Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Sep 1958, p. 2

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Herridge Electric TU. 4-3211 . Righmond Hill’s Drainage Problem Mr. Henry was named Minister of Agriculture in the Hearst administrate ion in 1918. In 1919 he was urged to contest his party’s leadership but chose instead to support Hon. G. Howard Fer- guson. who won the premiership in 1923. The Minister of Public Works and Highways in that government was Hon. G. S. Henry. In 1930 he became Premier when Mr. Ferguson was named Canada’s High Commissioner to London. Those were the days when Mitchell F. Hep- burn’s political star was rising and George S. as he was popularly known was subjected to severe and sometimes many thought unfair, political criticism. His government went down to defeat but he was re-elected in East York and In 1903 he entered public life as a councillor in the ‘Township of York and 'S‘éi‘ved continuously until his retirement in 1943 at the. age of seventy-two. He never'suffered personal defeat at the polls. He entered the Ontario Legislat- ul‘e in 1913 representing the riding of East York which for a number of years included Richmond Hill. and Markham Township. 9 Citizens of York County felt a special loss in the passing last week of Hon. George S. Henry, a former Prem- ier of the provincm A native son of the county he was born in King Township and over a long period of years served his fellow-citizens faithfully and well as toWnShip councillor, reeve. warden, member of the legislature, cabinet min- ister and premier. What is so rare as the sight of several hundred newspaper editors sit- ting en masse at a buzz session (during which THEY make speak THEIR piece, for a change) ; or dining at a leisurely. relaxed pace; or listening to a talk, or hearing an orchestra play, or a singer sing â€" and not having to take down notes (unless they really wanted to) to make up a story before the paper goes to press on Wednesday afternoon? This memorable occasion came ab- out last week when the 39th Annual Conference of the Canadian National Weekly Newspaper Association was held in the King Edward Hotel, Toronto. and editors and families came from Van- couver and Newfoundland, and points in between. to fill the corridors, halls and rooms of the hotel with the mur- murings of more than 450 delegates. Even when Water Resources Com- mission approval is recéivéd there are a g‘i‘eat many legal steps to be taken before the needed constr‘ucticm wOrk can be started. Approval must be ob- tained from the Ontario Municipal Board, and this often is a‘ long drawn- . It is little wonder that Mayor Tom-. lin ‘and members of council confess frustration and are concerned over the long delay. There [is real reason for concern and a definite need for a speed- ing up of the machinery of taking care of such necessary works in growing communities. This is September 1958, and the Beverley Acres flood problem is with us still. In actual fact it is very little closer to solution than it was a year ago. The byclaw authorizing the drain- age work has not yet had the approval of the Water Resources Commission. Turning back the pages of “The Liberal" files we came across the head- ing “Council Takes Initial Step In Sol- ution of the Drainage Problem". The date of the issue is July 11th, 1957, and the story goes on to say: “Richmond Hill Town Council Monday night took the initial step in What is hoped will be a permanent solution to the contentious Beverley Acres drainage problem. Coun- cil passed a by-law requesting the On- tario Water Resources Commission to undertake the box (lrain project. The project will include the deepening of a waterway in Markham Township to provide an adequate outlet and will re- quirewMun‘icipal Board approval.” Parts, Repairs Service Officially welcomed Thursday THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, September 11, 1958 ALL HOURS W VJ. An Independent Weeky: Established 1878 5â€"’ Subscription Rate $3.50 per year; to United States $4.00; 10c single copy Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMITH. Publisher W. S. COOK. Managing Editor Telephone TUrner 4-1105 “Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department. Ottawf’ ‘ Tithe Either 211 “Mb: York Couniy loses Distinguished Citizen What Is So Rare? Residents of Richmond Hill were shocked to learn of the sud- den passing of Miss Margaret Rob- inson on September 2nd. just one day prior to her moving ' to take up residence in Toron'o. Togeth- er with Miss J. Doran. Miss Rob- inson had lived at the fine home. with its spacious lawns and gard- ens. 66 Richmond Street. for the past seventeen years. Born in Aurora, Miss Robin- son was the daughter of the late Mr. C. C. Robinson and Jane Mac- leod. and was the last of a family of four. Her great grandfather, Capt. Maclcod donated the Xand which became the site of St. John's An- glican Church (Yonge St. at Jef- ferson). Miss Robinson was a member of mm m York County has lost an outstand‘ ing citizen and “The Liberal” joins with his host of friends in extending sym- pathy to the bereaved family. Pat Henry; a son, lived in Richmond Hill for several years and now is resident in Toronto, George W., another son lives at Todmorden and two daughters Mrs. Clare Locke and Mrs. George M. Cle- mons live in Toronto. words, “WE STAND ON GUARD FOR THEE” â€"â€" and we were part of that group. morning by Mayor Nathan Phillips, the conference members were entertained at a government dinner in the crystal ballroom that evening at which time the Honorable James Allan, represent- ing Ontario’s premier the Honorable Leslie Frost, said, “I almost envy the members of this association â€" A group that has a great deal to do with the molding of public opinion across Can- ada is seated here in this room.” It was this writer’s first CWNA conference. and we hope it will not be our last, for from the first strains of “O Canada”, at that opening session, our heart swelled with pride in the knowledge that these men and women representing the weekly press across Canada, truly symbolize these glorious He was Warden of York County in 1909 and was this county’s oldest sur- viving warden. He took an active inter- est in many movements for the benefit of the county and was largely instru- mental in creating the Toronto and York Roads Commission. He was one of the earliest advocates of some kind of Metropolitan administration for subur- ban municipalities. A successful farmer and breeder of Holstein cattle Mr. Henry was one of the organizers of the Farmers’ Dairy and served as its president from 1909 to 1923. The late Mr. Henry will be rememb- ered as a kindly and conscientious man who served well his day and generation. He took a personal interest in his con- stituency and constituents and although we never belonged to his political party we found him always friendly, co-opera- tive, anxious and willing to help in any way to promote the interest of York County and its people. continued as leader until 1936 whenhe was succeeded by Hon. Earl Rowe. We agree that the existing flood conditions are deplorable and it is im- portant that corrective steps be taken as quickly as possible. It is important too, how the work is going to be paid for, because a quarter of a million dolâ€" lars with interest charges over a per- iod of year‘s represents a Very consid- erable addition to the tax bill. An important matter still to be de- cided is how the project is to be finan- ced. The estimated cost is in the neigh~ bourhood Of a quarter of a million dol- lars and the question is who is to pay for it. Some have suggested that as the drainage problem is the direct re- sult of the residential and commercial development the entire cost should be borne by the properties benefitting‘ from it. Many contend that the solu- tion to the drainage problem should have been a condition of the original sub-division agreement. A more likely Solution is that a portion of the cost will be assessed as a direct charge against all lands benefitting directly or indirectly from the project, and a part spread as a levy over the Whole town. The manner in which the quarter mil- lion dollar cost of this large drainage project will be paid by Richmond Hill taxpayers is a decision which members of Richmond Hill council should make soon. out procedure. When approval is ob- tained expropriation proceedings will have to be taken fox-permission to en- ter on lands in Markham Township. ’argarot [@0511 St. Mary‘s Anglican Church. a!