gm“ In The History at RICHMOND HIM. Licensed Mechanch , Repairs To All Makes 01' Cars Specializing In English Automobiles rune-ups ,1; Texaco Products‘ ï¬r Towing Service ELGlN MILLS TUV 4-1773 ELECTORS 0F RICHMOND HILL Election Day - Saturday, December 6 SEE SANTA IN PERSON ! With A Carousel And The Richmond Hill High School Band SANTA Will Home Gifts For All Good Little Girls 61 Boys Aged 1 Or Under. Richmond Hill Parade Saturday, ecember Paracle Will Marshal In The Circle North Of Bayview Plaza At 9.30 A.M. Enroute It Will Pass Bayview Plaza At 10.00 a.m., Go South On Bayview To Markham Road By 10.25 a.m., Proceed West On Markham 'I'o Yonge St. By 11 a.m., Then North On Yonge ll'o Dufferin (Opposite The Municipal Building) At ".15 a.m., East On Bufferin And South On Church St. 'I'o Arrive At The Park By "-30 mumâ€"Parade “"5"†A' m“ ARENAâ€"11.30 AM. to 12.30 PM. BAYVIEW PLAZA 12.30 PM. to 1.30 PM. OUR GARAGE â€" Four years Experience â€"- For Action on Your R. P. (Bob) R O S S on School Board Councillor Vote For Behalf â€" Our community was shocked and saddened to learn of the acci- dent on Friday of last week in which Mrs. Nellie Snider was kill- ed. Our heartfelt sympathy and .prayers go out to her children, Sammy, Mrs. Rae Donaldson (Betty), Allan and Maryâ€"Lynn who survive her. She will be greatly_misse<_i in the community. Our prayers go out for a com- plete recovery for Mrs. Mary Bu- chanan who was injured in the accident. She is now in the Bran- son Hospital. Willowdale. Sr. Women's Institute The December meeting of the Sr. Women's Institute has been postponed until December‘ 9. at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. Marcus Jarvis. All the ladies in the com- munity are Invited to attend. The funeral was held on Mon- day from the Wright and Taylor Funeral Chapel. Richmond Hill. The service was conducted by Rev. A. F. Binnington with inter- ment in the Victoria Square ce- metery. Monday. Tuesday and Wednes- day of‘last week. the Community Hall was the meeting place for eighteen ladies who were taking a Millinery course, which was sponsored by the Sr. Women‘s Institute. Euchre Due to the stormy weather on Friday evening of last week there were only three and one-half tables of players at the Euchre held in the Community Hall. Prize winners were: Ladies: (1) Mrs. Wilford. Consolation: Mrs. R. Britnell. Gents: (1) Harry For- ster: Consolation: Marcus Jarvis. There will be another Euchre in the Victoria Square Community Hall on December 12 at 8 pm. Everyone welcome. ‘ Boys' Work ' Last Monday night in Brown's Corners United Church, the Rev. H. Davies of Maple. gave a very excellent survey of boy's work as planned by the church. He spoke specifically on the Tyro programme for boys 8 to 11 years and the Sigma C programme for boys 12 to 14 years. Two boys belonging to the Tyro and Sigma C groups with their leaders, were present from Aurora. If we are to have boy’s work in Victoria Square and Brown's Corners churches, we need dedicated and enthusiastic leaders and two strong boy’s work committees. The minister, Rev. A. F. Binning- ton. would be very pleased to talk over the matter with anyone in- terested. - White Gift Service There wil be no Sunday School next Sunday, December 7th. be- cause of the White Gift Service being held at 2.3? pm. when the Sunday School and church will be uniting for this annual service. However, the children are asked to meet in the Sunday School at 2 pm. in order to make arrange- ments for the service at 2.30 pm. Let us everyone'do our best for CORRESPUNDENT VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS NT : MRS. W. SANDLE. Vic¢orla Square Telephone Gonnley 542! the ones who are less fortunate than‘we are. Remember the date. Sunday, Dcember 7. at 2.30 pm. W.M.S. The annual Christmas meeting of the W.M.S. will be held on Wednesday afternoon, December 10. at 2.15 pm. at the Parsonage. All the ladies in the community are invited to attend. Neighbourhood Notes Birthday greetings to Mr. Harâ€" vey Collard for December 5; to Barbara Empringham who on De- cember 10 will be nine years old. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Jarvis who on December 5. will be celebrating their twenâ€" ty-second wedding anniversary; to Mr. and Mrs. William Orr, who on December 6 will be celebrating their forty-second wedding anniâ€" versary; to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Collard who on December 10 will be celebrating their thirty-first wedding anniversary. On Sunday evening, November 23. Miss Baker and Mr. Elmer Boynton of Richmond Hill were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Boynton and girls. .- ‘,_L On Saturday evening. Novem- ber 22. Mr. Ross Kllnck. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Baker and Gloria of Newmarket. Mr. Harold Klinck of St. Anne Deâ€"Blanc. Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Avlson and fa- mily of Richmond Hill were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Boynton and' girls. On Wednesday evening of last week a number of men from the Victoria Square United Church attended the Men’s Banquet and Rally held in the Uxbridge United Church. It was the United Church Men's Organization of York Pres- bytery._‘ err~_:_- Al ‘ncf u; ud . I On Thursday evening of last week a number from here attend- ed Unionville Jr. Farmers" Turâ€" key Dinner held in the Button- ville Hall. Everyone reports a wonderful supper! - H -2 WUIIULILML maï¬a†. Friends were sorry to hear of the accident that befell Miss Olive Glover, last week. She had the misfortune to fall and break her hip. She is now in the Toronto General Hospital. A‘speedy re- covery is wished for her. -,L_.: A-.. uv'VAJ -u ... "v A speedy {eceilery is wished 'for Elizabeth Berta who has been ill with the red measles. We welcome to our community Mr. and Mrs. Ross and family of Richvale. They are now living :in Mrs.'Hewitt's house on the back street. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nichols, Mrs. R.‘ Perkins-and MissMabel Sanderson had dinner on Thurs- day of last week with Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett of Richmond Hill. Mr. and .Mrs. Johnny Nigh, Mr. Freddie Walker had Saturday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker and Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pullan of Richmond Hill called on Mrs. L. Knapp and Irene on Sunday af- ternoon. WWWâ€"W _ , KKKKRKKRKRKRWRRKWXKVXWWKWK WWW ‘WWWWW “1.1.1â€. AA-WWW We extend an invitation to you to visit Also the largest selection of Planters in the district, including Floor, Wall, Cloclc and Musical Planters from England, U.S.A., Belgium, Italy, Holland, Germany, etc. The above Planters in Pottery, Fibreglass, Brass and Redwood. ENDEAN NURSERIES GARDEN AND GIFT CENTRE Open evenings during December for your Christmas shopping convenience Flowering and Green Plants MILE NORTH OF RICHMOND HILL WEST SIDE OF YONGE STREET Open year round THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. December "4,1958 /u// [the O/mw See Santa’s Reindeer And All His Helpers n The W W mm. W aï¬ï¬ï¬â‚¬ ï¬wrï¬