Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Sep 1958, p. 8

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Maple, Concorgi Edgeley 8â€" THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thulisday, Septemfier Hope Public School starts the year off with the same enrollment as, last year, 57 pupils. Thirty students are enrolled in the sen- ior class which is taught by Mr. C. M. Reid who has been princi- pal for the past four years. Mrs. Nqnehan from Hanover is in charge of the 2'7 pupils in the junior class. 'r‘rustces of the school are Mr. George Calder. Mr. Wilbur Had~ win and Mr. R. J. Baker. Miss Barbara Rose. whose mar- riage to Mr. Philip D. Cook took place on Saturday. was honored with a shower at the community centre by her many Maple frirnds last Wednesday evening. 'After the opening of the gifts. which included linen. an ironing board. several lamps, and a table. delicious refreshments were ser- ved. Assisting in convening the af- fair were Mrs. Jean LaRiziere, Mrs. Flo Strachan. Mrs. Pat Da- vis. Mrs. Marg Kerrigan, Mrs. Margaret Parks. Miss Agnes Couper Mrs. Carol Munshaw. Mrs. Kathy Johnson and Miss Mari- lyn Watson. A pretty shower complimented Miss Helen Thomas, whose mar- riage to Mr. Norman Hamilton of Schomberg. takes place Saturday. September 20. when Mrs. June Wells entertained on Monday evening at her home. 7, Miss Rose has resided in Maple for the past four years and has been a member of the bowling & :mseball leagues in the commun- ty. Shower School News Mothers of 30 first graders who had dispatched their youngsters to the George Bailey Public school Monday morning were surâ€" prised to see them parading through the village later in the day. However the children were only heading for the Maple Comâ€" munity Centre with their teacher where their class will meet for the next few weeks. For con- trary to expectations a room has not yet been completed in the addition to the school. The honor guest was the recip- ient of many gifts which were pla'ced under a pink and white umbrella. Refreshments were ser- v‘d by the hostess. assisted by Mr: Thu-nu... n~ WW -._.... Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Chadwick and children, Lyndalea. Derrek and Lance have been the guests of Mrs. Chadwick’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson, Malden. Mr. Chadwick has been stationed at Barin Field, Ala.. as an aero- nautical engineer with the US. Naval Air Corps. He left Tues- day 'evening for his rew nesting mum “em, A1a.. as an aero- nautical engineer with the US. Naval Air Corps. He left Tues- day evening for his rew posting at the Naval Air Base in Jack- so wille. Fla. Mrs. Chadwick and H1. -L:I.1_“ Sincr 1880 The finest in floral designs and bedding plants. Keele Street. Maple. Ont .0-“ WWW WWMNWKMWNMWW WWW GROWER .. FLORIST PEANG ml THEORY BA. 1-4486 Phone Maple 2 Students Being Accepted Now DOUGLAS G. GIBSON A.R.C.T. WESTWOOD LANE, STOP 21 YONGE ST. AV. 5-3435 SPRAYmG 3‘3 NURSERY STOCK FER'NLEZER e; PATIO STONE LOABI v 5;- FENCING SOD ' POST HOLE DIGG FRONT END LOADER AND BACK HOE Call Yonge ’St. North Maple Notes ENDEAN NURSERIES ROTOTILLING Complete Lawn Service "-o-(“Qm-w ‘m‘--_-“”_““ s. The Liberal is always willing to publish interesting items regarding contributed by its readers in Maple. Concord & Edgeley districts. in Maple is Mrs. R. Manning, Maple 621124; in Concord. Mrs. Ruth 1 and in Edzeiey, Mrs. Raymond Stuart. AV. 5-1934. ERNIE STARR 138 Parkhome Ave., Willowdale Litle Louis Kovacs wzs enter- tained at dinner by his grandpar- ents. Mr. and Mrs. G. Kovacs at their home in Malton on the oc- ca ion of his second birthday. His maternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Cooper. and his parents, Mr, and Mrs. L. Kovacs. were also present. Ron Brice and Bob Manning, representing Richmond Hill High School, participated in the all- Ontario track met held at Lawr- rence Park Collegiate Saturday. On Sunday the family of Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson, Malden. enjoyed a delightful reunion at the home of theirdaughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Madsen. Bellmar Farm, Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Madsen have re- cently returned from their resi- dence in Jamaica, where with their five children they spent the summer. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Chadwick and family, and Mrs. Peter Swain, fir. and Mrs. Malden's youngest daughter, Mr. Swain and their children, Maribel and Philip. Birthdays Monday, September 8, was the birth date of several children in the vil age. Lynda LaRiziere, who was ni e years old, entertained Lynda Cooper, Jety and Joyce Michaels and her brother, Doug- ‘fis. wit} a party after school. Any ladies wishing to bowl with the Maple Ladies Bowling League this season are asked to contact Bertha Ingram at Maple 23’), or Merle Mains at Maple 31 ring 41 as soon as possible as the league hopes to start its sea- so'V Monday, September 22. Cancer Society Reports from the various com- mittees of the Maple Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society and the election of officers for the coming year will form the agen- da for the- annual business meet- ing of the society which is to be held Thursday evening, Septem- ber 18, at 8 pm. in the Lions Room at the Maple Community Centre. Sheena McDonald celebrated her eighth birthday. ’ With fall activities getting in full s'Wing, your correspondent would appreciate a call to report your club or church meeting, party, personals or any other newsy event in the community. She can be reached at Maple 62 ring 24. Ho_p_e Anniversary The anniversary service for Hope United Church will be held Sunday, September 21, at 11 am. The guest preacher for the occasion will be Rev. Ken- nedy of Temperanceville. The guest soloist will be Mr. Harry Davis of Don Mills. Norm Sitwell Hospitalized Following Seizure v Conservation officer Norm Sitwell of Willowdale. a member of the Department of Lands and Forests, Maple, is at gresent in hospital at Cobourg, following a heart attack suffered while vacat- ioning in that area last month. Members of the staff and his many friends in the district wish him good luck and a speedy recovery. NURSERY STOCK PATIO STONE FENCING POST HOLE DIGGING Richmond Hill, Ont. lng Items regarding people and events Edgeley districts. Our representative ‘oncord. Mrs. Ruth Kefier, AV. 5-2375; In a double ring ceremony in the Church of St. Stephens, North York, Gail Naomi Payne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cardon Payne of Weston, was united in marriage to William Johh Christopher Burns. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Burns of Edgeley. Rev. F. W. Fry per- formed the ceremony against a background of pink and white fall flowers. Mr. Allan Jackson played the wedding music. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a floor length gown with full skirt and the bod- ice was fashioned with a Peter Pan collar, long sleeves and an over jacket of French lace that buttoned to below the waist and ended in a bow. She wore a fing- ertip veil banded with delicate embroidery which was held by a crown of seed pearls and she carried a bouquet of red roses and stephanotis. Miss Beverley Plow of Weston was maid of honor. She wore a ballerina length pale blue crystal- ette dress fashfmied in the princess line 'and a scalloped scoop neckline. She wore matâ€" ching shoes and mittens, and car- ried a cascade bouquet of a white ’ily, pink gladioli and green ivy. Mrs. Ronald Burns of Don Mills and Mrs. Harry Medinsky of Concord were her bridesmaids. They were dressed alike in ball- erina length. French blue crys- talette dresses with fitted flare skirt. V-neckline and shawl col- lar. They wore matching shoes. White wrist length gloves, blue flower headdresses and carried a’cascade of a pink lily, pink gladioli and green ivy. Miss Virginia Payne was junior bridesmaid. She wore a ballerina length pale blue crystalette dress, her scoop neckline fashioned in a single scallop, She wore a blue flowered headdress and match- ing blue flattie shoes and white gloves and she also carried a bou- qust of a pink lily, pink gladioli and green ivy. Double Ring Ceremony Burnsâ€"Payne Nuptial Mr. Ronald Burns of Don Mills was best man for his brother. His cousin, Robert Burns of Leaside and Harry Medinsky of Concord were the ushers. They all wore white jackets. black trousers and black bow ties. During the ceremony Mrs. Mc- Laren of Toronto sang “The Lord’s Prayer” and "0 Perfect Love." The regular meeting of Vellore Senior Women's Institute at Vel- lore Memorial Hall was held at 8 p.m. on September 2nd, when they had as their guests the 4-H Club girls of Vellore Happy Homemakers. Mrs. Phillips as convenor gave a talk on the motto, “Our Duty As A Neighbour and Homemak- At the reception in Martindale Lodge, Albion Road, the bride’s er Mrs. Bishop. the 4-H Club lea- der then took charge. They con- ducted a form of a regular meet- ingland opened with their “Roll Cal ". The business of the meeting consisted, of the appointment of Mrs. A. Bishop to convene the booth the branch will sponsor at the festival at Dalziel Park on September 27. The annual bazaar is to be held on November 15. They had a display of macar- oni dishes and also a display of articles made in “Clothes Closets Up to Date” project. Mary Will- iams gave an outline of the “Ce- 3“ Richvale Ornamental Iron Works For