‘NOVEMBER 8â€"â€"Saturday/ from 2- 6 pm. “$2.00 and under" bazaar at St. Matthew's United Church. Crosby west of Bayview. NOVEMBER 3 â€"â€" Monday. 8.15 pm. The evening group of the Women‘s Association of Rich- mond Hill United Church will hold their regular monthly meet- ing in the ladies‘ parlor. Our guest is Miss Margaret Fockler who will speak and show slides on her trip to Tokyo where she at- tended the World Conv'ention on Christian Education. All ladies invited. c1w18 NOVEMBER 5 -- Wednesday. 2.00 pm. The W.A. of St. John‘s Anglican Church. Oak Ridges. will lidfd their Annual Rummage Sale. Bazaar and Home Baking Sale in the Parish Hall of St. John' Church. Yonge Street at Jeffe on. Refreshments. NQVEMBER 3 â€" Monday 8.30 pm. The Beverley Acres Rale- payers Ascsociation will hold its regular meeting in the Beverley Acres Public School. All resi- dents of this area are urged to attend this-meeting, when plans will be discussed for providing recreational facilites for teenag- ers and grownups. c1w18 NOVEMBER 2 â€"- Sunday 10.30 am. at the Brethren~in-Christ Church. Aubrey Ave., Oak Rid~ ges. Mr. De Verne Mullen of Peï¬erlaw. Ont. internationally .known gospel soloist will be sing- ing and brlnging object lessons. Everyone welcome. clw18 NOVEMBER 7 & B '-â€" at 8:15 pm. Tovai‘ich is coming to Aur- ora.High School. Tickets at the door, for this delightful comedy. c2w18 NOVEMBER 7 â€"â€" Friday, 8:15 pm. The Senior W.A. of St. Ma- ry's Anglican Church will pres- ent in erxon Hall. a Variety Night called “Autumn Revue". featuring local talent. Silver col- lection. Everyone invited. *2w18 NOVEMBER 7 -â€" 8.30 pm. 2nd Richmond Hill Cub and Scout Mothers' Auxiliary Bridge and Euchre to be held at Our Lady Help of Christians School. Bever- ley Acres. Refreshments, prizes. bake sale. c3w16 NOVEMBER 7 â€"â€" Friday at 6.45 pm. The Pennsylvania German Folklore Society. York Chapter's Annual Pioneer dinner is to be held at Thornhill United Church. Tickets are $2.00. Those desiring tickets may secure them from Pres. Herb. A. Constable. Maple. NOVEMBER 1 â€" Saturday at 2.30.».p.m. the Edgeley will hold its annual bazaar and tea in Edgeley Community Hall. Home baking of all kinds, large assort~ ment of aprons and fancy goods, touch and take table. home made mince meat and many other in- teresting attractions. c2w17 NOVEMBER 1 â€" Saturday Rum- mage sale. 3 pm. North York Community Hall, 5090 Yonge St. Ausplces -St. Paschal C.W.L. NOVEMBER 8th â€" Satu day. 1- 3.30 pm. Rummage an Bake Sale at the North York Veterans Club. 6321 Yonge St.. under the auspices of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Club. Proceeds for charitv. c2w18 0' Annie Stong. Richmohd Hill: before October 315:. *1w17 NOVEMBER 1 -â€" Saturday. 1~5 pm. St. Gabriel's Anglican WA. will hold a bazaar at the Bayview Plaza Store. Bake sale. aprons. dolls' clothes, hand knitting and Iewing. v c3w16 NOVEMBER 8th â€" Saturday. 2.30 pm. Santa‘s giftland at Holy Trinity Church. Thornhill. Christ- mas decorations. aprons, knitting. b a k l n g. delicatessen, doll's clothes. parcel post. centre pieces. tea tables and Santa Claus for the children. Sponsored by the Parâ€" lsh Guild. c3w17 NOVEMBER 8 â€" Saturday 2 p. m. Bazaar sponsored by the In- ner Wheel of the Rotary Club of Willowdale. To be held at the North York Community Hall. ( NOVEMBER 1 ~â€" Saturday 2 to 6 pm. Holly Berry Fair. Thorn- Mll United Church. Skate ex- change one of many features. For information. phone AV. 5-2795 and AV. 5-2104. c1w18 NOVEMBER 8 â€" Saturday. Jeff- erson School Community Club annual Apron and Home Baking Sale and Afternoon Tea, at the school on Saturday, November 8. 1958, from 3rtor 5 pm c4w16 BAZAAR â€" to be held November 6th at St. Luke's Church parish hall in Thornhlll corner Church and Colborne Ave. Opens after- noon at 2.30. In evening games for the whole family and draws for raffles. clwlB OCTOBER 31 â€" Friday, 8.30 p. m. Jefferson School Community Club Annual Hallowe'cn Mas- quarade. Square dancing at the school. clw18 TUESDAY evening bingo held in Canadian Legion Hall. Carr- ville Road West ‘at 7:45 pm. prompt. tfc44 ENERY TUESDAY AFTERNOON 2.30 to 3.30 pm. The Women's League of Health and Beauty holds classes in, Wrixon Hall. St. Mary‘s Anglican. Church, Rich- mond MIL-Exercises to music. Information may be secured by telephoning Mrs. White. TU. 4- 3348. tfc17 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT at 7.45 DJ). Bmgo. 7 Community Hall. Spruce Ava, Stop 22A Yonge at, c Coming Events c2w17 c3w1 7 clwls c3w17 By Mrs. Miltoï¬ Wells I Friday, October 24, 1958. was a memorable date in the community of