Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Nov 1958, p. 4

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By D. M. Fitzgerald Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill is to have a new parish hall. This momentous decision received the unanimous support of more than 300 members attending the con- gregational dinner meeting on Thomhill Pharmacy C. E. STONEBURG, Chemist & Druggist AV. 5-2503 Yonge St. BUTLER 8. BAIRD LUMBER Ltd. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1125 AV. 5-3506 Thornhil and District News 1 THE LIBERAL} Richmond Hill, On’cario, Thursday, November Max Factor Cosmetics Prescription Service Shown above is a drawing of the new Church School planned for Holy 41A nnn : Expert Drug Service View-Master Reek When noise strikes ordinary ceilings, it bounces back un- diminished. With Fibre'ex, un- wamed noise is trapped and absorbed. Vitamins Thornhill TELEPHONE AV. 5-3555 Wednesday. October 29th. A drive to raise 5140.000, over a three year period, will be included in the coming Sector Campaign. Mr. J. N. C. Hill is chairman of the Visitation Committee, and Mr. H. E. Garland of the Mater- ials committee (publicity etc.) A tentative sketch showing the ap- proximate location and size of the hall has been submitted by Rounthwaite & Fairfield. This architectural firm has designed the Stratford Festival tent, and permanent building, St. Luke’s Anglican Cathedral in Sault Ste Marie, and a number of other Churches, as well as hospitals in Oshawa. Both Mr. C. F. T. Rounthwaite and Mr. R. C. Fair- fieid are members of Holy Trin- ity. Because the large gathering could not be accommodated in Holy Trinity Church hall. the Thornhill United Church kindly made their splendid new hall and kitchen available, and ten of their women members, who were fam- iliar with the dish washing mach- ines, were on hand to do the dish- es. HAt the conclusion of the delic- ious turkey dinner (convened by Mrs. G. H. McLaren and Mrs. J. Johns-Manville Fibretex Acoustical Panels quiet noisy rooms . . . cost as little as $28.56 for an average ceiling... New booklet tells you how to “do-it-yourself" Put a ceiling on noise with J-M Fibrelex Acoustical Panels Each panel is drilled in uniform or random patterns with hundreds of noise-trapping holes that soak up 75% of room noise. This new ceiling has 100,000 noise traps The panels are painted in white flame-resistant Glazecoat finish and have the famous J-M Light- ning Joint that completely conceals nails or staples. aids alignment. You can get them from your J-M Building Materials Dealer. lZ-puge booklelâ€""How to Build a Fibrelex Acoustical Ceiling” â€"â€"- Give: you complete details on inslalling a noise quialing Fibrelex ceiling. For your copy, visit "10 J-M Building Malerial Dealer lisled below, or send 10: in coin to Dapl. BA-NZ, Canadian Johns-Manville, For! Credit, Onl. GET JOHNS-MANVILLE FIBRETEX PANELS FROM Fibrefex Acoustical Panels quiet noise, cover up unsightly ceilings. LOUGHLIN HOME SUPPLY Co. Ltd. Richvale The Liberal is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area . . Our representative in Thornhill ls Mrs. Donald Smellie. who may be reached by phoning AV. 5-3555. BEE-$140,000. is now tinder way. 9 AV. 5-1109 Stop 21A. Yonge Street, The basis of the Sector pro- gram is “participation”, explain- ed General Convener R. C. Nap- ier in his introductory address to the meeting. Stating that every member, of the Church is needed, and should take part in some cap- acity, he cited the dinner as a good example of what can be ac- complished by co-operation. Those who had helped in any way were asked to stand, and as groups of letter mailers, telephon- ers. table setters, kitchen helpers. turkey cookers, hostesses and do- ners of food, rose to their feet it became apparent that practically all the women present, and not a few men, had had a hand in the §proceedings. Unseen, but making their own special contribution as baby sitters so that parents could attend, were 16 teen age members of the Church. “However,” Mr. Napier contin- ued, the dinner meeting had been called to consider the findings of the program committee (convened by R. V. Tyson and J. M. Adamâ€" N. C. Hill) there