Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Sep 1958, p. 5

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~ Richmond Hill . . . The Autumn program of St. Matthew’s United Church got under way on Sunday last with the return to the regular sched- ule of services. The children turn- ed out almost 200 strong for the first session of the Sunday School. The congregation responded to the call to worship with greatly enlarged numbers. It was an- nounced that next Sunday. and on the following Sundays up to October 5. there will be a recep- tion service for new members each Sunday. Sacrament of Bap- tism will be observed on Septem- ber 14th and September 28th at 2:30 pm. It will also be observed on Sunday morning at 11 o‘clock, the regular monthly baptisms. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. N. Morgan of Vancouver, 8.0, were recent guests of their aunt. Mrs. H. A. Nicholls, Yonge ’St. South. The 4th Richmond Hill Cub Pack held their first fall meeting on Monday night in Wrixon Hall with a very good attendance. Seven new chums were welcom- ed and presented with white scar- ves by the Akela â€"â€" Ronnie Good- ing. Michael Hiscott, David Mod- dle. John Palmer. Wilson Ross, Pen Schell, Steven Webb. Fol- lowing this event, practice games were engaged in. As the Pack is desparately in need of leaders. all interested in helping further this good work are requested to please contact Mrs. R. Des- champs at TU. 4-3517. Mr. and Mrs. Norm Epworth, Mr. and Mrs.' Wm. May and Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Sey- mour. visited Nutria Ranches in the Cornwall district over the week-end. » Miss Mary L. Mason returned to Alma College on Wednesday for the commencement of the fall term aréfiirnfiited to St. Matthew's Un- ited Church CGIT on Monday, September 15, at 7:30 pm. A “Progressive Dinner" mark- ed the commencement of the fall season’s activities of the Ev- ening Guild of St. Mary's Angli- can Church on Tuesday evening. It was all held in Richvale, with the first course at the home of Mrs. A. E. McDonald, the main course at Mrs. Cliff Twidale‘s. and the dessert and coffee at the home of Mrs. Sam Carlisle. Pres- ident MrSFAl Rice presided at a short business meeting over coffee. The members state that the food alone was well worth the rainâ€"soaking they experien- ced. Now that the summer holidays are over. children back to school. preparations are being made for activities that are enjoyed dur- ing the fall and "winter season. Mrs. Sylvia Garson. 428 South Fernleigh Circle is no exception. in that she will again resume classes in various types of the dance and baton twirling. For the past 10 years. as directress of the Keelesdale Dance Studio in Tor- onto. she has prepared and pres- ented many pupils in competi- tion. television, and concert work. Last May she presented many of the Richmond ill pup- ils in recital, and is noflprepar- ing to resume classes or child- ren and adults alike. OFFICE MACHINES DEALER -â€" TU. 4-1745 -â€" 88 Baker Ave., Richmond Hill SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS Special Student Rates Typewriters . Adding Machines All popular makes on hand See Portable models at Wight‘s Pharmacy 28 Yonge St. S. or Call TU. 4-1745 day or night ‘Your local typewriter specialist’ All girls from 1_2_'t_9‘17‘ygars Mon., September 15, from 3-6 pm. at WRIXON HALL, St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill BALLET CLASSES FOR MOTHERS AT 2 P31. BABIES AT 3 RM. PRE-BALLET 3:45 RM. BALLET FOR STUDENTS 4:45 & 5:45 PJI. AND BUSINESS GIRLS AND STUDENTS 7:30 - 9:00 RM. L. H. SIMS Term Commences September 22‘ “The Liberal" is always glad to receive social and personal items for this page and a call to TUrner 4-1105 will receive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome news reports about church organizations. women's and men‘s societies. lodges and other groups. While copy will be ac- cepted up to Wednesday of each week. it is desir- able to have it in earlier if possible to ensure no publication. REGISTRATION FOR INFORMATION BA. 5-3 MRS. SHIRLEY MURRAY were Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Robbins of Maymom, Sask.. