Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Sep 1958, p. 16

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PLYWOOD top for 1A: ton pick- up. Good condition. Reasonable. TWining 5-6379. *1w13 'HiGH CHAIR and girl's sidewalk bicycle. TU. 4-2771. c1w13 3-PIECE Chesterfield. AV. 5- 3207. c1w13 §X3Y iplay pen, also car bed. TU. 4-2904.. c1w13 Erie-ridigvlfiéérâ€"qu‘iét Studio: with the know how. TU. 4-2791. tfc48 SNOW TIRES 2 â€"â€" 670 x 15 â€"â€" Tubeless. Used 11/2 seasons. $25 the pair. AV. 5â€"4359. *1w13 BABY CARRIAGE and basinet.t TIME TO PAINT UP Sec us for Crown Diamond Paint. Painter’s prices. Butler and Baird Lumber Limited. Richmond Hill, TU. 4- 1125. tfc41 TI-_I_E AVON saleslady will gladly ROOM DIVIDER with book case. builtâ€"in radio and desk. Four contemporary lounge type chairs with foam cushions. two trilight standards. Tables, travelling rugs. etc., also portable typewriter and home workshOp unit. Stoufiville 574J, *1wl3 VIOLIN, Strainer, good tone, reasonable. TU. 4-5046. c1w13 FOR children's p!ctufir}es_try the HAND KNITTED heavy sweatâ€" ers. Pick your own pattern. AV. 5-3357. c4w10 both in good condition. TU 2755. c1 3 PIECE Chesterfield Suite, size metal bed and springs. TU. +1240. *1w13 flooring. Also used brick $10.00 lot. TU. 4‘2910. c1w13 USED LUMBER, z x 4'5 and 1i A.C. ARC Welder, Craftsman AUSTIN MOTOR. A40, i‘e-condi- tioned, $40. AV. 5-4566 after 6 like new. $20. Phoné iii-3:711: 5308. *1w12 METRO WRECKING 8: LUMBER Cedar Ave.[ Richmond Hill New and guaranteed plumbing supplies: Compact toilets $32.50; stainless steel sinks, $1500: white enamel sinks. $7.00; deck taps. copper pipes. 3" and 4" soil pipes and fittings. Also used plumbing, pipes and fittings. AV. 5-3942. tics SYLVAPLY PLYWOOD. handy panels. tapered hardwood table legst See them at Butler 8: Baird Lumber Ltd. 181 Yonge St. N, TU, 4-1125, AV $35065 6048 REVOLVER, Colt .45. Perfect condition. ST. 8-8829. c1w13 WEDDING Invitations, engraved finest quality, reasonable prices. Quick service. “The Liberal," Phone TU. 4-1105 Richmond Hill with cable and shield. TU. 4- 3250. c1w13 call on you. if you phone XV. 5- 1789. ('1W13 VIA RANGETTE. with oven control ELECTRIC STOVE, washing ma- chine and china cabinet. All in good condition. AV. 54228 after 6 pm. clwls Sales - Service - Rentals Authorized Dealer All pepular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt standard. portable and electric models. Speclél rental rates available to students. FREE ESTIMATES for alumin- um combination windows, doors, and awnings. Call your local "ALSCO" representative at OX- ford 1-3180 -t‘fc34 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill YOUR Rawleigh dealer is giving gift certificates worth $1.00. Phone for yours loday. TU. 4- 5%.“. tfc9 ROTTED cow manure delivered in small quantities .for lawns, gardens and‘flower beds. TU. 4- 2236. tfc44 METRO WRECKING 8: LUMBER Cedar Ave. Richmond Hill New 2x6, 2x8 and boards. $85M. No. 1 shingles, 210 lbs., $9.50 a square. Rolled roofing. insula- tion, tar paper, plywoods. pic- ture window units and other win- dow units at reasonabie prices. We also have a good Selection of used doors. windows and lumber of all description. AV. 5-3942. TRA-ILERS. Box and boat trailers for sale and rent. House trailers for sale. Lowest prices. N. Zaiser. Phone Oak Ridges PR. 3-5721 16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, CASH RATES, first insertion 3c per word, min. Charge . . 500 Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 30 per word min. charge . , . . . . . . . . 40c FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of . . 