Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Nov 1958, p. 12

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Heavyweights wl'l be in the main bout at Thornhill Market next Tuesday. December 2 \\ hen two teams of heavyweight grapp- lers will go at it in a two out of three falls, 60 minute time limit match. One team will he compos- e'd of Hangman Howard Martin and Joe Szabo. the rugged Htin- garian star. The opposition will be supplied by Big Jim Krotcher who has been very impressive of late. and young Ronnie Doner, of Newmarket. Slabo and the Hang- man are the rugged type of mat men. and are given to rough and ready and sometimes illegal styles. In facing Doner they will be meeting a real heavyweight prospect and one that the experts feel has a great future in store .for him. His partner will be the Aurora Grizzly Bear. Big Jim Kt‘otcher who has shown that he can hold his own with the best of them. Szabo and The Hangman Dennis Richardson \'\'as the star of the game between Little Fords and Wimbridge Cleaners. He got two goals while his team-mates Jim Briden. Ernie Duhkowski and Bill Jackson got one apiece. The \Vimhridge leam was scoreless in this 5 to 0 game, Bayview Plaza and Surf Marine wound up with a 0~0 tie, Bir- rell Chews beat the Richmond Hill Bantam Bluelhlers 2 to 1 with Robin Craig scoring for the Bam- ams and Ron Midger and Peter Crack sinking the puck for Bir- rell Chevs. ‘Severai pre-season exhibition games were played by member teams of the Richmond Hill Min- or Hockey league last Friday at the arena. _ The R.H.HAS. Seniors under the coaching of Mr. W. J. Babcock took the Senior A title by defeat- ing Collingwood and Midland- Penetang High Schools. Coiling- wood took the Junior A cha'mp- lonship. A volleyball tournament with eight schools from Central On- tario participating was played last Saturday at Richmond Hill High School. am““muumm\\\\\1\\uu\\\\\\\\\uu\nummuumuummlmmm\\lm1u\\\\\\u\1\\\\um\\\\\n\m\mummmnnuumtumumuu“ummnfi Martin And Szabo To Tangle With Doner 8: Krotcher :Im\\\\u\\\\\u\\uuuuuuum\umnuuummmmunuuuuumuummnmuummuuuummmum“Immmuuumm\uuuuuluuu“mummy; [£1 A TAKE YOU TO i2 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday, Nm'ember 27. 1958 Opens shortly and will have used clothing wanted. AS COUNCILLOR - IF YOU WILL â€"â€" OR AGAINST HIM IF YOU WANT ‘ TO â€" BUT HOWEVER YOU VOTE â€"4 Vote a FOR DEPUTYâ€"REEVE TOWN or RICHMOND HILL TIT. 4-3910 Hilltop Sports ENCORE Vote for BROADHURST In the town good. clean. for sale or (my ‘are undefeated hereabouts and are confident of coming out on [top next Tuesday, but Jim Krot- echer has downed Howard twice inow and can see no reason why he and Donor cannot end the !bullyboy's winning streak. Crusty Karl Mueller, the No. 1 public enemy locally, will be in there against that classy little French Canadian star Maurice Gosselin. This one will also be a two out of three falls match but with only a 45 minute time limit. Another French star will be' on the card: this one being Freddie Labelle. Fred- will test the skill of Orro Morro. Mueller‘s tag team partner. This match is one fall with a 30 minute time limit as is the