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Robbins and Mrs. Mar- jorie Mulcahy. both from Need- ham, Mass. It is seven years since Police Chief Robbin's parents and relations last visited Rich- mond Hill so it was quite a family reunion. This Thursday evening, Sep- tember 11. marks the first dinner meeting of the Richmond Hill Jaycees. The members will meet at the Richmond Theatre Grill, with Mr. Fred Lightfoot speak- ing on the subject of “Leader- ship Training Services". Visitors at the home of Police Chief and Mrs. R. P1 R_ot_>1?i_ns. Mr. and Mrs. V. Rogers of the I.G.A. Food Market in Elgin Mills, are moving from their ho .ne in Roseview, and are tak- ing up residence on Leonard Ave- nue, Elgin Mills. A wonderful time was had by Barbara Taylor. Cartier Cresc. and her many friends when she celebrated her 12th birthday last Friday. Included in the guest list were, Patsy Price, Carleen Headman, Rita Weller, Sally T‘rott. Gail Edwards, Linda Baine of Toronto, Shirley Brownlie, Patsy Darlington, Elaine Lantz, Judy Rimmer, Beverley Bellis, an! absent through illness Carol Forrest and Lynda Price. There were many prizes to be won and singing and dancing continued until 9.30 pm. when the happy but tired girls reluctantly made their way homeward. Susan Kirkpatrick of Kerry- brook Drive celebrated her 7th birthday last Friday September 4th, with a party for all her friends. Included in the guest list were, Vicki Scott. Meredith Scott, Shelley Scott, Kathie Max- well, Susan Thompson, Patti Boone, Debbie Cornwall, Lynne Haube. Andy Stoddart and her brother Bradley Kirkpatrick. A lovely birthday cake, ice cream and goodies were enjoyed by all, followed by the distribution of gay balloons and favours for everyone. Mrs. Clarence Lagerquist was visiting her son Clare in Mont~ real last week_. lje’gurning Monday. After a three months enjoy- able holiday, Mrs. A. N. Cross left for Montreal on Saturday. from where she sailed on Tues- day aboard the S. S. “Rialto” for Hull, England. Mrs. Cross left with many warm memories of the friends she has made during her stay in Canada, and in Rich‘ mond Hill was the guest of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Wilson, Norfolk Ave. The first fall meeting of the Senior Branch of the W.A. of St. Mary's Anglican Church was held Tuesday afternoon. Preparations for a bake sale to take place shortly, also an evening’s musi- cal entertainment late in Octo- ber. were planned. Mrs. R. D. Little was hostess for the after- noon. The Woman‘s Association of St. Matthew's United Church held their first regular business meeting of the season on Sep- tember 2, with a gratifying num- ber of ladies present. A devot- ional program was led by Mrs. W. Patterson. who read some very interesting excerpts from a talk by Doctor W. G. Berry, one of the _ church‘s outstanding statesmen. Mrs. Ralph Smith gave an informative talk from the book “Christian Concerns of North America", which is the missionary theme for the com- ing year. ‘ The next meeting of the assoc- iation will be held in the church on the evening of Septembr 16. and will be in the form of a kitâ€" chen supper. It is hoped that all ladies interested will be present to help in supplementing the drive for increased kitchen fac- ilities at St. Matthews‘. STOUFFVILLE : Mr. and Mrs. E. A; Button marked their golden wedding anniversary September 2. 1958. Married in Wallaceburg fifty years ago, Mrs. Button, the former Agnes Anderson. came to Stouffville as a school teach- er and married Ernie Button. then in the employ of the Silâ€" vester Hardware, late]: Mr. B"t- ton established his own hard- ware business which he ran suc- cessfully until his retirement in 1935. 5-3074 Mrs. F. Trott and party spent a very enjoyable evening last Thursday when they visited Strat- ford and saw ‘The Winter's Tale.‘ The many friends of Mrs. H. H. Harrison will be sorry to hear e is at present in Toronto Gen- eral Hospital. We -wish her a speedy recovery, énd hope to see her home again very soon. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jones. Carol and Michael left from New York via B.O,A.C. on Wednesday for a six week visit to England. While there they plan to 'visit all their many friends and relations ani are particularly interested in revisiting Coventry. Mr. Jone‘s hometown. to see the many changes that have taken place since they were last there. Before their return. they intend to take Carol and Michael to spend a few days on the continent, visiting all the places of interest. Mrs. Hugh A. Wight, Yonge Street South, and her mother, Mrs. W. W. Davies of Birming- ham. Alabama, are enjoying a month‘s vacation in the British Isles Asling Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Cunning- ham and Bob, Trench St, have returned after spending some