The Sugar and Spice Club, star- ting their eighth year, are off to a good start. Officers for the com- ing year are: President, Mrs M. Clement; secretary, Mrs. W. Tur- ner: treasurer. Mrs. T. Saul. A Hallowe'en party was held at the home of Mrs. Clement. prizes for cards going to Mrs. W. Turner. Mrs. A. Blackburn and Mrs. R. Cartier. Winner of the costume rize was Mrs. Turner, with Miss . Baskerville as runner up Hos- tcsses of the evening were B. Lambert and M. Blackburn. On November 13, Mrs. T. Saul was hostess with Mrs. L. Wain- wright and Mrs. A. Young assist- ing. Prize winners were Mrs. W. Schurma‘n. Mrs. E. Young, Mrs. K. Beynon. The Christmas party was planned for December 11, to be‘ held at the home of Mrs. R. Calu‘ tier. Reservation§ and Tickets Bradford PR. 5-3464 Ehmond Hill TU. 4-2152 The. Crosby Heights Home and School Association extend a cor- ial invitation to all residents of the area to attend their monthly meeting to be held in the Bever- ley Acres Public School at 8.30 pm. this Thursday.~ November 27th. The guest speaker will be Mr. W. E. Butlin of the Richmond Hill Recreation Commission who will speak on the subject of Rich- mond Hill recreational facilities available for school children in the area. JAN. '4 and MAR. 13, from New York calling at San juan". St. Thumafl‘. La Guaira. \Villemstad. 'Crisrobal. Havana. 14' day cruises, from 3350. .‘Jan. 14 cruise only +Mur. 13 cruise only JAN. 30 and FEB. 20, from New York calling at St. Thomas. Forr- dc-ancc', Bgidjzctpwn‘: StAGc'or- Overseas Travel Service S. G. Gurney gist Port of pami‘. La Guairn. ' illemstad, Cristobal. Kingston. Port-au-Prjnce. Havana. 19 day cruises. from $475. ‘an. 30 cruise only chb. 20 cruise only We have clients for all types of Real Estate with ready cash. Photo Co-op Listings. 1st and 2nd Mortgages Arranged Richmond Hill . . . Johnny Longo Real Estate Ltd. Fu“ lnformcn‘ion from: Prï¬peri‘y Wunl‘ed 31 Yonge St. N. â€"- Northern Building Phone AV. 5-5301 or Mr. Steffan. TU. 4-3349. Richmond Hill Agent “The Liberal" is always glad to receive lock! and :arsonal items (or this page and a call to TUrner 4-1105 will receive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome new: report. about church organizations. women's and men’s moieties. lodges and other groups. While copy will be ac- cepied up to Wednesday of each week. ii is desir- able to have it in earlier if possible to ensure Ii publication. The 1st Beverley Acres Scout Troop were very happy to wel~ come Scouter Herb Rigler as As- sistant Scout Master on Novem- ber 25th. This brings to date ï¬ve leaders and thirty-three Scouts with four lads on the waiting list. Scout Master Norm Foster shot several feet of colored ï¬lm dur- ing the meeting to be added to the growing Troop Film. Various tests were passed to indicate that the Scouts have the enthusiasm to really go places. The meeting was brought to an end with the in- vestiture of Scout Paul Faulkner of the Owl Patrol. and Scout Bill Tonge of the Beaver Patrol. Con- gratulations were extolled by the Scouters on being accepted into the world wide Scout movement. Patrol Leader Jim Mieska of the Lynx Patrol received his Patrol leader's hat badge and stripes at the closing ceremony. At the conclusion of the Con- ï¬rmation Service at St. Mary's Anglican Church last Sunday night, Bishop Snell dedicated a lovely chapel-size chalice and paten. These are the gifts of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Boyd. and the dedication reads: "To the glory of God and in thanksgiving for all the faithful souls of ‘St. Mary's who are now at restâ€. This gift is a fine example of Mr. Boyd's craftsmanship and has. won wide recognition for its originality of design as well as skilled work- manship. We extend sympathy to Mrs. Stanley Pipher who was bereaved by the passing Sunday. November 23rd, of her brother, Earl H. Gra- ham at Markham. The Association's business was then conducted, and Mr. E. G. Jennings gave a report from Cen- tral Executive. The formation of a social committee then ensued. with Mrs. Norman Ritchie being