A soccer house league has been formed at Henderson [Avenue School for boys of Grades 4 to 8, with Grade 7 and 8 boys acting as captains. Henderson Avenue School held a public speaking contest on Thursday, October 30. The event was part of the province-wide competition for elementary school pupils sponsored by the Ontario Hydro-Electric Commission Eight pupils, all speaking on the same general topic, the “End Products of Hydro.†vied with one another for the honour of representing Henderson in the School Area Finals. The eight contestants were: Rosslyn Ritchie. Anne Rus- sell, David Anstey. Jim Binch, Judy Phelan, Bobby Priestman, Pat Robinson and Carol Wallace. The judges â€" the Rev. Stephen-3 son. Mrs. Lang and Mrs. Jones â€" finally awarded the verdict to Jim Binch. Judy Phelan and Anne Russell. Jim Binch carries the hopes of Henderson Avenue School into the area contest onl November 5 at Charles Hewitt School. I Correspondent Mrs. A. Smith 23 Highland Park Blvd.. phone AVenue 5-2793 PHONE ANYTIME e . . , g ._ a “munâ€, mu, u..-“ For Prompt Courteous Service Call TUrner 4-2613 177 Lennox Avenue Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters’ Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office in Maple on the 30th day of October, 1958, the list of all persons entit- led to vote in the said municipality at Municipal Elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call-upon all voters to take immediate proceed- ings to have any errors or omis- sions corrected according to law. The last day for appeals is the 13th day of November, 1958. DATED at Maple this 30th day of October, 1958. Highland Park News DON’T PAY A PENNY TILL MAY IST. 1959! Then pay as little as $14.00 a month. MOVING PACKING ’ MOVERSR: (ARTAGE Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List 1958 ORDER YOUR. GARAGE NOW! Take delivery before the snows fly . TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN COUNTY OF YORK mvns marcntm: NOTICE Vaughan Township Clerk J. M. MCDONALD. The troop held its October camp 3 week ago Saturday near IOrangevile. Although there was inot as good a turnout as hoped, 'be ause of the weather. it was an ex emely successful camp, The Third Richmond Hill Tr00p camp- ed with our troop, much to their misfortune. Saturday afternoon, the boys of both troops. and the leaders, undertook a game of touch football, in which 2nd Thornhill made up for the loss of 8â€"0 in soccer the previous week- en, by winning 30-0. In the even- ‘ing the boys got together again onr a huge bonï¬re. After wrest- ling, a sing song, and a game in the dark. the boys retired to bed. In the morning, after eating. the Scouts went up to a nearby barn to dirty what clothes they had which were still clean. The rest of the day was spent cleaning up and taking down the tents, in. preparation for going home. As soon as the new cubs come up from the cub pack and attain their tenderfoot. a place will be made forthose who want in the band. Two new drummers will be picked. and several buglers. At last week's meeting one new drummer and three buglers were chosen. Along on the camp. but camp- ing separately, were three Rov- ers. Dennis Buckingham. Robert Mason. and Ron Stagg who were undertaking their first Rover ac- tivity. Although they were on their own, they assisted Scouter whenever needed. 2116! 340N1Ai/f LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING DAILY SERVICE TORONTO AND AREA STORAGE could TU. 4-2344 Chief White of the Markham village police will assess police strength in the county and set up an auxiliary force to be of assistance in the event of an em- ergency. Squadron Leader Dick Els- worth of the 411 squadron of the R.C.A.F. who was there will be responsible for transport in civil defense. He offered to fly all the members of this board all‘around the county so they would be more familiar with the county territory. “Chie‘f Davidson of the Vaug- han township pilice is the ï¬re co-ordinator of the county of A Lieutenant Sprole of the Queen’s York Rangers (Army) was present to submit sugges- tions from his sector of the ar- med services. Mr. Jack Rennie, the county engineer, will look after the con- trol of county road equipment; the earth movers and bulldozers, etc.; and he is to co-operate with the municipalities regarding shelters. Mr: Baird Bryan of Woodbridge is the civil defense co-ordinator of that village. Miss