Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service STEEL FABRICATING To Customer Speciï¬cations PINDER BROS. LTD. 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 Any news of Headford this] was visible for miles. Fortunateâ€" week must needs be overshad-i ly the only livestock in the build- 0W€d by news 0f the Spectacular ing at the time were two horses. ï¬re which took place on Wednes- who were brought out safely. d’ay evsning last on “the Mc- Had there been a north wind at Mahon farm†on BayvieW. and in the time (and there had been the course of which the beauti- during the day and all the day ful barn was burned to the previous) the house must surely ground- The big b73263, “’hit‘h had have been destroyed also. How- gai-ned considerable headway be-iever, there was little wind and tore the alarm was tUI‘nid in. it came from the south-west. drew large (31‘0st W110 "'dme Sparks were seen over the school from great diStanceS- The bal‘n. house. and the next day buildings ‘Vel'y W811 ï¬llea With’ hay and and cars on the Acrjman place stl‘aW‘ was an easy Dl‘ey t†The were found to be liberally cover- flames. creating a beacon which cd with ashes and charred par- Wwï¬wg+vxw~Mawx~k F‘~V““‘r‘*“"‘~.‘ 16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont. Thursday, December 18. 1958 STEEL LIN'E’ELS l BEAMS macaw: §3£m18§ WE GIVE YOU- €REDIT FOR BEiNG A SMART SHQPPER COKKI‘APONDENI' MR5 H 4 RE R 6,. 4 Gormley â€" Phone I‘llrner 4 L Smart Style ELECTRIC TOASTERS ELECTRIC IRONS NRNOVEI TOASTEflâ€"Glecm- hg afl»chromo whh Mock bakolin handks. Toast flips Over when doors are lowered langJife element Cord extra) Conn'oisseul styled in shaming chrome on copper with co'nOrasO-black, heal ruismnf bakelite base. Super-‘05! 1500 won G.E. clement. 2-quav? mpacify. N - Id 9 i do . $21,127; 52°9°...' "-98 A CANADIAN “RE FEATURE VALUE HEADFGRD NEWS SUPER SUCTION KLEEN -A-VAC High-Chrome ELEGTRIG KETTLE POPULAR CANISTER TYPE WWWKWWW’: .. . priced low at 3.98 4H Homemakers Meet Cora Brodie's Club 15‘ the 10- cal 4-H Homemaking Club, met on Thursday evening last at her home. and received a visit from the Home Economist. Miss Wilda Gordon. who seemed to be pleas- ed ,with the girls' progress. A date is being sought for one more work meeting â€" something hard to ï¬nd in these hectic days of rehearsals and practices for Christmas fun and frolic. Mrs. Barker Receives Prizes :Richmond Hill Horticultu‘ral Society held its annual Candle- lighting and Carol meeting last The great loser will be Mr. Nor- man Tyndall, who had been rent- ing the farm. and had‘ stored grain from the home farm there also. Cause of the ï¬re has nqt been determined. although the Fire Marshal has visited the scene. uring the day and all revious) the house mu ave been destroyed a1 ver, there was littls ime (and there had’been g the day and all the day )us) the house must surely been destroyed also. How- there was little wind and me from'the south-west. s were seen over the school . and the next day buildings us on the Acrzman place found to be liberally cover- .th ashes and charred par- of wood and hay. One has AUYOMATIC POP-UP TOASTER â€" Full size, completely auto- matic â€"â€" at worthwhile saw ings. Fast, silent operation ~â€" has! "done"' 1h; way you like it; automaï¬c shut-off. Gleaming chrome. W‘nh cord and MAN Cooks beflei -- helps eliminate shrink- age and scorch. Water-sealed elemenl. Fingertip temperature control from siM< mer to 420° Square design gives maxi- mum cooking area. Signal light Easy- lo-see cooking guide. Complele with iii; 1'89 ., 15.95 15. the 10- Club, met last at her visit from \ \§ Heal contra: FRY PM! 12.15 TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET Lights appearing at the church at odd intervals are a sure indi- cation of pre-Christmas activity. which will culminate on Friday evening. Word comes that that is the day Santa Claus has prom- ised to drop in on his way to other boys and girls. so no one will want to miss being at the church on Friday evening, De- cember 19. . Mystery surrounds the school also, but‘ the secrets will be out on Thursday evening, when Jolly Old Santa comes around. He'll probably be too busy to listen to the concert, but the children and Mrs. Frazer will be most pleas- ed to see all the parents on Thursday, December 18. Sunday's white gift service at Headford was very enjoyable, with the Sunday School pupils participating in choruses and a hymn. The lesson