appointed and Mrs. R. F. Parrett and Mrs. D. Meyer as committee members. Volunteers were re- quested to canvass for the Retard- ed Chlldren campaign. The next meeting of the association is sche- duled for 8.30 pm. Wednesday, December .17th, in the Walter Scott School. The November meeting of the Allencourt Ratepayers' Associaâ€" tion was held Wednesday, No- vember 19th in the Walter Scott School. The meeting commenced with the introduction of the guest speaker, Mr. Harold Sanderson. School Trustee and the subjects “Where our tax-dollar goes†and “The Walter Scott,Extenslon" were aptly explained. This was followed by an enlightening- question and_answer period. night which is also becoming vul. y popular. c at t t Last Sunday morning, the men of St. Mary’s Anglican Church- held their ï¬rst corporate com-r munion and breakfast at 8 am. Some 85 men, including the Recr tor. the Rev. J. F. O’Neil. club president. Norman McLellan and†four past presidents sat down to. a tasty breakfast in Wrixon Hall after the service and heard the" Rev. Dr. Graham Cotter, 1\I.A., Executive Secretary of the Dio- cesan Council for Social Service speak. This was a new venture to replace the Men’s Club meeting for November. The breakfast was prepared by a committee of ladies from ‘the Evening W.A. with Mrs. Alex Bradshaw con- vening The members of the GA. enter- tained their mothers on Monday. November 17 at a mother and daughter banquet. Miss Phyllis Napier. Dioceslan Field Secretary for the W.A., was the guest spea- ker. Her subject, which was ilt lustrated by slides, was vocations for girls in the church. These in- teresting slides showed the growth of a little girl to the time when she graduated from the An- glican Women's Training College. and the work which lay ahead of her. The dinner was enjoyed by everyone. and it ' was suggested that the banquet be an annual af- fair. 7 _ ‘ A tute. A C.B.L. service has been plan- ned for the evenln’g service of Sunday, December 14, and the Rev. Trevor Jones the Dominion Scribe of the Church Boys’ lea- gu" will be present. An invitation to all parents and past members of St. Mary's C.B.L. to join in the service is extended.‘ The Well Baby ,Clinic will be held on December 1 from 1:30 to 3 pm. at the Public Health Centre. 50 Yonge St. N., Rich- mond Hill. Polio vaccine will be available and immunization con- tinued under the auspices of the Richmond Hill Women's Insti-_ "3‘1‘i'rim'h'3i'hnd Peté‘r’mn, Dougie Fox and Michael Flanagan are welcomed to the leagug. Congratulations too for Paul Murray. who passed his 6th Crest am is now a Knight of the league, to Sir Robt. Thomson who won his missionary. badge, and to Es- quires Meadows, Martin, Bett- ridge, Pridham and Bradley for winning their crests ofgfmgur. The Priors congratulate Sir Graham Hackwood who has com- pleted his 3rd Church Badge and has joined Sir David Agg as a Knight Counsellor, the second member toigaln this hon_our. ‘ President-of the Ontario Hydro Camera Club for the past three years, Ronald Thomas of Rich~ mond Hill has resigned his job as a clerk to devote his full time to photography Work. Born and educated in Toronto, Mr. Thomas and his wife came to Richmond Hill two years ago. They at- tend St. Mary's Anglican Church. Mr. Thomas says that for the last two and a half years he has been doing photography “on the Side." such as child studies, weddings, portraits and commercial work and his former hobby has now become his vocation. - A “Toy Bee" in preparation for the church bazaar will be part of tonight's programme of St. Mary's Church Boys' League in erxon Hall. All fathers of the boys are invited to join in and help with the assembling. ‘d: at the B83" The Sacrament of Holy Bap- tism was observed Sunday, Nov- ember 23. at the Anglican Church of St. Gabriel, Richmond Hill East, at which time the follow- ing children were baptized: Bar- bara Ellen and Christa Joy, dau- ghters of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brenan; John William, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Bell; Kather- ine- Ann. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Ellis; Leslie Dale. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Snider; Leslie‘ Gail, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rogers. The executive of the Conserv- ative Women’s Association met at the home of Mrs. J. A. Price where they made plans for their winter activities. Mrs. H. Mathews gave her report from the North York Riding. Mrs. Price offered her home for a social evening on December 1st for the members and their husbands. Members of the Curtain Club had a sneak preview of the plav “C1erambard†in the Lions Hall on, Sunday evening. They were watching a dress rehearsal prior to the- play being presented to a Toronto audience at the Museum Theatre on Saturday, 29th No- vember. At this performance. they will be adjudicated by Mr. James Dean who will decide whe- ther or not they are good enough to appear at Hart House during the Ontario Drama Festival, to be held in January. In a baptismal service held last Sunday morning in the Richmond Hill United Church these child- ren were presented for baptism: Peggy Anne. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul O. Berthiaume; James Michael. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward M. Dennis; James Arthur, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Gard diner: David Bruce George, son of Mr. and Mrs. David G. Mc- C'ann; Jeffrey- Alfred Wallace. son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Seguin; Stephen Mark. son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wood- house. The ï¬rst social meeting of the ï¬ve groups of the W.A. of St. Matthews United Church was held Tuesday. November 18, at the home of Mrs. B. Curtis, Mrs. C. King, Mrs. E. Knight, Mrs. J. Walter and Mrs. R. Wallace. The W.A. was divided into groups to enable the members to become better acquainted with others in their own district, and to encour- age more new‘ members. The monthly business meeting will be held on December 2 at 8:15 in the church, Crosby Avenue east. The annual election of of- ï¬cers will be held, and it is hop- ed that all members and any newcomers will attend. Mrs. J. Beresford of Arnold St, recently spent two weeks in Mont- real at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Bruce Laver. and had the pleasure of seeing her new grand- son, John'Stewart. ‘ The Liberal “llishes to express sincere sympathy to Mrs. W. H. Bury Arnold St.. on the death in Toronto of her father. the Rev- erend William Biack on Friday. November let. Brian MacGregor, Taylor Mills Drive, Beverley Acres, will be missed by his friends for the next few weeks, as he is undergoing surgery in York County Hospi- tal, Newmarket. As this will cur- tail the young hockey player's games for this season. Brian will be missed by his team-mates of the little O.H.A. Marlborough team. on which Brian is a defen- ceman. Ha Much regret is expressed for the departure from our town of Rev. W. H. and Mrs. Moore. Mr Moore's district as the Baptist representative in the British and Foreign Bible Society has been changed to Burlington. Mrs. J. M. Brown gave a tea on Tuesday in honour of Mrs. Moore when her neighbours made a presenta- tion. Those present included Mr. Norman Gibson, Mrs. R. H. Arm- strong. the Misses Walker, Mrs. "'. Leishman, Mrs. J. H. Pollitt and Mrs. H. F. Austin. Mr. Moore's attractive bungalow at Bridgetord and Centre W. has been bought by Mr. Lowe of 0m- Gaily decorated rooms of the Christian Education Building of the Richmond Hill United Church set the scene last Friday for a very successful Christmas Fair. The response to the invitation to come to the fair was most gratifying and it was apparent that a good time was had by all. As the objective of this fair was for the furnishings of the new building they wish to convey their thanks and appreciation to all for their support. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sissler and Jean. Miss Munroe of Port Credit were visitors at the church ser- vice on Sunday. Later they had evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs- Hgbï¬r MQCague. as councillor of Ward 2 in Mark- ham Township. Mr. and hfrs. Stanley Boynton and Donald had Sunday evenin'l dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Laxw- fnce Boynton and Patsy at Garm- ey. Congratulations to Mr. Lawson Mumberson on being re-elected by acclamation to his third term The Liberal Printing Office has a most attractive display featur- ing the valuable prizes that can be won at the lucky draw to be held in the York County Hospital Gift Shop on December 19th. There are three valuable prizes this year, a 17" Viking Portable Television set. retailed at over $250. a delightful flower painting by Miss Cathy MacKay of New- market and a set of beautifully dressed dolls, a mother and three children, which will appeal to children of all ages and adults alike! All proceeds will go to the York County Hospital Women’s Auxiliary who are doing a tre- mendous job and it is hoped that everyone will buy a ticket and take a chance on a valuable prize as well as assist in this worth- while cause. Tickets are available at most stores and at this office. Victoria Square The 3rd Thornhill Girl Guide group committee held a bake sale November 19 at the home of Mrs. M. Fitchett, '79 Crestwood Rd. It was a tremendous success and we would like to thank all the moth- ers of Crestwood Road who aid~ ed us in making it so. ' Many thanks to our social convenor. Mrs. M. Konsmo for her part and all the mothers who helped at the sale. c1w22 Mr. and Mrs. William Archi- b’ald Risebrough of Richmond Hill announce the engagement of their daugther Myrna Jean to Mr. Stanley Josiah Leuty. son of Mr. and Mrs. James Henry Stanley Leuty of Cooksville. The marriage will take place on Saturday' De- cember 20, 1958, at 7 o'clock in Richmond Hill United Church. Company One. whose Captain is Mrs. Yen and Lieutenant Lorraine McCloskey, will be "hostess" com- pany for the Guides and Brownies own Carol service planned for Tuesday evening, December 16th. Guides are making arrangements to welcome the district packs and companies taking part. ." ,, 'v_n Vvlllru ............ c, .Company Two at Wrixon Hall with Captain Mrs. G. Taylor and Lieutenant Mrs. Hamilton held a fine “flyingâ€"up†ceremony with the Second Brownie Pack on Thursday evening, November 20. Welcomed as new Guide recruits were Nancy Gunn, Louise Schell, Mary Farwell. Rosemary Mow- at. Joanne Flynn, and Lynne Met- calfe. The latter four received wings on “flyâ€"up.†The newly-formed Fifth Com- pany at Our Lady of Fatima School. whose Captain is Mrs. John Taylor, Lieutenant Mrs. Ev- ans and helper Mrs. Stevenson, were proud to hold their first en- rolment ceremony on Thursday, November 20th. Guides enrolled by District Commissioner Mrs. Hugh Yerex were Ruth Ann Arn- old. Diane Donnelly, Debbie Mc- Conkey, Patti See, Moira Ste- phenson and Jeanette Wagemak- ers. CARD OF THANKS Charley and Chris Ratchford would like to say "Thank you†to all the many friends and neigh- bours for their kindnesses before and during Chris' recent stay in hospital. c1w22 Guide companies of Richmond Hill District West are humming with activity as Guides prepare for Tenderfoot Second Class and First Class tests. Guiding is fun â€"- and learning through outdoor activities, crafts and skills to “Be Prepared†for service to others. . WRIXON, Esther Murray Watson â€"- Entered into rest Monday. November 24, 1958. dear wife of the Rev. William Frederick Wrixon, RR. 3, Port Hope, and daughter of the late Robert and Margaret Watson of Blantyre, Scotland. Resting at Wright and Taylor’s home, Richmond Hill, until noon Thursday, thence to St. Mary's Anglican Church. Richmond Hill, for ser- vice at 2 pm. Interment Maple cemetery. Flowers gratefully declined. c1w22 ANNERUD â€" Mr. and Mrs. O. Annerud are happy to announce the birth of a girl. Deborah Marie. at the York County Hospital, on November 17th, 1958. ‘c1w22 BOWDEN â€" Julie and Craig are happy to announce the arrival of their son, a brother for Lin- da, Peter and Craig. at Private Patients' Pavilion, Toronto General Hospital, November 19. clw22 LOTT. Robert Frederick -â€" Sud- denly as a result of an accident on Tuesday, November 25th, 1958, Bob Lott. late of 286 Neal Drive, Richmond Hill, beloved husband of Doris Lott. dear son of Mr. and Mrs. 0. Lott. dear brother of Mrs. D. Morrison, Mrs. W. Welling and Mrs. C. Heggun. Friends may call at Kane Funeral Home, 4812 Yonge St. (at Sheppard Ave), Willowdale. Service in the chapel Friday. 