Personals “ Mrs. A. W. Lawrie spent most of last week attending the gif show held. in the automotiv building on the ONE. grounds. She was the house guest in Tor- onto of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Graham. Mrs. Lawrie reports the articles for Christmas and other special occasions on display were more varied and attractive than ever. Among former Maple-ites glim- psed from out-of~t0wn who at- tended the reception for Mr. and Mrs. Bowman \verez' Mrs. Austin Robinson of Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. William Robertson and Mr. Bruce Robertson from New Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Constable from Newmanket. Mr. and Mrs. Had- win McQu‘arrie of Aurora, Mr. and Mrs. Neil McDonald. Toron- to Mrs. J. B. McLean and Mr. and Mrs. James McLean of Toronto, M.L.A.. A. A. MacKen'zic and Mrs. William Dalziel of Woodbridge, Miss Edith Jackson and Miss Joan Constable of Toronto, and many others. Congratulations to Linda Reid on her appearance on Uncle Jer- ry's TV program in Buffalo on Sunday. Linda, a‘ ï¬ne young voc- alist. has entertained many in the community with 'her singing and all are pleased to know she had the opportunity to appear before such a wide audience. Mr. Peter Walter of Folly Farm. has left for the University of Western Ontario. London. Onâ€" tario. where he is enrolled for the coming term. He graduated from Upper Canada College this past June. Mr. and Mrs. Bari-y P. Hoyes. Non'e‘xilm Farm. have’ returned from a month's vacation in Eng- land. - ‘ Community and School Club Maple Community and School Club held its ï¬rst meeting at the George Bailey Public School on Wednesday. October 1. During the business meeting it was de- cided to cater to the KKVW girls softball league banquet next‘ month. It was also agreed to send a letter to the Lions: Safely Com- mittee asking to see what can be done about re-routing trucks oil? Keelc St. Reeve of Uxbridge Township looks on. _The ï¬rst water control scheme to be completed by the Metropolitan Toronto & Region Conservation Authority was officially opened this week at Goodwood. 10 miles northeast of Stouffville. With MTRCA and municipal offic- ials attending. The $35,000 project known as WC-l is designed to drain accumulated run-off from the area which sits in ‘3. depression. During peak flooding, an estimated 22,000,000 gallons of water inundate a portion of the Good- wood‘ area. It's the ï¬rst of a total of 14 water control schemes Clll‘l‘cllllf.’ being undermE-zén by the Authority. to 8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontariofl Thursday, October Mame, Concord & Edgeley Districts The ‘former Helen Irene Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Keith Thomas and the late Mr. Thomas of Maple, smiles radi- antly as she poses with her husband Norman, son of .Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hamilton, of Schomberg, following their marriage in Hope United Church, Sepâ€" Maple Notes The Liberal is always willing to publishjnterestlng items renudlng people and events contributed by Its readers in Maple. Concord 8: Edzeley districts. Our representative in Maple is Mrs. R. Manning. Maple 621123; in Concord. Mrs. Ruth Keï¬er. AV. 5-2375: and in Edgeley. Mrs. Raymond Stuart. AV. 5-1934. )ï¬â€˜icial ribbon while Dr. G. Ross the Authority and Earl Doswell, Mrs. J. Wismer introduced Miss L. Cameron. grade 1 teacher, who took over the program at short notice after Miss Maddin. who was scheduled to recite had bro- ken her leg and was unable to be present. Miss Cameron gave an interesting talk about work done in grade 1, methods used in teaching reading. counting, and instruction. expression, and many other facets of grade 1 work. She demonstrated her remarks with teaching aids she had brought along. , Mission Band The Mission Band of St. An- drew‘s Presbyterian Church met on Saturday with the vice-presi- dent Marilyn Bryce in the chair. After the scripture lesson by Jane Morris. two hymns and a prayer, the secretary's report by Elizabeth Walker, the treasurer‘s report by Sheena McDonald. and a “Busy Bee Stoy" read by Lyn- da Ingram, the leader Mrs. J. R. Morris presented a chapter of the study book on Japan with the theme, “Friends Helpin’g one an- other." The girls all signed a card to send to Mrs. E. Kel‘fer and hope she will soon be well. The members took home Christ- 1 as cards to sell and one of them may be calling on you shortly. Mrs. S. Cleworth mentioned the fact some children were very carless in riding bicycles on the sidewalks and knocking over