Temperanceville. On that day the oï¬ic: ial opening of the new two-roomed Temperanceville School, 8.8. NO. 21, King. took place. Approximately 120 persons passed through the at tractive entrance of this modern building to view its in- terior as well as attend the official opening. The school is modern in every detail with its spacious windows, its fluorescent lighting, convenient clothes closet space, green chalkboards, modern desks, stafl’ room and wash rooms. The colour scheme is extremely effective and pleasing in tones of grey, blue, and orange with window drapes of blue. The floors are in tile with the predominating colour in grey with blue and black pattern. - On enterin the building the guests were welcomed by members 0 the Board of Trustees of which Mrs. H. Routledge is chairman. This is the Hilary Hall (Boys’) Motto. but the girls of St. Swithin’s have a different idea! This is a scene taken from ‘The Happiest Days of Your Life’ with Duncan Gillard playing the Headmoster and Brad Bellis the errant pupil. It will he presented by the (‘nrtain Club at the Lions Hall, on November 13, 14 and 15th. x With Mr. Wilbert Jennings as chairman for the evening, the program opened by the singing of O Canada. Joan Hare acted as pianist. On behalf of the Board of Trustees. Mr. W. Jennings welcomed all and spoke briefly of the pride with which the board welcomed guests to visit this lovely new school. Reminiscing, Mr. Jennings spoke of a school previous to the present old school and of the remodelling done in 1936. then the necessity for the present new school. Rev. 1. E. Kennedy who pro- vides the religious instruction in the present three rooms of S. S. No. 21. led in the prayer of ded- ication Before introducing the guest speaker, Mr. W. J. McLeod. for- mer inspector. Mrs. H. Routledge thanked Wilbert Jennings {or the work done on.the board and re- marked that he had served 24 years as a trustee. Mr. McLeod was introduced as an authority on The Boai’d strongly doubted Trustees could rely on being able to charge full cost of a sanitary sewage system. schools. and im- provements to subdividcrs in the proposed annexed area without affecting ratepayers in the pres- ent police village. Chairman Greenwood observed, "it did ap- pear to the Board that relations between township and police vill- Fine New School Officially Opened At Temperanceville ’ Kig City’s bid to become an incorporated municipal- ity, ï¬ve times its present size was turned down by Ontario Municipal Board Tuesday, ending a two day hearing in King Township. The village remains a police village of 360 acres, administered by three Commissioners and TGWnship council, rather than being enlarged to about 1,720 acres as an incorporated village, administered by a local ï¬ve man council. Board members William Greenwood and Robert Roland considered the onus was on the appli- cation to establish advantages and needs for incorporation, and they felt these hadn't been met. After studying the ratio of industrial and commercial assessment to residen- tial assessment, the Board termed the commercial assess- ment as “very small†and added “with the type of deyelop- ment anticipated the ratio would go farther out of line. There is no evidence of any prospect of any industry locat- ing here whatsoever.†2 Room Cost $32,000 Municipal Board Turns Down King City Incorporation Bid Will Remain As Police Village should be undertaken in order ’0 assess the most advantageous fu- ture boundaries. Such studies hadn't been made". Mr. Greenwood noted. “the application was supported by a petition from a large number of residents. It “as opposed by an- other petition. and the Board would not be surprised if a lot of the same names appear on VOLUME LXXX, NUMBER 18 19/09 school affairs and one with whom it was a pleasure to Work in all phases of school affairs. Flexible School Program Mr. McLeod‘s speech was en- lightening as well as touched with humour. “Today it is endeavour- ed to have a more flexible pro- gram so that the children may move along more quickly in their work." he said. Thirty children in a classroom is enough to teach the various phases of today. We can be justly proud of our new school which can be added to if necessary. In the minds of the board members is always the thought, “What is best for the boys and girls of this area." and when the plan for a one roomed school backfire'd, the solution of the present two roomed structure proved much better. The main task of the tea her today. Mr. McLeod continu d, "is to mould children into good citizens â€" to live by the golden rule and Christian ideals â€" to teach them age Trustees have been quite reasonably satisfactory and the Board knows of no reason why this should not continue". He said the application was contrary to the recommendation of consul- tants engaged by Trustees. “Con- sultant Derek Little recommend- ed prior to application for incor~ poration to O.M.B. detailed plan- ning and engineering studies 'aze.’ “In Essentials Unity; in Non Essentials Liberty: in an Things Charity.‘ RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1958 Last election. 81 year old Will- iam E. Barker was defeated by a narrow margin when he ran for Trustee on a platform opposing incorporation. His current pcti- tion opposing incorporation gath- ered 284 names. Asked if he in- tended to run again, Mr. Barker told “The Liberal". “Run! I'm going to walk in". to take their place in the nation as well as our own locality. To meet the challenge of the world we live in is staggering. New in- ventions have changed our lives and our children have to cope with these things." Mr. McLeod spoke of the ï¬ne community spirit in Temper- anceville and the co-operative work among teachers and pup ils after which he brought greet- ings from the minister of educa- tion. , Step Forward The guest speaker then asked those attending to stand and take a short step forward. This step was to symbolize the step forward taken in the building of this new school for the boys and girls of this community and of- ï¬cially opened the building for (Continued on page 2) With 100 more children en‘ rolling in the public schools this fall than had been anticipated. the budget for the third quarter is being overspent. Mrs. Dorothy Street, secretary-treasurer of the Richmond Hill Public School Board, pointed out to the trus- tees at the regular meeting last Thursday night. On investigation it was found most of the extra expenses were caused by the need for more text- books and school supplies than had been expected this fall. Beverley Acres Tenders After the decision was announ- ced, Chairman of Trustees Don- ald Findlay, Q.C.. told “The Lib- eral", "We haven't changed our views that this application ultim- ately is in the best interests of the community. The Trustees’ at- titude all along‘has been the outside land can sit idle if there .Tenders for the addition to the Beverley Acres Public School will be opened at a special meet- ing of the board, Tuesday, Nov- ember 4, at 7:30 pm. Monday evening members of the Building Committee, Chair- man Robert Ross and Trustee Harold Sanderson meet with the Beverley Acres Public School Contractor Q. Lostracco in an attempt to settle some incom- pleted structural details at the school. Lucas. Q.C., explained King Township's position. It would not oppose incorporation of the P01- ice Village itself. if it were con- vinced the majority of inhabi- tants was in favour. Township does object to. the annexation move, which involves about 1,360 acres outside King City. is not enough money to meet new needs, It IS not our worry whether _they can, develop or not"; Fencing and levelling of the school grounds of the new Cros- by Heights Public School were thoroughly discussed by mem- bers of the board. Excavating work for the sew- ers and laterals is making Church Street almost impassable “'1‘h Mr. Greenwood noted, “the "application was supported by a petition from a large number of residents. It was opposed by an- other petition, and the Board would not be surprised if a lot of the same names appear on both. It‘s a fairly common occur- rence". In a statement to the Press. Township solicitor, J. D. More Pupils Than Expected PUblic School Board Told Budget Overspent should be undertaken in order to assess the most advantageous fu- ture boundaries. Such studies hadn't been made". ACCIDENTS ACCIDENT RECORD RICHMOND HILL 1958 FATALITIES 0 INJURIES 28 BUTTONVILLE : Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Grant of Buttonville picked strawbcrries from their garden October 15. setting what they hope is a record. The prev- ious week. they picked raspber- ries from the same garden. TORONTO : At a dinner meet- ing at the Granite Club. plans were announced to establish a 62 store, 80 acre shopping site in North York just east of Dufâ€" ferin Street and immediately south of highway No. 401. Both Eaton’s and Simpson's will es- tablishllarge branch stores in the centre. This will be the ï¬rst time the two competitors have estab- lished a store in the same centre. deep mud, it was reported. Child- ren going to school can‘t walk on the road and must walk on the lawns. The board will ask town council to try to ï¬nd some solu- tion to the problem. Mr. Ross was ï¬rst appointed a school trustee in April 1954. and