1 pm. Interment York Cemetery. ' Guide Notes Girl Guide Notes FANCY GRADE McIntosh APPLES TOMATOES ORANGES CHEESE SPREAD 34c 59c Yonge St. (Engagement NO. 1 HOTHOUSE It's a pleasure to shop at Marley's CANADA PACKERS 1 lb. pkg. Devon Rindless BACON 59c EGGS INGERSOLL GRADE A MEDIUM - Fresh Daily FLORIDA JUICE - Size 252's @23th MORLEY'S *1w22 c1w22 ST. MARK'S CHURCH ANGLICAN Oak Ridges - Yonge u Elm Grove Morning Prayer . . . . . . 10 am. Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10 am. Holy Communion .. Is! Sunday ST. JOHN’S ANGLICAN OAK RIDGES (Yonge 8: Jetlcrson) Morning Prayer . . . ,. . 11 .,a.ï¬m. Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . 11 mm. Bible Classes (Senior 3: Inter- mediate . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.45 am. Holy Communion . ., 2nd and 4th Sundays On Saturday. November 15. 27 Scouts, two leaders and three Group Committeemen of the lst Beverley Acres Scout Troop were guests of Trans-Canada Airlines. Mr. D. Bradley, representative 0! TCA, conducted a very interest- ing and educational tour of the TCA installations at Malton Air- port. The tour started otf in the pilots’ brieï¬ng room. where Mr. Bradley gave a very informative talk. with the scouts interjecting with all types of questions. From here the group moved along to one of the hangars (857 feet long and 125 feet wide). The scouts were taken into two of the com- pany's aircraft. the ï¬rst one the North Star. One of the chief‘ en- gineers was on duty, who pointed out and explained the functions of the flight deck. Some of the scouts had an opportunity to sit in the pilot and co-pilots' seats. The other aircraft visited was the large four-engined Viscount. The tour ended all too soon for the eager scouts. But they came away with models of the Viscount, beautifully coloured maps of the world, and other tokens of the tour. Scoutmaster Norm Foster took coloured ï¬lms of the trip which will be added to the troop movie. Last week’s troop meeting was the first one of its kind inasmuch as it was organized entirely by Patrol Leaders Richard Tupp, Mike Howard, Robert Premaine and their respective seconds, Doug Danter, Ron Groom and Ed Dennis. Programme schedules for the next four weeks were drawn up at the Court of Honour on the previous Monday. A troop hike was also planned and Doug Danter was appointed as cook for the occasion. The hike is scheduled for the last Sunday in November and will be held as a preliminary to the December camp. Sunday School . . . . . . . .. 10 mm. Worship Service . . . . . . . . 11 am. The Rev. Karl J.‘ Schweder.. B.D., M.A.. Pastor All fathers ind fnothers of Cubs and Scouts are urged tout- tend. 2ND RICHMOND HILL TROOP Finch Ave. East Public School Finch Ave. E.. just west of r Bayview The annual meetlng of the 13¢ Richmond Hill Group Commit- tee will be held at the Scout Hall in the Richmond Hill Park Grounds, on Thursday. Decem- ber 4, at 8 pm. Refreshménts will be served by the Mothers' Auxiliary of the lit Richmond Hill group. lst BEVERLEY ACRES TROOP GORMLE! _ , UNITED MISSIONARY , CHURCH Rev. C. E. Hunking, Minister 9.45 am. â€"â€" Church Broadcast CKLB 1350 Oshawa 10 am. â€" Morning Worship 11 am. â€" Sunday School 7.30 pm. â€"- Evening Service THE CHURCH OF ST. LUKE LUTHERAN Opens shortly and will have used clothing wanted. Richmond Hill 8 oz. Jar 16 oz. Jar IST RICHMOND HILL Phone: BAldwln 1-8900 ENCORE TU. 4-3910 $600A '1'!!! m Won! mu, 511%.. ï¬ï¬rm, We? 21', 19$ 6 Qt. Bskt. in the town good, clean. for sale or 69c 45c 2 D02. 59c Pound 29c Dozen all ages. ' ‘ 11:30 am. â€" Morning Worship Hope , 10.30 1.m.=â€"â€" Morning Worship. 