pe- destrians. Mr. J. Outram reported on a survey taken in his class which showed a number of child- ren came to school with little or no breakfast. He urged mothers to do something about the situ- ation. Attendance and collection went to Mr. Outram's class. Members of St. Stephen’s Wo- men's Association are asked to remember the meeting and show- er to be held at Mrs. H. Bryan's home on Friday evening. October 10. at 8 pm. Gifts are to be brought for sale at the bazaar of the association this fall. Thanksgiving services with spe- cial music will be held in all the churches in the community. At St. Andrew’s Presbyterian. Rev. Fred Douglas of Toronto, will be the guest preacher. tember 20, 1958. The double ring wed- ding ceremony wag peg‘fprmgd by_ReX.‘ H. W. Davies, assisted by Rev. A. G. Donald of Willowdale. Following a wed- ding trip to Northern Ontario the young couple are now residing in their new home near Schomberg. of MTRCA Club is arranging a display of their last project “Clothes Clos- ets Up To Date" at Woodbridge Fair this week end. Under the direction of their club leaders, Mrs. R. J. Darlington and Mrs. Fred Bodker. the project which the girls displayed at Newmark- et at their achievement day dem- onstration, is bound to attract both the young and the older age groups. In keeping with their project, their display will consist of a room furnished with a tiny hand-made doll dresser complete with mirror which was made in 1897 by the father of Mrs. Joe Darlington of Woodbridge. On the dreSSer will be displayed bed- room accessories whilein a tiny clothes closet hangs clothes on covered hangers and a shoe pack. Teen age dolls seated realistically about the room seem to bring to life this scene which Miss Wilda Gordon, York County home ec~ onomist has asked the girls to display at the Women’s Institute Area Convention to be held at the Royal York Hotel on Novem- Mrs. Allan‘ Bagg and Norma Jean of Alliston. accompanied by Mrs. Garnet Kef’fer. enjoyed a shopping trip in Toronto on Fri- day of last week. Mrs. Karen Glahn of Bront‘e spent the week end with her son- in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bodker and family. Many happy returns of the day is wished Mrs. C. J. Agnew and Miss Ella Whitmore, October '7, and Mrs. James Ash. October 12. 4-H “Girls Display At Woodbridge Congratulations and best wish- es to Mr. and Mrs. A. Tomkow who afe celebrating their [wed- ding anniversary on October 12. Mr. -Bill Sullivan of Weston was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Stuart and Miss Gladys Mc- Givery on Sathrday evening. Miss Sandra Cross of Concord visited with Miss McGivery dur- ing the week-end. Wedding bells are ringing for Miss Sonia Bodker of Edqeley and Mr. Neil Penna of Scarboro. Their'marriage will take place the end of November. g About 16 members of the Edge- Iey Women’s Institute and their husbands enjoyed a (ï¬nner pagty on Thursday evening of last week at the Summit Restaurant in Richmond Hill and afterwards joined in a few games of Court Whist under the' convenorship of Mrs. J. A. Spencer. Mrs. Chas. Agnew and Mrs. George Mai‘ns. Bowling Mr. and Mrs. George Mains attended the P "lips-Scott wedâ€" ding in Woodbr dge on Saturday afternoon. ‘ I The regular game of the Edge- ley-Concord League on Friday night ï¬nds B. Boake with a high of 227. Nora Mitchell 250. Will- ard Young 276. Bill Hawkesworth 256. Bernice Young 233. Ken Mc- Kay 239 and David Young. sub~ hing for June Young 235. The high for the night was Pat As- bury with, a score of 301. hailed a passing motorist. would-be thief escaped into grounds of the nearby This town branch of the Hospital Sick Children. NORTH YORK : Mrs. Mary Young of Larchmore Ave.. North York, foiled an attempted hold- up last week when a hitch-hiker she had picked up attempted to steal her wallet at gun-point. Mrs. Young grabbed the wallet off the â€"â€" Photo by Lagerquist 9. 