Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Sep 1958, p. 15

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'Sfop 22 Yonge Street AV. 5-2669 Raped/:4 . p A 'we . [AIJ' T_v ANTENNA: P.-- . . . . CUSTOM CAR RADIOS ...................... s u 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1312 THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY or CANADA (3 to give you good telephone service Your telephone depends upon a vast system of complex and wonderful equipment. But above all, it takes people like Sondra Pritchard to make good service possible. Sondra is one of our many Service Representatives. This girl, or some other friendly person like her, is in charge of your service. This means that whenever you have a service request you can call with the assurance that there is a friendly, courteous persou like Sondra Pritchard who will be glad to help you. This assurance is one'ol‘ the many little things that make your telephone service such a truly good value. . NO MORE RAIDS INSURANCE Fight off raids on your savings ,this businesslike way. Use a Royal Bank Personal Chequing Account to pay bills; keep your Savings Account strictly for saving! Ask about this new Royal TWO-ACCOUNT PLAN. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADR on your Savinqs Account HERBERT R. BUTT RICHVALE ELECTRONICS Associated With Dependable Service Telephone 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto Toronto EMpire 4-3317 . . . . $49.95 4" V IV on. The September meeting of the W.A. was held in the Sunday School Room on Wednesday eve- ring of last week, with Mrs. Carl Walker in charge. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. A. Bu- chanan. The lesson thoughts were taken by Mrs. Brands. The guest speaker was Miss June Chandler, who showed pictures of her re- cent “Aroundâ€"the-Globe Tour,” which proved to be very interest- ing. Following the meeting the president, Mrs. L. Mumbersom, took charge of the business por- tion. Refreshments were served at the close by the committee. Sr. Women’s Institute Will the members and friends of the Sr. Women’s Institute please note that the October meeting has been changed from the first Tuesday in October to the second Tuesday in October, the 14th, when the meeting will be held in the Victoria Square Community Hall. Further no- tice next week. Church News The Sermon theme at the church service on Sunday after- noon was, “Christian Education Verbs," with the rally day em- phasis. During the service the Sacrament of Infant Baptism was held when Ross Evon Barker, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Barker, was baptized by Rev. A. F. Bin- nington. Sunday, September 28th, being anniversary services at the Head- ford United Church, there will be no church service at Victoria Square. However there will be Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Please note! This time for Sunday School is for this Sunday only. Rose, hybrid tea, 1, Mrs. Wm. Strugnell, Mrs. F. Jackson. Rose, hybrid tea, Mrs. Wm. Strugnell, Mrs. F. Jackson. Rose, polyan- thus, double, 1 spray, Mrs. F. Jackson, Mrs. Wm. Strugnell. Rose, polyantha, single, 1 spray, Mrs. F. Jackson. Verbena, with own foliage, 6 heads, Miss Susan Tilt. Zinnia, pom pom, 12, Mrs. W. J. Large. D. Howard, Miss Susan Tilt. Zinnia, large flower- ed type, one variety, 3, Miss Su- san Tilt, R. D. Little, A. Stong. Zinnia, any other variety than above, 6, Miss Susan Tilt, A. Stong. Zinnias, large flowered Rev. A. F. Binningtori wilf be taking the anniversary services at Udora on Sunday, September 28th. Petunia. single, one variety, 6 sprays. Mrs. Matheson, D. How- ard. Mrs. J. Grainger. Petunia, double, one variety, 3 sprays, Mrs. J. Grainger. Mrs. 0. Parish. Petunia, giant ruffled, 3 sprays, L. Mumberson, Mrs. J. Grainger. The Victoria Square United Church Choir. under the leader- ship of Mrs. Jim Barker, will be giving the special anniversary music at the Bethesda United Church on Sunday, September 28, at 11 am. Rally Day Service Calendula, 6 blooms, Mrs. J. Grainger. Mrs. 0. Parish. Cleome, 1 spike, Miss Susan Tilt (second). Dahlia, medium. 1 bloom, Mrs. J. Grainger. Dahlia, large, 1 bloom, Mrs. J. Grainger. Daisy, gloriosa. any variety, 3 blooms, R. D. Little. Delphinium, 1 spike, R. D. Little. mGilédiqus; 1 spike. Mrs. L Mumberson. ' Marigold, African, 6 blooms, Mrs. 0. Parish, Miss J. Tltshall, Mrs. J. Grainger. Marigold, French. 