25c COMING EVENTS NOTICE: per type line 10c; min. charge 53c CARD 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES. per insertion $1.00 BIRTH NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. Send ads’hy mail and encl05e payment, or telephone 'I‘U. 4-1105 and you will receive invoice. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES ARTICLES FOR SALE L. H. SIMS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES TU.4-1745 tfc49 clw13 c1w13 tic“) tfc9 in excellent condition. TU 2528. *1 $5.0'6'a’16ad, delivered. AX. 3- 3303. tfcll BRIGHTEN UP that roam now. Install a pre-fit windowâ€"unit. We have a complete stock of standâ€" a"l sizes on hand. Butler ,and Baird Lumber Limited, Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1125. tfc41 GRAVITY furnace. square, casing green. with or without gas bur- ner and pipes, 6 months old. TU. 4â€"2089. c2w13 BEAUTIFUL tulip bulbs, 3 doz, for $1.00. “Garden Gate". 1076 Yonge St., Thornhill. AV. 5-3485. after 6p.m_ c1w13 'er. 2 com] type stainle John‘s Cor MEh'ose 5-0 COMBINATION doors, windows, and awnings, porch shades and railings, drapery tracks, bamboo drapes and hooks. Zeph-Aire Co. Ltd., Aurora, phone PA. 7-4811. tfc50 VENETIAN BLINDS, aluminum or steel, custom made. Free esti- mates and installations. Phone TWining 5-6551 (reverse charâ€" ges). Harold Craddock, Newmar- lxet. tfc42 MEN'S GOLF CLUBS and bag FREEZER. Gilson Snowbird, 19_8 cu. ft. Perfect condition. TV Antenna. Bar-B-Q grill on wheels. Two pair of skis. TU. 4-2488. c1w13 ~EVINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTORS End of year clearance sale. All motors at good discounts Butler and Baird Lumber Ltd., 191 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Phone TU. 4-1125 or AV. 5-3f506. t CH BOATS New marine plywood boats, 8 ft prams, 12 ft. car-top, 14 ft. run- abouts.$65 and up. Best Mat- erials used, no down payment necessary. All boats guaranteed not to leak. No. 11 Highway, 1 mile north of Richmond Hill. Free delivery within 50 miles. Also boats for rent. TU. 4-2732 furniture, electric range, refrig~ erator, laundramat, 21” TV, sew~‘ Eng machine, china and miscell~ aneous items. Owner leaving country and must sell. MElrose 3-0082. clw12 PRIVATE SALE of all CHRISTMAS TREES 10,000 Spruce. Scotch Pine, on plantation 35 miles north of Tor- onto. Also ideal trees for trans- planting. AV. 5â€"2155. c2w12 LARGE CRIB, spring filled mat- tress. TU. 4-1495. c1w12 PIANO (PRINCE), good condition with bench, $75. AV. 5-1476. BABY BUGGY, $12. (English Pram). AV. 5â€"2928. c1w12 I _K_ENCQ autgmatic eggâ€"washer 4-BURNER_ gas "stove in very with baskets. Just used Evmonths. Fisher, TU. 4-3552. c1w12 good conditioh. $25. Phone AV. 5~ 4324. ' c1w11 SOKQYCLE Sump pump. $20. and RASPBERRY CANES. 6c each; also strawberry plants 2c each. Kellogg's Premier variety. These are all good young plants. Phone TU. 4-2575. tfc12 GENDRON Convertible bah): carriage with all accessories. Good condition. $20. Phone Mple 126J push button caf fadio- $i5 4~2368 hearth. s12 single’borci.‘ Wtfiié Birch s14. TU. 4-2957. tfc12 DINING room set, oak, $60. TU. 4-3930. c2w12 DRYAHardwood cut 16" for TOMATOES 50¢ a basket. Cauliflowers. 2 large heads for 25¢. Corn. ample supply for your Freezer. TOPPER‘S MARKET Yange St. North Richmond Hill VARIETY of Corduroy TV cush~ ions-in many decorative colours with foam rubber padding. A wonderful buy at $2.90 each. Maurice Coggins Upholstery. 