1958 Edgeley Socials tle- for ne The Carrville choir had only three members present.,but sang very well, their anthem was “I believe in God the Father." Boys are welcome in choir too. so come on and help out. Practice is on Saturday afternoon. ".n. The Carrville United Church Woman’s Association held their October meeting at the home of Mrs. J. A. Baker on Wednesday evening with 14 ladies present; 2J__L There were 18 present for Sunday School. We hope the other boys and girls will be back and become regular in attendance from now on. y-vv-uvw v-vâ€" v» _, The meeting opened with the theme hymn “Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me." then all repeating The Lord's Prayer. Then hymn 23 “When all thy mercies, 0 my God,â€_'was sung. .._.rr-~. Mrs, Baker extended on behalf of the Thornhill W.M.S., an in~ vitation to their Thankoï¬ering meeting, having as their guest speaker, Miss Muriel Stevenson on October 14. The Maple W.M.S. also had an invitation by letter for the ladies of Carrville to attend their W.M.S. Thankoffering meeting on October 21 and their guest speak- er is to be Mrs. Struthers. a deaconess from Fred Victor Mis- sion. TheNovember meeting of the WA. is to be held at Mrs. R. Kirks home, each lady is to bring a friend, and we are to have Mrs. Fockler, as guest speaker. On Tuesday. the twenty-third of September Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald M. Smith of Concord. cel- ebrated their silver wedding an- niersary by attending a dinner with their son; Allan and Edward and friends of the family at the “Town and Country". The fol- lowing Saturday saw the couple feted by the relatives of the bride in Harmony Hall, Vars. Ont. The rector. Rev. Allan Rogers, 1 for- A large congregation was pres- ent at Carrville United Church at the fall communion service. Dr. Eddy was in change._ v V M;§:°J.VMEE;Nen, the ï¬resident. presided oygr the meeting. "4“. .LL- --..r..., 7 Mrs, A. Read read the explana- tion then Mrs. McEwen led in prayer. Miss E. Sheppard read a very appropriate story on "The Crown of Goodness.†The ways and means committee are having a meeting at the home of Mrs. J. Barton.‘ convener, to price the various articles there will be for sale in the bazaar at the turkey supper. The W. A. purchased Mrs. Baker's piano for the Sunday School. to replace the one lost in the ï¬re last fall. The plans for the turkey supper menu 'were completed and how much and what is expected of each member. The supper to be held on Wed- nesday. October 29. .. .._....-°. . -__c, Miss Dorothy Baker read the scripture Esalrp 96.. u Incl clca, v The devotional "Thanksgiving." AIIJ uvu ’the'i-HE The WA. have Christmas cards for sale again this year.‘ The meeting clos:d with hymn 578 “Sing to the Lord of Harvest.†and Mrs. McEwen closed with prayer. The hostess Mrs. Baker assist- ed by her daughter Dorothy, Mrs. Read and Mrs. Kirk, served very tasty refreshments. bringing a lovely evening to_ a dose. Mrs. Geo. Pitts, Carl-ville Rd. west is in St. Michael's hospital and pleased to report she came through her operation on Friday ï¬ne and is coming along ï¬ne. her many friends wish her continued progress and hope her stay in hospital is of short duration. Thanksgiving 9r, and family. Mrs. Bob Middle- ton had a birthday that day. She and Bob were present too for dinner. In Hospital Alf Bagg left for Chicago, Ill- inois, U.S.A. and the Internat- ion'al Dairy- Show on Monday morning. where he has entered in the Jersey Show three head of cattle that were prize winners at this year's Canadian Natioanl Exhibition. His son, Norman. left by plane for Chicago on Monday night to be on hand to assist Ali in the show ring on Tuesday. Thé Bert Middleton's had din- ner Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jordan. Doncast- Next Sunday at Camille Unit- ed Church Thanksgiving will be observed. anyone having vege- tables or fruit please take it Sat- urday afternoon to decorate for Sunday. The choir will have suitable music for the occasion. Turkey Supper on Wednesday. October 29 is the Annual Turkey supper at Carrville. Please see coming events for more particulars. Birthdays Mr. 8. Mrs. D. Smith Celebrate Silver Wedding Anniversary , Edgeley Cattle At International Belated greetings to Teddy Bowstead who celebrated his 10th birthday on Thursday. October 27 Hope you had a nice day Teddy Min Jill Nunn celebrates her llt‘n birthday next Saturdav October 11. A real coincidenca 11 years on the 11th of the mouth. a very happy birthday Jill. _ CORRESPONDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETON Telephone Maple 130R: CARRVILLE NEWS ‘1'8777 present {or Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davis and daughter Nancy. Miss Lorna Wat- son, Mr. John Davis of Toronto and Mr. Mark Davis of Beverley Acres, visited on Saturday even- ing, following the wedding of Mr. Gene Davis. at the Barton home. 80m Birthday A birthday we were sorry to have missed was the 80th birth- day of Mr. James Hobday, whose birthday was in August. We hope you are spared for many more and continue to enjoy good health. Fly to Baltimore We were very interested to hear that Mr. and Mrs. Luigi Del Brocco Sn, and daughter Vir- ginia, flew to Baltimore, Mary- lar'id, just