one between Killer Conroy. the Scarboro Steam Roller, and the popular Calypso Kid. A spec- ial bout with a twenty minute time limit will see Eddie Garner and Pal Greenfield. two up and coming young mat men, in action. When Villagb Taxi met Rich- mond Hill Legion. Ted Ross and Marcel Leblanc scored for Vil- lage. gaining their team a 2 to 0 wm. The first league game was playâ€" ed Tuesday in Woodbridge be- tween the Richmond Hill Midget Rams and the Woodbridge Mid- gets. The local boys took the game with a 7 to 0 win. Gravenhurst H.S. defeated Port Perry. Markham. Brook and Birks Falls High Schools to take both the Junior and Senior B champ- ionships. This year in RIM-LS. the boys' physical education classes in grades X. XI and XII will be learning Canada's national game -â€"Lacrosse. The new gymnasium is well suited to an indoor variety of this sport. The game is very fast. requiring stamina as well as many skills. Football helmets and hockey gloves are worn to ward off checks as well as the hard- rubber ball. In the first period. Bob King scored, followed by John Muir- head. The second period saw talâ€" lies made by Duane Patfield with an assist by David Gibson, And la- ter a single by Patfield. Ed Garner started the scoring in the third period for Richmond Hili. with other goals being scorâ€" td by Brian Atkinson and Alf Huestis. A Lacrosse team from the Uni- versity of Toronto came up last Monday to put on a demonstra- tion of the skills of the game. Al 8: Bob's 10 Stevenson Construction 8 Second Game .â€" Dynes Jewellers 6 Mainprize Drugs 3 Next Week‘s Games â€" Tuesday. December 2 â€" First Game. 8.00 pm. â€" A1 & Bob‘s vs Stevenson Construction Second Games, 9.30 p.m. â€" Dynes Jewellers Vs Mainprize Drugs High single over 220 â€" L. Pat.- terson 270; H. Hewlett 247. 238; D. Clubine 263. 248: G. Gourlay 230. 241: G. Lusignan 224: M. La- rocque 277 224: M. Acreman 222; G. Jordan 275; R. LeDrew 248; B. Clephane 282; B. Bartlett 272. 262; E. Martin 260. 227: B. Jones 261; T. Flejbert 223. 261: L. Gil- bert 249. 230: N. McLeod 231; J. Fuller 228; B. Mallory 244; R. Biggar 266; B. Murray 272; G. Fleury 278. 241: C. Cramer 298. 226. 285: J. Mérchiori 245; E. El- liott 220. 225. 343; L. Martin 221. RICHMOND HILL MERCANTILE HOCKEY LEAGUE STANDINGS As of Wednesday, November 26 Team P W L T P A] & Bob's 5 4 1 0 8 Dynes 5 3 1 1 '7 Stevenson 5 l 3 1 3 Mainprize 5 1 4 0 Results Tuesday, November 25 First Game â€" High averages â€" C. Cramer 228. B. Clephane 221, H. Hewlett 220. Team standings: Indians 40, Hornets 39, Bearcats 35, Lions 35, Wildcats 35, Cubs 34, Bruins 34, Tigers 28. A.B.O. MEN’S MAJOR Richmond Bowl took over first place last Monday night to lead the league with 46 points follow- ed by Davis 8: Day 44, United Tire 43, Twin Boys 42, ABC. Bowl No. 2 40. Italy 33. Young Bros. 32. Jack Blyth Real Estate 31. ABC. Bowl No. 1 30, K & M Spitfires 16, John‘s Boys 0, Jack Hall 0. Tony Valente set the pace for the night with a high triple of 847. and high single of 315. Tony Risi took ,high three handicap 838 and high single handicap with 318. High_ average Tony Valente High triple over 660 â€" H. How- lett 698: D. Clubine 696: G. Lusig- nan 661; M. Larocque 663; B. Bartlett 718: E. Martin -681; T. Flejberk 671; L. Gilbert 680; B. Murray 670: C. Cramer 809; J. Marchiori 670; E. Elliott 788. Team standings, 2nd series -â€" Pts. Total 1. Town Inn 17 36 2. Bayview Plaza 14 51 3. The Liberal 13 ' 31 4. Gunnar's Tailors 12 46 5. Neal's Dodge-DeSoto 11 , 42 6. Dyne’s Jewellers . 