Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Dec 1958, p. 11

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SPECIAL s 98 1/2 PRICE Only - Reg. $6.00 LADIES’ BANLON SWEATERS OSBORNE'S 5 m. LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS 69c to 98¢ BANLON CARDIGANS $3.98 SPECIALLY PRICED FROM Large Size Reg. $2.98 Special Purchase of Wooden For the Little Tots priced Ideal Gift For the Whole Family Reg. $24.95 Boxed Xmas Cards RICHMfiND HTS. PLAZA This Coupon is Worth $2.00 ON A PURCHASE OF OUR NEW LINE OF HEAVY GAUGE METAL TRUCKS 59c 98: $1.25 $1.49 50% BELOW REGULAR PRICE OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL' CHRISTMAS TILL 9 RM. May I express my apprecia- tion for the support accorded me in the recent elections. I extend to all my best Wishes for happi- ness in the coming Christmas Tide, and a Bright New Year. STAN TINKER Deputy-Reeve Elect Embossed Elastic Table cloths Reg. $29.95 ROCKlNG REMPEI.‘ HORSE Nylon Dust Mop Several Colors Reg. 98c 54" CONSTRUCTED 0F RUBBER ON STURDY STEEL FRAME AND SPRINGS TO THE ELECTORS OF RICHMOND HILL Skafing Rink 20 FT. IN DIAMETER.l Gift eWhole $1695 V . . 0 cs; n- priced from $7.95 to $12.95 BUILT HEAVY AND STRONG TO LAST FOR YEARS x5 49’ Pull 'I'oys - - ONLY 4 LEFT - - 39: to 98¢ box only Special Special ONLY 139: $1.98 EACH gim. Pa‘ssefigeré from Richmond 111 may board this train for con- nections with the Super Continen- The Christmas Story was pre- sented in song and pantomime in the auditorium of Henderson Avenue School on Monday even- ing, December 8. Pupils of Miss McCowan‘s, Miss O'Neill's, Miss Fowler's and Mr. Laycock's class- es took part. The older pupils, standing .to one side of the tem- porary stage. recited the familiar words .of Luke's Gospel. The younger boys and girls. standing opposite. joined in at the appro- priate times with traditional car- ols, while students costumed as Mary and Joseph, shepherds. an- gels and wise men mimed the events of the Nativity. w'i‘his enjbyabléfipfe'sentatlon of the Christmas Story formed the main part of the program of the Venerable Archdeacon And. revvs preached an interesting ser- mon at St. John's Church Sun- day morning. His topic was the British and Foreign Bible Soc- iety which is currently campaign- ing for lunds. Before becoming associated with the British and Foreign Bible Society, Archdea- con Andrews was for many years in the mission fields in China. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. J. Hampton who celebrated their sixth wedding anniversary November 29. The Northland leaves Toronto 'at 5:30 p.m., reaches Richmond Hill at 8:10 p.m., Washagq {at 7:59 Mrs. Cappy entertained a few friends at tea last Wednesday af- ternoon. Birthday greetings to Carol Diceman December '7, Angelika Sommers December 8, and Jean Anderson December 12. Canadian National Railways crack Super Continental, formerly running on the CNR line east of Lake Simcoe via Richmond Hill, was re-routed to the west side of the lake commencing December 7. The luxury passenger train will run between Toronto and Washa- go via Newmarket. Barrie and Orlllia. It's new route entering Arid léaving Toronto will enable It to serve a more heavily popu- lated area. Travellers from Richmond Hill, however, will still have a good connectlon with the fast train through CNR’s Toronto-North Bay train. The Northland. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Browne, Ba- thurst ZSt., and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pettigrew, \King. spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson, Richview. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jackson en- tertained the members of Mr. Jackson’s family to dinner last Sunday. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barbour, Hillsborw ough, Ont, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thompson of Port Credit, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jackson of Leaside, Mr. J. M. Jackson. Toronto. Miss Ruth Kennedy, Dixie, and Miss Eileen Jackson from Parry Sound. C.N.R. Crack Train Will No longer Pass Through Richmond Hill Notice To Creditors AND OTHERS TAKE NOTICE that all Credit- ors and others having claims against the Estate of the late GEORGE DONNERAL. late of the Township of Vaughan. in the County of York, Farmer, who died on or about the 13th day of_ August, 1958. are required on or before the 15th day of January. 