recently to visit Mr. Del Brocco’s brother. They visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Del Brocco at the week end and re- ported a lovely trip. mer pupil of the bride. was mast- er of ceremonies. St. Andrews Guild prepared a surprise an- niversary supper with forty guests enjoying traditional wedding cake and wine. Guests included those from Lafargeville. N.Y.. Carleton Place, Cornwall, Kemptville2 Ot- tawa, Toronto and Vars. At both these events the couple were the recipients of many gifts and best wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wilson and daughters Myra Jane and Betty Ann Wilson of Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Barton, on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Wilson attended the wedding of Mrs. Muriel Melson‘s daughter, Shirley-to Mr. Gene Davis of To- ronto at St. Stephen’s United Church, Mrs. Wilson was soloist at the wedding. - Kathy and Karen Wood, daugh- ters of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wood. Carrvllle Rd.. spent the week end with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. W. Collins, Crestwood AVe. Willowdale. NORTH YORK : It was suggested that ï¬nes for infractions of by- laws in North York be raised. Mr. Quinnell. Chief Building Inspec- tor, suggested that the maximum ï¬ne be raised from $50 to $300. Birthday greetings to Michael Bulley who is celebrating his 3rd birthday Tuesday, October 7. Happy birthday Michael. Miss Dorothy Baker is to be a birth- day supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bulley and Michael. Alf Bagg of Edgeley captured many prizes in the Jersey Show last week, winning ten ï¬rst priz- es. ï¬ve second prizes and three third prizes, His ï¬ve year old grandson, Randy. who has ex- hibited calves at several fairs this year. and feels quite at home in the show ring. took third prize with his calf. while Randy‘s fa- ther. Norman, judged the 4-H projects on Friday. Socials Alf Bagg Wins At Markham Fair Norman. who is at the top of the list of prominent Jersey show judges. will be in Erin on Saturday of this week to judge the Jersey show there. so both are building up bank accounts THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY Nowédays, practically everybody has a bank account. ' Lastyearalone. forward-looking Canadians opened 450,000 new deposit accounts in the chartered banksâ€"almost as many as the increase in population. The owners of today‘s 11 million accounts St. Andrews‘. Maple and St. Paul‘s. Vaughan congregations ga- thered to pay tribute to the Rev. Charles H. Bowman and Mrs. Bowman â€" they presented them with a gift of money. a handsome television set. a floor lam a bou- quet of radiant. red rosebu s. and testimonies of regard for the shepherding Mr. Bowman has given through sad and happy times, through depression and ab- undance,.and from birth to death. Mr. Bowman thanked the donors Mr. Cameron then introduced Rev. E. A. Thomson. clerk of the General Assembly of the Presby- terian Church who has been a friend of Mr. Bowman's since col- lege days, Mr. Thomson emphas- ized “the unstained honor†and the steadfastness of Mr. Bowman's character as well as the affection he had for him personally. He regretted illness was forcing re- tirement several years earlier than had been anticipated, but stated the church at large would need and use his services in many ways for many years to come. Mr. Herbert Constable, who was one of the ï¬rst children bap-' tized by Mr. Bowman as he be, gan his ministry in this commun- ity, was asked by Mr. Cameron to take charge of the presentations from the congregations. Mr. John It was a. memorable occasion last Wednesday evening. October lst as nearly three hundred persons gathered in the small. brick country church, St. Paul's Presbvter- ian on the seventh concession of Vaughan. The occasion, witnessed perhaps once in a lifetime. was the bidding of farewell at the time of retirement to a pastor and friend of thirty-three years standing. Other ministers present were Rev. J. N. Hepburn of Richmond Hill. Rev. Wm. Weir and Mrs, Weir of Brampton, Rev. Marshall Jess and Mrs. Jess of Bolton. and Mr. William McDonald and Mr. Thomas Geggie. elders from the West Toronto Presbytery. Gifts Presented After this Mr. Archie Cameron, clerk of ’session, presided as mas- ter of ceremonies. He called upon the moderator of West Toronto Presbytery, Rev. J. G. McGilliv- ray of Toronto, who with Rev. M. E. Burch of Mimico. clerk of Presbytery. attended as official representatives of Mr. Bowman‘s fellow