m‘K‘x‘x‘: ( L‘g m Snow Tires m V/(zdz/‘dd/(ZQB W wam'wwu~.m~ " “ “MAW ? \A Z . \\\. o CLEANING g 5.5 . , . Eg-Radiator Serwc 2’3 MOUNTED FREE PLUS RECAPPABLE CASING PLANT NOW SHRUBS, EVERGREENS PEREIiNIALS & ALPINES . o. 1- Stock at REASONABLE PRICES Jones Gardem i INDUSTRIAL RD. TU. 4-2380 WE WILL PAY $1,000.00 CASH to the person who can prove that ATLAS FUEL OIL does not meet the industry‘s specificakions. ATLAS FUEL OILS LIMITED No. I FUEL Oll- NOW om 166‘?“ GAL REWARD SAVE 6’" In every respect, 'ATLAS FUEL OIL is equal in quality to every major brand of fuel oil, and meets all specifications and standards by which the industry officially grades oil. Any rumors or inferences to the contrary are instantly dis- proved by our guarantee: NEW TIRES $8.88 0N EVERY GALLON New Batteries $8.95 Head Ofï¬ce: 1402 Eglinton West â€" Phone RU. 3-4296 ELGIN MILLS Guaranlees Every Gallon RU. 3 - 4296 For Home Delivery on Weather-Controlied Phn of ATLAS FUEL 01L $1,000" PHONE COLLECT DAY OR NIGHT NEW TREADS Belated anniversary greetings to Mr. and Mrs_ James Williams, Can-ville Road, whose 20th wed- ding anniversary fell on Septem- ber 22. The news comes from Halifax. N.S., of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Alexan- der. Mervin is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Alexan- der of Richvale. v; Java-yuan... Mr; and Mrs. Jack Barton and John had supper Sunday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. David Bar- ton and Bonnie, Beverley Acres, on the occasion of Mr. Barton’s birthday. Mr. Tom Ferguson of Newtonbrook. visited Saturday evening at the Barton home. He played a recording of a dedicaâ€" tion of a banner in memory of his father in an Orange Lodge in Scotland. y- Mrs. Dorothy bray entertain- ed at a blue and pink shower for Mrs. Vivian Melnic, who received Several useful and dainty gifts: Mrs. Melnic was taken complete- ly by surprise. The ladies who were present were: Mrs. Carrie Williams. Mrs. Jane Bone, Mrs. Nancy Bone, Mrs, Jean DeiBroc- co, Mrs. Gladys Bulley. Mrs. Florence Wark, Mrs. Carol Mel- nic. Mrs. Sylvia Field and Mrs. M. Middleton. Mrs. DelBroceo assisted the hostess, Mrs. Gray, with tasty refreshments. Re Easter Lily Blooms Your correspondent received a phone call from Mrs. C. Gilroy. Mill Road, who said that her Easter Lily had ï¬ve beautiful waxy blooms on it. This sounds like something of a record at this time rot year. does it not? Mr. and Mrs. R. Middleton and Gretta and Nancy had dinner on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Middleton and son Glen of Doncaster_ family. MMi‘Iand Mrs. George ‘Blowing of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Williams and I have been wonderfully blessgd in being restored to active life after being crippled in nearly every joint in my body and with muscular soreness from head to foot. According to medical diag- nosis I had Rheumatoid Arthritis and other'forms of Rheumatism. For FREE information on how I obtained this wonderful relief write: MRS. LELA S. WIER We were sorry to hear of the death of Mrs_ Austin E. Lunau of Toronto recently, just six months after the death of her husband, the late Rev. A. E. Lunau. We would like to express sympathy to Mrs. A. Leech of Richmond Hill. . ShoWer The annual turkey supper will be held on Wednesday, October 29. Keep this in mind. It will be held at Carrvllle United Church hall. Read the coming events col- umn for particulars. It was a real pleasure for the teachers to go to their classes on Sunday, Rally Day when 27 boys and glrls were present. The Sun- day school is in need of more teachers. Maybe some of the young people would like to teach a Sunday school class. Turkey Supper hall. Read umn for 1 Sympathy The Carrville choir was in its place starting the'faii season of church activities and sang as their anthem, “Sunday, the best day of all." Sunday School Dr. Eddy had a ï¬ne sermon on Sunday‘on “God's greatest gift, His Son.†He also told an inspira- tional story on "Labels" to the children. ' Church N ates Communion Service Sunday, October 5. at Carrvllle United Church, Communion will be observed at 2.30 pm. CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.O.H. PARENTS AWAKE - IMMUNIZE - FOR YOUR CHILDREN’S SAKE During 1957, 20 Canadians died from Diphtheria. Imag- ine the suffering caused and the sadness incurred because some parents failed to have their children protected by Immunization. Life is prec- ious to everyone and the pro- tection of Life is a great responsibility of Parents_ Twenty Deaths Too Many DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK ARTHRITIS? 