Stair & Porch Rails. Grilles & Gratings, Fire Escapes. Portable Welding & Repairs. Vellore Happy Homemakers Guests Senior Women's Institute Phone AV. 5-4421 Evenings AV. 5-3678 11, 1958 5604-1? mother received the guests, wearing a dusty rose lace sheath dress and matching taffetaâ€"lined coat, matching shoes. black ac- cessories and her corsage was a small replica of the bride's bou- quet. The groom's mother assist- ed. wearing an emerald green taffeta dress, pink hat and stole and a corsage of yellow and bronze mums and green ivy. Mrs. Thomas Payne of St. Ca- therines, the bride‘s grandmother, wore a navy blue lace dress with matching hat. shoes and purse, white gloves and corsage of white gladioli and pink roses. Mrs. Laura Linn, the groom’s grandmother, wore a navy blue ticatina crepe dress, navy blue' hat and gloves and a corsage of white gladioli and pink roses. For travelling to Northe'rn On- tario. the bride chose a beige suit, matching hat and brown ac- cessories and she wore a corsage of yellow tea roses. "Cid their return they will re- side o'n Hartland Ave., Richview. Ontario. Among the out-ofâ€"town guests who attended the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sinnott and Miss Mary Rose Sinnett of Thor- old, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McQuil- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Mc- Quilton, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mc- Quilton, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Duf- fy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prince, Mr. and Mrs. George Hostick. Mr. Terrance Southon, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Southon, Mr. and Mrs. George Ferguson, Miss Gwen Ferguson and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson, all of St. Cath- arines; and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Southon of Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Linn, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Burns and Mrs. Edward McFarlane and her son Les MacIntosh, all of Searboro; Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Burns and Bob and Mr. and Mrs. Brian Clayson of Leaside. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burton of Rosebank. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Peters of Rich- mond Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Medensky of Concord, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Linn of Burlington, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Linn of Angus, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Patterson of Barrie and Donald Hawkesworth of Edgeley. Among the messages of conâ€" gratulations and best wishes that the happy couple received was one from the groom's brother, Mr. Harold Burns and Mrs. Burns who were unable to at- tend the wedding. real Shelf” project. Joan Con- stable gave comments on cereals and Beverley Walsh on clothes closets up to date. Mrs. Bishop told of the new project for fall, “Working With Wool". In this projEct each girl will make a skirt. Mrs. J. Julian gave “Thoughts by the Way.” and Mrs. Lockyear a poem entitled, “Do It Now.” Miss Annie Kerr conducted a con- test of hidden names of clothing worn. The meeting closed with “The Queen” and the usual social hour was spent by all. Baskets of coral and white gladioli formed an effective background for the wedding party. Mrs. Roy Clegg presided at the organ and Miss Joan Neu- feld sang, “O Promise Me" and “Because”. Entering the church on the arm of her father. the bride was a lovely picture in her wedding dress of white Italian lace. The princess styled gown had panels of matching lace and long point- ed sleeves. Sewn into the neck- line \\'ere tiny seed pearls. Her floor length lace veil was caught to her head with a dainty pleated crown trimmed with seed pearls. She carried a, bouquet of red rosebuds and 'baby Chrysantheâ€" mums. The, next meeting will be held October 7, at 2 pm. at V-ellore Memorial Hall. Late summer was chosen by Miss Barbara Ann Rose. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rose, Map- le, and Mr. Philip David Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Cook of Weston, for the ex- changing of their marriage vows. The ceremony took place in the Maple United Church on Satur- day. September 6 at 3 o‘clock with the Rev. H. W. Davies of- ficiating. Maid-of-honor was Miss Helen Calder who wore a ballerina- length yellow chifion gown and carried a vari-colored bouquet of gladioli and ’mums. The bevy of bridesmaids included Kather- ine Johnson. Mrs. Ray Munshaw and Miss Connie Kniston of Wes- ton. All wore powder blue chifi‘on dresses similar in style to the maid-of-honour's and they car- ried peat-21 giadioli and blue tint- ed 'mums. Junior bridesmaid= were Miss Lynda Rose. sister of the bride, and Miss Patricia Cook. sister of the groom. Their dress- es were of powder blue taffeta ‘and they also carried bouquets Miss Barbara Ann Rose Bride Of Philip D. Cook Bowling > The Concord and Edgeley Bowl- ing League will begin Friday, September 14, with LG teams to start. The teams play at Wood- bridge. Socials Mr. and Mrs. B. Henderson and Mr. John Witney visited Mr. Henderson's sister and brother- in-law, Mr; and Mrs. Leonard Keath and family of Flesherton on Sunday, September 7. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. A1 Nash, Garden Ave, on the arrival of their first baby, a little girl. Birthday Greetings Birthday greetings to Bruce Webster who was four years old on September 5, and to Mark Medensky who celebrates his first birthday September 19. Miss Elizabeth Baker celebrat- ed her birthday with a swimming party last Saturday. Those help- ing Elizabeth to celebrate were her sisters, Mary Ann and Mar- tha, Jean and Linda Gilbert, El- sie Neva, Donna Voigt, Anna Svatin, Betty-Jean Salmon and Carole Kefi‘er. After playing a {6'1 games, the girls went swim- ming in the pond. Following this vigorous exercise the girls were able to do full justice to the lovely birthday supper prepared by Mrs. Baker. Hay! Hay! Hay fever sufferers may re- joice as this past week some of the empty lots in the Kefier Sub- division have been mowed at last. Socials ' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ash and son Bill were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.»James Ash on Sun- day ou. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ash spent Labor Day weekend at Coldwater visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown and son Randy. Mr. Carter of Mount Rose, Pennsylvania, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs/11f Bagg. Ab” JUL x." “‘4‘ Mr. and ‘Mrs. Cilflérles Ash and Mrs. John Ash visited Mr. and Mrs. Meredith >of Gormley. "MA-u. A: Supper guest on Saturday 0: Mr. and Mrs. Alf Bagg was Mr. Kennedy of Philadelphia, form- csly an Edgeley resident. M p . u. . -A ".4 mm ha The held '1 Z p.111. in. m; “v”... .. _, Mrs. C. Boake, Missionary Con- venor, will be in charge of the ‘meeting. The social committee is Mrs. T. Tomkow and Mrs. W. Robinson. All members are ask- ed to bring an apron for roll o:yu,.....- uu . __, , be held at 9:30 am. September 21 will be the anniversary of Hope Church. There will be no church at Edgeley that Sunday. September 28 will be the anniv- ersary of Edgeley United Church. call_ On October 5, church services will begin at 2:30 pm. Also Sun- day school opens for the fall at 1:30 pm. on October 5. 1 ‘-A_ Mrs. R. J. Darlington and Mrs. Bodker are attending the Lead- ers’ Training School in Newmar- ket this week in preparation for the new course, “Working With Wool", which they will be con- ducting in the near future. A few more girls have indicated their desire to become members of the 4H Homemaking Club this Fall. Norman Bagg‘ will be judging the Jersey Show at New Ham- burg Fair on Saturday of this week. Miss Barbara Howden and her father, BobJâ€"Iowden celebrated their birthdays together on Sep- tember 8. t Frankie Young will be cele- brating his birthday September in shades of pink and blue ’ Thé bride was met at the altar by the groom and his best man, Mr. Terry Elliott of Weston. Following the ceremony a re- ception was held at the Maple Community Centre. The bride‘s mother received the guests wear- ing a gown of powder blue bro- cade with, which she wore a dus- ter coat in beige and other beige accessories. Her. flowers were white gardenias. Mrs. Cook. mo- ther of the groom. chose a dress of beige lace which she compli- mented with turquoise access- ories. Her corsage was of red rosebuds. For her going-away costume the bride selected a cocoon style suit of powder blue with which she wore a picture hat of navy blue and other navy accessories. After a wedding trip to the US. A.. Mr. and Mrs. Cook will re- side in Weston. Miss Gay McIlroy of Scarbor- ough. young cousin of the bride. was flower girl. She wore [a dress of yellow chiffon and a yellow bonnet tied under her chin, a basket of yellow and white rose- buds completed her costume. Ringâ€"bearer was Grant Rose, young brother of the bride. Serving as ushers were Mr. Harvey Rose of Toronto, the bride’s uncle, Mr. Ray Munshaw. and Mr. William Albrecht of Weston. Out-ofâ€"town guests included: Mr. and Mrs. H. Mundy of Is- land Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Browning of Churchill, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Curtis and family of Lefroyv Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Curtis of Belle Ewart. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hunt of Markham. and Mrs. Mary Loucks of De- trait. H. On September 14, C hurch will n__L.\..~|-u-nn an nu5cn._y .......... e next W.A. meeting will be Thursday. September 18, at 1. at the honingpr Mrs. R. J. ,H n-.. Concord Socials Edgeley Socials ‘onv 'ééit'h’r'day, _of JimHodgson ManagerFor Maple Bowl The board of the Maple Com~ munity Centre has announced the appointment of James Hodgson as manager of the four bowling alleys in the Community Hall on Keele St. u Mr. fibdgson. who moved tr- Maplg from East York three and Mr. Hodgson is employed as a mechanic at the Underwood Type- writer company in Toronto during the day, but since .his wonderful success last year in organizing a children's bowling league for the Lions Club (of which he is a member), he was approached by the committee to organize and supervise league teams four rights weekly, in his spare time. ..-â€",.- -- -v, a half years ago is married and his wife and 12 year old daugh- ter Joan also likes to bowl at the community centre. Several teams have already made arrangements to play at th. community alleys, and this Friday night Mr. Hodgson will be on hand at the centre to inter- view‘ any ‘representatives who wish to start a team for the fall and winter season. . § “ Ask The Man Who Feeds Shur-Gain" EMAPLE, ONT. PHON Congratulations and best wish- ding anniversary on September es to Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Mains who are celebrating their wed- 11. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Linn of Angus and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Patterson of Barrie called on Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Burns after the Burns-Payne wedding last Sat- urday. Ten ladies received instruction in the art of making hats when they enrolled in the millinery short course conducted by Miss Mildred Mulligan of the Home Economics Service, Department of Agriculture at the home of Mrs. Paul Snider, R. R. 2 Maple. Five ladies attended from Edge- ley, four ladies were from Maple and one was from Streetsville. Dr. Grant Darker and Mrs. Darker of Maple Heights, U.S.A., accompanied by Mrs. 0. Church and Mr. and Mrs. Crozier and their son Peter were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snider and Ray on Sunday. UNIONVILLE : Bethesda Luth- eran Church celebrated the Harvest Festival with special services on Sunday September 7. Rev. H. Lindeman, pastor, con- ducted the morning service and in the evening the preacher was Rev. W. Kurschinski of Fort Erie. Yessir, there is â€"there’s a SHUR-GAIN Feeding Program for each stage 0'! Dim Herd Management - ENGINEERED SPECIALLI FOR INCREASED RETURNS. PLAN DAIRY HERD PROFITS - - ; EVERY STEP OF THE WAY! Why not drop into the mill â€" soon. We would like to discuss the SHUR- GAIN Dairy Feeding program with you in more detail and help you fatten your monthly milk cheques. MAPLE FEED MII.I. LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS BRING RESULTS “THE LIBERAL” PHONE TU. 4-1105 FOR YOUNG CALVES â€" SHUR-GAIN Milli Replacer for Calves â€" an excellent, economical substitute for milk. Designed to get your calves of! to a good start and help prevent scours. FOR DRY COWS â€" SHUR-GAIN Dry and Freshening Ration â€" form- ulated to supply proper nutrients to build up dry cows for the coming lactation â€" and to assist in the development of stronger, healthierâ€"calves. Now with added Supplement “A”. FOR CALVES AND HEIFERS â€" SHUR-GAIN Calf Starter-Grower â€"â€" a carefully prepared starting ration that promotes sound, healthy develop- ment for all bred-in characteristics of calves. DAIR FEDS , THAT INCREASE DAIRY PROFITS FOR MILKING COWS â€" SHUR-GAIN Dairy Ration â€" supplies the energy, protein. vitamin and mineral levels to balance the roughage for maximum milk production a special ration, designed to maintain milk flow of herds on poor, late summer pasture â€" or poor quality roughage â€"- SHUR-GAIN DAIRY SUPPLEMENT “A”. ‘0- -m-.o.~-m-r.n.-w.«-mu MZPLE LUMBER . . . . PRACTICAL FEEDS Will Re-open For the New Fall Season Classes and Private Lessons for Children and Adults Alike (directress of The Keelesdale Dance Studios, Toronto) from 7:00 pm. to 8:30 pm. . at 428 S. FERNLEIGH CIRCLE, RICHMOND HILL (Bayview and Markham Rd. area) . D. Macpherson, Prop. RAILWAY STREET TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY EVENINGS ONLY BALLET. TAP. TOE. ACROBATIC. SPANISH, BATON AND PHYSICAL CULTURE Information given over the phone. Free folders sent on request. ' ' Open evenings and Saturday All calls by appointment. and 'rd. Sy/uia Q PHONE 167 'al'don MAPLE, ONT.

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