was a short ser- vice, and the Rev. Logan Varey, curate of Holy Trinity read the Parable of the Talents, from the Gospel in Modern English, by the Rev. J. B. Phillips. l-3I33 .JMJI Trinity Church. A financial drive to In an inSpiring address the rector described Holy Trinity as a dynamic Church with a history of past achievements, which had now reached a turning point. It could continue to grow, or it could become static-because of “a cramped program. He felt confi- dent that the congregation could meet this challenge easily, if they sincerely wished to do so. “Not every Church. has been so bless- ed" nor had he ever worked in a parish where there was so much talent, he said. Reviewing the parable of the talents he stressed the fact that it was not the degree of talent, or wealth. that one pos- sessed that counted. butlthe wil- lingness to use what one had for the furtherance of God‘s work. Mr. R; V. Tysan then presented the report of the program com- mittee, commenting that he could but re-iterate the points brought up by Mr. Napier. As Superinten- dent of the Church School he was naturally gravely concerned about the present lack of space. son) and the resources committee (convened by R. E. Priestman, as- sisted by R. C. Byford and F. D. Jennings). These two committees comprising about 80 people had been formed to give careful study (in conjunction with the rector, and wardens) to the present and future needs of the parish. They had draWn up a Church budget for 1959, and a proposal for the urgently needed parish hall. Using a chart, Resources Chair- man R. E. Priestman presented a percentage analysis of Church gi- ving, and said that the Objective set was consistent with the'knoWn financial potential. A sound film strip “Through the Looking Glass” was shown to illustrate what had been accom- plished in another community. To Singapore Dr. R. Steefie Of Thornhill Doctor Steele has been practic- ing medicine since 1951 in Thorn- hill and since its inception, has been working at the Branson Hos- pital. A few years ago. the doc- tor was a teacher. He enlisted in the R.C.A.F. and put in four years in their medical corps. When he returned home, he went back to school to become a doctor with the express purpose of becoming a medical imisisionary for hi; church. Dr. Robert Steele of Thornhill has been appointed to the Yong- berg Memorial Hospital in Singa- pore as a medical missionary for the Seventh Day Adventists. Now that the Bransonv Hospital is established. Doctor Steele is quite happy with his new five year appointment. He will be tak- ing his wife and three children with him on the long ti'ip, and expects to leave within the next few weeks. After the five, year term. he will get a one year‘fur- Iough, and hopes to return here for a visit at that time. Until such time as a new man can be appointed. Dr. Brown on Yonge Street at Connaught will handle Doctor Steele's grivate practice. ‘ ‘ This Sunday, Doctor Steele will be preaching at the service in the Willowdale Seventh Day Ad~ ventist Church at Bathurst and Finch. Since this will be his t'inal sermon in Canada, this dedicated humanitarian is looking forward to seeing all his friends in the congregation. Christmas Orders Taken for handwoven and knitted articles. Corner of Thornhill and N0. 7 Highway La Grove Crafts Wags/10 'l”illii% 10/; Last week the Cancer Hostel, a great boon for patients from out of town, receiving treatment at the Princess Margaret Hospi- tal was officially opened. We, in Thornhill, are reminded by this that patients in our district do not need to stay in the hostel be- cause it is possible for them to make daily trips from their 'homes. The Cub Mothers Auxiliary of' the lst Thornhill Cub and Scouts met Tuesday afternoon in the Un- ited Church at 2 pm. Dr. E. B. Eddy installed the new executive for 1959, who are as follows: president. Mrs. Bill Lambert; vice-president, Mrs. Donald Mc- Crae; treasurer. Mrs. 