1959. to send to the undersigned full particulars of their claims. After such last mentioned date the Executors will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the Estate among the parties entitled there- to. having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Aurora this 2nd day of December, 1958. Mr. and Mrs. A. Morrfson. for- DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK But it is helpful to know something about how child« ren grow. First comes control of big muscles: so don't give I very young child toys that are too tiny or complicated because they require skill with hands that comes as the child gets older. The best toys are versatile â€" can do or be more than one thing. Unpainted wood blocks are a good example of the multi- purpose toy. Different child- ren will play with them in different ways. The same child will do one thing wiih them at three, something else with them at five“ ElGIN MILLS-JEFFERSON NEWS CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.O.H. AURORA. Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors. George Donneral and John Cave. The Bank of Nova Scotia Building, FLOYD E. CORNER. Q.C'.. Children Are Different Woman’s Auxiliary of St. John’s Anglican Chuck TU. 4-2708 TU. 4-1884 HIGHLAND PARK NEWS CORRESPONDENT MRS. A. A. SMITH 22 Highland Park Blvd.. phone AVenuo 5-2795 Correspondent: The Evening Brunch at the December meeting of the Hender- son Avenue Honie and School As- sociation. During a brief business meeting prior to the appearance of the children. the Association voted to use the proceeds of the recent Fun Fair towards refur- bishing and operating the school rink. At an executive meeting following the general meeting. Mr. C. A. Stocking. past president of the Home and School, took on the task of forming a special Rink Committee. He hopes to en- list the services of a large group of men from the district. Vol- unteers will be needed not only for the erection of the boards, but also for the supervision of skating once the ice surface is established. mer residents of this district Were guests at the Brownie concert Monday night. On the new schedule the Super Continental will leave Toronto .lt 6:10 p.m.. five minutes earlier than at present. and arrive in Vancouver 20 minutes earlier. a 15-minute running time improve- ment. The Continental Limited. which also uses the Barrie route on its westbound run. will begin leaving Toronto at 11:30 pm. daily in- stead of the present 11 pm. This train will stop on signal at any station between South Parry and Toronto to detrain passengers from Longlac and beyond. Mrs. Dorothy Cracknell and Walter visited friends and rela- tives in Scarborough on Sunday. It will continue using the Beav- ertonâ€"Richmond Hill line on its eastbound run into Toronto. but on December 7 began arriving at 7:30 am. instead of the present Mr. Bill Richards has returned to East General Hospital, for fin- al surgery to his hand. Mr. Rich- ards had his thumb amputated a few weeks ago. We hope he will soon be back home with his fam- ily. ta! at Washago at 8:35 pm Parents and friends of the J et- ferson Brownies gathered at the school Monday evening to enjoy the Brownie Carol Concert. Rev. D. C. H. Michell gave the open~ ing remarks. Thirty Brownies dressed as angels and shepherds gathered around a nativity scene to sing “Silent Night" and other favorite carols. Congratulations girls for a splendid performance. We wish a speedy recovery 10 Susan and Hal Reid who have been victims of measles. Brownie Carol Concert At the close of the carol sing- ing, Mrs. Fred Waters, president of the Mothers Auxiliary brought out a beautifully dressed doll with a complete wardrobe. The Brownie, Cub and Scout names were all put in a box and Mrs. A. Morrison drew the lucky ticket which belonged to Bonnie Mc- Crimmon. Mrs. Ray Jackson led the audience in community sing- ing after which the York Chor- ders, a men’s choral group pres- ented several numbers which were much