'_ Tlie many friends of Mr. John Johnson of 58 Yongehurst will be sorry to hear that he is at present in Branson Hospital suffering from lndeterminable injuries caused through a recent car ac- cident. He is progressing as well as can be expected, but is expect- ed to remain in hospital for sev- eral months. Mr. Johnson is well known throughout Richmond Hill and was formerly associated with Congratulations to Beverley Locke who held her twelfth birth- day party on Saturday, December 6. Those who attended were Dwight Powell, Joan McFee, Bri- an Henderson, Peter and Bruce Miller, Peter Lecuyer, Beverley Smlth, Judy Kerwin. Lesley Betts, Anthony Crack and Dianne Sargent. Hot dogs and hamburg- ers were served followed by a delicious cake. We were sorry to learn that Mrs. J. Reid McAlister is at present in Private Patients Pav- ilion, Toronto. Mrs. McAlister is the secretary of the York Central District High School Board and during her absence Mrs. M. Kea- c‘hie is taking over her secretar- ial duties. The Allencourt Ratepayers As- sociation wish to announce that the meeting arranged for Decem- ber 17th will be cancelled so that the members will have the neces- sary time to devpte to Christmas activities. The next general meet- ing of the Association will be held on Wednesday, January let, 1959. H. J. Mills Ltd. I“Bob White." q;mmmuuumuummnulIlx\mummumummumlul\ul\unummnnuummumumummuuuuuun1mmmnuuuumumuuuumumu4! Several Curtain Club members attended the University Alum- nae’s Festival entry “Yerma†at the Coach House Theatre last Sunday. It wlll be playing for a further week from December 10 to 14 and tickets may be obtalned lay phoning WA. 1-7445. g JUST ARRIVED . The many friends of Mr. Ralph Woods of Riviera Gardens are pleased to see him looking ï¬t and well again after his recent operation. Mr. Woods is one of the local representatives on the York Central District High School Board. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dennehy of Winnipeg recently spent a week's holiday with Mrs. Denne- h’y's sister. Mrs. J. Beresford An- derson, Centre St. i1lmum1mumluluulmmuumum1l\l1\mmnumumuum1111mmmmummu\mmmnuuuummummuuuum“mum“mmummumv i gflmxmxxxx’:Kxuxuwxnmaamuxmezzwasmsgmagmaz'mz’e'g E TOPPER'S MARKET E TU. 4-2548 g V; mile north of Richmond Hill, on Yonge Street Aamnnmmammxammmammmmmmmm:hmmmamzzzzsmmmmmss ï¬ï¬‚éï¬Ã©ï¬Ã©ï¬‚éï¬Ã©ï¬Ã©ï¬‚él}Ellélléllélléiiélléliéï¬iiléilEllélléil‘if? mama: 2 E Sellwoods Salon Richmond Hiii Liens Hal! Monday, Dec. 15“: Richmond Hill . . . Formerly of Ritz Hotel, Mayfair, London, England. Phbne early for Xmas and New Year appointments 80 Yonge St. S. Choice Christmas Trees SPRUCE, SCOTCH and AUSTRIAN PINE $2.50 TOP PRICE FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS. CIDER. 75¢ per gal. APPLES. Macs & Courtlands. $2.25 per bushel. ’ Fancy quality Spies. Delicious & Blenheims. SAVOY CABBAGE - POTATOES - CARROTS June Smith “The Liberal†is always glad to receive social and personal items for this page and a call to TUrner 4-1105 will receive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome news reports about church organizations, women’s and men’s societies, lodges and other groups. While copy will be ac- cepted up to Wednesday of each week, it is desir- able to have it in earlier if possible to ensure its publication. TU. 4-2321 AT At the recent Persian Cat 50- ciety’s two-day Show held in Buffalo, New York, Mrs. J. War- wick was again successful with her entrants. winning the lst Best Novice in Show with a blue female “Sugar Plum.†Another prize was won by “Teddy Bear." 3 blue male, for Best Kitten in All Breed Show. In the specialty show, Best Female Kitten in all show Breed and Best Kitten in Specialty Show, the awards were secured by Mrs. Warwick’s “Rose- bud.