10A Centre St. E. TU. 4-3203. clwlz FRIGIDAIRE 1 h.p. unit. Coil Compressor, complete walk-in- door, kitchen and restaurant equipment, automatic dishwasher, with large tank. 3.000 watt heat- er. 2 qompartment restaurant GENDRON Baby Carriage, light blue, also pink arborite high chair both in excellent condition. Rea- sonable. A. Dunlap. Oxford St. Elgin Mills. clw12 CHES eon wagon: v dresser; vacuux console radio w ROTTEN COW MANUBE FOR SALE tainless steel sinks. St. Convalescent Hospital. :e 5-0370. r1013 TU. 4-4 RFIELD. Chair; lunch (Continued) Ont, Thursday, September 25, 1958 nin an machine quality *1w13 c1w12 lez c1w12 c1w12 record c1w12 clwl2 ' 3821 1 WHITE enamelled coal and wood cook stove. TU. 4â€"3016. ket; 3.00 per bushel Corn, ample supplies for your freezer. Cauliflowers. Cider ready over the weekend. TOPPER’S MARKET Yonge St., North Richmond Hill c1W13 STEVENS GUN, 12 gauge 1e barrel, new condition, TU. 4-2684. LLOYD light weight carriage converts to stroller, accessories in good cohdition. TU. 4-3746. 3-PIECE living-room set, end tables, desk and book case, doub- le bed, spring and mattress, round kitchen table, kitchen utensils. Must be sold. Any reasonable of- fer accepted. Phone AV. 5-1301: - c1w13 CRIB, large size, spring mat- tress, excellent condition. $20. TU. 4-4269. c1w13 TWO Cape Cod Chairs. one bird bath and 3 odd dining room chairs. TU. 4-1783. c1w13 BABY BUTLER, complete with stroller frame, canopy, etc. Cost $79 new. Also baby swing and stand, converts into car seat, cost $12. Both in excellent con- dition. The lot $35. 421 Centre St. East, AV. 5-3642. clw13 MAN'S navy cashmere wintng ov- :35; OCELOT SKIN fur coat, size 14-16, $45 or best offer. TU. 4- 2979. clw13 VANITY DRESSER with mirrors and Chesterfield chair, good conâ€" dition, reasonable. 50R23 Maple. c1w13 CARRIAGE, convertible, blue, $17.00. Figured rug, blue Wilton. 4’ 6" x 7’ 6", Good condition. AV. 5â€"1451 ercoat, size’ 40, like new. TU. 4- 3568. c1w13 TOMATOES 50c a basket for two days only Broccoli, $1.00 per 11 quart bas- x 22%”. Full length screens. One man’s winter overcoat, new, size 38-40, dark grey. Bargain. One airforce blue overcoat, size 38-40, like new. AV. 5-3084_ BABY CARRIAGE, washing ma- lhine, kitchen table, matching buffet, rangette, sectional ches- terfield, matching chair, table. Phone AV. 5-3052. c1w13 APPLES, $1. a bushel & up. Bas- kets 25 cents. Bring containers. Earl Jackson, corner of Steeles and Keele. AV. 5-4077. tfc13 7_ STORM WINDOWS and screens, size 69" x 36", and one bathroom storm and screen 401/2" KENNEL for the puppy, new and painted, 32" x 28". Reasonable. TU, 4-2977. clw13 DOUBLE BED, slat spring and spring filled mattress; china cabinet, in good condition; grey broadloom rug with underlay 9' x 12'; solid walnut vanity-dresser (no mirror); ten bags of cement. TU. 4-3089. c1w13 FALSE TEETH discomfort? Try Dentur~Eze today ~â€" wonderful plastic reliner that makes teeth fit comfortably, prevents slipping, wobbling. Tasteless, odorless. One application lasts weeks. Only $1.95 at Wight’s Drug Store. 50c a basket for two days only Bl‘occo}i,_$lr.0707 per 11 quart bas- WASHING MACHINE, Moffat range, good as new. Call 5469 Gormley. c1w13 ket; 3.00 per bushel Corn, ample supplies for your freezer. Cauliflowers. Cider ready over the weekend. TOPPER’S MARKET Yonge St., North Richmond Hill c1w13 LADY‘S fall clothes. sizes 15 to 17: 4 wool dresses; 2 suits. gray and navy; 1 tafieta dress, size 14; 1 red taffeta evening dress, short. 14; black business dress, size 16. Reasonable. Good condition. TU. 4-4884. c1w13 WITH WHAT Do you colour your walls? We have a wide assortment of paints. Bryant Hardware. Stop 22A, Yonge St., Richvale, AV. 5â€"3821. tfcl3 CHROME kitchen table 25" x 40" grey arborite top, two chairs, yel- low, matching pattern,. two pairs of fibreglass criss-cross curtains for window 48" wide. TU. 4«1875_ c1w13 WONDERXNG? how to improve your work shop? We carry an assortment of hand and power tools. Bryant Hard~ ware, Stop 22A Yonge St, Rich- vale. AV. 5-382L tfc13 Are repelled by our all-weather aluminum windows. See your fu- ture windows at Bryant Hard- ware, Stop 22A Yonge St., Rich- vale. AV. 5-3821. tfc13 PIK of the