9 32 7. Seeburgs 6 31 8. Stouffville 2 11 ’ Fred Rumney was elected as president of the Concord-Edge- ley Box-sling League last Friday night. Fred replaces Ella Whit- more who resigned some weeks ago due to ill nealth. The highest score of the night was rolled by Tom Bryce, a nice 282. The other high games were Albert Waller 277. Flo Strachan 269, Al Whaley 269. Betty Mc- Kay 263, Bernice Cook 262, Jack Witney 261, Grace Rutherford 251, and Fred Rumney 250. Team Standing: Patti-Lu 13, Bakers Sales 11, Richmond The- atre 9, Richmond Bowl 9. CONCORD-EDGELEY LEAGUE RICHMOND BOWL LADIES' MAJOR November 21. 1958 Bowler of the week:- H. Mac- Kenzie with a very nice three game total of 673. H.S.. H. MacKenzie 246. H.S.H.: H. MacKenzie 271. H. TI H‘ MacKenzie 673‘ H.T.H.: H4 MacKenzie 748. z 200 scores: H. MacKenzie 246, 241. F. Littleford 217. 215. M. Ruthley 228. 226. 206. B. Fleury 205, A. Wilkie 220. M. Haviland 206. G. Lusignan 208, D. Cruchet 236. 282, 1311? Clephafié ziif'i'aili 155-1};- las 235, Tim Saul 234, Arne Skretteburg 232, Hank Searle 232. 200 & over: Iris Pratt 203, 200, Pat Mills 262'. Marg Hall 259, Joyce Hall 224. Glad Dafoe 224. Ruth Charity 221. Win Collard 220. Helen Jones 207. Mary Barâ€" row 207. Alice Murray 201. Bud Jones 222. 211. 203, Ben Thomp- son 211. 217. 206. Warren Hall THURSDAY NIGHTERS November 20 1958 Team standings: Rockets 21. Uplifts 18. The Relations 18. Snappers 14, Teapots 14, Kittens 11. Homebrews 11. Rovers 5. 242. 214 Elgin Barrow 241. 214, Vic Broderick 228. 216. Ross Ker- win 216. 208. Dick Yule 210, 206. Eric Charity 277. Dick Mills 273. Morley Hall 241. Floyd Pratt 23!. Willie Beresford 223, Don Laurie 218, Jack Hall 208. THOR‘NHILL LADIES November 24. 1958 Bowler of the week: Gloria Connolly 591. games 230. 166. 201. Billye Newer 217. Gwen Rose 203. Verg Moore 20?. Jane Ball 212. Lilly Burnett 199. RICHMOND BOWL LEAGUE Town Inn Bayview Plaza The Liberal Gunnar's Tailors Neal's Dodge-DeSoto Dyne‘s Jewellers . Seeburgs Stouffville Bowling Scores Men's High Single: Jack Stan- way 214, 347. Kris Morris 289, 208. Jim Brown 288. Al Opersnik 285. Hal Friend 283. 211. George Blakeney 273. John McAuley 242, 253, 241. Les Carrauthers 253, Hilton Canning 232. 206. Bill Hop- kins 232, John Gilchrist 227, Harold Tomlinson 222. The end of the first series the winners are the Beginners with 43 points. second place The Crip- les 40. Club 300 39. Pickers 39, Frantics 35, The Coasters 31. Wildcats 28. The Corps 25, Van- guards 19. Rocketts 17. Men's High Three: John Mc- Auley 736. Jack Stanway 735. Kris Morris 691. Charlie Hickman 702. Hal Friend 662, Al Oper- snik 603. Jim Brown 601. Ladies‘ High Single: Nora Thomas 282. Kay Opersnik 209. 205. 243. Babe Snider 232. Fran Stanway 202. 219. 226. Orpha Stone 220. 