% “Let ‘George’ Do It†% LET "DON" DO YOUR REPAIRS 8 m LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Il“Mm“\\l\\\\\\\\“\\\l1W““llll“\l1\llll\“\lll\\llll\\llll\\\m\l\\l\\\\\l\\ll\l\lllll\ll\l\l\\l\l\\l\\\l\\llllll“l\l\lllll\l\\\ll\ll\\\\llll“l\\\\\ll\\\\\“l\l\\l5 STOP 22A YONGE ST. Complete Engine Tune-up . Brakes Adjusted and Re-lined Valve Refacing King-Pin Fittings As Well As Repairs To AllMakes of Cars Voting Day, Saturday,( December 6th, ‘9 3.111. to 6 pm. FOR VOTING INFORMATION ANYTIME AND CARS AND BABY-SITTING SERVICE ON POLLING DAY, PHONE TU.‘ 4-1139 OR TU. 4-4723 SWARBRICK'S SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE tmum\1mlmuuumummuu\umumulummnumumummmun\muuumImam“munilImum“muumumumuuuuu 2 Remnant!“lumummxxmmxummxmmg A sincere desire to serve in the best interests of every citizen of Richmond Hill. 6 years of proven civil service. For efficient and economical administration. at Stan TINKER Deputy-Reeve For 1959 Vote to Elect CoundHor Ont, T'Hurs'day, Noi‘mmï¬er 27, 1958 RICHVALE For the ï¬rst time since 1930, Markham Township Council was returned to office byacclamation following the nomination meeting held in the Women‘s Institute Hall at Buttonville on Friday night of last week. Reeve Wm. L. Clark. who has the longest municipal record of any Markham resident, will begin his 28th year on council on Jan- uary lst. Mr. Charles Hooper, one time member of council. appeared to be a contestant for the reeve- ship at Friday night's meeting, but both he and Mr. Dalton Rum- new. who 1/83 nominated as a council member for Ward 2, fall- ed to quality by 9 pm. Saturday night. and the 1958 council is thereby returned to office by ac- clemation. Markham Twp. Council Receives Acclamation First Time Since I930 l b e e n n o m 1 n a t e d a s a c o in Ward 3 also. but deci \x‘i ttttttttttttttttttt . . a e and take office as a school ' i nnnnnnn NEWMARKET : York Cty r u . cil wi eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ........................ The W.I. Hall at Buttonvllle was the scene of much lively deâ€" bate. following the closing of nominations. when the present council and its opposition were each invited to speak for ï¬ve minutes on various aspects of their campaign platforms. Mr. Don Deacon. another former member of council present, was chairman for the meeting and pleasantly but decidedly kept the meeting in order while questions and answers shot back and forth across the hall. In defense of his reeveship Mr. Clark outlined how the township met expenses of $200000 in damâ€" ages caused by Hurricane Hazel and said all areas in question had now been cleaned up. Referring to taxes in the township Reeve Clark said, “We all say taXes haVe gone up and. what are we getting for them? Well what hasn’t gone up? I doubt there is one item in your cost of living that hasn't gone up more than taxes.†He then quoted ï¬gures on the rise in costs on such items alone as freight rates and farm implements to show how they have a continual spiral rise in costs and said, “it cannot be help- ed in the township." Reeve W. Clark, 28“: Year He then pointed out that most of the tax rise is due to rising school taxes and said the town- ship has no control over school costs. The Reeve said he felt 1958 had been a good year for the township and that “1959 should be another year of pyogressâ€. Deputy-reeve Wilfred Dean, who was acclaimed for 1959 said, “I have enjoyed my year working with the other men on council and thank you all for your con- ï¬dence in me." . John E. MacNeil, returned as councillor for Ward I for his sec- ond term of office told of his work in 1958 as chairman of the water committee, stating the front of the township should have water in by January of next year. Councillor Lauvson Mumberson met the opposition provided by Dalton Rumney for the municipal office in Ward 2, with a report on police and ï¬re conditions in the township. A retired detec- tive, Councillor Mumberson has had a great deal of experience in police work. which he is using for the beneï¬t of the townshlp's welfare. Stanley B. Watson on being re- turned to office as Councillor of Ward 3, said, "While elected in Ward 3. I have tried to serve the whole township.