‘:quqummumunulumumuun\mnuumuumum gRE-ELECT Check your fuel tank today â€"â€" don’t let a cold snap catch you Without our quality fuel oil in good supply. A phone call brings prompt delivery. -\mmunmmummuumummmmmmuunmun11mmum“\mumnmnn\mmm\mmmumuma“mummmunmwamnu \\1\\\‘:\‘t1‘.‘.' 3'/2% ON YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT We have clients for all types of Real Estate with ready cash. Photo Co-op Listings. lst and 2nd Mortgages Arranged Johnny longo Real Estate ltd. Properiy Wanted to 5 p.n1. on Tuesdays,Wednesdays and Saturdaysâ€"and from at $1 or more. All you need to do is open a 33339?) Savings Account for $10 or more at the new Northtown branch of National Trust.You‘l] like our convenient hours from 10 a.m. Now is the time to get your free Gift Certiï¬cateâ€"valued 10 a.m. to 8.30 p.1n.‘on Thursdays and Fridays. 31 Yonge St. N. â€" Northern Building ' Phone AV. 5-5301 or Mr. Steï¬an, TU. 4-3349. Richmond Hill Free Gift Certiï¬cate for Limited Time Only! NORTHTOWN CENTRE This is the highesl rate paid by National Trust on savings accounts in 23 years. Interest is on the minimum half-yearly balance and starts the day you make your first deposit We provide you with deposit book and cheque bookâ€"and you can save by mail. 5385 YONGE ST. mumumumumumuuuuuuumuuunmum“1umu“\\\xmmmu\\uummu\mm ‘ This amount is the result of changes in the grant structure this spring. Provincial education- al grants are based on the prev- ious year's enrollment and when local budget estimates were drawn up last spring the changes had not been announced. It is anticipated next year's grant will be lower due to the increased town population. To Buy Lot Richmond Hill public school system has received an extra $50,000.00 in provincial grant this year, it was learned at the reg- ular meeting of the school board on Thursday. REEVE 0F VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP DECEMBER lst Trustees W Buy §§X Am Schgai Sig Prom: ' O 2 a, prmcmd‘s be contacted as to a, 2’2 other requirements in the various '; j: schools. ." ' . wen-1m ..................... Selma! Board Meeting Up By $59,000 $30,600 of the additional grant Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Baxter are seen following their recent wedding in Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Thornhill. The bride, who is the former Beverly Joan Lean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Lean, Concord, Ontario, carried the prayer book her mother used at her own wedding; the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Baxter, Thornhill. During the ceremony the church choir_sang the beautiful anthem “The Heavens Are Tell- ing†by Haydn. In regard to the remaining $20,000.00, it was suggested pric- es of public address systems be reviewed for installation at Mac- By buying the lot out of this surplus, the board feels it Is sav- ing the amount that would other- wise be added to debenturlng cost. ls expected to go toward pur- chasing a lot of six acres in the Pleasantvllle Development. On motion of Trustee L. D. Clement. seconded by Trustee Mrs. Mar- garet Southwell, the board signi- ï¬ed agreement to purchase six acres from Matt Smith of Pleas- antville Development, for $5.000. an acre. the money to come from current funds, (l.e., the surplus grant.) Wicu‘rlec! .911 flog; Mrs. John Wilkins entertained members of the Candy Committee for the Harmony Club Christmas Bazaar at her home on Wednes- day afternoon of last week. Over their teacups the ladies made plans for an attractive candy booth when the bazaar is held in Buttonville Hall on the afternoon of Saturday, November 29. Correspondent: Mrs. EH. Leaf R. R. 2 Gormley Phone AXminster 3-6188 The Euchre series game schedo uled for November 21 has been cancelled because on that evening the Markham Township Nomina. tions meeting will be held in But- tonville Hall. Next series game will be December 5. Miss Elizabeth French enter- tained W.I. quilters at her home on Monday of this week. A good many stitches are put into quilts by this group over a year. Miss Lum‘m Risebo'rough was a guest at the home of Dr. and M1}. Geogge Kelly last Sunday. Young People from the Victoria Square Charge held a roller skat- ing party on Saturday evening of last week. Next Sunday even. ing, November 23, they will meet at Brown’s Corners Church to ap- point a nominating committee for the coming election on November 30. Mrs. S. J. English was'pleased to have Margaret Gray of Brank- some Hall as her guest last wee" - end. Davidson Mission Band Thanlaos'ferinz On Saturday afternoon of East week Missian Band children met in Brown‘s Corners United Church to hold an Autumn Thankoffcring meeting. Mary Champion acted as chair- man in the absence of Janet Markham Township Council will be consulted regarding the prospective