presbyters. Mr. McGillivray spoke of Mr. Bowman's long and devoted ser- vice to the two churches. He ex- tolled his simplicity and_ humility in putting the church before all else. At the conclusion of his words he presented to Mr. Bew- man a purse of $100.00 from the Presbytery. Clerk of General Assembly The ï¬nest in floral designs and bedding plants. Phone Maple 2 Keele Street. Maple, Ont. B. W. Miller in his customary. gentle manner and invited all to visit them in their new home in Niagara Falls. Inspiring Service The service was opened with a hymn led by St. Paul's choir with Miss Freda Constable at the or- gan. The 'scripture reading and prayer was by Rev. Robert Man- ning of High Park Church, Tor- onto. who entered the ministry while a member of Mr. Bowman‘s congregatiOn. Following the de- votional Mr. Jack Nattress of No- bleton sang. GROWER â€" FLORIST SELL, BUY, BARTER THROUGH LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS PHONE TU. 4-1105 '0", our Slnce 1880 McGillivray. oldest member of the congregation. presented a bill- {010 containing $1300.00 from the combined charges; Mr. William Ingram unveiled a large TV set. a floor lamp was brought forward by Mr. George Bishop. superin- tendent of St. Paul's Sunday school. and a bowl of red roses by Sheena McDonald. young dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- Donald. who on presenting the roses to Mrs. Bowman made a graceful curtsy. Mrs. Bowman. who wore a pretty red and white corsage on her beige ensemble, was the for- mer Mary McQuarrie, and. as Mr. Thomson mentioned, she has successfully ï¬lled the difficult role of “being mistress" of the manse in her own home town." Mrs. Bowman, in a quiet way has maintained an interest in the ac- tivities of the congregation. es- pecially in the missionary society and the children of the church. Following the presentations. friends gathered round the Bow- mans to express their individual good wishes. Friends. old and new, came from many parts of the province as did relatives. Serving as ushers were Mr. Andrew Snid- er and Mr. Mel White from St. Andrew's and Mr. Archie Camer- on Jr. and Mr. Elmer Bryson from St, Pauls. The church was decorated with varicolored gladioli by the ladlss of the congregations, and a has- ket of giant dahlias presented by the Bowman family from Niagara Falls. 'rJ. Refreshments were served by the ladies of the two congrega- tions in the Sunday School room. Platters of dainty sandwiches, re- lishes, and delicious cakes and cookies were enjoyed served from a ‘long table atractively decorated with fall flowers know a bank is the safe, convenian pleasant place to build up funds for every need and purpose. ' They know, too, that in a chartered bank you deal with skilled, friendly people, ready to help with all your banking. SEE AND TEST CANADA'S GREATEST CHAIN SAW VALUE TODAY STAN TROYER ONLY PIONEER GIVES "PROVEN QUALITY" FOR SO LITTLE COST RICHMOND HILL, ONT. PIONEER‘SAWSKLTD. manna: PETERBOROUGH ONT. owman A SUBSIDIARY OF THE OUTBOARD MARINE CORPORATION OF CANADA lTD. Socials Mrs. J. Baron and daughter Lisa. attended a birthday for Run- dy Baillie. who celebrated his 5th birthday on September 30. ' Sorry? to éee that Lorney Whaley has run into a limo A“- ficulty and will be on crutches for a few months. Guides And Brownies The lst Concord Brownie Pack and 1st Concord Guide Company will hold the annual fly-up cer- emony on Tuesday evening, Oct- ober 14, at the school. This ill be the first year that Co cord has held its own ceremony. Moth- ers of the Brownies who are fly- ing up are invited to attend this important and impressive cerem- ony in which the girls take great pride in participating. Bowling The Concord Edgpley Bowling League turned in 5"“ "W" ‘ scores again this week. High tripple for men goes w u- . gerald with his 197-250-285 for 732. For the ladies the honor goes to Mary Pembleton with her 231-241-254 for 726. The cash prize for the high single bame of the evening goes to Pat Asb- ury with her fine game of 301. Other high scores for the night were Jim Atkins 281 (flat). Will- ard Young 276, Kay Fitzgerald 259 and 257. Bert Knowles 257 and 255, Bill Hawksworth 256. Fred Rumney and Tom Bryce 255. Nora Mitchell and Tom Green with 250 each. The league stand- ings show Jack Fitzgerald's In- dians.pulling further out in front with 17 points. The Lions are second withl3. tied for third are Cubs and Wildcats with 12, Hor- nets fourth with 10, Bearcats ï¬fth with 9. Tigers with 6 and the Bruins last With 5 points. SERVE 4 GENERATIONS David Mclean Ltd. “ Concord N otes