- ways an ardent worker in the W0- men's Auxiliary. Red Cross and other organizations. Services were conducted at Wright and Taylor's Funeral Home by the Rev. J. F. O'Neil. assisted by the Rev. Arthur Chote. former Rector of the church. with interment taking place in Richmond Hill Cemetery on September ‘Sth. Friends and relatives attending the services included Mrs. Charles Baldwin. Miss Edith Baldwin. Mrs. Victor Moorehouse. and Miss Jane Gra- hame of Toronto. Lady Beverley Robinson and her daughter Mrs. J. Sutherland of Grimsby. Mr. W. S. Pocknell. Mr. A. Hew- itt. Dr. Walter Mason. Mr. R. D. Little. Mr. Ken Ruffman, and Mr. J. V. Lepper were the pall- bearers. . £115 on mcuunofls (15595 When we yield to the love of God in Christ, He makes it pos- sible for us to love our neighbor. What is neighborliness? Is it just a matter of being on friendly terms with the man next door? Who is my neighbor? He is everyone. He is ‘the family next door‘-â€"â€"-yes, but more than that. He is the 'butcher. the Chinese laundryman, the Negro porter, the Jewish shopkeeper, the German carpenter! But our neighborhood is not limited. even by these bounderies. The whole world is our neghborhood. This includes the tee ing millions in India, the hungry barefooted children of Asia, the old people siffering in the refugee camps in Palestine, the people of Brazil. Poland. Etheopia. Japan. God has made of one blood all nat-I When we come to God, humbly conscious of our need for a new relationship with Him, we find that His grace is big enough to blot out all the wrong of the past. We discover that- the love which he demonstrated in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, makes it possible for us to live in a new relationship with Him. The Bible calls this "recon- ciliation". Now we love God, be- cause we .realize how much He has done for us through Christ. As the Apostle John puts it in his epistJe, “We love Him, be- cause He first loved us”. This coming to God, receiving His forgiveness and grace through Christ, is the first step we must talr toward realizing a better life and a better world. Before we can be rightly relat- ed to God. We must acknowledge, that we have not given Him the first place in our lives. We have not loved Him with our whole being. We have all been, to a greater or lesser degree, prodigal sons. Like the wayward boy in Christ‘s story, we have to come to ourselves and say, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and in thy sight and am no more worthy to be called thy son". We must be willing to come back to the God we have pushed out of our lives by our selfish and thogghtless living, A right relationship to God is of primary importance. so often men have attempted to create a better world. but have lost sight of God and their need for Him. There are many who believe in God inte lectually who have not permitte Him to invade their lives with His love and grace. There are those who give lip ser- vice to God as they serve the gods of this world. Jesus answered the question by turning him to the Book of Deuteronomy. and quoted the great verse. “ThOu shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy strength and with all thy soul and with all thy mind. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself". The condit- ions which JeSUS laid down for the attainment of a better world were threefold. Love for God. Love for neighbor. Love for self. The world can be a better place t live in, when we are rigid); related to all three. I r _ ,fl, _.... IAUALIC- I _We cater to Banquets, Wed-i ding Parties. business gather-‘ ings or special events of any} kind. I For table and banquet reservations = Telephone AV. 54303 I wmv-u-x «.4 In the days of Jesus. a learned Scribe put a question to Him con- cerning this very problem. He asked. “Which is the greatest commandment?" He was earnest- ly ho ing for a new and better worl . He felt that if men knew that way, and walked in it. a door would be opened to a better world. He had been taught by the rabbis that there were three hundred and sixty-five prohibit- ions and two hundred and forty- eight positive commands. 'which if obeyed, would bring the King- dom of God to earth. He wanted Christ to “boil down" all of them so that he might do the most im- portant and thus make his con- tribution toward the realization of a better World. Is a better world possible? Should the Christian be stirred by community and world condit- ions. seeking to do something about them? Is there any way in which mankind can find the road tn a better World? Does the Bible have anythihg to say about ‘ this urgent and perplexing problem? A Better World Needs Better People anywhere in the aigtrlct from 12 noon to midnight. Enjoy a delicious meal, piping hot, in your own home. a”) Delicious Canafian pig Food Also Served TAKE OUT ORDERS, FREE DELIVERY Yangtze Pagoda Restaurant Yonge and Oxford Streets, Elgin Mills. Ont. Immediately North of Richmond Hill on Highway No. 11‘ A Weekly Comment on FACTS and FAITH «Co-0.0.0..