paints, new, super coloss- al interior plaster paint. Avail- able at Bryant Hardware. Stop 22A Yonge St., Richvale, AV. 5- TRAMPOLINE like fibre glass screen, used in our aluminum doors, resists Breaking. Bryant Hardware. Stop 22A Yonge St, Richvale, AV. 5 FOR SALE WIND AND BUGS TOMATOES (Continued) Figured rug, dark 4' 6" X 7’ 6", $20. convertible, pale doubâ€" phone c2w11 c1w13 *1w13 c2w13 ch13 c1w13 tfc13 tfc13 WELLS DRILLED, dug and re- paired; also new and used pumps installed and repaired. TU. 4~3016. c4w13 WELDING Arc and acetylene welding. R. Laing, Lake Avenue, Oak Ridges. PR. 3-5493. , c2wl3 RICHMOND FLOOR SERVICE Floors. dustless sanding. refinish- ing. All work guaranteed. Free estimates. TU. 4-4217. tch Loam, manure. sodding, shrubs. Lawns rolled and seeded. TU. 4- 2096 and HUdson 1-8279‘ tfc46 UNITED PAVING CO. Driveway, parking areas. service stations, repairs, free estimates. AV. 5â€"3541. tfc39 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and fill. E. Charity. Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1701. FRANK’S WELL DRILLING Pumps installed and serviced. Frank Gerritz. R. R. 2 Aurora. PA. 7~5272. tfc50 Brickwork. blockwork. cement work. Repairs and alterations. Percy Pool, 2 Pearson Ave.. Richvale. AV. 5-1205. *5w6tfc11 [THOLSTERING and repairing Apply F. Graham. Lake Road, Oak Ridges. PR. 3-5691. tfc27 TILE CONTRACTOR, ceramic, plastic and linoleum. Robert E. Patchell, PArkview 7-4459, 32 Mill St, Aurora. tchl BLOCK LAYING and concrete work, footings, basement floats etc. Fred Flood. Richmond Hill. TU. 4-3085. t1c49 SEPTIC TANKS Installed, custom digging, reason- able rates call Murray Baker. Newmarket, TW. 5-4151. tfc40 GARDEN PLOUGHING. discing, also light grading, front end loading. Lance Willis, TU, 4-2f096. t C41 WEDDING invitations, printed or engraVLd_ Finest quality at a reasunable. price. The Liberal. phone TU. 4-1105. tf Frank’s Moving 8: Cartage, packâ€" ing and_ storage. Experienced service anytime. Pickup and de- livery. Good rates. TU. 4-2613. ROTOVATING And garden maintenance. Call Joe Hampton, TU. 4-2420. tfc40 Thornhill. RICHMOND DELIVERY SERVICE Light pickâ€"up and delivery. TU. 4-1812. th3 Cartage and Moving R. H. Reid - - TU. CHROME kitchen chairs re upholstered. 24 hour service TU. 4-4615. tfc'? DON WILLIS LANDSCAPING WELL DRILLING George's Well Drilling and re- pairing, pump installed and re- paired. George Adams. Box 192 King City. King 287. tfc46 KEN STIFF FURS LTb.’ Stop 21A Yonge St.. AV. 5-4172. tfcll CARPENTER WORK. Alterations ANYTHING in Painting. Paper- hanging, Decorating, etc‘ Phone A. Rollinson. TU. 4â€"3622. tch and repairs. TU. 4-2896. Ruben Lahn. Richmond Hill. t£c8 BABY PICTURES are priceless when taken by The Lagerquist Studio. TU. 4-2791] tfc48 SPANISH lessons, beginners, conversation, private, small groups. Experienced .native tea- cher. AV. 5â€"2964. c4w12 PAINTING & DECORATIEG Commercial and industrial work a specialty - Special fall rates. F. DUVALL & SONS TU. 4-3718 LANGSTAFF SHARPENING SERVICE Saws. lawn mowers and power mowers, cutter blades balanced. Pick-up and delivery. 88 Garden Avenue. AV. 5-2815. tfc38 FOR YOUR CLEANING and re- pairs to basements, eavestroughs- floors. furnace. drains and landâ€" scaping, walls and windows, also grass cutting and concrete work. Call H. Darpent, AV. 5-3456. tfc42 New lawns - Lawn cutting ~ Gar~ den Maintenance - Landscaping ' Foundation Planting - Weed Spraying - Flagstones laid, etc. - Inrge and small. Frec estimates and free advice. Satisfaction guaranteed. tic46 MISCELLANEOUS PIANO TUNING & REPAIRING S. Hoffman Formerly of Gerard Heintzman Work guaranteea. Free estimates. Phone Liberal Office. TU. 4-1105: evenings RUssell 2-6516, Toronto. WALK-RITE SHOE STORE AND REPAIRS FURS Repaired, Cleaned, Restyled‘ Ipsfiqreqt 09151 {{1}- storage. EVERGREEN LANDSCAPE 8: GARDEN COMPANY LANGSTAFF - “5'. 