†lst in All Breed Show was won with a white male novice “Bob White." The executive obthe 3rd Rich- mond Hill Cub & Scout Troop has planned an enjoyable Christmas party for the evening of Friday, December 12. in St. Matthew's United Church, Crosby Ave. east. In addition to the regular musi-l cal program arranged for this an- nual event. several new enter- tainment "surprises" have been planned, as well as the take home Christmas gifts. The Christmas theme was the setting for Cathy Maxwell's ï¬fth birthday which was celebrated on Tuesday, December 9. Included among the guests were: Barby Maxwell, Elaine Rice, Shelley Scott. Lucy Dewsbury. Francis Rowe, Susan Kirkpatrick. Susan Thompson and Vicki Scott. Ab- sent through illness Judy Dick. A beautifully decorated birthday cake topped the table which was ï¬lled with lots of good things to eat. Many games were played but musical chairs and pin the tail on the donkey were obviously the most popular choice. Balloons and favours were given ut, and every- one had the spirit of the festive season and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. "The Liberal†wishes to extend sincere sympathy to Mrs. A. C. Clayton. Beverley Acres. on the death of her father, Mr. T. J. Banks of Keswick, who passed away at Queensville December 7. The late Mr. Banks was interred in Queensville Cemetery, Decem- ber 10. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Bell have purchased the Mowat home on Centre Street west. Until they get possession in midsummer. they are residing at 36 Church Street South. Mr. Bell is associ- ated with a Toronto investment ï¬rm. RICHMOND HILL An interesting evening has been planned for the next meet- ing of the Beverley Acres Home 8: School Association when they meet tonight, Thursday, Decem- ber 11th in the public school. Guest speaker will be Mr. Duard Rose, Supervising Principal of Public Schools in Richmond Hill. and the senior choir will present selections. Mr. G. Wood. former grade 8 teacher and now vice- principal of the new Crosby School will present the York County Music Festival Awards to the Beverley Acres winners. Re- freshments will be served and a cordial invitation is extended to all in the area to be present. At Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church on Friday night, Decem- ber 12, at 8 p.m., there will be a Pre-Communion service. At this service new members will be re- ceived into the fellowship of the church and will take their ï¬rst communion as members of the local congregation on Sunday. December 14. A social hour will follow the Friday night service and refreshments will be served by the Women's Auxiliary. A very delightful surprise par- ty was given for Mr. and Mrs. Ficht, Carrville Road, Richvale, on Saturday evening. December 6. in honour of their silver wed- ding anniversary. A purse con- taining 25 brand new silver doll- ars was presented to the happy couple. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Collier.oMr. and Mrs. H. Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. E. Row- den, Mr. and Mrs. A. Seymoure, Mr. and Mrs. Cec Turnbull. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. ‘ G. Schroeder, Mr. and Mrs. W. Davenport, Mrs. Edith Stewart and Mrs. Nellie Davies. Progress- ive enchre was enjoyed. and the prize winners were Mrs. Hazel Kerr and Mr. Mel Collier. On Sunday December 14th, "The Christmas Story" will be presented by the children of St. Gabriel Anglican Church Sunday School at 9.30 am. and 11.30 am. in lieu of the regular serv- ices. During the story, following the footsteps of the wise men, the boys and girls will present gifts to be sent to the children of the Indian Mission, through Mr. Mis- tassimi in Northern Quebec. Par- ents of the children are welcome to attend the 9.30 