'Robert Tamblyn; recording secretary, Mrs. D. Jarrell: corresponding secretary, Mrs. Clayton Atkinson; food convenor for mothers, Mrs. Robert Law. food convenor for boys. Mrs. Bruce Henderson: sewing convenor. Mrs. Herb Rog- ers; telephone convenors. Mrs. Lloyd Magee. Mrs. Alfred Eccle- stone. Mrs. Leonard Lee. Mrs. Hartley Stoddart and Mrs. Wajna. However the business of get- ting from home to hospital can be rather involved, as the patâ€" ient, perhaps convalescing from a recent operation cannot always make the trip by public trans- portation. Also the treatments are usually in the form of a course of treatments daily for two or three weeks. It is not therefore possible for the wage earner in the family to stay home from work in order to drive the pat- ient to hospital. Because of this the Thornhill Branch of the Can- cer Society is anxious to build up a core of drivers who would be available perhaps ‘once a month to drive residents of the district to the Princess Margaret Hospital. In the past this driving has been done by a few volun- teers but, largely by Mrs. Ruth Foran who had volunteered her services at a time when little driving was being done. The band went last week to see the De LaSalle band give a dem- onstration to a new band, which is forming in the area. It proved to be good experience for the boys in the band, who tried hard The guest speaker was Mrs. Alfred Standing. Assistant Prov- incial Commissioner for Ladies’ Auxiliaries who gave a very in- teresting talk on cubbing and scouting. A very pleasant after- noon closed with light refresh- ments. Cancer Society Swimmers badge: Allan Fletch- er, Geoff Dempster, Doug Meek- ing. Roddy Leonard and Steve Dockman. Musicians and Enter- tainers: Fred Gunn, and Dennis Connors. Camp Cook badge: Rob- ert Mason. Athletes: Roddy Leon- ard. After this the meeting was dismissed, and the boys left, re- ceiving an apple at the door to plug any holes left by the cake and apple juice. Since cancer cures could be doubled if this type of remedial and preventive treatment is car- ried out. the cancer society feels it should and could build up such to find mistakeé made bryfifijl; De LaSalle players. Last Thursday. the troop had its annual Birthday Party. There was a full schedule for the even- ing; beginning with the regular meeting. shortened to some de- gree. At about 9.30 the boys sat down to receive a piece of cake. and some apple juice. As soon as the eating was finished, the boys gathered and had their pic- ture taken. Next, the badges earned in the last few weeks were handed out. They were as follows: First Class badge: Geoff Dempster, and Bob Sproule; Canoeman: Bob Sproule, Keith Jordon, Allan Fletcher, Doug Meeking and Geoff Dempster. Towering crowns, draped cru- shed shapes, swagger brims, rip- ple cloches . . . all styled to the new silhouette in the soft plush fur look! You are sure to choose your new chapeaux from our lovely col- lection. Hats, hats everywhere and ev- eryone a beauty. The colors are irresistible -â€" glitter red, turquoise, copper. gold, black. dior blue and dusty pink. Costume Jewelry in the Aurora 'sunset' and ‘ice blue' earrmgs. necklaces and pins are elegant but modestly priced from $1 to $5. The many other sets include silver. gold, pearl. Indian filigree. Spanish and the new Persian gold‘. Come in soon for the ‘ lection. bes' se- macle/eine Mullnery & Accessories 3319 YONGE ST. (at Fairlawn) BU. 8-5406 2 bus stops below city limits 9 a.m. to 6 pm. Friday till 9 pm. Whale/a 2nc! ornLi/f 1,000 HA TS Thornh ill Notes coufd 'clm J a corps. Anyone interested in driving is asked to call Mrs. E. A. Percival. AV. 5-1839 and any- one requiring .a drive can call her or Mrs. S. Clement at AV. 5-1506. Presbyterian The executive of the Young Adult group met Sunday after- noon to appoint new group lead- ers for the coming year. who are as follows: Cory Heydens, Jane Camsell, Don Williams and Den- nis Robinson. The Fortnighters met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Clayton Atkinson. The president, Mrs. Hugh Anderson. was in charge of the meeting with de- votions conducted by Mrs. Gor- don Patterson. The guest speaker was Dr. Marian Powell, a missionary home. on furlough from Japan. Dr. Powell and her husband. Dr. Donald Powell are chief doctors in the Yodogawa hospital in Os- aka, Japan. Dr. Powell showed very interesting slides and spoke on her work among the Korean people in Japan. United Church News The