5-3233 OIL BURNER Parts, repairs and service Hex-ridge Electric TU. 4-3211. Tab‘ MASONRY CONTRACTOR nee bstima Lowest prices 11 TU. 4-4573 MOVING & CARTAGE Mirrors Rgsilvered nee hstlmates LOCAL GLASS Phone AV.5-1266. tfc12 1n [0WD TU: 4-3391 c4w13 ‘Ol‘S tfc16 tfc12 tfc9 RUBBER STAMPS. all kinds. any size. Quick service. The Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. GARDEN SUPPLIES Plowing. grading, mowing, asphalt paving. sand and gravel. Rhone TU. 4-1538. tfcl A RELIABLE T.V. Service. 240 South Taylor Mills Dr., Beverley Acres, TU. 44347. thB ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 96 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc31 RICHMOND TREE SERVICE Fruit trees pruned, trees trim- med and removed. Cabelling, fer~ tilizing and custom chain saw- ing. Free estimates. TU. 4â€"1221. tfc13 Driveways, parking lots, school yards, service stations. Free es- timates and advice. We stand beâ€" hind our work. L. W. Reid. AV. 5-2211. tfc47 WALLS and woodwork cleaned by the latest wall machines. The finest service in Richmond Hill. Estimates free. Richmond Hill Commercial Cleaners, TU. 4- 3714. t£c52 LANDSCAPING. sodding. stone work. R. R. 2, King, Bertelsen. phone 94113. CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workman- ship. Phone Walker and Mit- chell. AV. 5-2526. tfc15 FLOORS. stripped of all old wax. etc. Cleaned and rewaxed like new with our latest machines. Another first in Richmond Hill. Estimates free. Richmond Hill Commercial Cleaners, TU. 4- 3714. tf052 GARDENS ploughed and cultiâ€" vated. Phone TL 4-3093, tfc4'1 ANTIQUES Expert valuations. for probate or insurance. Repairing and re- storing furniture, silver, etc. Clif- ford, AV. 5â€"1603. tfc11 CALL US for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari. Maple 54R12. tfc'l for footings, floors, patios, etc. GORMLEY READY-MIXED CONCRETE LTD. Gormley 5601 Toronto EM. 8-3333 tfcl WINDOW Cleaning Service. Esâ€" timates free. Richmond Hill Com- mercial Cleaners. TU 4-3714. RICHMOND HILL TV SERVICE TV & Radio Service. antenna and U.H.F_ installations. Car Radios. Same day service. AV. 5-3759 CONCRETE & GENERAL CONTRACTORS Call E. W. Payne for septic tanks, concrete floors and 31‘ types of concrete work around your home. Also home and found- dation repairs, alterations and additions. Free estimates. AV. 5-1153. ' tfcls ROTOVATING, loam and man- ure. TU. 4-4658. tfc12 RICHMOND CARPET CLEANERS Quality cleaners of rugs ard up- holstery. All work done by ma- chine. Also carpets cleaned in your home. Work guaranteed. Phone TU. 4-4217. tfc52 PAINTING & PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building, alterations and repairs. prompt service. WALKER & MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 RELIABLE MOWER REPAIRS Repairs and precision sharpening to all makes and models of lawn mnwers, garden tractors. Rotary blades hollow ground and bal- anced. 56 Rumble Ave.. Richmond Hill. TU 4-2818. tfc44 OPPORTUNITY AT YORK FARMERS’ MARKET IN THORNHILL Stands available for home baking, pickles. jams. etc. Also for gen- eral farm products. For informa- tion phone Gormley 5435. Write or apply in person at Market, Saturday. c2w13 01L SPACE HEATERS AND FLOOR FURNACE SERVICE We specialize in Space Heaters, Floor Furnaces. Gravity Fed Furnaces and 011 Hot Water Heaters, Cleaning, Parts and Servicing, MISCELLANEOUS SOMETHING TO SELL USE LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS READY MIXED CONCRETE WASHING MACHINES Parts, repairs and service Herridge Electric. TU. 4-3211. DRUGS Richvale Rexall Pharmacy Free All Day Delivery Prescriptions Accurately Dispensed AV. 5-3772 A. MILLS "r. SON Richmond