was read by Susan Terry and the story “If I had not come" was told by Mar- garet Brodie. The children plac- ed the white gifts under the Christmas tree. and these will eventually ï¬nd their way to some needy Richmond Hill families. There was also a cash collection for the Fred Victor Mission in Toronto. Santa’s On His Way Murray and Lorraine Acreman along with Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Ewart were guests at a Christmas banquet and dance at the Man- sion House in Toronto on Satur- day evening. remaining in town for Sunday in order to spend it with Lorraine's sister and her mother. Thursday evening at which Mrs. George Barker received the Sim- pson-Sears Trophy for highest points for the year in the decorâ€" ative classes. Mable was also the recipient of Mrs. B. L. Ander- son’s prize. an exquisite vase, for high points in the vegetable class. Social Note 'COLOR GUARD" AUTOMA- TIC YOASTER â€" has! to your order, every Oime, whecher the bread is fresh or days' old. Automatic shuf-oï¬ and pop-up feafures. Crumb Qray. Mirrov bright c h r o m a. ES;in m 14.93 Caster Coasier Base Glides Efforilessiyzu SUPER-POWERED % h.p. motor is identical to that supplied on more costly models selling regularly up to $100.00 There‘s mighty suction to give deep-down, effortless cleaning that really pene- hate: all the way into heavy pile rugs and upâ€" holstery. Rolls smoothly on ball~bearing rubber tired coasters. Supplied with two extension wands and all the tools you need for every housecleaning chore, including Combination rug and floor tool, crevice tool. dusting brush, upholstery nozzle, wall and upholstery brush, swivel, extension wands, flexible hose and 2 disposable paper bags. Performance that is right in line with its stream. lined beauty. - 25 Yonge St. N. Richmond -r||-._-- ‘ "at â€" flops automatically when coï¬ee is brewed. Keeps coï¬ee warm. Brews 4 to 8 rich, full-flavored cups of coffee in iusf minMBs. Complete I with ï¬hers. (Cord extra) ..... Fast â€" starts to percolaie in 30 second: Automaiis GOFF EEMAKER Red Lancers Band AUTOMATIC "DRY" mow â€" AUTOMATIC Fast heét, fully controlled k, IRON â€" 17 ï¬ne seleded Triple-chrome easy handle only 2% lbs Cotd afluched Subject to approval by the exâ€" ecutive board, uniforms have been designed for the majorettes. Made of one piece of white wash and wear material. the blouse will have long sleeves with large cufl‘s. Attached to this will be a pleated skirt. Three V's in red. white and blue will be on the front of the blouse which will to 40 for two reasons. No one will be turned away if they are within the 14 to 20 age limit. and secondly. the group will now have a special group of five or six dancing majorettes who will concern themselves with intri- cate routines beyond the scope and experience of most of the girls. Registration in the majorettes has now risen to 21. In original talks, the executive had consid- ered having 31 majorettes, but now the total has been jumped The second practice of the have drum majorettes of the Red Lan- same cers, the Richmond Hill Police cuffs. Boys Band Association trumpet boots The second practice of the have a mandarin neck. These drum majorettes of the Red Lan- same stripes will appear on the cers, the Richmond Hill Police cuffs. In addition. white leather Boys Band Association trumpet boots will be worn. The matter and drum band. had their second of gloves and a hat were left .for practice last Sunday at the town further discussion hall. ’ The mutt nrnniim: nf Hâ€"m ma- NEARLY NEW PARTY DRESSES TU. 4-3341 \SKS 55A Yonge St. S. ENCORE plate with wrifl- Fabric sening lightweight 8.93 3-BRUSH - FLOOR The 3 coun'er-rotaï¬ng brushes keep the polisher steady on the floor â€" no "walking away." Polishes hardwood, linoleum and tiles fo- a smooth, even hard gloss. Saves time and work. Ivory and Maroon baked enamel lip-toe switch. Complete wi'h polishing.brushes and lambswoo‘ buffing pads. Rare volual A wonderful Floor Polisher â€" and more â€" it cleans, buffs and scrubsâ€"- so quickly and thoroughly POLISHER F0: toasting, grilling or flying â€"- fat quick luncheon: or late snacks. In star-bright chrome, blonde maple han- dles, built-in tray. Heat lndicofor. 