am. presenta- tion, which is normally Sunday School. The choir of St. Matthews Unl- ted Church. under the direction of Norma Jackson, will present at 4.30 pm. Sunday, December let, "Carols at Twilight," a Carol Service featuring music old and new, with congregational singing. The public is cordially invited to attend. With forty members present, the UK. Club had a very enjoy- able evening on Saturday, De- cem‘ber 6th. The club executive regret that there wil be no meetâ€" ing on Saturday, December 13th. due to the Plaza Restaurant room being unavailable for that even- ing, but a very enjoyable get- together ls promised for the fol- lowing Saturday, December 20th. Wednesday night is still a “Games Night" and it is being considered as a musical evening. too. as soon as the club secures a piano. $3,147,914.94 was the amount for the month of November clear- ed through the ï¬ve Chartered Banks in Richmond Hill. The Royal Bank of Canada, Bank of Nova Scotia. Canadian Bank of Commerce, Toronto & Dominion Bank, and Bank of Montreal. These ï¬gures are indicative of the substantial increase in busi- ness in Richmond Hill area dur- ing the past month. Bank clear- ing for the month of October amounted to 52.661.553.10. ’The following officers were elected for 1959 at the regular December meeting of the Presby- terian Evening Auxiliary: Pres- ident, Mrs. George Pollard: vice- president, Mrs. George Flagler; secretary, Mrs. Ray Bennett; treasurer. Mrs. George Francis; pianist. Miss Mary Dawson: group captains, Mrs. Mirrlees, Mrs. Gra- ham, Mrs. Lavender: sunshine com-enor. Mrs. Wm. Mirrlees. The treasurer’s annual report reveal- ed that many large expenditures had been made during the year, including cupboards and stove for the kitchenette, tables and small chairs for the Sunday School, money gifts to the Young People‘s Society, “ and Sunday School. A Christmas party fol- lowed featuring exchange of gifts and refreshments. The Christmas meeting of the Harriet Taylor Woman's Mission- ary Society of Richmond Hill Un- ited Church was held in the chapel, the president, Mrs. A. S. Elson. in the chair. After the business meeting, the program consisted of the story of the birth of Christ in Christmas car- ols and selections from the Bible by Mrs. Gordon Robinson, Mrs. A. Chapman, Miss Edna Colville and Mrs. J. Spanner, with Mrs. C. G. Higginson presiding. A Christmas story, “Father Martin." was given by Miss Mabel Walker, and Mrs. Peter Addison contrib- uted “Keeping Christmas". and closed with “A Christmas Prayer for the Home," both by Henry Van Dyke. Scout Bill Newton-Smith earn- ed the honour of being the ï¬rst scout in the lst Beverley Acres Scout Troop to earn the Queen's Scout Badge. Bill accomplished this by passing his Pathï¬nders Proï¬ciency Badge on Tuesday. December 9. Patrol Leader Jeff Burton was presented with his Ambulance Man badge. The scoutmaster and patrol leaders planned the Christmas party which will be built around an In- dian campï¬re. with the scouters rand scouts dressing as Indians. Honourary President, Mrs. H. A. Nicholls: president, Mrs. M. C. Fry; vice-president. Mrs. W. S. Pocknell; recording secretary, Mrs. G. H. Bye: corresponding secretary, Mrs. G. Preston; treas- urer. Mrs. S. G. Phillips. Living Message Secretary, Mrs. H. Stan- ford; educational secretary, Mrs. A. Mowat: Dorcas secretary. Mrs. F. W. Hall; convenor visiting com- mittee, Mrs. W. T. Charles. I 4' t i The Richmond Hill Jaycettes held their ï¬nal dinner meeting for 1958 at the Summit View Restaurant on December 3rd. Following a most enjoyable din- ner. Jaycette Edith Duffy enter- tained the group with an inform- ative account of the goings-on at the recent J.C. International Conference held in Minneapolis, U.S.A. This conference was at- tended by representative J.C. groups from many parts of the world. and one of the highli hts was an “All Canadian Banq t", at which all the food served ‘was produced in the various provinces of Canada. The balance of the evening was employed by the group in ï¬lling Christmas stock- ings with toys and candy, to be sent to the Orillia Home for Re- tarded Children. The next meet- ing of the Jaycettes is scheduled for Wednesday. January 7_ 1959. The Well Baby Clinic will be held on December 15th from 1.30 to 3 pm. at the Public Health Centre. 