W.A. of the United Church held its November meeting in the church auditorium Thursday ev- ening of last week with 57 pres- ent. Mrs. Leonard May, the pres- ident was in charge of the meet- ing. The devotions were taken by Mrs. E. Meuser. Following the business period the members were allowed to buy the leftover articles from the bazaar of No- vember 1. The new slate of of- ficers for the next term to be installed in January were ac- cepted and approved. The meet- ing closed with refreshments be- ing served by the ladies of Group 7. It was announced that the December meeting will take the form of a pot luck supper with all the groups participating. The Afternoon Auxiliary of the W.M.S. held their November meeting Tuesday afternoon of last week in the narthex. Mrs. Ralph Whatley, the president, was in charge of the meeting. Mrs. Donald Davidson conduct- ed the devotions. Mrs. Irving Ford reviewed the Study Book. The Explorers were guests of the auxiliary holding their initiation ceremony and star giving cere- mony. anmumuu“1mmnIllImumun1mln1uuuumum“mum“lmmunmmuum“mmumnmmm“mmmmmmnmmnnnuu1mnnnI\nnmnnmmmnnIlnlllmmmnn1l\1nuImulm\lmumnmumnnnuunuulm? Réfreshments were served by Mrs. Condom and Mrs. Ford. gmmmnummummmluwmmmmmummm“munmmunmmuummmnmumuum1mmuuu11mmuuummmmmunuuuummnmmmmnm 1111mm“1\\mmum11111mm\mmnmmmmmmmmnmm LONG COATS â€" 3/4 LENGTH COATS iand SHORTIES JACKETS Annual @ei‘ng TUESDAY, Nmr. 25th 1758-60 Avtm Road RU. 1-9176 THE THORNHILL AREA RECREATION COMMITTEE All Made up Samples in BLACK HOLLANDER DYED PERSIAN lAMB New 1958-1959 Designs â€" Many‘have Sapphire Mink Collars MUSKRAT (Dyod Mink) $149.00 PRE Ken Stiff Furs AT RICHVALE SAwN ONLY CHINA MWK (Dyed) $329.00 BOARD ROOM THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH REPORTS OF PRESIDENT AND TREASURER Election and Refreshments ’. Onen Thurs. 8. Fri. Evening fill ‘. A euchre is being held by the second Thornhill Cub and Scout Mothers‘ Auxiliary at the Powell Road public school tonight. Thurs- day,November 20 at 8 pm. Correspondent David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AV. 5-5205 Friends and neighbours of sev- en year old Gerri Greenham wish a speedy recovery for him, fol- lowing an attack of tonsilitis. Birthday congratulations are in order for Eula Clow, who on November 14 celebrated her sec- ond birthday, and to her sister Rose Mary. who will be 11 years old on November 27. The Well Baby Clinic will be held this month on November 26 at Thornhill United Church, 1:30 to 3.30 pm. The local councillors will be in attendance at the Doncaster Rate- payers‘ Association meeting to be held on Tuesday. November 25. in Henderson Avenue public school. The Doncaster Community La- dles Club will hold its euchre marathon finals on Monday. No- vember 24. There will again be progressive euchre for those who are not in the marathon. This will be at the Thornhlll Public School at 8 pm. Clearance Of Jackets The 2nd Thornhill Scout Troop requests that you support their annual doughnut drive which is now under way. NOTICE THORNLEA WOOD PRODUCTS Free estimates on wood storm sash and combination doors. One week’s de-4 livery. Trims, builders’ hardware, doors, glass, plywoods, frames and sash a specialty. DONCASTER AT 8 :30 RM. to be held OBSERVATORY ROAD, RICHVALE AV. 5-1436 RUSSIAN KOLINSKY $369.00 $495.00 $375.00 $695.00 GREY LAMB $329.00 VISIT HOMES The Annual Commence- ment Exercises for Thomhm High School will be held thll Friday. November 2lst, at 8.15 pm. Following the pres. entation of diplomas and priz- es. Mr. Sidney H. Watlpn, R.C,A.. O.S.A., Principal, On- tario College of Art will address the assembly. A Ipee- ial feature of the evening will be the presentatidi of an address to Mr. Fred Hainea, former principal of the On- tario College of Art,.in ap- preciation of the 14 oil paint- ings presented‘ by .hlm' to Thornhill High School. A cordial invitation to attend ll extended to the public. PIANO Learn to Play Christmas Carols H0. 6-9334 (Call Coiled) Please ,call 8.00 to 10.30 8.111. ACCORDIAN. GUITAR, Radios Thornhm “F13. Commencement JOHN'S T.V. AV. 5-4138 for for for Car Radios $375.00 $275.00“ $495.00 HI-FI

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