224, Pat Green 222. "THE CARDS” Friday. November 21 R. Cartier 203. 253, A. Eden 228. 266, M. Blackburn 288, R. Littleford 218. 273, B. Smith 240. K. Tomlinson 229. A. Blackburn 228. 217, J. Kirk 212. 270, B. Blackburn 232. D. Lawrie 205, K. Tomlin 207, F. Perkins 246. L. Teetzel 218. M. Littleford 200. R. Brillinger (Blow King) 263. A. Hillaby 201. Z. Teetzel 225. D. Fettes 232, 236, C. Walker 206. 204. Ladies‘ High Three: Kay Oper- snik 657, Fran Stanway 647. Nora Thomas 621. Orpha Stone 618. RICHMOND ROLLERS Points â€" Lions 19. Bears 15. Seals 14. Zebras 12, Wild Cats 9, Hippos 7. Rhinos 4, Tigers 4. Games 200 and over: Effie Dale 222. 208. Audrey Da- vidson 201, Peggy Wideman 296, Doris Hawkins 230. Rose Simmons 200, Betty McAnual 212. Isobel Ellis 230. Vi Lawrie 218. Vera Shropshire 235. Ethel Elsie 201, Mary Paton 206, Connie Snaith 211. Marg Blackburn 218. Eleanor Lindsay 217‘ Det Palmer 237, Marie Mussleman 203. Army,Navy,Air Force League Team standings: Deuces Jokers 42, Sevens 41, Aces Kings 32, Queens 32, Jacks Tens 22. Women â€" M. Martin 311. 209. J. Warwick 223. 220, N. Lemon 210, P. Stockert 223, L. Battler 209, K. Reynolds 200, M. Umbach 247, E. Turnbull 216. RICHMOND BOWL JUNIOR LEAGUE Gord Pratt 187. 130, John Wat- chum 179. 148. Gary Holtz 136. John McCallum 131. Dave Nich- olson 157. Ray Bork 159. Al Weoâ€" ster 136. Red Pratt 180. Ken Car- lisle 187. Robert Allan 148. Bill Waters 152. Jean Harding 148. R. Bork 153. Nancy Battler 163. John Borg 156. Joyce Harding 138. Larâ€" ry Cameron 151, Jim Fleming 149. Jim Bradley 141', Rickey Ed- wards 126. High' triple â€"- Women, M. Mar- tin 707: men. E. Martin. 709. High single â€" Women, M. Mar- tin 311; men, J. Farmer 261. Over 200 â€"â€" D. White 200, 225. C. Turnbull 224.202. 249. R. Val- court 226, C. Burton 206, C. Gil- lette 208. D. Greenfield 229. C. Allen 205. R. Condy 205. B. Burtt 212. B. Johnston 219. 240. 236. J. Bonner 203. S. Ross 205. 228, 259. B. Robson 280. J. Farmer 261. C. Rothwell 219. 227. F. Reid 228. 243. 236. E. Martin 234, 223. 252, H. Bryant 201. 218. G. Ellis 209. J. Hartford 216. 201. J. -Martin 235, 211. 254. N. Alexander 244, 201. R. Umbach‘ 248. Corner Pins 17. The Jays 15. Clowns 15. Lucky Strikes 15. The Spares 14. Blenbraers 10. Hustlers 9. Marksmen 8. Rock 'n Rollers 7, Try Hards 6, Handicappers 6. Hot- shots 4. Queen‘s Court: Eve Leagate. 67.5: Muriel Stevens. 674; Marie Brenzell, 608; Betty Connolly, 607; Louise Nelson. 594. GLENBRAE BOWLING LEAGUE The third night's action over the teams are as follows: King's Court: Hardie Nelson. 727: Thody Linderman. 699: Char- lie Pearce 678; Joe Paterson, 659; Ed Patterson. 654. MAGAZINE for the week. Hap Mills. 738; Queen for the week, Carmen Cripps 708. CANADIAN LEGION I BOWLING High triple â€"- Women, M. tin 707: men, E. Martin, 701 High single â€" Women, M. tin 311; men, J‘ Farmer 26' COMMUNITY BOWLING LEAGUE - Best games this week â€" Jean Stewart 267 Harry Bennett 276. Other good games were Eddie Cooper 211. 210, Bob Jones 229, Jack Holtze 260. Jack Burke 200, Don Lawrie 236. 201. 236. Egan Jensen 228. Nora Huestis 243. Les Mayhew 200, 200, 202. Bud McKee 222. 