Hill Plumbing and Heating TUrner 4-1711 AVenue 5-3697 ASPHALT PAVING TUruer 4-! [05 TIX 4-1221 tfc17 tfc52 tic-1:3 flag- Neils tfc51 tfc44 tfc12 ROOM AVAILABLE, abstainer. TU, 4-3618. *1W13 FLOOR SANDERS, POLISHERS, ELECTRIC TOOLS To rent. Charlton Hardware. TU. 4-1331 Richmond Hill. tfc32 FLOOR SANDER to rent. Phone AVenue 5-1109. tfc28 FOUR ROOM FLAT. separate 4- piece bath. Private entrance. No children. Maple 221. c1w13 2-BEDROOM apartment, com~ plete with living room, kitchen and bath; heated. Stove and re- frigerator supplied. Apply W. S. Hare & Son, phone PR. 3-5841. . *5w13 2 FURNISHED bright clean rooms, sink and cupboards. Sep- arate entrance. Suit business couple. Cheaper for business girl. Close to Yonge and bus stop. Phone AV_ 5-3881. c1w13 2 UNFURNISHED rooms, kit- chen and bathroom. Private en- trance. Parking. 331 Neal Drive. tfc12 2 OR 3 ROOMS to rent, hot wa- ter heat. 50 Pemberton'Rd. TU. 4-2880. tic13 rent. Richmond Hill Hardware, TU 4-2101. tfcla UNFURNISHED 5 rooms, hydro, suitable for adults. Parking. No. 69 John St., Thornhill. c3w13 FURNISHED room, gentleman preferred. 19 Beavcrton Rd. S. Parking. TU. 4~3801. clwll $20.00 WEEKLY, furnished apart- ment, 31/2 rooms and bath; equip- pe“ kitchen, separate entrance. Large grounds. Business couple or young men. Aurora. PA. 7- 5597. tfcll HAIRDRESSING location. cen- tral Yonge St. Id'eal spot for ex- perienced operator. Phone TU. 4-2098 evenings. c1w13 3-ROOM basement apartment, unfurnished, self-contained, in adult home, close to Yonge St. Business couple preferred. TU. 4-5202. Phone after 5 pm. THORNHILL, 3-bedroom house. oil heat. P05session October 1. AV. 5-4566 after 6 pm. c1w13 ELECTRIC FLOOR Polisher for SELF CONTAINED 3 rooms and bath, Centre and Yonge St., $75 per month. October 1. TU. 4-1853. LOVELY, bright basement apart- ment in new house, 3 rooms, bath, separate entrance, Adults only. TU. 4-1346. c1w13 4-ROOM flat, hot and cold water. bathroom, etc., central in Maple, abstainers only, Phone Maple 93. *1w13 BUSINESS COUPLE or pension- ers to share nice 4-room bunga- low with retired gentleman. Phone TU. 4-5590. clwlO UNFURNISHED apartment. 3 rooms and bath, self contained. Hot water oil heated. Phone Gormley 5370. *1w13 ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDER Richmond Hill Hardware. TU: 4-2101. tfc47 .--._...-.-, w ...... z. xuunuo, ééiftc-ontained. Availabie October 1. 29 Centre St. W., Richmond Hill. *1w13 5 ROOM self-contained modem apartment at the corner of Cen- tre and Church, garage optional. Available October 1. TU. 4-1303 SINGLE furnished, room, suit gentleman or business girl, close to bus stop. BAldwin 5-5309. 2 BEDROOM house for rent. All inside conveniences. BetWeen Ba- thurst and Dufierin, No. 7 High- way. AV. 5-5260. tfc12 2 BEDROOM apartment, Rich- mond Hill, Bayview area. Park- ing. Bus stop at door. Children welcome. AV. 5â€"3100. tfc8 $15 WEEKLY, business couple. attractive 3-room unfurnished basement apartment, modern kit- chen, heavy wiring, laundry fac- ilities. parking, near Yonge. AV. 5-4158. c1w13 To rent 4-3211. LARGE, sunny room, with twin beds, and light cooking. A11 con- veniences. in lovely home. Cen- tre and Yonge. TU. 4-5446. LARGE NEW 2-bedroom apart- ment, on first floor, electrically equipped, exhaust fan, control own heat. Quiet, lovely surround- ings. Very close to bus and shop- ping. Apply Apt. 4, 211 Yonge St. S. or phone TU. 4-4904. *1w13 ARARTMENT, central, 4 rooms‘ 2 UNFURNISHED upstair rooms with bathroom. in a private home. Phone Mrs. Merrick, Maple 34W. c2w13 NOBLETON New house for rent. For further information, phone TU. +2515. 