2805 Arbor Hills Drive . P. 0. Box 2695 ON â€"38 Jackson, Mississippi CORHderNDENT: MR3. BERT MIDDLETOA Telephone Maple 13033 CARRVILLE NEWS Pupils are busy practising for the school field day‘which will be held at Langstaff on October lst. This encourages the chil- dren to take part in competitive sports and is also to help select Langstaff representatives for the area field day which will be held at Powell Road School on October 8th. Any parents in the area who could provide trans- portation for the students to at- tend the field day are asked to contact the school. Pupils would te picked up at Langstaff at 1:15 pm. and after the events It Powell Road at 4:00. lat Langstafl Auxiliary An enjoyable meeting was held by the 1st Langstafi Moth- ers’ Auxiliary at the home of Mrs. Helen Sand. Scout Leader Mr. Humphry introduced Bob Speers, Craig Ellis, Jlm Perry, David Mitchell and Johnny Per- ry who told the ladies all about scout camp. Interesting ï¬lms were also shown. Refreshments were served. Langstaf! Baptist Church New Principal Urquhart reports that there are 10 c1usrboms in use at Langstaff this year and that it has been possible to ar- ‘range for five rooms having a single grade in each room. which is a great help both to the teacher and the pupils. Mrs. Zimmerman. an experienc- ed teacher formerly teaching at Scarboro, has replaced Miss Jones teaching Grade 1. In the Grade 1 and 2 room, Mrs. Clare from Norh York has replaced Mrs. Bergson, who is on a year's leave of absence. Miss Elliot, 3 new teacher on the staff. takes: over Grades 2 and 3. Mr. Coates! is in charge of the junior special room. ' Field Day This Friday evening is the start-off night for several of the church groups. The Lamplight- ers will meet at 7 o’clock, the Teens group at 7:30 and the choir practice will be held at 8 o'clock. All these meetings are held in the church. ’ Sunday, October 5th, is a very important Sunday for the pupils of Sabbath School. It will be the annual Promotion Sunday when the pupils move up to a higher class, and all the Sunday Scohol children are urged to be present. Mark Vaun WJ. “Citizenship and Education" is the theme of the October meet- ing to be held on Th'u'sday. Oct. 2nd, at the home of Mrs. M. Holt, Garden Avenue. Personals Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. R. Curtis, No. 7 Highway. on _the. birth of a~\baby girl. v u<â€"-- Anniversary congratulations to Mr. and‘Mrs. W. Palmer, and Mr. and Mrs. N. Hicks, who cele- brated their anniversaries on September 17th and 18th respec- tively. Marlen Wake, No. '7 Highway, celebrated her birthday on Sat- urday of last week by enter- taining her friends at a supper party. Among those present were Rebecca Snoddon, Janet Grant, Bonnie Mountjoy, Cathy Wright, Anne Sherman, Rita Goulet, and Gerald Charles, Bruce Palmer. Bill Lockhart, John Duke and Bill Roy. “Lav . ___ _.-_, . Philip WeaJers. Boyle Drive, celebrated his birthday on Sep- tember 17th. Members of the Institute will meet at the home of Claire Will- ett, Fairview Ave†on Wednes- day, October 8. for their regular meeting. Highlight of the even- ing will be the draw for the hand- made quilt which will be held on the lawn at 9 p.n1. Anyone inter- ested is invited to be present for the draw. Girl Guide News By Gloria Gillett We wish to thank all the peop- le of Langstaï¬ and Uplands who helped to make our basket col- lection a success. We have four patrols in our Guide Company and every other week. yours truly will put the names of one patrol in the paper. We had ten new girls join us last week and we hope they will like the activities of the Guide movement and will be good guides in the future. The Tenderfoot Guides are busy passing their tests so they can be enrolled as guides soon. Will keep you posted every two weeks and hope you will like our col- umn. School News Langstaff Schgpl New? Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wark and David, Mr. and Mrs. James Hob- day and ,Mx'ss Dorothy Hobday visited on Wednesday evening to help Patricia Back celebrate her ï¬rst birthday, Patricia is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Back and sister of Douglas Back and Terry and Peter Hob- day. to Mrs. E. Lepke}. No. 7 HTghway who had a birthday on Tuesday September 30th. School will be closed on Mon- day, October 13th. Thanksgiving Day. The annual Teachers’ Con- ference this year will be held on October 17th. Teachers under Mr. McLean's and Mr. Hallman's in- spectorates will be going togeth- er, Further news at a later date, Personals Brian Stiver. Sussex Avenue. celebrated his fourth birthday last Saturday and entertained his playmates at a party. Belat3d_b§rhtday greetings also Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton and daughters Carol and Judy Ash- ton of Pickering Beach visited Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gray and fam- ily on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Hale returned recently from a three mouths’ holiday iq England. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kirk and daughters of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Kirk. LANGSTAFF Correspondent: Mrs. M. J. Roy AV. 6-2808 Rev. W. J. Burton of Kettleby who served us so faithfully last. year, preached‘a very meaning- ful sermon. A social time later in the Sunday School room, wound up a wonderful day for all of us. The church had ben exquisitely decorated for the services by Mrs. George Barker and Mrs. Freeman Barker, the flower committee of the church. _ Anniversary time always means guests in many homes in Head- ford. Spending Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Leek and their family were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Leek of Gormley, Miss Quantz of Toronto. and Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Leek of Mt. Albert. Mrs. Wm. Weilman entertained Rev. Mr. Brignall at dinner; also Mrs. Geo. Friends and neighbours of Mrs. Sage. Proctor Avenue, are sorry to hear that she is in Women’s College Hospital and wish her a speedy recovery. Happy birthday to Beverley McKenzie, Clarke Ave., who cel- ebrated her second birthday on September 18. A Welcome to the neighbour- hood is extended to Mr. and Mrs. F. Aimone and children, 28 Proc- tor Ave., who moved here from North Agay. Henderson Ave. Hom'e and School is holding a fun fair in October at the school, Parents are asked to help by collecting rummage or white elephants, which will be picked up later. _ A bridal shower was given by Miss Phylis Watterson, Clarke Avenue, for Miss Margaret Gup~ py on Saturday, September 20. Twenty-ï¬ve guests attended. Miss Guppy and Edward Clague, for- merly of Doncaster, will be mar- ried on September 27. _ For the evening servica also, there was a good congregation, with music supplied by a boys“ choir with Rev. Wesley Hunnisett of the Fred Victor Mission, and his_ orchestra and pianist. Belated birthday greetings to Kim Edwards, Morgan Avenue, who celebrated her second birth- day on September 16. Happy birthday to Steven Monkman. Morgan Avenue, who will be six years old on Septem- ber 30. Steven is having a birth- day party on September 27. _ Fourteen Brownies from the 3rd Thornhill pack spent the week end of September 19, at Camp Samac. Oshawa. 0n Tues- day. September 23, at a cere- mony held at Henderson Ave. School, ï¬ve Brownies flew up in- to Guides. Sunday, with its perfect wea- ther. was anniversary. the 76th, at Headford Church. For the morning service. with Rev. Wm. Brignall, BA... B.D.. of Udora as guest preacher, the church was well ï¬lled. Headfm'd's choir. with Mrs. Stewart Rumble at the pi- ano, gave two beautiful numbers. Birthday wishes are extended to Bonnie Lynn Lockhart. Mor- gan Avenue, who will celebrate her 14th birthday on Saturday, September 27. The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to the bereaved parents of Donald Brunott. three years old, who died early Tues- day morning. September 23, 1958. the victim of leukemia. He was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Brunott, 48 Morgan Ave.. Don- caster. The funeral was held from the home last Thursday. Interment In St. Luke’s Roman Catholic Cemetery, Thornhlll. On Tuesday last, Mrs. Wm. Wellman and