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SHOI; 316%} “FOR BETTER" éï¬tECTIONs (d S H a g g ' ~ ’ - " Use Our Lay-A way Plan or Easy Terms gmgmm 5 c uummunmmuuuum mmmmklmummmmnnlmmuuummumlmumummmumuuuumuumm\nuuummunmnmuummm4: a-mummmulm“mlumuumummnun“umnmnmuummumum“nnmuummmmmmuumum11mmtuunuuuuumuuuuulumlmmmIum\ummuluumnmnuumumummumumuuulll1m1uuu\1l1\mu1\uu“mm\mumml\um“muuu\\\\m\\um\xunmmnumumum mm “mm mm ‘ _ ‘- mum nmmmnm mmuumummmmnuumnunuunmmï¬mmxmml\\\u\mm\\1\\\\muum.uuuumlmuuumummxumuumuummuuummmmutualt“u\11mm1\uumIumi1munmuummmuuuuumuuummmumuuuuuumg gmmumummnmuu\\\\u\\\\\umuummumumummnmlmmmumuummmumm“m“mmu\\\\m\u\\m\m\\\\m\u\m\\1\m\u2 :mmmmmunmumn“mmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmuumxmmn\an\mmmmmmmummmmmmmw mull-HM BROADLOOM - You can broadloam. your living room for as little as; $6. a month E ‘ DRAPES - You can cover a 10’ wall for as little as . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Ready made. drapes . . .r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . per pair . Made to measure drapes - Free Making - all materials ocer $2.95 yr]. OVER 100 PATTERNS AND PLAINS TO CHOOSE FROM PARK AVENUE TIER AND CAFE CURTAINS-309x36†. . . . i . . . VICTOR COUGI’ILIN lead! able camilecl Men's Tooke Sport Shirts Made to Measure Slacks Scarlet - Grey - Beige - Powder Quilt Lined Car Coats PHONE AV. 5-5201 20 LEVENDALE DRIVE Richmond Heights Plaza AV. 5-1951 USE OUR CHRISTMAS LAY-AWAY PLAN We have a complete selection of mechanic's and household tools. Visit our GIFT and CHRISTMAS TOY departments. uamumummmu mmmmmmmmm I Mllan Keys Cut While You Wait - - Locks Repaired WE’RE SORRY, BUT WE CAN ONLY SHOW YOU 1,322 COLORS IN OUR PAINT SUPPLY. I‘ Playpon 57b Furniture Shoppe We on delighted with your patronage & would like you to be delighted with us. Your opinions are appreciated. We will deliver free to your door. 'ALL KINDS OF TOYS FOR GIRLS & BOYS FEE-CHRISTMAS SALE SPECIALS 'AV. 5-4631 “Where Satisfaction Is Assured" $12.95 3 for $10.00 $3.49 CHRISTMAS LAY-AWAY PLAN AVAILABLE OPENING FOR SALES AGENT vii immmmmmmxmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmu“unmmmuuuuuuumummnnmnumuuummmm1mmmun“mmmmuumuunuummuuuuumuuumummum5i Imumumuuumummmmmumuumxmmmmummmmmmummmmmuuuummmmmi I -. mummmmmmmmg gmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmumnmmummmumummmmua\mx\\nummn1uuum“mmmummmmmmmmnnnmmmmmmmmImumm“mmmumummuumuj Flannelette Pyjamas s to 18 Hip-Hugger Slacks s to 12 Suburban Coats A COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE Residential - Commercial - Industrial Ditinctive Craft Styling WWWNWWlW\WMflHWWM-§ 24 STORES These stores are members of the Richmond Heights Plaza Merchants' Association and invite you to see their wide range of merchandise while you do all your shopping under " i one roof in one stop. HOUSES FOR RENT 100 HOMES FOR SALE RICHMOND HILL PHONE 'AV. 5-5201 FREE PARKING â€" TOWN BUS SERVICE SR2 Boys' $2.79 2.55:5 5,5552%; 90: 262 $ _ 25312552 257%“ 22:55. 3335552 Bugs; Egzggzzé gm“WR\llWm“mmmmmï¬mmmmmmmumm!R\Rmnmmmmlmmmmlmummmummummmmmmmmmum“tmumum“mlnmummxmmuuummmnummnummlg §“u\qmum““mulum“mummmmum“ummmmmmmmummmmmmtmummmmnmnumnmmnumuummmmum“mm1i“1muum!111mm“\1u\nImmmmmmumm\n\m\n\uulmuummumImuuuunmuummumu3 gumm\muulwuuunmmxmmmm“ummnmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmulmmuwl“anmmun“mmmmmumuuum““\mumumumum1mm“\um\ul“\“muuuuuuummuuu\wmumx\\\\mum“mmmmlm\mul\muu\\\\\\\\u\\mmu\\u\ulmm“ E:-Imn\mun“mummummmumtmmmmuuluummuumu11mm!nIm\mnummlmunanummunmmnu1InImmm\lIumlI\mumnmmIuIumunlmmmummmmluuuumlmm\tmlmum“nu\umumllmmuumumumuuxtummmuuuumuln“\uuumuulmtmu‘ if \\mmaummummmmumimm1:1:umu\l\\mlumlumumumummuumummmmumuummummummmalumna“ mu.\uuuummm“ilul1ulumulummu«munuuuuumuummummlu\uuumutmuummuumml“um\muuuuumuuumnummununI g -- n v v v â€" ‘ w w - v â€" V _ v- V, a-mmmnmmmmwmmmmmnmummmmmmmmummmummmmmwmumu .uu:umulmummlmuuumImuuumuauuwummunImmuuMMmmmmmmmumuuuumummwmumlml‘ Our Automatic Butler now receiving garments 24 hours a day Eusoful American Fashion YOU"- TU. 4-5341 The sofl, slender pump by Air 5pr points up a fall wardrobe. Make this 14 Levendale Road SHIELDS Kay 61 Warwick Bu" f/M.‘ warm“ 1 Varwic/fj House *These sweaters will not ball or A lamp can make ‘lots of difference 'to your Home Decoration. See our range of' Selected Lamps. THE LIBERAL) Richmond Hi‘ll, Ontario, Tï¬ursday, Noi‘remï¬er 13, 1958 11' Oflgw 7H! IHOI WITH ml MAGOC SO“ ceancra g m 77/; MM/D W ' mum N'S WEAR E; T13 ' URSDAY, FRIDAY, A thhh 1r For girls 8 to 14 DRESS SHOPS SHOE STORE GIFT SHOPS HARDWARE STORE FURNITURE STORE PAINT STORE CHILDREN’S CLOTHING STORE TOY SHOP AND FURNITURE LINGERIE SHOPPE REAL ESTATE OFFICE CLEANERS | MEN’S†AND BOYS’ WEAR 5c AND 10c STORE BEAUTY] SHOP pill LAMPS CHINESE GOODS GIFTS OBJECTS OF ART Iovs , SWEDISH FURNITURE WW0