115‘ wall. 600-wafl. With removable waffle grids. (Cord enra) For $5000 IRON â€" 17 steam vents give an'ofl over cushion of flout- ing steam for fast, easy iron- ing. Switches inflan’ly to dry ironing. Automuï¬c fabric- indexed heat I e I e c i o r. 521.4 14.98 «Ruched The ï¬rst practice of the band will be held tonight at 7:00 pm. in the town hall. The age limit is the same for the boys as for the girls: 14 to 20. There are still some ten vacancies in the band to be ï¬lled, and 100 boys are now needed for the drill team, as well as 16 more for a color party. Any boys who are The next practice of the maâ€" jorettes will be held Sunday at 3:00 pm. in the town hall and all interested girls are asked to turn out. If there is any woman who has had professional experience in majorette work. her experi- ence would be greatly apprec- iated as well. ' HAULED ANYWHERE, " ANYTIME i FRESH WATER St. N. Richmond H TUrner 4-1196 ’STEAM’n DRY' Frank Evison ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-2728 11.59 Gives dry, constant temperature heat â€" h relieve aches and pains. 3-Heot Pad, :01- ton flannel cover, dome fasteners and cord Thermostat-controlled Heating Pad 5 I â€"zipper fastener, 3 heat Deluxe Pod â€" thermostat eon- v trolled. qullted satin cover 3 heat Attached Cord with each Heating Pan. HEATING PADS Heaps of fluffy, mouth watering pop- corn in minutes. Big 3-quurl size; polish- ed aluminum bowl with durable glass cover, walnut handle. 550-wufl stove base has many other uses. 4 I (less cord) Electric BORN POPPER within the age limit. whether they go to school or not. whether they live in Richmond Hill or not_ who are interested are ask- ed to turn out for this meeting. Those members in the drill team and color party do not need musical knowledge. Their only requirement is that they look smart in a uniform and be able to march. The ï¬nancial campaign got un- derway last Friday when letters were sent to the businesses of Richmond Hill asking for dona- tions to the band. Money began coming in at the ï¬rst of the week, and if it keeps up. it is the hope of the executive to have the brass instruments for the boys by next Thursday. Another part of the campaign is the Booster Tickets. In reality. these Booster Tickets are just another way of asking for dona- tions. Unlike other types of boos- ters however, the association will “ FOR WOMEN WHO DESERVE THE BEST" 14 L‘evendale Rd. AV. 5-4741 For that SPECIAL GIFT for that SPECIAL â€" GIRL - - Consult â€"‘ Kay or Warwick Bu“ WARWICK HO USE plane. “Roller Combs" shave in "hidden beard" 50" alone, can- foflable shaves. Hugs into any hydro ouflet, or in“) the cigar ï¬ghter oufhf. In handsome 9.“ carrying case. Remington Rolleclric Auto-Home Shaver No more when chem are gone! Here’s mixing magic - cake it right to the stove orxunywhere on sink or kitchen table for easy one- hand operation. 50 smooth, so com- port and convenieni â€" whips fluffy light, mixei, meshes. blends and folds. 3-speeds, chromed eiedor beafers. Cord afloched Fufl size Cooker-Deep Fryer M an aflodiva price. Cook food, keep i. won: and serve i! from this aHrucvivo appliance. Chrome will block trim. Oven-gloss lid. Wire French Fry basket. Cord included. Mow: hm â€" Hows cold, as you wish, (or summer at winter use. ThermosOuticalfy canOrolled high - hem 1500 watt element. 60 cycle. Chrome fï¬vn. ‘9'" long. MIXETTE 3-Speeds EXTRA VALUE HAMILTON HEATER 15.49 ELECTRIC FAN 1 6.98 try, at times throughout the year, to give value for monies receiv- ed. Principally, the boosters will be notiï¬ed by mail of the doings of the band whenever they take part in a parade, enter a compe- tition or travel to some other city. These tickets. in denomin- ations of $1. $2 and $5 are avail- able f‘rom any band member. the Richmond Hill police officers. Barth's Cleaners in the Richmond Heights Plaza and “The Liberal" office. The campaign is to get $5.000_ which will be used to purchase instruments and uniforms for the group. It is felt that after two years. the band will be self-sup- porting through monies earned at engagements and prizes won in competition. so this is a one-time- only request for funds. The association is looking for more outlets for the Booster Tickets. so interested partiés are asked to contact Chief R. P. Rob- bins at the town police oï¬ice. WWï¬ï¬mï¬lflflï¬WW A small deposit article until ‘§§§-,w-h.m\a~mmmu“m~un â€".~x -. g o o o o A small deposit will hold any article until CHRISTMAS “WWW \‘\\\\\\\\\\\x~ ‘V’ «wav WW 29.75 : Herridge Electric ' TU. 4-3211 l I ALL HOURS I Modekâ€"GHOâ€"vohâ€" urnâ€"1th 53 Yonge St. N_ 'CliFtï¬E ï¬aï¬d’gï¬e Etc? your furnace for emergency service m § s} a. no» yummmw \\