50 Yonge St. N., Rich- «mond Hill. Polio vaccine will be available and immunization con- tinued under the auspices of the Richmond Hill Women‘s Insti- The December business meet- ing of St. Matthew’s Women was held on December 2 in St. Mat« thew's United Church, Crosby Avenue east, with the devotional program led by Mrs. E. Baker. A motion was passed to buy some new toys for the 'church nursery also some neded kitchen utensils to assist in the catering. The main business of the even- ing was the election of officers for the coming year, resulting in the following executive: Presi- dent. Mrs. R. P. Robbins; lst vice- president, Mrs. C. Loverock; 2nd vice-president. Mrs. J. Walker; 3rd vice-president, Mrs. E. L. Wright; recording secretary, Mrs. H. Simmons; treasurer, Mrs. B. Knight; corresponding secretary, Mrs. H. Regier; missionary treas- urer, Mrs. C. Loverock; Christian education. Mrs. R. Wylie; secret- ary for literature. Mrs. R. Judge; secretary for relief and supplies, Mrs. A. McLelland; Christian cit- izenship, Mrs. Bruce Curtis; Christian stewardship, Mrs. R. Wallace; devotions, Mrs. L. Bar- ron; flowers. Mrs. W. Urquhart; catering_ Mrs. G. Shaw; parson- age, Mrs. L. Justice: nominations, Mrs. J. Walter; visiting Christian fellowship, Mrs. F. Dennis; social convenor, Mrs. J. Hutcheson; ba- zaar convenor, Mrs. R. Wallace; auditors, Mrs. A. McLelland and Mrs. W. Urquhart. The women will be meeting so- cially next at 8.15 pm. Tuesday, December 16, and all ladies at- tending are asked to bring a gift â€" and a gift of not more than 50c value. Refreshments will be served and a cordial invitation is extended to all ladies to be preS< ent. .m'ï¬lueufgllowing officers were e1- ected for 1959: DICKINSON â€" In loving memory of my dear husband. Walter E. Dickinson Senior. who passed away December 14, 1955. Time may heal the broken heart- ed, Years may make the wound less sore, But it cannot ï¬ll the longing. For the loved one gone before. Who shall say that grief is less- ened, Though the smile may hide the ‘ tears, Memory keeps the wound still open, Despite the passing of the years. â€" His ever loving wife Mable. clw24 Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Etta Burns. Oak Ridges, were Mr. Ronald Glass and Miss V. Heather of Malton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burns and Margaret of Elgin Mills and Mrs. Bessie Burns of Richmond Hill. , The final meeting for 1958 of St. Mary’s (Anglicanl Afternoon W.A. took place on Tuesday last. Thanks were expressed to all those who contributed to the suc- cess of the Parish bazaar, and to all those who patronized it so generously and in such large numbers. In wemuriamï¬ WATSON â€" In loving memory of dear Dad, who passed away Deâ€" cember 15. 