02w12 $75.00 A MONTH. Four room pri- vate apartment, heated, suitable for two or three persons. Immed- iate possession. $125.00 A MONTH, modern three bedroom bungalow, with garage, one year lease. Thomas "OAKLEY" Real Estate AV, 5-4161 - TU. 4-2963 FURNACE VACUURI CLEANER SUMP PUMPS LADDERS (all sizes) TO RENT Herridge Electric, TU. ‘ clw13 *1w13 c1w13 c1w13 c1w13 c1w13 c1w13 CEMENT MIXER (or hire. AV_ 5-3244. tfc44 APARTMENT to rent, stove, sink, parking. Beverley Acres; TU. 4-4347. ffch SMALL COTTAGE, also self con~ tained apartment, furnished_ Rea- sonable. Abstainers. Near Yonge. Or would suit pensioners. TU. 4â€" 2868. c1w13 STENOGRAPHER BOOKKEEP- ER, 10 years‘ experience, desires morning position. Have own car. AV. 5-2216. c2w13 A VERY NICE flat in refined ad- ult home located in central Rich- mond Hill. Suit adult couple. Re~ ferences required. Box No. 86, The Liberal. nc3w13 MODERN two bedroom apart- ment, electrically equipped. newly decorated, available October 1, 36 Church St. South. Richmond Hill. PA. 7-5319. c1w13 UNFURNISHED 3-room apart- ment, sink, heavy wiring. separ- ate entrance. No. 7 Highway west of Thornhill. Suit business coup- le. $75 a month. AV. 54429. SENIOR CITIZEN, active, seeks work as clerk or bookkeeper in office. store or wholesale, famil- iar with building materials. Ap- ply Box 88, “The Liberal." ,‘,__q n MATURE babysitting. of children TRANSPORTATION FURNISHED bedroom, in adult home. Cartier Crescent. TU. 4- 2928. c2w12 YOUNG LADY with switchboard and store experience and knowl- edge qf typing; full time position in Richmond Hill vicinity. TU. 4-1721. c1w13 DAY CARE for children, ages 2 to 5. Lovely, large fenced yard, swings, transportation supplied both morning and evening. Full time supervision, $11. per week. TU. 4-5309. c1w13 TRANSPORTATION wanted from Mill St. to University and College, arriving 8:45 a.m., leav- ing 5 pm. TU. 4-3930. c2w12 RELIABLE high school girl av- ailable for baby-sitting Saturdays. TU. 4-1396. nc2w12 YOUNG WOMAN desires work by day. TU. 4-4257 erley Acres. DRESSMAKING Experienced. English and Greek diplomas. Dressmaking and alter- ations, TU. 4-5253. tfc13 (quires hand-knitting. AV evenings. TYPING done at home, address- ing envelopes, etc.; experienced. 395 Crosby Ave., Richmond Hill. TU. 4-4233. c1w13 TRUCK AND DRIVER for hire. TU. 4-2677. c1w13 EXPERIENCED KN ITTEF TRANSPORTATION wanted to and/or from Beverley Acres to Eaton's main store. arriving Ea- ton’s 9 am. and leaving 5:30 pm. TU. 4â€"1721. c1w12 TRANSPORTATION required, October 20 onwards, from Rich- vale, Stop 233 Yonge, arriving Aurora 8:30 a.m., leaving 5 pm. TU. 4~0016. tfc13 YOUNG WOMAN desires day LADY WISHES house work by day. TU. 4-5632. cZWl3 WOULD like house cleaning. TU. 4-2940. c2w13 DAY CARE given to child of any age. TU. 4-3265. c1w13 BUSINESS WOMAN requires transportation to Bloor and Yonge or Bay and Bloor, leaving Thorn- hill at 9 o’clock or 9.30 am. AV. 5-2166. c1w13 PIANO WANTED Any size or make. pay cash, phone Toronto LE. 4-9419, collect. tics GOOD HOME for a fluffy grey and white kitten. TU. 4-2548. BABY SITTING by the day or will do ironing. AV. 5-3016._ EXPERIENCED woman willing to look after family in mother’s absence; also baby sitting. TU. 4-3158. tfc23. TRANSPORTATION wanted from Concord to Rexdale, arriv- ing 8:30, returning 5 pm. AV. 5- 5150 after 6 pm. c1w13 work, 9 am. to 4 pm. TU. 4-1406. *1w13 NEED complete_ cy_b_ o_utfi§, .sizg élâ€"Jsédféisé 'used Girl Guide belt size 28 waist. Call after 5 pm. TU. 4-1396. nc2w13 ENGEISH baby carriage (small), good condition, reasonable. AV. 5-4705. Clw13 SIDEWALK bicycle dition. Reasonable. EMPLOYMENT WANTED (continued) T0 RENT WANTED LADY would like Experienced and fond TU. 4-1858. in good con- AV. 5-1240. c1w12 house- r re- 5-1 559 th8 c1w13 Bev- *1w18 c1w13 c1w13 c1w13 nc13 BOKKEEPER-TYPIST. Richmond Hill. AV. 5-4953. c1w18 fitable part time employment. TU. 