Smythe is the co-ordln- ator of nursing. including prac- tical and mothercraft types. She is now connected with the York county health unit. . W. Miller The ï¬nest in floral designs and bedding plants. Phone Maple 2 Keele Street. Maple, Ont. Mrs. K. James of Markham was appointed Welfare co-ordinator. She has taken two civil defense courses in Arnprior and will soon attend another in Orillia. Her group will look after food in the event of an emergency; the teaching of self preservation ra- ther than evacuation; clothing and general welfare. Mr. Perry said, “We must move slowly and surely in this civil defense programme. It is the responsibility of‘ elected people to give leadership to others. This is a civilian project and there is apathy amongst the people. So it ‘becomes the responsibility if the people plus the government. You people here tonight will be the planning committee for civil de- fense in York county". Major Piérce of the group is the Zone 4 co-ordinator. Warden Armstrong of the coun- ty welcomed the group. since the County Building will be their centre of operations.‘ The ï¬rst meeting of the York County Civil Defense organiza- tion was held last Thursday. Oc- tober 30. in the County Building. Newmarket. with John Perry. reeve of Vaughan township. in the chair. Mr. Perry has been appointed civil defe'nse co-ordin- ator for the County of York. He explained that the purpose of the meeting was to officially place in office the executive members of the organization. and not to ac- complish anything more. The various members of the ex- ecutive had been asked to be pre- sent at the meeting to signify their intention of serving as part of civil denfense in York county. Civil Defense Gets Organized On County Level At Newmarket "La Dauphine" TV Radios GROWER â€" FLORIST Since 1880 HILL-CITY MOTORS TU. 4-4221 JOHN'S T.V. RENAULT AV. 5-4138 Car Radios HI-FI A very pleasant celebration was held on Sunday, November 2nd, 1958, at the home of Mr. Albert Stong, 266 Queen's Drive, Weston, in honor of his eighty- ï¬fth birthday. Mr. Stong. who is enjoying good health, was hon- ored by the presence of about ï¬fty relatives and friends and received a host of good wishes and congratulations. The nine nieces and nephews and their families were all in at- tendance. on Founders Day at the ONE, Toronto. to celebrate the Dia- mond Jubilee and to mark the close‘ association of three genera- tions of a single family with the Exhibition from the day it ï¬rst opened. He is an active member of Central United Church, Wes- ton. His sister. Miss Alda Stong. and brother, Daniel. welcomed the guests. His other brother, Wesley, was unable to attend due to ill health. Mr. Stong was born at Edge- ley and for the greater part of his life farmed successfully on lot 24. concession 4, York Town- ship, until his retirement. In 1938 he was among the honored guests Mrs. James was very deï¬nite in her views. She expressed/disdain for those people who call such words as "war", “subversive movement" and ‘apathyâ€, naugh- ty. She said. “Must we wait until the Russians are stamping off Siberian snow on our doorsteps?" Mr. Perry said, “We shouldn't worry about evacuation at this stage. Our plan must co-ordinate with that of Metropolitan Toron- to. It will be a year before there is a workable plan for the mass evacuation of; Toronto through York county, but they will be on~ 1y too glad to work with an ac- tive committee." Albert Stong 85th Birthday reunion tion. will here ber. of v with Members of the board then be- gan to enthusiastically put forth their ideas on CD in general. Mr. Perry said "the civil defense co- ordinator in each community will be a dictator if it is necessary to get things done". He also said the federal government was very interested in CD. and was con- tributing 50% of its cost. He added that well over 80% of the populace never expect war, and that it was CD's job to convince them otherwise. NEWMARKET with one year bus 1 term, and 000 worth The reeve of Vaughan township then said that the York county council will be asked at its next meeting on November 1'7. to ap- point a civil defense co-ordina- tor in each municipality. The executive committee will then in- tegrate them. Later they will call on the services of the Red Cross; the St. John‘s Ambulance Brig- ade: the Boy Scouts and the Girl Guides; Women’s Associations of churches; the schools: and indus- try and labor. "This", said Mr. Perry. “will be civil defense in York county." . . . communications. Ialso See that the north part of the county is not represented here. We need this oï¬icer, but I don't think he should be a military man nor a legal mind.