- -0 - _ By Calvin H. Chambers Christian Life And Action Comfortablg Dininz Rooms Seating 300 People Beautiful Landscaped Surrounding. 0”“ 13 Inn. to 2 mm. CANADA’S FINEST CHINESE CUISINE wen}; FEB}! banquet .0115 V. 5-4303 b-n- .â€" i Equnsive l érn this we are tempted to hate and despise Ourselves. We may even try to run away from aur- selves, and forget who we really are. The cross of Christ is God‘s call to stand still and face our- selves. At the cross we léarn what our sin does to divine love. It Only God has the truest know- ltdge of us. He alone sees the deepest recesses of our inner life. He knOws us. And who are we? We are pEOple whom He has created in mi; own image. We are not just bone. muscle and cell. Wé aré Features with whom He Wfillts to have fellowship. But bur selfishness, 0hr sin has pngrréq that‘fellpwmip. When we Then. we must also have a proper love of self. It is true, that "we must not think of our- selves more highly than we ought to think". Neither must we think of ourselves less than what God thinks of us. The only way we can truly know and love oursel- ves is in the light of God. A mir- row can tell you many things abdut yourself, but they are all external. Your friends And relat- Wes knew a lot about you. but even they may not’k‘now all your secrets. longings, hopes and dreams. _ If. we go down the few steps from the entry to the lower level we come to the 52 by 28 foot lecture room on the left of the stairway, which will accommodate 150 people. Across the hall is a large stacking section that alone will hold 14,000 books. The staff lounge (19 by 13) and the washrooms are also on this level. The architect. the committee, and the board have planned well for the town, and with municipal blessmg are giving us a building that not only will be most at- tractive to the eye, but will also go a long way to serve our needs for many years. ions to dwell on the face of the P1”tl‘. His love goes out to all. If God takes hold of your life through Christ, He gives you A lecture room has deliberately been included in the plans to help meet the need of the town for activity space. A certain group that has always held the needs and growth of the library dear to their hearts, who inâ€" deed saved carefully and gathered money through tWO world wars- to insure the growth of that library. who were largely responsible for the delightful library reoms we now have. in short, the Women's Institute will have first call on the new lecture hall. The board also hopes that groups such as the sen- ior citizens club will use the space, and that the canvas club, which has its shows at present in the library, will have their meetings and “gallery” in the lecture room. Mrs. Kadela is provisionally planning puppetry there too for the young fry. 1 wer to love your felfowmafi in a dynamic and practical way. Once we are inside, we can either go up four or five steps to the main library room or down to a lecture hall. The adult section and the children’s room on the upper level.‘ both with picture windows. are served by a common L-shaped desk overlooking the entire main floor. This will mean that the present library staff will not need to be greatly increased. 7 A _ _ Let’s return to the new building: behind the child- ren’s section which is to the left of the entry is a story room; behind the adult section is a workroom and office. From the story room a stairway leads down to an exit at the south side. In the past year we doubled our circulation and are now averaging about 5000 books a month which will bring us up to 60,000 for the year! At the approved rate of 21/; books per capita, right now we should be having 25,000 on our shelves. When our chief librarian, Mrs. Irma Kadela, who of course attends all board meet- ings, was appointed last year there were 6,000 altogeth- er on the shelves with several hundred in the stacks. In one year 1,850 new books have been added. _ For us he has designed a building that will har- monizewith the new section and renovated municipal hall. The ground level entrance to the yellow brick building with its large areas of glass will be on the north side with a spacious covered patio leading to it. Outside the area to the south will be attractively land- scaped where a children’s hour can be held outdoors away from the street, while to the north and east will be the shade trees. The next step towards the building meant much visiting of comparable libraries . . . in all nine were studied from Etobicoke to Hamilton . . . and the choos- ing of an architect. After interviews with several who specialized in library work. Philip R. Brock, assistant to the late Arthur Eadie, considered one of the most out. standing architects in library work on the continent was selected.