was elected for two successive two year terms with impressive support at the polls. A resident of Richmond Hill since he returned from active service in World War II in 1945, Mr. Ross is engaged in the con~ struction business and lives at 130 Centre Street West. The family in addition to Mr. and Mrs. Ross includes two boys, Robert and Ian, and one daughter Rosemary. Chairman of the Richmond Hill Public School Board of Trustees announced this week that he will be a candidate for municipal council at the coming elections. A member of the School Board since 1954 Mr. Ross feels that this experience will be valuable to him as a councillor. Richmond Hill has an active Senior Citizens’ organ- ization, and there are plans for many activities during coming months. Some of the executive members of the local group are shown above as they meet in the town library. Front row from left to right: Mrs. F. C. Jackson, member of the sponsoring committee; executive members Reports to date indicate a generous response to the an- nual V.O.N. appeal. Can- vassers will visit every home in Richmond Hill in an effort to raise $6.000 to continue this' important service for m." coining yearn _ . If you missed the canvas- ser donations may be sent to H. R. Ludlow, treasurer at the Toronto-Dominion Bank. Candidate For Council Campaign Robert P. Ross -â€" Photo by Lagerquist BIILOI†Under the guidance of presi- dent Taylor Of Armstrong's Jew- ellers and Don Thurston of Thur- ston‘s Men's Furnishings, all the stores on Yonge Street between Markham Road on the south and the Richmond Heights Plaza on the north. with one exception, will remain open the extra night. “We will still close _Wednes- day afternoons? said Mr. Thurs- ton. but we feel that when the centres at both ends of the street stay open on Thursdays, we should do the same. The public is out buying that night, and we feel that if we remain open. they will have a much greater selec- tion of goods and servicesâ€. The association does not an- ticipate remaining open another additional night even if the busi~ ness warrants it. Their idea is not to try to outdo other store- keepers for business, but rather to see that each member of the purchasing public is satisï¬ed with their shopping trips. In an unprecedented move. the Yonge Street Business Men's as- sociation has decided to have its member stores remain open Thursday nights until 9 pm. The ï¬rst Thursday night the stores will stay open will be November 6.. Norm Cook formerly of the well known ï¬rm of Hunt and Cook announces this week the opening of Cook’s B.P. Auto Service. Located on the north east corner of Yonge Street and Elgin sideroad he will handle the famous British Petroleum prod- ucts. and provide an all round garage and repair service. Norm Cook is .3 Richmond Hill boy and he has been servicing cars for the past thirty-three years. Over the years he has earned a reputation for depend- ability and good workmanship which augursr well for success in his new business venture. which augurs» well for success in his new business venture. Mr. Cook extends a cordial in- vitation to all his old friends and customers and all motorists of the district to call in at his new station. Yonge St. Stores To Remain Open Thursday Nights Norm Cook Opens Service Station ReeveW.LClarkAndCounciI Members Seek Re-Election Feel Satisfied Mayor Ken W. Tomlin of Richmond Hill announced loday that the annual scrâ€" ‘ vice of Remembrance will he ‘ held at the Cenotaph on Yonge St. Sunday. Novem- ber 9, and that Magistrate James Butler will act as Master of Ceremonies. Magistrate Butler, a vcl- ~ - cran of World War I, was for In Markham Township Mayor Ken W. Tomlin of Richmond Hill announced today that the annual ser- vice of Remembrance will be held at the Cenotaph on Yonge St.. Sunday, Novemâ€" ber 9, and that Magistrate James Butler will act as Master of Ceremonies. Magistrate Butler. a vet- eran of World War I. was for many years a leading ï¬gure in veterans‘ organizations in York County, and this will be his twenty-ninth consec- utive year in charge of the Armistice Day service. Full particulars regarding the ceremony will be announced in next week‘s issue. ilizenj HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 Reeve William Clark and Dep- uty-reeve Wilfred Dean, who will both stand for election or acclam- ation in the same offices again this year. said they feel 1958 has been a year of progress in the township and that the feeling )5 “good†among the taxpayers â€" who are, after all the voters and therefore the ones to please in matters of township policy. In answer to the question of a third term as