time at Morrison Lake in Mus- koka. Mrs. Cunningham also spent an enjoyable week at Point Clarke at Lake Huron with her son Bing and family. Miss Mary Dawson of the staff of “The Liberal" spent the week end in Parkhill where she attended the wedding of Mr. Eric Mollard and Miss Betty Ann For the past 12 years a group of people connected with Chris- tian Fellowship Groups in Onâ€" tario, Quebec, and the United States, have been meeting in the first week of September at Elgin House, Muskoka, for a united con- ference. This year a most vital gathering was held. with a record attendance of approximately 200 people. The visiting speakers were the Rev. Donald McLennan of Hamilton; Mr. Norman- P. Grubb, writer, and Director of the North American Branch of the World Wide Evangeiizafion Crusade; and Mr. Robert Doig, of New York. To be present at the conference was a rich and rewarding experience for the several Richmond Hill residents who attended. Thirty days and 10,000 miles of interesting, scenic travelling provided an enjoyable summer holiday for Mr. and Mrs. C. Pet- ers, their daughter Marion and son Kenneth of Lynett Crescent, Bevereley Acres. Travelling by automobile, their tour took them “South of the Border" via Dc- troit to Little Rock, Arkansas, then south to Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, into California. After taking in the principal sights of Los Angeles, including Disney-- land and Ghost Town, they mo- tored up the coastal route through Santa Barbara to San Francisco. Leaving that fine city, over the Golden Gate Bridge, the party travelled north through the fam- ous Redwood Groves, the highest and oldest trees 'in the world, and on to the city of Portland, Oregon, Via Seattle, Washington to Vancvouver, B.C. As former residents of Vancouver, they re- ceived a warm welcome from par- ents and family members, then travelled on through the Rockies, with time out to take in the scenic beauties of Banfl, Lake Louise. and other spots. Visits to friends and relatives along the route at Edmonton, Saskatoon, Winnipegvand Sudbury, all con- tributed to making this 1958 va- cation trip a memorable one for the Peters family. BALSON, Anson Wesley Clifford -â€" Suddenly, at the Toronto Western Hospital, Tuesday. September 9, 1958, Anson Wes- ley Clifford Balson of Don Head Farms, Richmond Hill, beloved husband of Vera Ball, and dear father of Mrs. N. H. Stevenson (Velma). Mrs. G. [Kidd (Doreen), Mrs. Elvin ' Brawley (Betty), Mrs. Jack Hooker (Ruth) and Mrs. Terry Webb (Doris), and loving son of Mrs. J. W. Balson of Hamp- ton; in his 53rd year. Resting at Wright and Taylor Funeral Home. Richmond Hill. Service on Thursday at 3:30 pm. In- terment Caledon East Ceme- tery. clwll DEAN. Edith May â€" At her res- idence, Thornhill, on Monday, September 8, 1958. Edith May Caseley. beloved wife of the late William A. Dean, dearly loved mother of Wilfred. Mur- iel, Reta, Mrs. E. T. Pherrill (Lucille). Loretta. Ross, dear grandmother of Shirley. John and Bonnie, sister of Ernest, Mrs. L. Valliere (Floss) and Mrs. W. Oke (Violet). Resting at Wright and Taylor's Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. Service on Thursday at 2:30 pm. In- terment Thornhill Cemetery. clwll TINKLER. Mary Ellen â€" Sud- denly, at her home. 4 Yonge- hurst Rd.. Richmond Hill, Mon- day, September 8. 1958. Mary Ellen Bramhall, beloved wife of James Tinklei‘. in her 76th year: dear mother of Joseph. Fred. James and Mrs. E. Allen 1Lucyl. Resting at Wright and Taylor‘s Funeral Home. Rich~ mond Hill. Service on Friday at 2 o'clock. Interment Maple Cemetery. , c1w11 In filemnriams ‘TUSTIN â€" In loving memory of our dear brothers. Jack and Ken. who passed away in an air crash, September 10, 1957. â€" Always remembered by Ger- ald and Lettie and nephew David. clu'll M‘USSELMAX‘S LAKE : An 13â€" pound pike was hauled in last week by Willard Jackson. a resi- dent at Musselman's Lake. the fish measured 45 inches. £eaths Anson Wesley Clifford Balson passed away suddenly at the Tor- onto Western Hospital on Tues- day. September 9, 1958 following ,, 2-1.. uay, DEchquci a, AUVU a stroke suffered Monday night at the Don Head Farm. where he had been herdsman and shepherd since October of 1950, He was 52 years old. Mr. Balson who was known in- ternationally for his work with sheep and cattle. was born on a farm at Hampton, near Oshawa, and following a public school education in rural schools he be- gan his career as a cattleman and shepherd with ‘the Beath Farms, Oshawa. Later'he worked A Little Theatre Planned The Curtain Club has complet- ed plans for a Little Theatre in Richmond Hill. A proposal was presented to town council Mon- day night by Deputy-reeve Don- ald P1axton~that the organization which has been active in the com- munity for the past five years be granted a long term lease on the north section of the old curling rink just east of the ice arena. 