Real Estate ' Sales Service . ROGER PROULX Telephone TU. 4-1650 to inc/“ole lac/unole j/lOI‘I'l/li/f I and! cw/[acenf areaJ. Cureiaker Wanted Few only emonstrators â€" $125 .00 I8†blade Norihiown Shopping Centre Sale of McCulloch C H A I N 5 AW 5 $149.75 up 5906 Yonge Street BAldwin 5-5166 McCulloch Sales, Service and Rentals NEW WORK â€"- ALTERATIONS â€" REPAIRS Applications for the position of caretaker for'County Buildings at Newmarket will be received by the undersigned up to 4:30 pm. on Wednesday. December 10th. 1958. Duties to commence January lst, 1959. Caretaker's apartment is provided in the building. For particulars contact A. J. Rettie, County En- gineer, phone Newmarket TW. 5-2303. Central Outboard and Marine 7 lClJ IIOU/ €Xl€ll [[3 5385 YONGE ST.. WILLOWDALE Phone BA. 5-6429 Your listings are invited Free Estimates Gladly Given National Trust ASK FOR MR. OAKLEY EYENINGS AV. 5-4161 J. L. SMITH. Clerk, County of York. 62 Bayview Avenue. NEWMARKET, Ontario PLUMBING & HEATING Office in R'CHMUNI) HILL clan! 62 Crosby Ave. ONTARIO’S COMPANY LARGEST TRUST Wednesday last held many thrills for the junior boys of Headford, when they visited “The Royal" as 4-H Club members. Taken by some of the older memâ€" bers or by their parents, for some there was dinner at the Royal York. followed [by a tour of the Fair. To most of them it will be a memory to be dwelt upon for some time to come. The 4-H members of the Tem- peranceville Happy. Gang and their leaders. Mrs. Wilbert Jenâ€" nings and Mrs. Jack Macklin at- tended the annual Kiwanis lunch- eon given in honour of 4-H mem- bers at the Royal York Hotel on Wednesday. November 19th. At this time Donna Jennings re- ceived the award of a scholarship certificate and three books for her outstanding achievements in Mrs. Wm. Wellman. Mrs. N. Brodie, Mrs. Hugh Deverell and Mrs. Acreman attended the W. MS. and W.A. luncheon held in Victoria Square Sunday School room on Wednesday of last week. u... “uhnvu. ___ 4-H work. Other members attend- ing the luncheon were Betty Bey- non. Joan Hare. Audrey Herrema. Patsy Macklin. Roberta Wilson, Linda Chalk. and Bob Macklin, calf club members. ._ . ‘7 We regret very much having to report Mrs. Cummer Lee is not yet able to be out. She is. how- ever ‘coming along nicely" as they say. ' A newly organized “Explorers Group" has started in Temper- anceville. Girlsvfrom 8 to 12 are welcomed. The meeting is held Tuesday night at 7 pm. in the church. The W.A. and W.M.S. meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Ray Jennings on Thursday. November 20th. The devotional period was taken by Mrs. Wilbert Jennings who took as \her theme “Christâ€" ian habits of the hands." Mrs. Norman Rumble will now take charge of the 'mlssionary monthly on the resignation of Mrs. Frank Bell. Those interested in the bazaar at the York Manor on November let will be pleased to hear about $500 was taken in from the tables and tea. etc: There was a lovely surprise for those who attended church on Sunday morning when we wel- comed three new young members into our choir. Susan Terry, Sha- ron Rumble and Noreen Simpson will add much to make ur ser- vices even better with their sing- mg. In Headford Church. White Gift Sunday will be observed on December 14; and it is planned to hold a joint service with the Sunday School. Murray and Lorraine Acreman were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Knappett at their new home in Sharon on _Saturday last. follow- ing the wedding of their daughâ€" .Please keep in mind the date â€" Saturday, November 29, from 2.30 to 5 pm. â€"- when the Tem- peranceville W.A. will be holding its bazaar in the Sunday School rooms. There will be baking. gifts. aprons, tench and take, can- dy and miscellaneous tables. During the business period $200.00 was voted toward assist- ing with the expenses of the work done at the church. The nominating committee ap- pointed is Mrs. W. Jennings and Mrs. W. Turner. The official Board of the Charge will meet in Wesley Unit- ed Church on Tuesday. Decem- ber 2 at 8 pm. Members please attend. Once again a Temperanceville member of the 4-" Club has ac- complished a very worthwhile and interesting feat. Peter Vander- post entered the Royal Winter Fair Queen's Guineas Steers Comâ€" petition in which 250 4-H club members took part. There were 110 Aberdeen Angus steers 109 Shorthorns and 40 Herefords in the competition. . After the intricate job of judg- ing each class the champions and r e s e r v e champions compete against each other. It was in this Peter Vanderpost Wins Reserve Grand Champion Queen's Guineas u y.