Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Oct 1958, p. 13

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. TherE will also be slight chan- ges in Long Distance rates In the Thé above rates will also ap- ply to the Maple and Unlonville exghanges. The increase for one party flat rate business service is 60 cents monthly. which ould make the rate $8.00 3 mon 11. Increases of 15 cents a month (or two party residence telephone service in Richmond Hill and of 25 cents for one party residence service becomes effective Novem- ber 1, 1958, following an order .of the Board of Transport Comâ€" missioners for Canada issued on October 10, 1958, Mr. J. C. Gar- side, Bell Telephone Company manager, here, announced. 24 Elizabeth St. N Richmond Hill Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1312 GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED Complete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service R. R. 1 Willowdale HU. 5-1313 ME NEW 1958 MODELS to be sold' at greatly reduced prices! SEE YOUR DODGE-DE SOTO DEALERS, IN RICHMOND HILL TORONTO-DOMINION SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED and CLEANED FRANK PASSER We Must Clear The Decks For 1959 MODELS! We have a few HERBERT R. BUTT trustworthy eyes at m If you have a banking problem, it's nice to know there are a people you can rely on for sound judgment and advice. Over the years Toronto-Dominion people have gained wide ex- perience in all phases of banking. So, if you’re thinking of opening a savings account or are faced with a more complex banking problem, why not place that problem in the hands of experienced people who can give you sound, helpful, trust- worthy advice? New customer or oldâ€"we’ll be happy to help you. Drop in to your nearest Toronto-Dominion branch soon. WM. NEAI. Phone TU. 4-2091 Dependable Associated With Service THE BANK THAT LOOKS AHEAD Telephone RICHMOND HILL BRANCH H. R. LUDLOW. Manager (flat rate) . . . . 7.40 8.00 P.B.X Trunk . 11.10 12.00 Ext. telephone . 1.25 1.25 1 Party line . . . . 2 Party line . . . . Ext. telephone . Business 1 Party line A comparison of the present and new rates for typical classes of service in Richmond Hill, Map- le and Unionville follows: Residence The three exchanges mentioned above will enjoy a reduction in long distance station-to-station rates to Toronto. 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto ME. 5-1000 Toronto EMpire 2-3456 Pres't New Inc. 3.90 4.15 .25 3.10 3.25 .15 1.00 1.00 nil .60 :10 Stokes Chamberlain is presi- dent of this year‘s association. H. C. Macklin is secretary, and Andrew MacClure of Woodbridge is tréasurer. David McLean Ltd. SUCCESS IS NATURAL AT Alvin Kennedy’s farm, one mile north of Nobleton, on No. 27 Highway, will be the scene of the annual King - Vaughan Plow- ing Match. that will be held on October 215t, by King-Vaughan Plowman's Association. Two utility classes instead of one, will be put on this year. This is a speedy class, without handling, and is interesting and exciting. October 2| Date King - Vaughan Plowing Match The film was based on another book by the same author and in- cluded a number of the same characters as he uses here. It is now playing on television, so if you .would like a preview of the flavour and suspense that await you in this new book by George, Simenon, make it a point to see the film first. What might make this book more interesting is the fact that Inspector Maigret is a character that was portrayed by actor Charles Laughton in the film “Man on the Eiffel Tower." He co-starred in this dramatic thrill- er with Franchot Tone, who plays the maniacal killer pursued by Maigret to his death from the Paris landmark, the Eiffel tower. Movie Characters Used In New Book On another page of this issue in the regular column describing new books at the Richmond Hill Library, a paragraph is devoted to describing “None of Maigret’s Business.” a story about Inspect- or Maigret of the Paris Spritie. The nominating committee pro: duces the slate of officials to be elected and gives approval or otherwise to applications _ for membership. There are close to 100 Canadian members. Membership of 700 includes delegates representing every phase of industrial development endeavour from Alaska to Porto Rico, Canada and the Philippines. The 1958 Conference was held at Atlanta. Georgia, and the 1959 convention is booked for Mont- real. Industrial Commissioner Rob- ert G. Langford of Richmond Hill has recently been appointed a member of the “Nominating Committee" of the American In- dustrial Development Council with headquarters at Newark. Delaware, U.S.A. H-TOII Announcement was made of the personnel of the various presby- tery committees. Convenors of these committees are: Christian Education, Rev. D. E. C. MacLean, Keswick; Colleges and Students, Prof. John Macpherson, Toronto; Home Missions, Rev. Norman Pick, Markham: Missionary and Maintenance, Rev. Robert J. B. McNaught, Queensville: Informa- tion and Stewardship, Rev. Dun- can White, Newmarket. OverseaslMissions, Miss L. Ha- mer, Aurora; ‘Property and Boun- A fitting tribute was paid to the memory of Rev. Dr. Archer Wallace by Rev. Martin Jenkin- son. Dr. Wallace had been a col- orful and respected person in connection