1 Council members \ expressed opinions favorable to the idea but reserved formal approval until a report is received from the architect appointed some time ago to report on the condition of the building, and plans for im- provement of the arena._ . .1 Curtain Club plans ' for the Little Theatre include a modern stage. dressing rooms and seating for about one hundred and fifty. The Club 15 prepared to finance the project which will cost about $15,000. and only asks a long term lease from the town. ' V. O. N. Drive In October Need $6,000 The regular monthly meeting of the Richmond Hill Victorian Order of Nurses Board was held. in the Council Chambers on Wed- nesday evening last ‘with Mrs. Malcolm Thompson in the chair. Appreciation was expressed to Dr. James Langstaff for the gift of a medical cabinet for the use of the nurse in charge and to the Welfare Committe of A. V. Roe Limited for a donation of $340. In addition the Board re- corded it‘s gratitude to the local Police and the Librarian for their kind co-operation during the past months. In conjunction with the train- ing programme of the University of Toronto school of nursing a student nurse will be assigned to the Richmond Hill branch for training under Miss Woodbyrne from September 8th to 15th next. 1" her report on branch opera- tions during the summer period Miss Woodbryne, nurse in charge, compared 582 visits during the past four months with 398 visits for the previous four months. This reveals the growth and the need for such a nursing service. The 1958 campaign for funds is set for October 15th to 315‘: and the quota will be $6,000. This quota will include an estimated expenditure of $2,000. for a new car to replace the car kindly loan- ed for a year by R. D. Little and Son. The wholehearted support of the citizens of Richmond Hill is requested in this worthy cam- paign. At Monday night's council meeting Councillor Jas. Hag- gart reported complaints that boys are climbing Richmond Hill’s new 150 foot water tower and throwing stones. On his suggestion the con- tractor will be required to keep a watchman on the job until completion when a fence will be erected. “They're more brave than I was as a boy." commented Dcputy-reeve Plaxton. Boys Climb Water Tower Williams Secrelarial Service Public Stenographer 6A Levendale Road Richmond Hill (Opp. Lohla'ws) The opening, Monday, September 15th Bookkeeping for Co]. Beardmore ofr Yell_ow Eriar Earn-i. Mono Mills. going to Don Head Farm in 19750: Well known as a judge of sheep. the late Mr. Balson judg- ed at the Harrisburg Pennsylvan- ia Farm Show several times. at the London and Royal Winter Fairs and at the Canadian Nat- ional Exhibition. After Don Head’s sale of their Southdown sheep and Aberdeen Angus cattle earlier this year, Mr. Balson accepted a position with the Hays Farm at Oakville and was to move there this fall. Surviving beside his widow. Vera Ball, is his mother Mrs. J. W. Balson. Hampton. Ontario and five daughters, Velma, (Mrs. N. H. Stevenson), Doreen, (Mrs. G. Kidd). Betty (Mrs. Alvin Braw- ley), Ruth, (Mrs. Jack Hooker) anieroris, (Mrs. Terry Webb). The funeral will be held from Wright and Taylor Funeral Home today, Thursday. at 3:30 pm. Interment is in Caledon East Cemetery. YELLBW ONIONS 5 for 33¢ It's a pleasure to shop at Marley's N0. 1 COOKING Po_unds SNOW WHITE CAULIFLOWER LUSCIOUS FLAVORED RED MALAGA Pounds GRAPES MELBA APPLES COOKING OR EATING NO. 1 CANADA PACKERS DEVON RINDLESS 1 lb. pkg. BACON CHASE & SANBORN INSTANT COFFEE Yonge St. RICHMOND HILL PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Mrs. E. Kadela, Treasurer HCHMOND HHL PUBUC UBRARY BOARD TENDERS Sealed tenders addressed to the Rich- mond Hill Public Library Board and mark- ed ‘New Library Building,” will be received in the architect’s office, not later than 2- pm. on Monday, September 29, 1958. Drawings and specifications may be obtained at the architect‘s office, Phillip R. Brook. 33 Ave- nue Road, Toronto, on or after TUESDAY, __‘ -A--.‘ A“ D“ u...