1955. Gone is the face I loved so dear, Silent is the voice I loved to hear. Too far away for sight or speech, But not too far for thought to reach. And who, though absent, is just as dear. â€"- Lovineg remembered by daughter Hilda and wife Eliza- beth. c1w24 CG] T Doings tute Richmond Hill United Church by Sheila Orr Our groups are very busy at this time of the year. Valerie Craddock's group are doing knit- ting as a craft. Beth Jones group is ï¬nishing their Bible Study. Mrsr Williams’ group has been very busy. They have had a bowling party and they also have had a tea. As a craft. they are making bath salts which can be used as Christmas gifts. Will everyone be present on Thursday night as we will be rehearsing for the Vesper Service which will be iheld Sunday, December 14, 5 ecia Game - 8 Es7mm we 52 NUMBERS CA LED The one money-raising project of the year. the annual Theatre Night, will be held during Feb- ruary at the Richmond Theatre. through the kind «co-operation of Mr. Ned Hill. Tickets will be dis- tributed to members and Guides and Brownies, of the district, at the February meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. A. Lough- ridge, Arnold Crescent. Guides and Brownies of West District will hold their own Carol Ser- vice on Tuesday. December 16 at 7:30 pm. at the McConaghy Pub- lic School. Lesser-known carols with a glimpse into their origin will be depicted in song and cos- tume by the Guides and Brownies. All parents and friends are cor- dially invited to attend. Richmond Hill Lions’ Club At last Thursday's dinner meet- ing of the Richmond Hill Lions’ Club, the members heard reports of the activities of the club, both in the direction of raising funds for welfare work in the commun- ity and of dispensing the funds to those in need of help. One fund-raising project now in hand is the sale of tins of mixed nuts, gift-wrapped for Christmas. Local Lions will make a concerted dr'we on Saturday, December 13th, to boost the sale of the nuts. Lion Bill Wagner. chairman of the Welfare Committee, read an impressive list of welfare work carried out during the past two months, Items included gifts of food and clothing. eye examina- tions, loans of crutches, hospital beds and wheel chairs. Prepara- tions are also under way for dis- tribution of Christmas baskets. There are two very special dates to mark on your calendar for the Holiday Season. The ï¬rst one is the Christmas Party on Saturday. December 20. “Wear something red with your The newly formed 5th Guide Company. which meets at My Lady of Fatima Separate School will be presented with a World Flag from the association. bells and your holly Yule sure enjoy it, so gay and so jolly." ‘ rIlhere will be mystery parcels, gifts, prizes and general hilarity. Then if you have been bend- ing many forks on Christmas tur- key, the best way to reduce your ever-shovin’ waistline back to its normal proportion is to dance all night at our big New Year’s Eve bash. The theme will be “Winter Wonderland†and we promise you many times your money’s worth in good music, refreshments. bal- loons, streamers. hats, noisemak- eI‘s and whatever else it takes to make a good night's fun. The tick- ets at $2.00 per couple are, as usual, in the form of dance prog- rammes. If you are in doubt ab- out them, please ask one of the older members who will add to your confusion on this point. Don‘t worry. just come! It is a “jacket and tie" event, of course and the girls help by being as at- tractive as possible. Formals are NOT a necessity but may be worn if you happen to have one and wish to wear it. Dancing will be from 9 pm. to '2 and we are forced to limit the sale of tickets. So get yours early. Plan Carol Service The December meeting of the local association for West Dis- trict was held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Bury. Arnold Crescent. on Wednesday last. District Com- missioner Mrs. Hugh Yerex an- nouneed a presentation to Mrs. Ernest Redelmeier who has re- tired after six years in this office. Mrs. George Sweeny was elect- ed as secretary for the associa~ tion, a position ably ï¬lled for the past three years by Mrs. Robert Campbell. Don’t forget the “Nuts â€" to Sell‘ Nuts" this Saturday morn- ing at the Lions Hall. We do