11.15 am. â€" Church SchooL Edzeley 1:30pm. â€" Church School 2:30 p.m. â€" Church Service THE ANGLICAN CHURCH CANADA ST BARNABAS Richvale Rev. J. W. Newton-Smith TU. 4-4236 9.30 am. -â€" Morning Prayer Nusery and Sunday School Services in Charles Howitt School Pearson Ave. Holy Communion second Sunday at each month MAPLE CHARGE THE UNITED CHURCH Ol' CANADA 3". Harold W. Davies, 3A.. Minister SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30. 1958 anlc 10.15 I An invitation is ,extended to join with us in three days of warm Christian fellowship at the Cir- cuitâ€"Assembly of Jehovah's Wit- nesses. Leaside High School. Eg- linton 8; ‘Bayview’on_ November 28,'29‘and 30, cdmmenping Fri- day evening at 6.45 p.m.' _ ‘ (Anglican)' Rector; Rev. W. B. Jennings. DJ). Tel. King City 313. HOURS OF. SERVICE All s-Inu' Church - King City 8 Mn. â€" Holy Communion 10 mm. â€" Morning Prayer 11.10 Am. -â€" Sunday School St. suphen'l Church - Maple 9 |.m..-â€" Holy Communion 10.15 mm. â€" Sunday School 11.30 am. -â€" Morning Prayer (Holy Communion 2â€"nd Simday) 7 pm. â€" Holy Communion (4th Sunday only) ' 'Hour Wed, 8 pm. â€" Prayer 8: Bible Study Hour Mon.. Dec. 1, 6.45 pm. â€" J.M.S. Service for boys and girls under 14 We welcome you to the fellow- ship of this friendly family church that continues the teaching of Original Methodlsm. Cedar Avenue. Richmond EVERY SUNDAY â€" 3:00 - Novembei‘ 27 andi30 in Richmond Hill will held. ' PARISH 0]" KING .& MAPLE ' NO COLLECTION TU. 4-2677 ALL WELCOME :45 :45 EVERY THURSDAY pm, â€" Service Meeting p.m. â€" Ministry School glass window in nave (Nursery and Jr. Congregation) 2 pm. â€"- Blble Class 4 pm. - Holy Baptism 7 pm. -- Holy Communion (Corponte Communion of W.A. Branches) ‘ Wednesdays 10 I.m..â€" Holy Communlon COME TO CHURCH AS A FAMILY Hour, CHML, 9 am. Sunday SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30. 1958 2.457 p-.m. â€"â€"- Sunday School 7 p.111. â€"' The Family Gospel UNITED CHURCH Icv. C. G. flkxlnaon. B.A.. 3.0. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER so. 195. 9:45 mm. - Sunday School 11 mm. â€"- Morning Service S‘l' .MARY’S ANGLICAN CHUICI Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O’Neil SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 30, 1958 ADVENT l 8 am. â€" Holy Communion (Corporate Communion for newly conï¬rmed followed by breakfast) 9.30 mm. -â€" Sunday School 9.30 am. â€"- Morning Prayer 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Prayer and dedication of new stained- , Anglican Richmond Hill But Beverley Acres .842th . Neal Drive Rev. J. W. Newton-Smith; '407 Lynett Crescent TU. 4-4236 SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 30. 1958 9.30 am. â€" Sunday School 11.00 am. â€" Nursery]: Junior "Christ's Man" 7.00pm. â€" Evening Servlco “Abundant Life" Crosby 'Ave" Richmaud nm Rev. William W. Patterson. B.A. " B.D.. Minister SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30. 1958 9,45 a,m. - The Sunday Church RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH 50 Wright St. :Putot: Rev. Robert W. Irvin, B, TIL. B.R.E. Phonic: TU.’ 4-2095 SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 30., 1958 9.50. mm. -â€"- Bible School for all' 11 am: -â€" Morning worship. 7 pm. â€" Evening Service. “Where Welcome is More Thin A Word!†THE CHURCH OF ST. GABRIEL IICIIMON‘D m1. "ISBVTIRIAN CHURCH I". J. N Hepburn Minlm SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1958 9.45 mm. â€" Sunday School and Bible Class 111m. â€" Morning Worship Sermon Subject: SAINT ANDREWâ€"PATRON SAINT. 11 am. â€" Nursery Department “Muddy waters mean a‘ poor ‘ reflection'.’ Schpol 11 am. - Public .Worshlp Nursery School at hour of wor- ship Corner of Elmwood and Raul†Rev. Earl S. Bull Minister Church ofmthie Light. 9nd ALlfe . . Congregation. 