Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Nov 1958, p. 17

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O (B. W. Muller GROWER â€" FLORIST ‘ lino. use The finest In floral designs lad bedding plants. keel. Street. Maple, om. - Now, therefore, I, as Mayor of the ~ Town of Richmond Hill, support the QThornhaven Association for Retarded “Children in its etforts to help our com- munity’s mentally retarded by declar- ~ing the period of November 16 to 27, ‘1958, as “Retarded Children‘s Week” ‘in Richmond Hill. The third instalment of the current year’s taxes is due NOVEMBER 1 Pay promptly and avoid the penalty which must be added after NOVEMBER 20 R. LYNETT. Clerk Town of Richmond Hill DIRECTION. ° North on No. '1 mlth at Shell 3mm: (1Cthonceulon Vaughan) ’ 1% mm. We“ of Highway No. 400 $2.00 PER PERSON ' RESERVATIONS M Whereas it has been established that mentally retarded children can be help- ed through special schooling and re- creational, social and workshop prog- rams and that there is a great need for research into the causes of mental re- tardation; David McLean Ltd. Need More v Salesmen And, Whereas public understanding will greatly contribute to easing the plight of some 3% of the population who are in some degree mentally re- tarded; ' Mart VKenney's Ranch Phone Maple 2 Retarded Children's Week _ November 16 to 27, I958 * haul" for Special Student ml Put! Sam 4,» Table unnatlonl l‘or All EVERY SATURDAY No City Driving Hi Neighbour It’s Fun to Dance at K. W. TOMLIN, Mayor RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1245 Drains Cleaned & Repaired Sanitary, Contractor RESERVATIONS AT. 8-12” New - Renewal - Gift Septic Tanks Pumped MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS Derry Giles AV. 5-2241 C. STUNDEN -..._,.-_. The judges were Dr. A. W. R. Doan, treasurer of School Area Board of Trustees. Mr. B. T. O’Beirn, vice-principal of Thorn- hill High School,’and Mr. Nathan Davison, principal of Walter Scott At the 2nd Richvale Flying-up ceremony last Tuesday, Marion Martin. Joan Every, Linda Smith. Barbara Wilson, Susan Oliver and Marilyn Hancey flew up into Guides. Linda Goldthorpe walk- ed up in her golden slippers and all the new Guides were enrolled by their Captain, Mrs._Weir. a nun-u v v .-.., _.,,v The School Area Public Speak- ing Contest between winners of the individual school contests within School Area No. 1 were held in the Charles Howitt school on Wednesday evening of last week. The local winners were: Elizabeth Sand for Charles How- itt Schobl. Peter Miller for Rich- vale School. and Suzanne Austin for Ross Doan School. Those competing from the other schools were: Fred Binnis, Powell Road; Jim Gibson, Thornhill; Jill An- derson, Langstafi; William Roy Thornlea. and James Binch, Hen- derson Avenue School. James 13inch was deemed the winner, and will represent School Area 1, Markham and Vaughan at the forthcoming county public speak- ing contest. Trustee Nathan Hicks presented James with a silver cup on behalf of the Area Board, and with the Public Speakihg trophy. Each of the contestants received an atlas and a dictionary, as a gift from the Board and these were presented by Trustee Jackson Taylor. 7 â€" . y" n Sandra Weir. who has earned her Golden Hand and is working on her proficiency badges until sheds old enough to fly up into Guides, was presented with her Thrift. Gardener and Toy-maker’s badges by Brown Owl Mrs. Baird. The Guides then entertained the vlilsiting Brownies by singing for t em. From Richvale groups were Commissioner Mrs. F. Bigley; Mrs. H. R. Jarman. captain, who gave the Campfire demonstration assisted by Past Commissioner Mrs. J. W. Kirk: Mrs. F. Norman. Mrs. J. McCarthy, Mrs. William Weir. Mrs. A. Peck, Mrs. A. Baird. Mrs. W. Pontin, Miss Nor- ma Linton, and Mrs. J. M. Craigie. Refreshments were served after- wards. First Richvale Company flying- up ceremony brought eight new members into the Guide company and these were enrolled by Com- missioner Mrs. Bigley: Eleanor Gottschalk, Sharon Bailey, Heatha er Bailey, Shirlyn Hopper, Patri- cia King, Shirley Mair, Jill Nunn and Margaret Williams. Student Council The Charles Howitt Student Council representatives and their president have been elected and will be taking on the responsibil~ ity of intra-mural activities, such as conducting the school assemb‘ lies. carrying on a posture cam- paign, a fund-raising event for the Junior Red Cross and in the spring will be organizing the house-leagues for baseball. One teacher attends their meetings acting as counsellor. Public Speaking Contest. At the Guide and Brownie Di-' visional Training night last Wed- nesday, which was held in Rich- mond Hill, Divisional Commis- sioner Mrs. H. D. G. Currie was in charge assisted by Miss Hazel Winters of Whitby and Miss New- man, area trainers from Oshawa. Here's the Iracfion fire for mud and snow. For off higfiway lravel, it can'! be beat. Guaranteed, perfect satisfaction. , BEST \ . New Used 51 New Trend Tires CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. E. TAYLOR 161 Spruce Avenue Phone AV. 5-4298 .