‘ --v.._., -V- SEPTEMBER 16, 1958. BID BOND OF 5% of the TENDER is required. Deposit of $50 is required for plans, refundable when plans are returned in good condition. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. MORLEY'S Letter Service LYON â€" Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lyon anpqun_ce ‘the arrival of wmumgmmmm CHAMBERLAIN â€" Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Chamberlain (nee Anne Foster} are happy to announce the birth of their son. Lorne Robert, on August 27. 1958. at the Branson Hospital. clwll RESIDENTS OF RICHMOND HILL AND DISTRICT FROM U.K. INTERESTED IN FORMING CLUB, WRITE BOX 79 THE LIBERAL. ATTENTION a baby girl, Darlene Susan, on September 1, 1958, at York County Hospital, Newmarket. Special thanks to Dr. Bloom. clwll Richmond Hill Manuscripts TU. 4-2208 2 for 35¢ flirtbs THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, September 11, 1958 6 Qt. Bskt. Large Head 6 oz. jar 79c 99c 19c IICHMON'D KILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson. B.A.. B.D. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 1958 9:45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Service “The Cleansian Word" 7 pm. â€"â€" Evening Service "Jesus and the Crowd" RICHMOND HILL PRESBY’I‘ERIQN CHURCH Rev. J. N Hepburn Minister SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1958 9.45 a.m. â€"- Sunday School and Bible Cléss 11 am. Morning- Worship Sermon Subject: ENERGETIC LIVING (Guests: Horticultural Society ' of Richmond Hill‘ 11 Nursery Department and Sacrament of Baptism 7 pm. â€" Young People's Society “The law of gravity is no more fixed than that of retribution" 8. Th.. B.R.E. SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 14. 1953 9.50 a.m. â€" Bible School tor all 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 7 rpm. â€" Evening Service Where wacomt is more than a Word SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1958 TRINITY XV 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 9.30 am. -â€" Sunday School 9.30 am. â€" Morning Prayer 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer (Broadcast over CJRH â€" 1300‘, (Nursery and Jr. Congregation) 7 pm. --â€" Evensong Wednesd'ays 10 am. - Holy Communion Come to Church as a Family RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Ruggles Rev. Earl S. Bull Minister Church of the Light and Life Hour, CHML, 9 am Sunday SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1958 2.45 pm. â€" Sunday Sctgool 7.00 pm. â€" The Family Gospel Hour Song andrPraise service with the Pastor bringing the message. Saturday. September 13 â€" Sunday School Picnic. A bus will leave the church at 1:30 pm. and return at 7 pm. All are welcome. We welcome you to the fellow- ship of this friendly family church that continues the teaching of Original Methodjsm. ST. MATTHEW’S UNITED CHURCH Crosby Ave.. Richmond Hill Rev. William W. Patterson, BA. B.D., Minister SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 14. 1958 9:45 -â€" The Sunday Church School 11:00 :â€" Public Worship Reception pf Members f The Nursery meets at hour of worship 2:30 pm. â€" The Sacrament of Baptism 7:30 pm. â€"- The Young People’s Union THE ANGLICAN CHURCH 01' CANADA "Como ye yourselves 1pm and Rest Awhile" ST. GABRIEL. Richmond Hill Rev. J. W. Newton-Smith TU. 4-4236 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 1958 11 am. -â€" Morning Prayer Nursery and Jr. Congregation Services in Beverley Acres School. Neal Drive ST. BARNABAS Richvale 9.30 am. â€" Morning Prayer Nursery and Sunday School Services in Charles Howitt School Pearson Ave. Holy Communion first Sunday of each month CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Rev. Earl B. Eddy. B.A.. ‘B.D.. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 1958 2.30 pm. â€" Worship Service ST. MARK’S CHURCH ANGLICAN Oak Ridges - Yonge at Elm Grove Morning Prayer . . . . . . 10 am. Sunday School ... . . . . . 10 am Holy Communion lst Sunday GORMLEY UNITED MISSION ARY CHURCH Rev. C. E. Hunking, Minister 9.45 am. â€" Church Broadcast CKLB 1350 Oshawa 10 am. â€" Morning Worship 11 am. â€"- Sunday School 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service MAPLE CHARGE THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Harold W. Davies. B.A., Minister 9:30 am. â€" Edgeley 10.30 am. -â€" Hope 11:30 am. â€"- Maple Church School Maple, 10.15 am THE CHURCH OF ST. LUKE LUTHERAN Finch Ave. East Public School Finch Ave. E.. just west of Bayview Sunday School . . . . . . . . . 10 a.1 Worship Service . . . . . . . . 