“ GreetiEg-éwt-éwï¬Ã©hny Davis who CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MILTON WELLS, R. R. 3 KING Phone PR. 3-5239 TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. H. ALJREMAN R. 8,. J Gormley â€"- Phone 'I‘Urner 4-2236 HEADFORD 'NEWS ter Shirley in Newmarket Chris- tian Baptist Church at three o‘- clock. The young couple, Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Verdoold, left on Monday by plane for a honey- moon in Jamaica. Mr, and Mrs. Herb Lee recent- ly had as their guests, Herb's father. Mr. Fred Lee. and his aunt, Miss Bertha Lee, when they took an extensive motor trip which included the new Burlingâ€" ton Skyway and the Hamilton Mountain region. 1L5 and Mrs. Willis Clark of Port Hope spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McDon- gall and Mrs. E. McDougall, were Sunday guests of the Cummer Lees and their family. uu s J“.-. The Christmas meeting to be held on December 10th: at the home of Mrs. W. Jennings will be in the form-of a Christmas party at which the husbands are guests, The value of the gifts to be eXCh‘anged was set at 50c. Mrs. William Mitchell and Mrs. Pete Beckett were appointed as pro- gram committee. There will be .,u ,,,,,_4_ ‘1... :IEhriéyi-S-ï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©r following the meeting. _ . -. .12“ Donna Jennings was a week- end guest of Miss Mabel Jen- nings. Toronto. 7 Mr. and MES/Don Beaton were guests at, the week-end of the Hal Acremans. Margaret Simpson and her sis- ters. Ruth and Noreen, accompan- ied Mr. Merrill Johnson for the ï¬nal day of the Royal Winter Fair on Saturday. and were thrill- ed with the afternoon horse show. Birthday greetings to Diane and Frank Toyne. twins, celebrating their fourteenth birthday this week. ‘ The November meeï¬ng ofthe W.I. was held at the home of Mrs. Ray Jennings on the evening of November 13th. The members an- swered the roll call “Little things that make life beautiful" by such remarks‘ as. be tolerant toward others. kindliness, a smile and a handshake,thoughtï¬ï¬‚ness shown by relatives, good neighbours, the beauty of fall flowersaa word of appredaï¬on for good food wen cooked. 7 _ mi‘hEHWHTniembei-s decided to send our Scottish friends a gift of apples rather than a cheese. this year. you-.5. Congratulations to Bob Macklin who won second in his class in the Junior Home plowing com- petition. The award was receiv- ed by Bob at their banquet held at Victoria Square on Friday evening. The Ted Little family have moved to Aurora'. Marie Little was a guest of Elaine Paxton on Tuesday. Friends will be pleased to hear Howard Clark had a satisfactory report on his check up at the General Hospital this past week. The men of the church held a "bee" on Monday to put the fence around the church in order. We note some very necessary work has also been done around the door t the basement. ‘vi‘ï¬Ã©â€"t'reasurer’s report showed balance of $89.13. The first euchre of the season at Temperanceville will be Tues- da‘y, November 25th at 8 pm. in the schoolhouse. Headford WA. will meet on Tuesday evening next at the home of Mrs. Elmer Leek. The word for roll call is either ‘Glorify’ or 'Peace’. Election of oï¬icers will be on the agenda. celebrated his 10th birthday, No- vember 25th.and to Wayne Pax- ton who was nine on November 24th. final judging that Peter Vander- post succeeded in winning the prize of Reserve Grand Champion Queen's Guineas Steer for