6 blooms, D. Howard. Mrs Tilt. The Rally Day order of service was followed in the Sunday School period on Sunday after- noon. Gail Dennie and Victor Antirrhinum, 3 spikes, Miss Su- san Tilt, D. Howard. Aster, sing- le, one variety, 3. Miss Susan Tilt (second). Aster, double, mix- ed varieties. 3, Miss Jeanalee Titshall. Mrs. J. Grainger, Miss Susan Tilt. Begonia, tuberous, with own foliageI 1 bloom, R. D. Little, Mrs. F. Jackson. Following is the list of prize winners at the recent autumn show of the Richmond H111 Hor- ticultural Society: Specimen Flowers Don’t fuss about your fuel oil supply. Put the problem in our capable hands and phone us when your fuel reserve gets low. List Prize Winners At Autumn Show Richmond Hill Horticultural Society STRANGE, BUT TRUE 1] THE cosr's NO MORE- FOR FINEST GRADES OF COAL we STORE CORRESPONDENT VICTORIA J'. Grainger; Miss Susan NT : MRS Telephone SQUARE NEWS W. SANDLE. Gormley 5421 Matsunaga gave the Scripture readings. The tiny tots sang, “This Little Light of Mine.” Mrs. Percy Bennett gave the story. W.M.S. The W.M.S. from here also has been invited to attend the W.M.S. at Central United Church, Un- icnville, on Thursday, October 9th. An invitation has been received for the Victoria Square W.M.S. to attend the 17th Anniversary of the Melville W.M.S. on Thursday, October 16th, at 2:30 pm. The guest speaker will be Dr. Margarâ€" et Arkinstall. College Returns The following have returned to college for the fall term: Miss Lillian Nichols to the Toronto Bible College; Mr. George Collard to Queen‘s University, Kingston; Mr.‘ Alan Binnington to Victoria College, University of Toronto; Mr. Frank Nichols to Toronto University; Mr. David Boynton to O.A.C.. Guelph; Mr. Denton Brumwell to O.A.C., Guelph. Neighborhood Notes Birthday greetings to: Mr. Harry Forster for September 26; to Gerald Hoadley for September 27; to Marjorie Barber for Sep- temb r 28; to Mrs. Fred Mc- Rober s for September 28; to Lewis Heise for September 29; to P. Willows for September 30. I The Victoria Square W.M.S. has been invited to attend the W.M.S. Thank-offering meeting of the Brown's Corners W.M.S. on Wed- nesday afternoon, October 15‘;, at 27p.n{. The guést speaker 'will be Mrs. H. Mullet, formerly a missionary in China. Ofiion. Spanish, 3, Miss Susan Tilt. Onion, from sets, 3 Stong, D. Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Percy VanLuven of California, Mrs. Jim Hope of Pine Orchard called on Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Willows (ne day last week. ‘ Mrs. H. Attwood of Uxbz‘idge, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Willows, Mrs. M. Hewitt spent a week-end re- cently with Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Fiegel and family at Gorrie. Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanan and family have returned after spending the past two weeks at Pigeon Lake. near Omemee. Cabbage, smooth red or green, 1, A. Stong, Miss Susan Tilt, Mrs. G. Barker. Carrot’s, 6, D. Howard, A. Stong, Mrs. 0. Parish. Cauliflower, with its leaves on but trimmed to head, 1, Mrs. G. Barker (third). Corn, ‘2 cobs, Mrs. G. Barker. Cucum- bers. table or slicing, 3, A. Stong. 7’ Pepper, green large. 3, Mrs. R. Kerslake (second). Potatoes, 6, Mass arrangement of+mixed garden flowers, Miss J. itshall, Mrs. R. Kerslake. Wm. Beatty. Arrangement of tuberous begonia flowers with their own foliage. R. D. Little, Mrs. B. L. Anderson. “A bright spot on a blue Mon- day", Mrs. J. Grainger, A. Slang, L. Mumberson. Bowl of Zinnias, Mrs. J. Grainger, Mrs. G. Bar- ker, Mrs. R. Kerslake. “A11 A1- one". arrangement using one spike of gladiolus, Mrs. G. Bar- ker, Mrs. J. Grainger, L. Mum- berson. Arrangement of Petunias for luncheon table, Mrs. R. Kers- lake, Mrs. J. Grainger. Beans. wax. 6 pods, Miss Sus- an Tilt, A. Stong. Beans, green, 6 pods, A. Stong, Mrs. G. Barker. Beets, 3, D. Howard (second). Broccoli, 1 stalk, L. Mumberson. Mr. and Mrs. John Erfipringâ€" ham spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith at Vineland. Arrangement of Geraniums (open to men only), R. Kerslake, R. D. Little, A. Stong. Arrange- ment of Roses for a coffee table, Mrs. Wm. Strugnell, L. Mumber- son. Flower arrangement for bedside table for sickroom, Miss Susan Tilt, Mrs. J. Grainger, Mrs. Wm. Strugnell. A dinner ta- ble centrepiece not over 11" high, Mrs. Wm. Strugnell. Mrs. G. Bar- ker, Miss Susan Tilt. A composi- tion of flowers in a gravy boat, suitable for an informal dinner table, Mrs. G. Barker, Mrs. B. L. Anderson, Mrs. R. Kerslake. Vegetable-s On Saturday, September 13, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hart attend- ed the Pedersen-Jonsson wedding in the Danish Lutheran Church, College St., Toronto. The recep- tion was held in the Seaway Ho- tel, Lakeshore Rd., Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson. Mrs. R. Perkins and Mrs. D. Pick- ering called on Mrs. Cameron Pickering in the Toronto General Hospital on Friday evening of last week. Later they called on Mr. V. Westbrook. Friends will be sorry to learn that Mr. West- brook is not in the best of health. A speedy recovery is wished for him. type, mixed varieties, 12, Mrs F. Jackson (second). Arrangements Judy and Terry Hart spent a week-end recently with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hamill. at Cedar Grove. Miss Emma Bark'er of Toronto, Mrs. R. Perkins had Sunday eve- ning dinnefi with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker and Ross. The presidents and vice-presi- dents of the W.A. of the York Presbytery will meet in the Oak Ridges United Church on Thurs- day, September 25th, at 1:30 pm. Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Friesen of Toronto spent Saturday eve- ning with the C. Nichols family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Empringham and girls spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson and boys at their new home at Etobicoke. Misses Judy and V'endyflHaIV't and Master Terry Hart spent Sat- urday with Mr: and Mrs. A. Ped- erson in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett had Saturday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Par- sons and girls in their new home i:. Unionville. WA. Victoria Square Squash. Hubbard. 1. Mrs. G. Barker, L. Mumberson. Squash, any other variety. 1. Mrs. G. Bar- L. Mumberson. Miss Susan t. UXBRIDGE TOWNSHIP : Thurs- day. September 18th, was the 105th birthday of "rs. William Baker of Uxbridge Township on Highway 47. Mrs. Baker is still extremely active doing household chores and tending an outside garden in the summertime. A. Stong, Mrs. 0. Parish Tomato, large, red, 4, D. How- ard, A. Stong. Collection of vege- tables (arranged for effect). Mrs. G. Barker, Miss Susan Tilt. STOUFFVILLE : The east-end of Stouffville will possibly have a new subdivision in the near fu- ture. -The planning board has passed a subdivision plan which calls for 64 lots provided with water, sewers, paved streets. street lights and other specified items. Overseas - Travel Service All Air and Steamship Lines Cruises S. G. GURNEY BRADFORD PR. 5-3464 or TU. 4-2152 IMPORTANT: Do not regixter a: an individual if you are "31'8an through 4 Grozqz. Step 24 Yonge Street South of Richmond Hill Tel. AV. 5-4351 THE BRITISH CAR BUILT AND BACKED BY GENERAL MOTORS ’ SEE YOUR LOCAL VAUXHALL DEALER Application forms for individual ‘Pay-Direct’ enrolmentavailable at banks and hospitals. In communities without a bank, the forms may be obtained from the post office. indivi- duals must register by September 30 to have protection effective January 1, 1959. Bookings With No other car in its price field offers such wonderful choice for complete motoring pleasure as Vauxhall. From the really low priced 4 cylinder, 5-Passenger Victors to the all new “Sixes”, Velox and Cresta, Vauxhall gives you more extra features, more handling ease and riding comfort, more value for the money than any other line of cars in its class. Choose your Vauxhall now. AND VAUXHALL GIVES YOU ALL THESE EXTRAS AS STANDARD EQUIPMENT FOUR-DOOR CONVENIENCE - FIVE AND SIX PAS< SENGER COMFORT ‘ STEERING COLUMN GEAR SHIFT - 4 AND 6 CYLINDER ENGINES - SPACIOUS TRUNK - FRESH AIR HEATER AND DEFROSTER - FIVE-WAY IGNITION SWITCH - SPRAY INSULATION AGAINST RUMBLE AND ROAD NOISE - PANORAMIC VISION - AMAZING ECONOMY - SPORT CAR HANDLING RICH - HILL MOTORS LTE ,,,,,, Vlctor Super 5-Passenger 80¢ GIVES YOU ONTARIO HOSPITAL I INSURANCE M uU'x-LI. NOW AT 3242 YONGE STREET In Vorth Toronto Opposite Park Theatre 9 am. to 6 p.m. including Sat HU. 8-8949 ’. L. Lowrie, R.0. Evenings by appointment Yonge St. North OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Optical Repairs ENDEAN NUSERIES THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday, September 25, 1958 15 Telephone I‘U. 4-1650 NEW WORK -â€" ALTERATIDNS â€" REPAIRS ROGER PROULX Free Estimates Gladly Given PLUMBING & HEATING minim/i m Richmond Hill, Ont. R‘CH MON!) HILL 62 Crosby Ave. 5604-R

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