11 am; â€"‘Holy Communion 2.30 pm. â€" Bible Class It the Reétory 7.30 pm. â€" Adult Conï¬rmation Class at the Rectory RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH “m0†ml! JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES run. â€" Church School for ages. ' ‘ ‘ST. MATTHEW'S UNITED - CHURCH KINGDOM HALL services not be Hill 1 block east of Yonze Stop 12A Plum Rev. F. Vaughan B. Th. Student Assistant, Mr. R. :rhistle SUNDAY SERVICES 10 to 10 -â€" Bible School For the entire family 11 â€" Morning Worship Messages for today from the Minor Prophets. Soloist â€"â€" Sandra Martin Dedication of children 7 â€"- Great Youth Service with the Youngf People in charge The Bersowski Brothers will play. Assistant Pastor R. Thistle will preach on “Three Sins That God "in: Ch slates†.' o are that is Looking Ahead" SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1958 2:30 pm. â€" The Service 1:30 pm. â€"â€" Sunday School and Bible Class C1555 (9-13 years) 7.30 p.m.â€"Boys’ club (10-12 yrs.) 8 pm. â€"- Youpg People’s Meet- mg SPECIAL FOR THE LADIES. NOVEMBER 27th. 8 D.m. . MISS JANE SCOTT All»ladies or the district invired RICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPEL SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30. 1958 9.30 am. â€" The Lord’s Supper 11 am. â€"- Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. Mr. Colin Anderson 7 pm. â€"- Evening Gospel Service Mr. John Farquharson. Tuesday. 8 pm. â€" Prayer and Bible Ministry. Mr. Colin Anderson Friday 7Ap.m. â€"â€" Girls' Czaft Study _ - Thursday 1 pm. -â€" Women's Missionary Fellowship Thurs.. 8 pm. â€" Evening Ml, sion Circle 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month F11, 7 pm. -â€" Lamplighter: and Teen Fellowship Frl. 8 pm. â€" Choir Practlce Adult Bible Class 11 mm. â€" Morning Worship 6.30‘ pm. -â€" Prayer Meeting 7 p.111. â€" Gospel Service Wed. 8 pm. T Prayer & 3m. Friday â€"â€" 7 pm. â€" Children's HappyAI-Iour 7.30 pm. â€" Boys' Club Saturday â€" 7.30 pm. â€"- Young Adults will MM 3 Bowling Party at the AB. C. Alleys, Richmond H111 CARBVILLE UNITED CHURCH Rev. Earl B. Eddy. B.A.. B.D.. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30. 1958 2.30 p.m.'â€" Worship Service BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 30, 195! Heise Hill (Gormley) 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Worship Service 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service Wed.. 7.30 pm. - Prayer Meeting Vaughan (3rd con., 2 miles Minister: Rev. Earl B. Edfly. B.A.. B.D.. Th. D. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 30. 1958 10 “n. â€"- Intermediate Church HOLY TRINIT! THORNHILL SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 30. Iâ€. 8 mm. â€" Holy Communion Men's Corporate Communion 11 mm. â€" Morning Prayer Preacher, Rev, D. L. Varq 7 pm. â€"â€" Evening Prayer Service for Worship . . .. 11 am. Theme, “Christian Stewardship" “Serve the Lord with gladness†(8) The Stewardship of all 7.30 pm. â€" Young Adults Wednesday â€" 8 pm. -â€" Prayer Fellowship at home of Mrs. Jan Kok. Riverside B1vd., Thornhlll north of Concord) 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11.15 am. â€"â€" Worship Service Concord (Schoolhouse) 10 am. â€" Sunday School Oak Ridges, Aubrey Ave. 10.30 am. â€"â€" Sunday. School 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service “OINBILL UNITED CHM i'LEVI'I‘ICUS" 7- The Rector Wed., 10 a.m‘ - Holy Communlm THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Stop 17 Yonge Street Rev. Percy G. Buck. B.A.. B. 111.. 5 Old Orchard Grove. Toronto. HU. 1-3142 SUNDAY. NOVEMBER. 30. 1958 THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 30. 1958 The Royal Law of Sinai 11 am. â€"- Sermon CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting In Concord School Bonn Each Lord's Day evening at 7 pm. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580; at 8:15 am. And Jesus spake unto them, saying. all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Matthew 28, v. 17 and 18: And when they saw Him. they wor- shipped Him, but some doubted. LANGSTAFF BAPTISI‘ CHURCH Church St, Lancet-1! Mninter: Rev. B. T. McSpnddu SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30. 1958 10 mm. â€" Bible School with Sunday School classes 10 and 11 School 11 an. -â€" Church Worship and Church School ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (Z'miles south of Maple) Pastor H. Lindeman vruicea