‘\ WINKKKK!KKK!Klfll’lbflflflflflï¬lllflflfl‘KK’I’EKK’CKKIKQfl: May the J oys of Christmas Enrich g Your Heart Throughout the g Holiday Season i TU. 4-2321 g‘i‘fllflmfllfllI“!KKÂ¥K¢EWMM’M§K§IKI‘lflflflflflflfllflflg Sammammmémmmmmhmm To Our Toronto Suburban North Customers J. M. McDonald - John Perry § Clerk Reeve g iii-Ithmhkfllitmhï¬ihhlflmï¬lï¬hï¬hmï¬hflhï¬g I I I V V v v :«umllxxmuumummxmxuxxkmammacgmxuflq BOXING DAY CIVIC HOLIDAY 9 Thera'l also a unaltli o/ m/ormcnan in (A: W a a w introductory pages 0/ )our Telenhane Book Q‘ï¬ia30é56€93$9399939®9®ï¬$ AND SINCERE APPRECIATION FOR YOUR COURTESIES AND GOODWILL DURING THE PAST YEAR. MAY YOUR HOLIDAY SEASON BE A HAPPY ONE AND THE NEW YEAR FULL OF PROSPERITY. it is hereby proclaimed that Fri- day, December 26, 1958, will be ob- served as a Civic Holiday in the Municipality 70f the Township of Vaughan. All residents of the township are requested to govern. themselves accordingly. Our Besi Wishes HILL-'5 FUEL OII. : more shopping days @111 CHRISTMAS 80 Yonge Street South Sellwood’s Salon TUrner 4-2852 RICHVALE ONLY an QM}, EVERY NIGHT ‘ ,' g' 4; "NT". For Your Shopping Convenience .â€" Isabel Hood will be home for two days from her duties as a die‘ titian at the Victoria Hospital. London. Ontario. and Lynda Leaf has five days off, beginning De- cember 24th, from duty at the Wellesley Hospital. Bob and Mary Lou Miller are spending their Christmas vacation at Bnb's parents' home. and will celebrate with the Waterston and Tibbles families. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Jones are looking forward to a visit from Bruce, Jean and Gary over the holiday season. and Grace Rodick will be home from Dryden to at- tend the family party at the farm with other members of the Rodick clan. At the Donaldson home, Arn- ‘lelgh Heights. John and Mar- garet Brumwell will be guests. as Well as Rae and Betty Donald- son md Mr. and Mrs. E. Hill will be with their family. Neighbourhood Notes Merry Christmas and best wish- es for the New Year! Beverley Jones for their celebra- tion. At the Venus home guests will be entertained at a Christ- mas Eve dinner party and Christ- mas Day will be devoted to the children. Christmas Day will find many family parties in this neighbour- hood. The McQuay family will gather at the home of A1 and The Hooper family will all be home at one time or another through the day and the Kelly‘s will entertain guests from New- market, St. Thomas, Willowdale and Buttonville. Bruce Putnam and Art Storey are assistant Santa Clauses with the Willowdale Post Office work- ers this holiday. They commenc- ed work immediately after exâ€" aminations were finished last Fri- ay. After the Christmas Concert at Buttonville Hall on Thursday ev- ening of last week. Buttonville School children were excused unâ€" til 10.00 am. Friday morning. At 11.00 a.m.. with a snow storm ra- ging. there was a skating party on the school rink. and at lunch time there were hot dogs and cocoa for everyone. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Roberts and Miss Ruth Hansford had planned to handle this task alone, but the“ were glad when Mrs. Albert Terry dropped in and stayed to help. Ruth Hansford and her brother planned to leave by air Sunday morning for Phoenix. Arizona. for a two weeks vacation from our winter weather. The S. R. Pattersons expect to have Gibson relatives as their guests and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harrott will entertain for Jack's brother and his family. Her friends at Gillies Airport will be sorry to learn of the re- cent death of Mrs. Myrtle Mur- phy. Mrs. Murphy was an attendâ€" ant in the Airport Tuck Shop for several years; The Douglas Hood home was saddened this week. by the death of the eminent sports writer. Miss Alexandrine Gibb. Miss Gibb was a cousin of Mr. Hood. Neighbourhood Notes We were pleased to note that workmen were busy installing wig wag signals at the Steele’s Ave- nue railway crossing, near Bay- view Ave, on Thursday of last week. These signals were under company discussion at the time of the Wright's fatal accident, early this year. The mills of official- dom grind exceedingly slow! Assistants at Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Boynton’s 40th wedding anniver- sary party were Misses Dorothy Hood, Jean Muirhead, Mrs. George Hooper, Mrs. S. J. English and Mrs. Garnet Francy poured tea. Among the guests were the group known as “The Bowlers,†Mr. and Mrs. E. Walton, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Paterson. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Hood and ML and Mrs. Aub- rey Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Alick Gardner de- livered a carload of used clothing to the Fred Victor Mission on Sunday afternoon, last week. It was gratefully received and Mrs. Gardner is anxious to receive further clean used articles for fu- ture delivery as there is urgent need for warm clothing at present in downtown Toronto. E. French Wins Euchre Series Miss Elizabeth French, with a score of 354. won the Autumn euchre series, with four more points than her contender. Mr. E. Walton with 350. The prize was a 15 pound turkey donated by Leitchcroft Farms. Winners for the evening were Mrs. Flo Denby. Mrs. Roy Rise- borough, Mrs. R. Burr, Messrs. R. Burr, F. Holden and E. Waltone Two lucky draw prizes were won by Messrs. M. Styrmo and E. Hill; the freezeout was taken by Mr. Wilcox and Mrs. Denby, first. with Mr. Hill and Mrs. Wardle second. There were 10 tables of play- ers present and hostesses were Mrs. Charles Hooper. Miss E. French. Mrs. A. Gardner and Mrs. F. Leaf. Curling News . . Curling bonspiels have kept loâ€" cal curlers busy lately, several ending up with prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Grant and Mrs. James Rodick played in the O'Keefe 'spiel. taking consolation R. B 8 Gormley â€" Phone AXmlnster 8-6188 BUTTONVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDEN’! : MRS. l". t]. LEA! On Thursday of this week the ladies held their annual Christ- mas party at the Unionville Curl- ing Rink, with two draws in the morning. a break for lunch. and gifts from the tree for everyone. Among the members of this com- munity attending were: Mrs. James Rodick. Mrs. Russell Boy- ington, Mrs. Bill Hood. Mrs. Jim Hood. Mrs. Donna Brigger. Mrs. Norman Reid and Mrs. George Kelly who played Santa Claus. On Saturday of last week Mr. Charles Hooper won a turkey curling. Now the Hooper family has two. since Mary brought one home from the office bowling party. Fun At School Concert A night of crisp cold and crunching snow; children arriv- ing at Buttonville Hall before the lights were on or doors open; high treble voices and wide en- chanted eyes all helped to make the school concert the special event it is expected to be. And it here and there a halo tilted at an angle not quite angelic or a snowy costume had suffered from to.) close association with the floor no one cared. for everyone was caught up in the delight of the children‘s evening: prize. Mrs. James Hood was a member of the rink which came second in the event. The children presented Mr. and Mrs. Roberts and Miss Hansford with interesting looking parcels. and Mr E. Walton. who drives the children from sections 13 and 17 to school was delighted with a wallet he received from his charges. The teachers and pupils were indebted to Mrs. S. J. Eng- lish for piano accompaniments. and the grade mothers and Home and School executive assisted Santa with the distribution of gifts. From the story of the first Christmas from St. Luke. told in Choral Speaking by the children of Mrs‘ Roberts‘ Junior Room to the last carols sung by the senior pupils. the program was a happy one. There Were skits and playlets and songs .and one pfay written by Maureen Martin a senior room pupil. Everyone had such a good time that Santa arrived almost before he was expected. He had gifts of candy for all the children. and marliy other gifts were received as wel . TWP. OF NORTH YORK DEPT. OF HEALTH HAPPY HOLIDAY GREETINGS TO ALL 30 STORES TO SERVE YOU The former Eileen Sylvia Revell. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Revell of Leigh, Essex. England, is seen with her husband Floyd Beemer, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Elias Beemer of Agnes, Ontario, following their recent wedding in Thornhill United Church. The happy couple who both lived in Langstaï¬" before their marriage are now residing in Barrie, Ontario. at 8 pm. for the purpose of electing one trustee and general school business. To the Ratepayers of S. S. No. 21 Vaughan S. S. No. 4 Markham THE ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING ‘OF JEFFERSON PUBLIC SCHOOL Will be held in the school on MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 29th NOTICE NORMAN BURNETT â€" Photo by Lagerquist Secretary THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ont. Thursday. Decemb'er 25, 1958 377%CHRIS'I'MAS EXCEPT WEDNESDAYS E3033hhhmhhhflï¬hIMRMWhmMMMM-ï¬lni “THE FRIENDLY SUPPLIER TO THE THRIFTY BUYER†UNIONVILLE LUMBER CO. LTD. AVALON NYLON CARPETING “30% nylon fabric wiih foam rubber backing O HARD WEARING O ATTRACTIVE COLORS EA ILY CLEANED 1 in self pattern or plain in your home, apartment 0 MOTH PROOF 0., om“. Available also in Custom Made Rugs It can no} he done at moderate cost with BALI. BA I -0485 148 WILLOWDALE AVE. for samples, prices ind terms. extend to you and your family best wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We'll be looking forward to giving you more and better service in 1959! REMEMBER MOST STORES UNIONVILLE- LUMBER We at AX. 3-6861