ap- preciate your help on this effort and promise you the best swim in (the new swimming pool! Guide Notes Teen Town NUCOA Yonge St. It's a pleasure to shop at Morley's MARGARINE LETTUCE TOMATOES ORANGES CANADA PACKERS DEVON CRANBERRY SAUCE OCEAN SPRAY - whole or jellied CALIFORNIA ICEBERG SUNKIT NAVEL - large 113’s RED RIPE NO. 1 RINDLESS BACON RICHMOND HILL MORLEY’S CARD OF THANKS SNIDER -â€" We wish to express our sincere thanks to our rela- tives. friends and neighbours for their kindness, sympathy and beautiful floral tributes during our recent sad bereavement in the loss of our dear mother, espec- ially thanking the Rev. A. F. Bin- nington. and Wright and Taylor Funeral Home. â€" Samuel, Mrs. Rae Donaldson (Betty), Alan. Mary Lyn. *lw24 CARD OF THANKS I. as president of the York Manor Home Auxiliary. wish to thank all clubs. organizations, for their help in making the tea and bazaar a huge success. I also wish to give credit to my Auxil- iary for doing a grand job. A special thanks to my ways and means chairmm, Mrs. W. Turner, also my handycraft chairman. Mrs. H. H. Proctor. â€"â€" Mrs. Art Sheridan, Newmarket. c1w24 CARD OF THANKS .. .. .. .. SAYERS â€"â€" To all our friends who were so understanding and helpful during our recent ber- eavement, especially Rev. J. N. Hepburn and Rev. C. G. Higgin- son, Dr. J. P. Wilson, our sincere thanks. Mrs. William Sayers and family. c1w24 LYNETT. John F. â€" Suddenly. on Wednesday. Dec. 3. 1958. John Francis Lynett, beloved husband of Helen Simpson Lyn- ett (Helen Simpson Florists. 2518 Yonge StA. Funeral was held December 6th, 9 a.m.. to St. Mary Immaculate Church. Richmond Hill, for requiem mass at 10 am. Interment St. Luke‘s Cemetery, Thornhill, Ontario. nc23 CARD OF THANKS DUNN, Mary â€" At her home. Thornhill. Tuesday. Dec. 2. 1958. Mary. daughter of the late William and Bridget Dunn. dear sister of Mrs. James Fair- brother of Toronto. Rested at Wright and Taylor's Funeral Home. Richmond Hill. Funeral Friday to St. Luke’s Church, Thornhill. for requiem mass at 8 am. Interment Mount Hope Cemtery. I wish to take this opportun- ity of expressing my thanks and appreciation to all my neighbours and friends for the lovely flow- ers and kin'dnesses shown dur- ing the sickness and recent death of my sister. CARD 0!“ THANKS Our sincere thanks to friends and neighbours for the beautiful floral tributes and messages of sympathy received by us in the loss of a beloved husband and father. Especially thanking the Wright & Taylor funeral directâ€" ors. Rev. M. Jenkinson. and Dr. R. Bigford. ST. MARK’S CHURCH ANGLICAN Oak Ridges - Yonge at Elm Grove Morning Prayer . . . . . . 10 am. Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10 am. Holy Communion .. 'lst Sunday ST. JOHN’S ANGLICAN OAK RIDGES (Yonge & Jefferson) Morning Prayer 11 am. Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . 11 am. Bible Classes (Senior & Inter- mediate . . . . . . . . . . . . 945 am. Holy Communion .. 2nd and 4th . Sundays BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14. 1958 Heise Hill (Gormley) 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"- Worship Service 7.30 pm. â€"- Evening Service Wed. 7.30 pm. - Prayer Meeting Vaughan (3rd con.. 2 miles north of Concord) 10 am. â€"- Sunday School 11.15 a.m. â€" Worship Service Concord (Schoolhouse) 10 am. â€" Sunday School‘ Oak Ridges, Aubrey Ave. 10.30 am. â€" Sunday School 7.30 pm. - Evening Service Richmdnd Hill Mrs. E. Carson and family. c1w24 Eeatbs Mrs. Harry Thomson c1w4 2 for 29¢ 2 for 49¢ THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ont, Thursday, De'c'emï¬er 1!, 1958 1 lb. Ctns. Cello Pkg. 19c 15 oz. Tin 1 lb. Ctn. HEADS Dozen 59c 25c 49c c1w24 IICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Iev. C. G. Higginson. B.A., 3.1). SUNDAY, DECEMBER. 