h-mw Lmum“\ummml\ml\mun“mumqumum\nummmumum1mmummmuu1\ll\lummumummmuumuummuumuummuunmmmumummumumumuuum“ummmmuummwummuï¬ zamuuuulmnlmmuuItlnuumum\\m1uu11u1u\\uumm“\uuuuuummmum“\un\Mï¬ï¬ï¬u“mm“mun\\ulmmlummumuummumummmmummuuuuuu1m\muuuuu1mmmmmuuuuumm It can no§v be done at moderate cost with AVALON NYLON CARPETING WOO/o nylon fabric with foam rubber backing O HARD WEARING O ATTRACTIVE C( EA IL A El) in sell pattern or . NOS'PA; CglfQSIRED 0 MODERATE PR1 . in your home, I] O MOTH PROOF m. ofï¬ce. Available also in Custom Made Rugs TUrner 4-2613 November 24th, 1958 In School Area No. 1, Markham and Vaughan, however, four candidates have qualiï¬ed for the office 0f Trustee; three only are required. Therefore a vote will be necessary in this school area only to elect Trus- tees. Public School Supporters residing Within the boundaries of School Area No. 1 are requested to gov- ern themselves accordingly. . Your Council has therefore passed a by-Iaw repeal- lng By-laws Number 1723 and 1724; consequently there Evil] be no vote this year on the question of a two year erm. Since the present members of Council were all re- elected by acclamation for the year 1959, and also only two candidates for Trustee, School Area No. 2 were nominated and qualiï¬ed, being the required number, NO ELECTION WILL BE NECESSARY ON DEC- EMBER 1st, 1958. N O T I C E . TO ELECTORS OF MARKHAM TOWNSHEP MOVING PACKING » moms a. gums: GALL BA l-0485 c, 80-0PERA MRS INSURANCE ASSUBIA T ION W Nan" ‘ vault“ Offices In Town», Hamlhon, london, Wlndtor, Ottawa, Owen Sound For Prompt Courteous Service Call "Auio Insurance for (awful Drivers" And I" was well VIM: Jo. will For up uhoud, a sudden lpm Stopped all Oh. can right down M. In. For careful driven, 9h?! was flno. Joe lommod hh brakes, hogan N ukid, Who driven don", bu? Jmeph did. Now slx foal down, Joe taken it any. Ht wasn't man when it wan freely. Jo. Dealt†mu havofllng do“ bound The car In from, to he could Md HI: way by Iho rad [19M ahead . . . HI: windshield wiper had yon. dwd. flunlgch-Mhmmbkwhg I'M mm: null wan honowcrd lowing, Tho road with Iknh and k. We: doâ€, And can won moving at a creep. SNOWED UNDER 148 WILLOVVDALE AVE for samples. price: Ind tel-mu. in sell pattern or plain 0 MODERATE PRICE laid in your home, npartment or office. O ATTRACTIVE COLORS 177 Lennox Avenue LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING DAILY SERVICE TORONTO AND AREA STORAGE H. C. T. CRISP, Clerk Township of Markham In the field of virology, the most notable advance has been in the management of anterior polio- myelitis. Twetny-five years ago the therapy of this disease de- pended on the use of convaleseent serum and gamma globulin, and no speciï¬c prophylactic measures were available. The ability to isolate and identify the virus, and to culture it in quantity. en- abled Dr. Salk to produce his vac- cine, which is now being general- ly used as an immunizing agent. Experience to date seems to in- dicate that the vaccine is highly efficient in the prevention of the disease. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK Mr. and Mrs. J. Cappy were hosts at a cocktail party at their home on Saturday. November 22. in honour of their son Tony’s birthday. Forty-two 'guests at- tended, most of whom were from the Department of Highways Land Survey section along with guests from Timmins, Richmond Hill and Aurora. A very good friend and neighbour. Mrs. D. Goulding presented him with a B‘irthday greetings to Jean Cor- kln on November 17th. to Jackie Hall and Patsy Smith on Nov- ember 20th, to John Salsnek and Linda Flood on November 23. to Tommy Hobson ‘on November 25th, and also Kenn,~ Bell who was two years old on November 25th, to Clifford Clarke on Nov- ember 28th. and to Robert But- ler on November 29th. Socials ' Akela, Mrs. Mary Ensor. would appreciate reclving any toys that can be repaired by the Cubs. These toys will be painted and repaired and sent to the hospital at Christmas time. Birthdays | Wednesday, November 19th. was a very important afternoon for 19 girls from Jefferson Public