with Sunday school publications for many years and had been a member of York Pres- bytery prior to his death this past summer. Convenors AV. 5-4991 The chairman constituted the meeting and called for the intro- duction of newly arrived minis- ters into the presbytery. This in- cluded the following ministers: W. Harold Davies. Maple; John Barnhard, Zephyr; J. Sheridan Bole, Schomberg; Donald R Jay, Uxbridge; Roscoe Chapin, Union- ville; W. A. Westcott, Sutton West; E. W. Jewitt. Newmarket; and Mr. George Symon in charge of the Indian work on Georgina Island. Devotions were conducted by Rev. Dr. John Line, B.D., S.T.D.. former professor of Emmanuel Theological college and now re- tired assistant minister of St. Clair Avenue United church. To- ronto. His theme, The Kingdom of God â€"â€" Devotion. was present- ed in a thought-provoking and meditative manner. Following this message the Sacrament of Holy Communion was observed with Rev. Jenkinson and Rev. Davis in charge. Four elders of the Stoui’fville United church as- sisted in this service. The ,chairman of Presbytery, Rev. Douglas G. Davis. Stoufiville was installed into this office in an impressive ceremony by the retiring chairman, Rev. Martin Jenkinson of King City. During this ceremony a 'stole, designed for the official use of the chair- man, was presented by Elgin Ev- ans, Newmarket. Ministers and laymen from the 29 pastoral charges of.the York Presbytery of the United Church of Canada met in the Stoufiville United church on Tuesday. Sep- tember 30. 29 Pastoral Charges York Presbtery Represented At Stouffville United See the best yet of the best sellers A GENERAL MOTORS VAlUE IRRELL MOTORS LIMITED Rev. Dr. John MacPherson, of Victoria University, introduced two candidates for the ministry, Rein D. E. C. MacLean, Kes- wick, reporting for Christian ed- ucation, asked for the appoint- ment of Rev. Harold Davies, Ma- ple, as boys' work counsellor. He announced the visit of Miss Margaret Fockler of Markham to this area in connection with her report of the world-wide conven- tion on Christian Education held in Tokyo, Japan, in July. He also announced a Christian edu- cation training school for Sun- day school teachers to be held 1 Sutton. ‘ During the afternoon, reports were heard from various Pres- bytery committees. Chris’tian Education The noon-Hay luncheon was served by a group of women of the Stouflville United Church. In his report he told of some of the program adopted by the United Church with respect to missionary and maintenance, min- isterial salaries and pension plan. Rev. Jenkinson also spoke of the personal impressions he had on missions night when the mission- ary work of the United Church in Canada and overseas was re- viewed and on the service of witness held in the coliseum when over 5,000 were present de- spite a heavy rainstorm. His con- eluding words were a testimony as well as a challenge. “The Church has the zeal; it needs now the tools”. Rev. Jenkinson presented. an interesting and comprehensive report on the recent sessions of the general council which were held in Chalmers United Church. Ottawa. He referred specifically to the addresSes of the Right Hon- orable John G. Diefenbaker. the Prime Minister of Canada, Right Rev. Dr. James S. Thomson, re- tiring Moderator of the United Church and Bishop Gerald Ken- nedy, California. daries, Rev. William W. Patter- son. Richmond Hill; Pensions. Rev. C. P. Shapter, Whitevale; Pastoral Relations, Rev. John F. G. Morris, Aurora; Finance. Mr. Elgin Evans Newmarket; Nation- al Evangelistic Mission. Rev. Gordon Winch, Oak Ridges. Publications. Rev. W. S. Butt. Unionville; Records, Rev. John McLachlan, Locust Hill; Evangel- ism and Social Service, Dr. S. B. Crouch, Stoufiville: Archives. Rev. Hugh A. Shannon. Newmar- ket; Statistics. Rev. I. E. Ken- nedy, Aurora; Salaries, Mr. Elgln Evans, Newmarket. YONGE STREET NORTH, RICHMOND HILL Cllfi‘ord Lacey. Oak Ridges and Donald MacIntosh of Markham. These young men were received as candidates in a short but im- pressive ceremony. Ministers were advised of the letter recent- ly sent out by Rev. Dr. Harold Young. concerning the need of men and women throughout the church. M: and? M. Report Miss L. Hamer of Aurora told of the missionary study for the coming year, “Our North Amer- ican Neighbors. She also gave a brief but comprehensive survey of the church’s work in Africa and Asia. * It was announced that the film The Long Stride. a challenging documentary film on refugee slt- nations throughout the world. would be shown in different com- munities of the presbytery dur- ing the month of March. 1959. In the missionary and main- tenance report, presented by Rev. R. J. B. McNaught. Queensville. it was noted that the presbytery was well in advance of its posi- tion last year. Charges were ur- ged to do all in their power to increase their givings and their concern for this necessary and important work. “I. 4-1161 Two-Way Radios for Prompt and Courteous Service RICHMOND HILL ’39 YONGE ST. S. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hmontmo, Thursday, Octofiu- 13, m l! ALL NEW CARS Chevrolet Task Force '59 Trucks! 24 Hour Service CENTRE & YON GE STS. THORNHIL; TU. 4-1194

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