†During the discussion period. the question of money was rais- ed, to which Mr. Perry said. “This is voluntary. We are not here to spend money. We are here to operate slowly. We do have a hole in our set-up, though Dr. King. the York M.O.H.. who has also taken a course at Arnprior. will look after the me- dical branch. York. His job is to assess all the ï¬re ï¬ghting equipment in the county and then to set up an aux- iliary force similar to that of the police. , be presen e in a plebj . Questions vote to all h one year presented 1 a plebiscite franchise. the two a proposal to buy I of industrial land scite this include e) persons ¢ residence Four {to questions ratepayers s Decem- extension over 21 :e. a ten two year buy $60,- Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the 'Town of Richmond Hill will be held in the Council Cham- bers, Municipal Hall, on November 19 and 20, 1958. Wednesday and Thursday, at 7:30 pm. for the purpose of hearing appeals against the assessment roll for the Municipality of the Town of Richmond Hill for the year 1958. All parties interested please take notice and be governed accordingly. Dated at the Town of Richmond Hill this 29th day of October, 1958. RUSSELL LYNETT, Clerk, Town of Richmond Hill David McLean Ltd. Municipality of the Town of Richmond Hill COUNTY OF YORK SUCCESS IS NATURAL AT Mr. Perry explained that there there were 14 municipalities in the county of York. He said the CD programme would not be ready in six months time. but by the next meeting of this commit- tee, they should have something to present to the municipal co- ordinators." Major Pierce explained that 44 counties in the province of Ontario have already gone through these growing pains, and that this group would do well to watch them and perhaps learn by their mistakes." Court of Revision Mrs. James said. "In Toronto there are many people trained and interested in CD. but they need courage. Politicians in par- ticular should be calm. but they were otherwise. They quoted plans that startled the public. and that didn't encOurage any- one." Elipâ€"tlï¬g 51â€"dâ€" aï¬ glife ii. to your furnace for ' emergency service M m U W 8 H is home h eqmp workshop so both are building up bank accounts THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY Putting money in a bank is the ï¬rst step most people take to get what they want or need. Of the 11 million deposit accounts in the chartered banks, more than 9 million are personal savings accounts, designed for this very purpose. Other types of Canadian Tire slices prices 'to give you the famous Mastercraft 8" Ball Bearing Bench Saw Out- fitâ€"at a rare bargain. The finest we've ever seenâ€"or soldâ€"at this money-saving price ! money-saving price ! - (Extensions, per pair . . . 4.â€) ‘ WHETHER IT’S HOME REPAIR JOBS 0R NEW PROJECTS â€" Anything you do, you’ll do better with this Mastercraft Ball Bearing Bench Saw Outfit .â€" and with professional skill and accuracy - . . easier, too and in a fraction of the time- Come in and give this value buy your expert eyeâ€"appraise its many engin. eered features usually obtainable in Power Saw Outï¬ts selling at $25. or more above Canadian Tire’s limited time, limited quantity offer. Act fast. ...complefe with Westinghouse '/3 h.p. Motor," Belt and Pulleyâ€" Worth $65.50 Canadian Tire slices prices to , give you the famous Mastercraft 8" Ball Bearing Bench Saw Out- fitâ€"at a rare bargain. The finest “A; ___._ __ _.1A -0 Mai; THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, November 6, 1958 11 5 prices 'to Mastercraft h Saw Out- . The finest accounts feature the convenience of chequingâ€"the simple, time-saving way to pay bills. A chartered bank provides the type of deposit account and other banking services that permit you to look after your needs simply, speedily, safely. St. N. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1196 Doubts-lung 3" Astor ï¬ves Mic. (be m and rigidity - pvmm drawing and Mad. diuorlioa. Arbor In“ is umamoolvo typo H bearing equipped, In"! need: omng . . . H's adopfobh to other accessories for grinning, sanding. ducking, on.