School. That afternooon they dropped the title “tweeny†and ‘became instead Brownies. The ceremony was held at the old school where the Commissioner. Mrs. Mary Smith, was introduced by Brownie Mary Jane Terry. Many mothers were present to hear their daughters repeat the Brownie promise and receive their Brownie pin from Mrs. Smith. The following girls be- came Brownies: Ella Anderson, Jean Anderson, Lorna Burns, Lil- lian Davis, Winnie Davis, Ruth Harper. Marnie Miller. Linda Pat- on, Linda Diseman, Sharon Mit~ chell, Sandra Rutter, Angelika Sommers, Carol Waters, Gail Hal- gren. Susan Dinner, Bonny Mc~ Crimmon. Lorraine McCrimmon. Judy Knappett and Linda Locke. Cub News CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.D.H i The Mothers' Auxiliary held their meeting Tuesday, November 18th, at the home of Mrs. Ivan Peterson. Christmas plans were discussed and further plans for the Brownie Concert were also on the agenda. The Brownie Christ- mas Carol concert will be held at Jefferson Public School, Monday, December 8 at 7.30 pm. Brownies The evening branch of St. John‘s Anglican W.A. held their meeting Wednesday, November 19th at the home of Mrs. S. Leno. Mothers Auxiliary The afternoon“ branch of St. John's Anglican WA. held their NOV/ember meeting at the home of Mrs. Boyle with 12 members pres- ent. The meeting was given over to the nomination of officers and the scripture was read by Mrs. William Bell. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, De- cember 10th, at the home of Mrs. S. Snively. Church News ELGIN MILLS-JEFFERSON NEWS Poliomyelltls Correspondent: The Evening Brunch 0! tho Woman'l Auxiliary of St. John‘l Anglican Church TU. «270! TO. 44384 Mrs. Dorothy Cracknell was Matron of Honour at the wedding of Mrs. Muriel Baldwin to Mr. William Beaupre which took place at Nottawa. Mrs. Jane Williams and her C. G.I.T. group, the Satellites, went boyfling 9n Sagurday. Mrs. George 'Gouiaihé' and her daughter Andrea are now home frgrp thg hospital. The Monday nghters met at the home of Mrs. Jessie Hall for their regular evening of euchre. Winners of the evening were lst Mrs. D. Goulding. 2nd Mrs. Jack Hall, 3rd Mrs. Ted Gamble and fourth Mrs. Ray Jackson. Mr. T. Hankin. Miheéï¬g. visit- ed his daughter and son-in-IaW. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers on Sunday. We are glad to hear that Mr. Bill Richards is home from the hospital and feeling fine. lovely birthday cake which she had made. Don't forget the square dance to be held at the school FridaY. November 28th. _V-_-- ._-- I v..- TO STOP SKIDS -G sum- LASTIC mm ; snow TIRES Soâ€"quiefâ€"running you can " MOB'POWER Hl-GAPACITY ARMOR cuss To assist the public and postal staff to facilitate the handling and delivery of mail matter on time, Mail Supervisor V. Grisold sug- A. and in» Canadéi £35968; 1'â€" BEL cember 7th: Letters â€"â€" December Sui; Air Mail -â€" December 12th. \ With Christmas rapidly ap- proaching. mail matter becomes increasingly heavier and Rich- mond Hill Post Office handling the greatest amount of mail in- its his- tory. Postmaster E. T. Willis ad- vises “Mail early" â€" and states the closing dates for the follow- ing countries: For United King- dom: Parcelsâ€"November 22nd; Letters â€" November 29th; Air Mail â€"â€" December 15th,_ For Europe: Parcelsâ€"November 19th; Letters â€" November 26th; Air Mail -_~ December 12th; For US. “Man early â€"â€" and often" is the slogan that the Richmond Hill Post Office will appreciate being put into practice by local resi- dents. Mail Early Says Local Postmaster Qâ€"VOLT DRY CHARGE â€" Fit: Chevrolet 1940-54, Dodg. (m9) 193$ 55, Oldumobik (dâ€"cy'.) 1949-50, Plymouth 1939â€"55, Pontiac (mos!) 1949.54, mou Volkswagon and many others. Rog. $21.25. With old baHII’y _. FACTORY FI'LLED WET TYPE â€"- 6-voh. WW1 old baflary IZ-VOLT DRY CHARGE SUPER-SERVICE â€" Fits most popular Ion modal can. 54 pawnn’ud phi“. Reg. $27.95. _Wi'h old bum", , ......... . .. FACTORY FILLED WE! TYPE â€" ‘z-Vol'. W'MI old buflery mu. ......