â€" ANTIâ€" FREEZE CAR FLOOR MATS RICHVALE NEWS exchange cappable casing 6.70 x 15 6.70 x 15 Real "action on the worst winter roads, plus the OK nationwide writ- Qen road hazard guarantee. Canadians, Tri-County League champions in 1932, and he intro- duced as special guests at the banquet seven of his teammates who occupied a special table. He related that recently in turning back the old files of The Liberal’ he came across a newspaper'head- ing, “Armstrong Suspended For Two Games”. It was about that time he started to take an inter- Mr. Gordon Smith has been in Sunnybrook hospital for almost seven weeks and is making gnod progrgss. He is expected home Neighbourhood Bowlers, 200 and over flat: Norma Lang 203: Doris Davies 233, 220; Lou Brash 203; Muriel Markle 206, 248; Sona Hambley 201: Eleanor Edwards 210, 206; Dorothy Spears 211: Irene Edwards 210: high three with handicap Muriel Markle 695. Mr. Ray Shier. recovering from an operation performed a'mut three weeks ago, was on the point of coming home when he received a set-back and had to remain in the Newmarket hospital. His family is looking forward to him coining home in a _week ‘01- two. Fred D. Armstrong. York County’s 1958 Warden was hon- ored at the annual Warden’s Ban- quet held at the King Edward Hotel last Friday evening. Civic, military and religious leaders from all parts of the County ga- thered in large numbers to pay tribute to the chief executive of York County and his lady. wHTHVeHWarden reminisced about the old days when he played la- crosse with Richmond Hill Young in 5 day or so In acknowledging the'presen- tations Warden Armstrong thank- ed his colleagues for the support and co~operation and expressed his appreciation for the services of County Clerk J. L. Smith and all members of the staff. While the judges withdrew to reach their decision Marion Mar- tin sang two numbers and danced a Scottish dance dressed in Highâ€" land costume. She was accompan- ied on the piano by her mother. Mrs. Hugh Martin. A recitation, “My Dog," was given by Herbert Girar‘d. and a selection on the piano was given by John Godsby. Bowling Notes Banquet Honors Fred Armstrong Warden Of York Public School. Richmond Hill The retiring warden was pres- ented with the traditional silver tea service by Mr. W. L. Clark. reeve of Markham township and senior county commissioner. The commissioners in making their presentatiqns paid tribute to the Warden for his splendid service Jto his own municipality and to the County of York. Ul- .v. ...._., ~.,,,, Mr. R. J. Pollock. reeve of North Gwillimlrury and also a county commissioner, presented .Mr. Armstrong with a scroll of thanks and the traditional cane. Per Gal. 1* Pair .95 .49 + All 'I'res Mounted FREE 1- NEW 4 BATTERIES We specialize i: Tubeless Tires It was also decided to call the Brownie Pack “The lst Gormley Pack.” The meetings for the L0- cal Association of Girl Guides will be held once every other month on the first Wednesday. Sr. Women’s Institute PEFFERLAW : Ontario Munici- pal Board has given approval for a new ,municipal building for Georgina Township to cost $85,â€" 000. The Local Assodation of Girl Guides met at the home of Mrs. Philip Rumney on Monday even. ing of last week with sixteen la- dies in attendance. Plans were made to have a bazaar in the Vic~ toria Square Community Hall on Saturday. November 22, commen- cing at 2 o'clock. There will be sewing. baking, beautiful hand- made doll‘s clothes, 8 Christmas- tree for the children to buy their gifts from. and last but not least a free cup of tea. Everyone wel- come. "The? Nbvémbér meeting of the Sr. Women's Institute was held on Tuesday evening of last week es have been killed in Ontario County this year. There have been four cases of rabies in dogs. Guest speaker of the evening was the Rev. R, D. Jones, a dir- ector of the National Conference of Christians and Jews. He ex- plained he had become a Cana- dian citizen because of the hon- esty of our politicians, referring to Mr. Armstrong as an example. With a pleasant presentation, this former American also touched on education and the use of money for scholarships. He added that he thought Canada was one of the few plaCes where segregation as such is almost unknown. Local Association of Girl Guides‘ est in municipal affairs Although his term as Walden expires at the end of the year, Warden Armstrong is not retir- ing from municipal life. and will again be a candidate for Wood- bridge reeveship, an ofiice he has held for the past seven years. "Mr. Wm. Hodgson, reeve of King, chaired the banquet, and introduced several other farmer wardens of the county: Mr. J. 0. Little, Mr. Earl Toole, Mr. C. H. Hooper, and Mr. Lorne Good- fellow. ‘ WHITBY : Forty-seven rahid fog:- Mrs. J. L. Smith, wife