224. Norm Winter- field 266. Blanche Wilson 209, John Johnston 216. 258. Roy Thompson 201. 214. 237. Gladys Cooper 254. Bob Correa. 222. 240. Chuck Jesson 202. 269. Mary Beach 229, Bonnie Thornhill 251. New - Renewal - Gift SUBSCRIPTIONS Derry Giles AV. 5-2241 By Dave Barbour The Thornhiil Juvenile Hockey League opened in Woodbridge Monday with a 2 to 0 loss. It was hard to say whether there was more hockey or more fighting. A total of 23 penalties were handed out by referees. Dave Shannon starred in the net for the Wood- bridge team. A}ematch is scheduled for next Monday December 1. at Wood- bridge: Garnejime _is 9.15 pznfix. To date. 60 boys have register- ed for the T.D.H.C. hockeyâ€"house league which is awaiting the opening of Harrison Road Rink in Willowdale. January 3 â€"â€" 12:30 \â€" Biltmores vs Flyers 1:00 â€"â€" Petes vs Canadiens 1:30 â€" TeePees vs Tiger Cubs 2:00 -â€" St. Mikes vs Marlboros January 10 â€" 12:30 â€" St. Mikes vs Flyers 1:00 â€" Tiger Cubs vs Marlboros 1:30 â€" Petes vs TeePees 2:00 â€"â€" Canadiens vs Biltmores January 17 â€" 12:30 â€" TeePees vs Fiyers 1:00 â€" Mariboros vs Canadiens 1:30 â€"â€" Tiger Cubs vs Biltmores 2:00 â€" St. Mikes vs Petes January 24 â€"â€" 12:30 â€"â€" St. Mikes vs Canadiens 1:00 â€" Biltmores vs TeePees 1:30 â€"- Flyers vs Tiger Cubs 2:00 â€"- Marlboros vs Petes January 31 â€" 12:30 â€" TeePees vs Marlboros 1:00 â€" St. Mikes vs Tiger Cubs 1:30 â€" Biltmores vs Petes 2:00 â€"- Canadiens vs Flyers February 7 â€" 12:30 â€" Biltmores vs Marlboros 1:00 â€"- Flyers vs Petes 1:30 â€" TeePees vs St. Mikes 2:00 â€"- Canadiens vs Tiger Cubs February 14 ~â€" 1 12:30 Petes vs Tiger Cubs 1:00 -â€" St. Mikes vs Biltmores 1:30 â€"- Mariboros vs Flyers 2:00 â€" TeePees vs Canadiens February 21 -â€" 12:30 â€" Flyers vs Biltmores 1:00 â€"- Canadiens vs Petes 1:30 â€" Tiger Cubs vs TeePees 200 â€" Marlboros vs St. Mikes February 28 â€"- 12:30 â€" Fiyers vs St. Mikes 1:00 â€" Marlboros vs Tiger Cubs 1:30 â€" TeePees vs Petes 2:00 â€" Biitmores vs Canadiens March 7 and 15 â€" Semi-Finals LITTLE N.I-l.L. The juvenile club is seeking juvenile calibre hockey players. so if you are interested. call coach Laurie Ross at AV. 5-4211. â€" TU. 4-1745 â€" 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS Special Student Rates 2:30 â€" Americans vs Canadiens 3:00 â€"- Rangers vs Hawks 3:30 â€"- Bruins vs Wings 4:00 â€"â€" Leafs vs Maroons January '31 â€" 2:30 â€" Hawks vs Leafs 3:00 â€" Americans vs Wings 3:30 -â€" Rangers vs Maroons 4:00 -â€" Canadiens vs. Bruins February 7 â€"- 2:30 â€" Rangers vs Leafs 3:00 â€" Bruins vs Maroons 3:30 â€" Hawks Vs Americans 4:00 â€"â€"- Canadiens vs Wings Typewriters . Adding Machines All popular make: on hand See Portable models at Wight's Pharmacy 28 Yonge St. S. or Call TU. 4-1745 day or night 'Your local typewriter specialist' January 3 â€"â€" 2:30 -â€"â€" Rangers vs Bruins 3:00 â€" Maroons vs Canadians 3:30 â€" Hawks vs Wings 4:00 â€" Americans vs Leafs January 10 â€" 2:30 -â€" Americans vs Bruins 3:00 â€"â€" Wings vs Leafs 3:30 â€" Maroons vs Hawks 4:00 â€" Canadiens vs Rangers January 17 ~â€" 2230 â€"- Hawks _vs Bruins 3:00 â€" Leafs vs Canadiens 3:30 â€" Wings vs Rangers 4:00 Americans Vs Maroons January 24 â€" Topper’s Market Macs & Cortlands $2.25 per bushel Fancy quality Spies. Delicious & Blenheims 75c PER GALLON (plus container) Savoy Cabbage Potatoes Carrots OFFICE MACHINES DEALER Open all Winter - - drive in to the house. North Richmond Hill LITTLE 0.