†He spoke of various improvements made dur- ing the past year while he was chairman of the property com- mittee, remarking that the town- ship offices had been decorated, inside and outside; a new floor had been installed in the police department as well as outdoor safety lights. Speaking of the township roads. Councillor Wat- son said, “We have had a rather anxious year. Early in 1958 we had a problem with snow, later it was dust." However, he con- tinued. all emergencies had been met and the road department had ditched and graded 10 miles of road this year, ready for gravell- Iing next year. As a candidate nominated for the reeveship. Charlie Hooper promised he would have council toe the line in 1959. that he would personally write to John Diefenbaker regarding a rumour- ed railway yard being established in the township, and “disclose the ‘hidden liabilities‘ shown in ihe treasurer’s report for 1958." However, in rebuttal Reeve Clark declared: There is a good feeling in the township towards the 1958 council. He had not been informed about a railway yard â€" and the township ï¬nances were an open book to any taxpayer who cared to make enquiries. Mr. Rumney attacked council regarding weeds on the Don Mills Road between Buttonville and Gormley stating. “they are the biggest weeds I have ever seen." He also divulged his plan for getting the taxes down by stating. “I would lower the assessment.’ Later in the evening before an adjournment was called Mr. Rumney asked if there would be a vote on the proposed two-year term for count] if council was acclaimed. Reeve Clark said. C. Neil Hoyes and Archie Campbell were acclaimed as School Trustees for School Arsa No. 2 Markham at last week's nomination meeting. There was no onnosition. Mr. Campbell had "Yes. Whatever council you elect this year will only be on council in 1959. The new by-law would only be in effect in 1960." School Trustees Acclaimed ~FIGIIRE SKATING OUTFIT for Pleasure of Figure Skating TUBE SKATE Outfit Tln right oqulpmonl for boy: and girl; from 3 lo 7 yuan. Strong hockey-"fl. lealhor been with buill-in ankle wpparl and evlsido “rap and buckle are spatially designed to give you'll- ful ankles lhe ï¬rm supper! lhey requiro. Rivoled lo "easier-lo~alcnd-on†semi-lube skates. Girla' â€"- whit. been loya’â€"blc¢lz boot. Sin: 7 h H BEGINNERS‘ been nominated as a councillor in Ward 3 also. but decided to withdraw from the council race and take office as a school trustee instead. NEWMARKET : York Cty. coun- cil will request the provincial de- partment of highways to assume a small section of the county road system in Georgina township as a provincial highway. The road leads from No. 48 highway into the Sibbaid Point park at Lake Simcoe. 25 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill ‘ TUrner 4-1196 11 Io 2 .......... Women’s sizes Professioinal High-Cut Sh/ling ln gleaming all-whim leather, with foot-flaflering closed toe; solid heels and moisture- proof soles. Fashioned for comfofl and full control. Eye- catching chromeâ€"plated Fig- ure Skates with sawâ€"tooth leadlng edge. Misses' size: 1 an p... "Pro" HOCKEY GEAR catï¬on drill wick White "ripe. Pud- dod hipl. fibre fronh, laced crank. 26 to 36" web! sign. 3 H. .. . .