enjoyed by old and young. The table of Christmas corsages and decorations in charge of Mrs. I. Petersen and Mrs. D. Cracknell was soon cleared ts the guests left. A hearty vote of thanks is due to leaders Mrs. Grey and Mrs. Terry also to the mothers auxil- iary for a most enjoyable and pro- fitable evening. lst Jefferson Cubs The lst Jefferson Cub Pack called an early halt to their mee- ting on Monday night in order to attend the Brownie Concert. De- spite mutters early in the even- ing from one or two wolf cubs about, “who wants to see girls!” the whole pack thoroughly en- joyed the pleasant evening. St. John‘s Sunday School St. John‘s Sunday School, which usually meets in the Parish Hall at Jefferson has had to seek oth- er quarters for the time being. new that building is well under way on the parish hall. St. Mark’s Chapel, Oak Ridges, has very kindly eo-operated by making av- ailable their Sunday School rooms. In spite of the change of place there is very little dislocation of routine. Sunday School opens at 11 am. as usual and the bus, which picks up children on the route around Wilcox Lake and down to Elgin Mills will run on the same schedule with the ex- ception that instead of depositing the children at St. John’s Church, it will proceed north after visit- ing Elgin Mills and leave its pas- sengers at St. Mark‘s Chapel. 7 The stop at St. John's on the way north will enable children whose parents normally bring them to the church with them to be picked up. The bus will stop at St. John's again on the return trip after Sunday School. Some may find. it more conven- ient to take their children direct to St. Mark's which is on Yonge Street. opposite the Oak Ridges School. AURORA â€" President TilstOn of the Sterling Drug recently lo. cated here addressing the Board of Trade said his firm will give year round employment to 350 people. He said 50 per cent of Canadian industry is located with- in a 100 mile radius of Toronto and Montreal. The Christmas meeting of the WA. will be held on Wednesday evening, December 17 at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. Henman Mortson. Mrs. P. W. Willows will take the topic. The Election of Officers for 1959 will also be held. A special collection will be taken for the Flower Fund. All the la- dies in the community are urged to attend this meeting. ‘ Mission Band The Christmas party of the Mission Band will be held in the Sunday School room on Saturday. December 20, at 2.30 p.m.. instead of on December 13. as had been planned. There will be a special speaker for the children. The mothers of the children have also been invited to attend. All the The church was beautifully dec- orated for this occasion with lighted Christmas-trees. Church News Sunday. December 14. at 2.30 p.m.. the regular church service will be held when Rev. Binning- ton's theme will be, “What shall I give My Child for Christmas?" White Gift Service A very impressive White Gift service was held on Sunday, when the Sunday School and church services were combined. The ser- vice was in charge of Rev. A. F. Binnington. The gifts that were received will be sent to the Fred Victor Mission and the Home Mis- sion Council. Toronto. Donald Boynton read the Scrifiture Les- son. The Christmas scene was portrayed by Margaret Smith. as Mary: Mat. Taylor as Joseph: Wayne Mortson. Victor Suzuki and David Matsunaga as the Shepherds: John Gee. Donald Nichols and Peter Baxter as the Three Wise Men. The Junior Girls and Boys of the Sunday School occupied the choir. The Tiny-tots sang the first verse of "Away in a Manger." Virs. P. Bennett told the children a story of a little girl in India at Christ- mas. Rev. A. F. Binnington also told the children a story. Infant Baptism is being planned for an three churches at the Christmas Sunday services on De- cember 2lst. If any children are presented interested parents are asked to contact the minister. Explorers The Explorers Christmas Party will be held in the Victoria Square Sunday School room on Monday evening December 15, at CORRESPONDENT : MRS. W. SANDLE. Victor! Telephone Gonnley 5421 :e Gift Service children in the co very impressive White Gift1 invited. ice was held on Sunday, when Candlelight Service My sincere thanks to all who supported and assisted me in the successful campaign for Coun- cillor. To all citizens of Richmond Hill a Merry Christmas and a. Prosperous New Year. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS Si p s o 1'15" ""551 e s ONE OF THE LARGEST SHIPMENTS OF: Chesterfields, Bed Suites, Jr. Beds, Continental Beds and an overstodt of Sorta smooth top mattresses. Plumbing Supplies Came and Save at Come and Save PRospect 3-5330 Yongeava Mr. and Mrs. Dresser High Boy Chest Hollywood Bed Serta Mattress with high riser Slant Springs from $115.00 ull Unpainted Furniture Every Size 1/2 PRICE ONLY ONE LOCATION BEDROOM SUITES INCLUDED 5-piece Kitchen Suites $35 and up LINOLEUM RICHMOND HILL To The Electors Of Pre- Christmas Sale From NOW Until Christmas at Yong. sam4mnumrmumchmondmnnmm umbummbmm The Big Furniture Bargain House R. P. (Bob) Ross .h 1/2 Price Friends are pleased to hear that Mrs. Mary Buchanan is mak- ing good recovery following her recent automobile accident. The annual Candlelight service will be held in the Victoria Square United Church on Sun- day evening. December 215i at 7.30 pm. This service is under the leadership of the C.G.I.T. Euchre Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Orr had Sat- urday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston and Sharon at Nashville, the occasion being Mr. and Mrs. Orr’s forty- second wedding anniversary. ' Mr. and Mrs. Heber McCague, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson and family had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nichols. Congratulations are extended to Mr. Floyd Perkins on being elect- ed Reeve of Richmond Hill in the elections there on Saturday. Floyd is a former Victoria Square boy. 7 , Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson and boys of Etobicoke spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Emprlng- ham. NEWMARKET â€" Voters rejected a proposal to elect icipal councils for a two term. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boynton. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Gee and Miss Mabel Sander- son had dinner on Saturday with Mrs. Ella Ratcliffe and Mr. An- gus at Stguffvllle. 7 There will be another Euchre party in‘ tlleHVictcLI-igi Square iV‘Sigvmrpathy is extended to Mr. L. G. Stoutenburgh in the pasdng of his brother, Mr. Chester Stout- enburgh. Mrs. Wesley Wellman of Cam- eron. Mrs. Dean Wellman of Ome- mee called on Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nichols on Thursday of last week. They were down here attending the funeral of Mr. W. C. Sayers of Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Orb and family of King had Sunday even- ing dinner with Mr. and Mrs. _Wm. Orr. Community Hall on Friday even ing. December 12 at 8:15 pm Everyone welcome. Neighbourhood Note; ‘ Mi‘Q-swjuhe Collard spent the weekend with friends at Copoggg. WE HAVE BARGAINS GALORE Yonge at Bond Lake Victoria Square the coanUfiiffTare THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday. December 11. 1958 Space Saver Chesterfields or Sofas BABY CRIBS $30.00 COMPLETE FOR $17.00 ' here year To all those Who supported me in my candidature for the ofiice of Deputyâ€" reeve. Best Wishes to our council for TUrner 4-2613 AVALON NYLON CARPETING moo/o nylon Iahrlc wlth foam rubber backing O HARD WEARING O ATTRACTIVE 01 E Enm In sell pattern or ° AS!“ CL 0 MODERATE rm 0 N0 PAD 329mm h your home M O MOTH P8001? ., om“. ' Available also in Custom Made Rugs It can no; he done at moderate cost with MOVING GALI. BA HMS! Man IS -~aj¢nfl‘g¢'§ For Prompt Courteous Service Call Hours 10 MI. to 10 p_m. MY THANKS 14s WILLOWDALE AVE. J. H. RICE Assortment of Serta Mattresses All Sizes 1/2 PRICE Continental Beds PACKING 1/2 1959. 177 Lennox Avenue he "mm who! and tel-mi. “fifilca A'I'I‘BACTIVE COLORS in cell pattern or plain MODERATE PRICE laid In your home, apartment or office. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING DAILY SERVICE TORONTO AND AREA 2-plece foam rub- ber Chesterfield Suites. Covered Decks. Zippered Cushions. Chesterfield $75 up BUY AT 1/2 PRICE Suites STORAGE

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