_. JMro’I a fully guarunucd Mon-Pow" lam" for Evan-y Cut and Taxi - so dame} Indium. drive them a" year ’round Tho froth"! power money can buy, 45-po‘m IZOâ€"Gmp capacity â€" for action nam In any filled Pow" Sealed for your profedlen. Power-Sealed Dry Charge SWER-SERVIGE LVOLT DIY CHARGE -â€" Flu Cliovvohi "40-54, Dodge (mos!) l933‘55, Oldsmobile G-cyl. 1949-50, Plymouth, I939- 55, Pontiac (moo!) 1949-5‘, mos! Volluwagenâ€" and many other: 48-Mon9h lmumca Guaran- Du. Rog. lln $27.50. With your old bonny. I FACTORY FILLED WET TYPE - 649m \leh you old bonny IZoVOL‘l DRY CHARGE MOI-POWER Nl-CAPACWY â€" Flu not! popular lab modal eon. 54 Plain. I... In $29.42. 36-Mon0h lnwram szmho. WM! trade-in ‘ ......... I mcrï¬gJuEn wa m: â€" l2-volt; mm. m ..........._.-._..__.....~... POWER-SEALED DIV CHARGE 'Hl-CAPACIYY" AWN-CLASSâ€" Packed with lho mon unablc pow" Over bu"! [Mo a bcflcry. Canadian Tin'l exclusiv. new "powerfud-prmu" vacuum f3" "lecithin" all Oh. power unm the infant you and 10. No “Halo flock“ bocouu Bamry Add ll add-d only whon you buy your new MOI-POWER Oil-CAPACITY DIY CHARGE. Up to 70% more power lo star! wflh, up Do 20% longer power Ipinl I Cvorla This suggestion also applies to business concerns. (5) Tying mall in bundles â€" especially tying local mail separate â€" facilitates processing mall faster, with con- sequent faster delivery. Use cor- rect letter rate. if sealed; on un- sealed envelopes containing'cards with message of greeting. the postage ls 2c to any part of the chg§e_ the stamps {h advéï¬Ã©g gests: (1) Proper packaging. using sturdy boxes. strong cord and material. (2) All packages to be iegibiy addressed. especially stat- ing street number. also advisable to include address inside the pac- kage. Address of sender to be placed in left-hand top corner. (3) Patrons are again reminded that the minimum size of envel- ope for transmission by post is 4"x2%". (4) To save waiting in "the line-up" for stamps â€" esti- mate the number of cards or let- ters to. be mailed â€" then pur- 30-MONTHS’ INSURANCE-GUARANTEE ALL THE POWER IS "LOCKED-IN" UNTIL YOU NEED ITâ€" " cmc. s: CHEVROLET, “18-53 cv'mvsun l- o'e'é‘or'é, (6nd,), 1942 ..W. DODGE, 194%1, l6~cyl.) ........ .........._ FORD. '49-54 Moto - Master MUFFLERS‘ _ Save up to 50%â€"-Blow-out Proof Men 9309’. outer null, lcld reslso Inner Daub e-lockod, lukprool uams. Reinforced end Gav. suele Only Canadian Tire has if . TM: husky GUI“ hood is :ompaundod of Nuiun’: "live" rubber, plug Ilia lam! Poly- mor mun-mad. Cold Rubber ~ comblnnd will! Ian-9, "Ora unmask Cord body. Ooh you away (at? and may In heavy mud ov snow â€"- keep you going on slick puvr mum. The perfod yuar-‘round Nu. ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT-QUALITY Regular Dlsqouni Prlcs DIstouM Prch ,Is’ Prlco wifhou? wlfh cuss "A" frade-Jn Orade-In 325,00 $14.95 (no Orade nenaod) 17.95 12.95 $10.95 19.65 14.45 12.45 27.50 16.95 14.95 23.85 1535 13.45 31.30 17.95 15.95 22.40 14.95 12.95 30.25 17.95 15.95 34.20 20.95 lfl.95 “'I "RH" 5.18 PLYMOUTH, Yéié75'7.""'6'§§ (1H:le 5457 . 6-70 4-65 gg‘gznssm'o, 6_86 CLAMPS, .25 _..â€"....... h . . M..._......_. 194961. 6_86 lNesa'IEALLATION 550 333 2.25 to 2.85 ....... _........__ MUFFLER: â€" EXHAUST PIPES and TAIL PIPES â€"â€" For every . car and truck. Xï¬if'iiï¬kmmss MUFFLER INSPECTION can buy, 45-powcr packed Fight, huge LIBERAL, Richmona Hm, Ont, Tï¬ï¬rsda‘i, Ndï¬emï¬et 27, 1958 Sill Price 5.18 6.70 6.86 6.86 5.60 7.33 hanmmmazzznmmxaazma BUDGET PLAN also available.. Wamzamzmmxmm wocth-r. it‘s v61:qu- Pull away when others slide MURRAY For Councillor 1959 Vote Sat, Dec. f reslsf Inner llnor. Reinforced and caps. We give you CREDIT for being a smart shopper. , 1949-57. ER CHAMP .. M -25 ION 2.25 '0 2.85 TO THE ELECTORS OF RICHMOND HILL 9:136. Sale Price - AND YOUR V v V" I a on: BATTIRY -'wu fype"~6uaranleod and Road Hazard Dn- sured for 12 months. Fm Chcv. 1940-54, Dads. (mos?) 1933-53, Oldnmobllo “II. "49-50, Ply- mouth 1939-5; Pontiac (mot? "49-54, mm Volkswagen â€" and many 0min. 33 - PLATES 6 - VOLTS mammmaamm NOTE fan so. 90 mm price. for lnflallotlo'v-ay. Vote For 6th