- y ..n I Pair . . . . . . ‘ F01 luhl For proudionl IOYS' HOCKEY PANTSâ€"Rod or Bluc BOYS‘ HOCKEY SWEAHISâ€"Auflumic r‘luï¬enal Longu- ¢resh and colours for leaf: and Canadiom. Maple led Swochr with Crostâ€"Bluc and Whiie. Montreal Canadian: Swocnr th gzglofal‘lue. Rod and White. IOYS’ HOCKEY STOCKINGSâ€"Dun him Mu his fuvourih loam: Loch, blu. and white; Doï¬roiv, rod and whï¬io' Cam-Idiom, Md. bk). 1'39 Bu!) ï¬ccktV YOOUISâ€"llu‘l, Blue and Win; Cunadiom, Blue, Red and .85 Wm.............. ............. SHOULDER PADS â€" AI fibn, full- quilhd armouved bicep pads designed {or maximum Mahdiâ€. ‘ SHIN Ind KNI‘ GUARDâ€"Pre-flylad for age: up 99 N yuan. All-fibr- comirucvion with paddnd loath" roll lnlow 9h. in... 2 u I I7†ovens". Pair Yeufh II!" Manuelqu HOCKEY GLOVES â€" for 9 0° 12 your nick. Solid loath-r; 3 large padded vols on bad: um. armoured thumb. moulded ï¬bre cuN‘ 12': avers". Pen "in. boy dml’! vol! 7.98 '°" 8-98 "°* 4.25 Re-elected Reeve of Markham Township by acclamation. Mr. Clark has a long record of mun- icipal service. ’lnls year He sew- ed as one of the two County Com- missioners and is prominently \mentioned as a likely choice for Warden in 1960. Masfemaff SEMI - PRO With every feature for manoeuvrabllify and 365091. The boots are Black, tough, smooth, top-grain leather with comrasting fan ice caps and trim for smarfness; cross-stitched full leather lining; reinforced toe caps, felf padded iongues; Waterproof soles; Built-in Tendon guards. Perfectly marched Tube Skaie‘s‘héve high-grade, chrome-plated finish. reg: 152in: poi u..--~-.MWW~WW HOCKEY OUTFIT The fastest and most realistic hockey game in the World . . .for 2 or 4 players. The teams play positional hockey as you move the players up and down the “ice,†pivottlng and checking, shooting and SCORING! You duplicate thousands of plays and actions that repeatedly take place in regu‘ |ar,N.H.L. games . . . face-offs, forward passes, ganging attacks and "kitty bar the door.†The “Red†light flashes when a goal is scored, as you and your Opponent battle for the "Stanley Cup†on the big rink (measures 36" x 18â€). "Power Play" Compleio Rink, 2 Teams (leafs and Canadians), Magnetic Puck. (Less baneries) ELECTRIC HOCKEY W. L. CLARK Feature Value... “.98 Every yaungnler will be lhrilled to ï¬nd Mm vailing for him under the fro. coma Grim... Th re are Gloves and Skin Pads (iuu like the Pra'n), a Stick and Puck . . . all ll! a third, ‘ "N Carrying Can (36“ x 13'6" x 3") Dim? doubles as an equlpmen' "trunk' for hi: sharing and hockey gear. “re Glove: are H" long will! padded wrial rail, blue lealher linger rolll, sure-grip loclher palm. Rod fobï¬: on“. are monogrammed ‘Yoong Canada.“ The Shin Pads, too, have real males “and look and eonslrudian . . . heavy fell will: 5 cane proledore, mend will: blue vinyl leoiherefle, prohdive red leather knee cap. The 36' “do! 59ch I) laminaled, has aflracflve red blade. flu Rubber Fuck h 2%†I I’ hid: . . . [ufl lhe rlglrl weIgM for youngsters lo learn to that and each- handle. We a Canadian Tire exclusive, bu? line. the manufan ll unable ea :hip eur complete order In time for Chrlmnaz you’ll have b than early for fhls. The complete 7-5700 ~--“‘Il FOR EVERY YOUNGSTER Age 1V2 lo 6 years HOCKEY OUTFIT PICKERING : The Township dog catcher has been instructed to collect $1.100. outstanding 1958 dog taxes. Estimated dog popul- ation of the township is 1600. Q taxes are due and payable December : lst, 1958. RATEPAYERS TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH n--...«.- mmxmu After the above date, 3% will be added to all unpaid accounts. Notice is hereby given that the 1958 (Sgd.) JOHN CRAWFORD, Such as thy words are. such will thine affections be esteemed: and such as thine affections. Will be thy deeds; and such as thy deeds will be they life. - Socratesl Pair $1.19 from Nude. and M Much .of dwablo Hardwood. Small, Modimn, lingo. SKATE SCABBARDS Tax Collector