14. 1958 9:45 a.m. â€"â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Service Broadcast 5 CJRH 7 pm. â€"â€" C.G.I.T. Vesper Service Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O'Neil SUNDAY. DECEMBER 14, 1958 ADVENT Ill 86th Anniversary 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 9.30 am. â€"â€" Sunday School 9.30 am. â€"â€" Morning Prayer 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer ' SUNDAY. DECEMBER 14. 1958 9.45 â€"â€" The Church School 11.00 â€" Public Worship The Nursery Department meets at the hour of Public Worship 2.30 â€" The Sacrament of Baptism SUNDAY. DECEMBER 14. 1958 9.45 am. â€"â€" Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship. SACRAMENT OF THE LORD‘S SUPPER. 11 am. â€"â€" Nursery Department. Friday, Dec. 12th. 8 pm. â€"- Pre- Communion Service and re- ception of new members. “We are never given anything better than a chance." and Baptism (Nursery and Jr. Congregation) 2 p.m. â€"- Bible Class 7 pm. â€" Evensong Church Boys’ League Parade Service. Preacher: Rev. Trevor Jones, B.A.. B.D. Wednesdays 10 am. â€" Holy Communion COME TO CHURCH AS A FAMILY ST. MATTHEW’S UNITED CHURCH Crosby Ave.. Richmond Hill Rev. William W. Patterson. BA. 3.0., Minister RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH 50 Wright St. Pnstor: Rev. Robert W. Irvin, B. TIL. B.R.E. Phone: TU. 4-2095 SUNDAY. DECEMBER 14. 1958 9.50 am. â€" Bible School for all’ 11 am. -â€" Morning worship. 7 pm. â€" Evening Service. “Where Welcome is More Than A Word!" Olaâ€"ss 49-13 years7.3 p.m.â€"Boys’ club (10-12 yrs.) 8 pm. â€" Young People’s Meet- ing Rev. C. E. Hunkinl, Minister 9.45 mm. â€" Church Broadcast CKLB 1350 Oshawa 10 am. â€" Morning Worship 11 am. â€" Sunday School 7.30 p.m. â€" Evening Service THE CHURCH OF ST. GABRIEL Adult Bible Class. Mr. Colin Anderson 7 pm. â€" Evening Gospel Service Mr. John Farquharson. Tuesday. 8 pm. -â€" Prayer and Bible Ministry. Mr. Colin Anderson Friday 7‘ pm Anglican Richmond Hill East Beverley Acres School Neal Drive Rev. J. W. Newton-Smith, 407 Lynett Crescent TU. 4-4zss SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14. 1958 9.30 am. â€" ‘The Christmas Story’ 11.00 am. â€" Nursery 8; Junior Congregation. 11 am. â€" ‘The Christmas Story' 2.30 pm. â€" Bible Class at the Rectory 7.30 pm. â€" Adult Conï¬rmsiion Class at the Rectory Hour, CHML, 9 am. Sunday SUNDAY. DECEMBER 14, 1958 2.45 pm. -â€" Sunday School 7 pm. â€" The Family Gospel Mr. Paul Johnston of Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, Kentucky, will preach. Wed, 8 pm. â€"- Prayer & Bible Study Hour Friday. December 19, at 8 pm. - Sunday School Christmas Service We welcome you to the fellow- lhip of this friendly family church that continues the teaching of Original Methodism. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1958 3 pm. -â€"- Public Lecture MR J, NATHAN â€" “What does Armageddon mean to you" (on tape). (Anglican) Rector: Rev. W. B. Jennings. D.D. Tel. King City 313 HOURS OF SERVICE All Saints’ Church - King City 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 10 am. â€"â€" Morning Prayer 31.10 am. â€"â€" Sunday School St. Stephen's Church - Maple 9 am. â€" Holy Communion 10.15 am. â€" Sunday School 11.30 am. â€" Morning Prayer (Holy Communion 2nd Sunday) 7 pm. â€" Holy Communion (4th Sunday only) RICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPEL SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14. 1958 9.30 am. â€"â€" The Lord’s Supper 11 am, â€" Sunday School and EVERY THURSDAY p.m. -â€" Service Meeting p.m. â€" MinistrryrSchool ' N0 COLLECTION TU. 4-2677 ALL WELCOME PARISH OF KING & MAPLE Corner of Elmwood nnd Ruules Rev. Earl S. Bull, Minister Church of the Light and Life RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Minister Cedar Avenue. Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH KINGDOM HALL OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES GOBMLE! UNITED MISSIONARY .CHURCH ST .MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Girls’ Ctaft Jeri/iced monNmL UNITED omen Mlnlster: Rev. Earl B. Eddy. B.A.. B.D.. Th. D. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1958 10 am. â€"- Intermediate Church School 11 mm. â€" Church Worship and Church School HOLY TRINITY THORNHILL SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1958 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Public Baptism of children and Christmas gift service. 7 pm â€" Evening Prayer DEUTERONOMY. and 11 am. Service of Worshipâ€"11 a.m. Theme: “The Bible and Advent." ' A cordial invitation to all. THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY. DECEMBER 14. 1958 The Royal Law of Sinai 11 am. â€" Sermon CARBVILLE UNITED CHURCH Rev. Earl B. Eddy. B.A.. B.D.. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14. 1958 2.30 pm. â€" Worship Service Stop 17 Yorge Street Rev. Percy G. Buck. B.A.. B. Th.. 5 Old Orchard Grove, Toronto. 12. Ont. HU 1-3142 SUNDAY. DECEMBER 14. 1958 MAPLE CHARGE THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Harold W. Davies. B.A.. Minister SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14. 1958 Maple 10.15 am. â€" WHITE GIFT SER< VICE in the Church School 11:30 am. â€" Morning Worship WHITE GIFT Service 7.00 pm. â€"- Annual G.G.I.T. Vesper Service The Rector. Wed., 10 am. - Holy Communion Sunday School for all ages, 10 White Gift Sunday 11.15 am. â€" Church School. Edgeley 1:30 pm. â€" Church School 2.30 pm. â€" Church Worship White Gift Service Hope 10.15 am. â€" Church Servico SUNDAY SERVICES 10 to 10 â€" Bible School With class for adults 11 â€" Morning Worship The Pastor. Choir 7 â€"â€" Evening Service The Pastor. Fred 8.: Ed Wicks on 1 block east of Yonge Stop 12A Pastor Rev. F. Vaughan B. Th. Student Assistant, Mr. R. Thistle SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1958 10 am. ’â€" Blble School with Study 1 Thursday 1 pm. â€" Women'l Missionary Fellowship Thurs. 8 pm. -- Evening Mis- sion Circle 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month Fri., 7 pm. â€" Lamplighter: and Teen Fellowship Fri. 8 pm. â€" Choir Practice THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA ST. BARNABAS I SUNDAY. DECEMBER 14, 1958 2.30 pm. â€" The Service 1.30 p.m. â€"â€" Sunday School and Bible Class THE CHURCH OF ST. LUKE LUTHERAN Finch Ave. East Public School Finch Ave. 15., just west of Bayview Sunday School . . . . . . . .. 10 a.1 Worship Service . . . . . . . . 11 2.1 The Rev. Karl J. Schweder, B.D.. M.A.. Pastor Phone: BAldwin 1-8900 CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School House Each Lord’s Day evening at 7 p.111. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580; at 8:15 mm. And Jesus spake unto them, saying. all power ls given unto me ln heaven and lo earth. Matthew 28, v. 17 and 18: And when they saw Him. they wor- shipped Him. but some doubted. LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Church St, Langstafl Mnlster: Rev. B. T. McSpadden Adult Bible Class 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 6.30 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting 7 pm. â€" Gospel Service Wed. 8 p.111. :- Erayer G; 1mm Richvale ’ Rev. J. W. Newton-Smith TU. 4-4236 9.30 am. â€" Morning Prayer Nussery and Sunday School Services in Charles Hewitt School Pearson Ave. Holy Communion second Sunday of each month trumpet and trombone ."The Church that is Looking Ahead" ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor H. Lindeman THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH