking for 1.000 cars; golf course. a driving range and swimming pool. Some of these would be prepared and ready for the season of 1959. but the entire program would take three years to complete, Council advised that they had no objection to the proposed use 0: the property. Charles Dennie attended coun- cil and reported the loss 'of three sheep killed by dogs, and injury to two others. He did not known the owner of the dogs but had endeavored to trace him. He was allowed the amount of $65. for his loss. Mr. Dennie stated that a flock of sheep which was being wor- ried by dogs did not do well and the monetary amount would not cover the depreciation . in his flock. Council passed ,3 by-law for an additional $30,000 to be spent on roads and culverts. The by-law was forwarded to the Department of Highways for approval. As some $24,000 of the amount will be spent in paving the roads running from Yonge Street and around Wilcox Lake, it is likely it will be approved in view of the Department being ve-y fav- orable to permanent surface on roads. ‘ Road Superintendent Davis presented council with a list of a '0unts totalling $11,131.51 Avhich included the pay-sheet. The largest item Kvas for gra- vel and stone purchased from F. H. Roberts and 8011‘ for $6,470.47. General account placed for payment by the Clerk before council totalled $2,175.31 which included the payment for mile- age of different officers for tra- velling expenses. The amount ‘spent on relief continues to be a large item. The amount for the month of August was $1,473.94 with the senior governments bearing 80% end the township paying anly 20 I“; of this total. Messrs. H. A. Bobcock and Eequire cbhsiaerable Richmond Hill Pond, Site of Proposed Park Development in the overall plan. Two acres in town belong to the Polish Camp and have been designated as a parkland. The land to the north is heavily wooded, with springs rising on it. The proposed plan involves assembling the land in the pond area owned by the town and by private owners. It is proposed the town turn over its land to the authority and that a 75 foot strip be purchased from each of the six property owners on the east side of the pond. It is further recommended that the remaining land be zoned as greenbelt where it lies within the town and that it be turned over to the munici- pality as the 5 per cent require- ment at the time of sub-division. As an initial step it is pro- posed the pond be drained and cleaned. Tests made in the pond indicate that it is suitable for bass in limited numbers the year round and for-trout in the spring. These can be supplied by the authority. To complete the ï¬sh- ing program ï¬shing docks will be constructed at suitable loca- tions on the pond. It is consider- ed the pond frontage on Mill Street is dangerous for pedes- trians and a stone fence should be erected. 'Plans provide for picnic tables, two washrooms of block and stone construction with running water and sewer connections. Paved parking areas also are provided for in the plan. 7 It is estimated the initial de- velopment will cost $30,000 in- cluding the necessary land pur~ chases. Deputy-reeve Plaxton said $15,- 000 is a large expenditure for Richmond Hill. “However,†he added “if we do not avail our- selves of the facilities and co- operation of the ConserVation Authority we may face the deâ€" velopment at our own cost some Coy, who are the engineers for the Township, advised that they had called for tenders on con- crete culverts on the 5th conces- sion to be known as project No. 2088. Tenders are to close at- 5 p.111. on Thursday, Sept. 18th. This work will absorb the bal- ance of the $6,000 requested in the additional $30,000 by-law. The Department of Education a"vised‘ council that the school inspectorates had been revised W. J. McLeod would now have Markham. Stouffville and Rich- mond Hill, which would be known as York No. 2. Douglas Adams, B.A., Ph.D.. will reside at 225 Cedar St. New- market, and he will have Aurora and townships of Whitchurch and King, known as York No. 5. Coun. S. Watson's Farm Site Meet Plans‘ are well under way for this year's East York Plowing Matchâ€"one of the oldest matches in the province. It‘s ï¬ne prize list always attracts some top plou- men. The match will be held at the farm of Markham Township Councillor Stanley B. Watson, on the 7th concession. The date will be Wednesday. Oct. 22. This year's president is Mr. Russell Little; past pres.v Jas. Stirling; lst vice pres.. Norman Jarvis; 2nd vice pres., Lloyd Grove; sec- retary, Bruce Davidson: acting treasurer, Trevor Watson. Represent County Municipal Meet York County Warden Fred Armstrong and Commissioners, Reeve W. L. Clark of Markham and Reeve R. Pollock of North Gwillimbury Township and Clerk Jack Smith represented the county at the recen; three day convention of the Ontario Muniâ€" cipal Association. The convention was held in Ottawa. “In Essentials Unity; in Non Essentials Liberty; in all Things Charity; RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1958 day in the future." Mr. Sauriol said he was very familiar with the area over many years and is convinced it has a ï¬ne potential for park develop- ment. He said it was now partly used as a dump, unkept and un- sightly, and could be made a very beautiful place. The Conserva- tion organization is willing to go all out in the development pro- gram and he was sure when completed it would be a source of pride for all citizens of Rich- mond Hill. He pointed out that property owners who provided the needed land on the east side of the pond would be adding greatly to the value of their own properties. “I just wish I owned a home on that pond,†he said. “That makes ï¬ve of us" added Councillor Paterson. “You have the makings of one of the best beauty spots in the whole Metropolitan Area." said Mr. Sauriol “and it would be a shame to let it go the way it is.†Councillor Haggart said he was really gratiï¬ed with the plan. It is something I have advocated for a long time he said. Mayor Tomlin said he was a member of the Planning Board when initial plans were drafted for park development in‘ the whole area extending north as far as the “El'gln sideroad.’ ’“’ Councillor Tinker wondered how much the pond area is now used for recreational purposes. “Old residents tell me,†he said “that it is not used as much now as years ago." It was pointed out that the pond was used extensively last winter for skating. Councillor Joseph Paterson praised the proposal. “1 think we would be doing a great injustice to the town if we'did not avail ourselves of this opportunity,†he said. Dinner Gathering Jaycees Sept. 11 On September 4th the Jaycees held a preliminary dinner meet- ing to aquaint prospective mem- bers with the history, structure, aims and objectives of the organ- ization. The first official dinner meet- ing will be held September 11 at the Richmond Theatre Grill at 7:00 pm. R. Hill Pianist Wins Gold Medal Cecilia “Berry†Anderson, a 16 year old Grade 13 stu- dent at Richmond Hill High School, has just been noti- ï¬ed she is the winner of the Hazel Ireland Eaton schol- arship for $500, the gift of Mrs. R. Y..Eaton. Earlier this month. Berry won the Canadian National Exhibi- tion Senior Gil‘ls‘ Scholar- ship of $250. the only schol- arship awarded for a girl. Berry, who is a pupil of Al- berto Guerrero, was also the winner of the Royal Conser- vatory of Music gold medal, following the annual exam- inations, obtaining the high- est marks in Canada (91) for the A.R.C.T. Solo Perform- ers. Berry, who lives a normal teenager‘s 'life, was instruct- ed in piano by her mother, Rosalind Anderson, during her early years, passing her ï¬rst examination in piano at the age of four years, with First Class Honours. Public School Standards N of Uniform May Revive Entrance Examinations Grade 8 District Board Approves “Parents of Grade 9 students; and those new in the district are to be invited to Thornhill High School at 8 p.m., next Wednesday, September 17, to acquaint them with the school, the teachers and the course their child is followingâ€, Principal A. S. Elson informed the York Central District High School Board at itsregular monthly meeting last Monday night. The high school board will be represented by Trustees John Honsberger and Eric Axel- son. In a session dealing almost strictly with the opening of the three district high schools for the fall terrpl the board authorized the three principals 'to “set up a night school starting October 1, at all three schools†and went on record stating it would abide by the Department of Edu- cation ruling on transportation and “will not transport children who live within two miles of any high school on easily travelled roads.†Referring to so called “loafers†or seven year pupils, it decided such pupils be reviewed and interviewed by their principals and referred to the board for disposal. Richmond Hill High School On request of the board Prin- cipal Wright Morrow reported Richmond Hill High School has enrolled 665 students for. its 23 classrooms, Grade 9 alone re- quiring 8 classes, three more rooms than were required in 1957 when the attendance stood at 521. ‘Grade 10 with a total of 161 students has five rooms in use; Grade 11. 104 pupils, 4 rooms; Grade 12, 91 pupils, 3 rooms. Grade 13 with 41 students has two rooms in use this year. Woodbridge High School demand and the board authoriz- ed the necessary expenditure for these articles. Principal Elson recommended the renting of six sewing machines for one year and this also was approved. Building Committee Substituting for Trustee John Howes, chairman of the building committee, Business Administra- tor J. Ashworth reported that the ï¬nal price of $5,054.00 had been set for the storm sewer and drainage work at Woodbridge High School. This was welcome news for the board which had “I’ni glad you’re back,†commented the Deputy-reeve. Mayor Ken W. Tomlin who returned from his holiday in time to preside at Mon- day night's Richmond Hill Town Council meeting ex- tended his thanks and com- pliments to Deputy-reeve Donald L. Plaxton who was Acting Mayor in his absence from town. “You did a real good job." said the Mayor. Mayor Tomlin especially complimented the Deputy- reeve on his reply to Warden Armstrong’s references to Richmond Hill’s wild state- ments. “1 think you handled the matter exceedingly well," ,said the Mayor, “if I had been here I might have said more.†I - Principal Lloyd Morrison of the new Woodbridge high school said there are 210 students at- tending there with eight class- rooms in use. Four rooms are required for the 107 Grade 9 students enrolled; two rooms for Grade 10; and one each for Grade 11, with ‘26, and Grade 12 with 23 students. Grade 13 attends Thornhill High School. Mr. Morrison noted that it is expect- ed the school will be ï¬nished September 19. Thornhill High School? A boy approaching the home of Mr. Garnet Taylor R.R. 2, Maple. in his car last week end. was suddenly jumped by a rabid fox that tried tochew the tires of the car. After a while it ran off. Vaughan Township Police were informed, and a search made, but no sign of the fox could be seen. Enrollment at Thornhill High School was down approximately 100 from the 1957 fall enroll- ment, with the opening of Woodâ€" bridge High School this Septem- bar. Principal A. S. Elson said Thornhill's enrollment stands at 672 as of Monday night. Grade 9 has 246 students; Grade 10, 181; Grade 11, 123; Grade 12, 89 and Grade 13. 33 students. Commercial Classes Thornhill and Richmond Hill High Schools report the com- mercial course in Grade 10 is so popular extra typewriters and desks are required to meet the Organize Protest Against Hog Vote Hog producers representing nine Ontario Counties voted last week to seek an injunction to set aside a July vote favoring the province's compulsory hog-mar- keting program. riV , Abgut 8500 rï¬rl‘oducers attended the meeting at Tavistock, 12 miles north of Woodstock. Speakers said counting of the ballots was mishandled. the total incorrect, many ballots thrown out as improperly marked and no instructions given voters as to the proper methods of marking their choice. The marketing proved by a two-t in the plehescite hog producers. provincial Praise‘ For 'Acting Mayor Fox Attacks Car Tires ds majority 10m: 74.000 Salary $866.00 Per Month Cfouncil Names Official To Co-OrdinateMunicipalWork Ron. Forrest To Industrial Meet Planning director R. Forrest will represent Markham Town- ship Council and Planning board at the two day convention of the Ontario Industrial Development Corporation to be held at the Royal York Hotel on October 2 and 3. The annual conference is spon- sored by the Trade and Industry Branch of' the Department of Planning and Development. It's aim is to assist municipalities in planning industrial development. demand and the board authoriz- ed the necessary expenditure for these articles. Principal Elson recommended the renting of six sewing machines for one year and this also was approved. Building Committee Substituting for Trustee John Howes, chairman of the building committee, Business Administra- tor J. Ashworth reported that the ï¬nal price of $5,054.00 had been set for the storm sewer and drainage work at Woodbridge High School. This was welcome news for the board which had previously stated it would allow up to $7,000.00 for the necessary work. ‘ Concrete steps, walk and catch basin surrounding the 1958 ad- dition to Richmond Hill High School will cost $691.00, while a new ceiling and re-wiring job necessary in the school’s boiler room will cost in the neighbour- hood of $1,500.00, Mr. Ashworth informed the board. Earlier in the year it was thought that a plasterer co 1d repair the ceiling for $700.00 ut the old one was sagging so badly and pipes and wiring needed to be refastened and new wires laid and the plas- terer advised a complete new ceiling would be necessary.‘The board approved the above ex- penditures. High School Entrance Trustees Axelson and Hons- berger moved and seconded a petition from the Lindsay Board of Education in which they asked York Central to join them in re- questing entrance examinations be revived. The Lindsay board stated, “Secondary schools are overcrowded with Grade 9 pu- pils", some of whom apparently are not ready for Grade 10 work. It further stated all Grade 8 pupils do not have the same standard on' leaving public schools. Trustee Stewart Rumble did not agree with the motion which the rest (If the board members approved and Principals Elson and Morrow said there is too much academic work â€" marking papers was expensive. Chairman Harry Sayers noted that there was a need for the equating of Grade 8 pupils before they enter high school. ACCIDENTS 99 ACCIDENT RECORD RICHMOND HILL FATALITIES 0 HOME PAPER '01“ THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 1958 INJURIES 23 Plaxton Opposes Move Says It Is Waste Of Money The appointment of a full time tOWn engineer, a long time controversial subject at Richmond Hill council meet- ings came one step nearer solution Monday night with the decision to engage Stanley Caisis, an engineering assist- ant, of the ï¬rm of Proctor and Redfern on a full time basis, until a permanent appointment is made. The new official will direct and co-ordinate the activ- ities of the Roads Department, the Waterworks, the Sew- ers, Parks and the Building Department, and will be paid at the rate of $866.00 per month, plus expenses. » Councillor Joseph Paterson re- porting for the personnel com- mittee said at a meeting this week a decision was made that an en- gineer should be engaged. Three applicants for the position will be interviewed if they are still available and the position will be re-advertised. In the meantime until a selection can be made he said Proctor 8: Redfern consult- ing engineers for the town had agreed to loan a member of their staff as a resident engineer. The move was opposed vigor- ously by Deputy-reeve Donald Plaxton who said it is “just a waste of money." All other mem- bers of council voted for the ap- pointment. “I don’t see how you can jus- tify an expenditure of that kind of money. I just can’t go along with it,†said Deputy-reeve Plaxâ€" ton nun. Co‘unciiioi‘ Paterson in support of his motion argued that a co- ordinator of town work is needed. “For a growing town such as ours," he said “it is a virtual must." He got 51 Councillor J. onded the Councillor J‘ Councillor Haggart said that Engineer Redfern told the com- mittee that the lack of a town engineer was costing both the town and his ï¬rm money. He recommended that a full time engineer is warranted. I think he 1 L:_ CIISAIACLL Ag n..--....-_._. 7 is in a position to know and his words are well founded. I cer- tainly support the recommenda- Subdividers Seek Answer South-West OfMarkhan] Acting on a recommendation- of its planning board Markham Township Council agreed Mon- day to support a request by the subdividers concerned that the Municipal Board make an early decision on the township’s pro- posed amendments to the official plan for the south-west corner of the township. Reeve W. L. Clark reported at Monday’s meeting that both Metro and the provin- cial government have delayed decision on the proposed amend- ments without giving council any speciï¬c reason for the delay. Both the Departments of Plan- ning and Development and High- ways have asked Markham not to press for a decision uhtil the new year. Unofficial reports claim that contemplated major highway and railway construction is the cause of the delay. The proposed amendments include changes in the industrial area and the type of commercial development to be allowed along Yonge Street. Swimming Pools Council has agreed unanim- ously not to pass its proposed new bylaw requiring the erec- tion of four-foot chain link fen- ces around all private swimming pools in the municipality. The bylaw had been prepared and given ï¬rst reading at the re- quest of the Thornhill Village Trustees. “It is next to imposs- ible to draw the line between farm pools and swimming pools," * â€" fl‘niun:‘ n.,,u, Ldlul yuvnu u..