Mrs. Acreman at- tended the Fall Rally of the W. MS. of York Presbytery held in Trinity United Church. Newman-k- et. In the Bible Study. Dr. Win- nifred Thomas spoke on “Reluc- tant missionaries". Miss Annie Bishop, community and immigra- tion worker for the W.M.S. said that she has also been given charge of the work with Senior Citizens. Mrs. E. W. Hickson, Do- minion Board Secretary of Liter- ature and Mrs. Gardhouse. pres- ented a new list of interesting reading. The afternoon session had the needs for new candidates most ably presented by Mrs. H. L, Pottle, Conference Branch Sec- retary. introduced by Mrs. Haber McCague. A panel discussion with Mrs. Hodgson of Kettleby as mod- erator. brought an inspiring day to a close. ‘ 76gb Apniversary of Church Fa!) Rally SAME DAY SERVICE Oak Ridges Ontario PR. 3-5471 EM. 8-9559 RELIANCE SERVICE STATION Open 7 tun. - Victor Draper Agencie: DONCASTER @hituarp TELEVISION Radio â€" Washer Repair Service 12 Midnight DAILY Correspondent David Bubour Henderson Ave. Phone AV. 5-5205 Conversion To 60 Cycle CORRESPONDENT: MRS. H. ALREMAN R. R. 4 Connie: - Phone ‘I’Urner (-2236 HEADFORD NEWS There were special tfeat; in the form of solos by Mr. Howard Ba- ker. accompanied by his wife. -r -_...... Mrs. William Wellman. Mrs. Acreman and Mrs. Roy Glover. Accompanied Mrs. Freeman Bark- er and Mrs. Geo. Barker to the meeting of "District 5â€. Ontario Homioulturel Association. The so- ciety at Stouï¬ville were hosts, with the meeting held in the Ma- sonic Hall. Beautiful displays from the various branches were on view, together With the entries in the bird house and poster com- petitions. Mr. St. Clair Tennant, president of O.H.A. spoke, com- menting on the splendid secret- arial reports given earlier in the eVening. He specially mentioned the junior societies. whose num- bers are increasing Arapldly. The new styles just arrived from New York and Montreal are now glowing on our many hat trees. The colors are irresistible, the shapes fabulous flatterers, their trimmings the lush-est! Choose the high-style higher crowns, ‘blouson’, cloches or .the pretty petite chapeaux in cloud-soft melusinetituj velour and velvets, 'VIsmng onm'i'uesday with his aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. E1- mer Leek. was Danny Denby of Thornhm. At Madeleine's you’re sure to ï¬nd the shape and shade just right for you -- do plan to come in soon for the best selection. The new Costume Jewelry in 'sunset' Aurora â€" a soft topaz tone and ‘iceblue' Aurora is a must for every fashion-wise Madame. Lorraine andilqurray Acreman were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Knabpett and their fam- llyr of Belhaven. Birthday greetings to Mrs. Nor- man Brodie for WednesdAy. Octo- ber 8. . Headford ladies are invited to be present at the 70th anniversary of the W.M.S. of Melville, at the church at 2:30 p.m. Dr. Margaret Arlrlnstalg‘ 3:111 be the speaker. Among recent visitors at the Acremans were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Porter of Iondale Heights, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Jones. and Mr. an_d Mrs. Stan Gay of Toronto. Tï¬e Brodie family‘ï¬h‘d as guest Mrs. Lionel Middleton, formerly ’of Headford. _ Dean of Thornhill. Miss Rosier and Miss Emma Barker of Toron- to, and Mrs. Walter Cook and her daughter of Willowdale. I bus Itopl below city limits Mllllnery a: Acceuorlel 3319 YONGE ST. (at I'm-lawn) EU. 8-5406 Over 1,000 New Fall Hats TRY LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS “THE LIBERAL" PHONE TU. 4-1105 SOMETHING TO SELL SOMETHING TO RENT SOMETHING WANTED main/.1» 1 9 mm. to 6 pm. Friday till ! p.m. MaJeflzine THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, October 2, "Do you get hungry, thirsty, tired at Markham Fair?" The Lions invite you to visit their booth Sit down and enjoy their refreshments. Friday and Saturday, October 3 and 4 LARGE FACTORY CLEANUP ENABLES US TO OUTFIT YOUR FAMILY WITH SHOES AT A VERY SUBSTANTIAL SAVING. STRETCH YOUR DOLLARS WITH THESE SHOE BARGAINS. ALL SISMAN QUALITY IN TRAVELLERS’ SAMPLES, ETC. WORK BOOTS, OXFORDS & SCAMPERS. LOCATION PSouth-East End. of Main Building. Shoe Clearance Sale Markham-Unionville Lions Club BAKER'S LEATHER SHOP LANGSTAFF ROAD AT DUFFERIN ST‘ PHONE AV. 5-2403 ‘. 1958