his own Aberdeen Angus steer which he purchased from Kinghaven. His faithful care feeding and training of this animal has result- ed in a coveted ribbon and the sale of his beast for 50c a pound. Peter hopes next year to com- pete again and aim for the cham- pion award which receives a tro- phy held for a year and an in- scribed plaque. This year the champion sold fer $2.00 a pound. SAME DAY SERVICE Vim: Draper Agencies Oak Ridges Ontario PR. 3-5471 EM. 8-955! RELIANCE SERVICE STATION Radio â€" Washer Repair Service 12 Midnight DAILY Conversion To 60 Cycle TELEVISION On Sunday. November 30. the Advent season begins leading up to Christmas. Will each member of the church resolve to attend all four Sundays and will you reâ€" solve to encourage others to come also? The Theme will be: “Mak- ing Use of the Scriptures." of our congregation beginning Sunday November 30 -â€" For young parents wishing to attend the church service provision will The W.M.S. and W.A. luncheon was _held in the Sunday School room on Wednesday of last week with a large attendance. Ladies were present from Richmond Hill, Brown's Corners, Headford. Mell- \'ille. and Toronto. Mrs. S. DeFoe acted as chairâ€"lady and introduc- ed the head-table guests. which were: Mrs. McMuIIin, lst vice- president of the Dominion Coun- cil of the W.A.: Mrs. Gardiner, president of the Toronto Centre Conference: Mrs. Scott. President of the York Presbytery W.A.: Mrs. Hodgson. lst vice-president of York Presbyteriai W.M.S.; Mrs. J. P. Wilson. 2nd vice-president of York Presbyterial W.M.S.; Rev. and Mrs. A. F. Binnington; Mrs. John Wynne; Mrs. Morrow; Mrs. H. McCague. president of the Vic- toria Square W.M.S.: and Mrs. L. Mumberson. president of the Vic- toria Square W.A. The guest speaker was Mrs. McMullin, who is the lst vice-president of the Dominion Council of the W.A., Toronto. The guest soloist was Mrs. John Wynne of Richmond Hill who was accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Morrow also of Richmond Hill. The November committees of the W.M.S. and the W.A. would like to thank all those who help- ed in any way to make their re- cent luncheon a success. Your presence at the luncheon, your donations of food, etc.. were greatly appreciated. Bazaar H The Brownie Leaders would like to thank the Local Associaâ€" tion of Girl Guides and the ladies of the community for making the Bazaar held in the Victoria Square Community Hall on Satur- day a great success. There was Home-Baking, Sewing (beautiful hand-made doll's clothes), 3 Christmas tree from which the children bought their gifts; house plants. and last but not least. a free cup of tea. $175.00 was real- ized, part of it wil go towards equipment for the Brownies and the rest will be used for the ben- efitAof the girls' work. The bazaér was opened by Ma- dame Commissioner Mrs. Currey of the York North and South Div- ision of the Girl Guides. Church News At the church service on Sunâ€" day afternoon the sermon theme of Rev. A. F. Binnington was "Stewardship". The Law of Stewardship is: (1) God is the Owner of All. (2) I am Steward of His Wealth. “Man gets the Most out of Life as He Gives the Most." An experiment in Nursery classes for the 2 and 3 year olds CORRESPUNDENT : MRS. w. sANDLE. Telephone Gormley 5421 VICTORIA SQUARE residing within the boundaries of Union School Area No. 1, Markham and Vaughan. when a Poll will be opened at TEN o’clock in the morni g and shall continue open until EIGHT o’clock in the afternoon, and no long r, by the persons and at the places hereinafter named, viz: For the election of THREE school trustees for School Area No. 1 Markham- Vaughan POLLING SUBDIVISIONS PLACE 'All Persons interested are hereby required to take notice and govern them- selves accordingly. GORMLEY, NOVEMBER 24, 1958 1 â€"Fry Basket, 6439 Yonge Street, Highland Park Comprising Lot 26, Concession 1 ’ 2 â€"â€"â€"R_esidence E. A. Watts. Doncaster Lots 27 and 28, Concession 1. - 3A â€"York Farmers’ Market, Thornhill Thornhill Police Village 3B â€"York Farmers’ Market, Th'ornhill Lots 29 to 33, inclusive in Concession! 