4-5454. c1w13 PIANIST wanted for health ex- MEN and women wanted for pro- ercises. every Tuesday afternoon. TU. 4-3348. c1w13c CLEANING WOMAN wanted Fridays. Bond Lake area. Phone. PR. 3-5769 evenings. c1wl3 TAXI DISPATCHER, day work:: SPRAY PAINTER for ornamen- tal iron. Steady job. Apply Metal- smith Co. Ltd.. Spruce St., Rich“ vale, Stop 22A Yonge. c1w13 also taxi driver, night wbrk. TU. 4-1162. Art. *lwl3 DRUG CLERK girl. Apply in person‘ Richvale Pharmacy. Yonge St., Richvale. c1w13 EXPERIENCED truck driver for EXPERIENCED waitress. Apply Forum Drive-In Restaurant. Rich~ mond Hill, phone TU. 4-3001. HOUSEKEEPER, between 37-47 years to look after widow. Na! children. Phone after 6 pm. TW. 5-6379, 291 Prospect St. New- market. *1w13 DUE TO the demand for 'Fuller Brush products two more terri- tories available for ambitious men only. EsCablished territorit- i4“ assuring $100 or more weekly. Please write Box 83 The Liberal, or Mr. David Emms, 207 Beachy Drive, TU. 4-4657. c3w11 NURSES registered for Sept. 5 or after full or part tithe. Salary $9.00 daily. Duties three shifts. 8 to 4, 4 to 12, 12 to 8. Rest home Yonge and Elmwood, stop 24C. Ask for Miss White, AV. 5-1766. Call between 6 and 7 pm. tfc3 Chatham building supply company, AV. 5-1109. c2w12 PROFESSIONAL woman requires reliable woman for housework, two half days weekly, if possible. Phone evenings, AV. 5-1819.‘ *1w13 WOMEN â€"- if you are in need of money and can work only a few hours a day â€" servicing an Avon territory is Your answer. Write to Miss E. Outerbridge, 42 Sar~ anac B1vd., Toronto 19, Ont, or phone RU. 2-7567, between 8-9 am. c1w13 W A N T E 1) Representative to act as agent for the purchase of Red Clover, Alfalfa and Timothy Seed, etc. in the district on a commission basis. Farm experience preferred but not essential. â€" Apply - REID BEANS & SEEDS LTD. P.0. Box 103 AUTOMOBILE SALESMEN We have openings for two top~ notch retail salesmen. Experh ence selling cars preferred but not essential for the ambitious hard working type. $300 month- 1y guarantee, top commissions. demonstrator supplied. Apply in person only to sales manager. R. D. LITTLE & SON LTD.. Ford-Edsel Dealers, Richmond Hill TRUCK DRIVER wanted lmmed~ iately. Must be over 25 years of age. Apply 40 Thornridge Drive, Thornhill. c1w13 OPENING for one aggressive salesman, in busy Richmond Hill Realty office. Call Mr. Shields TU. 4-3805. David McLean Ltd. Realtors Richmond Hill. clwl! WOMAN wanted for general du- ties in modern country house, to live in, must be fond of child- ren, liberal time off, good wages, References. Phone Maple 25. REAL ESTATE SALESMEN DAVID McLEAN LTD. Have openings for two energetic salesmen in their Thornhill Head Offices. Real Estate experience is not necessary as the firm proV- ides complete training. Appli- cants are invited to call Mr. Car- lisle at AV. 5-1176 or AV. 5-2742. c1w13 HOUSEKEEPER or nursemaid, experienced. Must be fond of children_ Own self-contained ap- artment, char help kept. $100 a month, Willowdale vicinity. CLifiord 9-2371 before 5 pm. r c1w13 Phone or write Markham. S. Nicholson phone 200, N. Davis phone 741. tfc7 CAPONS, and fowl. highest pri- ces paid. Don’t sell until contact;- ing W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station. phone PRospect 3-5301. tfc27 TOP PRICES for your eggs, all sizes. For pick-up at your farm, phone Maple Egg GradingMStja: WILLIAMS SECRETARIAL SERVICE Public Stenographer. Bookkeep- ing, Letter Service, Manuscripts, Mimeégraphing. Phone TU. 4- 2208. 1’ no answer AV. 5â€"1812 unit iion, 267W HELP WANTED a STENOGRAPI-IiICfi , SERVICE Live poultyy. higygstA pfices CUSTOM KiLLING POULTRY WANTED WANTED Ontario 612w13 c2w12 c1w13 *1w13

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