“.A. j/wrnAi/f APPLES flOCLey SCAeclu/m‘ L. H. SIMS CIDER ’porld On Friday. November 21. the Thornhlll Juveniles defeated the Richmond Hill ‘Mldget' Rams in an exhibition game at Richmond Hill arena 4 to 0. The big gun for the juvenile team was John Hodglns with 2 goals. Elliott San- ders and Bill Hogg fired one goal each. Bob Deighton turned in his best game in a long time in goal. stopping the eager Rams time and time again. February 14 â€" 2:30 -â€" Man 3:00 â€" Ame ‘ 3:30 â€"â€" Leaf: ‘ 4:00 â€" Haw! February 21 â€" \ 2:30 -â€"â€" Brui ‘ 3:00 â€" Cana 3:30 â€" Win; 4:00 â€"â€" Leaf February 28 â€" 2:30 â€" Bruh 3:00 â€" Leaf 3:30 â€" Ha“ 4:00 â€" Rang Sincerest sympathy is extend- ed to general manager Joe Powell who suffered three deaths in his family this past week. Bulletin It took two stitches to close the wound at the corner of Gary Stamp's left eye. He received the injury in Monday night‘s game at Woodbridge. March NO. 7 HIGHWAY & DON MILLS ROAD THE GREATEST NAME IN FOOD. Quaker CORN FLAKES laraePkg 27 TIP TOP PLUM JAM worth 59 Mother Parkers Tea ags 90': 94 CHOICE PEAS 20onountainBIe-n42tm 29 Mild Cured Smoked Ham half or‘ whole Ham Red and Blue BRANDT ‘ STEAKS and ROASTST. Open Thursday & Friday Nights till 9 o‘clock Round Sirloin Porterhouse And WING Fresh Meaty SPARE RIBS lb 45 BOLOGNA RINDLESS SIDE I V AI! (‘ontra Sliced end cuts lb. Centre Cuts and Slices lb. WIENERS HAM MEALD BACK LEAN COOKED All Centre Sliced ARNOLD FARMS SPECIAL Open Thursday & Friday Nights till 9 o’clock â€"â€" Maroons vs Wings â€" Americans vs Rangers â€"â€" Leafs vs Bruins â€" Hawks vs Canadiens ry 21 â€" â€" Bruins vs Rangers â€" Canadians vs Maroons â€" Wings vs Hawks â€"â€" Leafs vs Americans ry 28 â€" â€"â€" Bruins vs Americans â€" Leafs vs Wings â€" Hawks vs Maroons â€" Rangers vs Canadiens 22 and 29 â€" Finals APPLES 6 Qt. Bsk. 39 SPINACH FANCY McINTOSH 2 FOR 25 Voleé FRESH CRISP CELLO PKG VLET L’S QU_0TE XOU ON YOUR HOME FREEZER NEEDS thinly ' sliced lb. by the piece lb. value lb. Repairs To All Makes Of Can Specializing In English Automobile. Tune-ups {‘1 Texaco Products 3% Towing Service ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-1778 Thornhill Marketâ€"Tues., Dec. 2 8.45 PM. FARM FRESH GRADE A LARGE MILK Qt. Cartons EA. 20 MUELLER GENERAL BAKERIES - GOLDEN TOASTED 24 OZ. WHITE SLICED BREAD 2 FOR 35' GOSSELIN HANGMAN Howard Krotcher Szabo PROPERLY MATURED FOR TENDERNESS AND FLAVOR AND LABELLE MORRO OUR GARKGE Licensed Mechanic 69! 5 PhGS. 99 . LI BB\'§‘§§6ZE N‘__ 25§FRENCH FRYS 87 EGGS 002 49 Pure Pork Small Link Breakfast Small Link FARM STYLE .............. ARNOLD FARMS FRESH SAUSAGE CONROY PEAS CORN 5 PKGS. 99 VS CALYPSO 2 PKG. 35 LIBBYS FROZEN Doner AND Ib49 EDDIE GARNER JR. PAL GREENFIELD VS lb. lb. 49c. 39c. 29c.

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