‘ Mr. Brock has just completed the Oshawa library and also is connected with the George Locke li- brary at Yonge and Lawrence in Toronto. The first step in the acquiring of an adequate building for the size of .the town was the action last year by the council of deeding to the library board the land which they are now to use, known to older resi- dents as the site of the “tennis courts” which up until 10 years ago were the scene of much spring and summer activity. The foresighted action of the council in ear- marking this land to the west of the firehall gave the board. the chance to begin their planning, in such a way as to keep the financial load for the' taxpayers as low as possible. Provincial grants on the land alone will total $10,000 over a period of three years, while in addition to the $50,000 given by council from the number two account will bring in another provincial grant of $10,000. Both our library board, under the chairmanship of first Gordon MacLaren and lately Mrs. Robert J ohnston, and the town council have approved drawings that will give us adequate library Space, keyed to. a projected 25,000 population. Miss Katherine Ball, chairman of the building committee used to, good effect her exper- ience in library work, and knowledge gained at conven- tions across the continent. At the same time we will be adding to Our own “Ciin square” as the new public library building will be erected to the west of the present municipal hall, with a shady lane leading to a parking lot at the rear, and shade trees along the street that a “whoop and a holler” saved from damage when Some bulldozing was going on. by Cicely Thomson We are about to add a public building to Richmond Hill. Not only will it be the kind of building that will serve the needs of the town into the foreseeable future, but incidentally it will be Contributing to winter em- ployment_in the building trade. 'Uer JJz/li Om SIM; This kind of love will make a new and better person out .of anyone. It is only as we have bet- ter people. that .we can have a better world. A person who opens his life up to the love of God in Christ. will begin to love God in a personal way. This will lead to the love of one’s neighbor and oneself. Loveâ€"the love of (kid in and through yOu, is the road to a better world. If a King should stoop down. pick up a penny out of the gut- tes. wash it, and put it back into circulation, this would reveal something of its worth. The Bible teaches that God, the King of heaven, has stooped down in Jesus Christ, and wants to lift us up. clean us up, and fit us for life. This invests human existence with infinite meaning. crucifies it. But God’s love is greater than our sin. The cross tells us that the love of God is so great. that it is willing to ac- CEpt’ us and forgive us. no matter who we are, or what we have done in life. When we accept that love, we gain a new sense of Se” respect. and human dignity. We can begin to love ourselves without conceit. because we know that God has redeemed us. We are of infinite worth to Him. “I really haw a fufure," Says lucky Lester Babb”, “Now Ihuf I've culfivufed The classified reading habit.” Sam-why by Wednesday, Thursday, September 17, 18 BIG . . . BURNING . . . EXCITEMENTI‘ ‘ HELD OVER Thurs., Fri., Sat, Sept. 11, 12, 13 PLEASE NOTE ‘THE BRIDGE ON THE RIVER KWAI’ WILL BE SHOWN AT 6:30 AND 9220 THURSDAY ' AND FRIDAY SATURDAY 6:15 P.M. AND 9:15 Telephone TUrner 4-1212 ‘ “ ’u ' FREE PARKING REAR 0F THEATRE Show Times 7 and 9 pm. Continuous from 6 pm. Saturdays and Holidays Saturday, Sept. 13, 2 pm. Matinee Only' Randolph Scott in ‘ “MAN IN THE SADDLE” HEHIKA EHUUREAU Monday, Tuesday, September 15, 16 ,SO STARR How u- annuv m... 7K WARDEN JnAu HM - mum I IRWIN SHAW- Directed by ROBW MRISH - Prod-ma by IRVING ALLEN m ALBERT R. BROCCOLI 0‘ WARWICK PRODUCTION AND M FXEIUNB US] M W mums MYERS~ HTMHD [MINES - VENETM 51m" ' PHERJJRM Adult Entertainment Adult Entertainment Directed byWILIlAM AWHLMAN my The“BattIe 01y” Story pf The Amencan Commandos! Au PRNUCED HY Mill WON

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