- _ remarked Reeve Clark. Council felt the bylaw instead of apply- ing to the whole township, should apply only to a speciï¬c urban area,( such as Thomhill. Following a letter from a Mr. D. K. Jackson regarding the fu- ture availability of water on Bayview Avenue. council stated it is hoped to be able to extend the municipal water system down Bayview Avenue next year. . an _._- uu; vu." .-. v,._- Following a review of 16 pro- posed new subdivisions, the parks and property committee (Coun- cillors J. MacNeil and S. Wat- son) has selected park land in each subdivision or cash in lieu of a park site. In 13 they select- ed a park site. In the remaining three they accepted a cash set- Job Printing . . strong support from J. Bradstock who sec- motion and from J. Haggart. .r Haggart said that Done Right! Priced Right" "'flll LIBERAL " TUlner 4 - 1105 tion of the personhel committee said Councillor Haggart. Councillor S. F. Tinker who voted for the motion had some reservations during the discus- sion. He said the matter had gone beyond the scope of what he had in mind. “A man who will spend 90 per cent of his time not in the ï¬eld, is not good. We’re creating another position, a man who .will have an office and secretary in the town hall. Engineers usually gravitate to the shedding of rubber boots and the wearing of Sunday clothes,†said Councillor Tinker. Councillor Paterson â€"- “Our worst sin in municipal adminis- tration in Richmond H11 to date has been lack of co-ordination.†Councillor Tinker ï¬nally voted for the motion observing that council members would be in I better position to judge the use- fulness of the office after a trial period with the temporary ap- pointment. Mayor Ken Tomlin reviewed the experience of council with various projects and agreed some direction of co-ordinated effort in the different departments is necessary. Councillor Paterson pointed out that the appointment might not necessarily go to a fully qualiï¬ed engineer. He said a good man with the necessary qualiï¬cations and ï¬eld experience might fill the need. He may be designated as works superintendent or some such title rather than town engi- 'neer. tlement. Council concurred in their recommendations. _ Planning Board has given draft approval to two new subdivis- ions. They are the 20â€"lot Brown's Acres Subdivision located at Un- ionville and the 18-lot Glenburn Park Subdivision located on lot 18. Concession 5. - e u“. n-..“ 10. Uuuuvuuav.. . . Following a report from Coun- cillor MacNeil who with Planning Director R. Forrest represented Markham at a recent meeting with Vaughan regarding the re- numbering of Yonge Street, Thornhill, council agreed that Markham should participate in the plan with Vaughan. Village Chairman A. Sumner also attended the joint meeting. Thornhill has opposed the Vau- ghan plan on the grounds that they have already re-numbered Yonge Street. However both Vaughan and Markham maintain the re-numbering was carried out without their authority. Mark- ham plans to re-number the whole of water area No. 1 in addition to Yonge Street. . . ‘l Olen LU 1U||5c Utlvwv- On recommendation of the Bell Telephone Company council will within the near future again study the proposed installation of a direct telephone line to the Unionville Fire Hall. Councillor L. Mumberson of the ï¬re com- mittee stated the committee had earlier deferred dcision on the matter due to the large sum of money involved. As the current ï¬re costs will exceed the 1958 budget Reeve Clark suggested the change could be incorporated in the 1959 budget. I r! . a _ - u 1 m Lu: Aouu "mac-.. On recommendation of Consul- ting Engineer H. A. Babcock council has agreed to pay Leo's Excavating and Construction Co. the $1,000.00 holdback covering the installation of the Doncaster water system. v- -J-._.7,, In a report covering the oper- ation of the Unionville Fire Bri- gade from January to the end of August Chief M. Smith report- ed the brigade has answered 41 calls during that time at a total cost Of this total number of calls, 34 ï¬res were in the township and seven in the village. SINGLE COPY 10c