1. 4 â€"Residence, Clarence Thompson, Langstaï¬ Lots 34 to 38 inclusive in Concession 1. Monday, the lst Day of December, 1958 â€"Residence, J. Warwick. Hunt Lane Lots 40 to the S 1-: Lot 44, inclusive in Con. 1 â€"Residence. M. S. Ward. Green Lane Lots 1 to 10, inclusive in Concessions 2 and 3 â€"C0mmunity Hall. Buttonville Lots 11 to 20 inclusive in Concessions 2, 3 8: 4 NOTICE TO RA'I'EPAYERS OF Markham Township AN ELECTION WILL BE BELD ON The December meeting of the Sr. Women’s Institute will be held on Tuesday evening December 2, at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. Marcus Jarvis. Roll call is to be answered with Christmas gifts for the Children’s Aid Society. Music The Mission Band will meet in the Sunday School room on Sat- urday. November 29 at 1 p.m. Please note the time. All the chil- dren in the community are invit- ed to attend. Euchre The first Euchre of the fall ser- ies will be held in the Victoria Square Community Hall on Fri- day evening. November 28 at 815 pm. Everyone welcome. C.G.I.T. The C.G.I.T. is having a booth at the Harmony Club Bazaar being held in the Buttonville Hall on Saturday November 29 from 2- A number of Young People on the Victoria Square charge at- tended the York Presbytery Young People's Church Servxce and Fireside held in the Rich- mond Hill United Church on Sun- day evening. Sr. Women‘s Institute â€"â€" singing of Christmas Carols. The guest speaker will be Mrs. A. F. Binnington. All ladies In the community are invited to at-1 tend. Neighbourhood Notes Belated Wedding Anniversary greetings to Mr. and Mrs. P. Rum- ney who on November 7, cele- brated their ï¬fth wedding anni- versary; to Mr. and MM. Percy Bennett who on November 9 cel- ebrated their twentyosixth wed- ding anniversary; to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Boynton who on Novem- ber 11 celebrated their fourteenth wedding anniversary. be made to care for your child. or children. of the above age dur- ing the church service. Bring them to the Nursery class in the basement of the church just be- fore the service begins. Mission Band 5 pm. The girls will be selling Christmas decorations which they have made. Y.P.U. Birthday greetings to: Mrs. R. Beatty for November 28; to Den- ton Brumwell for No‘vember 28. On Wednesday afternoon of last week Miss Grace Boynton, Mrs. Lawrence Boynton, Mrs. John McCague, Mrs. Wm. Sandle, Margaret and Betty called on Mrs. Margaret Haig and Mrs. Harry Bennett at Stouffville. _ A speedy recovery is wished for Mr. Cecil Nichols who has been ill in bed; to Mr. John Cober who suffered a heart-attack and is in the Newmarket Hospital; to Mr. Harold Wellman who under- went an operation in St. Joseph's Hospital. Toronto; to Master Har- ley McNamara who had a ton- silectomy at the Hospital for Sick Children. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Barry King and family of Beverley Acres, Richâ€" mond Hill. had Saturday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gee and family. Victoria Sqnm NEWS THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday, November 27. 19M 7! DEPUTY RETURNING OFFICER POLL CLERK :2. an“uumunm\\u\mumiiliï¬â€œiuixiuliiï¬{Mumuuuhimiiiuimmi1lx\uul\lmmu“m1mmull“mum“\\\\m\u\\\\\\\\\\\\1\m\\\\\\\\I :2~ nuns]mumumumvIIInmun111mmum“mumi11\mm1muIum\mummmnmummumummmmmmmfl Odd Lots of Standard Guage Linoleum Tile - some room-sized lots - While they last, 50 YONGE ST. S.. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-4841 Remnants SANDRAN & INLAID LINOLEUME from our Sutton Store g Charles Clifford Mrs. Rhea M. Raeburn Mrs. Dorothy Watts Mrs. Jean Plaxton Mrs. Kay Findlay Mrs. A. Thompson John Warwick Mrs. H. Lak Ernest Walton COR. DON MILLS RD. AND NO. 7 HIGHWAY Phone AX. 3-3121 . C. T. CRISP, Returning Officer 6W Jams 7c PER TILE 1/2 B & M MOTORS SALE (Cash and Carry) PRICE Mrs. Theo Johnstone Mrs. Helen Porter Marguerite Collins Mrs. J. Warwick P. C. Hanks Mrs. Mary Way Mrs. A. Curtis