reeve, Reeve Clark, who has held office for the long- est period of years of any living resident in Markham Towuship said, “Yes, I was first elected to council in 1930 and with the ex- ception of two years (during which Mr. Clark was Road Super- intendent) I have been on council ever since." ' Mrs. Maude Benjamin, Mrs. A. E. Powell, Mr. E. J. Healey, President A. E. Plewman, Mrs. T. Bowes, Mrs. T. Davis, Mrs C. Adlam. Back row left to right: Mrs. D. Fettes. Mrs. W. 8. Thomson, Mr. A. J. McLatchy. Back row left to right: Mr. H. J. Calverley. G. Sheward. William J. Medhurst. Absent. Mrs. D. Fettes, Mrs. W. S. Thomson, Mr. A. J McLatchy and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. H. Tilley. Deputy-reeve.Wilfred Dean, in stating that he seeks the support of the voters for 1959 said, "I be- lieve we have accomplished quite a bit this year, especially in the matters of road improvement and water conditions in the front of the‘ township. Further road im- provements may beundertaken next year. There are 192 miles of roads in Markham Township." the Deputy-reeve said, “and we have built quite a large number of roads and gravelled quite a few this year. More roads in the township have been “dusted†this year, because of the dry season.†Deputy-reeve Dean said council hopes to have water installations through by December lst, but the strikes and shutdowns in the building industries have held things back. especially the work at the pumphouse. One of Mr. Dean‘s projects for 1959. if he is returned tooffice. will call for the establishing of small park sites to serve various comunities â€" large parks. the Deputy-recve feels, \mu‘d defeat the purpose of supplying com- munity play and relaxation. arras. Reeve Clark has held the envia-l ble record of municipal service through the depressions of the 30’s: the war years. and the years when Markham Township has begun to slowly expand and grow. He has remained true to his pro- mise that taxes will not go up excessively, by supporting the policy of purposely holding back development and seeking indust- rial assessment -to balance resi- dential and school rates through- out the township. Last year Reei'eVClark and Deputy-reeve Dean were elected against opposition, but Councillors Lawson Mum; berson, Stanley Watson and John MacNeil were elected by acclamation. Reeve W.‘L. Clark. Deputy-reeve Wilfred Dean and all members of the 1958 Markham Township Council will stand for re-election in their present offices. Acclamations are rare in Markham township municipal elections,_ the last one was in 1930, but it is just possible there might be one this year. There have been rumors of some candi- dates but to date none has made a formal declaration. The annual nomination meeting which will/be held at Buttonville is still three weeks away and there is still time for opposition to develop, but at the moment exper- ienced observers report the situation as quiet. _ «ecu flue Single Copy YOUR HOME PAPER 'ALL THE NEWS OF THE DISTRICT Councillor Stanley Watson. Ward 3. said his first year on council has been very interesting. Councillor Watson, who has pre- viously served on school boards in Scarborough township has also been active in the Federation of Agriculture in York County. Councillor Watson felt that Mark- ham Township had accomplished a lot in the way of grading {of 1958 and that, “we have to look forward to the time when we will do more paving of our roads." Councillor John McNeil. ward 1, said his first year of council had been most enjoyable. "We have had good council meetings," he said. “and my beliei is that residents of this township are happy.†Councillor Lawson Mumbeu‘on who is completing his set;an year as a member of councilrand will be a candidate for rc-élec- tion. said “Markham Township Council has had a lot of favorable comment this year, far more than last year.†- Following the third read- ing of a bylaw. which if ac- cepted by the majority of Markham Township voters will mean a two~ycar term for those elected next year for the 1960 council. Coun- cillor Watson moved the pass- ing of the bylaw and Deputy~ reeve Dean seconded it. It met with unanimous approv- al of the council. The 1959 council. elected this year. will serve the regu- lar one-year term . In announcing that the electors of Markham Towns ship will have the right to vote on the question of a two-year term for council members. when the electors go to the poles December lst, Reeve William Clark said, “We are working under a democracy and I think it is host to let the people have their say in this matter.†'eel‘ina To Vote On ' 2 Year Term for Markham Twp. SINGLE COPY 10c 10 Cents