of the clerk of York county, presented a bouquet of flowers to Mrs. Armstrong for her work and as- sistance. r 7 _ Miss Ann Dumbleton ren iered several solos after dinner, and the Warden and Mrs. Armstrong entertained guests in their own suite. CORRESPONDENT : MRS. W. SANDLE, Victoria Squat. Telephone Gomley 542] VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS Exchange at the home of Mrs. Garnet Fran- cy with a large number in attend- ance. The roll call wasanswered by “A Law I Would Like To See Enforced". The guest speaker was Miss Nancy Milne, who was a school teacher who took one of the Clair Wallace sponsored tours to Russia. She gave e very inter- esting talk illustrated with a large number of pictures, which were very much enjoyed by all. Re- freshments were served at the close. Sunday School Meeting The teachers and officers of the Sunday School met in the Sunday school room on Friday evening of last week. Plans were made for the White Gift Service which will be held on Sunday, De- cember 7. and for the annual Sun- day School Christmas Concert which will be held in the Sunday School room on Tuesday evening, December 23. Please keep these dates in mind. Further particulars at a later date. Church News The annual Remembrance Day service was held in the church on Sunday. Rev. A. F. Blnnlngton‘s sermon theme was, “What will the Future Bring?” On Sunday. November 16, 2.30 pm. the sermon theme Rev. A. F. Blnnlngton will “Young People in the Midst the Storm.” Luncheon The W.M.S. and the W.A. are holding a luncheon in the Sun- day School room at 12.30 pm. on Wednesday. November 19. The guest speaker will be Mrs. G. A. McMullen, vice-president of the Dominion Council, Women's As- sociation. There will also be spe- cial music. All ladies in the com- munity are invited to attend. Se- cure your tickets early, so you won't be disappointed. Euchre The Euchre has been cancelled for Friday, November 14, because of the Plowmen’s Banquet being held in the Sunday School room. However. there will be a euchre in the Victoria Square Commun- ity Hall on Friday, November 28, at 8.15 Please note the date. Ev- eryone welcome. Neighbourhood Notes Birthday Greetings to: Mrs. Lloyd Canning for November 12; to Brian and Shirley Empringham who will be two years old on No- vember 15; to Miss Minnie Pick- ering for November 18; to Neil Pickering for November_ 13.3: ,_1 L ‘M;.l:4fiéus Valliere of Markham were visitors at the church service _on S}1ngay_ aft‘er- Klan-n a- u..." --- w“- A speedy recovery 1's wished for Terry Hart who has been ill in bed with tonsilgtjs. _ n ,AA‘ K633." iéie'i-"tnéiy " had 'Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brumwell and bqys. _ ‘7 Au uh“ .................. Mrs. M. J arvis, Mrs. F. Donnel- ly, Mrs. John McCague and Mrs. Earl Empringham attended the Institute Convention held last week in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Messrs. Joe Stephenson, Dalton Rumney, Philip Rumney and Les- lie Hart were some of the hunters from here who went deer-hunting last week. V'erTWiiliam Wilson of Toronto spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Boynton. “UK/[15: 3333 Mrs. Lawson Mumber- son. Mr. Treanor Canning. Mr. Lloyd Canning, attended the War- den's Banquet held in the King Edward Hotel, on Friday evening of last week. .95 670 x 15 Plus Your Recappable Tire Plus Your Recappable Tire 750 by 14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Tfiursday, Novemb'er 13, 1958 17 fl; Used Tires Radiator Repair Service Do You Know What to Buy Are You Considering Buying Hi-Fi? Drop in and let us advise you what system is best for your own particular case. See our revolutionary corner speaker enclosure with five speakers. This cabinet is only 23 inches high and is barely. noticeable in the corner of the room. The free moving cone of the bass speaker reproduces the lowest of musical notes with clarity and mellowness. SEE OUR Stereophom'c Phonographs PAINTING AND PAPER-HANGING priced as low as $69.93 SEE OUR Nordmende and Telefunken Hi-Fi Radios' and Combinations ‘ priced from $69.95 to $899.95 SEE OUR FULL LINE OF MONAURAL PORTABLE PHONOGRAPHS Opp. Richmond Theatre Come in and see us {CE USED CARS We Have Many To Choose From 1957 Dodge Sedan, 8 cyl. automatic 1956 Dodge Tudor, cyl., automatic 1956 Dodge Sedan, 6 cyl. ' 1955 Dodge Sedan, 8 cyl., automatic. 1953 Ford Sedan 1953 DeSoto Sedan 1953 Dodge Sedan - 1 Dodge 1/2 ton truck, 2,000 miles New Snow Tires 5| 9-95 YEREX ELECTRIC All sizes on hand Phone KING 362M or AV. 5-1670 Your Dodge and DeSoto Dealer in Richmond. Hill Phone TU. 4-2091 + HI-FI :- A. ROLLINSON Colour suggestions and free astimates. WM. NEAL TIRE STORE Battery & Radiator Service INDUSTRIAI. Reg. Price Reg. Price ROAD TU. 4-2380 ice Plus Your Recappahle Tire Tube Type 750 x 14 Pius Your Recappable Tire Tubeless 670 x 15 $27.50 $39.95 TU. 4-1552

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