subdivision south-east of Richmond Hill, and pointing out a school site should be select- It was also moved by Trustee Clement. seconded by Trustee H. Sanderson that plaster gloss tint be applied to two rooms in this school. Consult Markham Re Site Trustee Clement moved the Supervising Principal, principal and staff. recommend to the Buil- ding Committee a programme of rehabilitation of furnishings in the school. Trustee Mrs. Sully se- conded the motion, the report to be received by the end of the year. Earlier Trustee Clement sug- gested some program for rehabil- itation of McConaghy School to bring it up to more modern stan- dards as far as furniture is con. cerned. Four new classrooms of furniture are already here, Sup- ervising Principal D. Rose re- ported. Killop Public School, and the principals be contacted as to other requirements in the various schools. LOWERS RICHMOND HILL “Flowers For All Occasions†PHONE TU. 4-1812 AT ALL HOURS We Deliver Toronto and Surrounding Districts BUWQNVELLE RiCE’S It was moved by Trustee Sully. seconded by Trustee Southweil that Chairman R. Ross and Trus- tees Sanderson and Clement go to the architectsf (Jackson and Epes) office on Monday, Novem- ber 24, to open tenders for the Beverley Acres addition. ed as soon as possible. Trustee Clement made the motion, sec- onded by Trustee Sanderson. A Markham Township Board and Richmond ning Board. Crosby Nearly Ready Crosby Ave. Pubm expected to be ready of this month. Two p‘ needed at MacKiHop house the influx of fall. Tenders for Walter Scott School addition will be opened Tuesday at 7:30 pm. The cost of install- ing an electrical heating system in the addition was discussed. While the cost of electricity for heating is estimated at 11 to 7 over coal, it was reported there would be a saving of 25 per cent on installation in comparison with a hot water system. The older building is heated with coal. Beverley Acres Tenders The board granted Music Sup- ervisor H. Fowler $50.00 to at- tend a music convention in Buf- falo, January 22. 23 and 24. Mr. Fowler will have a composition or two of his sung by a Toronto choir at the convention. Walter Scott Tenders Supervizing Principal Rose es- timated the average daily attend- ance in the public schools as 2.500 pupils for this year. Enrollment is up 12 pupils from the last reâ€" port. Mr. Rose stated paring the tender materiaIs for 1959. derson asked that local station- ers be given an opportunity to tender. AV. 5-4991 YONGE STREET NORTH, RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1194 BIRRELL MOTORS LIMITEE Besi yet of the best saliers! New Might, New Models, New Money-Saving Power! wmmmmwmwmmmwmw Take trucks that have shown themselves to be the biggest savers on lob after [ob . . . the biggest sellers month after month. Add important reï¬ne- ments and engineering developments that mean still greater efï¬ciency, endurance and economy. You’ve got trucks that give you unparalleled assurance of reliability . . . trucks that promise to keep your costs at an all-time low. Here are some of the ways Chevrolet Task-Force '59 solidly backs up that promise to stay and save on a broad range of hauling jobs. MacKinp School to influx of pupils this ublic Schoal Is ady by the end he was pre- for the school . Trustee San- local station- ,-..See your local authorized Chevrolet dealet be sent to Planning Hill Plan- more efï¬cient Six big V8's match modem short-stroke power to your job! High horsepower ratings range from 160 to 230; '59 ad- vancements include new wear-saving thermostat control, new durability through better cooling of components! 111W U1.“ .lLIU TANDEM AXLE -v DESIGN TIRE-SAVING Licensed Mechanic: Repairs [0 All Makes 01‘ Cars Specializing In English Automobiles Tune-ups {k Texaco Products *3 Towing Service EHHN MlllS 7 TD 4-1773 Triple-Torque tandem axles “track†on curves to cut tire wear and they boost G.V.W.'s as high as 36,000 1123.: Good news in every Series! New bigger brach in light-duty models, new huskier clutches, new rear axle durability in middleweights and heavyweights! 'IE-IE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, November 20. 1958 OUR GARAGE :wmuuanmamumla BURT-10W BODES FIRST FULLY AUTOMATIC Take the new Fleclside pick-up, for example. With doubleâ€"walled side construction, tough select-wood floor, wear-saving steel skid strips and extra-solid tailgate, this body can take it! HEAVY-DUTY TRUCK TRANSMISSION Extra-cost option Series 50 through 100 A OINIRAL MOTORS VAIUI They’re stronger and shfer will unilized design plus sturdy man from cross sill,‘and you gc bright new interior trim, c351 Nu-"lex seat, High-Lave} venti lation, concealed Safety Steps! ‘lurable. comfortable SIMONISE FAST SERVICE PICKUP AND DELIVERY REASONABLE RATES TUrner 4-2628 “-â€"~â€" .umuâ€"as with new YOUR 1n.