11 a.1 The Rev. Karl J. Schweder, B.D., M.A., Pastor Phone: BAldwin 1-8900 Sunday Services, Sept. 7th, 1958 9:30 am. Breaking of Bread 11 am. Sunday School and Adult Bible Class 7pm. Evening Gospel Service Tuesday 8 pm. Prayer and Bible Study Mr. Colin Anderson at all services CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School House Each Lord’s Day evening at 7 pm. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580: at 8:15 am. Matthew 28. v. 17 and 18: And when they saw Him, they wor- shipped Him, but some doubted And Jesus spake unto them. saying, all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. RICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPEL Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O‘Neil RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH 50 Wright St. Pastor Robert W. Irvin ST .MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH HOLY TRINITY THORNHILL SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 1958 8 am. â€" Holy Communion Corporate Communion and Breakfast for Young People 11 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion Preacher D. L. Varey 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer Preacher -- The Rector THOBNHILL UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. Earl B. Eddy. B.A.. B.D., Th. 0. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 1958 10 am. â€" Intermediate Church School 11 am. â€" Church Worship and Church School THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 14. 1958 THE ROYAL LAW SINAI 11 am. â€" Sermon ‘1) The Status of the Law 7:30 pm; â€". Young Adults “iddy, 7 pm. â€"â€" Happy Hour Boys' Club THORNIIILL BAPTIST CHURCH Stop 17 Yorge Street Rev. Percy G. Buck. B.A.. B. Th.. 5 O'd Orchard Grove. Toronto, HU. l-3l42 SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 14. 1958 Sunday School Classzs 10, 11 11.111. Service for Worship and Praise ll a.m. Baptist High Fellowship 7 pm. Sspti 21, Sunday School Rally, 11 am. Church 8%., Langstal’f Mnlster: Rev. B. T. McSpadden SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1958 10 am. â€" Bible School with Adult Bible Class‘ 11 am. -â€"- Morning Worshipv 6.30 pm. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting 7 pm. â€"â€" Gospel Service Wed. 8 pm. â€" Prayer 8: Bible Study Thursday 1 pm. â€" Women‘s Missionary Fellowship V Thurs. 8 pm. â€" Evening Mis- sion Circle 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month Fri.. 7 pm. â€" Lamplighter: and Teen Fellowship Fri. 8 pm. â€" Choir Practice Holy Communion . . . . . . 8 am and First Sunday 11 am. Morning Prayer . . . . . . 11 1.111 Rev. W. B. Jennings. D.D. Phone King 313 ST. STEPHEN’S ANGLICAN MAPLE Family Service 9.30 am. Holy Communion 2nd and 4th Sundays Evening Prayer . . . . . . . . 7 p.m. ST. JOHN’S (ANGLICAN) OAK RIDGES (Yonge 5: Jefferson) Morning Prayer . . . . . . 11 am. Sunday School . . . . . . . . 11 mm. Bible Classes (Senior a: Inter- mediate . . . . . . . 10 tm. Holy Communion .. 2nd 8: 4th BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 1958 Heise Hill (Gormley) 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"- Worship Service 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service Wed., 7.45 pm. - Prayer Meeting ‘Vaughan (3rd com, 2 mile north of Concord) 10 a.m. â€" Sunday School 11.15 am. â€"Worship Servce Concord (School House) 10 am. -â€" Sunday School Oak Ridges, Aubrey Ave. 10.30 am. â€"â€" Sunday Sci}ool 7.30 pm. -â€" Evening Se vice Tues. 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 14, 1958 Harvest Festival Services 11 am. â€"- The Service 10 am. â€"- Sunday School and Bible Class 8 pm. â€" Vesper Rev. Albert Lorch, guest Speaker Wednesday. September 17 8 pm. â€"- U.L.C.W. Meet Beginning a series entitled u. uu- u u..-â€" 1 block east of Yonge St.. Pastor Rev. F. Vaughan, 8. 111. Phone BA. 1-4767 Church BA. 5-657] lEUNDAY SERVICES 10 to 10 â€" Sunday School The Adult Bible Class meets in the main auditorium 11 â€" Morning Worship Timely messages from the Minor Prophets 7 â€" Evening Service Rudy Kloosterman AX. 3-6131 Ted DeBoer AT. 2-5677 l â€"- Law-“.0 --_.,,, “Evolution â€"â€" Fact or Theory" ."The Church that is Locking Ahead" ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor H. Lindeman ALL SAINTS ANGLICAN KING WELL DIGGING AND CLEANING WELL TILE FOR SALE All Kinds of Compressor Work era/iced Madawaska Avg..__Stop LANUS I‘AFF BAPTIST CHURCH [28

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